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synced 2025-03-21 10:53:21 +00:00
237 lines
7.5 KiB
237 lines
7.5 KiB
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "layout.h"
#include "data/data_document.h"
#include "lang/lang_keys.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include "application.h"
#include "storage/file_upload.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "core/file_utilities.h"
#include "boxes/add_contact_box.h"
#include "boxes/confirm_box.h"
#include "media/media_audio.h"
#include "storage/localstorage.h"
#include "history/view/history_view_cursor_state.h"
QString formatSizeText(qint64 size) {
if (size >= 1024 * 1024) { // more than 1 mb
qint64 sizeTenthMb = (size * 10 / (1024 * 1024));
return QString::number(sizeTenthMb / 10) + '.' + QString::number(sizeTenthMb % 10) + qsl(" MB");
if (size >= 1024) {
qint64 sizeTenthKb = (size * 10 / 1024);
return QString::number(sizeTenthKb / 10) + '.' + QString::number(sizeTenthKb % 10) + qsl(" KB");
return QString::number(size) + qsl(" B");
QString formatDownloadText(qint64 ready, qint64 total) {
QString readyStr, totalStr, mb;
if (total >= 1024 * 1024) { // more than 1 mb
qint64 readyTenthMb = (ready * 10 / (1024 * 1024)), totalTenthMb = (total * 10 / (1024 * 1024));
readyStr = QString::number(readyTenthMb / 10) + '.' + QString::number(readyTenthMb % 10);
totalStr = QString::number(totalTenthMb / 10) + '.' + QString::number(totalTenthMb % 10);
mb = qsl("MB");
} else if (total >= 1024) {
qint64 readyKb = (ready / 1024), totalKb = (total / 1024);
readyStr = QString::number(readyKb);
totalStr = QString::number(totalKb);
mb = qsl("KB");
} else {
readyStr = QString::number(ready);
totalStr = QString::number(total);
mb = qsl("B");
return lng_save_downloaded(lt_ready, readyStr, lt_total, totalStr, lt_mb, mb);
QString formatDurationText(qint64 duration) {
qint64 hours = (duration / 3600), minutes = (duration % 3600) / 60, seconds = duration % 60;
return (hours ? QString::number(hours) + ':' : QString()) + (minutes >= 10 ? QString() : QString('0')) + QString::number(minutes) + ':' + (seconds >= 10 ? QString() : QString('0')) + QString::number(seconds);
QString formatDurationWords(qint64 duration) {
if (duration > 59) {
auto minutes = (duration / 60);
auto minutesCount = lng_duration_minsec_minutes(lt_count, minutes);
auto seconds = (duration % 60);
auto secondsCount = lng_duration_minsec_seconds(lt_count, seconds);
return lng_duration_minutes_seconds(lt_minutes_count, minutesCount, lt_seconds_count, secondsCount);
return lng_duration_seconds(lt_count, duration);
QString formatDurationAndSizeText(qint64 duration, qint64 size) {
return lng_duration_and_size(lt_duration, formatDurationText(duration), lt_size, formatSizeText(size));
QString formatGifAndSizeText(qint64 size) {
return lng_duration_and_size(lt_duration, qsl("GIF"), lt_size, formatSizeText(size));
QString formatPlayedText(qint64 played, qint64 duration) {
return lng_duration_played(lt_played, formatDurationText(played), lt_duration, formatDurationText(duration));
int32 documentColorIndex(DocumentData *document, QString &ext) {
auto colorIndex = 0;
auto name = document
? (document->filename().isEmpty()
? (document->sticker()
? lang(lng_in_dlg_sticker)
: qsl("Unknown File"))
: document->filename())
: lang(lng_message_empty);
name = name.toLower();
auto lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
auto mime = document
? document->mimeString().toLower()
: QString();
if (name.endsWith(qstr(".doc")) ||
name.endsWith(qstr(".txt")) ||
name.endsWith(qstr(".psd")) ||
mime.startsWith(qstr("text/"))) {
colorIndex = 0;
} else if (
name.endsWith(qstr(".xls")) ||
name.endsWith(qstr(".csv"))) {
colorIndex = 1;
} else if (
name.endsWith(qstr(".pdf")) ||
name.endsWith(qstr(".ppt")) ||
name.endsWith(qstr(".key"))) {
colorIndex = 2;
} else if (
name.endsWith(qstr(".zip")) ||
name.endsWith(qstr(".rar")) ||
name.endsWith(qstr(".ai")) ||
name.endsWith(qstr(".mp3")) ||
name.endsWith(qstr(".mov")) ||
name.endsWith(qstr(".avi"))) {
colorIndex = 3;
} else {
auto ch = (lastDot >= 0 && lastDot + 1 < name.size())
? name.at(lastDot + 1)
: (name.isEmpty()
? (mime.isEmpty() ? '0' : mime.at(0))
: name.at(0));
colorIndex = (ch.unicode() % 4);
ext = document
? ((lastDot < 0 || lastDot + 2 > name.size())
? name
: name.mid(lastDot + 1))
: QString();
return colorIndex;
style::color documentColor(int32 colorIndex) {
const style::color colors[] = {
return colors[colorIndex & 3];
style::color documentDarkColor(int32 colorIndex) {
static style::color colors[] = {
return colors[colorIndex & 3];
style::color documentOverColor(int32 colorIndex) {
static style::color colors[] = {
return colors[colorIndex & 3];
style::color documentSelectedColor(int32 colorIndex) {
static style::color colors[] = {
return colors[colorIndex & 3];
RoundCorners documentCorners(int32 colorIndex) {
return RoundCorners(Doc1Corners + (colorIndex & 3));
bool documentIsValidMediaFile(const QString &filepath) {
static StaticNeverFreedPointer<QList<QString>> validMediaTypes(([] {
std::unique_ptr<QList<QString>> result = std::make_unique<QList<QString>>();
*result = qsl("\
webm mkv flv vob ogv ogg drc gif gifv mng avi mov qt wmv yuv rm rmvb asf amv mp4 m4p \
m4v mpg mp2 mpeg mpe mpv m2v svi 3gp 3g2 mxf roq nsv f4v f4p f4a f4b wma divx evo mk3d \
mka mks mcf m2p ps ts m2ts ifo aaf avchd cam dat dsh dvr-ms m1v fla flr sol wrap smi swf \
wtv 8svx 16svx iff aiff aif aifc au bwf cdda raw wav flac la pac m4a ape ofr ofs off rka \
shn tak tta wv brstm dts dtshd dtsma ast amr mp3 spx gsm aac mpc vqf ra ots swa vox voc \
dwd smp aup cust mid mus sib sid ly gym vgm psf nsf mod ptb s3m xm it mt2 minipsf psflib \
2sf dsf gsf psf2 qsf ssf usf rmj spc niff mxl xml txm ym jam mp1 mscz\
").split(' ');
return result.release();
QFileInfo info(filepath);
auto parts = info.fileName().split('.', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
return !parts.isEmpty() && (validMediaTypes->indexOf(parts.back().toLower()) >= 0);
bool documentIsExecutableName(const QString &filename) {
static StaticNeverFreedPointer<QList<QString>> executableTypes(([] {
std::unique_ptr<QList<QString>> result = std::make_unique<QList<QString>>();
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
*result = qsl("\
action app bin command csh osx workflow\
").split(' ');
#elif defined Q_OS_LINUX // Q_OS_MAC
*result = qsl("\
bin csh ksh out run\
").split(' ');
#else // Q_OS_MAC || Q_OS_LINUX
*result = qsl("\
bat bin cmd com cpl exe gadget inf ins inx isu job jse lnk msc msi \
msp mst paf pif ps1 reg rgs sct shb shs u3p vb vbe vbs vbscript ws wsf\
").split(' ');
#endif // !Q_OS_MAC && !Q_OS_LINUX
return result.release();
auto lastDotIndex = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
return (lastDotIndex >= 0) && (executableTypes->indexOf(filename.mid(lastDotIndex + 1).toLower()) >= 0);
[[nodiscard]] HistoryView::TextState LayoutItemBase::getState(
QPoint point,
StateRequest request) const {
return {};
[[nodiscard]] TextSelection LayoutItemBase::adjustSelection(
TextSelection selection,
TextSelectType type) const {
return selection;