/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include #include "base/variant.h" #include "mtproto/rpc_sender.h" namespace Export { class Controller; struct Settings; struct PasswordCheckState { QString hint; QString unconfirmedPattern; bool requesting = true; bool hasPassword = false; bool checked = false; }; struct ProcessingState { enum class Step { Initializing, LeftChannelsList, DialogsList, PersonalInfo, Userpics, Contacts, Sessions, LeftChannels, Dialogs, }; enum class FileType { None, Photo, Video, VoiceMessage, VideoMessage, Sticker, GIF, File, }; Step step = Step::Initializing; int substepsPassed = 0; int substepsNow = 0; int substepsTotal = 0; QString entityName; int entityIndex = 0; int entityCount = 0; int itemIndex = 0; int itemCount = 0; FileType bytesType = FileType::None; QString bytesName; int bytesLoaded = 0; int bytesCount = 0; }; struct ApiErrorState { RPCError data; }; struct OutputErrorState { QString path; }; struct FinishedState { QString path; int filesCount = 0; int64 bytesCount = 0; }; using State = base::optional_variant< PasswordCheckState, ProcessingState, ApiErrorState, OutputErrorState, FinishedState>; //struct PasswordUpdate { // enum class Type { // CheckSucceed, // WrongPassword, // FloodLimit, // RecoverUnavailable, // }; // Type type = Type::WrongPassword; // //}; class ControllerWrap { public: ControllerWrap(); rpl::producer state() const; // Password step. //void submitPassword(const QString &password); //void requestPasswordRecover(); //rpl::producer passwordUpdate() const; //void reloadPasswordState(); //void cancelUnconfirmedPassword(); // Processing step. void startExport(const Settings &settings); rpl::lifetime &lifetime(); ~ControllerWrap(); private: crl::object_on_queue _wrapped; rpl::lifetime _lifetime; }; } // namespace Export