/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "history/view/history_view_pinned_bar.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_poll.h" #include "history/view/history_view_pinned_tracker.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "core/ui_integration.h" #include "base/weak_ptr.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" namespace HistoryView { namespace { [[nodiscard]] Ui::MessageBarContent ContentWithoutPreview( not_null item, Fn repaint) { return Ui::MessageBarContent{ .text = item->inReplyText(), .context = Core::MarkedTextContext{ .session = &item->history()->session(), .customEmojiRepaint = std::move(repaint), }, }; } [[nodiscard]] Ui::MessageBarContent ContentWithPreview( not_null item, Image *preview, Fn repaint) { auto result = ContentWithoutPreview(item, std::move(repaint)); if (!preview) { static const auto kEmpty = [&] { const auto size = st::historyReplyHeight * cIntRetinaFactor(); auto result = QImage( QSize(size, size), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); result.fill(Qt::transparent); result.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); return result; }(); result.preview = kEmpty; } else { result.preview = preview->original(); } return result; } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer ContentByItem( not_null item, Fn repaint) { return item->history()->session().changes().messageFlagsValue( item, Data::MessageUpdate::Flag::Edited ) | rpl::map([=]() -> rpl::producer { const auto media = item->media(); if (!media || !media->hasReplyPreview()) { return rpl::single(ContentWithoutPreview(item, repaint)); } constexpr auto kFullLoaded = 2; constexpr auto kSomeLoaded = 1; constexpr auto kNotLoaded = 0; const auto loadedLevel = [=] { const auto preview = media->replyPreview(); return media->replyPreviewLoaded() ? kFullLoaded : preview ? kSomeLoaded : kNotLoaded; }; return rpl::single( loadedLevel() ) | rpl::then( item->history()->session().downloaderTaskFinished( ) | rpl::map(loadedLevel) ) | rpl::distinct_until_changed( ) | rpl::take_while([=](int loadLevel) { return loadLevel < kFullLoaded; }) | rpl::then( rpl::single(kFullLoaded) ) | rpl::map([=] { return ContentWithPreview(item, media->replyPreview(), repaint); }); }) | rpl::flatten_latest(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer ContentByItemId( not_null session, FullMsgId id, Fn repaint, bool alreadyLoaded = false) { if (!id) { return rpl::single(Ui::MessageBarContent()); } else if (const auto item = session->data().message(id)) { return ContentByItem(item, repaint); } else if (alreadyLoaded) { return rpl::single(Ui::MessageBarContent()); // Deleted message?.. } auto load = rpl::make_producer([=](auto consumer) { consumer.put_next(Ui::MessageBarContent{ .text = { tr::lng_contacts_loading(tr::now) }, }); const auto peer = session->data().peer(id.peer); const auto callback = [=] { consumer.put_done(); }; session->api().requestMessageData(peer, id.msg, callback); return rpl::lifetime(); }); return std::move( load ) | rpl::then(rpl::deferred([=] { return ContentByItemId(session, id, repaint, true); })); } auto WithPinnedTitle(not_null session, PinnedId id) { return [=](Ui::MessageBarContent &&content) { const auto item = session->data().message(id.message); if (!item) { return std::move(content); } content.title = (id.index + 1 >= id.count) ? tr::lng_pinned_message(tr::now) : (id.count == 2) ? tr::lng_pinned_previous(tr::now) : (tr::lng_pinned_message(tr::now) + " #" + QString::number(id.index + 1)); content.count = std::max(id.count, 1); content.index = std::clamp(id.index, 0, content.count - 1); return std::move(content); }; } } // namespace rpl::producer MessageBarContentByItemId( not_null session, FullMsgId id, Fn repaint) { return ContentByItemId(session, id, std::move(repaint)); } rpl::producer PinnedBarContent( not_null session, rpl::producer id, Fn repaint) { return std::move( id ) | rpl::distinct_until_changed( ) | rpl::map([=](PinnedId id) { return ContentByItemId( session, id.message, repaint ) | rpl::map(WithPinnedTitle(session, id)); }) | rpl::flatten_latest(); } rpl::producer PinnedBarItemWithReplyMarkup( not_null session, rpl::producer id) { return rpl::make_producer([=, id = std::move(id)](auto consumer) { auto lifetime = rpl::lifetime(); consumer.put_next(nullptr); struct State { bool hasReplyMarkup = false; base::has_weak_ptr guard; rpl::lifetime lifetime; FullMsgId resolvedId; }; const auto state = lifetime.make_state(); const auto pushUnique = [=](not_null item) { const auto replyMarkup = item->inlineReplyMarkup(); if (!state->hasReplyMarkup && !replyMarkup) { return; } state->hasReplyMarkup = (replyMarkup != nullptr); consumer.put_next(item.get()); }; rpl::duplicate( id ) | rpl::filter([=](PinnedId current) { return current.message && (current.message != state->resolvedId); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](PinnedId current) { const auto fullId = current.message; state->lifetime.destroy(); state->resolvedId = fullId; invalidate_weak_ptrs(&state->guard); const auto messageFlag = [=](not_null item) { using Update = Data::MessageUpdate; session->changes().messageUpdates( item, Update::Flag::ReplyMarkup | Update::Flag::Destroyed ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Update &update) { if (update.flags & Update::Flag::Destroyed) { state->lifetime.destroy(); invalidate_weak_ptrs(&state->guard); state->hasReplyMarkup = false; consumer.put_next(nullptr); } else { pushUnique(update.item); } }, state->lifetime); pushUnique(item); }; if (const auto item = session->data().message(fullId)) { messageFlag(item); return; } const auto resolved = crl::guard(&state->guard, [=] { if (const auto item = session->data().message(fullId)) { messageFlag(item); } }); session->api().requestMessageData( session->data().peer(fullId.peer), fullId.msg, resolved); }, lifetime); return lifetime; }); } } // namespace HistoryView