mirror of https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop synced 2025-03-25 04:38:23 +00:00
2018-10-13 18:03:46 +03:00

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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "codegen/emoji/replaces.h"
#include "codegen/emoji/data.h"
#include <QtCore/QFile>
#include <QtCore/QJsonDocument>
#include <QtCore/QJsonObject>
#include <QtCore/QRegularExpression>
namespace codegen {
namespace emoji {
namespace {
constexpr auto kErrorBadReplaces = 402;
common::LogStream logReplacesError(const QString &filename) {
return common::logError(kErrorBadReplaces, filename) << "Bad data: ";
auto RegExpCode = QRegularExpression("^:[\\+\\-a-z0-9_]+:$");
auto RegExpTone = QRegularExpression("_tone[0-9]");
auto RegExpHex = QRegularExpression("^[0-9a-f]+$");
class ReplacementWords {
ReplacementWords(const QString &string);
QVector<QString> result() const;
friend ReplacementWords operator+(const ReplacementWords &a, const ReplacementWords &b);
QMap<QString, int> wordsWithCounts_;
ReplacementWords::ReplacementWords(const QString &string) {
auto feedWord = [this](QString &word) {
if (!word.isEmpty()) {
// Split by all non-letters-or-numbers.
// Leave '-' and '+' inside a word only if they're followed by a number.
auto word = QString();
for (auto i = string.cbegin(), e = string.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
if (i->isLetterOrNumber()) {
} else if (*i == '-' || *i == '+') {
if (i + 1 != e && (i + 1)->isNumber()) {
QVector<QString> ReplacementWords::result() const {
auto result = QVector<QString>();
for (auto i = wordsWithCounts_.cbegin(), e = wordsWithCounts_.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
for (auto j = 0, count = i.value(); j != count; ++j) {
return result;
ReplacementWords operator+(const ReplacementWords &a, const ReplacementWords &b) {
ReplacementWords result = a;
for (auto i = b.wordsWithCounts_.cbegin(), e = b.wordsWithCounts_.cend(); i != e; ++i) {
auto j = result.wordsWithCounts_.constFind(i.key());
if (j == result.wordsWithCounts_.cend() || j.value() < i.value()) {
result.wordsWithCounts_[i.key()] = i.value();
return result;
bool AddReplacement(Replaces &result, const Id &id, const QString &replacement, const QString &name) {
auto replace = Replace();
replace.id = id;
replace.replacement = replacement;
replace.words = (ReplacementWords(replacement)).result();// + ReplacementWords(name)).result();
if (replace.words.isEmpty()) {
logReplacesError(result.filename) << "Child '" << replacement.toStdString() << "' has no words.";
return false;
return true;
QString ComposeString(const std::initializer_list<QChar> &chars) {
auto result = QString();
for (auto ch : chars) {
return result;
const auto NotSupported = [] {
auto result = QSet<QString>();
auto insert = [&result](auto... args) {
result.insert(ComposeString({ args... }));
insert(0x0023, 0xFE0F); // :pound_symbol:
insert(0x002A, 0xFE0F); // :asterisk_symbol:
for (auto i = 0; i != 10; ++i) {
insert(0x0030 + i, 0xFE0F); // :digit_zero: ... :digit_nine:
for (auto i = 0; i != 5; ++i) {
insert(0xD83C, 0xDFFB + i); // :tone1: ... :tone5:
for (auto i = 0; i != 26; ++i) {
insert(0xD83C, 0xDDE6 + i); // :regional_indicator_a: ... :regional_indicator_z:
insert(0x2640, 0xFE0F); // :female_sign:
insert(0x2642, 0xFE0F); // :male_sign:
insert(0x2695, 0xFE0F); // :medical_symbol:
return result;
const auto ConvertMap = ([] {
auto result = QMap<QString, QString>();
auto insert = [&result](const std::initializer_list<QChar> &from, const std::initializer_list<QChar> &to) {
result.insert(ComposeString(from), ComposeString(to));
auto insertWithAdd = [&result](const std::initializer_list<QChar> &from, const QString &added) {
auto code = ComposeString(from);
result.insert(code, code + added);
auto maleModifier = ComposeString({ 0x200D, 0x2642, 0xFE0F });
auto femaleModifier = ComposeString({ 0x200D, 0x2640, 0xFE0F });
insertWithAdd({ 0xD83E, 0xDD26 }, maleModifier);
insertWithAdd({ 0xD83E, 0xDD37 }, femaleModifier);
insertWithAdd({ 0xD83E, 0xDD38 }, maleModifier);
insertWithAdd({ 0xD83E, 0xDD39 }, maleModifier);
insertWithAdd({ 0xD83E, 0xDD3C }, maleModifier);
insertWithAdd({ 0xD83E, 0xDD3D }, maleModifier);
insertWithAdd({ 0xD83E, 0xDD3E }, femaleModifier);
// :kiss_woman_man:
insert({ 0xD83D, 0xDC69, 0x200D, 0x2764, 0xFE0F, 0x200D, 0xD83D, 0xDC8B, 0x200D, 0xD83D, 0xDC68 }, { 0xD83D, 0xDC8F });
// :family_man_woman_boy:
insert({ 0xD83D, 0xDC68, 0x200D, 0xD83D, 0xDC69, 0x200D, 0xD83D, 0xDC66 }, { 0xD83D, 0xDC6A });
// :couple_with_heart_woman_man:
insert({ 0xD83D, 0xDC69, 0x200D, 0x2764, 0xFE0F, 0x200D, 0xD83D, 0xDC68 }, { 0xD83D, 0xDC91 });
auto insertFlag = [insert](char ch1, char ch2, char ch3, char ch4) {
insert({ 0xD83C, 0xDDE6 + (ch1 - 'a'), 0xD83C, 0xDDe6 + (ch2 - 'a') }, { 0xD83C, 0xDDE6 + (ch3 - 'a'), 0xD83C, 0xDDe6 + (ch4 - 'a') });
insertFlag('a', 'c', 's', 'h');
insertFlag('b', 'v', 'n', 'o');
insertFlag('c', 'p', 'f', 'r');
insertFlag('d', 'g', 'i', 'o');
insertFlag('e', 'a', 'e', 's');
insertFlag('h', 'm', 'a', 'u');
insertFlag('m', 'f', 'f', 'r');
insertFlag('s', 'j', 'n', 'o');
insertFlag('t', 'a', 's', 'h');
insertFlag('u', 'm', 'u', 's');
return result;
// Empty string result means we should skip this one.
QString ConvertEmojiId(const Id &id, const QString &replacement) {
if (RegExpTone.match(replacement).hasMatch()) {
return QString();
if (NotSupported.contains(id)) {
return QString();
return ConvertMap.value(id, id);
} // namespace
Replaces PrepareReplaces(const QString &filename) {
auto result = Replaces(filename);
auto content = ([filename] {
QFile f(filename);
return f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) ? f.readAll() : QByteArray();
if (content.isEmpty()) {
logReplacesError(filename) << "Could not read data.";
return result;
auto error = QJsonParseError();
auto document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(content, &error);
if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
logReplacesError(filename) << "Could not parse data (" << int(error.error) << "): " << error.errorString().toStdString();
return result;
if (!document.isObject()) {
logReplacesError(filename) << "Root object not found.";
return result;
auto list = document.object();
for (auto i = list.constBegin(), e = list.constEnd(); i != e; ++i) {
if (!(*i).isObject()) {
logReplacesError(filename) << "Child object not found.";
return Replaces(filename);
auto childKey = i.key();
auto child = (*i).toObject();
auto failed = false;
auto getString = [filename, childKey, &child, &failed](const QString &key) {
auto it = child.constFind(key);
if (it == child.constEnd() || !(*it).isString()) {
logReplacesError(filename) << "Child '" << childKey.toStdString() << "' field not found: " << key.toStdString();
failed = true;
return QString();
return (*it).toString();
auto idParts = getString("output").split('-');
auto name = getString("name");
auto replacement = getString("alpha_code");
auto aliases = getString("aliases").split('|');
const auto Exceptions = { ":shrug:" };
for (const auto &exception : Exceptions) {
const auto index = aliases.indexOf(exception);
if (index >= 0) {
if (aliases.size() == 1 && aliases[0].isEmpty()) {
if (failed) {
return Replaces(filename);
if (!RegExpCode.match(replacement).hasMatch()) {
logReplacesError(filename) << "Child '" << childKey.toStdString() << "' alpha_code invalid: " << replacement.toStdString();
return Replaces(filename);
for (auto &alias : aliases) {
if (!RegExpCode.match(alias).hasMatch()) {
logReplacesError(filename) << "Child '" << childKey.toStdString() << "' alias invalid: " << alias.toStdString();
return Replaces(filename);
auto id = Id();
for (auto &idPart : idParts) {
auto ok = true;
auto utf32 = idPart.toInt(&ok, 0x10);
if (!ok || !RegExpHex.match(idPart).hasMatch()) {
logReplacesError(filename) << "Child '" << childKey.toStdString() << "' output part invalid: " << idPart.toStdString();
return Replaces(filename);
if (utf32 >= 0 && utf32 < 0x10000) {
auto ch = QChar(ushort(utf32));
if (ch.isLowSurrogate() || ch.isHighSurrogate()) {
logReplacesError(filename) << "Child '" << childKey.toStdString() << "' output part invalid: " << idPart.toStdString();
return Replaces(filename);
} else if (utf32 >= 0x10000 && utf32 <= 0x10FFFF) {
auto hi = ((utf32 - 0x10000) / 0x400) + 0xD800;
auto lo = ((utf32 - 0x10000) % 0x400) + 0xDC00;
} else {
logReplacesError(filename) << "Child '" << childKey.toStdString() << "' output part invalid: " << idPart.toStdString();
return Replaces(filename);
id = ConvertEmojiId(id, replacement);
if (id.isEmpty()) {
if (!AddReplacement(result, id, replacement, name)) {
return Replaces(filename);
for (auto &alias : aliases) {
if (!AddReplacement(result, id, alias, name)) {
return Replaces(filename);
if (!AddReplacement(result, ComposeString({ 0xD83D, 0xDC4D }), ":like:", "thumbs up")) {
return Replaces(filename);
if (!AddReplacement(result, ComposeString({ 0xD83D, 0xDC4E }), ":dislike:", "thumbs down")) {
return Replaces(filename);
if (!AddReplacement(result, ComposeString({ 0xD83E, 0xDD14 }), ":hmm:", "thinking")) {
return Replaces(filename);
return result;
bool CheckAndConvertReplaces(Replaces &replaces, const Data &data) {
auto result = Replaces(replaces.filename);
auto sorted = QMap<Id, Replace>();
auto findId = [&data](const Id &id) {
return data.map.find(id) != data.map.cend();
auto findAndSort = [findId, &data, &sorted](Id id, const Replace &replace) {
if (!findId(id)) {
id.replace(QChar(0xFE0F), QString());
if (!findId(id)) {
return false;
auto it = data.map.find(id);
id = data.list[it->second].id;
if (data.list[it->second].postfixed) {
id += QChar(kPostfix);
auto inserted = sorted.insertMulti(id, replace);
inserted.value().id = id;
return true;
// Find all replaces in data.map, adjust id if necessary.
// Store all replaces in sorted map to find them fast afterwards.
auto maleModifier = ComposeString({ 0x200D, 0x2642, 0xFE0F });
auto femaleModifier = ComposeString({ 0x200D, 0x2640, 0xFE0F });
for (auto &replace : replaces.list) {
if (findAndSort(replace.id, replace)) {
if (replace.id.endsWith(maleModifier)) {
auto defaultId = replace.id.mid(0, replace.id.size() - maleModifier.size());
if (findAndSort(defaultId, replace)) {
} else if (replace.id.endsWith(femaleModifier)) {
auto defaultId = replace.id.mid(0, replace.id.size() - femaleModifier.size());
if (findAndSort(defaultId, replace)) {
} else if (findId(replace.id + maleModifier)) {
if (findId(replace.id + femaleModifier)) {
logReplacesError(replaces.filename) << "Replace '" << replace.replacement.toStdString() << "' ambiguous.";
return false;
} else {
findAndSort(replace.id + maleModifier, replace);
} else if (findAndSort(replace.id + femaleModifier, replace)) {
logReplacesError(replaces.filename) << "Replace '" << replace.replacement.toStdString() << "' not found.";
return false;
// Go through all categories and put all replaces in order of emoji in categories.
for (auto &category : data.categories) {
for (auto index : category) {
auto id = data.list[index].id;
if (data.list[index].postfixed) {
id += QChar(kPostfix);
for (auto it = sorted.find(id); it != sorted.cend(); sorted.erase(it), it = sorted.find(id)) {
if (result.list.size() != replaces.list.size()) {
logReplacesError(replaces.filename) << "Some were not found.";
return false;
if (!sorted.isEmpty()) {
logReplacesError(replaces.filename) << "Weird.";
return false;
replaces = std::move(result);
return true;
} // namespace emoji
} // namespace codegen