#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2016 Mikkel Oscar Lyderik Larsen # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mikkeloscar/arch-travis/master/arch-travis.sh # Script for setting up and running a travis-ci build in an up to date # Arch Linux chroot ARCH_TRAVIS_MIRROR=${ARCH_TRAVIS_MIRROR:-"https://lug.mtu.edu/archlinux"} ARCH_TRAVIS_ARCH_ISO=${ARCH_TRAVIS_ARCH_ISO:-"$(date +%Y.%m).01"} ARCH_TRAVIS_ARCH=${ARCH_TRAVIS_ARCH:-"x86_64"} mirror_entry='Server = '$ARCH_TRAVIS_MIRROR'/\$repo/os/\$arch' archive="archlinux-bootstrap-$ARCH_TRAVIS_ARCH_ISO-${ARCH_TRAVIS_ARCH}.tar.gz" default_root="root.${ARCH_TRAVIS_ARCH}" ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT=${ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT:-"$default_root"} user="travis" user_home="/home/$user" user_build_dir=$(pwd) uid=$UID gid=$GID if [ -n "$CC" ]; then # store travis CC TRAVIS_CC=$CC # reset to gcc for building arch packages CC=gcc fi # default packages default_packages=("base-devel" "git") # pacman.conf repository line repo_line=70 # setup working Arch Linux chroot setup_chroot() { arch_msg "Setting up Arch chroot" if [ ! -f $archive ]; then # get root fs curl --fail -O "$ARCH_TRAVIS_MIRROR/iso/$ARCH_TRAVIS_ARCH_ISO/$archive" 2>&1 local ret=$? # if it fails, try arch iso form the previous month if [ $ret -gt 0 ]; then ARCH_TRAVIS_ARCH_ISO="$(date +%Y.%m -d "-1 month").01" archive="archlinux-bootstrap-$ARCH_TRAVIS_ARCH_ISO-${ARCH_TRAVIS_ARCH}.tar.gz" as_normal "curl -O $ARCH_TRAVIS_MIRROR/iso/$ARCH_TRAVIS_ARCH_ISO/$archive" fi fi # extract root fs as_root "tar xf $archive" # remove archive if ARCH_TRAVIS_CLEAN_CHROOT is set if [ -n "$ARCH_TRAVIS_CLEAN_CHROOT" ]; then as_root "rm $archive" fi if [ "$ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT" != "$default_root" ]; then as_root "mv $default_root $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT" fi # don't care for signed packages as_root "sed -i 's|SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional|SigLevel = Never|' $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT/etc/pacman.conf" # enable multilib as_root "sed -i 's|#\[multilib\]|\[multilib\]\nInclude = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist|' $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT/etc/pacman.conf" # add mirror as_root "echo $mirror_entry >> $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" # add nameserver to resolv.conf as_root "echo nameserver >> $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT/etc/resolv.conf" sudo mount $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT --bind sudo mount --bind /proc $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT/proc sudo mount --bind /sys $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT/sys sudo mount --bind /dev $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT/dev sudo mount --bind /dev/pts $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT/dev/pts sudo mount --bind /dev/shm $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT/dev/shm sudo mount --bind /run $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT/run # update packages chroot_as_root "pacman -Syy" chroot_as_root "pacman -Syu ${default_packages[*]} --noconfirm" # use LANG=en_US.UTF-8 as expected in travis environments as_root "sed -i 's|#en_US.UTF-8|en_US.UTF-8|' $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT/etc/locale.gen" chroot_as_root "locale-gen" # setup non-root user chroot_as_root "useradd -u $uid -m -s /bin/bash $user" # disable password for sudo users as_root "echo \"$user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\" >> $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT/etc/sudoers.d/$user" # Add build dir chroot_as_root "mkdir -p $user_build_dir && chown $user $user_build_dir" # bind $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR to chroot build dir sudo mount --bind $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT$user_build_dir # add custom repos add_repositories # setup pacaur for AUR packages setup_pacaur } # add custom repositories to pacman.conf add_repositories() { if [ ${#CONFIG_REPOS[@]} -gt 0 ]; then for r in "${CONFIG_REPOS[@]}"; do local splitarr=(${r//=/ }) ((repo_line+=1)) as_root "sed -i '${repo_line}i[${splitarr[0]}]' $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT/etc/pacman.conf" ((repo_line+=1)) as_root "sed -i '${repo_line}iServer = ${splitarr[1]}\n' $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT/etc/pacman.conf" ((repo_line+=1)) done # update repos chroot_as_root "pacman -Syy" fi } # a wrapper which can be used to eventually add fakeroot support. sudo_wrapper() { sudo "$@" } # run command as normal user as_normal() { local str="$@" run /bin/bash -c "$str" } # run command as root as_root() { local str="$@" run sudo_wrapper /bin/bash -c "$str" } # run command in chroot as root chroot_as_root() { local str="$@" run sudo_wrapper setarch $ARCH_TRAVIS_ARCH chroot \ $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT /bin/bash -c "$str" } # execute command in chroot as normal user _chroot_as_normal() { local str="$@" sudo_wrapper setarch $ARCH_TRAVIS_ARCH chroot \ --userspec=$uid:$uid $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT /bin/bash \ -c "export HOME=$user_home USER=$user TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR=$user_build_dir && cd $user_build_dir && $str" } # run command in chroot as normal user chroot_as_normal() { local str="$@" run _chroot_as_normal "$str" } # run command run() { "$@" local ret=$? if [ $ret -gt 0 ]; then takedown_chroot exit $ret fi } # run build script run_build_script() { local cmd="$@" echo "$ $cmd" _chroot_as_normal "$cmd" local ret=$? if [ $ret -gt 0 ]; then takedown_chroot exit $ret fi } # setup pacaur setup_pacaur() { # Check if pacaur is available in the added repos if _chroot_as_normal "pacman -Si pacaur &> /dev/null"; then chroot_as_root "pacman -S --noconfirm pacaur" else local cowerarchive="cower.tar.gz" local aururl="https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/snapshot/" # install cower as_normal "curl -O $aururl/$cowerarchive" as_normal "tar xf $cowerarchive" chroot_as_normal "cd cower && makepkg -is --skippgpcheck --noconfirm" as_root "rm -r cower" as_normal "rm $cowerarchive" # install pacaur chroot_as_normal "cower -dd pacaur" chroot_as_normal "cd pacaur && makepkg -is --noconfirm" chroot_as_normal "rm -rf pacaur" fi } # install package through pacaur _pacaur() { local pacaur="pacaur -S $@ --noconfirm --noedit" chroot_as_normal "$pacaur" } # takedown chroot # unmounts anything mounted in the chroot setup takedown_chroot() { sudo umount $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT/{run,dev/shm,dev/pts,dev,sys,proc} sudo umount $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT$user_build_dir sudo umount $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT if [ -n "$ARCH_TRAVIS_CLEAN_CHROOT" ]; then as_root "rm -rf $ARCH_TRAVIS_CHROOT" fi } # read value from .travis.yml travis_yml() { ruby -ryaml -e 'puts ARGV[1..-1].inject(YAML.load(File.read(ARGV[0]))) {|acc, key| acc[key] }' .travis.yml $@ } read_config() { local old_ifs=$IFS IFS=$'\n' CONFIG_BUILD_SCRIPTS=($(travis_yml arch script)) CONFIG_PACKAGES=($(travis_yml arch packages)) CONFIG_REPOS=($(travis_yml arch repos)) IFS=$old_ifs } # run build scripts defined in .travis.yml build_scripts() { if [ ${#CONFIG_BUILD_SCRIPTS[@]} -gt 0 ]; then for script in "${CONFIG_BUILD_SCRIPTS[@]}"; do run_build_script $script done else echo "No build scripts defined" takedown_chroot exit 1 fi } # install packages defined in .travis.yml install_packages() { for package in "${CONFIG_PACKAGES[@]}"; do _pacaur $package done } # install custom compiler if CC != gcc install_c_compiler() { if [ "$TRAVIS_CC" != "gcc" ]; then _pacaur "$TRAVIS_CC" fi } arch_msg() { lightblue='\033[1;34m' reset='\e[0m' echo -e "${lightblue}$@${reset}" } # read .travis.yml read_config echo "travis_fold:start:arch_travis" setup_chroot install_packages if [ -n "$CC" ]; then install_c_compiler # restore CC CC=$TRAVIS_CC fi echo "travis_fold:end:arch_travis" echo "" arch_msg "Running travis build" build_scripts takedown_chroot # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: