/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/images.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "storage/cache/storage_cache_database.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "data/data_session.h" namespace Images { namespace { TG_FORCE_INLINE uint64 blurGetColors(const uchar *p) { return (uint64)p[0] + ((uint64)p[1] << 16) + ((uint64)p[2] << 32) + ((uint64)p[3] << 48); } const QPixmap &circleMask(int width, int height) { Assert(Global::started()); uint64 key = uint64(uint32(width)) << 32 | uint64(uint32(height)); Global::CircleMasksMap &masks(Global::RefCircleMasks()); auto i = masks.constFind(key); if (i == masks.cend()) { QImage mask(width, height, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); { Painter p(&mask); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.fillRect(0, 0, width, height, Qt::transparent); p.setBrush(Qt::white); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.drawEllipse(0, 0, width, height); } mask.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); i = masks.insert(key, App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(mask))); } return i.value(); } } // namespace QPixmap PixmapFast(QImage &&image) { Expects(image.format() == QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied || image.format() == QImage::Format_RGB32); return QPixmap::fromImage(std::move(image), Qt::NoFormatConversion); } QImage prepareBlur(QImage img) { auto ratio = img.devicePixelRatio(); auto fmt = img.format(); if (fmt != QImage::Format_RGB32 && fmt != QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) { img = img.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); img.setDevicePixelRatio(ratio); Assert(!img.isNull()); } uchar *pix = img.bits(); if (pix) { int w = img.width(), h = img.height(), wold = w, hold = h; const int radius = 3; const int r1 = radius + 1; const int div = radius * 2 + 1; const int stride = w * 4; if (radius < 16 && div < w && div < h && stride <= w * 4) { bool withalpha = img.hasAlphaChannel(); if (withalpha) { QImage imgsmall(w, h, img.format()); { Painter p(&imgsmall); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.fillRect(0, 0, w, h, Qt::transparent); p.drawImage(QRect(radius, radius, w - 2 * radius, h - 2 * radius), img, QRect(0, 0, w, h)); } imgsmall.setDevicePixelRatio(ratio); auto was = img; img = std::move(imgsmall); imgsmall = QImage(); Assert(!img.isNull()); pix = img.bits(); if (!pix) return was; } uint64 *rgb = new uint64[w * h]; int x, y, i; int yw = 0; const int we = w - r1; for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { uint64 cur = blurGetColors(&pix[yw]); uint64 rgballsum = -radius * cur; uint64 rgbsum = cur * ((r1 * (r1 + 1)) >> 1); for (i = 1; i <= radius; i++) { uint64 cur = blurGetColors(&pix[yw + i * 4]); rgbsum += cur * (r1 - i); rgballsum += cur; } x = 0; #define update(start, middle, end) \ rgb[y * w + x] = (rgbsum >> 4) & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFLL; \ rgballsum += blurGetColors(&pix[yw + (start) * 4]) - 2 * blurGetColors(&pix[yw + (middle) * 4]) + blurGetColors(&pix[yw + (end) * 4]); \ rgbsum += rgballsum; \ x++; while (x < r1) { update(0, x, x + r1); } while (x < we) { update(x - r1, x, x + r1); } while (x < w) { update(x - r1, x, w - 1); } #undef update yw += stride; } const int he = h - r1; for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { uint64 rgballsum = -radius * rgb[x]; uint64 rgbsum = rgb[x] * ((r1 * (r1 + 1)) >> 1); for (i = 1; i <= radius; i++) { rgbsum += rgb[i * w + x] * (r1 - i); rgballsum += rgb[i * w + x]; } y = 0; int yi = x * 4; #define update(start, middle, end) \ uint64 res = rgbsum >> 4; \ pix[yi] = res & 0xFF; \ pix[yi + 1] = (res >> 16) & 0xFF; \ pix[yi + 2] = (res >> 32) & 0xFF; \ pix[yi + 3] = (res >> 48) & 0xFF; \ rgballsum += rgb[x + (start) * w] - 2 * rgb[x + (middle) * w] + rgb[x + (end) * w]; \ rgbsum += rgballsum; \ y++; \ yi += stride; while (y < r1) { update(0, y, y + r1); } while (y < he) { update(y - r1, y, y + r1); } while (y < h) { update(y - r1, y, h - 1); } #undef update } delete[] rgb; } } return img; } void prepareCircle(QImage &img) { Assert(!img.isNull()); img.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); img = img.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); Assert(!img.isNull()); QPixmap mask = circleMask(img.width(), img.height()); Painter p(&img); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, mask); } void prepareRound( QImage &image, QImage *cornerMasks, RectParts corners, QRect target) { if (target.isNull()) { target = QRect(QPoint(), image.size()); } else { Assert(QRect(QPoint(), image.size()).contains(target)); } auto cornerWidth = cornerMasks[0].width(); auto cornerHeight = cornerMasks[0].height(); auto imageWidth = image.width(); auto imageHeight = image.height(); if (imageWidth < 2 * cornerWidth || imageHeight < 2 * cornerHeight) { return; } constexpr auto imageIntsPerPixel = 1; auto imageIntsPerLine = (image.bytesPerLine() >> 2); Assert(image.depth() == static_cast((imageIntsPerPixel * sizeof(uint32)) << 3)); Assert(image.bytesPerLine() == (imageIntsPerLine << 2)); auto ints = reinterpret_cast(image.bits()); auto intsTopLeft = ints + target.x() + target.y() * imageWidth; auto intsTopRight = ints + target.x() + target.width() - cornerWidth + target.y() * imageWidth; auto intsBottomLeft = ints + target.x() + (target.y() + target.height() - cornerHeight) * imageWidth; auto intsBottomRight = ints + target.x() + target.width() - cornerWidth + (target.y() + target.height() - cornerHeight) * imageWidth; auto maskCorner = [&](uint32 *imageInts, const QImage &mask) { auto maskWidth = mask.width(); auto maskHeight = mask.height(); auto maskBytesPerPixel = (mask.depth() >> 3); auto maskBytesPerLine = mask.bytesPerLine(); auto maskBytesAdded = maskBytesPerLine - maskWidth * maskBytesPerPixel; auto maskBytes = mask.constBits(); Assert(maskBytesAdded >= 0); Assert(mask.depth() == (maskBytesPerPixel << 3)); auto imageIntsAdded = imageIntsPerLine - maskWidth * imageIntsPerPixel; Assert(imageIntsAdded >= 0); for (auto y = 0; y != maskHeight; ++y) { for (auto x = 0; x != maskWidth; ++x) { auto opacity = static_cast(*maskBytes) + 1; *imageInts = anim::unshifted(anim::shifted(*imageInts) * opacity); maskBytes += maskBytesPerPixel; imageInts += imageIntsPerPixel; } maskBytes += maskBytesAdded; imageInts += imageIntsAdded; } }; if (corners & RectPart::TopLeft) maskCorner(intsTopLeft, cornerMasks[0]); if (corners & RectPart::TopRight) maskCorner(intsTopRight, cornerMasks[1]); if (corners & RectPart::BottomLeft) maskCorner(intsBottomLeft, cornerMasks[2]); if (corners & RectPart::BottomRight) maskCorner(intsBottomRight, cornerMasks[3]); } void prepareRound( QImage &image, ImageRoundRadius radius, RectParts corners, QRect target) { if (!static_cast(corners)) { return; } else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Ellipse) { Assert((corners & RectPart::AllCorners) == RectPart::AllCorners); Assert(target.isNull()); prepareCircle(image); } Assert(!image.isNull()); image.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); image = std::move(image).convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); Assert(!image.isNull()); auto masks = App::cornersMask(radius); prepareRound(image, masks, corners, target); } QImage prepareColored(style::color add, QImage image) { auto format = image.format(); if (format != QImage::Format_RGB32 && format != QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) { image = std::move(image).convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); } if (auto pix = image.bits()) { int ca = int(add->c.alphaF() * 0xFF), cr = int(add->c.redF() * 0xFF), cg = int(add->c.greenF() * 0xFF), cb = int(add->c.blueF() * 0xFF); const int w = image.width(), h = image.height(), size = w * h * 4; for (int32 i = 0; i < size; i += 4) { int b = pix[i], g = pix[i + 1], r = pix[i + 2], a = pix[i + 3], aca = a * ca; pix[i + 0] = uchar(b + ((aca * (cb - b)) >> 16)); pix[i + 1] = uchar(g + ((aca * (cg - g)) >> 16)); pix[i + 2] = uchar(r + ((aca * (cr - r)) >> 16)); pix[i + 3] = uchar(a + ((aca * (0xFF - a)) >> 16)); } } return image; } QImage prepareOpaque(QImage image) { if (image.hasAlphaChannel()) { image = std::move(image).convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); auto ints = reinterpret_cast(image.bits()); auto bg = anim::shifted(st::imageBgTransparent->c); auto width = image.width(); auto height = image.height(); auto addPerLine = (image.bytesPerLine() / sizeof(uint32)) - width; for (auto y = 0; y != height; ++y) { for (auto x = 0; x != width; ++x) { auto components = anim::shifted(*ints); *ints++ = anim::unshifted(components * 256 + bg * (256 - anim::getAlpha(components))); } ints += addPerLine; } } return image; } QImage prepare(QImage img, int w, int h, Images::Options options, int outerw, int outerh, const style::color *colored) { Assert(!img.isNull()); if (options & Images::Option::Blurred) { img = prepareBlur(std::move(img)); Assert(!img.isNull()); } if (w <= 0 || (w == img.width() && (h <= 0 || h == img.height()))) { } else if (h <= 0) { img = img.scaledToWidth(w, (options & Images::Option::Smooth) ? Qt::SmoothTransformation : Qt::FastTransformation); Assert(!img.isNull()); } else { img = img.scaled(w, h, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, (options & Images::Option::Smooth) ? Qt::SmoothTransformation : Qt::FastTransformation); Assert(!img.isNull()); } if (outerw > 0 && outerh > 0) { outerw *= cIntRetinaFactor(); outerh *= cIntRetinaFactor(); if (outerw != w || outerh != h) { img.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); auto result = QImage(outerw, outerh, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); result.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); if (options & Images::Option::TransparentBackground) { result.fill(Qt::transparent); } { QPainter p(&result); if (w < outerw || h < outerh) { p.fillRect(0, 0, result.width(), result.height(), st::imageBg); } p.drawImage((result.width() - img.width()) / (2 * cIntRetinaFactor()), (result.height() - img.height()) / (2 * cIntRetinaFactor()), img); } img = result; Assert(!img.isNull()); } } auto corners = [](Images::Options options) { return ((options & Images::Option::RoundedTopLeft) ? RectPart::TopLeft : RectPart::None) | ((options & Images::Option::RoundedTopRight) ? RectPart::TopRight : RectPart::None) | ((options & Images::Option::RoundedBottomLeft) ? RectPart::BottomLeft : RectPart::None) | ((options & Images::Option::RoundedBottomRight) ? RectPart::BottomRight : RectPart::None); }; if (options & Images::Option::Circled) { prepareCircle(img); Assert(!img.isNull()); } else if (options & Images::Option::RoundedLarge) { prepareRound(img, ImageRoundRadius::Large, corners(options)); Assert(!img.isNull()); } else if (options & Images::Option::RoundedSmall) { prepareRound(img, ImageRoundRadius::Small, corners(options)); Assert(!img.isNull()); } if (options & Images::Option::Colored) { Assert(colored != nullptr); img = prepareColored(*colored, std::move(img)); } img.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); return img; } } // namespace Images namespace { using LocalImages = QMap; LocalImages localImages; using WebImages = QMap; WebImages webImages; Image *generateBlankImage() { auto data = QImage(cIntRetinaFactor(), cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); data.fill(Qt::transparent); data.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); return internal::getImage(App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(data)), "GIF"); } Image *blank() { static auto blankImage = generateBlankImage(); return blankImage; } using StorageImages = QMap; StorageImages storageImages; using WebFileImages = QMap; WebFileImages webFileImages; using GeoPointImages = QMap; GeoPointImages geoPointImages; int64 globalAcquiredSize = 0; uint64 PixKey(int width, int height, Images::Options options) { return static_cast(width) | (static_cast(height) << 24) | (static_cast(options) << 48); } uint64 SinglePixKey(Images::Options options) { return PixKey(0, 0, options); } } // namespace StorageImageLocation StorageImageLocation::Null; WebFileLocation WebFileLocation::Null; StorageImageLocation::StorageImageLocation( int32 width, int32 height, int32 dc, const uint64 &volume, int32 local, const uint64 &secret, const QByteArray &fileReference) : _widthheight(packIntInt(width, height)) , _dclocal(packIntInt(dc, local)) , _volume(volume) , _secret(secret) , _fileReference(fileReference) { } StorageImageLocation::StorageImageLocation( int32 width, int32 height, const MTPDfileLocation &location) : StorageImageLocation( width, height, location.vdc_id.v, location.vvolume_id.v, location.vlocal_id.v, location.vsecret.v, location.vfile_reference.v) { } bool Image::isNull() const { return (this == blank()); } ImagePtr::ImagePtr() : Parent(blank()) { } ImagePtr::ImagePtr(int32 width, int32 height, const MTPFileLocation &location, ImagePtr def) : Parent((location.type() == mtpc_fileLocation) ? (Image*)(internal::getImage(StorageImageLocation(width, height, location.c_fileLocation()))) : def.v()) { } Image::Image(const QString &file, QByteArray fmt) : _forgot(false) { _data = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(App::readImage(file, &fmt, false, 0, &_saved)); _format = fmt; if (!_data.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize += int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4; } } Image::Image(const QByteArray &filecontent, QByteArray fmt) : _forgot(false) { _data = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(App::readImage(filecontent, &fmt, false)); _format = fmt; _saved = filecontent; if (!_data.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize += int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4; } } Image::Image(const QPixmap &pixmap, QByteArray format) : _format(format), _forgot(false), _data(pixmap) { if (!_data.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize += int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4; } } Image::Image(const QByteArray &filecontent, QByteArray fmt, const QPixmap &pixmap) : _saved(filecontent), _format(fmt), _forgot(false), _data(pixmap) { _data = pixmap; _format = fmt; _saved = filecontent; if (!_data.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize += int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4; } } const QPixmap &Image::pix( Data::FileOrigin origin, int32 w, int32 h) const { checkload(); if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) { w = width(); } else if (cRetina()) { w *= cIntRetinaFactor(); h *= cIntRetinaFactor(); } auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::None; auto k = PixKey(w, h, options); auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k); if (i == _sizesCache.cend()) { auto p = pixNoCache(origin, w, h, options); if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p); if (!p.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4; } } return i.value(); } const QPixmap &Image::pixRounded( Data::FileOrigin origin, int32 w, int32 h, ImageRoundRadius radius, RectParts corners) const { checkload(); if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) { w = width(); } else if (cRetina()) { w *= cIntRetinaFactor(); h *= cIntRetinaFactor(); } auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::None; auto cornerOptions = [](RectParts corners) { return (corners & RectPart::TopLeft ? Images::Option::RoundedTopLeft : Images::Option::None) | (corners & RectPart::TopRight ? Images::Option::RoundedTopRight : Images::Option::None) | (corners & RectPart::BottomLeft ? Images::Option::RoundedBottomLeft : Images::Option::None) | (corners & RectPart::BottomRight ? Images::Option::RoundedBottomRight : Images::Option::None); }; if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Large) { options |= Images::Option::RoundedLarge | cornerOptions(corners); } else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Small) { options |= Images::Option::RoundedSmall | cornerOptions(corners); } else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Ellipse) { options |= Images::Option::Circled | cornerOptions(corners); } auto k = PixKey(w, h, options); auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k); if (i == _sizesCache.cend()) { auto p = pixNoCache(origin, w, h, options); if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p); if (!p.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4; } } return i.value(); } const QPixmap &Image::pixCircled( Data::FileOrigin origin, int32 w, int32 h) const { checkload(); if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) { w = width(); } else if (cRetina()) { w *= cIntRetinaFactor(); h *= cIntRetinaFactor(); } auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Circled; auto k = PixKey(w, h, options); auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k); if (i == _sizesCache.cend()) { auto p = pixNoCache(origin, w, h, options); if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p); if (!p.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4; } } return i.value(); } const QPixmap &Image::pixBlurredCircled( Data::FileOrigin origin, int32 w, int32 h) const { checkload(); if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) { w = width(); } else if (cRetina()) { w *= cIntRetinaFactor(); h *= cIntRetinaFactor(); } auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Circled | Images::Option::Blurred; auto k = PixKey(w, h, options); auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k); if (i == _sizesCache.cend()) { auto p = pixNoCache(origin, w, h, options); if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p); if (!p.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4; } } return i.value(); } const QPixmap &Image::pixBlurred( Data::FileOrigin origin, int32 w, int32 h) const { checkload(); if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) { w = width() * cIntRetinaFactor(); } else if (cRetina()) { w *= cIntRetinaFactor(); h *= cIntRetinaFactor(); } auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Blurred; auto k = PixKey(w, h, options); auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k); if (i == _sizesCache.cend()) { auto p = pixNoCache(origin, w, h, options); if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p); if (!p.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4; } } return i.value(); } const QPixmap &Image::pixColored( Data::FileOrigin origin, style::color add, int32 w, int32 h) const { checkload(); if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) { w = width() * cIntRetinaFactor(); } else if (cRetina()) { w *= cIntRetinaFactor(); h *= cIntRetinaFactor(); } auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Colored; auto k = PixKey(w, h, options); auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k); if (i == _sizesCache.cend()) { auto p = pixColoredNoCache(origin, add, w, h, true); if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p); if (!p.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4; } } return i.value(); } const QPixmap &Image::pixBlurredColored( Data::FileOrigin origin, style::color add, int32 w, int32 h) const { checkload(); if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) { w = width() * cIntRetinaFactor(); } else if (cRetina()) { w *= cIntRetinaFactor(); h *= cIntRetinaFactor(); } auto options = Images::Option::Blurred | Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Colored; auto k = PixKey(w, h, options); auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k); if (i == _sizesCache.cend()) { auto p = pixBlurredColoredNoCache(origin, add, w, h); if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p); if (!p.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4; } } return i.value(); } const QPixmap &Image::pixSingle( Data::FileOrigin origin, int32 w, int32 h, int32 outerw, int32 outerh, ImageRoundRadius radius, RectParts corners, const style::color *colored) const { checkload(); if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) { w = width() * cIntRetinaFactor(); } else if (cRetina()) { w *= cIntRetinaFactor(); h *= cIntRetinaFactor(); } auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::None; auto cornerOptions = [](RectParts corners) { return (corners & RectPart::TopLeft ? Images::Option::RoundedTopLeft : Images::Option::None) | (corners & RectPart::TopRight ? Images::Option::RoundedTopRight : Images::Option::None) | (corners & RectPart::BottomLeft ? Images::Option::RoundedBottomLeft : Images::Option::None) | (corners & RectPart::BottomRight ? Images::Option::RoundedBottomRight : Images::Option::None); }; if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Large) { options |= Images::Option::RoundedLarge | cornerOptions(corners); } else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Small) { options |= Images::Option::RoundedSmall | cornerOptions(corners); } else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Ellipse) { options |= Images::Option::Circled | cornerOptions(corners); } if (colored) { options |= Images::Option::Colored; } auto k = SinglePixKey(options); auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k); if (i == _sizesCache.cend() || i->width() != (outerw * cIntRetinaFactor()) || i->height() != (outerh * cIntRetinaFactor())) { if (i != _sizesCache.cend()) { globalAcquiredSize -= int64(i->width()) * i->height() * 4; } auto p = pixNoCache(origin, w, h, options, outerw, outerh, colored); if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p); if (!p.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4; } } return i.value(); } const QPixmap &Image::pixBlurredSingle( Data::FileOrigin origin, int w, int h, int32 outerw, int32 outerh, ImageRoundRadius radius, RectParts corners) const { checkload(); if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height()) { w = width() * cIntRetinaFactor(); } else if (cRetina()) { w *= cIntRetinaFactor(); h *= cIntRetinaFactor(); } auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Blurred; auto cornerOptions = [](RectParts corners) { return (corners & RectPart::TopLeft ? Images::Option::RoundedTopLeft : Images::Option::None) | (corners & RectPart::TopRight ? Images::Option::RoundedTopRight : Images::Option::None) | (corners & RectPart::BottomLeft ? Images::Option::RoundedBottomLeft : Images::Option::None) | (corners & RectPart::BottomRight ? Images::Option::RoundedBottomRight : Images::Option::None); }; if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Large) { options |= Images::Option::RoundedLarge | cornerOptions(corners); } else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Small) { options |= Images::Option::RoundedSmall | cornerOptions(corners); } else if (radius == ImageRoundRadius::Ellipse) { options |= Images::Option::Circled | cornerOptions(corners); } auto k = SinglePixKey(options); auto i = _sizesCache.constFind(k); if (i == _sizesCache.cend() || i->width() != (outerw * cIntRetinaFactor()) || i->height() != (outerh * cIntRetinaFactor())) { if (i != _sizesCache.cend()) { globalAcquiredSize -= int64(i->width()) * i->height() * 4; } auto p = pixNoCache(origin, w, h, options, outerw, outerh); if (cRetina()) p.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); i = _sizesCache.insert(k, p); if (!p.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize += int64(p.width()) * p.height() * 4; } } return i.value(); } QPixmap Image::pixNoCache( Data::FileOrigin origin, int w, int h, Images::Options options, int outerw, int outerh, const style::color *colored) const { if (!loading()) const_cast(this)->load(origin); restore(); if (_data.isNull()) { if (h <= 0 && height() > 0) { h = qRound(width() * w / float64(height())); } return blank()->pixNoCache(origin, w, h, options, outerw, outerh); } if (isNull() && outerw > 0 && outerh > 0) { outerw *= cIntRetinaFactor(); outerh *= cIntRetinaFactor(); QImage result(outerw, outerh, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); result.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); { QPainter p(&result); if (w < outerw) { p.fillRect(0, 0, (outerw - w) / 2, result.height(), st::imageBg); p.fillRect(((outerw - w) / 2) + w, 0, result.width() - (((outerw - w) / 2) + w), result.height(), st::imageBg); } if (h < outerh) { p.fillRect(qMax(0, (outerw - w) / 2), 0, qMin(result.width(), w), (outerh - h) / 2, st::imageBg); p.fillRect(qMax(0, (outerw - w) / 2), ((outerh - h) / 2) + h, qMin(result.width(), w), result.height() - (((outerh - h) / 2) + h), st::imageBg); } p.fillRect(qMax(0, (outerw - w) / 2), qMax(0, (outerh - h) / 2), qMin(result.width(), w), qMin(result.height(), h), st::imageBgTransparent); } auto corners = [](Images::Options options) { return ((options & Images::Option::RoundedTopLeft) ? RectPart::TopLeft : RectPart::None) | ((options & Images::Option::RoundedTopRight) ? RectPart::TopRight : RectPart::None) | ((options & Images::Option::RoundedBottomLeft) ? RectPart::BottomLeft : RectPart::None) | ((options & Images::Option::RoundedBottomRight) ? RectPart::BottomRight : RectPart::None); }; if (options & Images::Option::Circled) { Images::prepareCircle(result); } else if (options & Images::Option::RoundedLarge) { Images::prepareRound(result, ImageRoundRadius::Large, corners(options)); } else if (options & Images::Option::RoundedSmall) { Images::prepareRound(result, ImageRoundRadius::Small, corners(options)); } if (options & Images::Option::Colored) { Assert(colored != nullptr); result = Images::prepareColored(*colored, std::move(result)); } return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(std::move(result)); } return Images::pixmap(_data.toImage(), w, h, options, outerw, outerh, colored); } QPixmap Image::pixColoredNoCache( Data::FileOrigin origin, style::color add, int32 w, int32 h, bool smooth) const { const_cast(this)->load(origin); restore(); if (_data.isNull()) return blank()->pix(origin); auto img = _data.toImage(); if (w <= 0 || !width() || !height() || (w == width() && (h <= 0 || h == height()))) { return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(Images::prepareColored(add, std::move(img))); } if (h <= 0) { return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(Images::prepareColored(add, img.scaledToWidth(w, smooth ? Qt::SmoothTransformation : Qt::FastTransformation))); } return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(Images::prepareColored(add, img.scaled(w, h, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, smooth ? Qt::SmoothTransformation : Qt::FastTransformation))); } QPixmap Image::pixBlurredColoredNoCache( Data::FileOrigin origin, style::color add, int32 w, int32 h) const { const_cast(this)->load(origin); restore(); if (_data.isNull()) return blank()->pix(origin); auto img = Images::prepareBlur(_data.toImage()); if (h <= 0) { img = img.scaledToWidth(w, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } else { img = img.scaled(w, h, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } return App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(Images::prepareColored(add, img)); } void Image::forget() const { if (_forgot) return; if (_data.isNull()) return; invalidateSizeCache(); /*if (hasLocalCopy()) { _saved.clear(); } else */if (_saved.isEmpty()) { QBuffer buffer(&_saved); if (!_data.save(&buffer, _format)) { if (_data.save(&buffer, "PNG")) { _format = "PNG"; } else { return; } } } globalAcquiredSize -= int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4; _data = QPixmap(); _forgot = true; } void Image::restore() const { if (!_forgot) return; QBuffer buffer(&_saved); QImageReader reader(&buffer, _format); #ifndef OS_MAC_OLD reader.setAutoTransform(true); #endif // OS_MAC_OLD _data = QPixmap::fromImageReader(&reader, Qt::ColorOnly); if (!_data.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize += int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4; } _forgot = false; } std::optional Image::cacheKey() const { return std::nullopt; } void Image::invalidateSizeCache() const { for (auto &pix : _sizesCache) { if (!pix.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize -= int64(pix.width()) * pix.height() * 4; } } _sizesCache.clear(); } Image::~Image() { invalidateSizeCache(); if (!_data.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize -= int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4; } } void clearStorageImages() { for (auto image : base::take(storageImages)) { delete image; } for (auto image : base::take(webImages)) { delete image; } for (auto image : base::take(webFileImages)) { delete image; } for (auto image : base::take(geoPointImages)) { delete image; } } void clearAllImages() { for (auto image : base::take(localImages)) { delete image; } clearStorageImages(); } int64 imageCacheSize() { return globalAcquiredSize; } void RemoteImage::doCheckload() const { if (!amLoading() || !_loader->finished()) return; QPixmap data = _loader->imagePixmap(shrinkBox()); if (data.isNull()) { destroyLoaderDelayed(CancelledFileLoader); return; } if (!_data.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize -= int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4; } _format = _loader->imageFormat(shrinkBox()); _data = data; _saved = _loader->bytes(); const_cast(this)->setInformation(_saved.size(), _data.width(), _data.height()); globalAcquiredSize += int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4; invalidateSizeCache(); destroyLoaderDelayed(); _forgot = false; } void RemoteImage::destroyLoaderDelayed(FileLoader *newValue) const { _loader->stop(); auto loader = std::unique_ptr(std::exchange(_loader, newValue)); Auth().downloader().delayedDestroyLoader(std::move(loader)); } void RemoteImage::loadLocal() { if (loaded() || amLoading()) return; _loader = createLoader(std::nullopt, LoadFromLocalOnly, true); if (_loader) _loader->start(); } void RemoteImage::setImageBytes( const QByteArray &bytes, const QByteArray &bytesFormat) { if (!_data.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize -= int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4; } QByteArray fmt(bytesFormat); _data = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(App::readImage(bytes, &fmt, false)); if (!_data.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize += int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4; setInformation(bytes.size(), _data.width(), _data.height()); } invalidateSizeCache(); if (amLoading()) { destroyLoaderDelayed(); } _saved = bytes; _format = fmt; _forgot = false; const auto location = this->location(); if (!location.isNull() && !bytes.isEmpty() && bytes.size() <= Storage::kMaxFileInMemory) { Auth().data().cache().putIfEmpty( Data::StorageCacheKey(location), Storage::Cache::Database::TaggedValue( base::duplicate(bytes), Data::kImageCacheTag)); } } bool RemoteImage::amLoading() const { return _loader && _loader != CancelledFileLoader; } void RemoteImage::automaticLoad( Data::FileOrigin origin, const HistoryItem *item) { if (loaded()) return; if (_loader != CancelledFileLoader && item) { bool loadFromCloud = false; if (item->history()->peer->isUser()) { loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadPhoto() & dbiadNoPrivate); } else { loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadPhoto() & dbiadNoGroups); } if (_loader) { if (loadFromCloud) _loader->permitLoadFromCloud(); } else { _loader = createLoader( origin, loadFromCloud ? LoadFromCloudOrLocal : LoadFromLocalOnly, true); if (_loader) _loader->start(); } } } void RemoteImage::automaticLoadSettingsChanged() { if (loaded() || _loader != CancelledFileLoader) return; _loader = 0; } void RemoteImage::load( Data::FileOrigin origin, bool loadFirst, bool prior) { if (loaded()) return; if (!_loader) { _loader = createLoader(origin, LoadFromCloudOrLocal, false); } if (amLoading()) { _loader->start(loadFirst, prior); } } void RemoteImage::loadEvenCancelled( Data::FileOrigin origin, bool loadFirst, bool prior) { if (_loader == CancelledFileLoader) { _loader = nullptr; } return load(origin, loadFirst, prior); } RemoteImage::~RemoteImage() { if (!_data.isNull()) { globalAcquiredSize -= int64(_data.width()) * _data.height() * 4; } if (amLoading()) { destroyLoaderDelayed(); } } bool RemoteImage::loaded() const { doCheckload(); return (!_data.isNull() || !_saved.isNull()); } bool RemoteImage::displayLoading() const { return amLoading() && (!_loader->loadingLocal() || !_loader->autoLoading()); } void RemoteImage::cancel() { if (!amLoading()) return; auto loader = std::exchange(_loader, CancelledFileLoader); loader->cancel(); loader->stop(); Auth().downloader().delayedDestroyLoader(std::unique_ptr(loader)); } float64 RemoteImage::progress() const { return amLoading() ? _loader->currentProgress() : (loaded() ? 1 : 0); } int32 RemoteImage::loadOffset() const { return amLoading() ? _loader->currentOffset() : 0; } StorageImage::StorageImage(const StorageImageLocation &location, int32 size) : _location(location) , _size(size) { } StorageImage::StorageImage( const StorageImageLocation &location, const QByteArray &bytes) : _location(location) , _size(bytes.size()) { setImageBytes(bytes); } std::optional StorageImage::cacheKey() const { return _location.isNull() ? std::nullopt : base::make_optional(Data::StorageCacheKey(_location)); } int32 StorageImage::countWidth() const { return _location.width(); } int32 StorageImage::countHeight() const { return _location.height(); } void StorageImage::setInformation(int32 size, int32 width, int32 height) { _size = size; _location.setSize(width, height); } FileLoader *StorageImage::createLoader( Data::FileOrigin origin, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading) { if (_location.isNull()) { return nullptr; } return new mtpFileLoader( &_location, origin, _size, fromCloud, autoLoading, Data::kImageCacheTag); } WebFileImage::WebFileImage( const WebFileLocation &location, QSize box, int size) : _location(location) , _box(box) , _width(0) , _height(0) , _size(size) { } WebFileImage::WebFileImage( const WebFileLocation &location, int width, int height, int size) : _location(location) , _width(width) , _height(height) , _size(size) { } std::optional WebFileImage::cacheKey() const { return _location.isNull() ? std::nullopt : base::make_optional(Data::WebDocumentCacheKey(_location)); } int WebFileImage::countWidth() const { return _width; } int WebFileImage::countHeight() const { return _height; } void WebFileImage::setInformation(int size, int width, int height) { _size = size; _width = width; _height = height; } FileLoader *WebFileImage::createLoader( Data::FileOrigin origin, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading) { return _location.isNull() ? nullptr : new mtpFileLoader( &_location, _size, fromCloud, autoLoading, Data::kImageCacheTag); } GeoPointImage::GeoPointImage(const GeoPointLocation &location) : _location(location) { } std::optional GeoPointImage::cacheKey() const { return Data::GeoPointCacheKey(_location); } int GeoPointImage::countWidth() const { return _location.width; } int GeoPointImage::countHeight() const { return _location.height; } void GeoPointImage::setInformation(int size, int width, int height) { _size = size; _location.width = width; _location.height = height; } FileLoader *GeoPointImage::createLoader( Data::FileOrigin origin, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading) { return new mtpFileLoader( &_location, _size, fromCloud, autoLoading, Data::kImageCacheTag); } DelayedStorageImage::DelayedStorageImage() : StorageImage(StorageImageLocation()) , _loadRequested(false) , _loadCancelled(false) , _loadFromCloud(false) { } DelayedStorageImage::DelayedStorageImage(int32 w, int32 h) : StorageImage(StorageImageLocation(w, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, {})) , _loadRequested(false) , _loadCancelled(false) , _loadFromCloud(false) { } // //DelayedStorageImage::DelayedStorageImage(QByteArray &bytes) //: StorageImage(StorageImageLocation(), bytes) //, _loadRequested(false) //, _loadCancelled(false) //, _loadFromCloud(false) { //} void DelayedStorageImage::setStorageLocation( Data::FileOrigin origin, const StorageImageLocation location) { _location = location; if (_loadRequested) { if (!_loadCancelled) { if (_loadFromCloud) { load(origin); } else { loadLocal(); } } _loadRequested = false; } } void DelayedStorageImage::automaticLoad( Data::FileOrigin origin, const HistoryItem *item) { if (_location.isNull()) { if (!_loadCancelled && item) { bool loadFromCloud = false; if (item->history()->peer->isUser()) { loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadPhoto() & dbiadNoPrivate); } else { loadFromCloud = !(cAutoDownloadPhoto() & dbiadNoGroups); } if (_loadRequested) { if (loadFromCloud) _loadFromCloud = loadFromCloud; } else { _loadFromCloud = loadFromCloud; _loadRequested = true; } } } else { StorageImage::automaticLoad(origin, item); } } void DelayedStorageImage::automaticLoadSettingsChanged() { if (_loadCancelled) _loadCancelled = false; StorageImage::automaticLoadSettingsChanged(); } void DelayedStorageImage::load( Data::FileOrigin origin, bool loadFirst, bool prior) { if (_location.isNull()) { _loadRequested = _loadFromCloud = true; } else { StorageImage::load(origin, loadFirst, prior); } } void DelayedStorageImage::loadEvenCancelled( Data::FileOrigin origin, bool loadFirst, bool prior) { _loadCancelled = false; StorageImage::loadEvenCancelled(origin, loadFirst, prior); } bool DelayedStorageImage::displayLoading() const { return _location.isNull() ? true : StorageImage::displayLoading(); } void DelayedStorageImage::cancel() { if (_loadRequested) { _loadRequested = false; } StorageImage::cancel(); } WebImage::WebImage(const QString &url, QSize box) : _url(url) , _box(box) , _size(0) , _width(0) , _height(0) { } WebImage::WebImage(const QString &url, int width, int height) : _url(url) , _size(0) , _width(width) , _height(height) { } std::optional WebImage::cacheKey() const { return Data::UrlCacheKey(_url); } void WebImage::setSize(int width, int height) { _width = width; _height = height; } int32 WebImage::countWidth() const { return _width; } int32 WebImage::countHeight() const { return _height; } void WebImage::setInformation(int32 size, int32 width, int32 height) { _size = size; setSize(width, height); } FileLoader *WebImage::createLoader( Data::FileOrigin origin, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading) { return new webFileLoader( _url, QString(), fromCloud, autoLoading, Data::kImageCacheTag); } namespace internal { Image *getImage(const QString &file, QByteArray format) { if (file.startsWith(qstr("http://"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) || file.startsWith(qstr("https://"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QString key = file; WebImages::const_iterator i = webImages.constFind(key); if (i == webImages.cend()) { i = webImages.insert(key, new WebImage(file)); } return i.value(); } else { QFileInfo f(file); QString key = qsl("//:%1//:%2//:").arg(f.size()).arg(f.lastModified().toTime_t()) + file; LocalImages::const_iterator i = localImages.constFind(key); if (i == localImages.cend()) { i = localImages.insert(key, new Image(file, format)); } return i.value(); } } Image *getImage(const QString &url, QSize box) { QString key = qsl("//:%1//:%2//:").arg(box.width()).arg(box.height()) + url; auto i = webImages.constFind(key); if (i == webImages.cend()) { i = webImages.insert(key, new WebImage(url, box)); } return i.value(); } Image *getImage(const QString &url, int width, int height) { QString key = url; auto i = webImages.constFind(key); if (i == webImages.cend()) { i = webImages.insert(key, new WebImage(url, width, height)); } else { i.value()->setSize(width, height); } return i.value(); } Image *getImage(const QByteArray &filecontent, QByteArray format) { return new Image(filecontent, format); } Image *getImage(const QPixmap &pixmap, QByteArray format) { return new Image(pixmap, format); } Image *getImage(const QByteArray &filecontent, QByteArray format, const QPixmap &pixmap) { return new Image(filecontent, format, pixmap); } Image *getImage(int32 width, int32 height) { return new DelayedStorageImage(width, height); } StorageImage *getImage(const StorageImageLocation &location, int32 size) { const auto key = storageKey(location); auto i = storageImages.constFind(key); if (i == storageImages.cend()) { i = storageImages.insert(key, new StorageImage(location, size)); } else { i.value()->refreshFileReference(location.fileReference()); } return i.value(); } StorageImage *getImage( const StorageImageLocation &location, const QByteArray &bytes) { const auto key = storageKey(location); auto i = storageImages.constFind(key); if (i == storageImages.cend()) { i = storageImages.insert(key, new StorageImage(location, bytes)); } else { i.value()->refreshFileReference(location.fileReference()); if (!i.value()->loaded()) { i.value()->setImageBytes(bytes); } } return i.value(); } QSize getImageSize(const QVector &attributes) { for (const auto &attribute : attributes) { if (attribute.type() == mtpc_documentAttributeImageSize) { auto &size = attribute.c_documentAttributeImageSize(); return QSize(size.vw.v, size.vh.v); } } return QSize(); } Image *getImage(const MTPDwebDocument &document) { const auto size = getImageSize(document.vattributes.v); if (size.isEmpty()) { return blank(); } // We don't use size from WebDocument, because it is not reliable. // It can be > 0 and different from the real size that we get in upload.WebFile result. auto filesize = 0; // document.vsize.v; return getImage( WebFileLocation( Global::WebFileDcId(), document.vurl.v, document.vaccess_hash.v), size.width(), size.height(), filesize); } Image *getImage(const MTPDwebDocumentNoProxy &document) { const auto size = getImageSize(document.vattributes.v); if (size.isEmpty()) { return blank(); } return getImage(qs(document.vurl), size.width(), size.height()); } Image *getImage(const MTPDwebDocument &document, QSize box) { //const auto size = getImageSize(document.vattributes.v); //if (size.isEmpty()) { // return blank(); //} // We don't use size from WebDocument, because it is not reliable. // It can be > 0 and different from the real size that we get in upload.WebFile result. auto filesize = 0; // document.vsize.v; return getImage( WebFileLocation( Global::WebFileDcId(), document.vurl.v, document.vaccess_hash.v), box, filesize); } Image *getImage(const MTPDwebDocumentNoProxy &document, QSize box) { //const auto size = getImageSize(document.vattributes.v); //if (size.isEmpty()) { // return blank(); //} return getImage(qs(document.vurl), box); } Image *getImage(const MTPWebDocument &document) { switch (document.type()) { case mtpc_webDocument: return getImage(document.c_webDocument()); case mtpc_webDocumentNoProxy: return getImage(document.c_webDocumentNoProxy()); } Unexpected("Type in getImage(MTPWebDocument)."); } Image *getImage(const MTPWebDocument &document, QSize box) { switch (document.type()) { case mtpc_webDocument: return getImage(document.c_webDocument(), box); case mtpc_webDocumentNoProxy: return getImage(document.c_webDocumentNoProxy(), box); } Unexpected("Type in getImage(MTPWebDocument)."); } WebFileImage *getImage( const WebFileLocation &location, QSize box, int size) { auto key = storageKey(location); auto i = webFileImages.constFind(key); if (i == webFileImages.cend()) { i = webFileImages.insert( key, new WebFileImage(location, box, size)); } return i.value(); } WebFileImage *getImage( const WebFileLocation &location, int width, int height, int size) { auto key = storageKey(location); auto i = webFileImages.constFind(key); if (i == webFileImages.cend()) { i = webFileImages.insert( key, new WebFileImage(location, width, height, size)); } return i.value(); } GeoPointImage *getImage(const GeoPointLocation &location) { auto key = storageKey(location); auto i = geoPointImages.constFind(key); if (i == geoPointImages.cend()) { i = geoPointImages.insert( key, new GeoPointImage(location)); } return i.value(); } } // namespace internal ReadAccessEnabler::ReadAccessEnabler(const PsFileBookmark *bookmark) : _bookmark(bookmark) , _failed(_bookmark ? !_bookmark->enable() : false) { } ReadAccessEnabler::ReadAccessEnabler( const std::shared_ptr &bookmark) : _bookmark(bookmark.get()) , _failed(_bookmark ? !_bookmark->enable() : false) { } ReadAccessEnabler::~ReadAccessEnabler() { if (_bookmark && !_failed) _bookmark->disable(); } FileLocation::FileLocation(const QString &name) : fname(name) { if (fname.isEmpty()) { size = 0; } else { setBookmark(psPathBookmark(name)); QFileInfo f(name); if (f.exists()) { qint64 s = f.size(); if (s > INT_MAX) { fname = QString(); _bookmark = nullptr; size = 0; } else { modified = f.lastModified(); size = qint32(s); } } else { fname = QString(); _bookmark = nullptr; size = 0; } } } bool FileLocation::check() const { if (fname.isEmpty()) return false; ReadAccessEnabler enabler(_bookmark); if (enabler.failed()) { const_cast(this)->_bookmark = nullptr; } QFileInfo f(name()); if (!f.isReadable()) return false; quint64 s = f.size(); if (s > INT_MAX) { DEBUG_LOG(("File location check: Wrong size %1").arg(s)); return false; } if (qint32(s) != size) { DEBUG_LOG(("File location check: Wrong size %1 when should be %2").arg(s).arg(size)); return false; } auto realModified = f.lastModified(); if (realModified != modified) { DEBUG_LOG(("File location check: Wrong last modified time %1 when should be %2").arg(realModified.toMSecsSinceEpoch()).arg(modified.toMSecsSinceEpoch())); return false; } return true; } const QString &FileLocation::name() const { return _bookmark ? _bookmark->name(fname) : fname; } QByteArray FileLocation::bookmark() const { return _bookmark ? _bookmark->bookmark() : QByteArray(); } void FileLocation::setBookmark(const QByteArray &bm) { _bookmark.reset(bm.isEmpty() ? nullptr : new PsFileBookmark(bm)); } bool FileLocation::accessEnable() const { return isEmpty() ? false : (_bookmark ? _bookmark->enable() : true); } void FileLocation::accessDisable() const { return _bookmark ? _bookmark->disable() : (void)0; }