
218 lines
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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "data/data_pts_waiter.h"
#include "base/timer.h"
class ApiWrap;
class History;
namespace MTP {
class Error;
} // namespace MTP
namespace Main {
class Session;
} // namespace Main
namespace ChatHelpers {
struct EmojiInteractionsBunch;
} // namespace ChatHelpers
namespace Api {
class Updates final {
explicit Updates(not_null<Main::Session*> session);
[[nodiscard]] Main::Session &session() const;
[[nodiscard]] ApiWrap &api() const;
void applyUpdates(
const MTPUpdates &updates,
uint64 sentMessageRandomId = 0);
void applyUpdatesNoPtsCheck(const MTPUpdates &updates);
void applyUpdateNoPtsCheck(const MTPUpdate &update);
[[nodiscard]] int32 pts() const;
void updateOnline(crl::time lastNonIdleTime = 0);
[[nodiscard]] bool isIdle() const;
[[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<bool> isIdleValue() const;
void checkIdleFinish(crl::time lastNonIdleTime = 0);
bool lastWasOnline() const;
crl::time lastSetOnline() const;
bool isQuitPrevent();
bool updateAndApply(int32 pts, int32 ptsCount, const MTPUpdates &updates);
bool updateAndApply(int32 pts, int32 ptsCount, const MTPUpdate &update);
bool updateAndApply(int32 pts, int32 ptsCount);
void checkLastUpdate(bool afterSleep);
// ms <= 0 - stop timer
void ptsWaiterStartTimerFor(ChannelData *channel, crl::time ms);
void getDifference();
void requestChannelRangeDifference(not_null<History*> history);
void addActiveChat(rpl::producer<PeerData*> chat);
enum class ChannelDifferenceRequest {
enum class SkipUpdatePolicy {
struct ActiveChatTracker {
PeerData *peer = nullptr;
rpl::lifetime lifetime;
void channelRangeDifferenceSend(
not_null<ChannelData*> channel,
MsgRange range,
int32 pts);
void channelRangeDifferenceDone(
not_null<ChannelData*> channel,
MsgRange range,
const MTPupdates_ChannelDifference &result);
void updateOnline(crl::time lastNonIdleTime, bool gotOtherOffline);
void sendPing();
void getDifferenceByPts();
void getDifferenceAfterFail();
[[nodiscard]] bool requestingDifference() const {
return _ptsWaiter.requesting();
void getChannelDifference(
not_null<ChannelData*> channel,
ChannelDifferenceRequest from = ChannelDifferenceRequest::Unknown);
void differenceDone(const MTPupdates_Difference &result);
void differenceFail(const MTP::Error &error);
void feedDifference(
const MTPVector<MTPUser> &users,
const MTPVector<MTPChat> &chats,
const MTPVector<MTPMessage> &msgs,
const MTPVector<MTPUpdate> &other);
void stateDone(const MTPupdates_State &state);
void setState(int32 pts, int32 date, int32 qts, int32 seq);
void channelDifferenceDone(
not_null<ChannelData*> channel,
const MTPupdates_ChannelDifference &diff);
void channelDifferenceFail(
not_null<ChannelData*> channel,
const MTP::Error &error);
void failDifferenceStartTimerFor(ChannelData *channel);
void feedChannelDifference(const MTPDupdates_channelDifference &data);
void mtpUpdateReceived(const MTPUpdates &updates);
void mtpNewSessionCreated();
void feedUpdateVector(
const MTPVector<MTPUpdate> &updates,
SkipUpdatePolicy policy = SkipUpdatePolicy::SkipNone);
// Doesn't call sendHistoryChangeNotifications itself.
void feedMessageIds(const MTPVector<MTPUpdate> &updates);
// Doesn't call sendHistoryChangeNotifications itself.
void feedUpdate(const MTPUpdate &update);
void applyGroupCallParticipantUpdates(const MTPUpdates &updates);
bool whenGetDiffChanged(
ChannelData *channel,
int32 ms,
base::flat_map<not_null<ChannelData*>, crl::time> &whenMap,
crl::time &curTime);
void handleSendActionUpdate(
PeerId peerId,
MsgId rootId,
PeerId fromId,
const MTPSendMessageAction &action);
void handleEmojiInteraction(
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
const MTPDsendMessageEmojiInteraction &data);
void handleSpeakingInCall(
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
PeerId participantPeerId,
PeerData *participantPeerLoaded);
void handleEmojiInteraction(
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
MsgId messageId,
const QString &emoticon,
ChatHelpers::EmojiInteractionsBunch bunch);
void handleEmojiInteraction(
not_null<PeerData*> peer,
const QString &emoticon);
const not_null<Main::Session*> _session;
int32 _updatesDate = 0;
int32 _updatesQts = -1;
int32 _updatesSeq = 0;
base::Timer _noUpdatesTimer;
base::Timer _onlineTimer;
PtsWaiter _ptsWaiter;
base::flat_map<not_null<ChannelData*>, crl::time> _whenGetDiffByPts;
base::flat_map<not_null<ChannelData*>, crl::time> _whenGetDiffAfterFail;
crl::time _getDifferenceTimeByPts = 0;
crl::time _getDifferenceTimeAfterFail = 0;
base::Timer _byPtsTimer;
base::flat_map<int32, MTPUpdates> _bySeqUpdates;
base::Timer _bySeqTimer;
base::Timer _byMinChannelTimer;
// growing timeout for getDifference calls, if it fails
crl::time _failDifferenceTimeout = 1;
// growing timeout for getChannelDifference calls, if it fails
crl::time> _channelFailDifferenceTimeout;
base::Timer _failDifferenceTimer;
mtpRequestId> _rangeDifferenceRequests;
crl::time _lastUpdateTime = 0;
bool _handlingChannelDifference = false;
base::flat_map<int, ActiveChatTracker> _activeChats;
base::flat_map<PeerId, crl::time>> _pendingSpeakingCallParticipants;
mtpRequestId _onlineRequest = 0;
base::Timer _idleFinishTimer;
crl::time _lastSetOnline = 0;
bool _lastWasOnline = false;
rpl::variable<bool> _isIdle = false;
rpl::lifetime _lifetime;
[[nodiscard]] bool IsWithdrawalNotification(
const MTPDupdateServiceNotification &);
} // namespace Api