John Preston 2f816942b8 Use objects instead of pointers for corners.
Also don't change mask corner images when color theme is changed.
This prevents race condition in mask corner images access, because
the GIF frame readers access mask corner images from other threads.
2017-07-13 17:42:46 +03:00

510 lines
19 KiB

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.
Full license:
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston,
#include "ui/effects/panel_animation.h"
namespace Ui {
void RoundShadowAnimation::start(int frameWidth, int frameHeight, float64 devicePixelRatio) {
_frameWidth = frameWidth;
_frameHeight = frameHeight;
_frame = QImage(_frameWidth, _frameHeight, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
_frameIntsPerLine = (_frame.bytesPerLine() >> 2);
_frameInts = reinterpret_cast<uint32*>(_frame.bits());
_frameIntsPerLineAdded = _frameIntsPerLine - _frameWidth;
t_assert(_frame.depth() == static_cast<int>(sizeof(uint32) << 3));
t_assert(_frame.bytesPerLine() == (_frameIntsPerLine << 2));
t_assert(_frameIntsPerLineAdded >= 0);
void RoundShadowAnimation::setShadow(const style::Shadow &st) {
_shadow.extend = st.extend * cIntRetinaFactor();
_shadow.left = cloneImage(st.left);
if (_shadow.valid()) {
_shadow.topLeft = cloneImage(st.topLeft); = cloneImage(;
_shadow.topRight = cloneImage(st.topRight);
_shadow.right = cloneImage(st.right);
_shadow.bottomRight = cloneImage(st.bottomRight);
_shadow.bottom = cloneImage(st.bottom);
_shadow.bottomLeft = cloneImage(st.bottomLeft);
&& !
&& !_shadow.topRight.isNull()
&& !_shadow.right.isNull()
&& !_shadow.bottomRight.isNull()
&& !_shadow.bottom.isNull()
&& !_shadow.bottomLeft.isNull());
} else {
_shadow.topLeft = =
_shadow.topRight =
_shadow.right =
_shadow.bottomRight =
_shadow.bottom =
_shadow.bottomLeft = QImage();
void RoundShadowAnimation::setCornerMasks(const QImage &topLeft, const QImage &topRight, const QImage &bottomLeft, const QImage &bottomRight) {
setCornerMask(_topLeft, topLeft);
setCornerMask(_topRight, topRight);
setCornerMask(_bottomLeft, bottomLeft);
setCornerMask(_bottomRight, bottomRight);
void RoundShadowAnimation::setCornerMask(Corner &corner, const QImage &image) {
corner.image = image;
if (corner.valid()) {
corner.width = corner.image.width();
corner.height = corner.image.height();
corner.bytes = corner.image.constBits();
corner.bytesPerPixel = (corner.image.depth() >> 3);
corner.bytesPerLineAdded = corner.image.bytesPerLine() - corner.width * corner.bytesPerPixel;
t_assert(corner.image.depth() == (corner.bytesPerPixel << 3));
t_assert(corner.bytesPerLineAdded >= 0);
} else {
corner.width = corner.height = 0;
QImage RoundShadowAnimation::cloneImage(const style::icon &source) {
if (source.empty()) return QImage();
auto result = QImage(source.size() * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
Painter p(&result);
source.paint(p, 0, 0, source.width());
return result;
void RoundShadowAnimation::paintCorner(Corner &corner, int left, int top) {
auto mask = corner.bytes;
auto bytesPerPixel = corner.bytesPerPixel;
auto bytesPerLineAdded = corner.bytesPerLineAdded;
auto frameInts = _frameInts + top * _frameIntsPerLine + left;
auto frameIntsPerLineAdd = _frameIntsPerLine - corner.width;
for (auto y = 0; y != corner.height; ++y) {
for (auto x = 0; x != corner.width; ++x) {
auto alpha = static_cast<uint32>(*mask) + 1;
*frameInts = anim::unshifted(anim::shifted(*frameInts) * alpha);
mask += bytesPerPixel;
frameInts += frameIntsPerLineAdd;
mask += bytesPerLineAdded;
void RoundShadowAnimation::paintShadow(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
paintShadowCorner(left, top, _shadow.topLeft);
paintShadowCorner(right - _shadow.topRight.width(), top, _shadow.topRight);
paintShadowCorner(right - _shadow.bottomRight.width(), bottom - _shadow.bottomRight.height(), _shadow.bottomRight);
paintShadowCorner(left, bottom - _shadow.bottomLeft.height(), _shadow.bottomLeft);
paintShadowVertical(left, top + _shadow.topLeft.height(), bottom - _shadow.bottomLeft.height(), _shadow.left);
paintShadowVertical(right - _shadow.right.width(), top + _shadow.topRight.height(), bottom - _shadow.bottomRight.height(), _shadow.right);
paintShadowHorizontal(left + _shadow.topLeft.width(), right - _shadow.topRight.width(), top,;
paintShadowHorizontal(left + _shadow.bottomLeft.width(), right - _shadow.bottomRight.width(), bottom - _shadow.bottom.height(), _shadow.bottom);
void RoundShadowAnimation::paintShadowCorner(int left, int top, const QImage &image) {
auto imageWidth = image.width();
auto imageHeight = image.height();
auto imageInts = reinterpret_cast<const uint32*>(image.constBits());
auto imageIntsPerLine = (image.bytesPerLine() >> 2);
auto imageIntsPerLineAdded = imageIntsPerLine - imageWidth;
if (left < 0) {
auto shift = -base::take(left);
imageWidth -= shift;
imageInts += shift;
if (top < 0) {
auto shift = -base::take(top);
imageHeight -= shift;
imageInts += shift * imageIntsPerLine;
if (left + imageWidth > _frameWidth) {
imageWidth = _frameWidth - left;
if (top + imageHeight > _frameHeight) {
imageHeight = _frameHeight - top;
if (imageWidth < 0 || imageHeight < 0) return;
auto frameInts = _frameInts + top * _frameIntsPerLine + left;
auto frameIntsPerLineAdd = _frameIntsPerLine - imageWidth;
for (auto y = 0; y != imageHeight; ++y) {
for (auto x = 0; x != imageWidth; ++x) {
auto source = *frameInts;
auto shadowAlpha = qMax(_frameAlpha - int(source >> 24), 0);
*frameInts = anim::unshifted(anim::shifted(source) * 256 + anim::shifted(*imageInts) * shadowAlpha);
frameInts += frameIntsPerLineAdd;
imageInts += imageIntsPerLineAdded;
void RoundShadowAnimation::paintShadowVertical(int left, int top, int bottom, const QImage &image) {
auto imageWidth = image.width();
auto imageInts = reinterpret_cast<const uint32*>(image.constBits());
if (left < 0) {
auto shift = -base::take(left);
imageWidth -= shift;
imageInts += shift;
if (top < 0) top = 0;
accumulate_min(bottom, _frameHeight);
accumulate_min(imageWidth, _frameWidth - left);
if (imageWidth < 0 || bottom <= top) return;
auto frameInts = _frameInts + top * _frameIntsPerLine + left;
auto frameIntsPerLineAdd = _frameIntsPerLine - imageWidth;
for (auto y = top; y != bottom; ++y) {
for (auto x = 0; x != imageWidth; ++x) {
auto source = *frameInts;
auto shadowAlpha = _frameAlpha - (source >> 24);
*frameInts = anim::unshifted(anim::shifted(source) * 256 + anim::shifted(*imageInts) * shadowAlpha);
frameInts += frameIntsPerLineAdd;
imageInts -= imageWidth;
void RoundShadowAnimation::paintShadowHorizontal(int left, int right, int top, const QImage &image) {
auto imageHeight = image.height();
auto imageInts = reinterpret_cast<const uint32*>(image.constBits());
auto imageIntsPerLine = (image.bytesPerLine() >> 2);
if (top < 0) {
auto shift = -base::take(top);
imageHeight -= shift;
imageInts += shift * imageIntsPerLine;
if (left < 0) left = 0;
accumulate_min(right, _frameWidth);
accumulate_min(imageHeight, _frameHeight - top);
if (imageHeight < 0 || right <= left) return;
auto frameInts = _frameInts + top * _frameIntsPerLine + left;
auto frameIntsPerLineAdd = _frameIntsPerLine - (right - left);
for (auto y = 0; y != imageHeight; ++y) {
auto imagePattern = anim::shifted(*imageInts);
for (auto x = left; x != right; ++x) {
auto source = *frameInts;
auto shadowAlpha = _frameAlpha - (source >> 24);
*frameInts = anim::unshifted(anim::shifted(source) * 256 + imagePattern * shadowAlpha);
frameInts += frameIntsPerLineAdd;
imageInts += imageIntsPerLine;
void PanelAnimation::setFinalImage(QImage &&finalImage, QRect inner) {
_finalImage = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(finalImage).convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied));
_finalWidth = _finalImage.width();
_finalHeight = _finalImage.height();
t_assert(!(_finalWidth % cIntRetinaFactor()));
t_assert(!(_finalHeight % cIntRetinaFactor()));
_finalInnerLeft = inner.x();
_finalInnerTop = inner.y();
_finalInnerWidth = inner.width();
_finalInnerHeight = inner.height();
t_assert(!(_finalInnerLeft % cIntRetinaFactor()));
t_assert(!(_finalInnerTop % cIntRetinaFactor()));
t_assert(!(_finalInnerWidth % cIntRetinaFactor()));
t_assert(!(_finalInnerHeight % cIntRetinaFactor()));
_finalInnerRight = _finalInnerLeft + _finalInnerWidth;
_finalInnerBottom = _finalInnerTop + _finalInnerHeight;
t_assert(QRect(0, 0, _finalWidth, _finalHeight).contains(inner));
if (!_skipShadow) {
auto checkCorner = [this, inner](Corner &corner) {
if (!corner.valid()) return;
if ((_startWidth >= 0 && _startWidth < _finalWidth)
|| (_startHeight >= 0 && _startHeight < _finalHeight)) {
t_assert(corner.width <= inner.width());
t_assert(corner.height <= inner.height());
void PanelAnimation::setStartWidth() {
_startWidth = qRound(_st.startWidth * _finalInnerWidth);
if (_startWidth >= 0) t_assert(_startWidth <= _finalInnerWidth);
void PanelAnimation::setStartHeight() {
_startHeight = qRound(_st.startHeight * _finalInnerHeight);
if (_startHeight >= 0) t_assert(_startHeight <= _finalInnerHeight);
void PanelAnimation::setStartAlpha() {
_startAlpha = qRound(_st.startOpacity * 255);
t_assert(_startAlpha >= 0 && _startAlpha < 256);
void PanelAnimation::setStartFadeTop() {
_startFadeTop = qRound(_st.startFadeTop * _finalInnerHeight);
void PanelAnimation::createFadeMask() {
auto resultHeight = qRound(_finalImage.height() * _st.fadeHeight);
if (auto remove = (resultHeight % cIntRetinaFactor())) {
resultHeight -= remove;
auto finalAlpha = qRound(_st.fadeOpacity * 255);
t_assert(finalAlpha >= 0 && finalAlpha < 256);
auto result = QImage(cIntRetinaFactor(), resultHeight, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
auto ints = reinterpret_cast<uint32*>(result.bits());
auto intsPerLineAdded = (result.bytesPerLine() >> 2) - cIntRetinaFactor();
auto up = (_origin == PanelAnimation::Origin::BottomLeft || _origin == PanelAnimation::Origin::BottomRight);
auto from = up ? resultHeight : 0, to = resultHeight - from, delta = up ? -1 : 1;
auto fadeFirstAlpha = up ? (finalAlpha + 1) : 1;
auto fadeLastAlpha = up ? 1 : (finalAlpha + 1);
_fadeFirst = QBrush(QColor(_st.fadeBg->, _st.fadeBg->, _st.fadeBg->, (_st.fadeBg->c.alpha() * fadeFirstAlpha) >> 8));
_fadeLast = QBrush(QColor(_st.fadeBg->, _st.fadeBg->, _st.fadeBg->, (_st.fadeBg->c.alpha() * fadeLastAlpha) >> 8));
for (auto y = from; y != to; y += delta) {
auto alpha = static_cast<uint32>(finalAlpha * y) / resultHeight;
auto value = (0xFFU << 24) | (alpha << 16) | (alpha << 8) | alpha;
for (auto x = 0; x != cIntRetinaFactor(); ++x) {
*ints++ = value;
ints += intsPerLineAdded;
_fadeMask = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(style::colorizeImage(result, _st.fadeBg));
_fadeHeight = _fadeMask.height();
void PanelAnimation::setSkipShadow(bool skipShadow) {
_skipShadow = skipShadow;
void PanelAnimation::setWidthDuration() {
_widthDuration = _st.widthDuration;
t_assert(_widthDuration >= 0.);
t_assert(_widthDuration <= 1.);
void PanelAnimation::setHeightDuration() {
_heightDuration = _st.heightDuration;
t_assert(_heightDuration >= 0.);
t_assert(_heightDuration <= 1.);
void PanelAnimation::setAlphaDuration() {
_alphaDuration = _st.opacityDuration;
t_assert(_alphaDuration >= 0.);
t_assert(_alphaDuration <= 1.);
void PanelAnimation::start() {
RoundShadowAnimation::start(_finalWidth, _finalHeight, _finalImage.devicePixelRatio());
auto checkCorner = [this](const Corner &corner) {
if (!corner.valid()) return;
if (_startWidth >= 0) t_assert(corner.width <= _startWidth);
if (_startHeight >= 0) t_assert(corner.height <= _startHeight);
t_assert(corner.width <= _finalInnerWidth);
t_assert(corner.height <= _finalInnerHeight);
void PanelAnimation::paintFrame(QPainter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, float64 dt, float64 opacity) {
t_assert(dt >= 0.);
auto &transition = anim::easeOutCirc;
if (dt < _alphaDuration) opacity *= transition(1., dt / _alphaDuration);
_frameAlpha = anim::interpolate(1, 256, opacity);
auto frameWidth = (_startWidth < 0 || dt >= _widthDuration) ? _finalInnerWidth : anim::interpolate(_startWidth, _finalInnerWidth, transition(1., dt / _widthDuration));
auto frameHeight = (_startHeight < 0 || dt >= _heightDuration) ? _finalInnerHeight : anim::interpolate(_startHeight, _finalInnerHeight, transition(1., dt / _heightDuration));
if (auto decrease = (frameWidth % cIntRetinaFactor())) {
frameWidth -= decrease;
if (auto decrease = (frameHeight % cIntRetinaFactor())) {
frameHeight -= decrease;
auto frameLeft = (_origin == Origin::TopLeft || _origin == Origin::BottomLeft) ? _finalInnerLeft : (_finalInnerRight - frameWidth);
auto frameTop = (_origin == Origin::TopLeft || _origin == Origin::TopRight) ? _finalInnerTop : (_finalInnerBottom - frameHeight);
auto frameRight = frameLeft + frameWidth;
auto frameBottom = frameTop + frameHeight;
auto fadeTop = (_fadeHeight > 0) ? snap(anim::interpolate(_startFadeTop, _finalInnerHeight, transition(1., dt)), 0, frameHeight) : frameHeight;
if (auto decrease = (fadeTop % cIntRetinaFactor())) {
fadeTop -= decrease;
auto fadeBottom = (fadeTop < frameHeight) ? qMin(fadeTop + _fadeHeight, frameHeight) : frameHeight;
auto fadeSkipLines = 0;
if (_origin == Origin::BottomLeft || _origin == Origin::BottomRight) {
fadeTop = frameHeight - fadeTop;
fadeBottom = frameHeight - fadeBottom;
qSwap(fadeTop, fadeBottom);
fadeSkipLines = fadeTop + _fadeHeight - fadeBottom;
fadeTop += frameTop;
fadeBottom += frameTop;
if (opacity < 1.) {
Painter p(&_frame);
auto painterFrameLeft = frameLeft / cIntRetinaFactor();
auto painterFrameTop = frameTop / cIntRetinaFactor();
auto painterFadeBottom = fadeBottom / cIntRetinaFactor();
p.drawPixmap(painterFrameLeft, painterFrameTop, _finalImage, frameLeft, frameTop, frameWidth, frameHeight);
if (_fadeHeight) {
if (frameTop != fadeTop) {
p.fillRect(painterFrameLeft, painterFrameTop, frameWidth, fadeTop - frameTop, _fadeFirst);
if (fadeTop != fadeBottom) {
auto painterFadeTop = fadeTop / cIntRetinaFactor();
auto painterFrameWidth = frameWidth / cIntRetinaFactor();
auto painterFrameHeight = frameHeight / cIntRetinaFactor();
p.drawPixmap(painterFrameLeft, painterFadeTop, painterFrameWidth, painterFadeBottom - painterFadeTop, _fadeMask, 0, fadeSkipLines, cIntRetinaFactor(), fadeBottom - fadeTop);
if (fadeBottom != frameBottom) {
p.fillRect(painterFrameLeft, painterFadeBottom, frameWidth, frameBottom - fadeBottom, _fadeLast);
auto frameInts = _frameInts + frameLeft + frameTop * _frameIntsPerLine;
auto frameIntsPerLineAdd = (_finalWidth - frameWidth) + _frameIntsPerLineAdded;
// Draw corners
paintCorner(_topLeft, frameLeft, frameTop);
paintCorner(_topRight, frameRight - _topRight.width, frameTop);
paintCorner(_bottomLeft, frameLeft, frameBottom - _bottomLeft.height);
paintCorner(_bottomRight, frameRight - _bottomRight.width, frameBottom - _bottomRight.height);
// Draw shadow upon the transparent
auto outerLeft = frameLeft;
auto outerTop = frameTop;
auto outerRight = frameRight;
auto outerBottom = frameBottom;
if (_shadow.valid()) {
outerLeft -= _shadow.extend.left();
outerTop -=;
outerRight += _shadow.extend.right();
outerBottom += _shadow.extend.bottom();
if (cIntRetinaFactor() > 1) {
if (auto skipLeft = (outerLeft % cIntRetinaFactor())) {
outerLeft -= skipLeft;
if (auto skipTop = (outerTop % cIntRetinaFactor())) {
outerTop -= skipTop;
if (auto skipRight = (outerRight % cIntRetinaFactor())) {
outerRight += (cIntRetinaFactor() - skipRight);
if (auto skipBottom = (outerBottom % cIntRetinaFactor())) {
outerBottom += (cIntRetinaFactor() - skipBottom);
if (opacity == 1.) {
// Fill above the frame top with transparent.
auto fillTopInts = (_frameInts + outerTop * _frameIntsPerLine + outerLeft);
auto fillWidth = (outerRight - outerLeft) * sizeof(uint32);
for (auto fillTop = frameTop - outerTop; fillTop != 0; --fillTop) {
memset(fillTopInts, 0, fillWidth);
fillTopInts += _frameIntsPerLine;
// Fill to the left and to the right of the frame with transparent.
auto fillLeft = (frameLeft - outerLeft) * sizeof(uint32);
auto fillRight = (outerRight - frameRight) * sizeof(uint32);
if (fillLeft || fillRight) {
auto fillInts = _frameInts + frameTop * _frameIntsPerLine;
for (auto y = frameTop; y != frameBottom; ++y) {
memset(fillInts + outerLeft, 0, fillLeft);
memset(fillInts + frameRight, 0, fillRight);
fillInts += _frameIntsPerLine;
// Fill below the frame bottom with transparent.
auto fillBottomInts = (_frameInts + frameBottom * _frameIntsPerLine + outerLeft);
for (auto fillBottom = outerBottom - frameBottom; fillBottom != 0; --fillBottom) {
memset(fillBottomInts, 0, fillWidth);
fillBottomInts += _frameIntsPerLine;
if (_shadow.valid()) {
paintShadow(outerLeft, outerTop, outerRight, outerBottom);
// Debug
//frameInts = _frameInts;
//auto pattern = anim::shifted((static_cast<uint32>(0xFF) << 24) | (static_cast<uint32>(0xFF) << 16) | (static_cast<uint32>(0xFF) << 8) | static_cast<uint32>(0xFF));
//for (auto y = 0; y != _finalHeight; ++y) {
// for (auto x = 0; x != _finalWidth; ++x) {
// auto source = *frameInts;
// auto sourceAlpha = (source >> 24);
// *frameInts = anim::unshifted(anim::shifted(source) * 256 + pattern * (256 - sourceAlpha));
// ++frameInts;
// }
// frameInts += _frameIntsPerLineAdded;
p.drawImage(rtlpoint(x + (outerLeft / cIntRetinaFactor()), y + (outerTop / cIntRetinaFactor()), outerWidth), _frame, QRect(outerLeft, outerTop, outerRight - outerLeft, outerBottom - outerTop));
} // namespace Ui