mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 04:38:23 +00:00
507 lines
13 KiB
507 lines
13 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org
Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "pspecific.h"
#include "lang.h"
#include "application.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "historywidget.h"
#include "localstorage.h"
#include "passcodewidget.h"
#include <execinfo.h>
namespace {
QStringList _initLogs;
class _PsEventFilter : public QAbstractNativeEventFilter {
_PsEventFilter() {
bool nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, long *result) {
auto wnd = AppClass::wnd();
if (!wnd) return false;
return wnd->psFilterNativeEvent(message);
_PsEventFilter *_psEventFilter = 0;
namespace {
QRect _monitorRect;
uint64 _monitorLastGot = 0;
QRect psDesktopRect() {
uint64 tnow = getms(true);
if (tnow > _monitorLastGot + 1000 || tnow < _monitorLastGot) {
_monitorLastGot = tnow;
_monitorRect = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(App::wnd());
return _monitorRect;
void psShowOverAll(QWidget *w, bool canFocus) {
objc_showOverAll(w->winId(), canFocus);
void psBringToBack(QWidget *w) {
QAbstractNativeEventFilter *psNativeEventFilter() {
delete _psEventFilter;
_psEventFilter = new _PsEventFilter();
return _psEventFilter;
void psWriteDump() {
double v = objc_appkitVersion();
SignalHandlers::dump() << "OS-Version: " << v;
QString demanglestr(const QString &mangled) {
QByteArray cmd = ("c++filt -n " + mangled).toUtf8();
FILE *f = popen(cmd.constData(), "r");
if (!f) return "BAD_SYMBOL_" + mangled;
QString result;
char buffer[4096] = {0};
while (!feof(f)) {
if (fgets(buffer, 4096, f) != NULL) {
result += buffer;
return result.trimmed();
QString escapeShell(const QString &str) {
QString result;
const QChar *b = str.constData(), *e = str.constEnd();
for (const QChar *ch = b; ch != e; ++ch) {
if (*ch == ' ' || *ch == '"' || *ch == '\'' || *ch == '\\') {
if (result.isEmpty()) {
result.reserve(str.size() * 2);
if (ch > b) {
result.append(b, ch - b);
b = ch;
if (result.isEmpty()) return str;
if (e > b) {
result.append(b, e - b);
return result;
QStringList atosstr(uint64 *addresses, int count, uint64 base) {
QStringList result;
if (!count) return result;
QString cmdstr = "atos -o " + escapeShell(cExeDir() + cExeName()) + qsl("/Contents/MacOS/Telegram -l 0x%1").arg(base, 0, 16);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (addresses[i]) {
cmdstr += qsl(" 0x%1").arg(addresses[i], 0, 16);
QByteArray cmd = cmdstr.toUtf8();
FILE *f = popen(cmd.constData(), "r");
QStringList atosResult;
if (f) {
char buffer[4096] = {0};
while (!feof(f)) {
if (fgets(buffer, 4096, f) != NULL) {
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (addresses[i]) {
if (j < atosResult.size() && !atosResult.at(j).isEmpty() && !atosResult.at(j).startsWith(qstr("0x"))) {
} else {
} else {
return result;
QString psPrepareCrashDump(const QByteArray &crashdump, QString dumpfile) {
QString initial = QString::fromUtf8(crashdump), result;
QStringList lines = initial.split('\n');
int32 i = 0, l = lines.size();
while (i < l) {
uint64 addresses[1024] = { 0 };
for (; i < l; ++i) {
QString line = lines.at(i).trimmed();
if (line == qstr("Base image addresses:")) {
uint64 base = 0;
for (int32 start = i; i < l; ++i) {
QString line = lines.at(i).trimmed();
if (line.isEmpty()) break;
if (!base) {
QRegularExpressionMatch m = QRegularExpression(qsl("^\\d+ (\\d+) \\((.+)\\)")).match(line);
if (m.hasMatch()) {
if (uint64 address = m.captured(1).toULongLong()) {
if (m.captured(2).endsWith(qstr("Contents/MacOS/Telegram"))) {
base = address;
if (base) {
result.append(qsl("(base address read: 0x%1)\n").arg(base, 0, 16));
} else {
result.append(qsl("ERROR: base address not read!\n"));
for (; i < l; ++i) {
QString line = lines.at(i).trimmed();
if (line == qstr("Backtrace:")) {
int32 start = i;
for (; i < l; ++i) {
QString line = lines.at(i).trimmed();
if (line.isEmpty()) break;
if (QRegularExpression(qsl("^\\d+")).match(line).hasMatch()) {
QStringList lst = line.split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (lst.size() > 2) {
uint64 addr = lst.at(2).startsWith(qstr("0x")) ? lst.at(2).mid(2).toULongLong(0, 16) : lst.at(2).toULongLong();
addresses[i - start] = addr;
QStringList atos = atosstr(addresses, i - start, base);
for (i = start; i < l; ++i) {
QString line = lines.at(i).trimmed();
if (line.isEmpty()) break;
if (!QRegularExpression(qsl("^\\d+")).match(line).hasMatch()) {
if (!lines.at(i).startsWith(qstr("ERROR: "))) {
result.append(qstr("BAD LINE: "));
QStringList lst = line.split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
result.append('\n').append(lst.at(0)).append(qsl(". "));
if (lst.size() < 3) {
result.append(qstr("BAD LINE: ")).append(line).append('\n');
if (lst.size() > 5 && lst.at(3) == qsl("0x0") && lst.at(4) == qsl("+") && lst.at(5) == qsl("1")) {
result.append(qsl("(0x1 separator)\n"));
if (i - start < atos.size()) {
if (!atos.at(i - start).isEmpty()) {
result.append(atos.at(i - start)).append('\n');
for (int j = 1, s = lst.size();;) {
if (lst.at(j).startsWith('_')) {
if (++j < s) {
result.append(' ');
for (;;) {
if (++j < s) {
result.append(' ');
} else {
} else if (j > 2) {
if (++j < s) {
result.append(' ');
} else {
result.append(qsl(" [demangled]")).append('\n');
return result;
void psDeleteDir(const QString &dir) {
namespace {
uint64 _lastUserAction = 0;
void psUserActionDone() {
_lastUserAction = getms(true);
bool psIdleSupported() {
return objc_idleSupported();
uint64 psIdleTime() {
int64 idleTime = 0;
return objc_idleTime(idleTime) ? idleTime : (getms(true) - _lastUserAction);
bool psSkipAudioNotify() {
return false;
bool psSkipDesktopNotify() {
return false;
QStringList psInitLogs() {
return _initLogs;
void psClearInitLogs() {
_initLogs = QStringList();
void psActivateProcess(uint64 pid) {
if (!pid) {
objc_activateProgram(App::wnd() ? App::wnd()->winId() : 0);
QString psCurrentCountry() {
QString country = objc_currentCountry();
return country.isEmpty() ? QString::fromLatin1(DefaultCountry) : country;
QString psCurrentLanguage() {
QString lng = objc_currentLang();
return lng.isEmpty() ? QString::fromLatin1(DefaultLanguage) : lng;
QString psAppDataPath() {
return objc_appDataPath();
QString psDownloadPath() {
return objc_downloadPath();
QString psCurrentExeDirectory(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QString first = argc ? fromUtf8Safe(argv[0]) : QString();
if (!first.isEmpty()) {
QFileInfo info(first);
if (info.exists()) {
return QDir(info.absolutePath() + qsl("/../../..")).absolutePath() + '/';
return QString();
QString psCurrentExeName(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QString first = argc ? fromUtf8Safe(argv[0]) : QString();
if (!first.isEmpty()) {
QFileInfo info(first);
if (info.exists()) {
return QDir(QDir(info.absolutePath() + qsl("/../..")).absolutePath()).dirName();
return QString();
void psDoCleanup() {
try {
psAutoStart(false, true);
psSendToMenu(false, true);
} catch (...) {
int psCleanup() {
return 0;
void psDoFixPrevious() {
int psFixPrevious() {
return 0;
bool psShowOpenWithMenu(int x, int y, const QString &file) {
return objc_showOpenWithMenu(x, y, file);
void psPostprocessFile(const QString &name) {
void psOpenFile(const QString &name, bool openWith) {
objc_openFile(name, openWith);
void psShowInFolder(const QString &name) {
objc_showInFinder(name, QFileInfo(name).absolutePath());
namespace Platform {
void start() {
void finish() {
delete _psEventFilter;
_psEventFilter = nullptr;
namespace ThirdParty {
void start() {
void finish() {
} // namespace ThirdParty
} // namespace Platform
void psNewVersion() {
void psExecUpdater() {
if (!objc_execUpdater()) {
psDeleteDir(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tupdates/temp"));
void psExecTelegram(const QString &crashreport) {
void psAutoStart(bool start, bool silent) {
void psSendToMenu(bool send, bool silent) {
void psUpdateOverlayed(QWidget *widget) {
QString psConvertFileUrl(const QUrl &url) {
auto urlString = url.toLocalFile();
if (urlString.startsWith(qsl("/.file/id="))) {
return objc_convertFileUrl(urlString);
return urlString;
void psDownloadPathEnableAccess() {
QByteArray psDownloadPathBookmark(const QString &path) {
return objc_downloadPathBookmark(path);
QByteArray psPathBookmark(const QString &path) {
return objc_pathBookmark(path);
bool psLaunchMaps(const LocationCoords &coords) {
return QDesktopServices::openUrl(qsl("https://maps.apple.com/?q=Point&z=16&ll=%1,%2").arg(coords.lat).arg(coords.lon));
QString strNotificationAboutThemeChange() {
const uint32 letters[] = { 0xE9005541, 0x5600DC70, 0x88001570, 0xF500D86C, 0x8100E165, 0xEE005949, 0x2900526E, 0xAE00FB74, 0x96000865, 0x7000CD72, 0x3B001566, 0x5F007361, 0xAE00B663, 0x74009A65, 0x29003054, 0xC6002668, 0x98003865, 0xFA00336D, 0xA3007A65, 0x93001443, 0xBB007868, 0xE100E561, 0x3500366E, 0xC0007A67, 0x0200CA65, 0xBE00DF64, 0xE300BB4E, 0x2900D26F, 0xD500D374, 0xE900E269, 0x86008F66, 0xC4006669, 0x1C00A863, 0xE600A761, 0x8E00EE74, 0xB300B169, 0xCF00B36F, 0xE600D36E };
return strMakeFromLetters(letters, sizeof(letters) / sizeof(letters[0]));
QString strNotificationAboutScreenLocked() {
const uint32 letters[] = { 0x22008263, 0x0800DB6F, 0x45004F6D, 0xCC00972E, 0x0E00A861, 0x9700D970, 0xA100D570, 0x8900686C, 0xB300B365, 0xFE00DE2E, 0x76009B73, 0xFA00BF63, 0xE000A772, 0x9C009F65, 0x4E006065, 0xD900426E, 0xB7007849, 0x64006473, 0x6700824C, 0xE300706F, 0x7C00A063, 0x8F00D76B, 0x04001C65, 0x1C00A664 };
return strMakeFromLetters(letters, arraysize(letters));
QString strNotificationAboutScreenUnlocked() {
const uint32 letters[] = { 0x9200D763, 0xC8003C6F, 0xD2003F6D, 0x6000012E, 0x36004061, 0x4400E570, 0xA500BF70, 0x2E00796C, 0x4A009E65, 0x2E00612E, 0xC8001D73, 0x57002263, 0xF0005872, 0x49000765, 0xE5008D65, 0xE600D76E, 0xE8007049, 0x19005C73, 0x34009455, 0xB800B36E, 0xF300CA6C, 0x4C00806F, 0x5300A763, 0xD1003B6B, 0x63003565, 0xF800F264 };
return strMakeFromLetters(letters, arraysize(letters));
QString strStyleOfInterface() {
const uint32 letters[] = { 0xEF004041, 0x4C007F70, 0x1F007A70, 0x9E00A76C, 0x8500D165, 0x2E003749, 0x7B00526E, 0x3400E774, 0x3C00FA65, 0x6200B172, 0xF7001D66, 0x0B002961, 0x71008C63, 0x86005465, 0xA3006F53, 0x11006174, 0xCD001779, 0x8200556C, 0x6C009B65 };
return strMakeFromLetters(letters, sizeof(letters) / sizeof(letters[0]));
QString strNeedToReload() {
const uint32 letters[] = { 0x82007746, 0xBB00C649, 0x7E00235F, 0x9A00FE54, 0x4C004542, 0x91001772, 0x8A00D76F, 0xC700B977, 0x7F005F73, 0x34003665, 0x2300D572, 0x72002E54, 0x18001461, 0x14004A62, 0x5100CC6C, 0x83002365, 0x5A002C56, 0xA5004369, 0x26004265, 0x0D006577 };
return strMakeFromLetters(letters, sizeof(letters) / sizeof(letters[0]));
QString strNeedToRefresh1() {
const uint32 letters[] = { 0xEF006746, 0xF500CE49, 0x1500715F, 0x95001254, 0x3A00CB4C, 0x17009469, 0xB400DA73, 0xDE00C574, 0x9200EC56, 0x3C00A669, 0xFD00D865, 0x59000977 };
return strMakeFromLetters(letters, sizeof(letters) / sizeof(letters[0]));
QString strNeedToRefresh2() {
const uint32 letters[] = { 0x8F001546, 0xAF007A49, 0xB8002B5F, 0x1A000B54, 0x0D003E49, 0xE0003663, 0x4900796F, 0x0500836E, 0x9A00D156, 0x5E00FF69, 0x5900C765, 0x3D00D177 };
return strMakeFromLetters(letters, sizeof(letters) / sizeof(letters[0]));