/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_streaming.h" #include "data/data_document_media.h" #include "data/data_reply_preview.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_layout_item.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "core/mime_type.h" #include "data/stickers/data_stickers.h" #include "data/stickers/data_stickers_set.h" #include "media/audio/media_audio.h" #include "media/player/media_player_instance.h" #include "media/streaming/media_streaming_loader_mtproto.h" #include "media/streaming/media_streaming_loader_local.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "storage/storage_account.h" #include "storage/streamed_file_downloader.h" #include "storage/file_download_mtproto.h" #include "storage/file_download_web.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "storage/cache/storage_cache_database.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "ui/image/image.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" #include "base/base_file_utilities.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "lottie/lottie_animation.h" #include "facades.h" #include "app.h" namespace { const auto kAnimatedStickerDimensions = QSize(512, 512); QString JoinStringList(const QStringList &list, const QString &separator) { const auto count = list.size(); if (!count) { return QString(); } auto result = QString(); auto fullsize = separator.size() * (count - 1); for (const auto &string : list) { fullsize += string.size(); } result.reserve(fullsize); result.append(list[0]); for (auto i = 1; i != count; ++i) { result.append(separator).append(list[i]); } return result; } void LaunchWithWarning( not_null session, const QString &name, HistoryItem *item) { const auto warn = [&] { if (!Data::IsExecutableName(name)) { return false; } else if (!session->settings().exeLaunchWarning()) { return false; } else if (item && item->history()->peer->isVerified()) { return false; } return true; }(); if (!warn) { File::Launch(name); return; } const auto extension = '.' + Data::FileExtension(name); const auto callback = crl::guard(session, [=](bool checked) { if (checked) { session->settings().setExeLaunchWarning(false); session->saveSettingsDelayed(); } File::Launch(name); }); Ui::show(Box( tr::lng_launch_exe_warning( lt_extension, rpl::single(Ui::Text::Bold(extension)), Ui::Text::WithEntities), tr::lng_launch_exe_dont_ask(tr::now), tr::lng_launch_exe_sure(), callback)); } } // namespace bool fileIsImage(const QString &name, const QString &mime) { QString lowermime = mime.toLower(), namelower = name.toLower(); if (lowermime.startsWith(qstr("image/"))) { return true; } else if (namelower.endsWith(qstr(".bmp")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".jpg")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".jpeg")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".gif")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".webp")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".tga")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".tiff")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".tif")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".psd")) || namelower.endsWith(qstr(".png"))) { return true; } return false; } QString FileNameUnsafe( not_null session, const QString &title, const QString &filter, const QString &prefix, QString name, bool savingAs, const QDir &dir) { name = base::FileNameFromUserString(name); if (Global::AskDownloadPath() || savingAs) { if (!name.isEmpty() && name.at(0) == QChar::fromLatin1('.')) { name = filedialogDefaultName(prefix, name); } else if (dir.path() != qsl(".")) { QString path = dir.absolutePath(); if (path != cDialogLastPath()) { cSetDialogLastPath(path); Local::writeSettings(); } } // check if extension of filename is present in filter // it should be in first filter section on the first place // place it there, if it is not QString ext = QFileInfo(name).suffix(), fil = filter, sep = qsl(";;"); if (!ext.isEmpty()) { if (QRegularExpression(qsl("^[a-zA-Z_0-9]+$")).match(ext).hasMatch()) { QStringList filters = filter.split(sep); if (filters.size() > 1) { const auto &first = filters.at(0); int32 start = first.indexOf(qsl("(*.")); if (start >= 0) { if (!QRegularExpression(qsl("\\(\\*\\.") + ext + qsl("[\\)\\s]"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption).match(first).hasMatch()) { QRegularExpressionMatch m = QRegularExpression(qsl(" \\*\\.") + ext + qsl("[\\)\\s]"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption).match(first); if (m.hasMatch() && m.capturedStart() > start + 3) { int32 oldpos = m.capturedStart(), oldend = m.capturedEnd(); fil = first.mid(0, start + 3) + ext + qsl(" *.") + first.mid(start + 3, oldpos - start - 3) + first.mid(oldend - 1) + sep + JoinStringList(filters.mid(1), sep); } else { fil = first.mid(0, start + 3) + ext + qsl(" *.") + first.mid(start + 3) + sep + JoinStringList(filters.mid(1), sep); } } } else { fil = QString(); } } else { fil = QString(); } } else { fil = QString(); } } return filedialogGetSaveFile(name, title, fil, name) ? name : QString(); } QString path; if (Global::DownloadPath().isEmpty()) { path = File::DefaultDownloadPath(session); } else if (Global::DownloadPath() == qsl("tmp")) { path = cTempDir(); } else { path = Global::DownloadPath(); } if (name.isEmpty()) name = qsl(".unknown"); if (name.at(0) == QChar::fromLatin1('.')) { if (!QDir().exists(path)) QDir().mkpath(path); return filedialogDefaultName(prefix, name, path); } if (dir.path() != qsl(".")) { path = dir.absolutePath() + '/'; } QString nameStart, extension; int32 extPos = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (extPos >= 0) { nameStart = name.mid(0, extPos); extension = name.mid(extPos); } else { nameStart = name; } QString nameBase = path + nameStart; name = nameBase + extension; for (int i = 0; QFileInfo(name).exists(); ++i) { name = nameBase + QString(" (%1)").arg(i + 2) + extension; } if (!QDir().exists(path)) QDir().mkpath(path); return name; } QString FileNameForSave( not_null session, const QString &title, const QString &filter, const QString &prefix, QString name, bool savingAs, const QDir &dir) { const auto result = FileNameUnsafe( session, title, filter, prefix, name, savingAs, dir); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN const auto lower = result.trimmed().toLower(); const auto kBadExtensions = { qstr(".lnk"), qstr(".scf") }; const auto kMaskExtension = qsl(".download"); for (const auto extension : kBadExtensions) { if (lower.endsWith(extension)) { return result + kMaskExtension; } } #endif // Q_OS_WIN return result; } QString DocumentFileNameForSave( not_null data, bool forceSavingAs, const QString &already, const QDir &dir) { auto alreadySavingFilename = data->loadingFilePath(); if (!alreadySavingFilename.isEmpty()) { return alreadySavingFilename; } QString name, filter, caption, prefix; const auto mimeType = Core::MimeTypeForName(data->mimeString()); QStringList p = mimeType.globPatterns(); QString pattern = p.isEmpty() ? QString() : p.front(); if (data->isVoiceMessage()) { auto mp3 = data->hasMimeType(qstr("audio/mp3")); name = already.isEmpty() ? (mp3 ? qsl(".mp3") : qsl(".ogg")) : already; filter = mp3 ? qsl("MP3 Audio (*.mp3);;") : qsl("OGG Opus Audio (*.ogg);;"); filter += FileDialog::AllFilesFilter(); caption = tr::lng_save_audio(tr::now); prefix = qsl("audio"); } else if (data->isVideoFile()) { name = already.isEmpty() ? data->filename() : already; if (name.isEmpty()) { name = pattern.isEmpty() ? qsl(".mov") : pattern.replace('*', QString()); } if (pattern.isEmpty()) { filter = qsl("MOV Video (*.mov);;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter(); } else { filter = mimeType.filterString() + qsl(";;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter(); } caption = tr::lng_save_video(tr::now); prefix = qsl("video"); } else { name = already.isEmpty() ? data->filename() : already; if (name.isEmpty()) { name = pattern.isEmpty() ? qsl(".unknown") : pattern.replace('*', QString()); } if (pattern.isEmpty()) { filter = QString(); } else { filter = mimeType.filterString() + qsl(";;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter(); } caption = data->isAudioFile() ? tr::lng_save_audio_file(tr::now) : tr::lng_save_file(tr::now); prefix = qsl("doc"); } return FileNameForSave( &data->session(), caption, filter, prefix, name, forceSavingAs, dir); } DocumentClickHandler::DocumentClickHandler( not_null document, FullMsgId context) : FileClickHandler(&document->session(), context) , _document(document) { } void DocumentOpenClickHandler::Open( Data::FileOrigin origin, not_null data, HistoryItem *context) { if (!data->date) { return; } const auto openFile = [&] { const auto &location = data->location(true); if (data->size < App::kImageSizeLimit && location.accessEnable()) { const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { location.accessDisable(); }); const auto path = location.name(); if (QImageReader(path).canRead()) { Core::App().showDocument(data, context); return; } } LaunchWithWarning(&data->session(), location.name(), context); }; const auto media = data->createMediaView(); const auto &location = data->location(true); if (data->isTheme() && media->loaded(true)) { Core::App().showDocument(data, context); location.accessDisable(); } else if (media->canBePlayed()) { if (data->isAudioFile() || data->isVoiceMessage() || data->isVideoMessage()) { const auto msgId = context ? context->fullId() : FullMsgId(); Media::Player::instance()->playPause({ data, msgId }); } else if (context && data->isAnimation()) { data->owner().requestAnimationPlayInline(context); } else { Core::App().showDocument(data, context); } } else if (data->saveFromDataSilent()) { openFile(); } else if (data->status == FileReady || data->status == FileDownloadFailed) { DocumentSaveClickHandler::Save(origin, data); } } void DocumentOpenClickHandler::onClickImpl() const { Open(context(), document(), getActionItem()); } void DocumentSaveClickHandler::Save( Data::FileOrigin origin, not_null data, Mode mode) { if (!data->date) { return; } auto savename = QString(); if (mode != Mode::ToCacheOrFile || !data->saveToCache()) { if (mode != Mode::ToNewFile && data->saveFromData()) { return; } const auto filepath = data->filepath(true); const auto fileinfo = QFileInfo( ); const auto filedir = filepath.isEmpty() ? QDir() : fileinfo.dir(); const auto filename = filepath.isEmpty() ? QString() : fileinfo.fileName(); savename = DocumentFileNameForSave( data, (mode == Mode::ToNewFile), filename, filedir); if (savename.isEmpty()) { return; } } data->save(origin, savename); } void DocumentSaveClickHandler::onClickImpl() const { Save(context(), document()); } void DocumentCancelClickHandler::onClickImpl() const { const auto data = document(); if (!data->date) { return; } else if (data->uploading()) { if (const auto item = data->owner().message(context())) { App::main()->cancelUploadLayer(item); } } else { data->cancel(); } } void DocumentOpenWithClickHandler::Open( Data::FileOrigin origin, not_null data) { if (!data->date) { return; } data->saveFromDataSilent(); const auto path = data->filepath(true); if (!path.isEmpty()) { File::OpenWith(path, QCursor::pos()); } else { DocumentSaveClickHandler::Save( origin, data, DocumentSaveClickHandler::Mode::ToFile); } } void DocumentOpenWithClickHandler::onClickImpl() const { Open(context(), document()); } Data::FileOrigin StickerData::setOrigin() const { return set.match([&](const MTPDinputStickerSetID &data) { return Data::FileOrigin( Data::FileOriginStickerSet(data.vid().v, data.vaccess_hash().v)); }, [&](const auto &) { return Data::FileOrigin(); }); } VoiceData::~VoiceData() { if (!waveform.isEmpty() && waveform[0] == -1 && waveform.size() > int32(sizeof(TaskId))) { auto taskId = TaskId(); memcpy(&taskId, waveform.constData() + 1, sizeof(taskId)); Local::cancelTask(taskId); } } DocumentData::DocumentData(not_null owner, DocumentId id) : id(id) , _owner(owner) { } DocumentData::~DocumentData() { base::take(_thumbnail.loader).reset(); base::take(_videoThumbnail.loader).reset(); destroyLoader(); } Data::Session &DocumentData::owner() const { return *_owner; } Main::Session &DocumentData::session() const { return _owner->session(); } void DocumentData::setattributes( const QVector &attributes) { _flags &= ~(Flag::ImageType | kStreamingSupportedMask); _flags |= kStreamingSupportedUnknown; validateLottieSticker(); for (const auto &attribute : attributes) { attribute.match([&](const MTPDdocumentAttributeImageSize &data) { dimensions = QSize(data.vw().v, data.vh().v); }, [&](const MTPDdocumentAttributeAnimated &data) { if (type == FileDocument || type == StickerDocument || type == VideoDocument) { type = AnimatedDocument; _additional = nullptr; } }, [&](const MTPDdocumentAttributeSticker &data) { if (type == FileDocument) { type = StickerDocument; _additional = std::make_unique(); } if (sticker()) { sticker()->alt = qs(data.valt()); if (sticker()->set.type() != mtpc_inputStickerSetID || data.vstickerset().type() == mtpc_inputStickerSetID) { sticker()->set = data.vstickerset(); } } }, [&](const MTPDdocumentAttributeVideo &data) { if (type == FileDocument) { type = data.is_round_message() ? RoundVideoDocument : VideoDocument; } _duration = data.vduration().v; setMaybeSupportsStreaming(data.is_supports_streaming()); dimensions = QSize(data.vw().v, data.vh().v); }, [&](const MTPDdocumentAttributeAudio &data) { if (type == FileDocument) { if (data.is_voice()) { type = VoiceDocument; _additional = std::make_unique(); } else { type = SongDocument; _additional = std::make_unique(); } } if (const auto voiceData = voice()) { voiceData->duration = data.vduration().v; voiceData->waveform = documentWaveformDecode( data.vwaveform().value_or_empty()); voiceData->wavemax = voiceData->waveform.empty() ? uchar(0) : *ranges::max_element(voiceData->waveform); } else if (const auto songData = song()) { songData->duration = data.vduration().v; songData->title = qs(data.vtitle().value_or_empty()); songData->performer = qs(data.vperformer().value_or_empty()); } }, [&](const MTPDdocumentAttributeFilename &data) { _filename = qs(data.vfile_name()); // We don't want LTR/RTL mark/embedding/override/isolate chars // in filenames, because they introduce a security issue, when // an executable "Fil[x]gepj.exe" may look like "Filexe.jpeg". QChar controls[] = { 0x200E, // LTR Mark 0x200F, // RTL Mark 0x202A, // LTR Embedding 0x202B, // RTL Embedding 0x202D, // LTR Override 0x202E, // RTL Override 0x2066, // LTR Isolate 0x2067, // RTL Isolate }; for (const auto ch : controls) { _filename = std::move(_filename).replace(ch, "_"); } }, [&](const MTPDdocumentAttributeHasStickers &data) { }); } if (type == StickerDocument) { if (dimensions.width() <= 0 || dimensions.height() <= 0 || dimensions.width() > StickerMaxSize || dimensions.height() > StickerMaxSize || !saveToCache()) { type = FileDocument; _additional = nullptr; } } if (isAudioFile() || isAnimation() || isVoiceMessage()) { setMaybeSupportsStreaming(true); } } void DocumentData::validateLottieSticker() { if (type == FileDocument && _mimeString == qstr("application/x-tgsticker") && hasThumbnail()) { type = StickerDocument; _additional = std::make_unique(); sticker()->animated = true; dimensions = kAnimatedStickerDimensions; } } void DocumentData::setDataAndCache(const QByteArray &data) { if (const auto media = activeMediaView()) { media->setBytes(data); } if (saveToCache() && data.size() <= Storage::kMaxFileInMemory) { owner().cache().put( cacheKey(), Storage::Cache::Database::TaggedValue( base::duplicate(data), cacheTag())); } } bool DocumentData::checkWallPaperProperties() { if (type == WallPaperDocument) { return true; } if (type != FileDocument || !hasThumbnail() || !dimensions.width() || !dimensions.height() || dimensions.width() > Storage::kMaxWallPaperDimension || dimensions.height() > Storage::kMaxWallPaperDimension || size > Storage::kMaxWallPaperInMemory || mimeString() == qstr("application/x-tgwallpattern")) { return false; // #TODO themes support svg patterns } type = WallPaperDocument; return true; } void DocumentData::updateThumbnails( const QByteArray &inlineThumbnailBytes, const ImageWithLocation &thumbnail, const ImageWithLocation &videoThumbnail) { if (!inlineThumbnailBytes.isEmpty() && _inlineThumbnailBytes.isEmpty()) { _inlineThumbnailBytes = inlineThumbnailBytes; } Data::UpdateCloudFile( _thumbnail, thumbnail, owner().cache(), Data::kImageCacheTag, [&](Data::FileOrigin origin) { loadThumbnail(origin); }, [&](QImage preloaded) { if (const auto media = activeMediaView()) { media->setThumbnail(std::move(preloaded)); } }); Data::UpdateCloudFile( _videoThumbnail, videoThumbnail, owner().cache(), Data::kAnimationCacheTag, [&](Data::FileOrigin origin) { loadVideoThumbnail(origin); }); } bool DocumentData::isWallPaper() const { return (type == WallPaperDocument); } bool DocumentData::isPatternWallPaper() const { return isWallPaper() && hasMimeType(qstr("image/png")); } bool DocumentData::hasThumbnail() const { return _thumbnail.location.valid(); } bool DocumentData::thumbnailLoading() const { return _thumbnail.loader != nullptr; } bool DocumentData::thumbnailFailed() const { return (_thumbnail.flags & Data::CloudFile::Flag::Failed); } void DocumentData::loadThumbnail(Data::FileOrigin origin) { const auto autoLoading = false; const auto finalCheck = [=] { if (const auto active = activeMediaView()) { return !active->thumbnail(); } return true; }; const auto done = [=](QImage result) { if (const auto active = activeMediaView()) { active->setThumbnail(std::move(result)); } }; Data::LoadCloudFile( &session(), _thumbnail, origin, LoadFromCloudOrLocal, autoLoading, Data::kImageCacheTag, finalCheck, done); } const ImageLocation &DocumentData::thumbnailLocation() const { return _thumbnail.location; } int DocumentData::thumbnailByteSize() const { return _thumbnail.byteSize; } bool DocumentData::hasVideoThumbnail() const { return _videoThumbnail.location.valid(); } bool DocumentData::videoThumbnailLoading() const { return _videoThumbnail.loader != nullptr; } bool DocumentData::videoThumbnailFailed() const { return (_videoThumbnail.flags & Data::CloudFile::Flag::Failed); } void DocumentData::loadVideoThumbnail(Data::FileOrigin origin) { const auto autoLoading = false; const auto finalCheck = [=] { if (const auto active = activeMediaView()) { return active->videoThumbnailContent().isEmpty(); } return true; }; const auto done = [=](QByteArray result) { if (const auto active = activeMediaView()) { active->setVideoThumbnail(std::move(result)); } }; Data::LoadCloudFile( &session(), _videoThumbnail, origin, LoadFromCloudOrLocal, autoLoading, Data::kAnimationCacheTag, finalCheck, done); } const ImageLocation &DocumentData::videoThumbnailLocation() const { return _videoThumbnail.location; } int DocumentData::videoThumbnailByteSize() const { return _videoThumbnail.byteSize; } Storage::Cache::Key DocumentData::goodThumbnailCacheKey() const { return Data::DocumentThumbCacheKey(_dc, id); } bool DocumentData::goodThumbnailChecked() const { return (_goodThumbnailState & GoodThumbnailFlag::Mask) == GoodThumbnailFlag::Checked; } bool DocumentData::goodThumbnailGenerating() const { return (_goodThumbnailState & GoodThumbnailFlag::Mask) == GoodThumbnailFlag::Generating; } bool DocumentData::goodThumbnailNoData() const { return (_goodThumbnailState & GoodThumbnailFlag::Mask) == GoodThumbnailFlag::NoData; } void DocumentData::setGoodThumbnailGenerating() { _goodThumbnailState = (_goodThumbnailState & ~GoodThumbnailFlag::Mask) | GoodThumbnailFlag::Generating; } void DocumentData::setGoodThumbnailDataReady() { _goodThumbnailState = GoodThumbnailFlag::DataReady | (goodThumbnailNoData() ? GoodThumbnailFlag(0) : (_goodThumbnailState & GoodThumbnailFlag::Mask)); } void DocumentData::setGoodThumbnailChecked(bool hasData) { if (!hasData && (_goodThumbnailState & GoodThumbnailFlag::DataReady)) { _goodThumbnailState &= ~GoodThumbnailFlag::DataReady; _goodThumbnailState &= ~GoodThumbnailFlag::Mask; Data::DocumentMedia::CheckGoodThumbnail(this); return; } _goodThumbnailState = (_goodThumbnailState & ~GoodThumbnailFlag::Mask) | (hasData ? GoodThumbnailFlag::Checked : GoodThumbnailFlag::NoData); } std::shared_ptr DocumentData::createMediaView() { if (auto result = activeMediaView()) { return result; } auto result = std::make_shared(this); _media = result; return result; } std::shared_ptr DocumentData::activeMediaView() const { return _media.lock(); } void DocumentData::setGoodThumbnailPhoto(not_null photo) { _goodThumbnailPhoto = photo; } PhotoData *DocumentData::goodThumbnailPhoto() const { return _goodThumbnailPhoto; } Storage::Cache::Key DocumentData::bigFileBaseCacheKey() const { return hasRemoteLocation() ? StorageFileLocation( _dc, session().userId(), MTP_inputDocumentFileLocation( MTP_long(id), MTP_long(_access), MTP_bytes(_fileReference), MTP_string())).bigFileBaseCacheKey() : Storage::Cache::Key(); } bool DocumentData::saveToCache() const { return (size < Storage::kMaxFileInMemory) && ((type == StickerDocument) || isAnimation() || isVoiceMessage() || (type == WallPaperDocument) || isTheme() || (mimeString() == qstr("image/png") && _filename.startsWith("image_"))); } void DocumentData::automaticLoadSettingsChanged() { if (!cancelled() || status != FileReady) { return; } _loader = nullptr; _flags &= ~Flag::DownloadCancelled; } void DocumentData::finishLoad() { // NB! _loader may be in ~FileLoader() already. const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { destroyLoader(); }); if (!_loader || _loader->cancelled()) { _flags |= Flag::DownloadCancelled; return; } setLocation(FileLocation(_loader->fileName())); setGoodThumbnailDataReady(); if (const auto media = activeMediaView()) { media->setBytes(_loader->bytes()); media->checkStickerLarge(_loader.get()); } } void DocumentData::destroyLoader() { if (!_loader) { return; } const auto loader = base::take(_loader); if (cancelled()) { loader->cancel(); } } bool DocumentData::loading() const { return (_loader != nullptr); } QString DocumentData::loadingFilePath() const { return loading() ? _loader->fileName() : QString(); } bool DocumentData::displayLoading() const { return loading() ? (!_loader->loadingLocal() || !_loader->autoLoading()) : (uploading() && !waitingForAlbum()); } float64 DocumentData::progress() const { if (uploading()) { if (uploadingData->size > 0) { const auto result = float64(uploadingData->offset) / uploadingData->size; return snap(result, 0., 1.); } return 0.; } return loading() ? _loader->currentProgress() : 0.; } int DocumentData::loadOffset() const { return loading() ? _loader->currentOffset() : 0; } bool DocumentData::uploading() const { return (uploadingData != nullptr); } bool DocumentData::loadedInMediaCache() const { return (_flags & Flag::LoadedInMediaCache); } void DocumentData::setLoadedInMediaCache(bool loaded) { const auto flags = loaded ? (_flags | Flag::LoadedInMediaCache) : (_flags & ~Flag::LoadedInMediaCache); if (_flags == flags) { return; } _flags = flags; if (filepath().isEmpty()) { if (loadedInMediaCache()) { session().local().writeFileLocation( mediaKey(), FileLocation::InMediaCacheLocation()); } else { session().local().removeFileLocation(mediaKey()); } owner().requestDocumentViewRepaint(this); } } void DocumentData::setLoadedInMediaCacheLocation() { _location = FileLocation(); _flags |= Flag::LoadedInMediaCache; } void DocumentData::setWaitingForAlbum() { if (uploading()) { uploadingData->waitingForAlbum = true; } } bool DocumentData::waitingForAlbum() const { return uploading() && uploadingData->waitingForAlbum; } void DocumentData::save( Data::FileOrigin origin, const QString &toFile, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading) { if (const auto media = activeMediaView(); media && media->loaded(true)) { auto &l = location(true); if (!toFile.isEmpty()) { if (!media->bytes().isEmpty()) { QFile f(toFile); f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); f.write(media->bytes()); f.close(); setLocation(FileLocation(toFile)); session().local().writeFileLocation( mediaKey(), FileLocation(toFile)); } else if (l.accessEnable()) { const auto &alreadyName = l.name(); if (alreadyName != toFile) { QFile(toFile).remove(); QFile(alreadyName).copy(toFile); } l.accessDisable(); } } return; } if (_loader) { if (!_loader->setFileName(toFile)) { cancel(); } } _flags &= ~Flag::DownloadCancelled; if (_loader) { if (fromCloud == LoadFromCloudOrLocal) { _loader->permitLoadFromCloud(); } } else { status = FileReady; auto reader = owner().streaming().sharedReader(this, origin, true); if (reader) { _loader = std::make_unique( &session(), id, _dc, origin, Data::DocumentCacheKey(_dc, id), mediaKey(), std::move(reader), toFile, size, locationType(), (saveToCache() ? LoadToCacheAsWell : LoadToFileOnly), fromCloud, autoLoading, cacheTag()); } else if (hasWebLocation()) { _loader = std::make_unique( &session(), _urlLocation, size, fromCloud, autoLoading, cacheTag()); } else if (!_access && !_url.isEmpty()) { _loader = std::make_unique( &session(), _url, toFile, fromCloud, autoLoading, cacheTag()); } else { _loader = std::make_unique( &session(), StorageFileLocation( _dc, session().userId(), MTP_inputDocumentFileLocation( MTP_long(id), MTP_long(_access), MTP_bytes(_fileReference), MTP_string())), origin, locationType(), toFile, size, (saveToCache() ? LoadToCacheAsWell : LoadToFileOnly), fromCloud, autoLoading, cacheTag()); } handleLoaderUpdates(); } if (loading()) { _loader->start(); } _owner->notifyDocumentLayoutChanged(this); } void DocumentData::handleLoaderUpdates() { _loader->updates( ) | rpl::start_with_next_error_done([=] { _owner->documentLoadProgress(this); }, [=](bool started) { if (started && _loader) { const auto origin = _loader->fileOrigin(); const auto failedFileName = _loader->fileName(); const auto retry = [=] { Ui::hideLayer(); save(origin, failedFileName); }; Ui::show(Box( tr::lng_download_finish_failed(tr::now), crl::guard(&session(), retry))); } else { // Sometimes we have LOCATION_INVALID error in documents / stickers. // Sometimes FILE_REFERENCE_EXPIRED could not be handled. // //const auto openSettings = [=] { // Global::SetDownloadPath(QString()); // Global::SetDownloadPathBookmark(QByteArray()); // Ui::show(Box()); // Global::RefDownloadPathChanged().notify(); //}; //Ui::show(Box( // tr::lng_download_path_failed(tr::now), // tr::lng_download_path_settings(tr::now), // crl::guard(&session(), openSettings))); } finishLoad(); status = FileDownloadFailed; _owner->documentLoadFail(this, started); }, [=] { finishLoad(); _owner->documentLoadDone(this); }, _loader->lifetime()); } void DocumentData::cancel() { if (!loading()) { return; } _flags |= Flag::DownloadCancelled; destroyLoader(); _owner->documentLoadDone(this); } bool DocumentData::cancelled() const { return (_flags & Flag::DownloadCancelled); } VoiceWaveform documentWaveformDecode(const QByteArray &encoded5bit) { auto bitsCount = static_cast(encoded5bit.size() * 8); auto valuesCount = bitsCount / 5; if (!valuesCount) { return VoiceWaveform(); } // Read each 5 bit of encoded5bit as 0-31 unsigned char. // We count the index of the byte in which the desired 5-bit sequence starts. // And then we read a uint16 starting from that byte to guarantee to get all of those 5 bits. // // BUT! if it is the last byte we have, we're not allowed to read a uint16 starting with it. // Because it will be an overflow (we'll access one byte after the available memory). // We see, that only the last 5 bits could start in the last available byte and be problematic. // So we read in a general way all the entries in a general way except the last one. auto result = VoiceWaveform(valuesCount, 0); auto bitsData = encoded5bit.constData(); for (auto i = 0, l = valuesCount - 1; i != l; ++i) { auto byteIndex = (i * 5) / 8; auto bitShift = (i * 5) % 8; auto value = *reinterpret_cast(bitsData + byteIndex); result[i] = static_cast((value >> bitShift) & 0x1F); } auto lastByteIndex = ((valuesCount - 1) * 5) / 8; auto lastBitShift = ((valuesCount - 1) * 5) % 8; auto lastValue = (lastByteIndex == encoded5bit.size() - 1) ? static_cast(*reinterpret_cast(bitsData + lastByteIndex)) : *reinterpret_cast(bitsData + lastByteIndex); result[valuesCount - 1] = static_cast((lastValue >> lastBitShift) & 0x1F); return result; } QByteArray documentWaveformEncode5bit(const VoiceWaveform &waveform) { auto bitsCount = waveform.size() * 5; auto bytesCount = (bitsCount + 7) / 8; auto result = QByteArray(bytesCount + 1, 0); auto bitsData = result.data(); // Write each 0-31 unsigned char as 5 bit to result. // We reserve one extra byte to be able to dereference any of required bytes // as a uint16 without overflowing, even the byte with index "bytesCount - 1". for (auto i = 0, l = waveform.size(); i < l; ++i) { auto byteIndex = (i * 5) / 8; auto bitShift = (i * 5) % 8; auto value = (static_cast(waveform[i]) & 0x1F) << bitShift; *reinterpret_cast(bitsData + byteIndex) |= value; } result.resize(bytesCount); return result; } const FileLocation &DocumentData::location(bool check) const { if (check && !_location.check()) { const auto location = session().local().readFileLocation(mediaKey()); const auto that = const_cast(this); if (location.inMediaCache()) { that->setLoadedInMediaCacheLocation(); } else { that->_location = location; } } return _location; } void DocumentData::setLocation(const FileLocation &loc) { if (loc.inMediaCache()) { setLoadedInMediaCacheLocation(); } else if (loc.check()) { _location = loc; } } QString DocumentData::filepath(bool check) const { return (check && _location.name().isEmpty()) ? QString() : location(check).name(); } bool DocumentData::saveFromData() { return !filepath(true).isEmpty() || saveFromDataChecked(); } bool DocumentData::saveFromDataSilent() { return !filepath(true).isEmpty() || (!Global::AskDownloadPath() && saveFromDataChecked()); } bool DocumentData::saveFromDataChecked() { const auto media = activeMediaView(); if (!media) { return false; } const auto bytes = media->bytes(); if (bytes.isEmpty()) { return false; } const auto path = DocumentFileNameForSave(this); if (path.isEmpty()) { return false; } auto file = QFile(path); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly) || file.write(bytes) != bytes.size()) { return false; } file.close(); _location = FileLocation(path); session().local().writeFileLocation(mediaKey(), _location); return true; } bool DocumentData::isStickerSetInstalled() const { Expects(sticker() != nullptr); const auto &sets = _owner->stickers().sets(); return sticker()->set.match([&](const MTPDinputStickerSetID &data) { const auto i = sets.find(data.vid().v); return (i != sets.cend()) && !(i->second->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived) && (i->second->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed_date); }, [&](const MTPDinputStickerSetShortName &data) { const auto name = qs(data.vshort_name()).toLower(); for (const auto &[id, set] : sets) { if (set->shortName.toLower() == name) { return !(set->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_archived) && (set->flags & MTPDstickerSet::Flag::f_installed_date); } } return false; }, [](const MTPDinputStickerSetEmpty &) { return false; }, [](const MTPDinputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji &) { return false; }, [](const MTPDinputStickerSetDice &) { return false; }); } Image *DocumentData::getReplyPreview(Data::FileOrigin origin) { if (!hasThumbnail()) { return nullptr; } else if (!_replyPreview) { _replyPreview = std::make_unique(this); } return _replyPreview->image(origin); } StickerData *DocumentData::sticker() const { return (type == StickerDocument) ? static_cast(_additional.get()) : nullptr; } Data::FileOrigin DocumentData::stickerSetOrigin() const { if (const auto data = sticker()) { if (const auto result = data->setOrigin()) { return result; } else if (owner().stickers().isFaved(this)) { return Data::FileOriginStickerSet(Data::Stickers::FavedSetId, 0); } } return Data::FileOrigin(); } Data::FileOrigin DocumentData::stickerOrGifOrigin() const { return (sticker() ? stickerSetOrigin() : isGifv() ? Data::FileOriginSavedGifs() : Data::FileOrigin()); } SongData *DocumentData::song() { return isSong() ? static_cast(_additional.get()) : nullptr; } const SongData *DocumentData::song() const { return const_cast(this)->song(); } VoiceData *DocumentData::voice() { return isVoiceMessage() ? static_cast(_additional.get()) : nullptr; } const VoiceData *DocumentData::voice() const { return const_cast(this)->voice(); } bool DocumentData::hasRemoteLocation() const { return (_dc != 0 && _access != 0); } bool DocumentData::useStreamingLoader() const { return isAnimation() || isVideoFile() || isAudioFile() || isVoiceMessage(); } bool DocumentData::canBeStreamed() const { // For now video messages are not streamed. return hasRemoteLocation() && supportsStreaming(); } void DocumentData::setInappPlaybackFailed() { _flags |= Flag::StreamingPlaybackFailed; } bool DocumentData::inappPlaybackFailed() const { return (_flags & Flag::StreamingPlaybackFailed); } auto DocumentData::createStreamingLoader( Data::FileOrigin origin, bool forceRemoteLoader) const -> std::unique_ptr { if (!useStreamingLoader()) { return nullptr; } if (!forceRemoteLoader) { const auto media = activeMediaView(); const auto &location = this->location(true); if (media && !media->bytes().isEmpty()) { return Media::Streaming::MakeBytesLoader(media->bytes()); } else if (!location.isEmpty() && location.accessEnable()) { auto result = Media::Streaming::MakeFileLoader(location.name()); location.accessDisable(); return result; } } return hasRemoteLocation() ? std::make_unique( &session().downloader(), StorageFileLocation( _dc, session().userId(), MTP_inputDocumentFileLocation( MTP_long(id), MTP_long(_access), MTP_bytes(_fileReference), MTP_string())), size, origin) : nullptr; } bool DocumentData::hasWebLocation() const { return !_urlLocation.url().isEmpty(); } bool DocumentData::isNull() const { return !hasRemoteLocation() && !hasWebLocation() && _url.isEmpty(); } MTPInputDocument DocumentData::mtpInput() const { if (_access) { return MTP_inputDocument( MTP_long(id), MTP_long(_access), MTP_bytes(_fileReference)); } return MTP_inputDocumentEmpty(); } QByteArray DocumentData::fileReference() const { return _fileReference; } void DocumentData::refreshFileReference(const QByteArray &value) { _fileReference = value; _thumbnail.location.refreshFileReference(value); _videoThumbnail.location.refreshFileReference(value); } QString DocumentData::filename() const { return _filename; } QString DocumentData::mimeString() const { return _mimeString; } bool DocumentData::hasMimeType(QLatin1String mime) const { return !_mimeString.compare(mime, Qt::CaseInsensitive); } void DocumentData::setMimeString(const QString &mime) { _mimeString = mime; } MediaKey DocumentData::mediaKey() const { return ::mediaKey(locationType(), _dc, id); } Storage::Cache::Key DocumentData::cacheKey() const { if (hasWebLocation()) { return Data::WebDocumentCacheKey(_urlLocation); } else if (!_access && !_url.isEmpty()) { return Data::UrlCacheKey(_url); } else { return Data::DocumentCacheKey(_dc, id); } } uint8 DocumentData::cacheTag() const { if (type == StickerDocument) { return Data::kStickerCacheTag; } else if (isVoiceMessage()) { return Data::kVoiceMessageCacheTag; } else if (isVideoMessage()) { return Data::kVideoMessageCacheTag; } else if (isAnimation()) { return Data::kAnimationCacheTag; } else if (type == WallPaperDocument) { return Data::kImageCacheTag; } return 0; } QString DocumentData::composeNameString() const { if (auto songData = song()) { return ComposeNameString( _filename, songData->title, songData->performer); } return ComposeNameString(_filename, QString(), QString()); } LocationType DocumentData::locationType() const { return isVoiceMessage() ? AudioFileLocation : isVideoFile() ? VideoFileLocation : DocumentFileLocation; } bool DocumentData::isVoiceMessage() const { return (type == VoiceDocument); } bool DocumentData::isVideoMessage() const { return (type == RoundVideoDocument); } bool DocumentData::isAnimation() const { return (type == AnimatedDocument) || isVideoMessage() || (hasMimeType(qstr("image/gif")) && !(_flags & Flag::StreamingPlaybackFailed)); } bool DocumentData::isGifv() const { return (type == AnimatedDocument) && hasMimeType(qstr("video/mp4")); } bool DocumentData::isTheme() const { return _mimeString == qstr("application/x-tgtheme-tdesktop") || _filename.endsWith( qstr(".tdesktop-theme"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) || _filename.endsWith( qstr(".tdesktop-palette"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); } bool DocumentData::isSong() const { return (type == SongDocument); } bool DocumentData::isAudioFile() const { if (isVoiceMessage()) { return false; } else if (isSong()) { return true; } const auto prefix = qstr("audio/"); if (!_mimeString.startsWith(prefix, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if (_filename.endsWith(qstr(".opus"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return true; } return false; } const auto left = _mimeString.midRef(prefix.size()).toString(); const auto types = { qstr("x-wav"), qstr("wav"), qstr("mp4") }; return ranges::find(types, left) != end(types); } bool DocumentData::isSharedMediaMusic() const { if (const auto songData = song()) { return (songData->duration > 0); } return false; } bool DocumentData::isVideoFile() const { return (type == VideoDocument); } TimeId DocumentData::getDuration() const { if (const auto song = this->song()) { return std::max(song->duration, 0); } else if (const auto voice = this->voice()) { return std::max(voice->duration, 0); } else if (isAnimation() || isVideoFile()) { return std::max(_duration, 0); } return -1; } bool DocumentData::isImage() const { return (_flags & Flag::ImageType); } bool DocumentData::supportsStreaming() const { return (_flags & kStreamingSupportedMask) == kStreamingSupportedMaybeYes; } void DocumentData::setNotSupportsStreaming() { _flags &= ~kStreamingSupportedMask; _flags |= kStreamingSupportedNo; } void DocumentData::setMaybeSupportsStreaming(bool supports) { if ((_flags & kStreamingSupportedMask) == kStreamingSupportedNo) { return; } _flags &= ~kStreamingSupportedMask; _flags |= supports ? kStreamingSupportedMaybeYes : kStreamingSupportedMaybeNo; } void DocumentData::recountIsImage() { const auto isImage = !isAnimation() && !isVideoFile() && fileIsImage(filename(), mimeString()); if (isImage) { _flags |= Flag::ImageType; } else { _flags &= ~Flag::ImageType; } } void DocumentData::setRemoteLocation( int32 dc, uint64 access, const QByteArray &fileReference) { _fileReference = fileReference; if (_dc != dc || _access != access) { _dc = dc; _access = access; if (!isNull()) { if (_location.check()) { session().local().writeFileLocation(mediaKey(), _location); } else { _location = session().local().readFileLocation(mediaKey()); if (_location.inMediaCache()) { setLoadedInMediaCacheLocation(); } else if (_location.isEmpty() && loadedInMediaCache()) { session().local().writeFileLocation( mediaKey(), FileLocation::InMediaCacheLocation()); } } } } } void DocumentData::setContentUrl(const QString &url) { _url = url; } void DocumentData::setWebLocation(const WebFileLocation &location) { _urlLocation = location; } void DocumentData::collectLocalData(not_null local) { if (local == this) { return; } _owner->cache().copyIfEmpty(local->cacheKey(), cacheKey()); if (const auto localMedia = local->activeMediaView()) { auto media = createMediaView(); media->collectLocalData(localMedia.get()); _owner->keepAlive(std::move(media)); } if (!local->_location.inMediaCache() && !local->_location.isEmpty()) { _location = local->_location; session().local().writeFileLocation(mediaKey(), _location); } } QString DocumentData::ComposeNameString( const QString &filename, const QString &songTitle, const QString &songPerformer) { if (songTitle.isEmpty() && songPerformer.isEmpty()) { return filename.isEmpty() ? qsl("Unknown File") : filename; } if (songPerformer.isEmpty()) { return songTitle; } auto trackTitle = (songTitle.isEmpty() ? qsl("Unknown Track") : songTitle); return songPerformer + QString::fromUtf8(" \xe2\x80\x93 ") + trackTitle; } namespace Data { QString FileExtension(const QString &filepath) { const auto reversed = ranges::view::reverse(filepath); const auto last = ranges::find_first_of(reversed, ".\\/"); if (last == reversed.end() || *last != '.') { return QString(); } return QString(last.base(), last - reversed.begin()); } bool IsValidMediaFile(const QString &filepath) { static const auto kExtensions = [] { const auto list = qsl("\ 16svx 2sf 3g2 3gp 8svx aac aaf aif aifc aiff amr amv ape asf ast au aup \ avchd avi brstm bwf cam cdda cust dat divx drc dsh dsf dts dtshd dtsma \ dvr-ms dwd evo f4a f4b f4p f4v fla flac flr flv gif gifv gsf gsm gym iff \ ifo it jam la ly m1v m2p m2ts m2v m4a m4p m4v mcf mid mk3d mka mks mkv mng \ mov mp1 mp2 mp3 mp4 minipsf mod mpc mpe mpeg mpg mpv mscz mt2 mus mxf mxl \ niff nsf nsv off ofr ofs ogg ogv opus ots pac ps psf psf2 psflib ptb qsf \ qt ra raw rka rm rmj rmvb roq s3m shn sib sid smi smp sol spc spx ssf svi \ swa swf tak ts tta txm usf vgm vob voc vox vqf wav webm wma wmv wrap wtv \ wv xm xml ym yuv").split(' '); return base::flat_set(list.begin(), list.end()); }(); return ranges::binary_search( kExtensions, FileExtension(filepath).toLower()); } bool IsExecutableName(const QString &filepath) { static const auto kExtensions = [] { const auto joined = #ifdef Q_OS_MAC qsl("\ applescript action app bin command csh osx workflow terminal url caction \ mpkg pkg scpt scptd xhtm webarchive"); #elif defined Q_OS_UNIX // Q_OS_MAC qsl("bin csh deb desktop ksh out pet pkg pup rpm run sh shar \ slp zsh"); #else // Q_OS_MAC || Q_OS_UNIX qsl("\ ad ade adp app application appref-ms asp asx bas bat bin cdxml cer cfg chi \ chm cmd cnt com cpl crt csh der diagcab dll drv eml exe fon fxp gadget grp \ hlp hpj hta htt inf ini ins inx isp isu its jar jnlp job js jse ksh lnk \ local lua mad maf mag mam manifest maq mar mas mat mau mav maw mcf mda mdb \ mde mdt mdw mdz mht mhtml mjs mmc mof msc msg msh msh1 msh2 msh1xml msh2xml \ mshxml msi msp mst ops osd paf pcd phar php php3 php4 php5 php7 phps php-s \ pht phtml pif pl plg pm pod prf prg ps1 ps2 ps1xml ps2xml psc1 psc2 psd1 \ psm1 pssc pst py py3 pyc pyd pyi pyo pyw pywz pyz rb reg rgs scf scr sct \ search-ms settingcontent-ms shb shs slk sys t tmp u3p url vb vbe vbp vbs \ vbscript vdx vsmacros vsd vsdm vsdx vss vssm vssx vst vstm vstx vsw vsx vtx \ website ws wsc wsf wsh xbap xll xnk xs"); #endif // !Q_OS_MAC && !Q_OS_UNIX const auto list = joined.split(' '); return base::flat_set(list.begin(), list.end()); }(); return ranges::binary_search( kExtensions, FileExtension(filepath).toLower()); } base::binary_guard ReadImageAsync( not_null media, FnMut postprocess, FnMut done) { auto result = base::binary_guard(); crl::async([ bytes = media->bytes(), path = media->owner()->filepath(), postprocess = std::move(postprocess), guard = result.make_guard(), callback = std::move(done) ]() mutable { auto format = QByteArray(); if (bytes.isEmpty()) { QFile f(path); if (f.size() <= App::kImageSizeLimit && f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { bytes = f.readAll(); } } auto image = bytes.isEmpty() ? QImage() : App::readImage(bytes, &format, false, nullptr); if (postprocess) { image = postprocess(std::move(image)); } crl::on_main(std::move(guard), [ image = std::move(image), callback = std::move(callback) ]() mutable { callback(std::move(image)); }); }); return result; } } // namespace Data