/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/data_stories.h" #include "api/api_report.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_folder.h" #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "ui/layers/show.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" namespace Data { namespace { constexpr auto kMaxResolveTogether = 100; constexpr auto kIgnorePreloadAroundIfLoaded = 15; constexpr auto kPreloadAroundCount = 30; constexpr auto kMarkAsReadDelay = 3 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kIncrementViewsDelay = 5 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kArchiveFirstPerPage = 30; constexpr auto kArchivePerPage = 100; constexpr auto kSavedFirstPerPage = 30; constexpr auto kSavedPerPage = 100; constexpr auto kMaxPreloadSources = 10; constexpr auto kStillPreloadFromFirst = 3; constexpr auto kMaxSegmentsCount = 180; constexpr auto kPollingIntervalChat = 5 * TimeId(60); constexpr auto kPollingIntervalViewer = 1 * TimeId(60); constexpr auto kPollViewsInterval = 10 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kPollingViewsPerPage = Story::kRecentViewersMax; using UpdateFlag = StoryUpdate::Flag; [[nodiscard]] std::optional ParseMedia( not_null owner, const MTPMessageMedia &media) { return media.match([&](const MTPDmessageMediaPhoto &data) -> std::optional { if (const auto photo = data.vphoto()) { const auto result = owner->processPhoto(*photo); if (!result->isNull()) { return StoryMedia{ result }; } } return {}; }, [&](const MTPDmessageMediaDocument &data) -> std::optional { if (const auto document = data.vdocument()) { const auto result = owner->processDocument(*document); if (!result->isNull() && (result->isGifv() || result->isVideoFile())) { result->setStoryMedia(true); return StoryMedia{ result }; } } return {}; }, [&](const MTPDmessageMediaUnsupported &data) { return std::make_optional(StoryMedia{ v::null }); }, [](const auto &) { return std::optional(); }); } } // namespace StoriesSourceInfo StoriesSource::info() const { return { .id = peer->id, .last = ids.empty() ? 0 : ids.back().date, .count = uint32(std::min(int(ids.size()), kMaxSegmentsCount)), .unreadCount = uint32(std::min(unreadCount(), kMaxSegmentsCount)), .premium = (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->isPremium()) ? 1U : 0, }; } int StoriesSource::unreadCount() const { const auto i = ids.lower_bound(StoryIdDates{ .id = readTill + 1 }); return int(end(ids) - i); } StoryIdDates StoriesSource::toOpen() const { if (ids.empty()) { return {}; } const auto i = ids.lower_bound(StoryIdDates{ readTill + 1 }); return (i != end(ids)) ? *i : ids.front(); } Stories::Stories(not_null owner) : _owner(owner) , _expireTimer([=] { processExpired(); }) , _markReadTimer([=] { sendMarkAsReadRequests(); }) , _incrementViewsTimer([=] { sendIncrementViewsRequests(); }) , _pollingTimer([=] { sendPollingRequests(); }) , _pollingViewsTimer([=] { sendPollingViewsRequests(); }) { crl::on_main(this, [=] { session().changes().peerUpdates( Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::Rights ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Data::PeerUpdate &update) { const auto channel = update.peer->asChannel(); if (!channel) { return; } else if (!channel->canEditStories()) { const auto peerId = channel->id; const auto i = _peersWithDeletedStories.find(peerId); if (i != end(_peersWithDeletedStories)) { _peersWithDeletedStories.erase(i); for (auto j = begin(_deleted); j != end(_deleted);) { if (j->peer == peerId) { j = _deleted.erase(j); } else { ++j; } } } } else { clearArchive(channel); } }, _lifetime); }); } Stories::~Stories() { Expects(_pollingSettings.empty()); Expects(_pollingViews.empty()); } Session &Stories::owner() const { return *_owner; } Main::Session &Stories::session() const { return _owner->session(); } void Stories::apply(const MTPDupdateStory &data) { const auto peerId = peerFromMTP(data.vpeer()); const auto peer = _owner->peer(peerId); const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); const auto idDates = parseAndApply(peer, data.vstory(), now); if (!idDates) { return; } const auto expired = (idDates.expires <= now); if (expired) { applyExpired({ peerId, idDates.id }); return; } const auto i = _all.find(peerId); if (i == end(_all)) { requestPeerStories(peer); return; } else if (i->second.ids.contains(idDates)) { return; } const auto wasInfo = i->second.info(); i->second.ids.emplace(idDates); const auto nowInfo = i->second.info(); if (peer->isSelf() && i->second.readTill < idDates.id) { _readTill[peerId] = i->second.readTill = idDates.id; } if (wasInfo == nowInfo) { return; } const auto refreshInList = [&](StorySourcesList list) { auto &sources = _sources[static_cast(list)]; const auto i = ranges::find( sources, peerId, &StoriesSourceInfo::id); if (i != end(sources)) { *i = nowInfo; sort(list); } }; if (peer->hasStoriesHidden()) { refreshInList(StorySourcesList::Hidden); } else { refreshInList(StorySourcesList::NotHidden); } _sourceChanged.fire_copy(peerId); updatePeerStoriesState(peer); } void Stories::apply(const MTPDupdateReadStories &data) { bumpReadTill(peerFromMTP(data.vpeer()), data.vmax_id().v); } void Stories::apply(const MTPStoriesStealthMode &stealthMode) { const auto &data = stealthMode.data(); _stealthMode = StealthMode{ .enabledTill = data.vactive_until_date().value_or_empty(), .cooldownTill = data.vcooldown_until_date().value_or_empty(), }; } void Stories::apply(not_null peer, const MTPPeerStories *data) { if (!data) { applyDeletedFromSources(peer->id, StorySourcesList::NotHidden); applyDeletedFromSources(peer->id, StorySourcesList::Hidden); _all.erase(peer->id); _sourceChanged.fire_copy(peer->id); updatePeerStoriesState(peer); } else { parseAndApply(*data); } } Story *Stories::applyFromWebpage(PeerId peerId, const MTPstoryItem &story) { const auto idDates = parseAndApply( _owner->peer(peerId), story, base::unixtime::now()); const auto value = idDates ? lookup({ peerId, idDates.id }) : base::make_unexpected(NoStory::Deleted); return value ? value->get() : nullptr; } void Stories::requestPeerStories( not_null peer, Fn done) { const auto [i, ok] = _requestingPeerStories.emplace(peer); if (done) { i->second.push_back(std::move(done)); } if (!ok) { return; } const auto finish = [=] { if (const auto callbacks = _requestingPeerStories.take(peer)) { for (const auto &callback : *callbacks) { callback(); } } }; _owner->session().api().request(MTPstories_GetPeerStories( peer->input )).done([=](const MTPstories_PeerStories &result) { const auto &data = result.data(); _owner->processUsers(data.vusers()); _owner->processChats(data.vchats()); parseAndApply(data.vstories()); finish(); }).fail([=] { applyDeletedFromSources(peer->id, StorySourcesList::NotHidden); applyDeletedFromSources(peer->id, StorySourcesList::Hidden); finish(); }).send(); } void Stories::registerExpiring(TimeId expires, FullStoryId id) { for (auto i = _expiring.findFirst(expires) ; (i != end(_expiring)) && (i->first == expires) ; ++i) { if (i->second == id) { return; } } const auto reschedule = _expiring.empty() || (_expiring.front().first > expires); _expiring.emplace(expires, id); if (reschedule) { scheduleExpireTimer(); } } void Stories::scheduleExpireTimer() { if (_expireSchedulePosted) { return; } _expireSchedulePosted = true; crl::on_main(this, [=] { if (!_expireSchedulePosted) { return; } _expireSchedulePosted = false; if (_expiring.empty()) { _expireTimer.cancel(); } else { const auto nearest = _expiring.front().first; const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); const auto delay = (nearest > now) ? (nearest - now) : 0; _expireTimer.callOnce(delay * crl::time(1000)); } }); } void Stories::processExpired() { const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); auto expired = base::flat_set(); auto i = begin(_expiring); for (; i != end(_expiring) && i->first <= now; ++i) { expired.emplace(i->second); } _expiring.erase(begin(_expiring), i); for (const auto &id : expired) { applyExpired(id); } if (!_expiring.empty()) { scheduleExpireTimer(); } } Stories::Set *Stories::lookupArchive(not_null peer) { const auto peerId = peer->id; if (hasArchive(peer)) { const auto i = _archive.find(peerId); return (i != end(_archive)) ? &i->second : &_archive.emplace(peerId, Set()).first->second; } clearArchive(peer); return nullptr; } void Stories::clearArchive(not_null peer) { const auto peerId = peer->id; const auto i = _archive.find(peerId); if (i == end(_archive)) { return; } auto archive = base::take(i->second); _archive.erase(i); for (const auto &id : archive.ids.list) { if (const auto story = lookup({ peerId, id })) { if ((*story)->expired() && !(*story)->pinned()) { applyDeleted(peer, id); } } } _archiveChanged.fire_copy(peerId); } void Stories::parseAndApply(const MTPPeerStories &stories) { const auto &data = stories.data(); const auto peerId = peerFromMTP(data.vpeer()); const auto already = _readTill.find(peerId); const auto readTill = std::max( data.vmax_read_id().value_or_empty(), (already != end(_readTill) ? already->second : 0)); const auto peer = _owner->peer(peerId); auto result = StoriesSource{ .peer = peer, .readTill = readTill, .hidden = peer->hasStoriesHidden(), }; const auto &list = data.vstories().v; const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); result.ids.reserve(list.size()); for (const auto &story : list) { if (const auto id = parseAndApply(result.peer, story, now)) { result.ids.emplace(id); } } if (result.ids.empty()) { applyDeletedFromSources(peerId, StorySourcesList::NotHidden); applyDeletedFromSources(peerId, StorySourcesList::Hidden); peer->setStoriesState(PeerData::StoriesState::None); return; } else if (peer->isSelf()) { result.readTill = result.ids.back().id; } _readTill[peerId] = result.readTill; const auto info = result.info(); const auto i = _all.find(peerId); if (i != end(_all)) { if (i->second != result) { i->second = std::move(result); } } else { _all.emplace(peerId, std::move(result)); } const auto add = [&](StorySourcesList list) { auto &sources = _sources[static_cast(list)]; const auto i = ranges::find( sources, peerId, &StoriesSourceInfo::id); if (i == end(sources)) { sources.push_back(info); } else if (*i == info) { return; } else { *i = info; } sort(list); }; if (result.peer->isSelf() || (result.peer->isChannel() && result.peer->asChannel()->amIn()) || (result.peer->isUser() && (result.peer->asUser()->isBot() || result.peer->asUser()->isContact())) || result.peer->isServiceUser()) { const auto hidden = result.peer->hasStoriesHidden(); using List = StorySourcesList; add(hidden ? List::Hidden : List::NotHidden); applyDeletedFromSources( peerId, hidden ? List::NotHidden : List::Hidden); } else { applyDeletedFromSources(peerId, StorySourcesList::NotHidden); applyDeletedFromSources(peerId, StorySourcesList::Hidden); } _sourceChanged.fire_copy(peerId); updatePeerStoriesState(result.peer); } Story *Stories::parseAndApply( not_null peer, const MTPDstoryItem &data, TimeId now) { const auto media = ParseMedia(_owner, data.vmedia()); if (!media) { return nullptr; } const auto expires = data.vexpire_date().v; const auto expired = (expires <= now); if (expired && !data.is_pinned() && !hasArchive(peer)) { return nullptr; } const auto id = data.vid().v; const auto fullId = FullStoryId{ peer->id, id }; auto &stories = _stories[peer->id]; const auto i = stories.find(id); if (i != end(stories)) { const auto result = i->second.get(); const auto mediaChanged = (result->media() != *media); result->applyChanges(*media, data, now); const auto j = _pollingSettings.find(result); if (j != end(_pollingSettings)) { maybeSchedulePolling(result, j->second, now); } if (mediaChanged) { _preloaded.remove(fullId); if (_preloading && _preloading->id() == fullId) { _preloading = nullptr; rebuildPreloadSources(StorySourcesList::NotHidden); rebuildPreloadSources(StorySourcesList::Hidden); continuePreloading(); } _owner->refreshStoryItemViews(fullId); } return result; } const auto wasDeleted = _deleted.remove(fullId); const auto result = stories.emplace(id, std::make_unique( id, peer, StoryMedia{ *media }, data, now )).first->second.get(); if (const auto archive = lookupArchive(peer)) { const auto added = archive->ids.list.emplace(id).second; if (added) { if (archive->total >= 0 && id > archive->lastId) { ++archive->total; } _archiveChanged.fire_copy(peer->id); } } if (expired) { _expiring.remove(expires, fullId); applyExpired(fullId); } else { registerExpiring(expires, fullId); } if (wasDeleted) { _owner->refreshStoryItemViews(fullId); } return result; } StoryIdDates Stories::parseAndApply( not_null peer, const MTPstoryItem &story, TimeId now) { return story.match([&](const MTPDstoryItem &data) { if (const auto story = parseAndApply(peer, data, now)) { return story->idDates(); } applyDeleted(peer, data.vid().v); return StoryIdDates(); }, [&](const MTPDstoryItemSkipped &data) { const auto expires = data.vexpire_date().v; const auto expired = (expires <= now); const auto fullId = FullStoryId{ peer->id, data.vid().v }; if (!expired) { registerExpiring(expires, fullId); } else if (!hasArchive(peer)) { applyDeleted(peer, data.vid().v); return StoryIdDates(); } else { _expiring.remove(expires, fullId); applyExpired(fullId); } return StoryIdDates{ data.vid().v, data.vdate().v, data.vexpire_date().v, }; }, [&](const MTPDstoryItemDeleted &data) { applyDeleted(peer, data.vid().v); return StoryIdDates(); }); } void Stories::updateDependentMessages(not_null story) { const auto i = _dependentMessages.find(story); if (i != end(_dependentMessages)) { for (const auto &dependent : i->second) { dependent->updateDependencyItem(); } } session().changes().storyUpdated( story, Data::StoryUpdate::Flag::Edited); } void Stories::registerDependentMessage( not_null dependent, not_null dependency) { _dependentMessages[dependency].emplace(dependent); } void Stories::unregisterDependentMessage( not_null dependent, not_null dependency) { const auto i = _dependentMessages.find(dependency); if (i != end(_dependentMessages)) { if (i->second.remove(dependent) && i->second.empty()) { _dependentMessages.erase(i); } } } void Stories::savedStateChanged(not_null story) { const auto id = story->id(); const auto peer = story->peer()->id; const auto pinned = story->pinned(); if (pinned) { auto &saved = _saved[peer]; const auto added = saved.ids.list.emplace(id).second; if (added) { if (saved.total >= 0 && id > saved.lastId) { ++saved.total; } _savedChanged.fire_copy(peer); } } else if (const auto i = _saved.find(peer); i != end(_saved)) { auto &saved = i->second; if (saved.ids.list.remove(id)) { if (saved.total > 0) { --saved.total; } _savedChanged.fire_copy(peer); } } } void Stories::loadMore(StorySourcesList list) { const auto index = static_cast(list); if (_loadMoreRequestId[index] || _sourcesLoaded[index]) { return; } const auto hidden = (list == StorySourcesList::Hidden); const auto api = &_owner->session().api(); using Flag = MTPstories_GetAllStories::Flag; _loadMoreRequestId[index] = api->request(MTPstories_GetAllStories( MTP_flags((hidden ? Flag::f_hidden : Flag()) | (_sourcesStates[index].isEmpty() ? Flag(0) : (Flag::f_next | Flag::f_state))), MTP_string(_sourcesStates[index]) )).done([=](const MTPstories_AllStories &result) { _loadMoreRequestId[index] = 0; result.match([&](const MTPDstories_allStories &data) { _owner->processUsers(data.vusers()); _owner->processChats(data.vchats()); _sourcesStates[index] = qs(data.vstate()); _sourcesLoaded[index] = !data.is_has_more(); for (const auto &single : data.vpeer_stories().v) { parseAndApply(single); } }, [](const MTPDstories_allStoriesNotModified &) { }); result.match([&](const auto &data) { apply(data.vstealth_mode()); }); preloadListsMore(); }).fail([=] { _loadMoreRequestId[index] = 0; }).send(); } void Stories::preloadListsMore() { if (_loadMoreRequestId[static_cast(StorySourcesList::NotHidden)] || _loadMoreRequestId[static_cast(StorySourcesList::Hidden)]) { return; } const auto loading = [&](StorySourcesList list) { return _loadMoreRequestId[static_cast(list)] != 0; }; const auto countLoaded = [&](StorySourcesList list) { const auto index = static_cast(list); return _sourcesLoaded[index] || !_sourcesStates[index].isEmpty(); }; if (loading(StorySourcesList::NotHidden) || loading(StorySourcesList::Hidden)) { return; } else if (!countLoaded(StorySourcesList::NotHidden)) { loadMore(StorySourcesList::NotHidden); } else if (!countLoaded(StorySourcesList::Hidden)) { loadMore(StorySourcesList::Hidden); } else if (!archiveCountKnown(_owner->session().userPeerId())) { archiveLoadMore(_owner->session().userPeerId()); } } void Stories::notifySourcesChanged(StorySourcesList list) { _sourcesChanged[static_cast(list)].fire({}); if (list == StorySourcesList::Hidden) { pushHiddenCountsToFolder(); } } void Stories::pushHiddenCountsToFolder() { const auto &list = sources(StorySourcesList::Hidden); if (list.empty()) { if (_folderForHidden) { _folderForHidden->updateStoriesCount(0, 0); } return; } if (!_folderForHidden) { _folderForHidden = _owner->folder(Folder::kId); } const auto count = int(list.size()); const auto unread = ranges::count_if( list, [](const StoriesSourceInfo &info) { return info.unreadCount > 0; }); _folderForHidden->updateStoriesCount(count, unread); } void Stories::sendResolveRequests() { if (!_resolveSent.empty()) { return; } auto leftToSend = kMaxResolveTogether; auto byPeer = base::flat_map>(); for (auto i = begin(_resolvePending); i != end(_resolvePending);) { const auto peerId = i->first; auto &ids = i->second; auto &sent = _resolveSent[peerId]; if (ids.size() <= leftToSend) { sent = base::take(ids); i = _resolvePending.erase(i); // Invalidates `ids`. leftToSend -= int(sent.size()); } else { sent = { std::make_move_iterator(begin(ids)), std::make_move_iterator(begin(ids) + leftToSend) }; ids.erase(begin(ids), begin(ids) + leftToSend); leftToSend = 0; } auto &prepared = byPeer[peerId]; for (auto &[storyId, callbacks] : sent) { prepared.push_back(MTP_int(storyId)); } if (!leftToSend) { break; } } const auto api = &_owner->session().api(); for (auto &entry : byPeer) { const auto peerId = entry.first; auto &prepared = entry.second; const auto finish = [=](PeerId peerId) { const auto sent = _resolveSent.take(peerId); Assert(sent.has_value()); for (const auto &[storyId, list] : *sent) { finalizeResolve({ peerId, storyId }); for (const auto &callback : list) { callback(); } } _itemsChanged.fire_copy(peerId); if (_resolveSent.empty() && !_resolvePending.empty()) { crl::on_main(&session(), [=] { sendResolveRequests(); }); } }; const auto peer = _owner->session().data().peer(peerId); api->request(MTPstories_GetStoriesByID( peer->input, MTP_vector(prepared) )).done([=](const MTPstories_Stories &result) { owner().processUsers(result.data().vusers()); owner().processChats(result.data().vchats()); processResolvedStories(peer, result.data().vstories().v); finish(peer->id); }).fail([=] { finish(peerId); }).send(); } } void Stories::processResolvedStories( not_null peer, const QVector &list) { const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); for (const auto &item : list) { item.match([&](const MTPDstoryItem &data) { if (!parseAndApply(peer, data, now)) { applyDeleted(peer, data.vid().v); } }, [&](const MTPDstoryItemSkipped &data) { LOG(("API Error: Unexpected storyItemSkipped in resolve.")); }, [&](const MTPDstoryItemDeleted &data) { applyDeleted(peer, data.vid().v); }); } } void Stories::finalizeResolve(FullStoryId id) { const auto already = lookup(id); if (!already.has_value() && already.error() == NoStory::Unknown) { LOG(("API Error: Could not resolve story %1_%2" ).arg(id.peer.value ).arg(id.story)); applyDeleted(_owner->peer(id.peer), id.story); } } void Stories::applyDeleted(not_null peer, StoryId id) { const auto fullId = FullStoryId{ peer->id, id }; applyRemovedFromActive(fullId); if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { if (!hasArchive(channel)) { _peersWithDeletedStories.emplace(channel->id); } } _deleted.emplace(fullId); const auto peerId = peer->id; const auto i = _stories.find(peerId); if (i != end(_stories)) { const auto j = i->second.find(id); if (j != end(i->second)) { const auto &story = _deletingStories[fullId] = std::move(j->second); _expiring.remove(story->expires(), story->fullId()); i->second.erase(j); session().changes().storyUpdated( story.get(), UpdateFlag::Destroyed); removeDependencyStory(story.get()); if (hasArchive(story->peer())) { if (const auto k = _archive.find(peerId) ; k != end(_archive)) { const auto archive = &k->second; if (archive->ids.list.remove(id)) { if (archive->total > 0) { --archive->total; } _archiveChanged.fire_copy(peerId); } } } if (story->pinned()) { if (const auto k = _saved.find(peerId); k != end(_saved)) { const auto saved = &k->second; if (saved->ids.list.remove(id)) { if (saved->total > 0) { --saved->total; } _savedChanged.fire_copy(peerId); } } } if (_preloading && _preloading->id() == fullId) { _preloading = nullptr; preloadFinished(fullId); } _owner->refreshStoryItemViews(fullId); Assert(!_pollingSettings.contains(story.get())); if (const auto j = _items.find(peerId); j != end(_items)) { const auto k = j->second.find(id); if (k != end(j->second)) { Assert(!k->second.lock()); j->second.erase(k); if (j->second.empty()) { _items.erase(j); } } } if (i->second.empty()) { _stories.erase(i); } _deletingStories.remove(fullId); } } } void Stories::applyExpired(FullStoryId id) { if (const auto maybeStory = lookup(id)) { const auto story = *maybeStory; if (!hasArchive(story->peer()) && !story->pinned()) { applyDeleted(story->peer(), id.story); return; } } applyRemovedFromActive(id); } void Stories::applyRemovedFromActive(FullStoryId id) { const auto removeFromList = [&](StorySourcesList list) { const auto index = static_cast(list); auto &sources = _sources[index]; const auto i = ranges::find( sources, id.peer, &StoriesSourceInfo::id); if (i != end(sources)) { sources.erase(i); notifySourcesChanged(list); } }; const auto i = _all.find(id.peer); if (i != end(_all)) { const auto j = i->second.ids.lower_bound(StoryIdDates{ id.story }); if (j != end(i->second.ids) && j->id == id.story) { i->second.ids.erase(j); const auto peer = i->second.peer; if (i->second.ids.empty()) { _all.erase(i); removeFromList(StorySourcesList::NotHidden); removeFromList(StorySourcesList::Hidden); } _sourceChanged.fire_copy(id.peer); updatePeerStoriesState(peer); } } } void Stories::applyDeletedFromSources(PeerId id, StorySourcesList list) { auto &sources = _sources[static_cast(list)]; const auto i = ranges::find( sources, id, &StoriesSourceInfo::id); if (i != end(sources)) { sources.erase(i); } notifySourcesChanged(list); } void Stories::removeDependencyStory(not_null story) { const auto i = _dependentMessages.find(story); if (i != end(_dependentMessages)) { const auto items = std::move(i->second); _dependentMessages.erase(i); for (const auto &dependent : items) { dependent->dependencyStoryRemoved(story); } } } void Stories::sort(StorySourcesList list) { const auto index = static_cast(list); auto &sources = _sources[index]; const auto self = _owner->session().userPeerId(); const auto changelogSenderId = UserData::kServiceNotificationsId; const auto proj = [&](const StoriesSourceInfo &info) { const auto key = int64(info.last) + (info.premium ? (int64(1) << 47) : 0) + ((info.id == changelogSenderId) ? (int64(1) << 47) : 0) + ((info.unreadCount > 0) ? (int64(1) << 49) : 0) + ((info.id == self) ? (int64(1) << 50) : 0); return std::make_pair(key, info.id); }; ranges::sort(sources, ranges::greater(), proj); notifySourcesChanged(list); preloadSourcesChanged(list); } std::shared_ptr Stories::lookupItem(not_null story) { const auto i = _items.find(story->peer()->id); if (i == end(_items)) { return nullptr; } const auto j = i->second.find(story->id()); if (j == end(i->second)) { return nullptr; } return j->second.lock(); } StealthMode Stories::stealthMode() const { return _stealthMode.current(); } rpl::producer Stories::stealthModeValue() const { return _stealthMode.value(); } void Stories::activateStealthMode(Fn done) { const auto api = &session().api(); using Flag = MTPstories_ActivateStealthMode::Flag; api->request(MTPstories_ActivateStealthMode( MTP_flags(Flag::f_past | Flag::f_future) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { api->applyUpdates(result); if (done) done(); }).fail([=] { if (done) done(); }).send(); } void Stories::sendReaction(FullStoryId id, Data::ReactionId reaction) { if (const auto maybeStory = lookup(id)) { const auto story = *maybeStory; story->setReactionId(reaction); const auto api = &session().api(); api->request(MTPstories_SendReaction( MTP_flags(0), story->peer()->input, MTP_int(id.story), ReactionToMTP(reaction) )).send(); } } std::shared_ptr Stories::resolveItem(not_null story) { auto &items = _items[story->peer()->id]; auto i = items.find(story->id()); if (i == end(items)) { i = items.emplace(story->id()).first; } else if (const auto result = i->second.lock()) { return result; } const auto history = _owner->history(story->peer()); auto result = std::shared_ptr( history->makeMessage(story).get(), HistoryItem::Destroyer()); i->second = result; return result; } std::shared_ptr Stories::resolveItem(FullStoryId id) { const auto story = lookup(id); return story ? resolveItem(*story) : std::shared_ptr(); } const StoriesSource *Stories::source(PeerId id) const { const auto i = _all.find(id); return (i != end(_all)) ? &i->second : nullptr; } const std::vector &Stories::sources( StorySourcesList list) const { return _sources[static_cast(list)]; } bool Stories::sourcesLoaded(StorySourcesList list) const { return _sourcesLoaded[static_cast(list)]; } rpl::producer<> Stories::sourcesChanged(StorySourcesList list) const { return _sourcesChanged[static_cast(list)].events(); } rpl::producer Stories::sourceChanged() const { return _sourceChanged.events(); } rpl::producer Stories::itemsChanged() const { return _itemsChanged.events(); } base::expected, NoStory> Stories::lookup( FullStoryId id) const { const auto i = _stories.find(id.peer); if (i != end(_stories)) { const auto j = i->second.find(id.story); if (j != end(i->second)) { return j->second.get(); } } return base::make_unexpected( _deleted.contains(id) ? NoStory::Deleted : NoStory::Unknown); } void Stories::resolve(FullStoryId id, Fn done, bool force) { if (!force) { const auto already = lookup(id); if (already.has_value() || already.error() != NoStory::Unknown) { if (done) { done(); } return; } } if (const auto i = _resolveSent.find(id.peer); i != end(_resolveSent)) { if (const auto j = i->second.find(id.story); j != end(i->second)) { if (done) { j->second.push_back(std::move(done)); } return; } } auto &ids = _resolvePending[id.peer]; if (ids.empty()) { crl::on_main(&session(), [=] { sendResolveRequests(); }); } auto &callbacks = ids[id.story]; if (done) { callbacks.push_back(std::move(done)); } } void Stories::loadAround(FullStoryId id, StoriesContext context) { if (v::is(context.data)) { return; } else if (v::is(context.data) || v::is(context.data)) { return; } const auto i = _all.find(id.peer); if (i == end(_all)) { return; } const auto j = i->second.ids.lower_bound(StoryIdDates{ id.story }); if (j == end(i->second.ids) || j->id != id.story) { return; } const auto ignore = [&] { const auto side = kIgnorePreloadAroundIfLoaded; const auto left = ranges::min(int(j - begin(i->second.ids)), side); const auto right = ranges::min(int(end(i->second.ids) - j), side); for (auto k = j - left; k != j + right; ++k) { const auto maybeStory = lookup({ id.peer, k->id }); if (!maybeStory && maybeStory.error() == NoStory::Unknown) { return false; } } return true; }(); if (ignore) { return; } const auto side = kPreloadAroundCount; const auto left = ranges::min(int(j - begin(i->second.ids)), side); const auto right = ranges::min(int(end(i->second.ids) - j), side); const auto from = j - left; const auto till = j + right; for (auto k = from; k != till; ++k) { resolve({ id.peer, k->id }, nullptr); } } void Stories::markAsRead(FullStoryId id, bool viewed) { if (id.peer == _owner->session().userPeerId()) { return; } const auto maybeStory = lookup(id); if (!maybeStory) { return; } const auto story = *maybeStory; if (story->expired() && story->pinned()) { _incrementViewsPending[id.peer].emplace(id.story); if (!_incrementViewsTimer.isActive()) { _incrementViewsTimer.callOnce(kIncrementViewsDelay); } } if (!bumpReadTill(id.peer, id.story)) { return; } if (!_markReadPending.contains(id.peer)) { sendMarkAsReadRequests(); } _markReadPending.emplace(id.peer); _markReadTimer.callOnce(kMarkAsReadDelay); } bool Stories::bumpReadTill(PeerId peerId, StoryId maxReadTill) { auto &till = _readTill[peerId]; auto refreshItems = std::vector(); const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { for (const auto id : refreshItems) { _owner->refreshStoryItemViews({ peerId, id }); } }); if (till < maxReadTill) { const auto from = till; till = maxReadTill; updatePeerStoriesState(_owner->peer(peerId)); const auto i = _stories.find(peerId); if (i != end(_stories)) { refreshItems = ranges::make_subrange( i->second.lower_bound(from + 1), i->second.lower_bound(till + 1) ) | ranges::views::transform([=](const auto &pair) { _owner->session().changes().storyUpdated( pair.second.get(), StoryUpdate::Flag::MarkRead); return pair.first; }) | ranges::to_vector; } } const auto i = _all.find(peerId); if (i == end(_all) || i->second.readTill >= maxReadTill) { return false; } const auto wasUnreadCount = i->second.unreadCount(); i->second.readTill = maxReadTill; const auto nowUnreadCount = i->second.unreadCount(); if (wasUnreadCount != nowUnreadCount) { const auto refreshInList = [&](StorySourcesList list) { auto &sources = _sources[static_cast(list)]; const auto i = ranges::find( sources, peerId, &StoriesSourceInfo::id); if (i != end(sources)) { i->unreadCount = nowUnreadCount; sort(list); } }; refreshInList(StorySourcesList::NotHidden); refreshInList(StorySourcesList::Hidden); } return true; } void Stories::toggleHidden( PeerId peerId, bool hidden, std::shared_ptr show) { const auto peer = _owner->peer(peerId); const auto justRemove = peer->isServiceUser() && hidden; if (peer->hasStoriesHidden() != hidden) { if (!justRemove) { peer->setStoriesHidden(hidden); } session().api().request(MTPstories_TogglePeerStoriesHidden( peer->input, MTP_bool(hidden) )).send(); } const auto name = peer->shortName(); const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { if (show && !justRemove) { const auto phrase = hidden ? tr::lng_stories_hidden_to_contacts : tr::lng_stories_shown_in_chats; show->showToast(phrase( tr::now, lt_user, Ui::Text::Bold(name), Ui::Text::RichLangValue)); } }); if (justRemove) { apply(peer, nullptr); return; } const auto i = _all.find(peerId); if (i == end(_all)) { return; } i->second.hidden = hidden; const auto info = i->second.info(); const auto main = static_cast(StorySourcesList::NotHidden); const auto other = static_cast(StorySourcesList::Hidden); const auto proj = &StoriesSourceInfo::id; if (hidden) { const auto i = ranges::find(_sources[main], peerId, proj); if (i != end(_sources[main])) { _sources[main].erase(i); notifySourcesChanged(StorySourcesList::NotHidden); preloadSourcesChanged(StorySourcesList::NotHidden); } const auto j = ranges::find(_sources[other], peerId, proj); if (j == end(_sources[other])) { _sources[other].push_back(info); } else { *j = info; } sort(StorySourcesList::Hidden); } else { const auto i = ranges::find(_sources[other], peerId, proj); if (i != end(_sources[other])) { _sources[other].erase(i); notifySourcesChanged(StorySourcesList::Hidden); preloadSourcesChanged(StorySourcesList::Hidden); } const auto j = ranges::find(_sources[main], peerId, proj); if (j == end(_sources[main])) { _sources[main].push_back(info); } else { *j = info; } sort(StorySourcesList::NotHidden); } } void Stories::sendMarkAsReadRequest( not_null peer, StoryId tillId) { const auto peerId = peer->id; _markReadRequests.emplace(peerId); const auto finish = [=] { _markReadRequests.remove(peerId); if (!_markReadTimer.isActive() && _markReadPending.contains(peerId)) { sendMarkAsReadRequests(); } checkQuitPreventFinished(); }; const auto api = &_owner->session().api(); api->request(MTPstories_ReadStories( peer->input, MTP_int(tillId) )).done(finish).fail(finish).send(); } void Stories::checkQuitPreventFinished() { if (_markReadRequests.empty() && _incrementViewsRequests.empty()) { if (Core::Quitting()) { LOG(("Stories doesn't prevent quit any more.")); } Core::App().quitPreventFinished(); } } void Stories::sendMarkAsReadRequests() { _markReadTimer.cancel(); for (auto i = begin(_markReadPending); i != end(_markReadPending);) { const auto peerId = *i; if (_markReadRequests.contains(peerId)) { ++i; continue; } const auto j = _all.find(peerId); if (j != end(_all)) { sendMarkAsReadRequest(j->second.peer, j->second.readTill); } i = _markReadPending.erase(i); } } void Stories::sendIncrementViewsRequests() { if (_incrementViewsPending.empty()) { return; } auto ids = QVector(); struct Prepared { PeerId peer = 0; QVector ids; }; auto prepared = std::vector(); for (const auto &[peer, ids] : _incrementViewsPending) { if (_incrementViewsRequests.contains(peer)) { continue; } prepared.push_back({ .peer = peer }); for (const auto &id : ids) { prepared.back().ids.push_back(MTP_int(id)); } } const auto api = &_owner->session().api(); for (auto &[peer, ids] : prepared) { _incrementViewsRequests.emplace(peer); const auto finish = [=, peer = peer] { _incrementViewsRequests.remove(peer); if (!_incrementViewsTimer.isActive() && _incrementViewsPending.contains(peer)) { sendIncrementViewsRequests(); } checkQuitPreventFinished(); }; api->request(MTPstories_IncrementStoryViews( _owner->peer(peer)->input, MTP_vector(std::move(ids)) )).done(finish).fail(finish).send(); _incrementViewsPending.remove(peer); } } void Stories::loadViewsSlice( not_null peer, StoryId id, QString offset, Fn done) { Expects(peer->isSelf() || !done); if (_viewsStoryPeer == peer && _viewsStoryId == id && _viewsOffset == offset && (!offset.isEmpty() || _viewsRequestId)) { if (_viewsRequestId) { _viewsDone = std::move(done); } return; } _viewsStoryPeer = peer; _viewsStoryId = id; _viewsOffset = offset; _viewsDone = std::move(done); if (peer->isSelf()) { sendViewsSliceRequest(); } else { sendViewsCountsRequest(); } } void Stories::sendViewsSliceRequest() { Expects(_viewsStoryPeer != nullptr); Expects(_viewsStoryPeer->isSelf()); using Flag = MTPstories_GetStoryViewsList::Flag; const auto api = &_owner->session().api(); _owner->session().api().request(_viewsRequestId).cancel(); _viewsRequestId = api->request(MTPstories_GetStoryViewsList( MTP_flags(Flag::f_reactions_first), _viewsStoryPeer->input, MTPstring(), // q MTP_int(_viewsStoryId), MTP_string(_viewsOffset), MTP_int(_viewsDone ? kViewsPerPage : kPollingViewsPerPage) )).done([=](const MTPstories_StoryViewsList &result) { _viewsRequestId = 0; const auto &data = result.data(); auto slice = StoryViews{ .nextOffset = data.vnext_offset().value_or_empty(), .reactions = data.vreactions_count().v, .total = data.vcount().v, }; _owner->processUsers(data.vusers()); slice.list.reserve(data.vviews().v.size()); for (const auto &view : data.vviews().v) { slice.list.push_back({ .peer = _owner->peer(peerFromUser(view.data().vuser_id())), .reaction = (view.data().vreaction() ? ReactionFromMTP(*view.data().vreaction()) : Data::ReactionId()), .date = view.data().vdate().v, }); } const auto fullId = FullStoryId{ .peer = _owner->session().userPeerId(), .story = _viewsStoryId, }; if (const auto story = lookup(fullId)) { (*story)->applyViewsSlice(_viewsOffset, slice); } if (const auto done = base::take(_viewsDone)) { done(std::move(slice)); } }).fail([=] { _viewsRequestId = 0; if (const auto done = base::take(_viewsDone)) { done({}); } }).send(); } void Stories::sendViewsCountsRequest() { Expects(_viewsStoryPeer != nullptr); Expects(!_viewsDone); const auto api = &_owner->session().api(); _owner->session().api().request(_viewsRequestId).cancel(); _viewsRequestId = api->request(MTPstories_GetStoriesViews( _viewsStoryPeer->input, MTP_vector(1, MTP_int(_viewsStoryId)) )).done([=](const MTPstories_StoryViews &result) { _viewsRequestId = 0; const auto &data = result.data(); _owner->processUsers(data.vusers()); if (data.vviews().v.size() == 1) { const auto fullId = FullStoryId{ _viewsStoryPeer->id, _viewsStoryId, }; if (const auto story = lookup(fullId)) { (*story)->applyViewsCounts(data.vviews().v.front().data()); } } }).fail([=] { _viewsRequestId = 0; }).send(); } bool Stories::hasArchive(not_null peer) const { if (peer->isSelf()) { return true; } else if (const auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { return channel->canEditStories(); } return false; } const StoriesIds &Stories::archive(PeerId peerId) const { static const auto empty = StoriesIds(); const auto i = _archive.find(peerId); return (i != end(_archive)) ? i->second.ids : empty; } rpl::producer Stories::archiveChanged() const { return _archiveChanged.events(); } int Stories::archiveCount(PeerId peerId) const { const auto i = _archive.find(peerId); return (i != end(_archive)) ? i->second.total : 0; } bool Stories::archiveCountKnown(PeerId peerId) const { const auto i = _archive.find(peerId); return (i != end(_archive)) && (i->second.total >= 0); } bool Stories::archiveLoaded(PeerId peerId) const { const auto i = _archive.find(peerId); return (i != end(_archive)) && i->second.loaded; } const StoriesIds &Stories::saved(PeerId peerId) const { static const auto empty = StoriesIds(); const auto i = _saved.find(peerId); return (i != end(_saved)) ? i->second.ids : empty; } rpl::producer Stories::savedChanged() const { return _savedChanged.events(); } int Stories::savedCount(PeerId peerId) const { const auto i = _saved.find(peerId); return (i != end(_saved)) ? i->second.total : 0; } bool Stories::savedCountKnown(PeerId peerId) const { const auto i = _saved.find(peerId); return (i != end(_saved)) && (i->second.total >= 0); } bool Stories::savedLoaded(PeerId peerId) const { const auto i = _saved.find(peerId); return (i != end(_saved)) && i->second.loaded; } void Stories::archiveLoadMore(PeerId peerId) { const auto peer = _owner->peer(peerId); const auto archive = lookupArchive(peer); if (!archive || archive->requestId || archive->loaded) { return; } const auto api = &_owner->session().api(); archive->requestId = api->request(MTPstories_GetStoriesArchive( peer->input, MTP_int(archive->lastId), MTP_int(archive->lastId ? kArchivePerPage : kArchiveFirstPerPage) )).done([=](const MTPstories_Stories &result) { const auto archive = lookupArchive(peer); if (!archive) { return; } archive->requestId = 0; const auto &data = result.data(); const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); archive->total = data.vcount().v; for (const auto &story : data.vstories().v) { const auto id = story.match([&](const auto &id) { return id.vid().v; }); archive->ids.list.emplace(id); archive->lastId = id; if (!parseAndApply(peer, story, now)) { archive->ids.list.remove(id); if (archive->total > 0) { --archive->total; } } } const auto ids = int(archive->ids.list.size()); archive->loaded = data.vstories().v.empty(); archive->total = archive->loaded ? ids : std::max(archive->total, ids); _archiveChanged.fire_copy(peerId); }).fail([=] { const auto archive = lookupArchive(peer); if (!archive) { return; } archive->requestId = 0; archive->loaded = true; archive->total = int(archive->ids.list.size()); _archiveChanged.fire_copy(peerId); }).send(); } void Stories::savedLoadMore(PeerId peerId) { auto &saved = _saved[peerId]; if (saved.requestId || saved.loaded) { return; } const auto api = &_owner->session().api(); const auto peer = _owner->peer(peerId); saved.requestId = api->request(MTPstories_GetPinnedStories( peer->input, MTP_int(saved.lastId), MTP_int(saved.lastId ? kSavedPerPage : kSavedFirstPerPage) )).done([=](const MTPstories_Stories &result) { auto &saved = _saved[peerId]; saved.requestId = 0; const auto &data = result.data(); const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); saved.total = data.vcount().v; for (const auto &story : data.vstories().v) { const auto id = story.match([&](const auto &id) { return id.vid().v; }); saved.ids.list.emplace(id); saved.lastId = id; if (!parseAndApply(peer, story, now)) { saved.ids.list.remove(id); if (saved.total > 0) { --saved.total; } } } const auto ids = int(saved.ids.list.size()); saved.loaded = data.vstories().v.empty(); saved.total = saved.loaded ? ids : std::max(saved.total, ids); _savedChanged.fire_copy(peerId); }).fail([=] { auto &saved = _saved[peerId]; saved.requestId = 0; saved.loaded = true; saved.total = int(saved.ids.list.size()); _savedChanged.fire_copy(peerId); }).send(); } void Stories::deleteList(const std::vector &ids) { if (ids.empty()) { return; } const auto peer = session().data().peer(ids.front().peer); auto list = QVector(); list.reserve(ids.size()); for (const auto &id : ids) { if (id.peer == peer->id) { list.push_back(MTP_int(id.story)); } } const auto api = &_owner->session().api(); api->request(MTPstories_DeleteStories( peer->input, MTP_vector(list) )).done([=](const MTPVector &result) { for (const auto &id : result.v) { applyDeleted(peer, id.v); } }).send(); } void Stories::togglePinnedList( const std::vector &ids, bool pinned) { if (ids.empty()) { return; } const auto peer = session().data().peer(ids.front().peer); auto list = QVector(); list.reserve(ids.size()); for (const auto &id : ids) { if (id.peer == peer->id) { list.push_back(MTP_int(id.story)); } } if (list.empty()) { return; } const auto api = &_owner->session().api(); api->request(MTPstories_TogglePinned( peer->input, MTP_vector(list), MTP_bool(pinned) )).done([=](const MTPVector &result) { const auto peerId = peer->id; auto &saved = _saved[peerId]; const auto loaded = saved.loaded; const auto lastId = !saved.ids.list.empty() ? saved.ids.list.back() : saved.lastId ? saved.lastId : std::numeric_limits::max(); auto dirty = false; for (const auto &id : result.v) { if (const auto maybeStory = lookup({ peerId, id.v })) { const auto story = *maybeStory; story->setPinned(pinned); if (pinned) { const auto add = loaded || (id.v >= lastId); if (!add) { dirty = true; } else if (saved.ids.list.emplace(id.v).second) { if (saved.total >= 0) { ++saved.total; } } } else if (saved.ids.list.remove(id.v)) { if (saved.total > 0) { --saved.total; } } else if (!loaded) { dirty = true; } } else if (!loaded) { dirty = true; } } if (dirty) { savedLoadMore(peerId); } else { _savedChanged.fire_copy(peerId); } }).send(); } void Stories::report( std::shared_ptr show, FullStoryId id, Ui::ReportReason reason, QString text) { if (const auto maybeStory = lookup(id)) { const auto story = *maybeStory; Api::SendReport(show, story->peer(), reason, text, story->id()); } } bool Stories::isQuitPrevent() { if (!_markReadPending.empty()) { sendMarkAsReadRequests(); } if (!_incrementViewsPending.empty()) { sendIncrementViewsRequests(); } if (_markReadRequests.empty() && _incrementViewsRequests.empty()) { return false; } LOG(("Stories prevents quit, marking as read...")); return true; } void Stories::incrementPreloadingMainSources() { Expects(_preloadingMainSourcesCounter >= 0); if (++_preloadingMainSourcesCounter == 1 && rebuildPreloadSources(StorySourcesList::NotHidden)) { continuePreloading(); } } void Stories::decrementPreloadingMainSources() { Expects(_preloadingMainSourcesCounter > 0); if (!--_preloadingMainSourcesCounter && rebuildPreloadSources(StorySourcesList::NotHidden)) { continuePreloading(); } } void Stories::incrementPreloadingHiddenSources() { Expects(_preloadingHiddenSourcesCounter >= 0); if (++_preloadingHiddenSourcesCounter == 1 && rebuildPreloadSources(StorySourcesList::Hidden)) { continuePreloading(); } } void Stories::decrementPreloadingHiddenSources() { Expects(_preloadingHiddenSourcesCounter > 0); if (!--_preloadingHiddenSourcesCounter && rebuildPreloadSources(StorySourcesList::Hidden)) { continuePreloading(); } } void Stories::setPreloadingInViewer(std::vector ids) { ids.erase(ranges::remove_if(ids, [&](FullStoryId id) { return _preloaded.contains(id); }), end(ids)); if (_toPreloadViewer != ids) { _toPreloadViewer = std::move(ids); continuePreloading(); } } std::optional Stories::peerSourceState( not_null peer, StoryId storyMaxId) { const auto i = _readTill.find(peer->id); if (_readTillReceived || (i != end(_readTill))) { return PeerSourceState{ .maxId = storyMaxId, .readTill = std::min( storyMaxId, (i != end(_readTill)) ? i->second : 0), }; } requestReadTills(); _pendingPeerStateMaxId[peer] = storyMaxId; return std::nullopt; } void Stories::requestReadTills() { if (_readTillReceived || _readTillsRequestId) { return; } const auto api = &_owner->session().api(); _readTillsRequestId = api->request(MTPstories_GetAllReadPeerStories( )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { _readTillReceived = true; api->applyUpdates(result); for (auto &[peer, maxId] : base::take(_pendingPeerStateMaxId)) { updatePeerStoriesState(peer); } for (const auto &storyId : base::take(_pendingReadTillItems)) { _owner->refreshStoryItemViews(storyId); } }).send(); } bool Stories::isUnread(not_null story) { const auto till = _readTill.find(story->peer()->id); if (till == end(_readTill) && !_readTillReceived) { requestReadTills(); _pendingReadTillItems.emplace(story->fullId()); return false; } const auto readTill = (till != end(_readTill)) ? till->second : 0; return (story->id() > readTill); } void Stories::registerPolling(not_null story, Polling polling) { auto &settings = _pollingSettings[story]; switch (polling) { case Polling::Chat: ++settings.chat; break; case Polling::Viewer: ++settings.viewer; if ((story->peer()->isSelf() || story->peer()->isChannel()) && _pollingViews.emplace(story).second) { sendPollingViewsRequests(); } break; } maybeSchedulePolling(story, settings, base::unixtime::now()); } void Stories::unregisterPolling(not_null story, Polling polling) { const auto i = _pollingSettings.find(story); Assert(i != end(_pollingSettings)); switch (polling) { case Polling::Chat: Assert(i->second.chat > 0); --i->second.chat; break; case Polling::Viewer: Assert(i->second.viewer > 0); if (!--i->second.viewer) { _pollingViews.remove(story); if (_pollingViews.empty()) { _pollingViewsTimer.cancel(); } } break; } if (!i->second.chat && !i->second.viewer) { _pollingSettings.erase(i); } } bool Stories::registerPolling(FullStoryId id, Polling polling) { if (const auto maybeStory = lookup(id)) { registerPolling(*maybeStory, polling); return true; } return false; } void Stories::unregisterPolling(FullStoryId id, Polling polling) { if (const auto maybeStory = lookup(id)) { unregisterPolling(*maybeStory, polling); } else if (const auto i = _deletingStories.find(id) ; i != end(_deletingStories)) { unregisterPolling(i->second.get(), polling); } else { Unexpected("Couldn't find story for unregistering polling."); } } int Stories::pollingInterval(const PollingSettings &settings) const { return settings.viewer ? kPollingIntervalViewer : kPollingIntervalChat; } void Stories::maybeSchedulePolling( not_null story, const PollingSettings &settings, TimeId now) { const auto last = story->lastUpdateTime(); const auto next = last + pollingInterval(settings); const auto left = std::max(next - now, 0) * crl::time(1000) + 1; if (!_pollingTimer.isActive() || _pollingTimer.remainingTime() > left) { _pollingTimer.callOnce(left); } } void Stories::sendPollingRequests() { auto min = 0; const auto now = base::unixtime::now(); for (const auto &[story, settings] : _pollingSettings) { const auto last = story->lastUpdateTime(); const auto next = last + pollingInterval(settings); if (now >= next) { resolve(story->fullId(), nullptr, true); } else { const auto left = (next - now) * crl::time(1000) + 1; if (!min || left < min) { min = left; } } } if (min > 0) { _pollingTimer.callOnce(min); } } void Stories::sendPollingViewsRequests() { if (_pollingViews.empty()) { return; } else if (!_viewsRequestId) { Assert(_viewsDone == nullptr); const auto story = _pollingViews.front(); loadViewsSlice(story->peer(), story->id(), QString(), nullptr); } _pollingViewsTimer.callOnce(kPollViewsInterval); } void Stories::updatePeerStoriesState(not_null peer) { const auto till = _readTill.find(peer->id); const auto readTill = (till != end(_readTill)) ? till->second : 0; const auto pendingMaxId = [&] { const auto j = _pendingPeerStateMaxId.find(peer); return (j != end(_pendingPeerStateMaxId)) ? j->second : 0; }; const auto i = _all.find(peer->id); const auto max = (i != end(_all)) ? (i->second.ids.empty() ? 0 : i->second.ids.back().id) : pendingMaxId(); peer->setStoriesState(!max ? PeerData::StoriesState::None : (max <= readTill) ? PeerData::StoriesState::HasRead : PeerData::StoriesState::HasUnread); } void Stories::preloadSourcesChanged(StorySourcesList list) { if (rebuildPreloadSources(list)) { continuePreloading(); } } bool Stories::rebuildPreloadSources(StorySourcesList list) { const auto index = static_cast(list); const auto &counter = (list == StorySourcesList::Hidden) ? _preloadingHiddenSourcesCounter : _preloadingMainSourcesCounter; if (!counter) { return !base::take(_toPreloadSources[index]).empty(); } auto now = std::vector(); auto processed = 0; for (const auto &source : _sources[index]) { const auto i = _all.find(source.id); if (i != end(_all)) { if (const auto id = i->second.toOpen().id) { const auto fullId = FullStoryId{ source.id, id }; if (!_preloaded.contains(fullId)) { now.push_back(fullId); } } } if (++processed >= kMaxPreloadSources) { break; } } if (now != _toPreloadSources[index]) { _toPreloadSources[index] = std::move(now); return true; } return false; } void Stories::continuePreloading() { const auto now = _preloading ? _preloading->id() : FullStoryId(); if (now) { if (shouldContinuePreload(now)) { return; } _preloading = nullptr; } const auto id = nextPreloadId(); if (!id) { return; } else if (const auto maybeStory = lookup(id)) { startPreloading(*maybeStory); } } bool Stories::shouldContinuePreload(FullStoryId id) const { const auto first = ranges::views::concat( _toPreloadViewer, _toPreloadSources[static_cast(StorySourcesList::Hidden)], _toPreloadSources[static_cast(StorySourcesList::NotHidden)] ) | ranges::views::take(kStillPreloadFromFirst); return ranges::contains(first, id); } FullStoryId Stories::nextPreloadId() const { const auto hidden = static_cast(StorySourcesList::Hidden); const auto main = static_cast(StorySourcesList::NotHidden); const auto result = !_toPreloadViewer.empty() ? _toPreloadViewer.front() : !_toPreloadSources[hidden].empty() ? _toPreloadSources[hidden].front() : !_toPreloadSources[main].empty() ? _toPreloadSources[main].front() : FullStoryId(); Ensures(!_preloaded.contains(result)); return result; } void Stories::startPreloading(not_null story) { Expects(!_preloaded.contains(story->fullId())); const auto id = story->fullId(); auto preloading = std::make_unique(story, [=] { _preloading = nullptr; preloadFinished(id, true); }); if (!_preloaded.contains(id)) { _preloading = std::move(preloading); } } void Stories::preloadFinished(FullStoryId id, bool markAsPreloaded) { for (auto &sources : _toPreloadSources) { sources.erase(ranges::remove(sources, id), end(sources)); } _toPreloadViewer.erase( ranges::remove(_toPreloadViewer, id), end(_toPreloadViewer)); if (markAsPreloaded) { _preloaded.emplace(id); } crl::on_main(this, [=] { continuePreloading(); }); } } // namespace Data