mirror of https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop synced 2025-03-25 04:38:23 +00:00
2018-01-03 13:23:14 +03:00

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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "platform/mac/window_title_mac.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui/widgets/shadow.h"
#include "styles/style_window.h"
#include "styles/style_mediaview.h"
#include "platform/platform_main_window.h"
#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFURL.h>
namespace Platform {
TitleWidget::TitleWidget(MainWindow *parent, int height) : Window::TitleWidget(parent)
, _shadow(this, st::titleShadow) {
resize(width(), height);
#ifndef OS_MAC_OLD
QStringList families = { qsl(".SF NS Text"), qsl("Helvetica Neue") };
for (auto family : families) {
if (QFontInfo(_font).family() == _font.family()) {
#endif // OS_MAC_OLD
if (QFontInfo(_font).family() == _font.family()) {
_font.setPixelSize((height * 15) / 24);
} else {
_font = st::normalFont;
subscribe(Global::RefUnreadCounterUpdate(), [this] { update(); });
void TitleWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) {
Painter p(this);
auto active = isActiveWindow();
p.fillRect(rect(), active ? st::titleBgActive : st::titleBg);
p.setPen(active ? st::titleFgActive : st::titleFg);
p.drawText(rect(), static_cast<MainWindow*>(parentWidget())->titleText(), style::al_center);
void TitleWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) {
_shadow->setGeometry(0, height() - st::lineWidth, width(), st::lineWidth);
void TitleWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) {
auto window = parentWidget();
if (window->windowState() == Qt::WindowMaximized) {
} else {
object_ptr<Window::TitleWidget> CreateTitleWidget(QWidget *parent) {
if (auto window = qobject_cast<Platform::MainWindow*>(parent)) {
if (auto height = window->getCustomTitleHeight()) {
return object_ptr<TitleWidget>(window, height);
return { nullptr };
// All the window decorations preview is done without taking cScale() into
// account, with dbisOne scale and without "px" dimensions, because thats
// how it will look in real launched macOS app.
int PreviewTitleHeight() {
if (auto window = qobject_cast<Platform::MainWindow*>(App::wnd())) {
if (auto height = window->getCustomTitleHeight()) {
return height;
return 22;
QImage PreviewWindowSystemButton(QColor inner, QColor border) {
auto buttonSize = 12;
auto fullSize = buttonSize * cIntRetinaFactor();
auto result = QImage(fullSize, fullSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
Painter p(&result);
PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p);
p.drawEllipse(QRectF(0.5, 0.5, fullSize - 1., fullSize - 1.));
return result;
void PreviewWindowTitle(Painter &p, const style::palette &palette, QRect body, int titleHeight, int outerWidth) {
auto titleRect = QRect(body.x(), body.y() - titleHeight, body.width(), titleHeight);
p.fillRect(titleRect, QColor(0, 0, 0));
p.fillRect(titleRect, st::titleBgActive[palette]);
p.fillRect(titleRect.x(), titleRect.y() + titleRect.height() - st::lineWidth, titleRect.width(), st::lineWidth, st::titleShadow[palette]);
auto useSystemFont = false;
QFont font;
#ifndef OS_MAC_OLD
QStringList families = { qsl(".SF NS Text"), qsl("Helvetica Neue") };
for (auto family : families) {
if (QFontInfo(font).family() == font.family()) {
useSystemFont = true;
#endif // OS_MAC_OLD
if (useSystemFont) {
font.setPixelSize((titleHeight * 15) / 24);
} else {
font = st::normalFont;
p.drawText(titleRect, qsl("Telegram"), style::al_center);
auto isGraphite = ([NSColor currentControlTint] == NSGraphiteControlTint);
auto buttonSkip = 8;
auto graphiteInner = QColor(141, 141, 146);
auto graphiteBorder = QColor(104, 104, 109);
auto closeInner = isGraphite ? graphiteInner : QColor(252, 96, 92);
auto closeBorder = isGraphite ? graphiteBorder : QColor(222, 64, 59);
auto minimizeInner = isGraphite ? graphiteInner : QColor(254, 192, 65);
auto minimizeBorder = isGraphite ? graphiteBorder : QColor(221, 152, 25);
auto maximizeInner = isGraphite ? graphiteInner : QColor(52, 200, 74);
auto maximizeBorder = isGraphite ? graphiteBorder : QColor(21, 164, 41);
auto close = PreviewWindowSystemButton(closeInner, closeBorder);
auto left = buttonSkip;
p.drawImage(titleRect.x() + left, titleRect.y() + (titleRect.height() - (close.height() / cIntRetinaFactor())) / 2, close);
left += (close.width() / cIntRetinaFactor()) + buttonSkip;
auto minimize = PreviewWindowSystemButton(minimizeInner, minimizeBorder);
p.drawImage(titleRect.x() + left, titleRect.y() + (titleRect.height() - (minimize.height() / cIntRetinaFactor())) / 2, minimize);
left += (minimize.width() / cIntRetinaFactor()) + buttonSkip;
auto maximize = PreviewWindowSystemButton(maximizeInner, maximizeBorder);
p.drawImage(titleRect.x() + left, titleRect.y() + (titleRect.height() - (maximize.height() / cIntRetinaFactor())) / 2, maximize);
void PreviewWindowFramePaint(QImage &preview, const style::palette &palette, QRect body, int outerWidth) {
auto retina = cIntRetinaFactor();
auto titleHeight = PreviewTitleHeight();
Painter p(&preview);
PreviewWindowTitle(p, palette, body, titleHeight, outerWidth);
auto inner = QRect(body.x(), body.y() - titleHeight, body.width(), body.height() + titleHeight);
auto retinaRadius = st::macWindowRoundRadius * retina;
auto roundMask = QImage(2 * retinaRadius, 2 * retinaRadius, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
Painter p(&roundMask);
PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p);
p.setBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255));
p.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, 2 * st::macWindowRoundRadius, 2 * st::macWindowRoundRadius, st::macWindowRoundRadius, st::macWindowRoundRadius);
QImage corners[4];
corners[0] = roundMask.copy(0, 0, retinaRadius, retinaRadius);
corners[1] = roundMask.copy(retinaRadius, 0, retinaRadius, retinaRadius);
corners[2] = roundMask.copy(0, retinaRadius, retinaRadius, retinaRadius);
corners[3] = roundMask.copy(retinaRadius, retinaRadius, retinaRadius, retinaRadius);
auto rounded = preview.copy(inner.x() * retina, inner.y() * retina, inner.width() * retina, inner.height() * retina);
Images::prepareRound(rounded, corners);
auto topLeft = st::macWindowShadowTopLeft.instance(QColor(0, 0, 0), dbisOne);
auto topRight = topLeft.mirrored(true, false);
auto bottomLeft = topLeft.mirrored(false, true);
auto bottomRight = bottomLeft.mirrored(true, false);
auto extend = QMargins(37, 28, 37, 28);
auto left = topLeft.copy(0, topLeft.height() - retina, extend.left() * retina, retina);
auto top = topLeft.copy(topLeft.width() - retina, 0, retina, extend.top() * retina);
auto right = topRight.copy(topRight.width() - (extend.right() * retina), topRight.height() - retina, extend.right() * retina, retina);
auto bottom = bottomRight.copy(0, bottomRight.height() - (extend.bottom() * retina), retina, extend.bottom() * retina);
Painter p(&preview);
p.drawImage(inner.x() - extend.left(), inner.y() - extend.top(), topLeft);
p.drawImage(inner.x() + inner.width() + extend.right() - (topRight.width() / retina), inner.y() - extend.top(), topRight);
p.drawImage(inner.x() - extend.left(), inner.y() + inner.height() + extend.bottom() - (bottomLeft.height() / retina), bottomLeft);
p.drawImage(inner.x() + inner.width() + extend.right() - (bottomRight.width() / retina), inner.y() + inner.height() + extend.bottom() - (bottomRight.height() / retina), bottomRight);
p.drawImage(QRect(inner.x() - extend.left(), inner.y() - extend.top() + (topLeft.height() / retina), extend.left(), extend.top() + inner.height() + extend.bottom() - (topLeft.height() / retina) - (bottomLeft.height() / retina)), left);
p.drawImage(QRect(inner.x() - extend.left() + (topLeft.width() / retina), inner.y() - extend.top(), extend.left() + inner.width() + extend.right() - (topLeft.width() / retina) - (topRight.width() / retina), extend.top()), top);
p.drawImage(QRect(inner.x() + inner.width(), inner.y() - extend.top() + (topRight.height() / retina), extend.right(), extend.top() + inner.height() + extend.bottom() - (topRight.height() / retina) - (bottomRight.height() / retina)), right);
p.drawImage(QRect(inner.x() - extend.left() + (bottomLeft.width() / retina), inner.y() + inner.height(), extend.left() + inner.width() + extend.right() - (bottomLeft.width() / retina) - (bottomRight.width() / retina), extend.bottom()), bottom);
p.drawImage(inner.x(), inner.y(), rounded);
} // namespace Platform