/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "calls/calls_instance.h" #include "calls/calls_group_common.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_dh_utils.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "calls/calls_call.h" #include "calls/calls_group_call.h" #include "calls/calls_panel.h" #include "calls/calls_group_panel.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_group_call.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "media/audio/media_audio_track.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_config.h" #include "boxes/rate_call_box.h" #include "app.h" #include #include namespace Calls { namespace { constexpr auto kServerConfigUpdateTimeoutMs = 24 * 3600 * crl::time(1000); } // namespace Instance::Instance() = default; Instance::~Instance() = default; void Instance::startOutgoingCall(not_null user, bool video) { if (activateCurrentCall()) { return; } if (user->callsStatus() == UserData::CallsStatus::Private) { // Request full user once more to refresh the setting in case it was changed. user->session().api().requestFullPeer(user); Ui::show(Box( tr::lng_call_error_not_available(tr::now, lt_user, user->name))); return; } requestPermissionsOrFail(crl::guard(this, [=] { createCall(user, Call::Type::Outgoing, video); }), video); } void Instance::startOrJoinGroupCall( not_null peer, const QString &joinHash, bool confirmNeeded) { const auto context = confirmNeeded ? Group::ChooseJoinAsProcess::Context::JoinWithConfirm : peer->groupCall() ? Group::ChooseJoinAsProcess::Context::Join : Group::ChooseJoinAsProcess::Context::Create; _chooseJoinAs.start(peer, context, [=](object_ptr box) { Ui::show(std::move(box), Ui::LayerOption::KeepOther); }, [=](QString text) { Ui::Toast::Show(text); }, [=](Group::JoinInfo info) { const auto call = info.peer->groupCall(); info.joinHash = joinHash; createGroupCall( std::move(info), call ? call->input() : MTP_inputGroupCall(MTPlong(), MTPlong())); }); } void Instance::callFinished(not_null call) { crl::on_main(call, [=] { destroyCall(call); }); } void Instance::callFailed(not_null call) { crl::on_main(call, [=] { destroyCall(call); }); } void Instance::callRedial(not_null call) { if (_currentCall.get() == call) { refreshDhConfig(); } } void Instance::groupCallFinished(not_null call) { crl::on_main(call, [=] { destroyGroupCall(call); }); } void Instance::groupCallFailed(not_null call) { crl::on_main(call, [=] { destroyGroupCall(call); }); } not_null Instance::ensureSoundLoaded( const QString &key) { const auto i = _tracks.find(key); if (i != end(_tracks)) { return i->second.get(); } const auto result = _tracks.emplace( key, Media::Audio::Current().createTrack()).first->second.get(); result->fillFromFile(Core::App().settings().getSoundPath(key)); return result; } void Instance::playSoundOnce(const QString &key) { ensureSoundLoaded(key)->playOnce(); } void Instance::callPlaySound(CallSound sound) { playSoundOnce([&] { switch (sound) { case CallSound::Busy: return "call_busy"; case CallSound::Ended: return "call_end"; case CallSound::Connecting: return "call_connect"; } Unexpected("CallSound in Instance::callPlaySound."); return ""; }()); } void Instance::groupCallPlaySound(GroupCallSound sound) { playSoundOnce([&] { switch (sound) { case GroupCallSound::Started: return "group_call_start"; case GroupCallSound::Ended: return "group_call_end"; case GroupCallSound::AllowedToSpeak: return "group_call_allowed"; case GroupCallSound::Connecting: return "group_call_connect"; } Unexpected("GroupCallSound in Instance::groupCallPlaySound."); return ""; }()); } void Instance::destroyCall(not_null call) { if (_currentCall.get() == call) { _currentCallPanel->closeBeforeDestroy(); _currentCallPanel = nullptr; auto taken = base::take(_currentCall); _currentCallChanges.fire(nullptr); taken.reset(); if (App::quitting()) { LOG(("Calls::Instance doesn't prevent quit any more.")); } Core::App().quitPreventFinished(); } } void Instance::createCall(not_null user, Call::Type type, bool video) { auto call = std::make_unique(getCallDelegate(), user, type, video); const auto raw = call.get(); user->session().account().sessionChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { destroyCall(raw); }, raw->lifetime()); if (_currentCall) { _currentCallPanel->replaceCall(raw); std::swap(_currentCall, call); call->hangup(); } else { _currentCallPanel = std::make_unique(raw); _currentCall = std::move(call); } _currentCallChanges.fire_copy(raw); refreshServerConfig(&user->session()); refreshDhConfig(); } void Instance::destroyGroupCall(not_null call) { if (_currentGroupCall.get() == call) { _currentGroupCallPanel->closeBeforeDestroy(); _currentGroupCallPanel = nullptr; auto taken = base::take(_currentGroupCall); _currentGroupCallChanges.fire(nullptr); taken.reset(); if (App::quitting()) { LOG(("Calls::Instance doesn't prevent quit any more.")); } Core::App().quitPreventFinished(); } } void Instance::createGroupCall( Group::JoinInfo info, const MTPInputGroupCall &inputCall) { destroyCurrentCall(); auto call = std::make_unique( getGroupCallDelegate(), std::move(info), inputCall); const auto raw = call.get(); info.peer->session().account().sessionChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { destroyGroupCall(raw); }, raw->lifetime()); _currentGroupCallPanel = std::make_unique(raw); _currentGroupCall = std::move(call); _currentGroupCallChanges.fire_copy(raw); } void Instance::refreshDhConfig() { Expects(_currentCall != nullptr); const auto weak = base::make_weak(_currentCall); _currentCall->user()->session().api().request(MTPmessages_GetDhConfig( MTP_int(_dhConfig.version), MTP_int(MTP::ModExpFirst::kRandomPowerSize) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_DhConfig &result) { const auto call = weak.get(); const auto random = updateDhConfig(result); if (!call) { return; } if (!random.empty()) { Assert(random.size() == MTP::ModExpFirst::kRandomPowerSize); call->start(random); } else { callFailed(call); } }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { const auto call = weak.get(); if (!call) { return; } callFailed(call); }).send(); } bytes::const_span Instance::updateDhConfig( const MTPmessages_DhConfig &data) { const auto validRandom = [](const QByteArray & random) { if (random.size() != MTP::ModExpFirst::kRandomPowerSize) { return false; } return true; }; return data.match([&](const MTPDmessages_dhConfig &data) -> bytes::const_span { auto primeBytes = bytes::make_vector(data.vp().v); if (!MTP::IsPrimeAndGood(primeBytes, data.vg().v)) { LOG(("API Error: bad p/g received in dhConfig.")); return {}; } else if (!validRandom(data.vrandom().v)) { return {}; } _dhConfig.g = data.vg().v; _dhConfig.p = std::move(primeBytes); _dhConfig.version = data.vversion().v; return bytes::make_span(data.vrandom().v); }, [&](const MTPDmessages_dhConfigNotModified &data) -> bytes::const_span { if (!_dhConfig.g || _dhConfig.p.empty()) { LOG(("API Error: dhConfigNotModified on zero version.")); return {}; } else if (!validRandom(data.vrandom().v)) { return {}; } return bytes::make_span(data.vrandom().v); }); } void Instance::refreshServerConfig(not_null session) { if (_serverConfigRequestSession) { return; } if (_lastServerConfigUpdateTime && ((crl::now() - _lastServerConfigUpdateTime) < kServerConfigUpdateTimeoutMs)) { return; } _serverConfigRequestSession = session; session->api().request(MTPphone_GetCallConfig( )).done([=](const MTPDataJSON &result) { _serverConfigRequestSession = nullptr; _lastServerConfigUpdateTime = crl::now(); const auto &json = result.c_dataJSON().vdata().v; UpdateConfig(std::string(json.data(), json.size())); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _serverConfigRequestSession = nullptr; }).send(); } void Instance::handleUpdate( not_null session, const MTPUpdate &update) { update.match([&](const MTPDupdatePhoneCall &data) { handleCallUpdate(session, data.vphone_call()); }, [&](const MTPDupdatePhoneCallSignalingData &data) { handleSignalingData(session, data); }, [&](const MTPDupdateGroupCall &data) { handleGroupCallUpdate(session, update); }, [&](const MTPDupdateGroupCallParticipants &data) { handleGroupCallUpdate(session, update); }, [](const auto &) { Unexpected("Update type in Calls::Instance::handleUpdate."); }); } void Instance::showInfoPanel(not_null call) { if (_currentCall.get() == call) { _currentCallPanel->showAndActivate(); } } void Instance::showInfoPanel(not_null call) { if (_currentGroupCall.get() == call) { _currentGroupCallPanel->showAndActivate(); } } void Instance::setCurrentAudioDevice(bool input, const QString &deviceId) { if (input) { Core::App().settings().setCallInputDeviceId(deviceId); } else { Core::App().settings().setCallOutputDeviceId(deviceId); } Core::App().saveSettingsDelayed(); if (const auto call = currentCall()) { call->setCurrentAudioDevice(input, deviceId); } else if (const auto group = currentGroupCall()) { group->setCurrentAudioDevice(input, deviceId); } } bool Instance::isQuitPrevent() { if (!_currentCall || _currentCall->isIncomingWaiting()) { return false; } _currentCall->hangup(); if (!_currentCall) { return false; } LOG(("Calls::Instance prevents quit, hanging up a call...")); return true; } void Instance::handleCallUpdate( not_null session, const MTPPhoneCall &call) { if (call.type() == mtpc_phoneCallRequested) { auto &phoneCall = call.c_phoneCallRequested(); auto user = session->data().userLoaded(phoneCall.vadmin_id().v); if (!user) { LOG(("API Error: User not loaded for phoneCallRequested.")); } else if (user->isSelf()) { LOG(("API Error: Self found in phoneCallRequested.")); } const auto &config = session->serverConfig(); if (inCall() || inGroupCall() || !user || user->isSelf()) { const auto flags = phoneCall.is_video() ? MTPphone_DiscardCall::Flag::f_video : MTPphone_DiscardCall::Flag(0); session->api().request(MTPphone_DiscardCall( MTP_flags(flags), MTP_inputPhoneCall(phoneCall.vid(), phoneCall.vaccess_hash()), MTP_int(0), MTP_phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy(), MTP_long(0) )).send(); } else if (phoneCall.vdate().v + (config.callRingTimeoutMs / 1000) < base::unixtime::now()) { LOG(("Ignoring too old call.")); } else if (Core::App().settings().disableCalls()) { LOG(("Ignoring call because of 'accept calls' settings.")); } else { createCall(user, Call::Type::Incoming, phoneCall.is_video()); _currentCall->handleUpdate(call); } } else if (!_currentCall || (&_currentCall->user()->session() != session) || !_currentCall->handleUpdate(call)) { DEBUG_LOG(("API Warning: unexpected phone call update %1").arg(call.type())); } } void Instance::handleGroupCallUpdate( not_null session, const MTPUpdate &update) { const auto callId = update.match([](const MTPDupdateGroupCall &data) { return data.vcall().match([](const auto &data) { return data.vid().v; }); }, [](const MTPDupdateGroupCallParticipants &data) { return data.vcall().match([&](const MTPDinputGroupCall &data) { return data.vid().v; }); }, [](const auto &) -> uint64 { Unexpected("Type in Instance::handleGroupCallUpdate."); }); if (const auto existing = session->data().groupCall(callId)) { existing->enqueueUpdate(update); } else { applyGroupCallUpdateChecked(session, update); } if (_currentGroupCall && (&_currentGroupCall->peer()->session() == session)) { update.match([&](const MTPDupdateGroupCall &data) { _currentGroupCall->handlePossibleCreateOrJoinResponse(data); }, [](const auto &) { }); } } void Instance::applyGroupCallUpdateChecked( not_null session, const MTPUpdate &update) { if (_currentGroupCall && (&_currentGroupCall->peer()->session() == session)) { _currentGroupCall->handleUpdate(update); } } void Instance::handleSignalingData( not_null session, const MTPDupdatePhoneCallSignalingData &data) { if (!_currentCall || (&_currentCall->user()->session() != session) || !_currentCall->handleSignalingData(data)) { DEBUG_LOG(("API Warning: unexpected call signaling data %1" ).arg(data.vphone_call_id().v)); } } bool Instance::inCall() const { if (!_currentCall) { return false; } const auto state = _currentCall->state(); return (state != Call::State::Busy); } bool Instance::inGroupCall() const { if (!_currentGroupCall) { return false; } const auto state = _currentGroupCall->state(); return (state != GroupCall::State::HangingUp) && (state != GroupCall::State::Ended) && (state != GroupCall::State::FailedHangingUp) && (state != GroupCall::State::Failed); } void Instance::destroyCurrentCall() { if (const auto current = currentCall()) { current->hangup(); if (const auto still = currentCall()) { destroyCall(still); } } if (const auto current = currentGroupCall()) { current->hangup(); if (const auto still = currentGroupCall()) { destroyGroupCall(still); } } } bool Instance::hasActivePanel(not_null session) const { if (inCall()) { return (&_currentCall->user()->session() == session) && _currentCallPanel->isActive(); } else if (inGroupCall()) { return (&_currentGroupCall->peer()->session() == session) && _currentGroupCallPanel->isActive(); } return false; } bool Instance::activateCurrentCall(const QString &joinHash) { if (inCall()) { _currentCallPanel->showAndActivate(); return true; } else if (inGroupCall()) { if (!joinHash.isEmpty()) { _currentGroupCall->rejoinWithHash(joinHash); } _currentGroupCallPanel->showAndActivate(); return true; } return false; } bool Instance::minimizeCurrentActiveCall() { if (inCall() && _currentCallPanel->isActive()) { _currentCallPanel->minimize(); return true; } else if (inGroupCall() && _currentGroupCallPanel->isActive()) { _currentGroupCallPanel->minimize(); return true; } return false; } bool Instance::closeCurrentActiveCall() { if (inGroupCall() && _currentGroupCallPanel->isActive()) { _currentGroupCallPanel->close(); return true; } return false; } Call *Instance::currentCall() const { return _currentCall.get(); } rpl::producer Instance::currentCallValue() const { return _currentCallChanges.events_starting_with(currentCall()); } GroupCall *Instance::currentGroupCall() const { return _currentGroupCall.get(); } rpl::producer Instance::currentGroupCallValue() const { return _currentGroupCallChanges.events_starting_with(currentGroupCall()); } void Instance::requestPermissionsOrFail(Fn onSuccess, bool video) { using Type = Platform::PermissionType; requestPermissionOrFail(Type::Microphone, [=] { auto callback = [=] { crl::on_main(onSuccess); }; if (video) { requestPermissionOrFail(Type::Camera, std::move(callback)); } else { callback(); } }); } void Instance::requestPermissionOrFail(Platform::PermissionType type, Fn onSuccess) { using Status = Platform::PermissionStatus; const auto status = Platform::GetPermissionStatus(type); if (status == Status::Granted) { onSuccess(); } else if (status == Status::CanRequest) { Platform::RequestPermission(type, crl::guard(this, [=](Status status) { if (status == Status::Granted) { crl::on_main(onSuccess); } else { if (_currentCall) { _currentCall->hangup(); } } })); } else { if (inCall()) { _currentCall->hangup(); } if (inGroupCall()) { _currentGroupCall->hangup(); } Ui::show(Box(tr::lng_no_mic_permission(tr::now), tr::lng_menu_settings(tr::now), crl::guard(this, [=] { Platform::OpenSystemSettingsForPermission(type); Ui::hideLayer(); }))); } } std::shared_ptr Instance::getVideoCapture() { if (auto result = _videoCapture.lock()) { return result; } auto result = std::shared_ptr( tgcalls::VideoCaptureInterface::Create( tgcalls::StaticThreads::getThreads(), Core::App().settings().callVideoInputDeviceId().toStdString())); _videoCapture = result; return result; } } // namespace Calls