
180 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "history/view/history_view_react_animation.h"
#include "history/view/history_view_element.h"
#include "lottie/lottie_icon.h"
#include "data/data_message_reactions.h"
#include "data/data_document.h"
#include "data/data_document_media.h"
#include "styles/style_chat.h"
namespace HistoryView::Reactions {
namespace {
constexpr auto kFlyDuration = crl::time(300);
} // namespace
not_null<::Data::Reactions*> owner,
ReactionAnimationArgs &&args,
Fn<void()> repaint,
int size)
: _owner(owner)
, _repaint(std::move(repaint))
, _flyFrom(args.flyFrom) {
const auto &list = owner->list(::Data::Reactions::Type::All);
const auto i = ranges::find(list, args.emoji, &::Data::Reaction::emoji);
if (i == end(list) || !i->centerIcon) {
const auto resolve = [&](
std::unique_ptr<Lottie::Icon> &icon,
DocumentData *document,
int size) {
if (!document) {
return false;
const auto media = document->activeMediaView();
if (!media || !media->loaded()) {
return false;
icon = Lottie::MakeIcon({
.path = document->filepath(true),
.json = media->bytes(),
.sizeOverride = QSize(size, size),
return true;
_flyIcon = std::move(args.flyIcon);
if (!resolve(_center, i->centerIcon, size)
|| !resolve(_effect, i->aroundAnimation, size * 2)) {
if (_flyIcon) {
_fly.start([=] { flyCallback(); }, 0., 1., kFlyDuration);
} else {
_valid = true;
Animation::~Animation() = default;
QRect Animation::paintGetArea(
QPainter &p,
QPoint origin,
QRect target) const {
if (!_flyIcon) {
p.drawImage(target, _center->frame());
const auto wide = QRect(
target.topLeft() - QPoint(target.width(), target.height()) / 2,
target.size() * 2);
p.drawImage(wide, _effect->frame());
return wide;
const auto from = _flyFrom.translated(origin);
const auto lshift = target.width() / 4;
const auto rshift = target.width() / 2 - lshift;
const auto margins = QMargins{ lshift, lshift, rshift, rshift };
target = target.marginsRemoved(margins);
const auto progress = _fly.value(1.);
const auto rect = QRect(
anim::interpolate(from.x(), target.x(), progress),
computeParabolicTop(from.y(), target.y(), progress),
anim::interpolate(from.width(), target.width(), progress),
anim::interpolate(from.height(), target.height(), progress));
const auto wide = rect.marginsAdded(margins);
auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p);
if (progress < 1.) {
p.setOpacity(1. - progress);
p.drawImage(rect, _flyIcon->frame());
if (progress > 0.) {
p.drawImage(wide, _center->frame());
return wide;
int Animation::computeParabolicTop(
int from,
int to,
float64 progress) const {
const auto t = progress;
// result = a * t * t + b * t + c
// y = a * t * t + b * t
// shift = y_1 = y(1) = a + b
// y_0 = y(t_0) = a * t_0 * t_0 + b * t_0
// 0 = 2 * a * t_0 + b
// b = y_1 - a
// a = y_1 / (1 - 2 * t_0)
// b = 2 * t_0 * y_1 / (2 * t_0 - 1)
// t_0 = (y_0 / y_1) +- sqrt((y_0 / y_1) * (y_0 / y_1 - 1))
const auto y_1 = to - from;
if (_cachedKey != y_1) {
const auto y_0 = std::min(0, y_1) - st::reactionFlyUp;
const auto ratio = y_1 ? (float64(y_0) / y_1) : 0.;
const auto root = y_1 ? sqrt(ratio * (ratio - 1)) : 0.;
const auto t_0 = !y_1
? 0.5
: (y_1 > 0)
? (ratio + root)
: (ratio - root);
const auto a = y_1 ? (y_1 / (1 - 2 * t_0)) : (-4 * y_0);
const auto b = y_1 - a;
_cachedKey = y_1;
_cachedA = a;
_cachedB = b;
return int(base::SafeRound(_cachedA * t * t + _cachedB * t + from));
void Animation::startAnimations() {
_center->animate([=] { callback(); }, 0, _center->framesCount() - 1);
_effect->animate([=] { callback(); }, 0, _effect->framesCount() - 1);
void Animation::flyCallback() {
if (!_fly.animating()) {
_flyIcon = nullptr;
void Animation::callback() {
if (_repaint) {
void Animation::setRepaintCallback(Fn<void()> repaint) {
_repaint = std::move(repaint);
bool Animation::flying() const {
return (_flyIcon != nullptr);
float64 Animation::flyingProgress() const {
return _fly.value(1.);
bool Animation::finished() const {
return !_valid
|| (!_flyIcon && !_center->animating() && !_effect->animating());
} // namespace HistoryView::Reactions