/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "platform/platform_main_window.h" #include "platform/mac/specific_mac_p.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include #include namespace Platform { class MainWindow : public Window::MainWindow { public: explicit MainWindow(not_null controller); bool psFilterNativeEvent(void *event); int getCustomTitleHeight() const { return _customTitleHeight; } ~MainWindow(); void updateWindowIcon() override; class Private; protected: bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *evt) override; void stateChangedHook(Qt::WindowState state) override; void initHook() override; void unreadCounterChangedHook() override; void updateGlobalMenuHook() override; void closeWithoutDestroy() override; void createGlobalMenu() override; private: friend class Private; void hideAndDeactivate(); void updateDockCounter(); std::unique_ptr _private; mutable bool psIdle; mutable QTimer psIdleTimer; base::Timer _hideAfterFullScreenTimer; rpl::variable _canApplyMarkdown; QMenuBar psMainMenu; QAction *psLogout = nullptr; QAction *psUndo = nullptr; QAction *psRedo = nullptr; QAction *psCut = nullptr; QAction *psCopy = nullptr; QAction *psPaste = nullptr; QAction *psDelete = nullptr; QAction *psSelectAll = nullptr; QAction *psContacts = nullptr; QAction *psAddContact = nullptr; QAction *psNewGroup = nullptr; QAction *psNewChannel = nullptr; QAction *psShowTelegram = nullptr; QAction *psBold = nullptr; QAction *psItalic = nullptr; QAction *psUnderline = nullptr; QAction *psStrikeOut = nullptr; QAction *psMonospace = nullptr; QAction *psClearFormat = nullptr; int _customTitleHeight = 0; }; [[nodiscard]] inline int32 ScreenNameChecksum(const QString &name) { return Window::DefaultScreenNameChecksum(name); } } // namespace Platform