/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "ui/buttons/peer_avatar_button.h" #include "window/top_bar_widget.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "dialogswidget.h" #include "historywidget.h" #include "profilewidget.h" #include "overviewwidget.h" #include "playerwidget.h" #include "lang.h" #include "boxes/addcontactbox.h" #include "fileuploader.h" #include "application.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "settingswidget.h" #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_layout_item.h" #include "boxes/confirmbox.h" #include "boxes/stickersetbox.h" #include "boxes/contactsbox.h" #include "boxes/downloadpathbox.h" #include "localstorage.h" #include "shortcuts.h" #include "audio.h" #include "langloaderplain.h" MainWidget::MainWidget(MainWindow *window) : TWidget(window) , _a_show(animation(this, &MainWidget::step_show)) , _dialogs(this) , _history(this) , _player(this) , _topBar(this) , _mediaType(this) , _api(new ApiWrap(this)) { setGeometry(QRect(0, st::titleHeight, App::wnd()->width(), App::wnd()->height() - st::titleHeight)); MTP::setGlobalDoneHandler(rpcDone(&MainWidget::updateReceived)); _ptsWaiter.setRequesting(true); updateScrollColors(); connect(App::wnd(), SIGNAL(resized(const QSize&)), this, SLOT(onParentResize(const QSize&))); connect(_dialogs, SIGNAL(cancelled()), this, SLOT(dialogsCancelled())); connect(_history, SIGNAL(cancelled()), _dialogs, SLOT(activate())); connect(this, SIGNAL(peerPhotoChanged(PeerData*)), this, SIGNAL(dialogsUpdated())); connect(&noUpdatesTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(mtpPing())); connect(&_onlineTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateOnline())); connect(&_onlineUpdater, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateOnlineDisplay())); connect(&_idleFinishTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkIdleFinish())); connect(&_bySeqTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(getDifference())); connect(&_byPtsTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onGetDifferenceTimeByPts())); connect(&_byMinChannelTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(getDifference())); connect(&_failDifferenceTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onGetDifferenceTimeAfterFail())); connect(_api.get(), SIGNAL(fullPeerUpdated(PeerData*)), this, SLOT(onFullPeerUpdated(PeerData*))); connect(this, SIGNAL(peerUpdated(PeerData*)), _history, SLOT(peerUpdated(PeerData*))); connect(_topBar, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onTopBarClick())); connect(_history, SIGNAL(historyShown(History*,MsgId)), this, SLOT(onHistoryShown(History*,MsgId))); connect(&updateNotifySettingTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onUpdateNotifySettings())); if (audioPlayer()) { connect(audioPlayer(), SIGNAL(updated(const AudioMsgId&)), this, SLOT(audioPlayProgress(const AudioMsgId&))); connect(audioPlayer(), SIGNAL(stopped(const AudioMsgId&)), this, SLOT(audioPlayProgress(const AudioMsgId&))); connect(audioPlayer(), SIGNAL(updated(const SongMsgId&)), this, SLOT(documentPlayProgress(const SongMsgId&))); connect(audioPlayer(), SIGNAL(stopped(const SongMsgId&)), this, SLOT(documentPlayProgress(const SongMsgId&))); } connect(&_updateMutedTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onUpdateMuted())); connect(&_viewsIncrementTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onViewsIncrement())); _webPageUpdater.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_webPageUpdater, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(webPagesUpdate())); connect(&_cacheBackgroundTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onCacheBackground())); _dialogs->show(); if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { _history->hide(); } else { _history->show(); } App::wnd()->getTitle()->updateBackButton(); _topBar->hide(); _player->hidePlayer(); orderWidgets(); MTP::setGlobalFailHandler(rpcFail(&MainWidget::updateFail)); _mediaType->hide(); _topBar->mediaTypeButton()->installEventFilter(_mediaType); show(); setFocus(); _api->init(); #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE Sandbox::startUpdateCheck(); #endif } bool MainWidget::onForward(const PeerId &peer, ForwardWhatMessages what) { PeerData *p = App::peer(peer); if (!peer || (p->isChannel() && !p->asChannel()->canPublish() && p->asChannel()->isBroadcast()) || (p->isChat() && !p->asChat()->canWrite()) || (p->isUser() && p->asUser()->access == UserNoAccess)) { Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lang(lng_forward_cant))); return false; } _history->cancelReply(); _toForward.clear(); if (what == ForwardSelectedMessages) { if (_overview) { _overview->fillSelectedItems(_toForward, false); } else { _history->fillSelectedItems(_toForward, false); } } else { HistoryItem *item = 0; if (what == ForwardContextMessage) { item = App::contextItem(); } else if (what == ForwardPressedMessage) { item = App::pressedItem(); } else if (what == ForwardPressedLinkMessage) { item = App::pressedLinkItem(); } if (item && item->toHistoryMessage() && item->id > 0) { _toForward.insert(item->id, item); } } updateForwardingTexts(); Ui::showPeerHistory(peer, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); _history->onClearSelected(); _history->updateForwarding(); return true; } bool MainWidget::onShareUrl(const PeerId &peer, const QString &url, const QString &text) { PeerData *p = App::peer(peer); if (!peer || (p->isChannel() && !p->asChannel()->canPublish() && p->asChannel()->isBroadcast()) || (p->isChat() && !p->asChat()->canWrite()) || (p->isUser() && p->asUser()->access == UserNoAccess)) { Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lang(lng_share_cant))); return false; } History *h = App::history(peer); h->setMsgDraft(std_::make_unique(url + '\n' + text, 0, MessageCursor(url.size() + 1, url.size() + 1 + text.size(), QFIXED_MAX), false)); h->clearEditDraft(); bool opened = _history->peer() && (_history->peer()->id == peer); if (opened) { _history->applyDraft(); } else { Ui::showPeerHistory(peer, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } return true; } bool MainWidget::onInlineSwitchChosen(const PeerId &peer, const QString &botAndQuery) { PeerData *p = App::peer(peer); if (!peer || (p->isChannel() && !p->asChannel()->canPublish() && p->asChannel()->isBroadcast()) || (p->isChat() && !p->asChat()->canWrite()) || (p->isUser() && p->asUser()->access == UserNoAccess)) { Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lang(lng_inline_switch_cant))); return false; } History *h = App::history(peer); h->setMsgDraft(std_::make_unique(botAndQuery, 0, MessageCursor(botAndQuery.size(), botAndQuery.size(), QFIXED_MAX), false)); h->clearEditDraft(); bool opened = _history->peer() && (_history->peer()->id == peer); if (opened) { _history->applyDraft(); } else { Ui::showPeerHistory(peer, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } return true; } bool MainWidget::hasForwardingItems() { return !_toForward.isEmpty(); } void MainWidget::fillForwardingInfo(Text *&from, Text *&text, bool &serviceColor, ImagePtr &preview) { if (_toForward.isEmpty()) return; int32 version = 0; for (SelectedItemSet::const_iterator i = _toForward.cbegin(), e = _toForward.cend(); i != e; ++i) { version += i.value()->authorOriginal()->nameVersion; } if (version != _toForwardNameVersion) { updateForwardingTexts(); } from = &_toForwardFrom; text = &_toForwardText; serviceColor = (_toForward.size() > 1) || _toForward.cbegin().value()->getMedia() || _toForward.cbegin().value()->serviceMsg(); if (_toForward.size() < 2 && _toForward.cbegin().value()->getMedia() && _toForward.cbegin().value()->getMedia()->hasReplyPreview()) { preview = _toForward.cbegin().value()->getMedia()->replyPreview(); } } void MainWidget::updateForwardingTexts() { int32 version = 0; QString from, text; if (!_toForward.isEmpty()) { QMap fromUsersMap; QVector fromUsers; fromUsers.reserve(_toForward.size()); for (SelectedItemSet::const_iterator i = _toForward.cbegin(), e = _toForward.cend(); i != e; ++i) { PeerData *from = i.value()->authorOriginal(); if (!fromUsersMap.contains(from)) { fromUsersMap.insert(from, true); fromUsers.push_back(from); } version += from->nameVersion; } if (fromUsers.size() > 2) { from = lng_forwarding_from(lt_user, fromUsers.at(0)->shortName(), lt_count, fromUsers.size() - 1); } else if (fromUsers.size() < 2) { from = fromUsers.at(0)->name; } else { from = lng_forwarding_from_two(lt_user, fromUsers.at(0)->shortName(), lt_second_user, fromUsers.at(1)->shortName()); } if (_toForward.size() < 2) { text = _toForward.cbegin().value()->inReplyText(); } else { text = lng_forward_messages(lt_count, _toForward.size()); } } _toForwardFrom.setText(st::msgServiceNameFont, from, _textNameOptions); _toForwardText.setText(st::msgFont, text, _textDlgOptions); _toForwardNameVersion = version; } void MainWidget::cancelForwarding() { if (_toForward.isEmpty()) return; _toForward.clear(); _history->cancelForwarding(); } void MainWidget::finishForwarding(History *hist, bool broadcast, bool silent) { if (!hist) return; if (!_toForward.isEmpty()) { bool genClientSideMessage = (_toForward.size() < 2); PeerData *forwardFrom = 0; App::main()->readServerHistory(hist, false); MTPDmessage::Flags flags = 0; MTPmessages_ForwardMessages::Flags sendFlags = 0; bool channelPost = hist->peer->isChannel() && !hist->peer->isMegagroup() && hist->peer->asChannel()->canPublish() && (hist->peer->asChannel()->isBroadcast() || broadcast); bool showFromName = !channelPost || hist->peer->asChannel()->addsSignature(); bool silentPost = channelPost && silent; if (channelPost) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_ForwardMessages::Flag::f_broadcast; flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_views; flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_post; } if (showFromName) { flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id; } if (silentPost) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_ForwardMessages::Flag::f_silent; } QVector ids; QVector randomIds; ids.reserve(_toForward.size()); randomIds.reserve(_toForward.size()); for (SelectedItemSet::const_iterator i = _toForward.cbegin(), e = _toForward.cend(); i != e; ++i) { uint64 randomId = rand_value(); if (genClientSideMessage) { FullMsgId newId(peerToChannel(hist->peer->id), clientMsgId()); HistoryMessage *msg = static_cast(_toForward.cbegin().value()); hist->addNewForwarded(newId.msg, flags, date(MTP_int(unixtime())), showFromName ? MTP::authedId() : 0, msg); if (HistoryMedia *media = msg->getMedia()) { if (media->type() == MediaTypeSticker) { App::main()->incrementSticker(media->getDocument()); } } App::historyRegRandom(randomId, newId); } if (forwardFrom != i.value()->history()->peer) { if (forwardFrom) { hist->sendRequestId = MTP::send(MTPmessages_ForwardMessages(MTP_flags(sendFlags), forwardFrom->input, MTP_vector(ids), MTP_vector(randomIds), hist->peer->input), rpcDone(&MainWidget::sentUpdatesReceived), RPCFailHandlerPtr(), 0, 0, hist->sendRequestId); ids.resize(0); randomIds.resize(0); } forwardFrom = i.value()->history()->peer; } ids.push_back(MTP_int(i.value()->id)); randomIds.push_back(MTP_long(randomId)); } hist->sendRequestId = MTP::send(MTPmessages_ForwardMessages(MTP_flags(sendFlags), forwardFrom->input, MTP_vector(ids), MTP_vector(randomIds), hist->peer->input), rpcDone(&MainWidget::sentUpdatesReceived), RPCFailHandlerPtr(), 0, 0, hist->sendRequestId); if (_history->peer() == hist->peer) { _history->peerMessagesUpdated(); } cancelForwarding(); } historyToDown(hist); dialogsToUp(); _history->peerMessagesUpdated(hist->peer->id); } void MainWidget::webPageUpdated(WebPageData *data) { _webPagesUpdated.insert(data->id, true); _webPageUpdater.start(0); } void MainWidget::webPagesUpdate() { if (_webPagesUpdated.isEmpty()) return; _webPageUpdater.stop(); const WebPageItems &items(App::webPageItems()); for (QMap::const_iterator i = _webPagesUpdated.cbegin(), e = _webPagesUpdated.cend(); i != e; ++i) { WebPageItems::const_iterator j = items.constFind(App::webPage(i.key())); if (j != items.cend()) { for (HistoryItemsMap::const_iterator k = j.value().cbegin(), e = j.value().cend(); k != e; ++k) { k.key()->setPendingInitDimensions(); } } } _webPagesUpdated.clear(); } void MainWidget::updateMutedIn(int32 seconds) { if (seconds > 86400) seconds = 86400; int32 ms = seconds * 1000; if (_updateMutedTimer.isActive() && _updateMutedTimer.remainingTime() <= ms) return; _updateMutedTimer.start(ms); } void MainWidget::updateStickers() { _history->updateStickers(); } void MainWidget::onUpdateMuted() { App::updateMuted(); } void MainWidget::onShareContact(const PeerId &peer, UserData *contact) { _history->onShareContact(peer, contact); } void MainWidget::onSendPaths(const PeerId &peer) { _history->onSendPaths(peer); } void MainWidget::onFilesOrForwardDrop(const PeerId &peer, const QMimeData *data) { if (data->hasFormat(qsl("application/x-td-forward-selected"))) { onForward(peer, ForwardSelectedMessages); } else if (data->hasFormat(qsl("application/x-td-forward-pressed-link"))) { onForward(peer, ForwardPressedLinkMessage); } else if (data->hasFormat(qsl("application/x-td-forward-pressed"))) { onForward(peer, ForwardPressedMessage); } else { Ui::showPeerHistory(peer, ShowAtTheEndMsgId); _history->onFilesDrop(data); } } void MainWidget::rpcClear() { _history->rpcClear(); _dialogs->rpcClear(); if (_profile) _profile->rpcClear(); if (_overview) _overview->rpcClear(); if (_api) _api->rpcClear(); RPCSender::rpcClear(); } QPixmap MainWidget::grabInner() { if (_overview && !_overview->isHidden()) { return myGrab(_overview); } else if (_profile && !_profile->isHidden()) { return myGrab(_profile); } else if (Adaptive::OneColumn() && _history->isHidden()) { return myGrab(_dialogs, QRect(0, st::topBarHeight, _dialogs->width(), _dialogs->height() - st::topBarHeight)); } else if (_history->peer()) { return myGrab(_history); } else { return myGrab(_history, QRect(0, st::topBarHeight, _history->width(), _history->height() - st::topBarHeight)); } } bool MainWidget::isItemVisible(HistoryItem *item) { if (isHidden() || _a_show.animating()) { return false; } return _history->isItemVisible(item); } QPixmap MainWidget::grabTopBar() { if (!_topBar->isHidden()) { return myGrab(_topBar); } else if (Adaptive::OneColumn() && _history->isHidden()) { return myGrab(_dialogs, QRect(0, 0, _dialogs->width(), st::topBarHeight)); } else { return myGrab(_history, QRect(0, 0, _history->width(), st::topBarHeight)); } } void MainWidget::notify_botCommandsChanged(UserData *bot) { _history->notify_botCommandsChanged(bot); } void MainWidget::notify_inlineBotRequesting(bool requesting) { _history->notify_inlineBotRequesting(requesting); } void MainWidget::notify_replyMarkupUpdated(const HistoryItem *item) { _history->notify_replyMarkupUpdated(item); } void MainWidget::notify_inlineKeyboardMoved(const HistoryItem *item, int oldKeyboardTop, int newKeyboardTop) { _history->notify_inlineKeyboardMoved(item, oldKeyboardTop, newKeyboardTop); } bool MainWidget::notify_switchInlineBotButtonReceived(const QString &query) { return _history->notify_switchInlineBotButtonReceived(query); } void MainWidget::notify_userIsBotChanged(UserData *bot) { _history->notify_userIsBotChanged(bot); } void MainWidget::notify_userIsContactChanged(UserData *user, bool fromThisApp) { if (!user) return; _dialogs->notify_userIsContactChanged(user, fromThisApp); const SharedContactItems &items(App::sharedContactItems()); SharedContactItems::const_iterator i = items.constFind(peerToUser(user->id)); if (i != items.cend()) { for (HistoryItemsMap::const_iterator j = i->cbegin(), e = i->cend(); j != e; ++j) { j.key()->setPendingInitDimensions(); } } if (user->contact > 0 && fromThisApp) { Ui::showPeerHistory(user->id, ShowAtTheEndMsgId); } } void MainWidget::notify_migrateUpdated(PeerData *peer) { _history->notify_migrateUpdated(peer); } void MainWidget::notify_clipStopperHidden(ClipStopperType type) { _history->notify_clipStopperHidden(type); } void MainWidget::ui_repaintHistoryItem(const HistoryItem *item) { _history->ui_repaintHistoryItem(item); if (item->history()->lastMsg == item) { item->history()->updateChatListEntry(); } if (_overview) _overview->ui_repaintHistoryItem(item); } void MainWidget::ui_repaintInlineItem(const InlineBots::Layout::ItemBase *layout) { _history->ui_repaintInlineItem(layout); } bool MainWidget::ui_isInlineItemVisible(const InlineBots::Layout::ItemBase *layout) { return _history->ui_isInlineItemVisible(layout); } bool MainWidget::ui_isInlineItemBeingChosen() { return _history->ui_isInlineItemBeingChosen(); } void MainWidget::notify_historyItemLayoutChanged(const HistoryItem *item) { _history->notify_historyItemLayoutChanged(item); if (_overview) _overview->notify_historyItemLayoutChanged(item); } void MainWidget::notify_inlineItemLayoutChanged(const InlineBots::Layout::ItemBase *layout) { _history->notify_inlineItemLayoutChanged(layout); } void MainWidget::notify_historyMuteUpdated(History *history) { _dialogs->notify_historyMuteUpdated(history); } void MainWidget::notify_handlePendingHistoryUpdate() { _history->notify_handlePendingHistoryUpdate(); } void MainWidget::cmd_search() { _history->cmd_search(); } void MainWidget::cmd_next_chat() { _history->cmd_next_chat(); } void MainWidget::cmd_previous_chat() { _history->cmd_previous_chat(); } void MainWidget::noHider(HistoryHider *destroyed) { if (_hider == destroyed) { _hider = nullptr; if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { if (_forwardConfirm) { _forwardConfirm->startHide(); _forwardConfirm = 0; } onHistoryShown(_history->history(), _history->msgId()); if (_profile || _overview || (_history->peer() && _history->peer()->id)) { QPixmap animCache = grabInner(), animTopBarCache = grabTopBar(); _dialogs->hide(); if (_overview) { _overview->show(); _overview->animShow(animCache, animTopBarCache); } else if (_profile) { _profile->show(); _profile->animShow(animCache, animTopBarCache); } else { _history->show(); _history->animShow(animCache, animTopBarCache); } } App::wnd()->getTitle()->updateBackButton(); } else { if (_forwardConfirm) { _forwardConfirm->deleteLater(); _forwardConfirm = 0; } } } } void MainWidget::hiderLayer(HistoryHider *h) { if (App::passcoded()) { delete h; return; } _hider = h; connect(_hider, SIGNAL(forwarded()), _dialogs, SLOT(onCancelSearch())); if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { dialogsToUp(); _hider->hide(); QPixmap animCache = myGrab(this, QRect(0, _playerHeight, _dialogsWidth, height() - _playerHeight)); onHistoryShown(0, 0); if (_overview) { _overview->hide(); } else if (_profile) { _profile->hide(); } else { _history->hide(); } _dialogs->show(); resizeEvent(0); _dialogs->animShow(animCache); App::wnd()->getTitle()->updateBackButton(); } else { _hider->show(); resizeEvent(0); _dialogs->activate(); } } void MainWidget::forwardLayer(int32 forwardSelected) { hiderLayer((forwardSelected < 0) ? (new HistoryHider(this)) : (new HistoryHider(this, forwardSelected > 0))); } void MainWidget::deleteLayer(int32 selectedCount) { if (selectedCount == -1 && !_overview) { if (HistoryItem *item = App::contextItem()) { if (item->suggestBanReportDeleteAll()) { Ui::showLayer(new RichDeleteMessageBox(item->history()->peer->asChannel(), item->from()->asUser(), item->id)); return; } } } QString str((selectedCount < 0) ? lang(selectedCount < -1 ? lng_selected_cancel_sure_this : lng_selected_delete_sure_this) : lng_selected_delete_sure(lt_count, selectedCount)); QString btn(lang((selectedCount < -1) ? lng_selected_upload_stop : lng_box_delete)), cancel(lang((selectedCount < -1) ? lng_continue : lng_cancel)); ConfirmBox *box = new ConfirmBox(str, btn, st::defaultBoxButton, cancel); if (selectedCount < 0) { if (selectedCount < -1) { if (HistoryItem *item = App::contextItem()) { App::uploader()->pause(item->fullId()); connect(box, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), App::uploader(), SLOT(unpause())); } } connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), _overview ? static_cast(_overview) : static_cast(_history), SLOT(onDeleteContextSure())); } else { connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), _overview ? static_cast(_overview) : static_cast(_history), SLOT(onDeleteSelectedSure())); } Ui::showLayer(box); } void MainWidget::shareContactLayer(UserData *contact) { hiderLayer(new HistoryHider(this, contact)); } void MainWidget::shareUrlLayer(const QString &url, const QString &text) { hiderLayer(new HistoryHider(this, url, text)); } void MainWidget::inlineSwitchLayer(const QString &botAndQuery) { hiderLayer(new HistoryHider(this, botAndQuery)); } bool MainWidget::selectingPeer(bool withConfirm) { return _hider ? (withConfirm ? _hider->withConfirm() : true) : false; } bool MainWidget::selectingPeerForInlineSwitch() { return selectingPeer() ? !_hider->botAndQuery().isEmpty() : false; } void MainWidget::offerPeer(PeerId peer) { Ui::hideLayer(); if (_hider->offerPeer(peer) && Adaptive::OneColumn()) { _forwardConfirm = new ConfirmBox(_hider->offeredText(), lang(lng_forward_send)); connect(_forwardConfirm, SIGNAL(confirmed()), _hider, SLOT(forward())); connect(_forwardConfirm, SIGNAL(cancelled()), this, SLOT(onForwardCancel())); connect(_forwardConfirm, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(onForwardCancel(QObject*))); Ui::showLayer(_forwardConfirm); } } void MainWidget::onForwardCancel(QObject *obj) { if (!obj || obj == _forwardConfirm) { if (_forwardConfirm) { if (!obj) _forwardConfirm->startHide(); _forwardConfirm = 0; } if (_hider) _hider->offerPeer(0); } } void MainWidget::dialogsActivate() { _dialogs->activate(); } DragState MainWidget::getDragState(const QMimeData *mime) { return _history->getDragState(mime); } bool MainWidget::leaveChatFailed(PeerData *peer, const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (error.type() == qstr("USER_NOT_PARTICIPANT") || error.type() == qstr("CHAT_ID_INVALID") || error.type() == qstr("PEER_ID_INVALID")) { // left this chat already deleteConversation(peer); return true; } return false; } void MainWidget::deleteHistoryAfterLeave(PeerData *peer, const MTPUpdates &updates) { sentUpdatesReceived(updates); deleteConversation(peer); } void MainWidget::deleteHistoryPart(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_AffectedHistory &result) { const auto &d(result.c_messages_affectedHistory()); if (peer && peer->isChannel()) { if (peer->asChannel()->ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v)) { peer->asChannel()->ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); App::emitPeerUpdated(); } } else { if (ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v)) { ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); App::emitPeerUpdated(); } } int32 offset = d.voffset.v; if (!MTP::authedId()) return; if (offset <= 0) { cRefReportSpamStatuses().remove(peer->id); Local::writeReportSpamStatuses(); return; } MTP::send(MTPmessages_DeleteHistory(peer->input, MTP_int(0)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::deleteHistoryPart, peer)); } void MainWidget::deleteMessages(PeerData *peer, const QVector &ids) { if (peer->isChannel()) { MTP::send(MTPchannels_DeleteMessages(peer->asChannel()->inputChannel, MTP_vector(ids)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::messagesAffected, peer)); } else { MTP::send(MTPmessages_DeleteMessages(MTP_vector(ids)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::messagesAffected, peer)); } } void MainWidget::deletedContact(UserData *user, const MTPcontacts_Link &result) { const auto &d(result.c_contacts_link()); App::feedUsers(MTP_vector(1, d.vuser), false); App::feedUserLink(MTP_int(peerToUser(user->id)), d.vmy_link, d.vforeign_link, false); App::emitPeerUpdated(); } void MainWidget::removeDialog(History *history) { _dialogs->removeDialog(history); } void MainWidget::deleteConversation(PeerData *peer, bool deleteHistory) { if (activePeer() == peer) { Ui::showChatsList(); } if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(peer->id)) { removeDialog(h); if (peer->isMegagroup() && peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->migrateFromPtr) { if (History *migrated = App::historyLoaded(peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->migrateFromPtr->id)) { if (migrated->lastMsg) { // return initial dialog migrated->setLastMessage(migrated->lastMsg); } else { checkPeerHistory(migrated->peer); } } } h->clear(); h->newLoaded = true; h->oldLoaded = deleteHistory; if (h->isChannel()) { h->asChannelHistory()->clearOther(); } } if (peer->isChannel()) { peer->asChannel()->ptsWaitingForShortPoll(-1); } if (deleteHistory) { MTP::send(MTPmessages_DeleteHistory(peer->input, MTP_int(0)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::deleteHistoryPart, peer)); } } void MainWidget::deleteAllFromUser(ChannelData *channel, UserData *from) { t_assert(channel != nullptr && from != nullptr); QVector toDestroy; if (History *history = App::historyLoaded(channel->id)) { for (HistoryBlock *block : history->blocks) { for (HistoryItem *item : block->items) { if (item->from() == from && item->type() == HistoryItemMsg && item->canDelete()) { toDestroy.push_back(item->id); } } } for (const MsgId &msgId : toDestroy) { if (HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(peerToChannel(channel->id), msgId)) { item->destroy(); } } } MTP::send(MTPchannels_DeleteUserHistory(channel->inputChannel, from->inputUser), rpcDone(&MainWidget::deleteAllFromUserPart, { channel, from })); } void MainWidget::deleteAllFromUserPart(DeleteAllFromUserParams params, const MTPmessages_AffectedHistory &result) { const auto &d(result.c_messages_affectedHistory()); if (params.channel->ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v)) { params.channel->ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); App::emitPeerUpdated(); } int32 offset = d.voffset.v; if (!MTP::authedId()) return; if (offset > 0) { MTP::send(MTPchannels_DeleteUserHistory(params.channel->inputChannel, params.from->inputUser), rpcDone(&MainWidget::deleteAllFromUserPart, params)); } else if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(params.channel)) { if (!h->lastMsg) { checkPeerHistory(params.channel); } } } void MainWidget::clearHistory(PeerData *peer) { if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(peer->id)) { if (h->lastMsg) { Local::addSavedPeer(h->peer, h->lastMsg->date); } h->clear(); h->newLoaded = h->oldLoaded = true; } Ui::showPeerHistory(peer->id, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); MTP::send(MTPmessages_DeleteHistory(peer->input, MTP_int(0)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::deleteHistoryPart, peer)); } void MainWidget::addParticipants(PeerData *chatOrChannel, const QVector &users) { if (chatOrChannel->isChat()) { for (QVector::const_iterator i = users.cbegin(), e = users.cend(); i != e; ++i) { MTP::send(MTPmessages_AddChatUser(chatOrChannel->asChat()->inputChat, (*i)->inputUser, MTP_int(ForwardOnAdd)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::sentUpdatesReceived), rpcFail(&MainWidget::addParticipantFail, *i), 0, 5); } } else if (chatOrChannel->isChannel()) { QVector inputUsers; inputUsers.reserve(qMin(users.size(), int(MaxUsersPerInvite))); for (QVector::const_iterator i = users.cbegin(), e = users.cend(); i != e; ++i) { inputUsers.push_back((*i)->inputUser); if (inputUsers.size() == MaxUsersPerInvite) { MTP::send(MTPchannels_InviteToChannel(chatOrChannel->asChannel()->inputChannel, MTP_vector(inputUsers)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::inviteToChannelDone, chatOrChannel->asChannel()), rpcFail(&MainWidget::addParticipantsFail, chatOrChannel->asChannel()), 0, 5); inputUsers.clear(); } } if (!inputUsers.isEmpty()) { MTP::send(MTPchannels_InviteToChannel(chatOrChannel->asChannel()->inputChannel, MTP_vector(inputUsers)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::inviteToChannelDone, chatOrChannel->asChannel()), rpcFail(&MainWidget::addParticipantsFail, chatOrChannel->asChannel()), 0, 5); } } } bool MainWidget::addParticipantFail(UserData *user, const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; QString text = lang(lng_failed_add_participant); if (error.type() == qstr("USER_LEFT_CHAT")) { // trying to return a user who has left } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_KICKED")) { // trying to return a user who was kicked by admin text = lang(lng_cant_invite_banned); } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED")) { text = lang(lng_cant_invite_privacy); } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_NOT_MUTUAL_CONTACT")) { // trying to return user who does not have me in contacts text = lang(lng_failed_add_not_mutual); } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_ALREADY_PARTICIPANT") && user->botInfo) { text = lang(lng_bot_already_in_group); } else if (error.type() == qstr("PEER_FLOOD")) { text = cantInviteError(); } Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(text)); return false; } bool MainWidget::addParticipantsFail(ChannelData *channel, const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; QString text = lang(lng_failed_add_participant); if (error.type() == qstr("USER_LEFT_CHAT")) { // trying to return banned user to his group } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_KICKED")) { // trying to return a user who was kicked by admin text = lang(lng_cant_invite_banned); } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED")) { text = lang(channel->isMegagroup() ? lng_cant_invite_privacy : lng_cant_invite_privacy_channel); } else if (error.type() == qstr("USER_NOT_MUTUAL_CONTACT")) { // trying to return user who does not have me in contacts text = lang(channel->isMegagroup() ? lng_failed_add_not_mutual : lng_failed_add_not_mutual_channel); } else if (error.type() == qstr("PEER_FLOOD")) { text = cantInviteError(); } Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(text)); return false; } void MainWidget::kickParticipant(ChatData *chat, UserData *user) { MTP::send(MTPmessages_DeleteChatUser(chat->inputChat, user->inputUser), rpcDone(&MainWidget::sentUpdatesReceived), rpcFail(&MainWidget::kickParticipantFail, chat)); Ui::hideLayer(); Ui::showPeerHistory(chat->id, ShowAtTheEndMsgId); } bool MainWidget::kickParticipantFail(ChatData *chat, const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; error.type(); return false; } void MainWidget::checkPeerHistory(PeerData *peer) { if (peer->isChannel() && !peer->isMegagroup()) { MTP::send(MTPchannels_GetImportantHistory(peer->asChannel()->inputChannel, MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(1), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::checkedHistory, peer)); } else { MTP::send(MTPmessages_GetHistory(peer->input, MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(1), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::checkedHistory, peer)); } } void MainWidget::checkedHistory(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { const QVector *v = 0; const QVector *collapsed = 0; switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_messages: { const auto &d(result.c_messages_messages()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); v = &d.vmessages.c_vector().v; } break; case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: { const auto &d(result.c_messages_messagesSlice()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); v = &d.vmessages.c_vector().v; } break; case mtpc_messages_channelMessages: { const auto &d(result.c_messages_channelMessages()); if (peer && peer->isChannel()) { peer->asChannel()->ptsReceived(d.vpts.v); } else { LOG(("API Error: received messages.channelMessages when no channel was passed! (MainWidget::checkedHistory)")); } collapsed = &d.vcollapsed.c_vector().v; App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); v = &d.vmessages.c_vector().v; } break; } if (!v) return; if (v->isEmpty()) { if (peer->isChat() && peer->asChat()->haveLeft()) { deleteConversation(peer, false); } else if (peer->isChannel()) { if (peer->asChannel()->inviter > 0 && peer->asChannel()->amIn()) { if (UserData *from = App::userLoaded(peer->asChannel()->inviter)) { History *h = App::history(peer->id); h->clear(true); h->addNewerSlice(QVector(), 0); h->asChannelHistory()->insertJoinedMessage(true); _history->peerMessagesUpdated(h->peer->id); } } } else { History *h = App::historyLoaded(peer->id); if (h) Local::addSavedPeer(peer, h->lastMsgDate); } } else { History *h = App::history(peer->id); if (!h->lastMsg) { HistoryItem *item = h->addNewMessage((*v)[0], NewMessageLast); if (item && collapsed && !collapsed->isEmpty() && collapsed->at(0).type() == mtpc_messageGroup && h->isChannel()) { if (collapsed->at(0).c_messageGroup().vmax_id.v > item->id) { if (h->asChannelHistory()->onlyImportant()) { h->asChannelHistory()->clearOther(); } else { h->setNotLoadedAtBottom(); } } } } if (!h->lastMsgDate.isNull() && h->loadedAtBottom()) { if (peer->isChannel() && peer->asChannel()->inviter > 0 && h->lastMsgDate <= peer->asChannel()->inviteDate && peer->asChannel()->amIn()) { if (UserData *from = App::userLoaded(peer->asChannel()->inviter)) { h->asChannelHistory()->insertJoinedMessage(true); _history->peerMessagesUpdated(h->peer->id); } } } } } bool MainWidget::sendMessageFail(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (error.type() == qstr("PEER_FLOOD")) { Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(cantInviteError())); return true; } return false; } void MainWidget::onCacheBackground() { const QPixmap &bg(*cChatBackground()); if (cTileBackground()) { QImage result(_willCacheFor.width() * cIntRetinaFactor(), _willCacheFor.height() * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_RGB32); result.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); { QPainter p(&result); int left = 0, top = 0, right = _willCacheFor.width(), bottom = _willCacheFor.height(); float64 w = bg.width() / cRetinaFactor(), h = bg.height() / cRetinaFactor(); int sx = 0, sy = 0, cx = qCeil(_willCacheFor.width() / w), cy = qCeil(_willCacheFor.height() / h); for (int i = sx; i < cx; ++i) { for (int j = sy; j < cy; ++j) { p.drawPixmap(QPointF(i * w, j * h), bg); } } } _cachedX = 0; _cachedY = 0; _cachedBackground = QPixmap::fromImage(result); } else { QRect to, from; backgroundParams(_willCacheFor, to, from); _cachedX = to.x(); _cachedY = to.y(); _cachedBackground = QPixmap::fromImage(bg.toImage().copy(from).scaled(to.width() * cIntRetinaFactor(), to.height() * cIntRetinaFactor(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); _cachedBackground.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); } _cachedFor = _willCacheFor; } void MainWidget::forwardSelectedItems() { if (_overview) { _overview->onForwardSelected(); } else { _history->onForwardSelected(); } } void MainWidget::deleteSelectedItems() { if (_overview) { _overview->onDeleteSelected(); } else { _history->onDeleteSelected(); } } void MainWidget::clearSelectedItems() { if (_overview) { _overview->onClearSelected(); } else { _history->onClearSelected(); } } Dialogs::IndexedList *MainWidget::contactsList() { return _dialogs->contactsList(); } Dialogs::IndexedList *MainWidget::dialogsList() { return _dialogs->dialogsList(); } namespace { QString parseCommandFromMessage(History *history, const QString &message) { if (history->peer->id != peerFromUser(ServiceUserId)) { return QString(); } if (message.size() < 3 || message.at(0) != '*' || message.at(message.size() - 1) != '*') { return QString(); } QString command = message.mid(1, message.size() - 2); QStringList commands; commands.push_back(qsl("new_version_text")); commands.push_back(qsl("all_new_version_texts")); if (commands.indexOf(command) < 0) { return QString(); } return command; } void executeParsedCommand(const QString &command) { if (command.isEmpty() || !App::wnd()) { return; } if (command == qsl("new_version_text")) { App::wnd()->serviceNotification(langNewVersionText()); } else if (command == qsl("all_new_version_texts")) { #define NEW_VER_TAG lt_link #define NEW_VER_TAG_VALUE "https://telegram.org/blog/bots-2-0" #ifdef NEW_VER_TAG #define NEW_VER_KEY lng_new_version_text__tagged #define NEW_VER_POSTFIX .tag(NEW_VER_TAG, QString::fromUtf8(NEW_VER_TAG_VALUE)) #else #define NEW_VER_KEY lng_new_version_text #define NEW_VER_POSTFIX #endif for (int i = 0; i < languageCount; ++i) { LangLoaderResult result; if (i) { LangLoaderPlain loader(qsl(":/langs/lang_") + LanguageCodes[i].c_str() + qsl(".strings"), LangLoaderRequest(lng_language_name, NEW_VER_KEY)); result = loader.found(); } else { result.insert(lng_language_name, langOriginal(lng_language_name)); result.insert(NEW_VER_KEY, langOriginal(NEW_VER_KEY)); } App::wnd()->serviceNotification(result.value(lng_language_name, LanguageCodes[i].c_str() + qsl(" language")) + qsl(":\n\n") + LangString(result.value(NEW_VER_KEY, qsl("--none--")))NEW_VER_POSTFIX); } #undef NEW_VER_POSTFIX #undef NEW_VER_KEY #undef NEW_VER_TAG_VALUE #undef NEW_VER_TAG } } } // namespace void MainWidget::sendMessage(History *hist, const QString &text, MsgId replyTo, bool broadcast, bool silent, WebPageId webPageId) { readServerHistory(hist, false); _history->fastShowAtEnd(hist); if (!hist || !_history->canSendMessages(hist->peer)) { return; } saveRecentHashtags(text); EntitiesInText sendingEntities, leftEntities; QString sendingText, leftText = prepareTextWithEntities(text, leftEntities, itemTextOptions(hist, App::self()).flags); QString command = parseCommandFromMessage(hist, text); HistoryItem *lastMessage = nullptr; if (replyTo < 0) replyTo = _history->replyToId(); while (command.isEmpty() && textSplit(sendingText, sendingEntities, leftText, leftEntities, MaxMessageSize)) { FullMsgId newId(peerToChannel(hist->peer->id), clientMsgId()); uint64 randomId = rand_value(); trimTextWithEntities(sendingText, sendingEntities); App::historyRegRandom(randomId, newId); App::historyRegSentData(randomId, hist->peer->id, sendingText); MTPstring msgText(MTP_string(sendingText)); MTPDmessage::Flags flags = newMessageFlags(hist->peer) | MTPDmessage::Flag::f_entities; // unread, out MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flags sendFlags = 0; if (replyTo) { flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id; sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_reply_to_msg_id; } MTPMessageMedia media = MTP_messageMediaEmpty(); if (webPageId == CancelledWebPageId) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_no_webpage; } else if (webPageId) { WebPageData *page = App::webPage(webPageId); media = MTP_messageMediaWebPage(MTP_webPagePending(MTP_long(page->id), MTP_int(page->pendingTill))); flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_media; } bool channelPost = hist->peer->isChannel() && !hist->peer->isMegagroup() && hist->peer->asChannel()->canPublish() && (hist->peer->asChannel()->isBroadcast() || broadcast); bool showFromName = !channelPost || hist->peer->asChannel()->addsSignature(); bool silentPost = channelPost && silent; if (channelPost) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_broadcast; flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_views; flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_post; } if (showFromName) { flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id; } if (silentPost) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_silent; } MTPVector localEntities = linksToMTP(sendingEntities), sentEntities = linksToMTP(sendingEntities, true); if (!sentEntities.c_vector().v.isEmpty()) { sendFlags |= MTPmessages_SendMessage::Flag::f_entities; } lastMessage = hist->addNewMessage(MTP_message(MTP_flags(flags), MTP_int(newId.msg), MTP_int(showFromName ? MTP::authedId() : 0), peerToMTP(hist->peer->id), MTPnullFwdHeader, MTPint(), MTP_int(replyTo), MTP_int(unixtime()), msgText, media, MTPnullMarkup, localEntities, MTP_int(1), MTPint()), NewMessageUnread); hist->sendRequestId = MTP::send(MTPmessages_SendMessage(MTP_flags(sendFlags), hist->peer->input, MTP_int(replyTo), msgText, MTP_long(randomId), MTPnullMarkup, sentEntities), rpcDone(&MainWidget::sentUpdatesReceived, randomId), rpcFail(&MainWidget::sendMessageFail), 0, 0, hist->sendRequestId); } hist->lastSentMsg = lastMessage; finishForwarding(hist, broadcast, silent); executeParsedCommand(command); } void MainWidget::saveRecentHashtags(const QString &text) { bool found = false; QRegularExpressionMatch m; RecentHashtagPack recent(cRecentWriteHashtags()); for (int32 i = 0, next = 0; (m = reHashtag().match(text, i)).hasMatch(); i = next) { i = m.capturedStart(); next = m.capturedEnd(); if (m.hasMatch()) { if (!m.capturedRef(1).isEmpty()) { ++i; } if (!m.capturedRef(2).isEmpty()) { --next; } } if (!found && cRecentWriteHashtags().isEmpty() && cRecentSearchHashtags().isEmpty()) { Local::readRecentHashtagsAndBots(); recent = cRecentWriteHashtags(); } found = true; incrementRecentHashtag(recent, text.mid(i + 1, next - i - 1)); } if (found) { cSetRecentWriteHashtags(recent); Local::writeRecentHashtagsAndBots(); } } void MainWidget::readServerHistory(History *hist, bool force) { if (!hist || (!force && !hist->unreadCount())) return; MsgId upTo = hist->inboxRead(0); if (hist->isChannel() && !hist->peer->asChannel()->amIn()) { return; // no read request for channels that I didn't koin } ReadRequests::const_iterator i = _readRequests.constFind(hist->peer); if (i == _readRequests.cend()) { sendReadRequest(hist->peer, upTo); } else { ReadRequestsPending::iterator i = _readRequestsPending.find(hist->peer); if (i == _readRequestsPending.cend()) { _readRequestsPending.insert(hist->peer, upTo); } else if (i.value() < upTo) { i.value() = upTo; } } } uint64 MainWidget::animActiveTimeStart(const HistoryItem *msg) const { return _history->animActiveTimeStart(msg); } void MainWidget::stopAnimActive() { _history->stopAnimActive(); } void MainWidget::sendBotCommand(PeerData *peer, UserData *bot, const QString &cmd, MsgId replyTo) { _history->sendBotCommand(peer, bot, cmd, replyTo); } void MainWidget::app_sendBotCallback(const HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Button *button, const HistoryItem *msg, int row, int col) { _history->app_sendBotCallback(button, msg, row, col); } bool MainWidget::insertBotCommand(const QString &cmd, bool specialGif) { return _history->insertBotCommand(cmd, specialGif); } void MainWidget::searchMessages(const QString &query, PeerData *inPeer) { App::wnd()->hideMediaview(); _dialogs->searchMessages(query, inPeer); if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { Ui::showChatsList(); } else { _dialogs->activate(); } } bool MainWidget::preloadOverview(PeerData *peer, MediaOverviewType type) { MTPMessagesFilter filter = typeToMediaFilter(type); if (type == OverviewCount) return false; History *h = App::history(peer->id); if (h->overviewCountLoaded(type) || _overviewPreload[type].constFind(peer) != _overviewPreload[type].cend()) { return false; } MTPmessages_Search::Flags flags = 0; if (peer->isChannel() && !peer->isMegagroup()) { flags |= MTPmessages_Search::Flag::f_important_only; } _overviewPreload[type].insert(peer, MTP::send(MTPmessages_Search(MTP_flags(flags), peer->input, MTP_string(""), filter, MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::overviewPreloaded, peer), rpcFail(&MainWidget::overviewFailed, peer), 0, 10)); return true; } void MainWidget::preloadOverviews(PeerData *peer) { History *h = App::history(peer->id); bool sending = false; for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { if (preloadOverview(peer, MediaOverviewType(i))) { sending = true; } } if (sending) { MTP::sendAnything(); } } void MainWidget::overviewPreloaded(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_Messages &result, mtpRequestId req) { MediaOverviewType type = OverviewCount; for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { OverviewsPreload::iterator j = _overviewPreload[i].find(peer); if (j != _overviewPreload[i].end() && j.value() == req) { type = MediaOverviewType(i); _overviewPreload[i].erase(j); break; } } if (type == OverviewCount) return; App::history(peer->id)->overviewSliceDone(type, result, true); mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, type); } void MainWidget::mediaOverviewUpdated(PeerData *peer, MediaOverviewType type) { if (_profile) _profile->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, type); if (!_player->isHidden()) _player->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, type); if (_overview && (_overview->peer() == peer || _overview->peer()->migrateFrom() == peer)) { _overview->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, type); int32 mask = 0; History *h = peer ? App::historyLoaded((peer->migrateTo() ? peer->migrateTo() : peer)->id) : 0; History *m = (peer && peer->migrateFrom()) ? App::historyLoaded(peer->migrateFrom()->id) : 0; if (h) { for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { if (!h->overview[i].isEmpty() || h->overviewCount(i) > 0 || i == _overview->type()) { mask |= (1 << i); } else if (m && (!m->overview[i].isEmpty() || m->overviewCount(i) > 0)) { mask |= (1 << i); } } } if (mask != _mediaTypeMask) { _mediaType->resetButtons(); for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { if (mask & (1 << i)) { switch (i) { case OverviewPhotos: connect(_mediaType->addButton(new IconedButton(this, st::dropdownMediaPhotos, lang(lng_media_type_photos))), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onPhotosSelect())); break; case OverviewVideos: connect(_mediaType->addButton(new IconedButton(this, st::dropdownMediaVideos, lang(lng_media_type_videos))), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onVideosSelect())); break; case OverviewMusicFiles: connect(_mediaType->addButton(new IconedButton(this, st::dropdownMediaSongs, lang(lng_media_type_songs))), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSongsSelect())); break; case OverviewFiles: connect(_mediaType->addButton(new IconedButton(this, st::dropdownMediaDocuments, lang(lng_media_type_files))), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onDocumentsSelect())); break; case OverviewVoiceFiles: connect(_mediaType->addButton(new IconedButton(this, st::dropdownMediaAudios, lang(lng_media_type_audios))), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onAudiosSelect())); break; case OverviewLinks: connect(_mediaType->addButton(new IconedButton(this, st::dropdownMediaLinks, lang(lng_media_type_links))), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onLinksSelect())); break; } } } _mediaTypeMask = mask; _mediaType->move(width() - _mediaType->width(), st::topBarHeight); _overview->updateTopBarSelection(); } } } void MainWidget::changingMsgId(HistoryItem *row, MsgId newId) { if (_overview) _overview->changingMsgId(row, newId); } void MainWidget::itemRemoved(HistoryItem *item) { _dialogs->itemRemoved(item); if (_history->peer() == item->history()->peer || (_history->peer() && _history->peer() == item->history()->peer->migrateTo())) { _history->itemRemoved(item); } if (_overview && (_overview->peer() == item->history()->peer || (_overview->peer() && _overview->peer() == item->history()->peer->migrateTo()))) { _overview->itemRemoved(item); } if (!_toForward.isEmpty()) { SelectedItemSet::iterator i = _toForward.find(item->id); if (i != _toForward.cend() && i.value() == item) { _toForward.erase(i); updateForwardingTexts(); } else { i = _toForward.find(item->id - ServerMaxMsgId); if (i != _toForward.cend() && i.value() == item) { _toForward.erase(i); updateForwardingTexts(); } } } } void MainWidget::itemEdited(HistoryItem *item) { if (_history->peer() == item->history()->peer || (_history->peer() && _history->peer() == item->history()->peer->migrateTo())) { _history->itemEdited(item); } } bool MainWidget::overviewFailed(PeerData *peer, const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; MediaOverviewType type = OverviewCount; for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { OverviewsPreload::iterator j = _overviewPreload[i].find(peer); if (j != _overviewPreload[i].end() && j.value() == req) { _overviewPreload[i].erase(j); break; } } return true; } void MainWidget::loadMediaBack(PeerData *peer, MediaOverviewType type, bool many) { if (_overviewLoad[type].constFind(peer) != _overviewLoad[type].cend()) return; History *history = App::history(peer->id); if (history->overviewLoaded(type)) return; MsgId minId = history->overviewMinId(type); int32 limit = (many || history->overview[type].size() > MediaOverviewStartPerPage) ? SearchPerPage : MediaOverviewStartPerPage; MTPMessagesFilter filter = typeToMediaFilter(type); if (type == OverviewCount) return; MTPmessages_Search::Flags flags = 0; if (peer->isChannel() && !peer->isMegagroup()) { flags |= MTPmessages_Search::Flag::f_important_only; } _overviewLoad[type].insert(peer, MTP::send(MTPmessages_Search(MTP_flags(flags), peer->input, MTPstring(), filter, MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(minId), MTP_int(limit)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::overviewLoaded, history))); } void MainWidget::peerUsernameChanged(PeerData *peer) { if (_profile && _profile->peer() == peer) { _profile->peerUsernameChanged(); } if (App::settings() && peer == App::self()) { App::settings()->usernameChanged(); } } void MainWidget::checkLastUpdate(bool afterSleep) { uint64 n = getms(true); if (_lastUpdateTime && n > _lastUpdateTime + (afterSleep ? NoUpdatesAfterSleepTimeout : NoUpdatesTimeout)) { _lastUpdateTime = n; MTP::ping(); } } void MainWidget::showAddContact() { _dialogs->onAddContact(); } void MainWidget::showNewGroup() { _dialogs->onNewGroup(); } void MainWidget::overviewLoaded(History *history, const MTPmessages_Messages &result, mtpRequestId req) { OverviewsPreload::iterator it; MediaOverviewType type = OverviewCount; for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { it = _overviewLoad[i].find(history->peer); if (it != _overviewLoad[i].cend()) { type = MediaOverviewType(i); _overviewLoad[i].erase(it); break; } } if (type == OverviewCount) return; history->overviewSliceDone(type, result); if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->mediaOverviewUpdated(history->peer, type); } void MainWidget::sendReadRequest(PeerData *peer, MsgId upTo) { if (!MTP::authedId()) return; if (peer->isChannel()) { _readRequests.insert(peer, qMakePair(MTP::send(MTPchannels_ReadHistory(peer->asChannel()->inputChannel, MTP_int(upTo)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::channelWasRead, peer), rpcFail(&MainWidget::readRequestFail, peer)), upTo)); } else { _readRequests.insert(peer, qMakePair(MTP::send(MTPmessages_ReadHistory(peer->input, MTP_int(upTo)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::historyWasRead, peer), rpcFail(&MainWidget::readRequestFail, peer)), upTo)); } } void MainWidget::channelWasRead(PeerData *peer, const MTPBool &result) { readRequestDone(peer); } void MainWidget::historyWasRead(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_AffectedMessages &result) { messagesAffected(peer, result); readRequestDone(peer); } bool MainWidget::readRequestFail(PeerData *peer, const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; readRequestDone(peer); return false; } void MainWidget::readRequestDone(PeerData *peer) { _readRequests.remove(peer); ReadRequestsPending::iterator i = _readRequestsPending.find(peer); if (i != _readRequestsPending.cend()) { sendReadRequest(peer, i.value()); _readRequestsPending.erase(i); } } void MainWidget::messagesAffected(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_AffectedMessages &result) { const auto &d(result.c_messages_affectedMessages()); if (peer && peer->isChannel()) { if (peer->asChannel()->ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v)) { peer->asChannel()->ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); App::emitPeerUpdated(); } } else { if (ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v)) { ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); App::emitPeerUpdated(); } } if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(peer ? peer->id : 0)) { if (!h->lastMsg) { checkPeerHistory(peer); } } } void MainWidget::loadFailed(mtpFileLoader *loader, bool started, const char *retrySlot) { failedObjId = loader->objId(); failedFileName = loader->fileName(); ConfirmBox *box = new ConfirmBox(lang(started ? lng_download_finish_failed : lng_download_path_failed), started ? QString() : lang(lng_download_path_settings)); if (started) { connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, retrySlot); } else { connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, SLOT(onDownloadPathSettings())); } Ui::showLayer(box); } void MainWidget::onDownloadPathSettings() { cSetDownloadPath(QString()); cSetDownloadPathBookmark(QByteArray()); DownloadPathBox *box = new DownloadPathBox(); if (App::wnd() && App::wnd()->settingsWidget()) { connect(box, SIGNAL(closed()), App::wnd()->settingsWidget(), SLOT(onDownloadPathEdited())); } Ui::showLayer(box); } void MainWidget::onSharePhoneWithBot(PeerData *recipient) { onShareContact(recipient->id, App::self()); } void MainWidget::ui_showPeerHistoryAsync(quint64 peerId, qint32 showAtMsgId) { Ui::showPeerHistory(peerId, showAtMsgId); } void MainWidget::ui_autoplayMediaInlineAsync(qint32 channelId, qint32 msgId) { if (HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(channelId, msgId)) { if (HistoryMedia *media = item->getMedia()) { media->playInline(true); } } } void MainWidget::audioPlayProgress(const AudioMsgId &audioId) { AudioMsgId playing; AudioPlayerState state = AudioPlayerStopped; audioPlayer()->currentState(&playing, &state); if (playing == audioId && state == AudioPlayerStoppedAtStart) { audioPlayer()->clearStoppedAtStart(audioId); DocumentData *audio = audioId.audio; QString filepath = audio->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveSaveFromData); if (!filepath.isEmpty()) { psOpenFile(filepath); } } if (HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(audioId.contextId)) { Ui::repaintHistoryItem(item); } if (auto items = InlineBots::Layout::documentItems()) { for (auto item : items->value(audioId.audio)) { Ui::repaintInlineItem(item); } } } void MainWidget::documentPlayProgress(const SongMsgId &songId) { SongMsgId playing; AudioPlayerState playingState = AudioPlayerStopped; int64 playingPosition = 0, playingDuration = 0; int32 playingFrequency = 0; audioPlayer()->currentState(&playing, &playingState, &playingPosition, &playingDuration, &playingFrequency); if (playing == songId && playingState == AudioPlayerStoppedAtStart) { playingState = AudioPlayerStopped; audioPlayer()->clearStoppedAtStart(songId); DocumentData *document = songId.song; QString filepath = document->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveSaveFromData); if (!filepath.isEmpty()) { psOpenFile(filepath); } } if (playing == songId) { _player->updateState(playing, playingState, playingPosition, playingDuration, playingFrequency); if (!(playingState & AudioPlayerStoppedMask) && playingState != AudioPlayerFinishing) { if (!_player->isOpened()) { _player->openPlayer(); if (_player->isHidden() && !_a_show.animating()) { _player->showPlayer(); _playerHeight = _contentScrollAddToY = _player->height(); resizeEvent(0); } } } } if (HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(songId.contextId)) { Ui::repaintHistoryItem(item); } if (auto items = InlineBots::Layout::documentItems()) { for (auto item : items->value(songId.song)) { Ui::repaintInlineItem(item); } } } void MainWidget::closePlayer() { if (_player->isOpened()) { _player->closePlayer(); if (!_player->isHidden() && !_a_show.animating()) { _player->hidePlayer(); _contentScrollAddToY = -_player->height(); _playerHeight = 0; resizeEvent(0); } } } void MainWidget::documentLoadProgress(FileLoader *loader) { mtpFileLoader *l = loader ? loader->mtpLoader() : 0; if (!l) return; DocumentData *document = App::document(l->objId()); if (document->loaded()) { document->performActionOnLoad(); } const DocumentItems &items(App::documentItems()); DocumentItems::const_iterator i = items.constFind(document); if (i != items.cend()) { for (HistoryItemsMap::const_iterator j = i->cbegin(), e = i->cend(); j != e; ++j) { Ui::repaintHistoryItem(j.key()); } } App::wnd()->documentUpdated(document); if (!document->loaded() && document->loading() && document->song() && audioPlayer()) { SongMsgId playing; AudioPlayerState playingState = AudioPlayerStopped; int64 playingPosition = 0, playingDuration = 0; int32 playingFrequency = 0; audioPlayer()->currentState(&playing, &playingState, &playingPosition, &playingDuration, &playingFrequency); if (playing.song == document && !_player->isHidden()) { _player->updateState(playing, playingState, playingPosition, playingDuration, playingFrequency); } } } void MainWidget::documentLoadFailed(FileLoader *loader, bool started) { mtpFileLoader *l = loader ? loader->mtpLoader() : 0; if (!l) return; loadFailed(l, started, SLOT(documentLoadRetry())); DocumentData *document = App::document(l->objId()); if (document) { if (document->loading()) document->cancel(); document->status = FileDownloadFailed; } } void MainWidget::documentLoadRetry() { Ui::hideLayer(); DocumentData *document = App::document(failedObjId); if (document) document->save(failedFileName); } void MainWidget::inlineResultLoadProgress(FileLoader *loader) { //InlineBots::Result *result = InlineBots::resultFromLoader(loader); //if (!result) return; //result->loaded(); //Ui::repaintInlineItem(); } void MainWidget::inlineResultLoadFailed(FileLoader *loader, bool started) { //InlineBots::Result *result = InlineBots::resultFromLoader(loader); //if (!result) return; //result->loaded(); //Ui::repaintInlineItem(); } void MainWidget::mediaMarkRead(DocumentData *data) { const DocumentItems &items(App::documentItems()); DocumentItems::const_iterator i = items.constFind(data); if (i != items.cend()) { mediaMarkRead(i.value()); } } void MainWidget::mediaMarkRead(const HistoryItemsMap &items) { QVector markedIds; markedIds.reserve(items.size()); for (HistoryItemsMap::const_iterator j = items.cbegin(), e = items.cend(); j != e; ++j) { if (!j.key()->out() && j.key()->isMediaUnread()) { j.key()->markMediaRead(); if (j.key()->id > 0) { markedIds.push_back(MTP_int(j.key()->id)); } } } if (!markedIds.isEmpty()) { MTP::send(MTPmessages_ReadMessageContents(MTP_vector(markedIds)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::messagesAffected, (PeerData*)0)); } } void MainWidget::onParentResize(const QSize &newSize) { resize(newSize); } void MainWidget::updateOnlineDisplay() { if (this != App::main()) return; _history->updateOnlineDisplay(_history->x(), width() - _history->x() - st::sysBtnDelta * 2 - st::sysCls.img.pxWidth() - st::sysRes.img.pxWidth() - st::sysMin.img.pxWidth()); if (_profile) _profile->updateOnlineDisplay(); if (App::wnd()->settingsWidget()) App::wnd()->settingsWidget()->updateOnlineDisplay(); } void MainWidget::onSendFileConfirm(const FileLoadResultPtr &file, bool ctrlShiftEnter) { bool lastKeyboardUsed = _history->lastForceReplyReplied(FullMsgId(peerToChannel(file->to.peer), file->to.replyTo)); _history->confirmSendFile(file, ctrlShiftEnter); _history->cancelReply(lastKeyboardUsed); } void MainWidget::onSendFileCancel(const FileLoadResultPtr &file) { _history->cancelSendFile(file); } void MainWidget::onShareContactConfirm(const QString &phone, const QString &fname, const QString &lname, MsgId replyTo, bool ctrlShiftEnter) { _history->confirmShareContact(phone, fname, lname, replyTo, ctrlShiftEnter); } void MainWidget::onShareContactCancel() { _history->cancelShareContact(); } void MainWidget::dialogsCancelled() { if (_hider) { _hider->startHide(); noHider(_hider); } _history->activate(); } void MainWidget::serviceNotification(const QString &msg, const MTPMessageMedia &media) { MTPDmessage::Flags flags = MTPDmessage::Flag::f_unread | MTPDmessage::Flag::f_entities | MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id; QString sendingText, leftText = msg; EntitiesInText sendingEntities, leftEntities = textParseEntities(leftText, _historyTextNoMonoOptions.flags); HistoryItem *item = 0; while (textSplit(sendingText, sendingEntities, leftText, leftEntities, MaxMessageSize)) { MTPVector localEntities = linksToMTP(sendingEntities); item = App::histories().addNewMessage(MTP_message(MTP_flags(flags), MTP_int(clientMsgId()), MTP_int(ServiceUserId), MTP_peerUser(MTP_int(MTP::authedId())), MTPnullFwdHeader, MTPint(), MTPint(), MTP_int(unixtime()), MTP_string(sendingText), media, MTPnullMarkup, localEntities, MTPint(), MTPint()), NewMessageUnread); } if (item) { _history->peerMessagesUpdated(item->history()->peer->id); } } void MainWidget::serviceHistoryDone(const MTPmessages_Messages &msgs) { switch (msgs.type()) { case mtpc_messages_messages: { const auto &d(msgs.c_messages_messages()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); App::feedMsgs(d.vmessages, NewMessageLast); } break; case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: { const auto &d(msgs.c_messages_messagesSlice()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); App::feedMsgs(d.vmessages, NewMessageLast); } break; case mtpc_messages_channelMessages: { const auto &d(msgs.c_messages_channelMessages()); LOG(("API Error: received messages.channelMessages! (MainWidget::serviceHistoryDone)")); if (d.has_collapsed()) { // should not be returned LOG(("API Error: channels.getMessages and messages.getMessages should not return collapsed groups! (MainWidget::serviceHistoryDone)")); } App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); App::feedMsgs(d.vmessages, NewMessageLast); } break; } App::wnd()->showDelayedServiceMsgs(); } bool MainWidget::serviceHistoryFail(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; App::wnd()->showDelayedServiceMsgs(); return false; } bool MainWidget::isIdle() const { return _isIdle; } void MainWidget::clearCachedBackground() { _cachedBackground = QPixmap(); _cacheBackgroundTimer.stop(); } QPixmap MainWidget::cachedBackground(const QRect &forRect, int &x, int &y) { if (!_cachedBackground.isNull() && forRect == _cachedFor) { x = _cachedX; y = _cachedY; return _cachedBackground; } if (_willCacheFor != forRect || !_cacheBackgroundTimer.isActive()) { _willCacheFor = forRect; _cacheBackgroundTimer.start(CacheBackgroundTimeout); } return QPixmap(); } void MainWidget::backgroundParams(const QRect &forRect, QRect &to, QRect &from) const { const QSize &bg(cChatBackground()->size()); if (uint64(bg.width()) * forRect.height() > uint64(bg.height()) * forRect.width()) { float64 pxsize = forRect.height() / float64(bg.height()); int takewidth = qCeil(forRect.width() / pxsize); if (takewidth > bg.width()) { takewidth = bg.width(); } else if ((bg.width() % 2) != (takewidth % 2)) { ++takewidth; } to = QRect(int((forRect.width() - takewidth * pxsize) / 2.), 0, qCeil(takewidth * pxsize), forRect.height()); from = QRect((bg.width() - takewidth) / 2, 0, takewidth, bg.height()); } else { float64 pxsize = forRect.width() / float64(bg.width()); int takeheight = qCeil(forRect.height() / pxsize); if (takeheight > bg.height()) { takeheight = bg.height(); } else if ((bg.height() % 2) != (takeheight % 2)) { ++takeheight; } to = QRect(0, int((forRect.height() - takeheight * pxsize) / 2.), forRect.width(), qCeil(takeheight * pxsize)); from = QRect(0, (bg.height() - takeheight) / 2, bg.width(), takeheight); } } void MainWidget::updateScrollColors() { _history->updateScrollColors(); if (_overview) _overview->updateScrollColors(); } void MainWidget::setChatBackground(const App::WallPaper &wp) { _background = std_::make_unique(wp); _background->full->loadEvenCancelled(); checkChatBackground(); } bool MainWidget::chatBackgroundLoading() { return !!_background; } void MainWidget::checkChatBackground() { if (_background) { if (_background->full->loaded()) { if (_background->full->isNull()) { App::initBackground(); } else if (_background->id == 0 || _background->id == DefaultChatBackground) { App::initBackground(_background->id); } else { App::initBackground(_background->id, _background->full->pix().toImage()); } _background = nullptr; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(update())); } } } ImagePtr MainWidget::newBackgroundThumb() { return _background ? _background->thumb : ImagePtr(); } ApiWrap *MainWidget::api() { return _api.get(); } void MainWidget::messageDataReceived(ChannelData *channel, MsgId msgId) { _history->messageDataReceived(channel, msgId); } void MainWidget::updateBotKeyboard(History *h) { _history->updateBotKeyboard(h); } void MainWidget::pushReplyReturn(HistoryItem *item) { _history->pushReplyReturn(item); } void MainWidget::setInnerFocus() { if (_hider || !_history->peer()) { if (_hider && _hider->wasOffered()) { _hider->setFocus(); } else if (_overview) { _overview->activate(); } else if (_profile) { _profile->activate(); } else { dialogsActivate(); } } else if (_overview) { _overview->activate(); } else if (_profile) { _profile->activate(); } else { _history->setInnerFocus(); } } void MainWidget::scheduleViewIncrement(HistoryItem *item) { PeerData *peer = item->history()->peer; ViewsIncrement::iterator i = _viewsIncremented.find(peer); if (i != _viewsIncremented.cend()) { if (i.value().contains(item->id)) return; } else { i = _viewsIncremented.insert(peer, ViewsIncrementMap()); } i.value().insert(item->id, true); ViewsIncrement::iterator j = _viewsToIncrement.find(peer); if (j == _viewsToIncrement.cend()) { j = _viewsToIncrement.insert(peer, ViewsIncrementMap()); _viewsIncrementTimer.start(SendViewsTimeout); } j.value().insert(item->id, true); } void MainWidget::onViewsIncrement() { if (!App::main() || !MTP::authedId()) return; for (ViewsIncrement::iterator i = _viewsToIncrement.begin(); i != _viewsToIncrement.cend();) { if (_viewsIncrementRequests.contains(i.key())) { ++i; continue; } QVector ids; ids.reserve(i.value().size()); for (ViewsIncrementMap::const_iterator j = i.value().cbegin(), end = i.value().cend(); j != end; ++j) { ids.push_back(MTP_int(j.key())); } mtpRequestId req = MTP::send(MTPmessages_GetMessagesViews(i.key()->input, MTP_vector(ids), MTP_bool(true)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::viewsIncrementDone, ids), rpcFail(&MainWidget::viewsIncrementFail), 0, 5); _viewsIncrementRequests.insert(i.key(), req); i = _viewsToIncrement.erase(i); } } void MainWidget::viewsIncrementDone(QVector ids, const MTPVector &result, mtpRequestId req) { const auto &v(result.c_vector().v); if (ids.size() == v.size()) { for (ViewsIncrementRequests::iterator i = _viewsIncrementRequests.begin(); i != _viewsIncrementRequests.cend(); ++i) { if (i.value() == req) { PeerData *peer = i.key(); ChannelId channel = peerToChannel(peer->id); for (int32 j = 0, l = ids.size(); j < l; ++j) { if (HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(channel, ids.at(j).v)) { item->setViewsCount(v.at(j).v); } } _viewsIncrementRequests.erase(i); break; } } } if (!_viewsToIncrement.isEmpty() && !_viewsIncrementTimer.isActive()) { _viewsIncrementTimer.start(SendViewsTimeout); } } bool MainWidget::viewsIncrementFail(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; for (ViewsIncrementRequests::iterator i = _viewsIncrementRequests.begin(); i != _viewsIncrementRequests.cend(); ++i) { if (i.value() == req) { _viewsIncrementRequests.erase(i); break; } } if (!_viewsToIncrement.isEmpty() && !_viewsIncrementTimer.isActive()) { _viewsIncrementTimer.start(SendViewsTimeout); } return false; } HistoryItem *MainWidget::atTopImportantMsg(int32 &bottomUnderScrollTop) const { return _history->atTopImportantMsg(bottomUnderScrollTop); } void MainWidget::createDialog(History *history) { _dialogs->createDialog(history); } void MainWidget::choosePeer(PeerId peerId, MsgId showAtMsgId) { if (selectingPeer()) { offerPeer(peerId); } else { Ui::showPeerHistory(peerId, showAtMsgId); } } void MainWidget::clearBotStartToken(PeerData *peer) { if (peer && peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo) { peer->asUser()->botInfo->startToken = QString(); } } void MainWidget::contactsReceived() { _history->contactsReceived(); } void MainWidget::updateAfterDrag() { if (_overview) { _overview->updateAfterDrag(); } else { _history->updateAfterDrag(); } } void MainWidget::ctrlEnterSubmitUpdated() { _history->updateFieldSubmitSettings(); } void MainWidget::ui_showPeerHistory(quint64 peerId, qint32 showAtMsgId, bool back) { if (PeerData *peer = App::peerLoaded(peerId)) { if (peer->migrateTo()) { peer = peer->migrateTo(); peerId = peer->id; if (showAtMsgId > 0) showAtMsgId = -showAtMsgId; } QString restriction = peer->restrictionReason(); if (!restriction.isEmpty()) { Ui::showChatsList(); Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(restriction)); return; } } if (!back && (!peerId || (_stack.size() == 1 && _stack[0]->type() == HistoryStackItem && _stack[0]->peer->id == peerId))) { back = true; } PeerData *wasActivePeer = activePeer(); Ui::hideLayer(); if (_hider) { _hider->startHide(); _hider = nullptr; } QPixmap animCache, animTopBarCache; if (!_a_show.animating() && ((_history->isHidden() && (_profile || _overview)) || (Adaptive::OneColumn() && (_history->isHidden() || !peerId)))) { if (peerId) { animCache = grabInner(); } else if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { animCache = myGrab(this, QRect(0, _playerHeight, _dialogsWidth, height() - _playerHeight)); } else { animCache = myGrab(this, QRect(_dialogsWidth, _playerHeight, width() - _dialogsWidth, height() - _playerHeight)); } if (peerId || !Adaptive::OneColumn()) { animTopBarCache = grabTopBar(); } _history->show(); } if (_history->peer() && _history->peer()->id != peerId) clearBotStartToken(_history->peer()); _history->showHistory(peerId, showAtMsgId); bool noPeer = (!_history->peer() || !_history->peer()->id), onlyDialogs = noPeer && Adaptive::OneColumn(); if (_profile || _overview) { if (_profile) { _profile->hide(); _profile->clear(); _profile->deleteLater(); _profile->rpcClear(); _profile = nullptr; } if (_overview) { _overview->hide(); _overview->clear(); _overview->deleteLater(); _overview->rpcClear(); _overview = nullptr; } clearBotStartToken(_peerInStack); dlgUpdated(); _peerInStack = 0; _msgIdInStack = 0; _stack.clear(); } if (onlyDialogs) { _topBar->hide(); _history->hide(); if (!_a_show.animating()) { _dialogs->show(); if (!animCache.isNull()) { _dialogs->animShow(animCache); } } } else { if (noPeer) { _topBar->hide(); resizeEvent(0); } else if (wasActivePeer != activePeer()) { if (activePeer()->isChannel()) { activePeer()->asChannel()->ptsWaitingForShortPoll(WaitForChannelGetDifference); } _viewsIncremented.remove(activePeer()); } if (Adaptive::OneColumn() && !_dialogs->isHidden()) _dialogs->hide(); if (!_a_show.animating()) { if (_history->isHidden()) _history->show(); if (!animCache.isNull()) { _history->animShow(animCache, animTopBarCache, back); } else if (App::wnd()) { QTimer::singleShot(0, App::wnd(), SLOT(setInnerFocus())); } } } //if (wasActivePeer && wasActivePeer->isChannel() && activePeer() != wasActivePeer) { // wasActivePeer->asChannel()->ptsWaitingForShortPoll(false); //} if (!_dialogs->isHidden()) { if (!back) { _dialogs->scrollToPeer(peerId, showAtMsgId); } _dialogs->update(); } App::wnd()->getTitle()->updateBackButton(); } PeerData *MainWidget::ui_getPeerForMouseAction() { if (_profile) { return _profile->ui_getPeerForMouseAction(); } return _history->ui_getPeerForMouseAction(); } void MainWidget::peerBefore(const PeerData *inPeer, MsgId inMsg, PeerData *&outPeer, MsgId &outMsg) { if (selectingPeer()) { outPeer = 0; outMsg = 0; return; } _dialogs->peerBefore(inPeer, inMsg, outPeer, outMsg); } void MainWidget::peerAfter(const PeerData *inPeer, MsgId inMsg, PeerData *&outPeer, MsgId &outMsg) { if (selectingPeer()) { outPeer = 0; outMsg = 0; return; } _dialogs->peerAfter(inPeer, inMsg, outPeer, outMsg); } PeerData *MainWidget::historyPeer() { return _history->peer(); } PeerData *MainWidget::peer() { return _overview ? _overview->peer() : _history->peer(); } PeerData *MainWidget::activePeer() { return _history->peer() ? _history->peer() : _peerInStack; } MsgId MainWidget::activeMsgId() { return _history->peer() ? _history->msgId() : _msgIdInStack; } PeerData *MainWidget::profilePeer() { return _profile ? _profile->peer() : 0; } PeerData *MainWidget::overviewPeer() { return _overview ? _overview->peer() : 0; } bool MainWidget::mediaTypeSwitch() { if (!_overview) return false; for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { if (!(_mediaTypeMask & ~(1 << i))) { return false; } } return true; } void MainWidget::showMediaOverview(PeerData *peer, MediaOverviewType type, bool back, int32 lastScrollTop) { if (peer->migrateTo()) { peer = peer->migrateTo(); } App::wnd()->hideSettings(); if (_overview && _overview->peer() == peer) { if (_overview->type() != type) { _overview->switchType(type); } else if (type == OverviewMusicFiles) { // hack for player showBackFromStack(); } return; } QRect topBarRect = QRect(_topBar->x(), _topBar->y(), _topBar->width(), st::topBarHeight); QRect historyRect = QRect(_history->x(), topBarRect.y() + topBarRect.height(), _history->width(), _history->y() + _history->height() - topBarRect.y() - topBarRect.height()); QPixmap animCache, animTopBarCache; if (!_a_show.animating() && (Adaptive::OneColumn() || _profile || _overview || _history->peer())) { animCache = grabInner(); animTopBarCache = grabTopBar(); } if (!back) { if (_overview) { _stack.push_back(new StackItemOverview(_overview->peer(), _overview->type(), _overview->lastWidth(), _overview->lastScrollTop())); } else if (_profile) { _stack.push_back(new StackItemProfile(_profile->peer(), _profile->lastScrollTop())); } else if (_history->peer()) { dlgUpdated(); _peerInStack = _history->peer(); _msgIdInStack = _history->msgId(); dlgUpdated(); _stack.push_back(new StackItemHistory(_peerInStack, _msgIdInStack, _history->replyReturns())); } } if (_overview) { _overview->hide(); _overview->clear(); _overview->deleteLater(); _overview->rpcClear(); } if (_profile) { _profile->hide(); _profile->clear(); _profile->deleteLater(); _profile->rpcClear(); _profile = nullptr; } _overview = new OverviewWidget(this, peer, type); _mediaTypeMask = 0; _topBar->show(); resizeEvent(nullptr); mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, type); if (!animCache.isNull()) { _overview->animShow(animCache, animTopBarCache, back, lastScrollTop); } else { _overview->fastShow(); } _history->animStop(); if (back) clearBotStartToken(_history->peer()); _history->showHistory(0, 0); _history->hide(); if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) _dialogs->hide(); orderWidgets(); App::wnd()->getTitle()->updateBackButton(); } void MainWidget::showPeerProfile(PeerData *peer, bool back, int32 lastScrollTop) { if (peer->migrateTo()) { peer = peer->migrateTo(); } App::wnd()->hideSettings(); if (_profile && _profile->peer() == peer) return; QPixmap animCache = grabInner(), animTopBarCache = grabTopBar(); if (!back) { if (_overview) { _stack.push_back(new StackItemOverview(_overview->peer(), _overview->type(), _overview->lastWidth(), _overview->lastScrollTop())); } else if (_profile) { _stack.push_back(new StackItemProfile(_profile->peer(), _profile->lastScrollTop())); } else if (_history->peer()) { dlgUpdated(); _peerInStack = _history->peer(); _msgIdInStack = _history->msgId(); dlgUpdated(); _stack.push_back(new StackItemHistory(_peerInStack, _msgIdInStack, _history->replyReturns())); } } if (_overview) { _overview->hide(); _overview->clear(); _overview->deleteLater(); _overview->rpcClear(); _overview = nullptr; } if (_profile) { _profile->hide(); _profile->clear(); _profile->deleteLater(); _profile->rpcClear(); } _profile = new ProfileWidget(this, peer); _topBar->show(); resizeEvent(0); _profile->animShow(animCache, animTopBarCache, back, lastScrollTop); _history->animStop(); if (back) clearBotStartToken(_history->peer()); _history->showHistory(0, 0); _history->hide(); if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) _dialogs->hide(); orderWidgets(); App::wnd()->getTitle()->updateBackButton(); } void MainWidget::showBackFromStack() { if (selectingPeer()) return; if (_stack.isEmpty()) { Ui::showChatsList(); if (App::wnd()) QTimer::singleShot(0, App::wnd(), SLOT(setInnerFocus())); return; } StackItem *item = _stack.back(); _stack.pop_back(); if (item->type() == HistoryStackItem) { dlgUpdated(); _peerInStack = 0; _msgIdInStack = 0; for (int32 i = _stack.size(); i > 0;) { if (_stack.at(--i)->type() == HistoryStackItem) { _peerInStack = static_cast(_stack.at(i))->peer; _msgIdInStack = static_cast(_stack.at(i))->msgId; dlgUpdated(); break; } } StackItemHistory *histItem = static_cast(item); Ui::showPeerHistory(histItem->peer->id, App::main()->activeMsgId(), true); _history->setReplyReturns(histItem->peer->id, histItem->replyReturns); } else if (item->type() == ProfileStackItem) { StackItemProfile *profItem = static_cast(item); showPeerProfile(profItem->peer, true, profItem->lastScrollTop); } else if (item->type() == OverviewStackItem) { StackItemOverview *overItem = static_cast(item); showMediaOverview(overItem->peer, overItem->mediaType, true, overItem->lastScrollTop); } delete item; } void MainWidget::orderWidgets() { _topBar->raise(); _player->raise(); _dialogs->raise(); _mediaType->raise(); if (_hider) _hider->raise(); } QRect MainWidget::historyRect() const { QRect r(_history->historyRect()); r.moveLeft(r.left() + _history->x()); r.moveTop(r.top() + _history->y()); return r; } void MainWidget::dlgUpdated() { if (_peerInStack) { _dialogs->dlgUpdated(App::history(_peerInStack->id), _msgIdInStack); } } void MainWidget::dlgUpdated(Dialogs::Mode list, Dialogs::Row *row) { if (row) { _dialogs->dlgUpdated(list, row); } } void MainWidget::dlgUpdated(History *row, MsgId msgId) { if (!row) return; if (msgId < 0 && -msgId < ServerMaxMsgId && row->peer->migrateFrom()) { _dialogs->dlgUpdated(App::history(row->peer->migrateFrom()->id), -msgId); } else { _dialogs->dlgUpdated(row, msgId); } } void MainWidget::windowShown() { _history->windowShown(); } void MainWidget::sentUpdatesReceived(uint64 randomId, const MTPUpdates &result) { feedUpdates(result, randomId); App::emitPeerUpdated(); } bool MainWidget::deleteChannelFailed(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; //if (error.type() == qstr("CHANNEL_TOO_LARGE")) { // Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lang(lng_cant_delete_channel))); //} return true; } void MainWidget::inviteToChannelDone(ChannelData *channel, const MTPUpdates &updates) { sentUpdatesReceived(updates); QTimer::singleShot(ReloadChannelMembersTimeout, this, SLOT(onActiveChannelUpdateFull())); } void MainWidget::onActiveChannelUpdateFull() { if (activePeer() && activePeer()->isChannel()) { activePeer()->asChannel()->updateFull(true); } } void MainWidget::historyToDown(History *hist) { _history->historyToDown(hist); } void MainWidget::dialogsToUp() { _dialogs->dialogsToUp(); } void MainWidget::newUnreadMsg(History *hist, HistoryItem *item) { _history->newUnreadMsg(hist, item); } void MainWidget::historyWasRead() { _history->historyWasRead(false); } void MainWidget::historyCleared(History *hist) { _history->historyCleared(hist); } void MainWidget::animShow(const QPixmap &bgAnimCache, bool back) { if (App::app()) App::app()->mtpPause(); (back ? _cacheOver : _cacheUnder) = bgAnimCache; _a_show.stop(); showAll(); (back ? _cacheUnder : _cacheOver) = myGrab(this); hideAll(); a_coordUnder = back ? anim::ivalue(-qFloor(st::slideShift * width()), 0) : anim::ivalue(0, -qFloor(st::slideShift * width())); a_coordOver = back ? anim::ivalue(0, width()) : anim::ivalue(width(), 0); a_shadow = back ? anim::fvalue(1, 0) : anim::fvalue(0, 1); _a_show.start(); show(); } void MainWidget::step_show(float64 ms, bool timer) { float64 dt = ms / st::slideDuration; if (dt >= 1) { _a_show.stop(); a_coordUnder.finish(); a_coordOver.finish(); a_shadow.finish(); _cacheUnder = _cacheOver = QPixmap(); showAll(); activate(); if (App::app()) App::app()->mtpUnpause(); } else { a_coordUnder.update(dt, st::slideFunction); a_coordOver.update(dt, st::slideFunction); a_shadow.update(dt, st::slideFunction); } if (timer) update(); } void MainWidget::animStop_show() { _a_show.stop(); } void MainWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { if (_background) checkChatBackground(); Painter p(this); if (_a_show.animating()) { if (a_coordOver.current() > 0) { p.drawPixmap(QRect(0, 0, a_coordOver.current(), height()), _cacheUnder, QRect(-a_coordUnder.current() * cRetinaFactor(), 0, a_coordOver.current() * cRetinaFactor(), height() * cRetinaFactor())); p.setOpacity(a_shadow.current() * st::slideFadeOut); p.fillRect(0, 0, a_coordOver.current(), height(), st::black->b); p.setOpacity(1); } p.drawPixmap(a_coordOver.current(), 0, _cacheOver); p.setOpacity(a_shadow.current()); p.drawPixmap(QRect(a_coordOver.current() - st::slideShadow.pxWidth(), 0, st::slideShadow.pxWidth(), height()), App::sprite(), st::slideShadow.rect()); } } void MainWidget::hideAll() { _dialogs->hide(); _history->hide(); if (_profile) { _profile->hide(); } if (_overview) { _overview->hide(); } _topBar->hide(); _mediaType->hide(); if (_player->isOpened() && !_player->isHidden()) { _player->hidePlayer(); _playerHeight = 0; } } void MainWidget::showAll() { if (cPasswordRecovered()) { cSetPasswordRecovered(false); Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lang(lng_signin_password_removed))); } if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { if (_hider) { _hider->hide(); if (!_forwardConfirm && _hider->wasOffered()) { _forwardConfirm = new ConfirmBox(_hider->offeredText(), lang(lng_forward_send)); connect(_forwardConfirm, SIGNAL(confirmed()), _hider, SLOT(forward())); connect(_forwardConfirm, SIGNAL(cancelled()), this, SLOT(onForwardCancel())); Ui::showLayer(_forwardConfirm, ForceFastShowLayer); } } if (selectingPeer()) { _dialogs->show(); _history->hide(); if (_overview) _overview->hide(); if (_profile) _profile->hide(); _topBar->hide(); } else if (_overview) { _overview->show(); } else if (_profile) { _profile->show(); } else if (_history->peer()) { _history->show(); _history->resizeEvent(0); } else { _dialogs->show(); _history->hide(); } if (!selectingPeer() && (_profile || _overview || _history->peer())) { _topBar->show(); _dialogs->hide(); } } else { if (_hider) { _hider->show(); if (_forwardConfirm) { Ui::hideLayer(true); _forwardConfirm = 0; } } _dialogs->show(); if (_overview) { _overview->show(); } else if (_profile) { _profile->show(); } else { _history->show(); _history->resizeEvent(0); } if (_profile || _overview || _history->peer()) { _topBar->show(); } } if (_player->isOpened() && _player->isHidden()) { _player->showPlayer(); _playerHeight = _player->height(); } resizeEvent(0); App::wnd()->checkHistoryActivation(); } void MainWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { int32 tbh = _topBar->isHidden() ? 0 : st::topBarHeight; if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { _dialogsWidth = width(); _player->setGeometry(0, 0, _dialogsWidth, _player->height()); _dialogs->setGeometry(0, _playerHeight, _dialogsWidth, height() - _playerHeight); _topBar->setGeometry(0, _playerHeight, _dialogsWidth, st::topBarHeight); _history->setGeometry(0, _playerHeight + tbh, _dialogsWidth, height() - _playerHeight - tbh); if (_hider) _hider->setGeometry(0, 0, _dialogsWidth, height()); } else { _dialogsWidth = chatsListWidth(width()); _dialogs->resize(_dialogsWidth, height()); _dialogs->moveToLeft(0, 0); _player->resize(width() - _dialogsWidth, _player->height()); _player->moveToLeft(_dialogsWidth, 0); _topBar->resize(width() - _dialogsWidth, st::topBarHeight); _topBar->moveToLeft(_dialogsWidth, _playerHeight); _history->resize(width() - _dialogsWidth, height() - _playerHeight - tbh); _history->moveToLeft(_dialogsWidth, _playerHeight + tbh); if (_hider) { _hider->resize(width() - _dialogsWidth, height()); _hider->moveToLeft(_dialogsWidth, 0); } } _mediaType->moveToLeft(width() - _mediaType->width(), _playerHeight + st::topBarHeight); if (_profile) _profile->setGeometry(_history->geometry()); if (_overview) _overview->setGeometry(_history->geometry()); _contentScrollAddToY = 0; } int MainWidget::contentScrollAddToY() const { return _contentScrollAddToY; } void MainWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { } void MainWidget::updateAdaptiveLayout() { showAll(); _topBar->updateAdaptiveLayout(); _history->updateAdaptiveLayout(); if (_overview) _overview->updateAdaptiveLayout(); if (_profile) _profile->updateAdaptiveLayout(); _player->updateAdaptiveLayout(); } bool MainWidget::needBackButton() { return _overview || _profile || (_history->peer() && _history->peer()->id); } void MainWidget::paintTopBar(Painter &p, float64 over, int32 decreaseWidth) { if (_profile) { _profile->paintTopBar(p, over, decreaseWidth); } else if (_overview) { _overview->paintTopBar(p, over, decreaseWidth); } else { _history->paintTopBar(p, over, decreaseWidth); } } void MainWidget::onPhotosSelect() { if (_overview) _overview->switchType(OverviewPhotos); _mediaType->hideStart(); } void MainWidget::onVideosSelect() { if (_overview) _overview->switchType(OverviewVideos); _mediaType->hideStart(); } void MainWidget::onSongsSelect() { if (_overview) _overview->switchType(OverviewMusicFiles); _mediaType->hideStart(); } void MainWidget::onDocumentsSelect() { if (_overview) _overview->switchType(OverviewFiles); _mediaType->hideStart(); } void MainWidget::onAudiosSelect() { if (_overview) _overview->switchType(OverviewVoiceFiles); _mediaType->hideStart(); } void MainWidget::onLinksSelect() { if (_overview) _overview->switchType(OverviewLinks); _mediaType->hideStart(); } Window::TopBarWidget *MainWidget::topBar() { return _topBar; } PlayerWidget *MainWidget::player() { return _player; } void MainWidget::onTopBarClick() { if (_profile) { _profile->topBarClick(); } else if (_overview) { _overview->topBarClick(); } else { _history->topBarClick(); } } void MainWidget::onHistoryShown(History *history, MsgId atMsgId) { if ((!Adaptive::OneColumn() || !selectingPeer()) && (_profile || _overview || history)) { _topBar->show(); } else { _topBar->hide(); } resizeEvent(0); if (_a_show.animating()) { _topBar->hide(); } dlgUpdated(history, atMsgId); } void MainWidget::searchInPeer(PeerData *peer) { _dialogs->searchInPeer(peer); if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { dialogsToUp(); Ui::showChatsList(); } else { _dialogs->activate(); } } void MainWidget::onUpdateNotifySettings() { if (this != App::main()) return; while (!updateNotifySettingPeers.isEmpty()) { PeerData *peer = *updateNotifySettingPeers.begin(); updateNotifySettingPeers.erase(updateNotifySettingPeers.begin()); if (peer->notify == UnknownNotifySettings || peer->notify == EmptyNotifySettings) { peer->notify = new NotifySettings(); } MTP::send(MTPaccount_UpdateNotifySettings(MTP_inputNotifyPeer(peer->input), MTP_inputPeerNotifySettings(MTP_flags(mtpCastFlags(peer->notify->flags)), MTP_int(peer->notify->mute), MTP_string(peer->notify->sound))), RPCResponseHandler(), 0, updateNotifySettingPeers.isEmpty() ? 0 : 10); } } void MainWidget::feedUpdateVector(const MTPVector &updates, bool skipMessageIds) { const auto &v(updates.c_vector().v); for (QVector::const_iterator i = v.cbegin(), e = v.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (skipMessageIds && i->type() == mtpc_updateMessageID) continue; feedUpdate(*i); } } void MainWidget::feedMessageIds(const MTPVector &updates) { const auto &v(updates.c_vector().v); for (QVector::const_iterator i = v.cbegin(), e = v.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->type() == mtpc_updateMessageID) { feedUpdate(*i); } } } bool MainWidget::updateFail(const RPCError &e) { App::logOutDelayed(); return true; } void MainWidget::updSetState(int32 pts, int32 date, int32 qts, int32 seq) { if (pts) { _ptsWaiter.init(pts); } if (updDate < date && !_byMinChannelTimer.isActive()) { updDate = date; } if (qts && updQts < qts) { updQts = qts; } if (seq && seq != updSeq) { updSeq = seq; if (_bySeqTimer.isActive()) _bySeqTimer.stop(); for (QMap::iterator i = _bySeqUpdates.begin(); i != _bySeqUpdates.end();) { int32 s = i.key(); if (s <= seq + 1) { MTPUpdates v = i.value(); i = _bySeqUpdates.erase(i); if (s == seq + 1) { return feedUpdates(v); } } else { if (!_bySeqTimer.isActive()) _bySeqTimer.start(WaitForSkippedTimeout); break; } } } } void MainWidget::gotChannelDifference(ChannelData *channel, const MTPupdates_ChannelDifference &diff) { _channelFailDifferenceTimeout.remove(channel); int32 timeout = 0; bool isFinal = true; switch (diff.type()) { case mtpc_updates_channelDifferenceEmpty: { const auto &d(diff.c_updates_channelDifferenceEmpty()); if (d.has_timeout()) timeout = d.vtimeout.v; isFinal = d.is_final(); channel->ptsInit(d.vpts.v); } break; case mtpc_updates_channelDifferenceTooLong: { const auto &d(diff.c_updates_channelDifferenceTooLong()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); History *h = App::historyLoaded(channel->id); if (h) { h->setNotLoadedAtBottom(); h->asChannelHistory()->clearOther(); } App::feedMsgs(d.vmessages, NewMessageLast); if (h) { MsgId topMsg = h->isMegagroup() ? d.vtop_message.v : d.vtop_important_message.v; if (HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(peerToChannel(channel->id), topMsg)) { h->setLastMessage(item); } int32 unreadCount = h->isMegagroup() ? d.vunread_count.v : d.vunread_important_count.v; if (unreadCount >= h->unreadCount()) { h->setUnreadCount(unreadCount); h->inboxReadBefore = d.vread_inbox_max_id.v + 1; } if (d.vunread_count.v >= h->asChannelHistory()->unreadCountAll) { h->asChannelHistory()->unreadCountAll = d.vunread_count.v; h->inboxReadBefore = d.vread_inbox_max_id.v + 1; } if (_history->peer() == channel) { _history->updateToEndVisibility(); _history->preloadHistoryIfNeeded(); } h->asChannelHistory()->getRangeDifference(); } if (d.has_timeout()) timeout = d.vtimeout.v; isFinal = d.is_final(); channel->ptsInit(d.vpts.v); } break; case mtpc_updates_channelDifference: { const auto &d(diff.c_updates_channelDifference()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats, false); _handlingChannelDifference = true; feedMessageIds(d.vother_updates); // feed messages and groups, copy from App::feedMsgs History *h = App::history(channel->id); const auto &vmsgs(d.vnew_messages.c_vector().v); QMap msgsIds; for (int32 i = 0, l = vmsgs.size(); i < l; ++i) { const auto &msg(vmsgs.at(i)); switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_message: { const auto &d(msg.c_message()); if (App::checkEntitiesAndViewsUpdate(d)) { // new message, index my forwarded messages to links _overview, already in blocks LOG(("Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!")); } else { msgsIds.insert((uint64(uint32(d.vid.v)) << 32) | uint64(i), i + 1); } } break; case mtpc_messageEmpty: msgsIds.insert((uint64(uint32(msg.c_messageEmpty().vid.v)) << 32) | uint64(i), i + 1); break; case mtpc_messageService: msgsIds.insert((uint64(uint32(msg.c_messageService().vid.v)) << 32) | uint64(i), i + 1); break; } } const auto &vother(d.vother_updates.c_vector().v); for (int32 i = 0, l = vother.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (vother.at(i).type() == mtpc_updateChannelGroup) { const auto &updateGroup(vother.at(i).c_updateChannelGroup()); if (updateGroup.vgroup.type() == mtpc_messageGroup) { const auto &group(updateGroup.vgroup.c_messageGroup()); if (updateGroup.vchannel_id.v != peerToChannel(channel->id)) { LOG(("API Error: updateChannelGroup with invalid channel_id returned in channelDifference, channelId: %1, channel_id: %2").arg(peerToChannel(channel->id)).arg(updateGroup.vchannel_id.v)); continue; } msgsIds.insert((uint64((uint32(group.vmin_id.v) + uint32(group.vmax_id.v)) / 2) << 32), -i - 1); } } } for (QMap::const_iterator i = msgsIds.cbegin(), e = msgsIds.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i.value() > 0) { // add message const auto &msg(vmsgs.at(i.value() - 1)); if (channel->id != peerFromMessage(msg)) { LOG(("API Error: message with invalid peer returned in channelDifference, channelId: %1, peer: %2").arg(peerToChannel(channel->id)).arg(peerFromMessage(msg))); continue; // wtf } h->addNewMessage(msg, NewMessageUnread); } else { // add group const auto &updateGroup(vother.at(-i.value() - 1).c_updateChannelGroup()); h->asChannelHistory()->addNewGroup(updateGroup.vgroup); } } feedUpdateVector(d.vother_updates, true); _handlingChannelDifference = false; if (d.has_timeout()) timeout = d.vtimeout.v; isFinal = d.is_final(); channel->ptsInit(d.vpts.v); } break; } channel->ptsSetRequesting(false); if (!isFinal) { MTP_LOG(0, ("getChannelDifference { good - after not final channelDifference was received }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); getChannelDifference(channel); } else if (activePeer() == channel) { channel->ptsWaitingForShortPoll(timeout ? (timeout * 1000) : WaitForChannelGetDifference); } App::emitPeerUpdated(); } void MainWidget::gotRangeDifference(ChannelData *channel, const MTPupdates_ChannelDifference &diff) { int32 nextRequestPts = 0; bool isFinal = true; switch (diff.type()) { case mtpc_updates_channelDifferenceEmpty: { const auto &d(diff.c_updates_channelDifferenceEmpty()); nextRequestPts = d.vpts.v; isFinal = d.is_final(); } break; case mtpc_updates_channelDifferenceTooLong: { const auto &d(diff.c_updates_channelDifferenceTooLong()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); nextRequestPts = d.vpts.v; isFinal = d.is_final(); } break; case mtpc_updates_channelDifference: { const auto &d(diff.c_updates_channelDifference()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats, false); _handlingChannelDifference = true; feedMessageIds(d.vother_updates); App::feedMsgs(d.vnew_messages, NewMessageUnread); feedUpdateVector(d.vother_updates, true); _handlingChannelDifference = false; nextRequestPts = d.vpts.v; isFinal = d.is_final(); } break; } if (!isFinal) { if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(channel->id)) { MTP_LOG(0, ("getChannelDifference { good - after not final channelDifference was received, validating history part }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); h->asChannelHistory()->getRangeDifferenceNext(nextRequestPts); } } App::emitPeerUpdated(); } bool MainWidget::failChannelDifference(ChannelData *channel, const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; LOG(("RPC Error in getChannelDifference: %1 %2: %3").arg(error.code()).arg(error.type()).arg(error.description())); failDifferenceStartTimerFor(channel); return true; } void MainWidget::gotState(const MTPupdates_State &state) { const auto &d(state.c_updates_state()); updSetState(d.vpts.v, d.vdate.v, d.vqts.v, d.vseq.v); _lastUpdateTime = getms(true); noUpdatesTimer.start(NoUpdatesTimeout); _ptsWaiter.setRequesting(false); _dialogs->loadDialogs(); updateOnline(); App::emitPeerUpdated(); } void MainWidget::gotDifference(const MTPupdates_Difference &diff) { _failDifferenceTimeout = 1; switch (diff.type()) { case mtpc_updates_differenceEmpty: { const auto &d(diff.c_updates_differenceEmpty()); updSetState(_ptsWaiter.current(), d.vdate.v, updQts, d.vseq.v); _lastUpdateTime = getms(true); noUpdatesTimer.start(NoUpdatesTimeout); _ptsWaiter.setRequesting(false); App::emitPeerUpdated(); } break; case mtpc_updates_differenceSlice: { const auto &d(diff.c_updates_differenceSlice()); feedDifference(d.vusers, d.vchats, d.vnew_messages, d.vother_updates); const auto &s(d.vintermediate_state.c_updates_state()); updSetState(s.vpts.v, s.vdate.v, s.vqts.v, s.vseq.v); _ptsWaiter.setRequesting(false); MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { good - after a slice of difference was received }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); getDifference(); App::emitPeerUpdated(); } break; case mtpc_updates_difference: { const auto &d(diff.c_updates_difference()); feedDifference(d.vusers, d.vchats, d.vnew_messages, d.vother_updates); gotState(d.vstate); } break; }; } bool MainWidget::getDifferenceTimeChanged(ChannelData *channel, int32 ms, ChannelGetDifferenceTime &channelCurTime, uint64 &curTime) { if (channel) { if (ms <= 0) { ChannelGetDifferenceTime::iterator i = channelCurTime.find(channel); if (i != channelCurTime.cend()) { channelCurTime.erase(i); } else { return false; } } else { uint64 when = getms(true) + ms; ChannelGetDifferenceTime::iterator i = channelCurTime.find(channel); if (i != channelCurTime.cend()) { if (i.value() > when) { i.value() = when; } else { return false; } } else { channelCurTime.insert(channel, when); } } } else { if (ms <= 0) { if (curTime) { curTime = 0; } else { return false; } } else { uint64 when = getms(true) + ms; if (!curTime || curTime > when) { curTime = when; } else { return false; } } } return true; } void MainWidget::ptsWaiterStartTimerFor(ChannelData *channel, int32 ms) { if (getDifferenceTimeChanged(channel, ms, _channelGetDifferenceTimeByPts, _getDifferenceTimeByPts)) { onGetDifferenceTimeByPts(); } } void MainWidget::failDifferenceStartTimerFor(ChannelData *channel) { int32 ms = 0; ChannelFailDifferenceTimeout::iterator i; if (channel) { i = _channelFailDifferenceTimeout.find(channel); if (i == _channelFailDifferenceTimeout.cend()) { i = _channelFailDifferenceTimeout.insert(channel, 1); } ms = i.value() * 1000; } else { ms = _failDifferenceTimeout * 1000; } if (getDifferenceTimeChanged(channel, ms, _channelGetDifferenceTimeAfterFail, _getDifferenceTimeAfterFail)) { onGetDifferenceTimeAfterFail(); } if (channel) { if (i.value() < 64) i.value() *= 2; } else { if (_failDifferenceTimeout < 64) _failDifferenceTimeout *= 2; } } bool MainWidget::ptsUpdated(int32 pts, int32 ptsCount) { // return false if need to save that update and apply later return _ptsWaiter.updated(0, pts, ptsCount); } bool MainWidget::ptsUpdated(int32 pts, int32 ptsCount, const MTPUpdates &updates) { return _ptsWaiter.updated(0, pts, ptsCount, updates); } bool MainWidget::ptsUpdated(int32 pts, int32 ptsCount, const MTPUpdate &update) { return _ptsWaiter.updated(0, pts, ptsCount, update); } void MainWidget::ptsApplySkippedUpdates() { return _ptsWaiter.applySkippedUpdates(0); } void MainWidget::feedDifference(const MTPVector &users, const MTPVector &chats, const MTPVector &msgs, const MTPVector &other) { App::wnd()->checkAutoLock(); App::feedUsers(users, false); App::feedChats(chats, false); feedMessageIds(other); App::feedMsgs(msgs, NewMessageUnread); feedUpdateVector(other, true); _history->peerMessagesUpdated(); } bool MainWidget::failDifference(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; LOG(("RPC Error in getDifference: %1 %2: %3").arg(error.code()).arg(error.type()).arg(error.description())); failDifferenceStartTimerFor(0); return true; } void MainWidget::onGetDifferenceTimeByPts() { if (!MTP::authedId()) return; uint64 now = getms(true), wait = 0; if (_getDifferenceTimeByPts) { if (_getDifferenceTimeByPts > now) { wait = _getDifferenceTimeByPts - now; } else { getDifference(); } } for (ChannelGetDifferenceTime::iterator i = _channelGetDifferenceTimeByPts.begin(); i != _channelGetDifferenceTimeByPts.cend();) { if (i.value() > now) { wait = wait ? qMin(wait, i.value() - now) : (i.value() - now); ++i; } else { getChannelDifference(i.key(), GetChannelDifferenceFromPtsGap); i = _channelGetDifferenceTimeByPts.erase(i); } } if (wait) { _byPtsTimer.start(wait); } else { _byPtsTimer.stop(); } } void MainWidget::onGetDifferenceTimeAfterFail() { if (!MTP::authedId()) return; uint64 now = getms(true), wait = 0; if (_getDifferenceTimeAfterFail) { if (_getDifferenceTimeAfterFail > now) { wait = _getDifferenceTimeAfterFail - now; } else { _ptsWaiter.setRequesting(false); MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { force - after get difference failed }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); getDifference(); } } for (ChannelGetDifferenceTime::iterator i = _channelGetDifferenceTimeAfterFail.begin(); i != _channelGetDifferenceTimeAfterFail.cend();) { if (i.value() > now) { wait = wait ? qMin(wait, i.value() - now) : (i.value() - now); ++i; } else { getChannelDifference(i.key(), GetChannelDifferenceFromFail); i = _channelGetDifferenceTimeAfterFail.erase(i); } } if (wait) { _failDifferenceTimer.start(wait); } else { _failDifferenceTimer.stop(); } } void MainWidget::getDifference() { if (this != App::main()) return; _getDifferenceTimeByPts = 0; LOG(("Getting difference! no updates timer: %1, remains: %2").arg(noUpdatesTimer.isActive() ? 1 : 0).arg(noUpdatesTimer.remainingTime())); if (_ptsWaiter.requesting()) return; _bySeqUpdates.clear(); _bySeqTimer.stop(); noUpdatesTimer.stop(); _getDifferenceTimeAfterFail = 0; LOG(("Getting difference for %1, %2").arg(_ptsWaiter.current()).arg(updDate)); _ptsWaiter.setRequesting(true); MTP::send(MTPupdates_GetDifference(MTP_int(_ptsWaiter.current()), MTP_int(updDate), MTP_int(updQts)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::gotDifference), rpcFail(&MainWidget::failDifference)); } void MainWidget::getChannelDifference(ChannelData *channel, GetChannelDifferenceFrom from) { if (this != App::main() || !channel) return; if (from != GetChannelDifferenceFromPtsGap) { _channelGetDifferenceTimeByPts.remove(channel); } LOG(("Getting channel difference!")); if (!channel->ptsInited() || channel->ptsRequesting()) return; if (from != GetChannelDifferenceFromFail) { _channelGetDifferenceTimeAfterFail.remove(channel); } LOG(("Getting channel difference for %1").arg(channel->pts())); channel->ptsSetRequesting(true); MTPChannelMessagesFilter filter; if (activePeer() == channel) { filter = MTP_channelMessagesFilterEmpty(); } else { filter = MTP_channelMessagesFilterEmpty(); //MTP_channelMessagesFilterCollapsed(); - not supported if (History *history = App::historyLoaded(channel->id)) { if (!history->isMegagroup() && !history->asChannelHistory()->onlyImportant()) { MsgId fixInScrollMsgId = 0; int32 fixInScrollMsgTop = 0; history->asChannelHistory()->getSwitchReadyFor(SwitchAtTopMsgId, fixInScrollMsgId, fixInScrollMsgTop); history->getReadyFor(ShowAtTheEndMsgId, fixInScrollMsgId, fixInScrollMsgTop); history->forgetScrollState(); } } } MTP::send(MTPupdates_GetChannelDifference(channel->inputChannel, filter, MTP_int(channel->pts()), MTP_int(MTPChannelGetDifferenceLimit)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::gotChannelDifference, channel), rpcFail(&MainWidget::failChannelDifference, channel)); } void MainWidget::mtpPing() { MTP::ping(); } void MainWidget::start(const MTPUser &user) { int32 uid = user.c_user().vid.v; if (MTP::authedId() != uid) { MTP::authed(uid); Local::writeMtpData(); } Local::readSavedPeers(); cSetOtherOnline(0); App::feedUsers(MTP_vector(1, user)); MTP::send(MTPupdates_GetState(), rpcDone(&MainWidget::gotState)); update(); if (!cStartUrl().isEmpty()) { openLocalUrl(cStartUrl()); cSetStartUrl(QString()); } _started = true; App::wnd()->sendServiceHistoryRequest(); Local::readStickers(); Local::readSavedGifs(); _history->start(); } bool MainWidget::started() { return _started; } void MainWidget::openLocalUrl(const QString &url) { QString u(url.trimmed()); if (u.startsWith(qstr("tg://resolve"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QRegularExpressionMatch m = QRegularExpression(qsl("^tg://resolve/?\\?domain=([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\_]+)(&|$)"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption).match(u); if (m.hasMatch()) { QString params = u.mid(m.capturedLength(0)); QString start, startToken; QRegularExpressionMatch startparam = QRegularExpression(qsl("(^|&)(start|startgroup)=([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\_\\-]+)(&|$)")).match(params); if (startparam.hasMatch()) { start = startparam.captured(2); startToken = startparam.captured(3); } MsgId post = (start == qsl("startgroup")) ? ShowAtProfileMsgId : ShowAtUnreadMsgId; QRegularExpressionMatch postparam = QRegularExpression(qsl("(^|&)post=(\\d+)(&|$)")).match(params); if (postparam.hasMatch()) { post = postparam.captured(2).toInt(); } openPeerByName(m.captured(1), post, startToken); } } else if (u.startsWith(qstr("tg://join"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QRegularExpressionMatch m = QRegularExpression(qsl("^tg://join/?\\?invite=([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\_\\-]+)(&|$)"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption).match(u); if (m.hasMatch()) { joinGroupByHash(m.captured(1)); } } else if (u.startsWith(qstr("tg://addstickers"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QRegularExpressionMatch m = QRegularExpression(qsl("^tg://addstickers/?\\?set=([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\_]+)(&|$)"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption).match(u); if (m.hasMatch()) { stickersBox(MTP_inputStickerSetShortName(MTP_string(m.captured(1)))); } } else if (u.startsWith(qstr("tg://msg_url"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QRegularExpressionMatch m = QRegularExpression(qsl("^tg://msg_url/?\\?(.+)(#|$)"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption).match(u); if (m.hasMatch()) { QStringList params = m.captured(1).split('&'); QString url, text; for (int32 i = 0, l = params.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (params.at(i).startsWith(qstr("url="), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { url = myUrlDecode(params.at(i).mid(4)); } else if (params.at(i).startsWith(qstr("text="), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { text = myUrlDecode(params.at(i).mid(5)); } } if (!url.isEmpty()) { shareUrlLayer(url, text); } } } } void MainWidget::openPeerByName(const QString &username, MsgId msgId, const QString &startToken) { App::wnd()->hideMediaview(); PeerData *peer = App::peerByName(username); if (peer) { if (msgId == ShowAtProfileMsgId && !peer->isChannel()) { if (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo && !peer->asUser()->botInfo->cantJoinGroups && !startToken.isEmpty()) { peer->asUser()->botInfo->startGroupToken = startToken; Ui::showLayer(new ContactsBox(peer->asUser())); } else if (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo) { // Always open bot chats, even from mention links. Ui::showPeerHistoryAsync(peer->id, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } else { showPeerProfile(peer); } } else { if (msgId == ShowAtProfileMsgId || !peer->isChannel()) { // show specific posts only in channels / supergroups msgId = ShowAtUnreadMsgId; } if (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo) { peer->asUser()->botInfo->startToken = startToken; if (peer == _history->peer()) { _history->updateControlsVisibility(); _history->resizeEvent(0); } } Ui::showPeerHistoryAsync(peer->id, msgId); } } else { MTP::send(MTPcontacts_ResolveUsername(MTP_string(username)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::usernameResolveDone, qMakePair(msgId, startToken)), rpcFail(&MainWidget::usernameResolveFail, username)); } } void MainWidget::joinGroupByHash(const QString &hash) { App::wnd()->hideMediaview(); MTP::send(MTPmessages_CheckChatInvite(MTP_string(hash)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::inviteCheckDone, hash), rpcFail(&MainWidget::inviteCheckFail)); } void MainWidget::stickersBox(const MTPInputStickerSet &set) { App::wnd()->hideMediaview(); StickerSetBox *box = new StickerSetBox(set); connect(box, SIGNAL(installed(uint64)), this, SLOT(onStickersInstalled(uint64))); Ui::showLayer(box); } void MainWidget::onStickersInstalled(uint64 setId) { emit stickersUpdated(); _history->stickersInstalled(setId); } void MainWidget::onFullPeerUpdated(PeerData *peer) { emit peerUpdated(peer); } void MainWidget::onSelfParticipantUpdated(ChannelData *channel) { History *h = App::historyLoaded(channel->id); if (_updatedChannels.contains(channel)) { _updatedChannels.remove(channel); if ((h ? h : App::history(channel->id))->isEmpty()) { checkPeerHistory(channel); } else { h->asChannelHistory()->checkJoinedMessage(true); _history->peerMessagesUpdated(channel->id); } } else if (h) { h->asChannelHistory()->checkJoinedMessage(); _history->peerMessagesUpdated(channel->id); } } bool MainWidget::contentOverlapped(const QRect &globalRect) { return (_history->contentOverlapped(globalRect) || _mediaType->overlaps(globalRect)); } void MainWidget::usernameResolveDone(QPair msgIdAndStartToken, const MTPcontacts_ResolvedPeer &result) { Ui::hideLayer(); if (result.type() != mtpc_contacts_resolvedPeer) return; const auto &d(result.c_contacts_resolvedPeer()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); PeerId peerId = peerFromMTP(d.vpeer); if (!peerId) return; PeerData *peer = App::peer(peerId); MsgId msgId = msgIdAndStartToken.first; QString startToken = msgIdAndStartToken.second; if (msgId == ShowAtProfileMsgId && !peer->isChannel()) { if (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo && !peer->asUser()->botInfo->cantJoinGroups && !startToken.isEmpty()) { peer->asUser()->botInfo->startGroupToken = startToken; Ui::showLayer(new ContactsBox(peer->asUser())); } else if (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo) { // Always open bot chats, even from mention links. Ui::showPeerHistoryAsync(peer->id, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } else { showPeerProfile(peer); } } else { if (msgId == ShowAtProfileMsgId || !peer->isChannel()) { // show specific posts only in channels / supergroups msgId = ShowAtUnreadMsgId; } if (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo) { peer->asUser()->botInfo->startToken = startToken; if (peer == _history->peer()) { _history->updateControlsVisibility(); _history->resizeEvent(0); } } Ui::showPeerHistory(peer->id, msgId); } } bool MainWidget::usernameResolveFail(QString name, const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (error.code() == 400) { Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lng_username_not_found(lt_user, name))); } return true; } void MainWidget::inviteCheckDone(QString hash, const MTPChatInvite &invite) { switch (invite.type()) { case mtpc_chatInvite: { const auto &d(invite.c_chatInvite()); ConfirmBox *box = new ConfirmBox(((d.is_channel() && !d.is_megagroup()) ? lng_group_invite_want_join_channel : lng_group_invite_want_join)(lt_title, qs(d.vtitle)), lang(lng_group_invite_join)); _inviteHash = hash; connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, SLOT(onInviteImport())); Ui::showLayer(box); } break; case mtpc_chatInviteAlready: { const auto &d(invite.c_chatInviteAlready()); PeerData *chat = App::feedChats(MTP_vector(1, d.vchat)); if (chat) { Ui::showPeerHistory(chat->id, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } } break; } } bool MainWidget::inviteCheckFail(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (error.code() == 400) { Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lang(lng_group_invite_bad_link))); } return true; } void MainWidget::onInviteImport() { if (_inviteHash.isEmpty()) return; MTP::send(MTPmessages_ImportChatInvite(MTP_string(_inviteHash)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::inviteImportDone), rpcFail(&MainWidget::inviteImportFail)); } void MainWidget::inviteImportDone(const MTPUpdates &updates) { App::main()->sentUpdatesReceived(updates); Ui::hideLayer(); const QVector *v = 0; switch (updates.type()) { case mtpc_updates: v = &updates.c_updates().vchats.c_vector().v; break; case mtpc_updatesCombined: v = &updates.c_updatesCombined().vchats.c_vector().v; break; default: LOG(("API Error: unexpected update cons %1 (MainWidget::inviteImportDone)").arg(updates.type())); break; } if (v && !v->isEmpty()) { if (v->front().type() == mtpc_chat) { Ui::showPeerHistory(peerFromChat(v->front().c_chat().vid.v), ShowAtTheEndMsgId); } else if (v->front().type() == mtpc_channel) { Ui::showPeerHistory(peerFromChannel(v->front().c_channel().vid.v), ShowAtTheEndMsgId); } } } bool MainWidget::inviteImportFail(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (error.code() == 400) { Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(lang(error.type() == qstr("USERS_TOO_MUCH") ? lng_group_invite_no_room : lng_group_invite_bad_link))); } return true; } void MainWidget::startFull(const MTPVector &users) { const auto &v(users.c_vector().v); if (v.isEmpty() || v[0].type() != mtpc_user || !v[0].c_user().is_self()) { // wtf?.. return App::logOutDelayed(); } start(v[0]); } void MainWidget::applyNotifySetting(const MTPNotifyPeer &peer, const MTPPeerNotifySettings &settings, History *h) { PeerData *updatePeer = 0; switch (settings.type()) { case mtpc_peerNotifySettingsEmpty: switch (peer.type()) { case mtpc_notifyAll: globalNotifyAllPtr = EmptyNotifySettings; break; case mtpc_notifyUsers: globalNotifyUsersPtr = EmptyNotifySettings; break; case mtpc_notifyChats: globalNotifyChatsPtr = EmptyNotifySettings; break; case mtpc_notifyPeer: { updatePeer = App::peerLoaded(peerFromMTP(peer.c_notifyPeer().vpeer)); if (updatePeer && updatePeer->notify != EmptyNotifySettings) { if (updatePeer->notify != UnknownNotifySettings) { delete updatePeer->notify; } updatePeer->notify = EmptyNotifySettings; App::unregMuted(updatePeer); if (!h) h = App::history(updatePeer->id); h->setMute(false); } } break; } break; case mtpc_peerNotifySettings: { const auto &d(settings.c_peerNotifySettings()); NotifySettingsPtr setTo = UnknownNotifySettings; switch (peer.type()) { case mtpc_notifyAll: setTo = globalNotifyAllPtr = &globalNotifyAll; break; case mtpc_notifyUsers: setTo = globalNotifyUsersPtr = &globalNotifyUsers; break; case mtpc_notifyChats: setTo = globalNotifyChatsPtr = &globalNotifyChats; break; case mtpc_notifyPeer: { updatePeer = App::peerLoaded(peerFromMTP(peer.c_notifyPeer().vpeer)); if (!updatePeer) break; if (updatePeer->notify == UnknownNotifySettings || updatePeer->notify == EmptyNotifySettings) { updatePeer->notify = new NotifySettings(); } setTo = updatePeer->notify; } break; } if (setTo == UnknownNotifySettings) break; setTo->flags = d.vflags.v; setTo->mute = d.vmute_until.v; setTo->sound = d.vsound.c_string().v; if (updatePeer) { if (!h) h = App::history(updatePeer->id); int32 changeIn = 0; if (isNotifyMuted(setTo, &changeIn)) { App::wnd()->notifyClear(h); h->setMute(true); App::regMuted(updatePeer, changeIn); } else { h->setMute(false); } } } break; } if (updatePeer) { if (_history->peer() == updatePeer) { _history->updateNotifySettings(); } _dialogs->updateNotifySettings(updatePeer); if (_profile && _profile->peer() == updatePeer) { _profile->updateNotifySettings(); } } } void MainWidget::gotNotifySetting(MTPInputNotifyPeer peer, const MTPPeerNotifySettings &settings) { switch (peer.type()) { case mtpc_inputNotifyAll: applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyAll(), settings); break; case mtpc_inputNotifyUsers: applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyUsers(), settings); break; case mtpc_inputNotifyChats: applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyChats(), settings); break; case mtpc_inputNotifyPeer: switch (peer.c_inputNotifyPeer().vpeer.type()) { case mtpc_inputPeerEmpty: applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyPeer(MTP_peerUser(MTP_int(0))), settings); break; case mtpc_inputPeerSelf: applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyPeer(MTP_peerUser(MTP_int(MTP::authedId()))), settings); break; case mtpc_inputPeerUser: applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyPeer(MTP_peerUser(peer.c_inputNotifyPeer().vpeer.c_inputPeerUser().vuser_id)), settings); break; case mtpc_inputPeerChat: applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyPeer(MTP_peerChat(peer.c_inputNotifyPeer().vpeer.c_inputPeerChat().vchat_id)), settings); break; case mtpc_inputPeerChannel: applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyPeer(MTP_peerChannel(peer.c_inputNotifyPeer().vpeer.c_inputPeerChannel().vchannel_id)), settings); break; } break; } App::wnd()->notifySettingGot(); } bool MainWidget::failNotifySetting(MTPInputNotifyPeer peer, const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; gotNotifySetting(peer, MTP_peerNotifySettingsEmpty()); return true; } void MainWidget::updateNotifySetting(PeerData *peer, NotifySettingStatus notify, SilentNotifiesStatus silent) { if (notify == NotifySettingDontChange && silent == SilentNotifiesDontChange) return; updateNotifySettingPeers.insert(peer); int32 muteFor = 86400 * 365; if (peer->notify == EmptyNotifySettings) { if (notify == NotifySettingSetMuted || silent == SilentNotifiesSetSilent) { peer->notify = new NotifySettings(); } } else if (peer->notify == UnknownNotifySettings) { peer->notify = new NotifySettings(); } if (peer->notify != EmptyNotifySettings && peer->notify != UnknownNotifySettings) { if (notify != NotifySettingDontChange) { peer->notify->sound = (notify == NotifySettingSetMuted) ? "" : "default"; peer->notify->mute = (notify == NotifySettingSetMuted) ? (unixtime() + muteFor) : 0; } if (silent == SilentNotifiesSetSilent) { peer->notify->flags |= MTPDpeerNotifySettings::Flag::f_silent; } else if (silent == SilentNotifiesSetNotify) { peer->notify->flags &= ~MTPDpeerNotifySettings::Flag::f_silent; } } if (notify != NotifySettingDontChange) { if (notify == NotifySettingSetMuted) { App::regMuted(peer, muteFor + 1); } else { App::unregMuted(peer); } App::history(peer->id)->setMute(notify == NotifySettingSetMuted); } if (_history->peer() == peer) _history->updateNotifySettings(); updateNotifySettingTimer.start(NotifySettingSaveTimeout); } void MainWidget::incrementSticker(DocumentData *sticker) { if (!sticker || !sticker->sticker()) return; RecentStickerPack &recent(cGetRecentStickers()); RecentStickerPack::iterator i = recent.begin(), e = recent.end(); for (; i != e; ++i) { if (i->first == sticker) { i->second = recent.begin()->second; // throw to the first place //++i->second; //if (i->second > 0x8000) { // for (RecentStickerPack::iterator j = recent.begin(); j != e; ++j) { // if (j->second > 1) { // j->second /= 2; // } else { // j->second = 1; // } // } //} for (; i != recent.begin(); --i) { if ((i - 1)->second > i->second) { break; } qSwap(*i, *(i - 1)); } break; } } if (i == e) { while (recent.size() >= StickerPanPerRow * StickerPanRowsPerPage) recent.pop_back(); recent.push_front(qMakePair(sticker, recent.isEmpty() ? 1 : recent.begin()->second)); //recent.push_back(qMakePair(sticker, 1)); //for (i = recent.end() - 1; i != recent.begin(); --i) { // if ((i - 1)->second > i->second) { // break; // } // qSwap(*i, *(i - 1)); //} } Local::writeUserSettings(); bool found = false; uint64 setId = 0; QString setName; switch (sticker->sticker()->set.type()) { case mtpc_inputStickerSetID: setId = sticker->sticker()->set.c_inputStickerSetID().vid.v; break; case mtpc_inputStickerSetShortName: setName = qs(sticker->sticker()->set.c_inputStickerSetShortName().vshort_name).toLower().trimmed(); break; } Stickers::Sets &sets(Global::RefStickerSets()); for (auto i = sets.cbegin(); i != sets.cend(); ++i) { if (i->id == Stickers::CustomSetId || i->id == Stickers::DefaultSetId || (setId && i->id == setId) || (!setName.isEmpty() && i->shortName.toLower().trimmed() == setName)) { for (int32 j = 0, l = i->stickers.size(); j < l; ++j) { if (i->stickers.at(j) == sticker) { found = true; break; } } if (found) break; } } if (!found) { Stickers::Sets::iterator it = sets.find(Stickers::CustomSetId); if (it == sets.cend()) { it = sets.insert(Stickers::CustomSetId, Stickers::Set(Stickers::CustomSetId, 0, lang(lng_custom_stickers), QString(), 0, 0, 0)); } it->stickers.push_back(sticker); ++it->count; Local::writeStickers(); } _history->updateRecentStickers(); } void MainWidget::activate() { if (_a_show.animating()) return; if (!_profile && !_overview) { if (_hider) { if (_hider->wasOffered()) { _hider->setFocus(); } else { _dialogs->activate(); } } else if (App::wnd() && !Ui::isLayerShown()) { if (!cSendPaths().isEmpty()) { forwardLayer(-1); } else if (_history->peer()) { _history->activate(); } else { _dialogs->activate(); } } } App::wnd()->fixOrder(); } void MainWidget::destroyData() { _history->destroyData(); _dialogs->destroyData(); } void MainWidget::updateOnlineDisplayIn(int32 msecs) { _onlineUpdater.start(msecs); } bool MainWidget::isActive() const { return !_isIdle && isVisible() && !_a_show.animating(); } bool MainWidget::historyIsActive() const { return isActive() && !_profile && !_overview && _history->isActive(); } bool MainWidget::lastWasOnline() const { return _lastWasOnline; } uint64 MainWidget::lastSetOnline() const { return _lastSetOnline; } int32 MainWidget::dlgsWidth() const { return _dialogs->width(); } MainWidget::~MainWidget() { if (App::main() == this) _history->showHistory(0, 0); delete _hider; MTP::clearGlobalHandlers(); if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->noMain(this); } void MainWidget::updateOnline(bool gotOtherOffline) { if (this != App::main()) return; App::wnd()->checkAutoLock(); bool isOnline = App::wnd()->isActive(); int updateIn = Global::OnlineUpdatePeriod(); if (isOnline) { uint64 idle = psIdleTime(); if (idle >= uint64(Global::OfflineIdleTimeout())) { isOnline = false; if (!_isIdle) { _isIdle = true; _idleFinishTimer.start(900); } } else { updateIn = qMin(updateIn, int(Global::OfflineIdleTimeout() - idle)); } } uint64 ms = getms(true); if (isOnline != _lastWasOnline || (isOnline && _lastSetOnline + Global::OnlineUpdatePeriod() <= ms) || (isOnline && gotOtherOffline)) { if (_onlineRequest) { MTP::cancel(_onlineRequest); _onlineRequest = 0; } _lastWasOnline = isOnline; _lastSetOnline = ms; _onlineRequest = MTP::send(MTPaccount_UpdateStatus(MTP_bool(!isOnline))); if (App::self()) App::self()->onlineTill = unixtime() + (isOnline ? (Global::OnlineUpdatePeriod() / 1000) : -1); _lastSetOnline = getms(true); updateOnlineDisplay(); } else if (isOnline) { updateIn = qMin(updateIn, int(_lastSetOnline + Global::OnlineUpdatePeriod() - ms)); } _onlineTimer.start(updateIn); } void MainWidget::checkIdleFinish() { if (this != App::main()) return; if (psIdleTime() < uint64(Global::OfflineIdleTimeout())) { _idleFinishTimer.stop(); _isIdle = false; updateOnline(); if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->checkHistoryActivation(); } else { _idleFinishTimer.start(900); } } void MainWidget::updateReceived(const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) { if (end <= from || !MTP::authedId()) return; App::wnd()->checkAutoLock(); if (mtpTypeId(*from) == mtpc_new_session_created) { MTPNewSession newSession(from, end); updSeq = 0; MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { after new_session_created }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); return getDifference(); } else { try { MTPUpdates updates(from, end); _lastUpdateTime = getms(true); noUpdatesTimer.start(NoUpdatesTimeout); if (!_ptsWaiter.requesting()) { feedUpdates(updates); } App::emitPeerUpdated(); } catch (mtpErrorUnexpected &) { // just some other type } } update(); } void MainWidget::feedUpdates(const MTPUpdates &updates, uint64 randomId) { switch (updates.type()) { case mtpc_updates: { const auto &d(updates.c_updates()); if (d.vseq.v) { if (d.vseq.v <= updSeq) return; if (d.vseq.v > updSeq + 1) { _bySeqUpdates.insert(d.vseq.v, updates); return _bySeqTimer.start(WaitForSkippedTimeout); } } App::feedUsers(d.vusers, false); App::feedChats(d.vchats, false); feedUpdateVector(d.vupdates); updSetState(0, d.vdate.v, updQts, d.vseq.v); } break; case mtpc_updatesCombined: { const auto &d(updates.c_updatesCombined()); if (d.vseq_start.v) { if (d.vseq_start.v <= updSeq) return; if (d.vseq_start.v > updSeq + 1) { _bySeqUpdates.insert(d.vseq_start.v, updates); return _bySeqTimer.start(WaitForSkippedTimeout); } } App::feedUsers(d.vusers, false); App::feedChats(d.vchats, false); feedUpdateVector(d.vupdates); updSetState(0, d.vdate.v, updQts, d.vseq.v); } break; case mtpc_updateShort: { const auto &d(updates.c_updateShort()); feedUpdate(d.vupdate); updSetState(0, d.vdate.v, updQts, updSeq); } break; case mtpc_updateShortMessage: { const auto &d(updates.c_updateShortMessage()); if (!App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v) || (d.has_via_bot_id() && !App::userLoaded(d.vvia_bot_id.v))) { MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { good - getting user for updateShortMessage }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); return getDifference(); } if (d.has_fwd_from() && d.vfwd_from.type() == mtpc_messageFwdHeader) { const auto &f(d.vfwd_from.c_messageFwdHeader()); if (f.has_from_id() && !App::userLoaded(f.vfrom_id.v)) { MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { good - getting user for updateShortMessage }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); return getDifference(); } if (f.has_channel_id() && !App::channelLoaded(f.vchannel_id.v)) { MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { good - getting user for updateShortMessage }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); return getDifference(); } } if (!ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, updates)) { return; } // update before applying skipped MTPDmessage::Flags flags = mtpCastFlags(d.vflags.v) | MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id; HistoryItem *item = App::histories().addNewMessage(MTP_message(MTP_flags(flags), d.vid, d.is_out() ? MTP_int(MTP::authedId()) : d.vuser_id, MTP_peerUser(d.is_out() ? d.vuser_id : MTP_int(MTP::authedId())), d.vfwd_from, d.vvia_bot_id, d.vreply_to_msg_id, d.vdate, d.vmessage, MTP_messageMediaEmpty(), MTPnullMarkup, d.has_entities() ? d.ventities : MTPnullEntities, MTPint(), MTPint()), NewMessageUnread); if (item) { _history->peerMessagesUpdated(item->history()->peer->id); } ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); updSetState(0, d.vdate.v, updQts, updSeq); } break; case mtpc_updateShortChatMessage: { const auto &d(updates.c_updateShortChatMessage()); bool noFrom = !App::userLoaded(d.vfrom_id.v); if (!App::chatLoaded(d.vchat_id.v) || noFrom || (d.has_via_bot_id() && !App::userLoaded(d.vvia_bot_id.v))) { MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { good - getting user for updateShortChatMessage }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); if (noFrom && App::api()) App::api()->requestFullPeer(App::chatLoaded(d.vchat_id.v)); return getDifference(); } if (d.has_fwd_from() && d.vfwd_from.type() == mtpc_messageFwdHeader) { const auto &f(d.vfwd_from.c_messageFwdHeader()); if (f.has_from_id() && !App::userLoaded(f.vfrom_id.v)) { MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { good - getting user for updateShortChatMessage }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); return getDifference(); } if (f.has_channel_id() && !App::channelLoaded(f.vchannel_id.v)) { MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { good - getting user for updateShortChatMessage }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); return getDifference(); } } if (!ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, updates)) { return; } // update before applying skipped MTPDmessage::Flags flags = mtpCastFlags(d.vflags.v) | MTPDmessage::Flag::f_from_id; HistoryItem *item = App::histories().addNewMessage(MTP_message(MTP_flags(flags), d.vid, d.vfrom_id, MTP_peerChat(d.vchat_id), d.vfwd_from, d.vvia_bot_id, d.vreply_to_msg_id, d.vdate, d.vmessage, MTP_messageMediaEmpty(), MTPnullMarkup, d.has_entities() ? d.ventities : MTPnullEntities, MTPint(), MTPint()), NewMessageUnread); if (item) { _history->peerMessagesUpdated(item->history()->peer->id); } ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); updSetState(0, d.vdate.v, updQts, updSeq); } break; case mtpc_updateShortSentMessage: { const auto &d(updates.c_updateShortSentMessage()); if (randomId) { PeerId peerId = 0; QString text; App::histSentDataByItem(randomId, peerId, text); feedUpdate(MTP_updateMessageID(d.vid, MTP_long(randomId))); // ignore real date if (peerId) { if (HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(peerToChannel(peerId), d.vid.v)) { item->setText(text, d.has_entities() ? entitiesFromMTP(d.ventities.c_vector().v) : EntitiesInText()); item->updateMedia(d.has_media() ? (&d.vmedia) : nullptr); item->addToOverview(AddToOverviewNew); } } } if (!ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, updates)) { return; } // update before applying skipped ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); updSetState(0, d.vdate.v, updQts, updSeq); } break; case mtpc_updatesTooLong: { MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { good - updatesTooLong received }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); return getDifference(); } break; } } namespace { enum class DataIsLoadedResult { NotLoaded = 0, FromNotLoaded = 1, Ok = 2, }; DataIsLoadedResult allDataLoadedForMessage(const MTPMessage &msg) { switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_message: { const MTPDmessage &d(msg.c_message()); if (!d.is_post() && d.has_from_id()) { if (!App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(d.vfrom_id))) { return DataIsLoadedResult::FromNotLoaded; } } if (d.has_via_bot_id()) { if (!App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(d.vvia_bot_id))) { return DataIsLoadedResult::NotLoaded; } } if (d.has_fwd_from() && d.vfwd_from.type() == mtpc_messageFwdHeader) { ChannelId fromChannelId = d.vfwd_from.c_messageFwdHeader().vchannel_id.v; if (fromChannelId) { if (!App::channelLoaded(peerFromChannel(fromChannelId))) { return DataIsLoadedResult::NotLoaded; } } else { if (!App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(d.vfwd_from.c_messageFwdHeader().vfrom_id))) { return DataIsLoadedResult::NotLoaded; } } } } break; case mtpc_messageService: { const MTPDmessageService &d(msg.c_messageService()); if (!d.is_post() && d.has_from_id()) { if (!App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(d.vfrom_id))) { return DataIsLoadedResult::FromNotLoaded; } } switch (d.vaction.type()) { case mtpc_messageActionChatAddUser: { for_const(const MTPint &userId, d.vaction.c_messageActionChatAddUser().vusers.c_vector().v) { if (!App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(userId))) { return DataIsLoadedResult::NotLoaded; } } } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatJoinedByLink: { if (!App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(d.vaction.c_messageActionChatJoinedByLink().vinviter_id))) { return DataIsLoadedResult::NotLoaded; } } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatDeleteUser: { if (!App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(d.vaction.c_messageActionChatDeleteUser().vuser_id))) { return DataIsLoadedResult::NotLoaded; } } break; } } break; } return DataIsLoadedResult::Ok; } } // namespace void MainWidget::feedUpdate(const MTPUpdate &update) { if (!MTP::authedId()) return; switch (update.type()) { case mtpc_updateNewMessage: { const auto &d(update.c_updateNewMessage()); if (!ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update)) { return; } // update before applying skipped bool needToAdd = true; if (d.vmessage.type() == mtpc_message) { // index forwarded messages to links _overview if (App::checkEntitiesAndViewsUpdate(d.vmessage.c_message())) { // already in blocks LOG(("Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!")); needToAdd = false; } } if (needToAdd) { HistoryItem *item = App::histories().addNewMessage(d.vmessage, NewMessageUnread); if (item) { _history->peerMessagesUpdated(item->history()->peer->id); } } ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); } break; case mtpc_updateMessageID: { const auto &d(update.c_updateMessageID()); FullMsgId msg = App::histItemByRandom(d.vrandom_id.v); if (msg.msg) { HistoryItem *msgRow = App::histItemById(msg); if (msgRow) { if (App::histItemById(msg.channel, d.vid.v)) { History *h = msgRow->history(); bool wasLast = (h->lastMsg == msgRow); msgRow->destroy(); if (wasLast && !h->lastMsg) { checkPeerHistory(h->peer); } _history->peerMessagesUpdated(); } else { App::historyUnregItem(msgRow); if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->changingMsgId(msgRow, d.vid.v); msgRow->setId(d.vid.v); if (msgRow->history()->peer->isSelf()) { msgRow->history()->unregTyping(App::self()); } App::historyRegItem(msgRow); Ui::repaintHistoryItem(msgRow); } } App::historyUnregRandom(d.vrandom_id.v); } App::historyUnregSentData(d.vrandom_id.v); } break; case mtpc_updateReadMessagesContents: { const auto &d(update.c_updateReadMessagesContents()); if (!ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update)) { return; } // update before applying skipped const auto &v(d.vmessages.c_vector().v); for (int32 i = 0, l = v.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(NoChannel, v.at(i).v)) { if (item->isMediaUnread()) { item->markMediaRead(); Ui::repaintHistoryItem(item); if (item->out() && item->history()->peer->isUser()) { item->history()->peer->asUser()->madeAction(); } } } } ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); } break; case mtpc_updateReadHistoryInbox: { const auto &d(update.c_updateReadHistoryInbox()); if (!ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update)) { return; } // update before applying skipped App::feedInboxRead(peerFromMTP(d.vpeer), d.vmax_id.v); ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); } break; case mtpc_updateReadHistoryOutbox: { const auto &d(update.c_updateReadHistoryOutbox()); if (!ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update)) { return; } // update before applying skipped PeerId id = peerFromMTP(d.vpeer); App::feedOutboxRead(id, d.vmax_id.v); if (_history->peer() && _history->peer()->id == id) { _history->update(); } if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(id)) { if (h->lastMsg && h->lastMsg->out() && h->lastMsg->id <= d.vmax_id.v) { dlgUpdated(h, h->lastMsg->id); } h->updateChatListEntry(); } ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); } break; case mtpc_updateWebPage: { const auto &d(update.c_updateWebPage()); if (!ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update)) { return; } // update before applying skipped App::feedWebPage(d.vwebpage); _history->updatePreview(); webPagesUpdate(); ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); } break; case mtpc_updateDeleteMessages: { const auto &d(update.c_updateDeleteMessages()); if (!ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update)) { return; } // update before applying skipped App::feedWereDeleted(NoChannel, d.vmessages.c_vector().v); _history->peerMessagesUpdated(); ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); } break; case mtpc_updateUserTyping: { const auto &d(update.c_updateUserTyping()); History *history = App::historyLoaded(peerFromUser(d.vuser_id)); UserData *user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (history && user) { App::histories().regSendAction(history, user, d.vaction); } } break; case mtpc_updateChatUserTyping: { const auto &d(update.c_updateChatUserTyping()); History *history = 0; if (PeerData *chat = App::chatLoaded(d.vchat_id.v)) { history = App::historyLoaded(chat->id); } else if (PeerData *channel = App::channelLoaded(d.vchat_id.v)) { history = App::historyLoaded(channel->id); } UserData *user = (d.vuser_id.v == MTP::authedId()) ? 0 : App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (history && user) { App::histories().regSendAction(history, user, d.vaction); } } break; case mtpc_updateChatParticipants: { App::feedParticipants(update.c_updateChatParticipants().vparticipants, true, false); } break; case mtpc_updateChatParticipantAdd: { App::feedParticipantAdd(update.c_updateChatParticipantAdd(), false); } break; case mtpc_updateChatParticipantDelete: { App::feedParticipantDelete(update.c_updateChatParticipantDelete(), false); } break; case mtpc_updateChatAdmins: { App::feedChatAdmins(update.c_updateChatAdmins(), false); } break; case mtpc_updateChatParticipantAdmin: { App::feedParticipantAdmin(update.c_updateChatParticipantAdmin(), false); } break; case mtpc_updateUserStatus: { const auto &d(update.c_updateUserStatus()); UserData *user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (user) { switch (d.vstatus.type()) { case mtpc_userStatusEmpty: user->onlineTill = 0; break; case mtpc_userStatusRecently: if (user->onlineTill > -10) { // don't modify pseudo-online user->onlineTill = -2; } break; case mtpc_userStatusLastWeek: user->onlineTill = -3; break; case mtpc_userStatusLastMonth: user->onlineTill = -4; break; case mtpc_userStatusOffline: user->onlineTill = d.vstatus.c_userStatusOffline().vwas_online.v; break; case mtpc_userStatusOnline: user->onlineTill = d.vstatus.c_userStatusOnline().vexpires.v; break; } App::markPeerUpdated(user); } if (d.vuser_id.v == MTP::authedId()) { if (d.vstatus.type() == mtpc_userStatusOffline || d.vstatus.type() == mtpc_userStatusEmpty) { updateOnline(true); if (d.vstatus.type() == mtpc_userStatusOffline) { cSetOtherOnline(d.vstatus.c_userStatusOffline().vwas_online.v); } } else if (d.vstatus.type() == mtpc_userStatusOnline) { cSetOtherOnline(d.vstatus.c_userStatusOnline().vexpires.v); } } } break; case mtpc_updateUserName: { const auto &d(update.c_updateUserName()); UserData *user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (user) { if (user->contact <= 0) { user->setName(textOneLine(qs(d.vfirst_name)), textOneLine(qs(d.vlast_name)), user->nameOrPhone, textOneLine(qs(d.vusername))); } else { user->setName(textOneLine(user->firstName), textOneLine(user->lastName), user->nameOrPhone, textOneLine(qs(d.vusername))); } App::markPeerUpdated(user); } } break; case mtpc_updateUserPhoto: { const auto &d(update.c_updateUserPhoto()); UserData *user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (user) { user->setPhoto(d.vphoto); user->loadUserpic(); if (mtpIsTrue(d.vprevious)) { user->photosCount = -1; user->photos.clear(); } else { if (user->photoId && user->photoId != UnknownPeerPhotoId) { if (user->photosCount > 0) ++user->photosCount; user->photos.push_front(App::photo(user->photoId)); } else { user->photosCount = -1; user->photos.clear(); } } App::markPeerUpdated(user); if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->mediaOverviewUpdated(user, OverviewCount); } } break; case mtpc_updateContactRegistered: { const auto &d(update.c_updateContactRegistered()); UserData *user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (user) { if (App::history(user->id)->loadedAtBottom()) { App::history(user->id)->addNewService(clientMsgId(), date(d.vdate), lng_action_user_registered(lt_from, user->name), MTPDmessage::Flag::f_unread); } } } break; case mtpc_updateContactLink: { const auto &d(update.c_updateContactLink()); App::feedUserLink(d.vuser_id, d.vmy_link, d.vforeign_link, false); } break; case mtpc_updateNotifySettings: { const auto &d(update.c_updateNotifySettings()); applyNotifySetting(d.vpeer, d.vnotify_settings); } break; case mtpc_updateDcOptions: { const auto &d(update.c_updateDcOptions()); MTP::updateDcOptions(d.vdc_options.c_vector().v); } break; case mtpc_updateUserPhone: { const auto &d(update.c_updateUserPhone()); UserData *user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (user) { user->setPhone(qs(d.vphone)); user->setName(user->firstName, user->lastName, (user->contact || isServiceUser(user->id) || user->isSelf() || user->phone.isEmpty()) ? QString() : App::formatPhone(user->phone), user->username); App::markPeerUpdated(user); } } break; case mtpc_updateNewEncryptedMessage: { const auto &d(update.c_updateNewEncryptedMessage()); } break; case mtpc_updateEncryptedChatTyping: { const auto &d(update.c_updateEncryptedChatTyping()); } break; case mtpc_updateEncryption: { const auto &d(update.c_updateEncryption()); } break; case mtpc_updateEncryptedMessagesRead: { const auto &d(update.c_updateEncryptedMessagesRead()); } break; case mtpc_updateUserBlocked: { const auto &d(update.c_updateUserBlocked()); if (UserData *user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v)) { user->blocked = mtpIsTrue(d.vblocked) ? UserIsBlocked : UserIsNotBlocked; App::markPeerUpdated(user); } } break; case mtpc_updateNewAuthorization: { const auto &d(update.c_updateNewAuthorization()); QDateTime datetime = date(d.vdate); QString name = App::self()->firstName; QString day = langDayOfWeekFull(datetime.date()), date = langDayOfMonthFull(datetime.date()), time = datetime.time().toString(cTimeFormat()); QString device = qs(d.vdevice), location = qs(d.vlocation); LangString text = lng_new_authorization(lt_name, App::self()->firstName, lt_day, day, lt_date, date, lt_time, time, lt_device, device, lt_location, location); App::wnd()->serviceNotification(text); emit App::wnd()->newAuthorization(); } break; case mtpc_updateServiceNotification: { const auto &d(update.c_updateServiceNotification()); if (mtpIsTrue(d.vpopup)) { Ui::showLayer(new InformBox(qs(d.vmessage))); } else { App::wnd()->serviceNotification(qs(d.vmessage), d.vmedia); } } break; case mtpc_updatePrivacy: { const auto &d(update.c_updatePrivacy()); } break; /////// Channel updates case mtpc_updateChannel: { const auto &d(update.c_updateChannel()); if (ChannelData *channel = App::channelLoaded(d.vchannel_id.v)) { App::markPeerUpdated(channel); channel->inviter = 0; if (!channel->amIn()) { deleteConversation(channel, false); } else if (!channel->amCreator() && App::history(channel->id)) { // create history _updatedChannels.insert(channel, true); if (App::api()) App::api()->requestSelfParticipant(channel); } } } break; case mtpc_updateNewChannelMessage: { const auto &d(update.c_updateNewChannelMessage()); ChannelData *channel = App::channelLoaded(peerToChannel(peerFromMessage(d.vmessage))); DataIsLoadedResult isDataLoaded = allDataLoadedForMessage(d.vmessage); if (!_ptsWaiter.requesting() && (!channel || isDataLoaded != DataIsLoadedResult::Ok)) { MTP_LOG(0, ("getDifference { good - after not all data loaded in updateNewChannelMessage }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); // Request last active supergroup participants if the 'from' user was not loaded yet. // This will optimize similar getDifference() calls for almost all next messages. if (isDataLoaded == DataIsLoadedResult::FromNotLoaded && channel && channel->isMegagroup() && App::api()) { if (channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.size() < Global::ChatSizeMax() && (channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.isEmpty() || channel->mgInfo->lastParticipants.size() < channel->count)) { App::api()->requestLastParticipants(channel); } } if (!_byMinChannelTimer.isActive()) { // getDifference after timeout _byMinChannelTimer.start(WaitForSkippedTimeout); } return; } if (channel && !_handlingChannelDifference) { if (channel->ptsRequesting()) { // skip global updates while getting channel difference return; } else if (!channel->ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update)) { return; } } // update before applying skipped bool needToAdd = true; if (d.vmessage.type() == mtpc_message) { // index forwarded messages to links _overview if (App::checkEntitiesAndViewsUpdate(d.vmessage.c_message())) { // already in blocks LOG(("Skipping message, because it is already in blocks!")); needToAdd = false; } } if (needToAdd) { HistoryItem *item = App::histories().addNewMessage(d.vmessage, NewMessageUnread); if (item) { _history->peerMessagesUpdated(item->history()->peer->id); } } if (channel && !_handlingChannelDifference) { channel->ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); } } break; case mtpc_updateEditChannelMessage: { const auto &d(update.c_updateEditChannelMessage()); ChannelData *channel = App::channelLoaded(peerToChannel(peerFromMessage(d.vmessage))); if (channel && !_handlingChannelDifference) { if (channel->ptsRequesting()) { // skip global updates while getting channel difference return; } else if (!channel->ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update)) { return; } } // update before applying skipped if (d.vmessage.type() == mtpc_message) { // apply message edit App::updateEditedMessage(d.vmessage.c_message()); } if (channel && !_handlingChannelDifference) { channel->ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); } } break; case mtpc_updateEditMessage: { const auto &d(update.c_updateEditMessage()); if (!ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update)) { return; } // update before applying skipped if (d.vmessage.type() == mtpc_message) { // apply message edit App::updateEditedMessage(d.vmessage.c_message()); } ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); } break; case mtpc_updateChannelPinnedMessage: { const auto &d(update.c_updateChannelPinnedMessage()); if (ChannelData *channel = App::channelLoaded(d.vchannel_id.v)) { if (channel->isMegagroup()) { channel->mgInfo->pinnedMsgId = d.vid.v; if (App::api()) { emit App::api()->fullPeerUpdated(channel); } } } } break; case mtpc_updateReadChannelInbox: { const auto &d(update.c_updateReadChannelInbox()); ChannelData *channel = App::channelLoaded(d.vchannel_id.v); App::feedInboxRead(peerFromChannel(d.vchannel_id.v), d.vmax_id.v); } break; case mtpc_updateDeleteChannelMessages: { const auto &d(update.c_updateDeleteChannelMessages()); ChannelData *channel = App::channelLoaded(d.vchannel_id.v); if (channel && !_handlingChannelDifference) { if (channel->ptsRequesting()) { // skip global updates while getting channel difference return; } else if (!channel->ptsUpdated(d.vpts.v, d.vpts_count.v, update)) { return; } } // update before applying skipped App::feedWereDeleted(d.vchannel_id.v, d.vmessages.c_vector().v); _history->peerMessagesUpdated(); if (channel && !_handlingChannelDifference) { channel->ptsApplySkippedUpdates(); } } break; case mtpc_updateChannelGroup: { if (!_handlingChannelDifference) { LOG(("API Error: got updateChannelGroup not in channelDifference!")); } } break; case mtpc_updateChannelTooLong: { const auto &d(update.c_updateChannelTooLong()); if (ChannelData *channel = App::channelLoaded(d.vchannel_id.v)) { if (!d.has_pts() || channel->pts() < d.vpts.v) { getChannelDifference(channel); } } } break; case mtpc_updateChannelMessageViews: { const auto &d(update.c_updateChannelMessageViews()); if (HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(d.vchannel_id.v, d.vid.v)) { item->setViewsCount(d.vviews.v); } } break; ////// Cloud sticker sets case mtpc_updateNewStickerSet: { const auto &d(update.c_updateNewStickerSet()); if (d.vstickerset.type() == mtpc_messages_stickerSet) { const auto &set(d.vstickerset.c_messages_stickerSet()); if (set.vset.type() == mtpc_stickerSet) { const auto &s(set.vset.c_stickerSet()); Stickers::Sets &sets(Global::RefStickerSets()); auto it = sets.find(s.vid.v); if (it == sets.cend()) { it = sets.insert(s.vid.v, Stickers::Set(s.vid.v, s.vaccess_hash.v, stickerSetTitle(s), qs(s.vshort_name), s.vcount.v, s.vhash.v, s.vflags.v)); } const auto &v(set.vdocuments.c_vector().v); it->stickers.clear(); it->stickers.reserve(v.size()); for (int32 i = 0, l = v.size(); i < l; ++i) { DocumentData *doc = App::feedDocument(v.at(i)); if (!doc || !doc->sticker()) continue; it->stickers.push_back(doc); } it->emoji.clear(); const auto &packs(set.vpacks.c_vector().v); for (int32 i = 0, l = packs.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (packs.at(i).type() != mtpc_stickerPack) continue; const auto &pack(packs.at(i).c_stickerPack()); if (EmojiPtr e = emojiGetNoColor(emojiFromText(qs(pack.vemoticon)))) { const auto &stickers(pack.vdocuments.c_vector().v); StickerPack p; p.reserve(stickers.size()); for (int32 j = 0, c = stickers.size(); j < c; ++j) { DocumentData *doc = App::document(stickers.at(j).v); if (!doc || !doc->sticker()) continue; p.push_back(doc); } it->emoji.insert(e, p); } } auto &order(Global::RefStickerSetsOrder()); int32 insertAtIndex = 0, currentIndex = order.indexOf(s.vid.v); if (currentIndex != insertAtIndex) { if (currentIndex > 0) { order.removeAt(currentIndex); } order.insert(insertAtIndex, s.vid.v); } auto custom = sets.find(Stickers::CustomSetId); if (custom != sets.cend()) { for (int32 i = 0, l = it->stickers.size(); i < l; ++i) { int32 removeIndex = custom->stickers.indexOf(it->stickers.at(i)); if (removeIndex >= 0) custom->stickers.removeAt(removeIndex); } if (custom->stickers.isEmpty()) { sets.erase(custom); } } Local::writeStickers(); emit stickersUpdated(); } } } break; case mtpc_updateStickerSetsOrder: { const auto &d(update.c_updateStickerSetsOrder()); const auto &order(d.vorder.c_vector().v); const auto &sets(Global::StickerSets()); Stickers::Order result; for (int32 i = 0, l = order.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (sets.constFind(order.at(i).v) == sets.cend()) { break; } result.push_back(order.at(i).v); } if (result.size() != Global::StickerSetsOrder().size() || result.size() != order.size()) { Global::SetLastStickersUpdate(0); App::main()->updateStickers(); } else { Global::SetStickerSetsOrder(result); Local::writeStickers(); emit stickersUpdated(); } } break; case mtpc_updateStickerSets: { Global::SetLastStickersUpdate(0); App::main()->updateStickers(); } break; case mtpc_updateSavedGifs: { cSetLastSavedGifsUpdate(0); App::main()->updateStickers(); } break; } }