/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "storage/file_upload.h" namespace Storage { namespace { constexpr auto kMaxUploadFileParallelSize = MTP::kUploadSessionsCount * 512 * 1024; // max 512kb uploaded at the same time in each session } // namespace Uploader::Uploader() { nextTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&nextTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(sendNext())); killSessionsTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&killSessionsTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(killSessions())); } void Uploader::uploadMedia(const FullMsgId &msgId, const SendMediaReady &media) { if (media.type == SendMediaType::Photo) { App::feedPhoto(media.photo, media.photoThumbs); } else if (media.type == SendMediaType::File || media.type == SendMediaType::Audio) { DocumentData *document; if (media.photoThumbs.isEmpty()) { document = App::feedDocument(media.document); } else { document = App::feedDocument(media.document, media.photoThumbs.begin().value()); } document->status = FileUploading; if (!media.data.isEmpty()) { document->setData(media.data); } if (!media.file.isEmpty()) { document->setLocation(FileLocation(media.file)); } } queue.insert(msgId, File(media)); sendNext(); } void Uploader::upload(const FullMsgId &msgId, const FileLoadResultPtr &file) { if (file->type == SendMediaType::Photo) { auto photo = App::feedPhoto(file->photo, file->photoThumbs); photo->uploadingData = std::make_unique(file->partssize); } else if (file->type == SendMediaType::File || file->type == SendMediaType::Audio) { auto document = file->thumb.isNull() ? App::feedDocument(file->document) : App::feedDocument(file->document, file->thumb); document->status = FileUploading; if (!file->content.isEmpty()) { document->setData(file->content); } if (!file->filepath.isEmpty()) { document->setLocation(FileLocation(file->filepath)); } } queue.insert(msgId, File(file)); sendNext(); } void Uploader::currentFailed() { Queue::iterator j = queue.find(uploading); if (j != queue.end()) { if (j->type() == SendMediaType::Photo) { emit photoFailed(j.key()); } else if (j->type() == SendMediaType::File) { DocumentData *doc = App::document(j->id()); if (doc->status == FileUploading) { doc->status = FileUploadFailed; } emit documentFailed(j.key()); } queue.erase(j); } requestsSent.clear(); docRequestsSent.clear(); dcMap.clear(); uploading = FullMsgId(); sentSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MTP::kUploadSessionsCount; ++i) { sentSizes[i] = 0; } sendNext(); } void Uploader::killSessions() { for (int i = 0; i < MTP::kUploadSessionsCount; ++i) { MTP::stopSession(MTP::uploadDcId(i)); } } void Uploader::sendNext() { if (sentSize >= kMaxUploadFileParallelSize || _paused.msg) return; bool killing = killSessionsTimer.isActive(); if (queue.isEmpty()) { if (!killing) { killSessionsTimer.start(MTPAckSendWaiting + MTPKillFileSessionTimeout); } return; } if (killing) { killSessionsTimer.stop(); } Queue::iterator i = uploading.msg ? queue.find(uploading) : queue.begin(); if (!uploading.msg) { uploading = i.key(); } else if (i == queue.end()) { i = queue.begin(); uploading = i.key(); } int todc = 0; for (int dc = 1; dc < MTP::kUploadSessionsCount; ++dc) { if (sentSizes[dc] < sentSizes[todc]) { todc = dc; } } UploadFileParts &parts(i->file ? (i->type() == SendMediaType::Photo ? i->file->fileparts : i->file->thumbparts) : i->media.parts); uint64 partsOfId(i->file ? (i->type() == SendMediaType::Photo ? i->file->id : i->file->thumbId) : i->media.thumbId); if (parts.isEmpty()) { if (i->docSentParts >= i->docPartsCount) { if (requestsSent.isEmpty() && docRequestsSent.isEmpty()) { bool silent = i->file && i->file->to.silent; if (i->type() == SendMediaType::Photo) { auto photoFilename = i->filename(); if (!photoFilename.endsWith(qstr(".jpg"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { // Server has some extensions checking for inputMediaUploadedPhoto, // so force the extension to be .jpg anyway. It doesn't matter, // because the filename from inputFile is not used anywhere. photoFilename += qstr(".jpg"); } emit photoReady(uploading, silent, MTP_inputFile(MTP_long(i->id()), MTP_int(i->partsCount), MTP_string(photoFilename), MTP_bytes(i->file ? i->file->filemd5 : i->media.jpeg_md5))); } else if (i->type() == SendMediaType::File || i->type() == SendMediaType::Audio) { QByteArray docMd5(32, Qt::Uninitialized); hashMd5Hex(i->md5Hash.result(), docMd5.data()); MTPInputFile doc = (i->docSize > UseBigFilesFrom) ? MTP_inputFileBig(MTP_long(i->id()), MTP_int(i->docPartsCount), MTP_string(i->filename())) : MTP_inputFile(MTP_long(i->id()), MTP_int(i->docPartsCount), MTP_string(i->filename()), MTP_bytes(docMd5)); if (i->partsCount) { emit thumbDocumentReady(uploading, silent, doc, MTP_inputFile(MTP_long(i->thumbId()), MTP_int(i->partsCount), MTP_string(i->file ? i->file->thumbname : (qsl("thumb.") + i->media.thumbExt)), MTP_bytes(i->file ? i->file->thumbmd5 : i->media.jpeg_md5))); } else { emit documentReady(uploading, silent, doc); } } queue.remove(uploading); uploading = FullMsgId(); sendNext(); } return; } QByteArray &content(i->file ? i->file->content : i->media.data); QByteArray toSend; if (content.isEmpty()) { if (!i->docFile) { i->docFile.reset(new QFile(i->file ? i->file->filepath : i->media.file)); if (!i->docFile->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { currentFailed(); return; } } toSend = i->docFile->read(i->docPartSize); if (i->docSize <= UseBigFilesFrom) { i->md5Hash.feed(toSend.constData(), toSend.size()); } } else { toSend = content.mid(i->docSentParts * i->docPartSize, i->docPartSize); if ((i->type() == SendMediaType::File || i->type() == SendMediaType::Audio) && i->docSentParts <= UseBigFilesFrom) { i->md5Hash.feed(toSend.constData(), toSend.size()); } } if (toSend.size() > i->docPartSize || (toSend.size() < i->docPartSize && i->docSentParts + 1 != i->docPartsCount)) { currentFailed(); return; } mtpRequestId requestId; if (i->docSize > UseBigFilesFrom) { requestId = MTP::send(MTPupload_SaveBigFilePart(MTP_long(i->id()), MTP_int(i->docSentParts), MTP_int(i->docPartsCount), MTP_bytes(toSend)), rpcDone(&Uploader::partLoaded), rpcFail(&Uploader::partFailed), MTP::uploadDcId(todc)); } else { requestId = MTP::send(MTPupload_SaveFilePart(MTP_long(i->id()), MTP_int(i->docSentParts), MTP_bytes(toSend)), rpcDone(&Uploader::partLoaded), rpcFail(&Uploader::partFailed), MTP::uploadDcId(todc)); } docRequestsSent.insert(requestId, i->docSentParts); dcMap.insert(requestId, todc); sentSize += i->docPartSize; sentSizes[todc] += i->docPartSize; i->docSentParts++; } else { UploadFileParts::iterator part = parts.begin(); mtpRequestId requestId = MTP::send(MTPupload_SaveFilePart(MTP_long(partsOfId), MTP_int(part.key()), MTP_bytes(part.value())), rpcDone(&Uploader::partLoaded), rpcFail(&Uploader::partFailed), MTP::uploadDcId(todc)); requestsSent.insert(requestId, part.value()); dcMap.insert(requestId, todc); sentSize += part.value().size(); sentSizes[todc] += part.value().size(); parts.erase(part); } nextTimer.start(UploadRequestInterval); } void Uploader::cancel(const FullMsgId &msgId) { uploaded.remove(msgId); if (uploading == msgId) { currentFailed(); } else { queue.remove(msgId); } } void Uploader::pause(const FullMsgId &msgId) { _paused = msgId; } void Uploader::unpause() { _paused = FullMsgId(); sendNext(); } void Uploader::confirm(const FullMsgId &msgId) { } void Uploader::clear() { uploaded.clear(); queue.clear(); for (QMap::const_iterator i = requestsSent.cbegin(), e = requestsSent.cend(); i != e; ++i) { MTP::cancel(i.key()); } requestsSent.clear(); for (QMap::const_iterator i = docRequestsSent.cbegin(), e = docRequestsSent.cend(); i != e; ++i) { MTP::cancel(i.key()); } docRequestsSent.clear(); dcMap.clear(); sentSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MTP::kUploadSessionsCount; ++i) { MTP::stopSession(MTP::uploadDcId(i)); sentSizes[i] = 0; } killSessionsTimer.stop(); } void Uploader::partLoaded(const MTPBool &result, mtpRequestId requestId) { QMap::iterator j = docRequestsSent.end(); QMap::iterator i = requestsSent.find(requestId); if (i == requestsSent.cend()) { j = docRequestsSent.find(requestId); } if (i != requestsSent.cend() || j != docRequestsSent.cend()) { if (mtpIsFalse(result)) { // failed to upload current file currentFailed(); return; } else { QMap::iterator dcIt = dcMap.find(requestId); if (dcIt == dcMap.cend()) { // must not happen currentFailed(); return; } int32 dc = dcIt.value(); dcMap.erase(dcIt); int32 sentPartSize = 0; Queue::const_iterator k = queue.constFind(uploading); if (i != requestsSent.cend()) { sentPartSize = i.value().size(); requestsSent.erase(i); } else { sentPartSize = k->docPartSize; docRequestsSent.erase(j); } sentSize -= sentPartSize; sentSizes[dc] -= sentPartSize; if (k->type() == SendMediaType::Photo) { k->fileSentSize += sentPartSize; PhotoData *photo = App::photo(k->id()); if (photo->uploading() && k->file) { photo->uploadingData->size = k->file->partssize; photo->uploadingData->offset = k->fileSentSize; } emit photoProgress(k.key()); } else if (k->type() == SendMediaType::File || k->type() == SendMediaType::Audio) { DocumentData *doc = App::document(k->id()); if (doc->uploading()) { doc->uploadOffset = (k->docSentParts - docRequestsSent.size()) * k->docPartSize; if (doc->uploadOffset > doc->size) { doc->uploadOffset = doc->size; } } emit documentProgress(k.key()); } } } sendNext(); } bool Uploader::partFailed(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId requestId) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (requestsSent.constFind(requestId) != requestsSent.cend() || docRequestsSent.constFind(requestId) != docRequestsSent.cend()) { // failed to upload current file currentFailed(); } sendNext(); return true; } Uploader::~Uploader() { clear(); } } // namespace Storage