/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "platform/platform_main_window.h" #include "core/single_timer.h" class PasscodeWidget; class MainWidget; class LayerStackWidget; class BoxContent; namespace Intro { class Widget; } // namespace Intro namespace Local { class ClearManager; } // namespace Local namespace Window { namespace Theme { struct BackgroundUpdate; class WarningWidget; } // namespace Theme } // namespace Window namespace Ui { class LinkButton; } // namespace Ui class ConnectingWidget : public TWidget { Q_OBJECT public: ConnectingWidget(QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const QString &reconnect); void set(const QString &text, const QString &reconnect); protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; public slots: void onReconnect(); private: QString _text; int _textWidth = 0; object_ptr _reconnect; }; class MediaPreviewWidget; class MainWindow : public Platform::MainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: MainWindow(); ~MainWindow(); void firstShow(); void setupPasscode(); void clearPasscode(); void setupIntro(); void setupMain(const MTPUser *user = nullptr); void serviceNotification(const TextWithEntities &message, const MTPMessageMedia &media = MTP_messageMediaEmpty(), int32 date = 0, bool force = false); void sendServiceHistoryRequest(); void showDelayedServiceMsgs(); void mtpStateChanged(int32 dc, int32 state); MainWidget *chatsWidget() { return mainWidget(); } MainWidget *mainWidget(); PasscodeWidget *passcodeWidget(); bool doWeReadServerHistory(); bool doWeReadMentions(); void activate(); void noIntro(Intro::Widget *was); void noLayerStack(LayerStackWidget *was); void layerFinishedHide(LayerStackWidget *was); bool takeThirdSectionFromLayer(); void checkHistoryActivation(); void fixOrder(); enum TempDirState { TempDirRemoving, TempDirExists, TempDirEmpty, }; TempDirState tempDirState(); TempDirState localStorageState(); void tempDirDelete(int task); void sendPaths(); QImage iconWithCounter(int size, int count, style::color bg, style::color fg, bool smallIcon) override; bool contentOverlapped(const QRect &globalRect); bool contentOverlapped(QWidget *w, QPaintEvent *e) { return contentOverlapped(QRect(w->mapToGlobal(e->rect().topLeft()), e->rect().size())); } bool contentOverlapped(QWidget *w, const QRegion &r) { return contentOverlapped(QRect(w->mapToGlobal(r.boundingRect().topLeft()), r.boundingRect().size())); } void showMainMenu(); void updateTrayMenu(bool force = false) override; void showSpecialLayer( object_ptr layer, anim::type animated); void ui_showBox( object_ptr box, LayerOptions options, anim::type animated); void ui_hideSettingsAndLayer(anim::type animated); bool ui_isLayerShown(); void ui_showMediaPreview(DocumentData *document); void ui_showMediaPreview(PhotoData *photo); void ui_hideMediaPreview(); protected: bool eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) override; void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) override; void initHook() override; void updateIsActiveHook() override; void clearWidgetsHook() override; void updateControlsGeometry() override; public slots: void showSettings(); void setInnerFocus(); void updateConnectingStatus(); void quitFromTray(); void showFromTray(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason = QSystemTrayIcon::Unknown); void toggleTray(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason = QSystemTrayIcon::Unknown); void toggleDisplayNotifyFromTray(); void onClearFinished(int task, void *manager); void onClearFailed(int task, void *manager); void onShowAddContact(); void onShowNewGroup(); void onShowNewChannel(); void onLogout(); void app_activateClickHandler(ClickHandlerPtr handler, Qt::MouseButton button); signals: void tempDirCleared(int task); void tempDirClearFailed(int task); void checkNewAuthorization(); private: void showConnecting(const QString &text, const QString &reconnect = QString()); void hideConnecting(); void ensureLayerCreated(); void destroyLayerDelayed(); void themeUpdated(const Window::Theme::BackgroundUpdate &data); QPixmap grabInner(); void placeSmallCounter(QImage &img, int size, int count, style::color bg, const QPoint &shift, style::color color) override; QImage icon16, icon32, icon64, iconbig16, iconbig32, iconbig64; struct DelayedServiceMsg { DelayedServiceMsg(const TextWithEntities &message, const MTPMessageMedia &media, int32 date) : message(message), media(media), date(date) { } TextWithEntities message; MTPMessageMedia media; int32 date; }; QList _delayedServiceMsgs; mtpRequestId _serviceHistoryRequest = 0; object_ptr _passcode = { nullptr }; object_ptr _intro = { nullptr }; object_ptr _main = { nullptr }; object_ptr _layerBg = { nullptr }; object_ptr _mediaPreview = { nullptr }; object_ptr _connecting = { nullptr }; object_ptr _testingThemeWarning = { nullptr }; Local::ClearManager *_clearManager = nullptr; }; class PreLaunchWindow : public TWidget { public: PreLaunchWindow(QString title = QString()); void activate(); int basicSize() const { return _size; } ~PreLaunchWindow(); static PreLaunchWindow *instance(); protected: int _size; }; class PreLaunchLabel : public QLabel { public: PreLaunchLabel(QWidget *parent); void setText(const QString &text); }; class PreLaunchInput : public QLineEdit { public: PreLaunchInput(QWidget *parent, bool password = false); }; class PreLaunchLog : public QTextEdit { public: PreLaunchLog(QWidget *parent); }; class PreLaunchButton : public QPushButton { public: PreLaunchButton(QWidget *parent, bool confirm = true); void setText(const QString &text); }; class PreLaunchCheckbox : public QCheckBox { public: PreLaunchCheckbox(QWidget *parent); void setText(const QString &text); }; class NotStartedWindow : public PreLaunchWindow { public: NotStartedWindow(); protected: void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e); void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e); private: void updateControls(); PreLaunchLabel _label; PreLaunchLog _log; PreLaunchButton _close; }; class LastCrashedWindow : public PreLaunchWindow { Q_OBJECT public: LastCrashedWindow(); public slots: void onViewReport(); void onSaveReport(); void onSendReport(); void onGetApp(); void onNetworkSettings(); void onNetworkSettingsSaved(QString host, quint32 port, QString username, QString password); void onContinue(); void onCheckingFinished(); void onSendingError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError e); void onSendingFinished(); void onSendingProgress(qint64 uploaded, qint64 total); #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE void onUpdateRetry(); void onUpdateSkip(); void onUpdateChecking(); void onUpdateLatest(); void onUpdateDownloading(qint64 ready, qint64 total); void onUpdateReady(); void onUpdateFailed(); #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE protected: void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e); void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e); private: QString minidumpFileName(); void updateControls(); QString _host, _username, _password; quint32 _port; PreLaunchLabel _label, _pleaseSendReport, _yourReportName, _minidump; PreLaunchLog _report; PreLaunchButton _send, _sendSkip, _networkSettings, _continue, _showReport, _saveReport, _getApp; PreLaunchCheckbox _includeUsername; QString _minidumpName, _minidumpFull, _reportText; QString _reportUsername, _reportTextNoUsername; QByteArray getCrashReportRaw() const; bool _reportShown, _reportSaved; void excludeReportUsername(); enum SendingState { SendingNoReport, SendingUpdateCheck, SendingNone, SendingTooOld, SendingTooMany, SendingUnofficial, SendingProgress, SendingUploading, SendingFail, SendingDone, }; SendingState _sendingState; PreLaunchLabel _updating; qint64 _sendingProgress, _sendingTotal; QNetworkAccessManager _sendManager; QNetworkReply *_checkReply, *_sendReply; #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE PreLaunchButton _updatingCheck, _updatingSkip; enum UpdatingState { UpdatingNone, UpdatingCheck, UpdatingLatest, UpdatingDownload, UpdatingFail, UpdatingReady }; UpdatingState _updatingState; QString _newVersionDownload; void setUpdatingState(UpdatingState state, bool force = false); void setDownloadProgress(qint64 ready, qint64 total); #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE QString getReportField(const QLatin1String &name, const QLatin1String &prefix); void addReportFieldPart(const QLatin1String &name, const QLatin1String &prefix, QHttpMultiPart *multipart); }; class NetworkSettingsWindow : public PreLaunchWindow { Q_OBJECT public: NetworkSettingsWindow(QWidget *parent, QString host, quint32 port, QString username, QString password); signals: void saved(QString host, quint32 port, QString username, QString password); public slots: void onSave(); protected: void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e); void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e); private: void updateControls(); PreLaunchLabel _hostLabel, _portLabel, _usernameLabel, _passwordLabel; PreLaunchInput _hostInput, _portInput, _usernameInput, _passwordInput; PreLaunchButton _save, _cancel; QWidget *_parent; }; class ShowCrashReportWindow : public PreLaunchWindow { public: ShowCrashReportWindow(const QString &text); protected: void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e); void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e); private: PreLaunchLog _log; };