/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "calls/group/calls_group_viewport.h" #include "calls/group/calls_group_viewport_tile.h" #include "calls/group/calls_group_viewport_opengl.h" #include "calls/group/calls_group_viewport_raster.h" #include "calls/group/calls_group_common.h" #include "calls/group/calls_group_call.h" #include "calls/group/calls_group_members_row.h" #include "media/view/media_view_pip.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_info.h" #include "webrtc/webrtc_video_track.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "ui/abstract_button.h" #include "ui/gl/gl_surface.h" #include "ui/effects/animations.h" #include "ui/effects/cross_line.h" #include "data/data_group_call.h" // MuteButtonTooltip. #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "styles/style_calls.h" #include #include namespace Calls::Group { namespace { [[nodiscard]] QRect InterpolateRect(QRect a, QRect b, float64 ratio) { const auto left = anim::interpolate(a.x(), b.x(), ratio); const auto top = anim::interpolate(a.y(), b.y(), ratio); const auto right = anim::interpolate( a.x() + a.width(), b.x() + b.width(), ratio); const auto bottom = anim::interpolate( a.y() + a.height(), b.y() + b.height(), ratio); return { left, top, right - left, bottom - top }; } } // namespace Viewport::Viewport( not_null parent, PanelMode mode, Ui::GL::Backend backend) : _mode(mode) , _content(Ui::GL::CreateSurface(parent, chooseRenderer(backend))) { setup(); } Viewport::~Viewport() = default; not_null Viewport::widget() const { return _content->rpWidget(); } not_null Viewport::rp() const { return _content.get(); } void Viewport::setup() { const auto raw = widget(); raw->resize(0, 0); raw->setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); raw->setMouseTracking(true); _content->sizeValue( ) | rpl::filter([=] { return wide(); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateTilesGeometry(); }, lifetime()); _content->events( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null e) { const auto type = e->type(); if (type == QEvent::Enter) { Ui::Integration::Instance().registerLeaveSubscription(raw); _mouseInside = true; } else if (type == QEvent::Leave) { Ui::Integration::Instance().unregisterLeaveSubscription(raw); setSelected({}); _mouseInside = false; } else if (type == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { handleMousePress( static_cast(e.get())->pos(), static_cast(e.get())->button()); } else if (type == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) { handleMouseRelease( static_cast(e.get())->pos(), static_cast(e.get())->button()); } else if (type == QEvent::MouseMove) { handleMouseMove(static_cast(e.get())->pos()); } }, lifetime()); } void Viewport::setGeometry(QRect geometry) { Expects(wide()); if (widget()->geometry() != geometry) { _geometryStaleAfterModeChange = false; widget()->setGeometry(geometry); } else if (_geometryStaleAfterModeChange) { _geometryStaleAfterModeChange = false; updateTilesGeometry(); } } void Viewport::resizeToWidth(int width) { Expects(!wide()); updateTilesGeometry(width); } void Viewport::setScrollTop(int scrollTop) { if (_scrollTop == scrollTop) { return; } _scrollTop = scrollTop; updateTilesGeometry(); } bool Viewport::wide() const { return (_mode == PanelMode::Wide); } void Viewport::setMode(PanelMode mode, not_null parent) { if (_mode == mode && widget()->parent() == parent) { return; } _mode = mode; _scrollTop = 0; setControlsShown(1.); if (widget()->parent() != parent) { const auto hidden = widget()->isHidden(); widget()->setParent(parent); if (!hidden) { widget()->show(); } } if (!wide()) { for (const auto &tile : _tiles) { tile->toggleTopControlsShown(false); } } else if (_selected.tile) { _selected.tile->toggleTopControlsShown(true); } } void Viewport::handleMousePress(QPoint position, Qt::MouseButton button) { handleMouseMove(position); setPressed(_selected); } void Viewport::handleMouseRelease(QPoint position, Qt::MouseButton button) { handleMouseMove(position); const auto pressed = _pressed; setPressed({}); if (const auto tile = pressed.tile) { if (pressed == _selected) { if (button == Qt::RightButton) { tile->row()->showContextMenu(); } else if (!wide() || (_hasTwoOrMore && !_large) || pressed.element != Selection::Element::PinButton) { _clicks.fire_copy(tile->endpoint()); } else if (pressed.element == Selection::Element::PinButton) { _pinToggles.fire(!tile->pinned()); } } } } void Viewport::handleMouseMove(QPoint position) { updateSelected(position); } void Viewport::updateSelected(QPoint position) { if (!widget()->rect().contains(position)) { setSelected({}); return; } for (const auto &tile : _tiles) { const auto geometry = tile->visible() ? tile->geometry() : QRect(); if (geometry.contains(position)) { const auto pin = wide() && tile->pinOuter().contains(position - geometry.topLeft()); const auto back = wide() && tile->backOuter().contains(position - geometry.topLeft()); setSelected({ .tile = tile.get(), .element = (pin ? Selection::Element::PinButton : back ? Selection::Element::BackButton : Selection::Element::Tile), }); return; } } setSelected({}); } void Viewport::updateSelected() { updateSelected(widget()->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos())); } void Viewport::setControlsShown(float64 shown) { _controlsShownRatio = shown; widget()->update(); } void Viewport::add( const VideoEndpoint &endpoint, VideoTileTrack track, rpl::producer trackSize, rpl::producer pinned) { _tiles.push_back(std::make_unique( endpoint, track, std::move(trackSize), std::move(pinned), [=] { widget()->update(); })); _tiles.back()->trackSizeValue( ) | rpl::filter([](QSize size) { return !size.isEmpty(); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateTilesGeometry(); }, _tiles.back()->lifetime()); _tiles.back()->track()->stateValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateTilesGeometry(); }, _tiles.back()->lifetime()); } void Viewport::remove(const VideoEndpoint &endpoint) { const auto i = ranges::find(_tiles, endpoint, &VideoTile::endpoint); if (i == end(_tiles)) { return; } const auto removing = i->get(); const auto largeRemoved = (_large == removing); if (largeRemoved) { prepareLargeChangeAnimation(); _large = nullptr; } if (_selected.tile == removing) { setSelected({}); } if (_pressed.tile == removing) { setPressed({}); } for (auto &geometry : _startTilesLayout.list) { if (geometry.tile == removing) { geometry.tile = nullptr; } } for (auto &geometry : _finishTilesLayout.list) { if (geometry.tile == removing) { geometry.tile = nullptr; } } _tiles.erase(i); if (largeRemoved) { startLargeChangeAnimation(); } else { updateTilesGeometry(); } } void Viewport::prepareLargeChangeAnimation() { if (!wide()) { return; } else if (_largeChangeAnimation.animating()) { updateTilesAnimated(); const auto field = _finishTilesLayout.useColumns ? &Geometry::columns : &Geometry::rows; for (auto &finish : _finishTilesLayout.list) { const auto tile = finish.tile; if (!tile) { continue; } finish.*field = tile->geometry(); } _startTilesLayout = std::move(_finishTilesLayout); _largeChangeAnimation.stop(); _startTilesLayout.list.erase( ranges::remove(_startTilesLayout.list, nullptr, &Geometry::tile), end(_startTilesLayout.list)); } else { _startTilesLayout = applyLarge(std::move(_startTilesLayout)); } } void Viewport::startLargeChangeAnimation() { Expects(!_largeChangeAnimation.animating()); if (!wide() || anim::Disabled() || (_startTilesLayout.list.size() < 2) || !_opengl || widget()->size().isEmpty()) { updateTilesGeometry(); return; } _finishTilesLayout = applyLarge( countWide(widget()->width(), widget()->height())); if (_finishTilesLayout.list.empty() || _finishTilesLayout.outer != _startTilesLayout.outer) { updateTilesGeometry(); return; } _largeChangeAnimation.start( [=] { updateTilesAnimated(); }, 0., 1., st::slideDuration); } Viewport::Layout Viewport::applyLarge(Layout layout) const { auto &list = layout.list; if (!_large) { return layout; } const auto i = ranges::find(list, _large, &Geometry::tile); if (i == end(list)) { return layout; } const auto field = layout.useColumns ? &Geometry::columns : &Geometry::rows; const auto fullWidth = layout.outer.width(); const auto fullHeight = layout.outer.height(); const auto largeRect = (*i).*field; const auto largeLeft = largeRect.x(); const auto largeTop = largeRect.y(); const auto largeRight = largeLeft + largeRect.width(); const auto largeBottom = largeTop + largeRect.height(); for (auto &geometry : list) { if (geometry.tile == _large) { geometry.*field = { QPoint(), layout.outer }; } else if (layout.useColumns) { auto &rect = geometry.columns; const auto center = rect.center(); if (center.x() < largeLeft) { rect = rect.translated(-largeLeft, 0); } else if (center.x() > largeRight) { rect = rect.translated(fullWidth - largeRight, 0); } else if (center.y() < largeTop) { rect = QRect( 0, rect.y() - largeTop, fullWidth, rect.height()); } else if (center.y() > largeBottom) { rect = QRect( 0, rect.y() + (fullHeight - largeBottom), fullWidth, rect.height()); } } else { auto &rect = geometry.rows; const auto center = rect.center(); if (center.y() < largeTop) { rect = rect.translated(0, -largeTop); } else if (center.y() > largeBottom) { rect = rect.translated(0, fullHeight - largeBottom); } else if (center.x() < largeLeft) { rect = QRect( rect.x() - largeLeft, 0, rect.width(), fullHeight); } else { rect = QRect( rect.x() + (fullWidth - largeRight), 0, rect.width(), fullHeight); } } } return layout; } void Viewport::updateTilesAnimated() { if (!_largeChangeAnimation.animating()) { updateTilesGeometry(); return; } const auto ratio = _largeChangeAnimation.value(1.); const auto field = _finishTilesLayout.useColumns ? &Geometry::columns : &Geometry::rows; for (const auto &finish : _finishTilesLayout.list) { const auto tile = finish.tile; if (!tile) { continue; } const auto i = ranges::find( _startTilesLayout.list, tile, &Geometry::tile); if (i == end(_startTilesLayout.list)) { LOG(("Tiles Animation Error 1!")); _largeChangeAnimation.stop(); updateTilesGeometry(); return; } const auto from = (*i).*field; const auto to = finish.*field; tile->setGeometry( InterpolateRect(from, to, ratio), TileAnimation{ from.size(), to.size(), ratio }); } widget()->update(); } Viewport::Layout Viewport::countWide(int outerWidth, int outerHeight) const { auto result = Layout{ .outer = QSize(outerWidth, outerHeight) }; auto &sizes = result.list; sizes.reserve(_tiles.size()); for (const auto &tile : _tiles) { const auto video = tile.get(); const auto size = video->trackOrUserpicSize(); if (!size.isEmpty()) { sizes.push_back(Geometry{ video, size }); } } if (sizes.empty()) { return result; } else if (sizes.size() == 1) { sizes.front().rows = { 0, 0, outerWidth, outerHeight }; return result; } auto columnsBlack = uint64(); auto rowsBlack = uint64(); const auto count = int(sizes.size()); const auto skip = st::groupCallVideoLargeSkip; const auto slices = int(std::ceil(std::sqrt(float64(count)))); { auto index = 0; const auto columns = slices; const auto sizew = (outerWidth + skip) / float64(columns); for (auto column = 0; column != columns; ++column) { const auto left = int(base::SafeRound(column * sizew)); const auto width = int( base::SafeRound(column * sizew + sizew - skip)) - left; const auto rows = int(base::SafeRound((count - index) / float64(columns - column))); const auto sizeh = (outerHeight + skip) / float64(rows); for (auto row = 0; row != rows; ++row) { const auto top = int(base::SafeRound(row * sizeh)); const auto height = int(base::SafeRound( row * sizeh + sizeh - skip)) - top; auto &geometry = sizes[index]; geometry.columns = { left, top, width, height }; const auto scaled = geometry.size.scaled( width, height, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); columnsBlack += (scaled.width() < width) ? (width - scaled.width()) * height : (height - scaled.height()) * width; ++index; } } } { auto index = 0; const auto rows = slices; const auto sizeh = (outerHeight + skip) / float64(rows); for (auto row = 0; row != rows; ++row) { const auto top = int(base::SafeRound(row * sizeh)); const auto height = int( base::SafeRound(row * sizeh + sizeh - skip)) - top; const auto columns = int(base::SafeRound((count - index) / float64(rows - row))); const auto sizew = (outerWidth + skip) / float64(columns); for (auto column = 0; column != columns; ++column) { const auto left = int(base::SafeRound(column * sizew)); const auto width = int(base::SafeRound( column * sizew + sizew - skip)) - left; auto &geometry = sizes[index]; geometry.rows = { left, top, width, height }; const auto scaled = geometry.size.scaled( width, height, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); rowsBlack += (scaled.width() < width) ? (width - scaled.width()) * height : (height - scaled.height()) * width; ++index; } } } result.useColumns = (columnsBlack < rowsBlack); return result; } void Viewport::showLarge(const VideoEndpoint &endpoint) { // If a video get's switched off, GroupCall first unpins it, // then removes it from Large endpoint, then removes from active tracks. // // If we want to animate large video removal properly, we need to // delay this update and start animation directly from removing of the // track from the active list. Otherwise final state won't be correct. _updateLargeScheduled = [=] { const auto i = ranges::find(_tiles, endpoint, &VideoTile::endpoint); const auto large = (i != end(_tiles)) ? i->get() : nullptr; if (_large != large) { prepareLargeChangeAnimation(); _large = large; updateTopControlsVisibility(); startLargeChangeAnimation(); } Ensures(!_large || !_large->trackOrUserpicSize().isEmpty()); }; crl::on_main(widget(), [=] { if (!_updateLargeScheduled) { return; } base::take(_updateLargeScheduled)(); }); } void Viewport::updateTilesGeometry() { updateTilesGeometry(widget()->width()); } void Viewport::updateTilesGeometry(int outerWidth) { const auto mouseInside = _mouseInside.current(); const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { if (mouseInside) { updateSelected(); } widget()->update(); }); const auto outerHeight = widget()->height(); if (_tiles.empty() || !outerWidth) { _fullHeight = 0; return; } if (wide()) { updateTilesGeometryWide(outerWidth, outerHeight); refreshHasTwoOrMore(); _fullHeight = 0; } else { updateTilesGeometryNarrow(outerWidth); } } void Viewport::refreshHasTwoOrMore() { auto hasTwoOrMore = false; auto oneFound = false; for (const auto &tile : _tiles) { if (!tile->trackOrUserpicSize().isEmpty()) { if (oneFound) { hasTwoOrMore = true; break; } oneFound = true; } } if (_hasTwoOrMore == hasTwoOrMore) { return; } _hasTwoOrMore = hasTwoOrMore; updateCursor(); updateTopControlsVisibility(); } void Viewport::updateTopControlsVisibility() { if (_selected.tile) { _selected.tile->toggleTopControlsShown( _hasTwoOrMore && wide() && _large && _large == _selected.tile); } } void Viewport::updateTilesGeometryWide(int outerWidth, int outerHeight) { if (!outerHeight) { return; } else if (_largeChangeAnimation.animating()) { if (_startTilesLayout.outer == QSize(outerWidth, outerHeight)) { return; } _largeChangeAnimation.stop(); } _startTilesLayout = countWide(outerWidth, outerHeight); if (_large && !_large->trackOrUserpicSize().isEmpty()) { for (const auto &geometry : _startTilesLayout.list) { if (geometry.tile == _large) { setTileGeometry(_large, { 0, 0, outerWidth, outerHeight }); } else { geometry.tile->hide(); } } } else { const auto field = _startTilesLayout.useColumns ? &Geometry::columns : &Geometry::rows; for (const auto &geometry : _startTilesLayout.list) { if (const auto video = geometry.tile) { setTileGeometry(video, geometry.*field); } } } } void Viewport::updateTilesGeometryNarrow(int outerWidth) { if (outerWidth <= st::groupCallNarrowMembersWidth) { updateTilesGeometryColumn(outerWidth); return; } const auto y = -_scrollTop; auto sizes = base::flat_map, QSize>(); sizes.reserve(_tiles.size()); for (const auto &tile : _tiles) { const auto video = tile.get(); const auto size = video->trackOrUserpicSize(); if (size.isEmpty()) { video->hide(); } else { sizes.emplace(video, size); } } if (sizes.empty()) { _fullHeight = 0; return; } else if (sizes.size() == 1) { const auto size = sizes.front().second; const auto heightMin = (outerWidth * 9) / 16; const auto heightMax = (outerWidth * 3) / 4; const auto scaled = size.scaled( QSize(outerWidth, heightMax), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); const auto height = std::max(scaled.height(), heightMin); const auto skip = st::groupCallVideoSmallSkip; setTileGeometry(sizes.front().first, { 0, y, outerWidth, height }); _fullHeight = height + skip; return; } const auto min = (st::groupCallWidth - st::groupCallMembersMargin.left() - st::groupCallMembersMargin.right() - st::groupCallVideoSmallSkip) / 2; const auto square = (outerWidth - st::groupCallVideoSmallSkip) / 2; const auto skip = (outerWidth - 2 * square); const auto put = [&](not_null tile, int column, int row) { setTileGeometry(tile, { (column == 2) ? 0 : column ? (outerWidth - square) : 0, y + row * (min + skip), (column == 2) ? outerWidth : square, min, }); }; const auto rows = (sizes.size() + 1) / 2; if (sizes.size() == 3) { put(sizes.front().first, 2, 0); put((sizes.begin() + 1)->first, 0, 1); put((sizes.begin() + 2)->first, 1, 1); } else { auto row = 0; auto column = 0; for (const auto &[video, endpoint] : sizes) { put(video, column, row); if (column) { ++row; column = (row + 1 == rows && sizes.size() % 2) ? 2 : 0; } else { column = 1; } } } _fullHeight = rows * (min + skip); } void Viewport::updateTilesGeometryColumn(int outerWidth) { const auto y = -_scrollTop; auto top = 0; const auto layoutNext = [&](not_null tile) { const auto size = tile->trackOrUserpicSize(); const auto shown = !size.isEmpty() && _large && tile != _large; const auto height = st::groupCallNarrowVideoHeight; if (!shown) { tile->hide(); } else { setTileGeometry(tile, { 0, y + top, outerWidth, height }); top += height + st::groupCallVideoSmallSkip; } }; const auto topPeer = _large ? _large->row()->peer().get() : nullptr; const auto reorderNeeded = [&] { if (!_large) { return false; } for (const auto &tile : _tiles) { if (tile.get() != _large && tile->row()->peer() == topPeer) { return (tile.get() != _tiles.front().get()) && !tile->trackOrUserpicSize().isEmpty(); } } return false; }(); if (reorderNeeded) { _tilesForOrder.clear(); _tilesForOrder.reserve(_tiles.size()); for (const auto &tile : _tiles) { _tilesForOrder.push_back(tile.get()); } ranges::stable_partition( _tilesForOrder, [&](not_null tile) { return (tile->row()->peer() == topPeer); }); for (const auto &tile : _tilesForOrder) { layoutNext(tile); } } else { for (const auto &tile : _tiles) { layoutNext(tile.get()); } } _fullHeight = top; } void Viewport::setTileGeometry(not_null tile, QRect geometry) { tile->setGeometry(geometry); const auto min = std::min(geometry.width(), geometry.height()); const auto kMedium = style::ConvertScale(540); const auto kSmall = style::ConvertScale(240); const auto &endpoint = tile->endpoint(); const auto forceThumbnailQuality = !wide() && (ranges::count(_tiles, false, &VideoTile::hidden) > 1); const auto forceFullQuality = wide() && (tile.get() == _large); const auto quality = forceThumbnailQuality ? VideoQuality::Thumbnail : (forceFullQuality || min >= kMedium) ? VideoQuality::Full : (min >= kSmall) ? VideoQuality::Medium : VideoQuality::Thumbnail; if (tile->updateRequestedQuality(quality)) { _qualityRequests.fire(VideoQualityRequest{ .endpoint = endpoint, .quality = quality, }); } } void Viewport::setSelected(Selection value) { if (_selected == value) { return; } if (_selected.tile) { _selected.tile->toggleTopControlsShown(false); } _selected = value; updateTopControlsVisibility(); updateCursor(); } void Viewport::updateCursor() { const auto pointer = _selected.tile && (!wide() || _hasTwoOrMore); widget()->setCursor(pointer ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } void Viewport::setPressed(Selection value) { if (_pressed == value) { return; } _pressed = value; } Ui::GL::ChosenRenderer Viewport::chooseRenderer(Ui::GL::Backend backend) { _opengl = (backend == Ui::GL::Backend::OpenGL); return { .renderer = (_opengl ? std::unique_ptr( std::make_unique(this)) : std::make_unique(this)), .backend = backend, }; } bool Viewport::requireARGB32() const { return !_opengl; } int Viewport::fullHeight() const { return _fullHeight.current(); } rpl::producer Viewport::fullHeightValue() const { return _fullHeight.value(); } rpl::producer Viewport::pinToggled() const { return _pinToggles.events(); } rpl::producer Viewport::clicks() const { return _clicks.events(); } rpl::producer Viewport::qualityRequests() const { return _qualityRequests.events(); } rpl::producer Viewport::mouseInsideValue() const { return _mouseInside.value(); } rpl::lifetime &Viewport::lifetime() { return _content->lifetime(); } QImage GenerateShadow( int height, int topAlpha, int bottomAlpha, QColor color) { Expects(topAlpha >= 0 && topAlpha < 256); Expects(bottomAlpha >= 0 && bottomAlpha < 256); Expects(height * style::DevicePixelRatio() < 65536); const auto base = (uint32(color.red()) << 16) | (uint32(color.green()) << 8) | uint32(color.blue()); const auto premultiplied = (topAlpha == bottomAlpha) || !base; auto result = QImage( QSize(1, height * style::DevicePixelRatio()), (premultiplied ? QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied : QImage::Format_ARGB32)); if (topAlpha == bottomAlpha) { color.setAlpha(topAlpha); result.fill(color); return result; } constexpr auto kShift = 16; constexpr auto kMultiply = (1U << kShift); const auto values = std::abs(topAlpha - bottomAlpha); const auto rows = uint32(result.height()); const auto step = (values * kMultiply) / (rows - 1); const auto till = rows * uint32(step); Assert(result.bytesPerLine() == sizeof(uint32)); auto ints = reinterpret_cast(result.bits()); if (topAlpha < bottomAlpha) { for (auto i = uint32(0); i != till; i += step) { *ints++ = base | ((topAlpha + (i >> kShift)) << 24); } } else { for (auto i = uint32(0); i != till; i += step) { *ints++ = base | ((topAlpha - (i >> kShift)) << 24); } } if (!premultiplied) { result = std::move(result).convertToFormat( QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); } return result; } rpl::producer MuteButtonTooltip(not_null call) { //return rpl::single(std::make_tuple( // (Data::GroupCall*)nullptr, // call->scheduleDate() //)) | rpl::then(call->real( //) | rpl::map([](not_null real) { // using namespace rpl::mappers; // return real->scheduleDateValue( // ) | rpl::map([=](TimeId scheduleDate) { // return std::make_tuple(real.get(), scheduleDate); // }); //}) | rpl::flatten_latest( //)) | rpl::map([=]( // Data::GroupCall *real, // TimeId scheduleDate) -> rpl::producer { // if (scheduleDate) { // return rpl::combine( // call->canManageValue(), // (real // ? real->scheduleStartSubscribedValue() // : rpl::single(false)) // ) | rpl::map([](bool canManage, bool subscribed) { // return canManage // ? tr::lng_group_call_start_now() // : subscribed // ? tr::lng_group_call_cancel_reminder() // : tr::lng_group_call_set_reminder(); // }) | rpl::flatten_latest(); // } return call->mutedValue( ) | rpl::map([](MuteState muted) { switch (muted) { case MuteState::Active: case MuteState::PushToTalk: return tr::lng_group_call_you_are_live(); case MuteState::ForceMuted: return tr::lng_group_call_tooltip_force_muted(); case MuteState::RaisedHand: return tr::lng_group_call_tooltip_raised_hand(); case MuteState::Muted: return tr::lng_group_call_tooltip_microphone(); } Unexpected("Value in MuteState in showNiceTooltip."); }) | rpl::flatten_latest(); //}) | rpl::flatten_latest(); } } // namespace Calls::Group