mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 11:18:44 +00:00
base::lambda -> Fn (type alias for std::function). base::lambda_once -> FnMut (type alias for base::unique_function). base::lambda_guarded -> crl::guard. base::lambda_call_type_t -> crl::deduced_call_type.
555 lines
16 KiB
555 lines
16 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "platform/linux/notifications_manager_linux.h"
#include "window/notifications_utilities.h"
#include "platform/linux/linux_libnotify.h"
#include "platform/linux/linux_libs.h"
#include "history/history.h"
#include "lang/lang_keys.h"
namespace Platform {
namespace Notifications {
namespace {
bool LibNotifyLoaded() {
return (Libs::notify_init != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_uninit != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_is_initted != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_get_app_name != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_set_app_name != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_get_server_caps != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_get_server_info != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_new != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_update != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_show != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_app_name != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_set_timeout != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_category != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_urgency != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_icon_from_pixbuf != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_set_image_from_pixbuf != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_hint != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_hint_int32 != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_hint_uint32 != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_hint_double != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_set_hint_string != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_hint_byte != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_set_hint_byte_array != nullptr)
// && (Libs::notify_notification_clear_hints != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_add_action != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_clear_actions != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_close != nullptr)
&& (Libs::notify_notification_get_closed_reason != nullptr)
&& (Libs::g_object_ref_sink != nullptr)
&& (Libs::g_object_unref != nullptr)
&& (Libs::g_list_free_full != nullptr)
&& (Libs::g_error_free != nullptr)
&& (Libs::g_signal_connect_data != nullptr)
&& (Libs::g_signal_handler_disconnect != nullptr)
// && (Libs::gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data != nullptr)
&& (Libs::gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file != nullptr);
QString escapeHtml(const QString &text) {
auto result = QString();
auto copyFrom = 0, textSize = text.size();
auto data = text.constData();
for (auto i = 0; i != textSize; ++i) {
auto ch = data[i];
if (ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == '&') {
if (!copyFrom) {
result.reserve(textSize * 5);
if (i > copyFrom) {
result.append(data + copyFrom, i - copyFrom);
switch (ch.unicode()) {
case '<': result.append(qstr("<")); break;
case '>': result.append(qstr(">")); break;
case '&': result.append(qstr("&")); break;
copyFrom = i + 1;
if (copyFrom > 0) {
result.append(data + copyFrom, textSize - copyFrom);
return result;
return text;
class NotificationData {
NotificationData(const std::shared_ptr<Manager*> &guarded, const QString &title, const QString &body, const QStringList &capabilities, PeerId peerId, MsgId msgId)
: _data(Libs::notify_notification_new(title.toUtf8().constData(), body.toUtf8().constData(), nullptr)) {
if (valid()) {
init(guarded, capabilities, peerId, msgId);
bool valid() const {
return (_data != nullptr);
NotificationData(const NotificationData &other) = delete;
NotificationData &operator=(const NotificationData &other) = delete;
NotificationData(NotificationData &&other) = delete;
NotificationData &operator=(NotificationData &&other) = delete;
void setImage(const QString &imagePath) {
auto imagePathNative = QFile::encodeName(imagePath);
if (auto pixbuf = Libs::gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(imagePathNative.constData(), nullptr)) {
Libs::notify_notification_set_image_from_pixbuf(_data, pixbuf);
bool show() {
if (valid()) {
GError *error = nullptr;
Libs::notify_notification_show(_data, &error);
if (!error) {
return true;
return false;
bool close() {
if (valid()) {
GError *error = nullptr;
Libs::notify_notification_close(_data, &error);
if (!error) {
return true;
return false;
~NotificationData() {
if (valid()) {
// if (_handlerId > 0) {
// Libs::g_signal_handler_disconnect(Libs::g_object_cast(_data), _handlerId);
// }
// Libs::notify_notification_clear_actions(_data);
void init(const std::shared_ptr<Manager*> &guarded, const QStringList &capabilities, PeerId peerId, MsgId msgId) {
if (capabilities.contains(qsl("append"))) {
Libs::notify_notification_set_hint_string(_data, "append", "true");
} else if (capabilities.contains(qsl("x-canonical-append"))) {
Libs::notify_notification_set_hint_string(_data, "x-canonical-append", "true");
auto signalReceiver = Libs::g_object_cast(_data);
auto signalHandler = G_CALLBACK(NotificationData::notificationClosed);
auto signalName = "closed";
auto signalDataFreeMethod = &NotificationData::notificationDataFreeClosure;
auto signalData = new NotificationDataStruct(guarded, peerId, msgId);
_handlerId = Libs::g_signal_connect_helper(signalReceiver, signalName, signalHandler, signalData, signalDataFreeMethod);
Libs::notify_notification_set_timeout(_data, Libs::NOTIFY_EXPIRES_DEFAULT);
if ((*guarded)->hasActionsSupport()) {
auto label = lang(lng_notification_reply).toUtf8();
auto actionReceiver = _data;
auto actionHandler = &NotificationData::notificationClicked;
auto actionLabel = label.constData();
auto actionName = "default";
auto actionDataFreeMethod = &NotificationData::notificationDataFree;
auto actionData = new NotificationDataStruct(guarded, peerId, msgId);
Libs::notify_notification_add_action(actionReceiver, actionName, actionLabel, actionHandler, actionData, actionDataFreeMethod);
void logError(GError *error) {
LOG(("LibNotify Error: domain %1, code %2, message '%3'").arg(error->domain).arg(error->code).arg(QString::fromUtf8(error->message)));
struct NotificationDataStruct {
NotificationDataStruct(const std::shared_ptr<Manager*> &guarded, PeerId peerId, MsgId msgId)
: weak(guarded)
, peerId(peerId)
, msgId(msgId) {
std::weak_ptr<Manager*> weak;
PeerId peerId = 0;
MsgId msgId = 0;
static void performOnMainQueue(NotificationDataStruct *data, FnMut<void(Manager *manager)> task) {
const auto weak = data->weak;
crl::on_main(weak, [=, task = std::move(task)]() mutable {
static void notificationDataFree(gpointer data) {
auto notificationData = static_cast<NotificationDataStruct*>(data);
delete notificationData;
static void notificationDataFreeClosure(gpointer data, GClosure *closure) {
auto notificationData = static_cast<NotificationDataStruct*>(data);
delete notificationData;
static void notificationClosed(Libs::NotifyNotification *notification, gpointer data) {
auto closedReason = Libs::notify_notification_get_closed_reason(notification);
auto notificationData = static_cast<NotificationDataStruct*>(data);
performOnMainQueue(notificationData, [peerId = notificationData->peerId, msgId = notificationData->msgId](Manager *manager) {
manager->clearNotification(peerId, msgId);
static void notificationClicked(Libs::NotifyNotification *notification, char *action, gpointer data) {
auto notificationData = static_cast<NotificationDataStruct*>(data);
performOnMainQueue(notificationData, [peerId = notificationData->peerId, msgId = notificationData->msgId](Manager *manager) {
manager->notificationActivated(peerId, msgId);
Libs::NotifyNotification *_data = nullptr;
gulong _handlerId = 0;
using Notification = std::shared_ptr<NotificationData>;
QString GetServerName() {
if (!LibNotifyLoaded()) {
return QString();
if (!Libs::notify_is_initted() && !Libs::notify_init("Telegram Desktop")) {
LOG(("LibNotify Error: failed to init!"));
return QString();
gchar *name = nullptr;
auto guard = gsl::finally([&name] {
if (name) Libs::g_free(name);
if (!Libs::notify_get_server_info(&name, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)) {
LOG(("LibNotify Error: could not get server name!"));
return QString();
if (!name) {
LOG(("LibNotify Error: successfully got empty server name!"));
return QString();
auto result = QString::fromUtf8(static_cast<const char*>(name));
LOG(("Notifications Server: %1").arg(result));
return result;
auto LibNotifyServerName = QString();
} // namespace
bool Supported() {
static auto Checked = false;
if (!Checked) {
Checked = true;
LibNotifyServerName = GetServerName();
return !LibNotifyServerName.isEmpty();
return false;
std::unique_ptr<Window::Notifications::Manager> Create(Window::Notifications::System *system) {
if (Global::NativeNotifications() && Supported()) {
return std::make_unique<Manager>(system);
return nullptr;
void Finish() {
if (Libs::notify_is_initted && Libs::notify_uninit) {
if (Libs::notify_is_initted()) {
class Manager::Private {
using Type = Window::Notifications::CachedUserpics::Type;
explicit Private(Type type)
: _cachedUserpics(type) {
void init(Manager *manager);
void showNotification(PeerData *peer, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, bool hideNameAndPhoto, bool hideReplyButton);
void clearAll();
void clearFromHistory(History *history);
void clearNotification(PeerId peerId, MsgId msgId);
bool hasPoorSupport() const {
return _poorSupported;
bool hasActionsSupport() const {
return _actionsSupported;
QString escapeNotificationText(const QString &text) const;
void showNextNotification();
struct QueuedNotification {
PeerData *peer = nullptr;
MsgId msgId = 0;
QString title;
QString body;
bool hideNameAndPhoto = false;
QString _serverName;
QStringList _capabilities;
using QueuedNotifications = QList<QueuedNotification>;
QueuedNotifications _queuedNotifications;
using Notifications = QMap<PeerId, QMap<MsgId, Notification>>;
Notifications _notifications;
Window::Notifications::CachedUserpics _cachedUserpics;
bool _actionsSupported = false;
bool _markupSupported = false;
bool _poorSupported = false;
std::shared_ptr<Manager*> _guarded;
void Manager::Private::init(Manager *manager) {
_guarded = std::make_shared<Manager*>(manager);
if (auto capabilities = Libs::notify_get_server_caps()) {
for (auto capability = capabilities; capability; capability = capability->next) {
auto capabilityText = QString::fromUtf8(static_cast<const char*>(capability->data));
Libs::g_list_free_full(capabilities, g_free);
LOG(("LibNotify capabilities: %1").arg(_capabilities.join(qstr(", "))));
if (_capabilities.contains(qsl("actions"))) {
_actionsSupported = true;
} else if (_capabilities.contains(qsl("body-markup"))) {
_markupSupported = true;
} else {
LOG(("LibNotify Error: could not get capabilities!"));
// Unity and other Notify OSD users handle desktop notifications
// extremely poor, even without the ability to close() them.
_serverName = LibNotifyServerName;
if (_serverName == qstr("notify-osd")) {
// _poorSupported = true;
_actionsSupported = false;
QString Manager::Private::escapeNotificationText(const QString &text) const {
return _markupSupported ? escapeHtml(text) : text;
void Manager::Private::showNotification(PeerData *peer, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, bool hideNameAndPhoto, bool hideReplyButton) {
auto titleText = escapeNotificationText(title);
auto subtitleText = escapeNotificationText(subtitle);
auto msgText = escapeNotificationText(msg);
if (_markupSupported && !subtitleText.isEmpty()) {
subtitleText = qstr("<b>") + subtitleText + qstr("</b>");
auto bodyText = subtitleText.isEmpty() ? msgText : (subtitleText + '\n' + msgText);
QueuedNotification notification;
notification.peer = peer;
notification.msgId = msgId;
notification.title = titleText;
notification.body = bodyText;
notification.hideNameAndPhoto = hideNameAndPhoto;
void Manager::Private::showNextNotification() {
// Show only one notification at a time in Unity / Notify OSD.
if (_poorSupported) {
for (auto b = _notifications.begin(); !_notifications.isEmpty() && b->isEmpty();) {
if (!_notifications.isEmpty()) {
QueuedNotification data;
while (!_queuedNotifications.isEmpty()) {
data = _queuedNotifications.front();
if (data.peer) {
if (!data.peer) {
auto peerId = data.peer->id;
auto msgId = data.msgId;
auto notification = std::make_shared<NotificationData>(
if (!notification->valid()) {
StorageKey key;
if (data.hideNameAndPhoto) {
key = StorageKey(0, 0);
} else {
key = data.peer->userpicUniqueKey();
notification->setImage(_cachedUserpics.get(key, data.peer));
auto i = _notifications.find(peerId);
if (i != _notifications.cend()) {
auto j = i->find(msgId);
if (j != i->cend()) {
auto oldNotification = j.value();
i = _notifications.find(peerId);
if (i == _notifications.cend()) {
i = _notifications.insert(peerId, QMap<MsgId, Notification>());
_notifications[peerId].insert(msgId, notification);
if (!notification->show()) {
i = _notifications.find(peerId);
if (i != _notifications.cend()) {
if (i->isEmpty()) _notifications.erase(i);
void Manager::Private::clearAll() {
auto temp = base::take(_notifications);
for_const (auto ¬ifications, temp) {
for_const (auto notification, notifications) {
void Manager::Private::clearFromHistory(History *history) {
for (auto i = _queuedNotifications.begin(); i != _queuedNotifications.end();) {
if (i->peer == history->peer) {
i = _queuedNotifications.erase(i);
} else {
auto i = _notifications.find(history->peer->id);
if (i != _notifications.cend()) {
auto temp = base::take(i.value());
for_const (auto notification, temp) {
void Manager::Private::clearNotification(PeerId peerId, MsgId msgId) {
auto i = _notifications.find(peerId);
if (i != _notifications.cend()) {
if (i.value().isEmpty()) {
Manager::Private::~Private() {
Manager::Manager(Window::Notifications::System *system) : NativeManager(system)
, _private(std::make_unique<Private>(Private::Type::Rounded)) {
void Manager::clearNotification(PeerId peerId, MsgId msgId) {
_private->clearNotification(peerId, msgId);
bool Manager::hasPoorSupport() const {
return _private->hasPoorSupport();
bool Manager::hasActionsSupport() const {
return _private->hasActionsSupport();
Manager::~Manager() = default;
void Manager::doShowNativeNotification(PeerData *peer, MsgId msgId, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg, bool hideNameAndPhoto, bool hideReplyButton) {
_private->showNotification(peer, msgId, title, subtitle, msg, hideNameAndPhoto, hideReplyButton);
void Manager::doClearAllFast() {
void Manager::doClearFromHistory(History *history) {
} // namespace Notifications
} // namespace Platform