/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "dialogswidget.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_indexed_list.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_layout.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" #include "styles/style_stickers.h" #include "styles/style_history.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "data/data_drafts.h" #include "lang.h" #include "application.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "dialogswidget.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "boxes/addcontactbox.h" #include "boxes/contactsbox.h" #include "boxes/confirmbox.h" #include "boxes/aboutbox.h" #include "localstorage.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "ui/widgets/dropdown_menu.h" #include "ui/widgets/input_fields.h" #include "autoupdater.h" DialogsInner::DialogsInner(QWidget *parent, QWidget *main) : SplittedWidget(parent) , dialogs(std_::make_unique(Dialogs::SortMode::Date)) , contactsNoDialogs(std_::make_unique(Dialogs::SortMode::Name)) , contacts(std_::make_unique(Dialogs::SortMode::Name)) , _addContactLnk(this, lang(lng_add_contact_button)) , _cancelSearchInPeer(this, st::dialogsCancelSearchInPeer) { if (Global::DialogsModeEnabled()) { importantDialogs = std_::make_unique(Dialogs::SortMode::Date); } connect(main, SIGNAL(peerNameChanged(PeerData*, const PeerData::Names&, const PeerData::NameFirstChars&)), this, SLOT(onPeerNameChanged(PeerData*, const PeerData::Names&, const PeerData::NameFirstChars&))); connect(main, SIGNAL(peerPhotoChanged(PeerData*)), this, SLOT(onPeerPhotoChanged(PeerData*))); connect(main, SIGNAL(dialogRowReplaced(Dialogs::Row*,Dialogs::Row*)), this, SLOT(onDialogRowReplaced(Dialogs::Row*,Dialogs::Row*))); connect(_addContactLnk, SIGNAL(clicked()), App::wnd(), SLOT(onShowAddContact())); connect(_cancelSearchInPeer, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(cancelSearchInPeer())); _cancelSearchInPeer->hide(); subscribe(FileDownload::ImageLoaded(), [this] { update(); }); subscribe(Global::RefItemRemoved(), [this](HistoryItem *item) { itemRemoved(item); }); refresh(); } int DialogsInner::dialogsOffset() const { return importantDialogs ? st::dialogsImportantBarHeight : 0; } int DialogsInner::filteredOffset() const { return _hashtagResults.size() * st::mentionHeight; } int DialogsInner::peopleOffset() const { return filteredOffset() + (_filterResults.size() * st::dialogsRowHeight) + st::searchedBarHeight; } int DialogsInner::searchedOffset() const { int result = peopleOffset() + (_peopleResults.isEmpty() ? 0 : ((_peopleResults.size() * st::dialogsRowHeight) + st::searchedBarHeight)); if (_searchInPeer) result += st::dialogsRowHeight; return result; } void DialogsInner::paintRegion(Painter &p, const QRegion ®ion, bool paintingOther) { QRegion original(rtl() ? region.translated(-otherWidth(), 0) : region); if (App::wnd() && App::wnd()->contentOverlapped(this, original)) return; if (!App::main()) return; QRect r(region.boundingRect()); if (!paintingOther) { p.setClipRect(r); } if (_state == DefaultState) { QRect dialogsClip = r; if (importantDialogs) { Dialogs::Layout::paintImportantSwitch(p, Global::DialogsMode(), fullWidth(), _importantSwitchSel, paintingOther); dialogsClip.translate(0, -st::dialogsImportantBarHeight); p.translate(0, st::dialogsImportantBarHeight); } int32 otherStart = shownDialogs()->size() * st::dialogsRowHeight; PeerData *active = App::main()->activePeer(), *selected = _menuPeer ? _menuPeer : (_sel ? _sel->history()->peer : 0); if (otherStart) { shownDialogs()->all().paint(p, fullWidth(), dialogsClip.top(), dialogsClip.top() + dialogsClip.height(), active, selected, paintingOther); } if (!otherStart) { p.fillRect(dialogsClip, st::dialogsBg); if (!paintingOther) { p.setFont(st::noContactsFont); p.setPen(st::noContactsColor); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, fullWidth(), st::noContactsHeight - (cContactsReceived() ? st::noContactsFont->height : 0)), lang(cContactsReceived() ? lng_no_chats : lng_contacts_loading), style::al_center); } } } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (!_hashtagResults.isEmpty()) { int32 from = floorclamp(r.y(), st::mentionHeight, 0, _hashtagResults.size()); int32 to = ceilclamp(r.y() + r.height(), st::mentionHeight, 0, _hashtagResults.size()); p.translate(0, from * st::mentionHeight); if (from < _hashtagResults.size()) { int32 w = fullWidth(), htagwidth = w - st::dialogsPadding.x() * 2; p.setFont(st::mentionFont); for (; from < to; ++from) { bool selected = (from == _hashtagSel); p.fillRect(0, 0, w, st::mentionHeight, selected ? st::mentionBgOver : st::dialogsBg); if (!paintingOther) { if (selected) { int skip = (st::mentionHeight - st::simpleCloseIconOver.height()) / 2; st::simpleCloseIconOver.paint(p, QPoint(w - st::simpleCloseIconOver.width() - skip, skip), width()); } QString first = (_hashtagFilter.size() < 2) ? QString() : ('#' + _hashtagResults.at(from).mid(0, _hashtagFilter.size() - 1)), second = (_hashtagFilter.size() < 2) ? ('#' + _hashtagResults.at(from)) : _hashtagResults.at(from).mid(_hashtagFilter.size() - 1); int32 firstwidth = st::mentionFont->width(first), secondwidth = st::mentionFont->width(second); if (htagwidth < firstwidth + secondwidth) { if (htagwidth < firstwidth + st::mentionFont->elidew) { first = st::mentionFont->elided(first + second, htagwidth); second = QString(); } else { second = st::mentionFont->elided(second, htagwidth - firstwidth); } } p.setFont(st::mentionFont->f); if (!first.isEmpty()) { p.setPen((selected ? st::mentionFgOverActive : st::mentionFgActive)->p); p.drawText(st::dialogsPadding.x(), st::mentionTop + st::mentionFont->ascent, first); } if (!second.isEmpty()) { p.setPen((selected ? st::mentionFgOver : st::mentionFg)->p); p.drawText(st::dialogsPadding.x() + firstwidth, st::mentionTop + st::mentionFont->ascent, second); } } p.translate(0, st::mentionHeight); } } } if (!_filterResults.isEmpty()) { int32 skip = filteredOffset(); int32 from = floorclamp(r.y() - skip, st::dialogsRowHeight, 0, _filterResults.size()); int32 to = ceilclamp(r.y() + r.height() - skip, st::dialogsRowHeight, 0, _filterResults.size()); p.translate(0, from * st::dialogsRowHeight); if (from < _filterResults.size()) { int32 w = fullWidth(); PeerData *act = App::main()->activePeer(); MsgId actId = App::main()->activeMsgId(); for (; from < to; ++from) { bool active = ((_filterResults[from]->history()->peer == act) || (_filterResults[from]->history()->peer->migrateTo() && _filterResults[from]->history()->peer->migrateTo() == act)) && !actId; bool selected = (from == _filteredSel) || (_filterResults[from]->history()->peer == _menuPeer); Dialogs::Layout::RowPainter::paint(p, _filterResults[from], w, active, selected, paintingOther); p.translate(0, st::dialogsRowHeight); } } } if (!_peopleResults.isEmpty()) { p.fillRect(0, 0, fullWidth(), st::searchedBarHeight, st::searchedBarBG->b); if (!paintingOther) { p.setFont(st::searchedBarFont->f); p.setPen(st::searchedBarColor->p); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, fullWidth(), st::searchedBarHeight), lang(lng_search_global_results), style::al_center); } p.translate(0, st::searchedBarHeight); int32 skip = peopleOffset(); int32 from = floorclamp(r.y() - skip, st::dialogsRowHeight, 0, _peopleResults.size()); int32 to = ceilclamp(r.y() + r.height() - skip, st::dialogsRowHeight, 0, _peopleResults.size()); p.translate(0, from * st::dialogsRowHeight); if (from < _peopleResults.size()) { int32 w = fullWidth(); PeerData *act = App::main()->activePeer(); MsgId actId = App::main()->activeMsgId(); for (; from < to; ++from) { bool active = ((_peopleResults[from] == act) || (_peopleResults[from]->migrateTo() && _peopleResults[from]->migrateTo() == act)) && !actId; bool selected = (from == _peopleSel); peopleResultPaint(_peopleResults[from], p, w, active, selected, paintingOther); p.translate(0, st::dialogsRowHeight); } } } if (_searchInPeer) { searchInPeerPaint(p, fullWidth(), paintingOther); p.translate(0, st::dialogsRowHeight); if (_state == FilteredState && _searchResults.isEmpty()) { p.fillRect(0, 0, fullWidth(), st::searchedBarHeight, st::searchedBarBG->b); if (!paintingOther) { p.setFont(st::searchedBarFont->f); p.setPen(st::searchedBarColor->p); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, fullWidth(), st::searchedBarHeight), lang(lng_dlg_search_for_messages), style::al_center); } p.translate(0, st::searchedBarHeight); } } if (_state == SearchedState || !_searchResults.isEmpty()) { QString text = lng_search_found_results(lt_count, _searchResults.isEmpty() ? 0 : (_searchedMigratedCount + _searchedCount)); p.fillRect(0, 0, fullWidth(), st::searchedBarHeight, st::searchedBarBG->b); if (!paintingOther) { p.setFont(st::searchedBarFont->f); p.setPen(st::searchedBarColor->p); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, fullWidth(), st::searchedBarHeight), text, style::al_center); } p.translate(0, st::searchedBarHeight); int32 skip = searchedOffset(); int32 from = floorclamp(r.y() - skip, st::dialogsRowHeight, 0, _searchResults.size()); int32 to = ceilclamp(r.y() + r.height() - skip, st::dialogsRowHeight, 0, _searchResults.size()); p.translate(0, from * st::dialogsRowHeight); if (from < _searchResults.size()) { int32 w = fullWidth(); PeerData *act = App::main()->activePeer(); MsgId actId = App::main()->activeMsgId(); for (; from < to; ++from) { auto result = _searchResults[from]; auto item = result->item(); auto history = item->history(); bool active = (history->peer == act && item->id == actId) || (history->peer->migrateTo() && history->peer->migrateTo() == act && item->id == -actId); bool selected = (from == _searchedSel); Dialogs::Layout::RowPainter::paint(p, result, w, active, selected, paintingOther); p.translate(0, st::dialogsRowHeight); } } } } } void DialogsInner::peopleResultPaint(PeerData *peer, Painter &p, int32 w, bool active, bool selected, bool onlyBackground) const { QRect fullRect(0, 0, w, st::dialogsRowHeight); p.fillRect(fullRect, active ? st::dialogsBgActive : (selected ? st::dialogsBgOver : st::dialogsBg)); if (onlyBackground) return; PeerData *userpicPeer = (peer->migrateTo() ? peer->migrateTo() : peer); userpicPeer->paintUserpicLeft(p, st::dialogsPhotoSize, st::dialogsPadding.x(), st::dialogsPadding.y(), fullWidth()); int32 nameleft = st::dialogsPadding.x() + st::dialogsPhotoSize + st::dialogsPhotoPadding; int32 namewidth = w - nameleft - st::dialogsPadding.x(); QRect rectForName(nameleft, st::dialogsPadding.y() + st::dialogsNameTop, namewidth, st::msgNameFont->height); // draw chat icon if (auto chatTypeIcon = Dialogs::Layout::ChatTypeIcon(peer, active, selected)) { chatTypeIcon->paint(p, rectForName.topLeft(), w); rectForName.setLeft(rectForName.left() + st::dialogsChatTypeSkip); } if (peer->isVerified()) { auto icon = &(active ? st::dialogsVerifiedIconActive : (selected ? st::dialogsVerifiedIconOver : st::dialogsVerifiedIcon)); rectForName.setWidth(rectForName.width() - icon->width()); icon->paint(p, rectForName.topLeft() + QPoint(qMin(peer->dialogName().maxWidth(), rectForName.width()), 0), w); } QRect tr(nameleft, st::dialogsPadding.y() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::dialogsSkip, namewidth, st::dialogsTextFont->height); p.setFont(st::dialogsTextFont); QString username = peer->userName(); if (!active && username.toLower().startsWith(_peopleQuery)) { QString first = '@' + username.mid(0, _peopleQuery.size()), second = username.mid(_peopleQuery.size()); int32 w = st::dialogsTextFont->width(first); if (w >= tr.width()) { p.setPen(st::dialogsTextFgService); p.drawText(tr.left(), tr.top() + st::dialogsTextFont->ascent, st::dialogsTextFont->elided(first, tr.width())); } else { p.setPen(st::dialogsTextFgService); p.drawText(tr.left(), tr.top() + st::dialogsTextFont->ascent, first); p.setPen(st::dialogsTextFg); p.drawText(tr.left() + w, tr.top() + st::dialogsTextFont->ascent, st::dialogsTextFont->elided(second, tr.width() - w)); } } else { p.setPen(active ? st::dialogsTextFgActive : st::dialogsTextFgService); p.drawText(tr.left(), tr.top() + st::dialogsTextFont->ascent, st::dialogsTextFont->elided('@' + username, tr.width())); } p.setPen(active ? st::dialogsTextFgActive : st::dialogsNameFg); peer->dialogName().drawElided(p, rectForName.left(), rectForName.top(), rectForName.width()); } void DialogsInner::searchInPeerPaint(Painter &p, int32 w, bool onlyBackground) const { QRect fullRect(0, 0, w, st::dialogsRowHeight); p.fillRect(fullRect, st::dialogsBg); if (onlyBackground) return; _searchInPeer->paintUserpicLeft(p, st::dialogsPhotoSize, st::dialogsPadding.x(), st::dialogsPadding.y(), fullWidth()); int32 nameleft = st::dialogsPadding.x() + st::dialogsPhotoSize + st::dialogsPhotoPadding; int32 namewidth = w - nameleft - st::dialogsPadding.x() * 2 - st::dialogsCancelSearch.width; QRect rectForName(nameleft, st::dialogsPadding.y() + st::dialogsNameTop, namewidth, st::msgNameFont->height); if (auto chatTypeIcon = Dialogs::Layout::ChatTypeIcon(_searchInPeer, false, false)) { chatTypeIcon->paint(p, rectForName.topLeft(), w); rectForName.setLeft(rectForName.left() + st::dialogsChatTypeSkip); } QRect tr(nameleft, st::dialogsPadding.y() + st::msgNameFont->height + st::dialogsSkip, namewidth, st::dialogsTextFont->height); p.setFont(st::dialogsTextFont); p.setPen(st::dialogsTextFg); p.drawText(tr.left(), tr.top() + st::dialogsTextFont->ascent, st::dialogsTextFont->elided(lang((_searchInPeer->isChannel() && !_searchInPeer->isMegagroup()) ? lng_dlg_search_channel : lng_dlg_search_chat), tr.width())); p.setPen(st::dialogsNameFg); _searchInPeer->nameText.drawElided(p, rectForName.left(), rectForName.top(), rectForName.width()); } void DialogsInner::activate() { } void DialogsInner::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { lastMousePos = mapToGlobal(e->pos()); _selByMouse = true; onUpdateSelected(true); } void DialogsInner::onUpdateSelected(bool force) { QPoint mouse(mapFromGlobal(lastMousePos)); if ((!force && !rect().contains(mouse)) || !_selByMouse) return; int w = width(), mouseY = mouse.y(); _overDelete = false; if (_state == DefaultState) { auto newImportantSwitchSel = (importantDialogs && mouseY >= 0 && mouseY < dialogsOffset()); mouseY -= dialogsOffset(); auto newSel = newImportantSwitchSel ? nullptr : shownDialogs()->rowAtY(mouseY, st::dialogsRowHeight); if (newSel != _sel || newImportantSwitchSel != _importantSwitchSel) { updateSelectedRow(); _sel = newSel; _importantSwitchSel = newImportantSwitchSel; updateSelectedRow(); setCursor(_sel ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (!_hashtagResults.isEmpty()) { int32 skip = 0, newHashtagSel = (mouseY >= skip) ? ((mouseY - skip) / int32(st::mentionHeight)) : -1; if (newHashtagSel < 0 || newHashtagSel >= _hashtagResults.size()) { newHashtagSel = -1; } if (newHashtagSel != _hashtagSel) { updateSelectedRow(); _hashtagSel = newHashtagSel; updateSelectedRow(); setCursor((_hashtagSel >= 0) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } if (_hashtagSel >= 0) { _overDelete = (mouse.x() >= w - st::mentionHeight); } } if (!_filterResults.isEmpty()) { int32 skip = filteredOffset(), newFilteredSel = (mouseY >= skip) ? ((mouseY - skip) / int32(st::dialogsRowHeight)) : -1; if (newFilteredSel < 0 || newFilteredSel >= _filterResults.size()) { newFilteredSel = -1; } if (newFilteredSel != _filteredSel) { updateSelectedRow(); _filteredSel = newFilteredSel; updateSelectedRow(); setCursor((_filteredSel >= 0) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } } if (!_peopleResults.isEmpty()) { int32 skip = peopleOffset(), newPeopleSel = (mouseY >= skip) ? ((mouseY - skip) / int32(st::dialogsRowHeight)) : -1; if (newPeopleSel < 0 || newPeopleSel >= _peopleResults.size()) { newPeopleSel = -1; } if (newPeopleSel != _peopleSel) { updateSelectedRow(); _peopleSel = newPeopleSel; updateSelectedRow(); setCursor((_peopleSel >= 0) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } } if (_state == SearchedState && !_searchResults.isEmpty()) { int32 skip = searchedOffset(), newSearchedSel = (mouseY >= skip) ? ((mouseY - skip) / int32(st::dialogsRowHeight)) : -1; if (newSearchedSel < 0 || newSearchedSel >= _searchResults.size()) { newSearchedSel = -1; } if (newSearchedSel != _searchedSel) { updateSelectedRow(); _searchedSel = newSearchedSel; updateSelectedRow(); setCursor((_searchedSel >= 0) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); } } } } void DialogsInner::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { lastMousePos = mapToGlobal(e->pos()); _selByMouse = true; onUpdateSelected(true); if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { choosePeer(); } } void DialogsInner::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { _addContactLnk->move((width() - _addContactLnk->width()) / 2, (st::noContactsHeight + st::noContactsFont->height) / 2); _cancelSearchInPeer->moveToRight(st::dialogsFilterSkip + st::dialogsFilterPadding.x() - otherWidth(), (st::dialogsRowHeight - st::dialogsCancelSearchInPeer.height) / 2); } void DialogsInner::onDialogRowReplaced(Dialogs::Row *oldRow, Dialogs::Row *newRow) { if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { for (FilteredDialogs::iterator i = _filterResults.begin(); i != _filterResults.end();) { if (*i == oldRow) { // this row is shown in filtered and maybe is in contacts! if (newRow) { *i = newRow; ++i; } else { i = _filterResults.erase(i); } } else { ++i; } } } if (_sel == oldRow) { _sel = newRow; } } void DialogsInner::createDialog(History *history) { if (history->peer->loadedStatus != PeerData::LoadedStatus::FullLoaded) { LOG(("API Error: DialogsInner::createDialog() called for a non loaded peer!")); return; } bool creating = !history->inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All); if (creating) { auto mainRow = history->addToChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All, dialogs.get()); contactsNoDialogs->del(history->peer, mainRow); } if (importantDialogs && !history->inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::Important) && !history->mute()) { if (Global::DialogsMode() == Dialogs::Mode::Important) { creating = true; } history->addToChatList(Dialogs::Mode::Important, importantDialogs.get()); } auto changed = history->adjustByPosInChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All, dialogs.get()); if (importantDialogs) { if (history->mute()) { if (Global::DialogsMode() == Dialogs::Mode::Important) { return; } } else { auto importantChanged = history->adjustByPosInChatList(Dialogs::Mode::Important, importantDialogs.get()); if (Global::DialogsMode() == Dialogs::Mode::Important) { changed = importantChanged; } } } int from = dialogsOffset() + changed.movedFrom * st::dialogsRowHeight; int to = dialogsOffset() + changed.movedTo * st::dialogsRowHeight; emit dialogMoved(from, to); if (creating) { refresh(); } else if (_state == DefaultState && changed.movedFrom != changed.movedTo) { update(0, qMin(from, to), fullWidth(), qAbs(from - to) + st::dialogsRowHeight); } } void DialogsInner::removeDialog(History *history) { if (!history) return; if (history->peer == _menuPeer && _menu) { _menu->deleteLater(); } if (_sel && _sel->history() == history) { _sel = nullptr; } history->removeFromChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All, dialogs.get()); if (importantDialogs) { history->removeFromChatList(Dialogs::Mode::Important, importantDialogs.get()); } if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->notifyClear(history); if (contacts->contains(history->peer->id)) { if (!contactsNoDialogs->contains(history->peer->id)) { contactsNoDialogs->addByName(history); } } Local::removeSavedPeer(history->peer); emit App::main()->dialogsUpdated(); refresh(); } void DialogsInner::dlgUpdated(Dialogs::Mode list, Dialogs::Row *row) { if (_state == DefaultState) { if (Global::DialogsMode() == list) { update(0, dialogsOffset() + row->pos() * st::dialogsRowHeight, fullWidth(), st::dialogsRowHeight); } } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (list == Dialogs::Mode::All) { for (int32 i = 0, l = _filterResults.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (_filterResults.at(i)->history() == row->history()) { update(0, i * st::dialogsRowHeight, fullWidth(), st::dialogsRowHeight); break; } } } } } void DialogsInner::dlgUpdated(History *history, MsgId msgId) { if (_state == DefaultState) { if (auto row = shownDialogs()->getRow(history->peer->id)) { update(0, dialogsOffset() + row->pos() * st::dialogsRowHeight, fullWidth(), st::dialogsRowHeight); } } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { int32 cnt = 0, add = filteredOffset(); for (FilteredDialogs::const_iterator i = _filterResults.cbegin(), e = _filterResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->history() == history) { update(0, add + cnt * st::dialogsRowHeight, fullWidth(), st::dialogsRowHeight); break; } ++cnt; } if (!_peopleResults.isEmpty()) { int32 cnt = 0, add = peopleOffset(); for (PeopleResults::const_iterator i = _peopleResults.cbegin(), e = _peopleResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i) == history->peer) { update(0, add + cnt * st::dialogsRowHeight, fullWidth(), st::dialogsRowHeight); break; } ++cnt; } } if (!_searchResults.isEmpty()) { int32 cnt = 0, add = searchedOffset(); for (SearchResults::const_iterator i = _searchResults.cbegin(), e = _searchResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->item()->history() == history && (*i)->item()->id == msgId) { update(0, add + cnt * st::dialogsRowHeight, fullWidth(), st::dialogsRowHeight); break; } ++cnt; } } } } void DialogsInner::enterEvent(QEvent *e) { setMouseTracking(true); lastMousePos = QCursor::pos(); onUpdateSelected(true); } void DialogsInner::updateSelectedRow(PeerData *peer) { if (_state == DefaultState) { if (peer) { if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(peer->id)) { if (h->inChatList(Global::DialogsMode())) { update(0, dialogsOffset() + h->posInChatList(Global::DialogsMode()) * st::dialogsRowHeight, fullWidth(), st::dialogsRowHeight); } } } else if (_sel) { update(0, dialogsOffset() + _sel->pos() * st::dialogsRowHeight, fullWidth(), st::dialogsRowHeight); } else if (_importantSwitchSel) { update(0, 0, fullWidth(), st::dialogsImportantBarHeight); } } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (peer) { for (int32 i = 0, l = _filterResults.size(); i != l; ++i) { if (_filterResults.at(i)->history()->peer == peer) { update(0, filteredOffset() + i * st::dialogsRowHeight, fullWidth(), st::dialogsRowHeight); break; } } } else if (_hashtagSel >= 0) { update(0, _hashtagSel * st::mentionHeight, fullWidth(), st::mentionHeight); } else if (_filteredSel >= 0) { update(0, filteredOffset() + _filteredSel * st::dialogsRowHeight, fullWidth(), st::dialogsRowHeight); } else if (_peopleSel >= 0) { update(0, peopleOffset() + _peopleSel * st::dialogsRowHeight, fullWidth(), st::dialogsRowHeight); } else if (_searchedSel >= 0) { update(0, searchedOffset() + _searchedSel * st::dialogsRowHeight, fullWidth(), st::dialogsRowHeight); } } } void DialogsInner::leaveEvent(QEvent *e) { setMouseTracking(false); clearSelection(); } void DialogsInner::clearSelection() { _selByMouse = false; if (_importantSwitchSel || _sel || _filteredSel >= 0 || _hashtagSel >= 0 || _searchedSel >= 0 || _peopleSel >= 0) { updateSelectedRow(); _sel = nullptr; _importantSwitchSel = false; _filteredSel = _searchedSel = _peopleSel = _hashtagSel = -1; setCursor(style::cur_default); } } void DialogsInner::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) { if (_menu) { _menu->deleteLater(); _menu = nullptr; } if (_menuPeer) { updateSelectedRow(_menuPeer); _menuPeer = nullptr; } if (e->reason() == QContextMenuEvent::Mouse) { lastMousePos = e->globalPos(); _selByMouse = true; onUpdateSelected(true); } History *history = nullptr; if (_state == DefaultState) { if (_sel) history = _sel->history(); } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (_filteredSel >= 0 && _filteredSel < _filterResults.size()) { history = _filterResults[_filteredSel]->history(); } } if (!history) return; _menuPeer = history->peer; _menu = new Ui::PopupMenu(); App::main()->fillPeerMenu(_menuPeer, [this](const QString &text, base::lambda &&callback) { return _menu->addAction(text, std_::move(callback)); }); connect(_menu, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(onMenuDestroyed(QObject*))); _menu->popup(e->globalPos()); e->accept(); } void DialogsInner::onMenuDestroyed(QObject *obj) { if (_menu == obj) { _menu = nullptr; if (_menuPeer) { updateSelectedRow(base::take(_menuPeer)); } lastMousePos = QCursor::pos(); if (rect().contains(mapFromGlobal(lastMousePos))) { _selByMouse = true; setMouseTracking(true); onUpdateSelected(true); } } } void DialogsInner::onParentGeometryChanged() { lastMousePos = QCursor::pos(); if (rect().contains(mapFromGlobal(lastMousePos))) { setMouseTracking(true); onUpdateSelected(true); } } void DialogsInner::onPeerNameChanged(PeerData *peer, const PeerData::Names &oldNames, const PeerData::NameFirstChars &oldChars) { dialogs->peerNameChanged(Dialogs::Mode::All, peer, oldNames, oldChars); if (importantDialogs) { importantDialogs->peerNameChanged(Dialogs::Mode::Important, peer, oldNames, oldChars); } contactsNoDialogs->peerNameChanged(peer, oldNames, oldChars); contacts->peerNameChanged(peer, oldNames, oldChars); update(); } void DialogsInner::onPeerPhotoChanged(PeerData *peer) { update(); } void DialogsInner::onFilterUpdate(QString newFilter, bool force) { newFilter = textSearchKey(newFilter); if (newFilter != _filter || force) { QStringList f; if (!newFilter.isEmpty()) { QStringList filterList = newFilter.split(cWordSplit(), QString::SkipEmptyParts); int l = filterList.size(); f.reserve(l); for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) { QString filterName = filterList[i].trimmed(); if (filterName.isEmpty()) continue; f.push_back(filterName); } newFilter = f.join(' '); } if (newFilter != _filter || force) { _filter = newFilter; if (!_searchInPeer && _filter.isEmpty()) { _state = DefaultState; _hashtagResults.clear(); _filterResults.clear(); _peopleResults.clear(); _searchResults.clear(); _lastSearchDate = 0; _lastSearchPeer = 0; _lastSearchId = _lastSearchMigratedId = 0; } else { QStringList::const_iterator fb = f.cbegin(), fe = f.cend(), fi; _state = FilteredState; _filterResults.clear(); if (!_searchInPeer && !f.isEmpty()) { const Dialogs::List *toFilter = nullptr; if (!dialogs->isEmpty()) { for (fi = fb; fi != fe; ++fi) { auto found = dialogs->filtered(fi->at(0)); if (found->isEmpty()) { toFilter = nullptr; break; } if (!toFilter || toFilter->size() > found->size()) { toFilter = found; } } } const Dialogs::List *toFilterContacts = nullptr; if (!contactsNoDialogs->isEmpty()) { for (fi = fb; fi != fe; ++fi) { auto found = contactsNoDialogs->filtered(fi->at(0)); if (found->isEmpty()) { toFilterContacts = nullptr; break; } if (!toFilterContacts || toFilterContacts->size() > found->size()) { toFilterContacts = found; } } } _filterResults.reserve((toFilter ? toFilter->size() : 0) + (toFilterContacts ? toFilterContacts->size() : 0)); if (toFilter) { for_const (auto row, *toFilter) { const PeerData::Names &names(row->history()->peer->names); PeerData::Names::const_iterator nb = names.cbegin(), ne = names.cend(), ni; for (fi = fb; fi != fe; ++fi) { QString filterName(*fi); for (ni = nb; ni != ne; ++ni) { if (ni->startsWith(*fi)) { break; } } if (ni == ne) { break; } } if (fi == fe) { _filterResults.push_back(row); } } } if (toFilterContacts) { for_const (auto row, *toFilterContacts) { const PeerData::Names &names(row->history()->peer->names); PeerData::Names::const_iterator nb = names.cbegin(), ne = names.cend(), ni; for (fi = fb; fi != fe; ++fi) { QString filterName(*fi); for (ni = nb; ni != ne; ++ni) { if (ni->startsWith(*fi)) { break; } } if (ni == ne) { break; } } if (fi == fe) { _filterResults.push_back(row); } } } } } } refresh(true); setMouseSel(false, true); } if (_state != DefaultState) { emit searchMessages(); } } void DialogsInner::onHashtagFilterUpdate(QStringRef newFilter) { if (newFilter.isEmpty() || newFilter.at(0) != '#' || _searchInPeer) { _hashtagFilter = QString(); if (!_hashtagResults.isEmpty()) { _hashtagResults.clear(); refresh(true); setMouseSel(false, true); } return; } _hashtagFilter = newFilter.toString(); if (cRecentSearchHashtags().isEmpty() && cRecentWriteHashtags().isEmpty()) { Local::readRecentHashtagsAndBots(); } const RecentHashtagPack &recent(cRecentSearchHashtags()); _hashtagResults.clear(); if (!recent.isEmpty()) { _hashtagResults.reserve(qMin(recent.size(), 5)); for (RecentHashtagPack::const_iterator i = recent.cbegin(), e = recent.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->first.startsWith(_hashtagFilter.midRef(1), Qt::CaseInsensitive) && i->first.size() + 1 != newFilter.size()) { _hashtagResults.push_back(i->first); if (_hashtagResults.size() == 5) break; } } } refresh(true); setMouseSel(false, true); } DialogsInner::~DialogsInner() { clearSearchResults(); } void DialogsInner::clearSearchResults(bool clearPeople) { if (clearPeople) _peopleResults.clear(); if (!_searchResults.isEmpty()) { for (SearchResults::const_iterator i = _searchResults.cbegin(), e = _searchResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { delete *i; } _searchResults.clear(); } _searchedCount = _searchedMigratedCount = 0; _lastSearchDate = 0; _lastSearchPeer = 0; _lastSearchId = _lastSearchMigratedId = 0; } PeerData *DialogsInner::updateFromParentDrag(QPoint globalPos) { lastMousePos = globalPos; _selByMouse = true; onUpdateSelected(true); if (_state == DefaultState) { if (_sel) return _sel->history()->peer; } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (_filteredSel >= 0 && _filteredSel < _filterResults.size()) { return _filterResults[_filteredSel]->history()->peer; } else if (_peopleSel >= 0 && _peopleSel < _peopleResults.size()) { return _peopleResults[_peopleSel]; } else if (_searchedSel >= 0 && _searchedSel < _searchResults.size()) { return _searchResults[_searchedSel]->item()->history()->peer; } } return 0; } void DialogsInner::itemRemoved(HistoryItem *item) { int wasCount = _searchResults.size(); for (int i = 0; i < _searchResults.size();) { if (_searchResults[i]->item() == item) { _searchResults.remove(i); if (item->history()->peer == _searchInMigrated) { if (_searchedMigratedCount > 0) --_searchedMigratedCount; } else { if (_searchedCount > 0) --_searchedCount; } } else { ++i; } } if (wasCount != _searchResults.size()) { refresh(); } } void DialogsInner::dialogsReceived(const QVector &added) { for_const (auto &dialog, added) { if (dialog.type() != mtpc_dialog) { continue; } auto &d = dialog.c_dialog(); auto peerId = peerFromMTP(d.vpeer); if (!peerId) { continue; } auto history = App::historyFromDialog(peerId, d.vunread_count.v, d.vread_inbox_max_id.v, d.vread_outbox_max_id.v); auto peer = history->peer; if (auto channel = peer->asChannel()) { if (d.has_pts()) { channel->ptsReceived(d.vpts.v); } if (!channel->amCreator()) { if (auto topMsg = App::histItemById(channel, d.vtop_message.v)) { if (topMsg->date <= date(channel->date) && App::api()) { App::api()->requestSelfParticipant(channel); } } } } App::main()->applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyPeer(d.vpeer), d.vnotify_settings, history); if (!history->lastMsgDate.isNull()) { addSavedPeersAfter(history->lastMsgDate); } contactsNoDialogs->del(peer); if (peer->migrateFrom()) { removeDialog(App::historyLoaded(peer->migrateFrom()->id)); } else if (peer->migrateTo() && peer->migrateTo()->amIn()) { removeDialog(history); } if (d.has_draft() && d.vdraft.type() == mtpc_draftMessage) { auto &draft = d.vdraft.c_draftMessage(); Data::applyPeerCloudDraft(peerId, draft); } } Notify::unreadCounterUpdated(); refresh(); } void DialogsInner::addSavedPeersAfter(const QDateTime &date) { SavedPeersByTime &saved(cRefSavedPeersByTime()); while (!saved.isEmpty() && (date.isNull() || date < saved.lastKey())) { History *history = App::history(saved.last()->id); history->setChatsListDate(saved.lastKey()); contactsNoDialogs->del(history->peer); saved.remove(saved.lastKey(), saved.last()); } } void DialogsInner::addAllSavedPeers() { addSavedPeersAfter(QDateTime()); } bool DialogsInner::searchReceived(const QVector &messages, DialogsSearchRequestType type, int32 fullCount) { if (type == DialogsSearchFromStart || type == DialogsSearchPeerFromStart) { clearSearchResults(false); } auto isGlobalSearch = (type == DialogsSearchFromStart || type == DialogsSearchFromOffset); auto isMigratedSearch = (type == DialogsSearchMigratedFromStart || type == DialogsSearchMigratedFromOffset); TimeId lastDateFound = 0; for_const (auto message, messages) { if (auto msgId = idFromMessage(message)) { auto peerId = peerFromMessage(message); auto lastDate = dateFromMessage(message); if (auto peer = App::peerLoaded(peerId)) { if (lastDate) { auto item = App::histories().addNewMessage(message, NewMessageExisting); _searchResults.push_back(new Dialogs::FakeRow(item)); lastDateFound = lastDate; if (isGlobalSearch) { _lastSearchDate = lastDateFound; } } if (isGlobalSearch) { _lastSearchPeer = peer; } } else { LOG(("API Error: a search results with not loaded peer %1").arg(peerId)); } if (isMigratedSearch) { _lastSearchMigratedId = msgId; } else { _lastSearchId = msgId; } } else { LOG(("API Error: a search results with not message id")); } } if (isMigratedSearch) { _searchedMigratedCount = fullCount; } else { _searchedCount = fullCount; } if (_state == FilteredState && (!_searchResults.isEmpty() || !_searchInMigrated || type == DialogsSearchMigratedFromStart || type == DialogsSearchMigratedFromOffset)) { _state = SearchedState; } refresh(); return lastDateFound != 0; } void DialogsInner::peopleReceived(const QString &query, const QVector &people) { _peopleQuery = query.toLower().trimmed(); _peopleResults.clear(); _peopleResults.reserve(people.size()); for (auto i = people.cbegin(), e = people.cend(); i != e; ++i) { auto peerId = peerFromMTP(*i); if (auto history = App::historyLoaded(peerId)) { if (history->inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All)) { continue; // skip existing chats } } if (auto peer = App::peerLoaded(peerId)) { _peopleResults.push_back(App::peer(peerId)); } else { LOG(("API Error: user %1 was not loaded in DialogsInner::peopleReceived()").arg(peerId)); } } refresh(); } void DialogsInner::contactsReceived(const QVector &contacts) { for (QVector::const_iterator i = contacts.cbegin(), e = contacts.cend(); i != e; ++i) { int32 uid = i->c_contact().vuser_id.v; if (uid == MTP::authedId() && App::self()) { if (App::self()->contact < 1) { App::self()->contact = 1; Notify::userIsContactChanged(App::self()); } } } refresh(); } void DialogsInner::notify_userIsContactChanged(UserData *user, bool fromThisApp) { if (user->loadedStatus != PeerData::FullLoaded) { LOG(("API Error: notify_userIsContactChanged() called for a not loaded user!")); return; } if (user->contact > 0) { auto history = App::history(user->id); contacts->addByName(history); if (auto row = shownDialogs()->getRow(user->id)) { if (fromThisApp) { _sel = row; _importantSwitchSel = false; } } else if (!dialogs->contains(user->id)) { contactsNoDialogs->addByName(history); } } else { if (_sel && _sel->history()->peer == user) { _sel = nullptr; } contactsNoDialogs->del(user); contacts->del(user); } refresh(); } void DialogsInner::notify_historyMuteUpdated(History *history) { if (!importantDialogs || !history->inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All)) return; if (history->mute()) { if (_sel && _sel->history() == history && Global::DialogsMode() == Dialogs::Mode::Important) { _sel = nullptr; } history->removeFromChatList(Dialogs::Mode::Important, importantDialogs.get()); if (Global::DialogsMode() != Dialogs::Mode::Important) { return; } refresh(); } else { bool creating = !history->inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::Important); if (creating) { history->addToChatList(Dialogs::Mode::Important, importantDialogs.get()); } auto changed = history->adjustByPosInChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All, dialogs.get()); if (Global::DialogsMode() != Dialogs::Mode::Important) { return; } int from = dialogsOffset() + changed.movedFrom * st::dialogsRowHeight; int to = dialogsOffset() + changed.movedTo * st::dialogsRowHeight; emit dialogMoved(from, to); if (creating) { refresh(); } else if (_state == DefaultState && changed.movedFrom != changed.movedTo) { update(0, qMin(from, to), fullWidth(), qAbs(from - to) + st::dialogsRowHeight); } } } void DialogsInner::refresh(bool toTop) { int32 h = 0; if (_state == DefaultState) { if (shownDialogs()->isEmpty()) { h = st::noContactsHeight; if (cContactsReceived()) { if (_addContactLnk->isHidden()) _addContactLnk->show(); } else { if (!_addContactLnk->isHidden()) _addContactLnk->hide(); } } else { h = dialogsOffset() + shownDialogs()->size() * st::dialogsRowHeight; if (!_addContactLnk->isHidden()) _addContactLnk->hide(); } } else { if (!_addContactLnk->isHidden()) _addContactLnk->hide(); if (_state == FilteredState) { h = searchedOffset() + (_searchResults.count() * st::dialogsRowHeight) + ((_searchResults.isEmpty() && !_searchInPeer) ? -st::searchedBarHeight : 0); } else if (_state == SearchedState) { h = searchedOffset() + (_searchResults.count() * st::dialogsRowHeight); } } setHeight(h); if (toTop) { emit mustScrollTo(0, 0); loadPeerPhotos(0); } update(); } void DialogsInner::setMouseSel(bool msel, bool toTop) { _selByMouse = msel; if (!_selByMouse && toTop) { if (_state == DefaultState) { _sel = nullptr; _importantSwitchSel = false; } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { // don't select first elem in search _filteredSel = _peopleSel = _searchedSel = _hashtagSel = -1; setCursor(style::cur_default); } } } void DialogsInner::setState(State newState) { _state = newState; if (_state == DefaultState) { clearSearchResults(); _searchedSel = _peopleSel = _filteredSel = _hashtagSel = -1; } else if (_state == DefaultState || _state == SearchedState) { _hashtagResults.clear(); _hashtagSel = -1; _filterResults.clear(); _filteredSel = -1; } onFilterUpdate(_filter, true); } DialogsInner::State DialogsInner::state() const { return _state; } bool DialogsInner::hasFilteredResults() const { return !_filterResults.isEmpty() && _hashtagResults.isEmpty(); } void DialogsInner::searchInPeer(PeerData *peer) { _searchInPeer = peer ? (peer->migrateTo() ? peer->migrateTo() : peer) : nullptr; _searchInMigrated = _searchInPeer ? _searchInPeer->migrateFrom() : nullptr; if (_searchInPeer) { onHashtagFilterUpdate(QStringRef()); _cancelSearchInPeer->show(); } else { _cancelSearchInPeer->hide(); } } void DialogsInner::clearFilter() { if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (_searchInPeer) { _state = FilteredState; } else { _state = DefaultState; } _hashtagResults.clear(); _filterResults.clear(); _peopleResults.clear(); _searchResults.clear(); _lastSearchDate = 0; _lastSearchPeer = 0; _lastSearchId = _lastSearchMigratedId = 0; _filter = QString(); refresh(true); } } void DialogsInner::selectSkip(int32 direction) { if (_state == DefaultState) { if (_importantSwitchSel) { if (!shownDialogs()->isEmpty() && direction > 0) { _sel = *shownDialogs()->cbegin(); _importantSwitchSel = false; } else { return; } } else if (!_sel) { if (importantDialogs) { _importantSwitchSel = true; } else if (!shownDialogs()->isEmpty() && direction > 0) { _sel = *shownDialogs()->cbegin(); } else { return; } } else if (direction > 0) { auto next = shownDialogs()->cfind(_sel); if (++next != shownDialogs()->cend()) { _sel = *next; } } else { auto prev = shownDialogs()->cfind(_sel); if (prev != shownDialogs()->cbegin()) { _sel = *(--prev); } else if (importantDialogs) { _importantSwitchSel = true; _sel = nullptr; } } if (_importantSwitchSel || _sel) { int fromY = _importantSwitchSel ? 0 : (dialogsOffset() + _sel->pos() * st::dialogsRowHeight); emit mustScrollTo(fromY, fromY + st::dialogsRowHeight); } } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (_hashtagResults.isEmpty() && _filterResults.isEmpty() && _peopleResults.isEmpty() && _searchResults.isEmpty()) return; if ((_hashtagSel < 0 || _hashtagSel >= _hashtagResults.size()) && (_filteredSel < 0 || _filteredSel >= _filterResults.size()) && (_peopleSel < 0 || _peopleSel >= _peopleResults.size()) && (_searchedSel < 0 || _searchedSel >= _searchResults.size())) { if (_hashtagResults.isEmpty() && _filterResults.isEmpty() && _peopleResults.isEmpty()) { _searchedSel = 0; } else if (_hashtagResults.isEmpty() && _filterResults.isEmpty()) { _peopleSel = 0; } else if (_hashtagResults.isEmpty()) { _filteredSel = 0; } else { _hashtagSel = 0; } } else { int32 cur = (_hashtagSel >= 0 && _hashtagSel < _hashtagResults.size()) ? _hashtagSel : ((_filteredSel >= 0 && _filteredSel < _filterResults.size()) ? (_hashtagResults.size() + _filteredSel) : ((_peopleSel >= 0 && _peopleSel < _peopleResults.size()) ? (_peopleSel + _filterResults.size() + _hashtagResults.size()) : (_searchedSel + _peopleResults.size() + _filterResults.size() + _hashtagResults.size()))); cur = snap(cur + direction, 0, _hashtagResults.size() + _filterResults.size() + _peopleResults.size() + _searchResults.size() - 1); if (cur < _hashtagResults.size()) { _hashtagSel = cur; _filteredSel = _peopleSel = _searchedSel = -1; } else if (cur < _hashtagResults.size() + _filterResults.size()) { _filteredSel = cur - _hashtagResults.size(); _hashtagSel = _peopleSel = _searchedSel = -1; } else if (cur < _hashtagResults.size() + _filterResults.size() + _peopleResults.size()) { _peopleSel = cur - _hashtagResults.size() - _filterResults.size(); _hashtagSel = _filteredSel = _searchedSel = -1; } else { _hashtagSel = _filteredSel = _peopleSel = -1; _searchedSel = cur - _hashtagResults.size() - _filterResults.size() - _peopleResults.size(); } } if (_hashtagSel >= 0 && _hashtagSel < _hashtagResults.size()) { emit mustScrollTo(_hashtagSel * st::mentionHeight, (_hashtagSel + 1) * st::mentionHeight); } else if (_filteredSel >= 0 && _filteredSel < _filterResults.size()) { emit mustScrollTo(filteredOffset() + _filteredSel * st::dialogsRowHeight, filteredOffset() + (_filteredSel + 1) * st::dialogsRowHeight); } else if (_peopleSel >= 0 && _peopleSel < _peopleResults.size()) { emit mustScrollTo(peopleOffset() + _peopleSel * st::dialogsRowHeight + (_peopleSel ? 0 : -st::searchedBarHeight), peopleOffset() + (_peopleSel + 1) * st::dialogsRowHeight); } else { emit mustScrollTo(searchedOffset() + _searchedSel * st::dialogsRowHeight + (_searchedSel ? 0 : -st::searchedBarHeight), searchedOffset() + (_searchedSel + 1) * st::dialogsRowHeight); } } update(); } void DialogsInner::scrollToPeer(const PeerId &peer, MsgId msgId) { int32 fromY = -1; if (_state == DefaultState) { if (auto row = shownDialogs()->getRow(peer)) { fromY = dialogsOffset() + row->pos() * st::dialogsRowHeight; } } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (msgId) { for (int32 i = 0, c = _searchResults.size(); i < c; ++i) { if (_searchResults[i]->item()->history()->peer->id == peer && _searchResults[i]->item()->id == msgId) { fromY = searchedOffset() + i * st::dialogsRowHeight; break; } } } if (fromY < 0) { for (int32 i = 0, c = _filterResults.size(); i < c; ++i) { if (_filterResults[i]->history()->peer->id == peer) { fromY = filteredOffset() + (i * st::dialogsRowHeight); break; } } } } if (fromY >= 0) { emit mustScrollTo(fromY, fromY + st::dialogsRowHeight); } } void DialogsInner::selectSkipPage(int32 pixels, int32 direction) { int toSkip = pixels / int(st::dialogsRowHeight); if (_state == DefaultState) { if (!_sel) { if (direction > 0 && !shownDialogs()->isEmpty()) { _sel = *shownDialogs()->cbegin(); _importantSwitchSel = false; } else { return; } } if (direction > 0) { for (auto i = shownDialogs()->cfind(_sel), end = shownDialogs()->cend(); i != end && (toSkip--); ++i) { _sel = *i; } } else { for (auto i = shownDialogs()->cfind(_sel), b = shownDialogs()->cbegin(); i != b && (toSkip--);) { _sel = *(--i); } if (toSkip && importantDialogs) { _importantSwitchSel = true; _sel = nullptr; } } if (_importantSwitchSel || _sel) { int fromY = (_importantSwitchSel ? 0 : (dialogsOffset() + _sel->pos() * st::dialogsRowHeight)); emit mustScrollTo(fromY, fromY + st::dialogsRowHeight); } } else { return selectSkip(direction * toSkip); } update(); } void DialogsInner::loadPeerPhotos(int32 yFrom) { if (!parentWidget()) return; int32 yTo = yFrom + parentWidget()->height() * 5; MTP::clearLoaderPriorities(); if (_state == DefaultState) { int32 otherStart = shownDialogs()->size() * st::dialogsRowHeight; if (yFrom < otherStart) { for (auto i = shownDialogs()->cfind(yFrom, st::dialogsRowHeight), end = shownDialogs()->cend(); i != end; ++i) { if (((*i)->pos() * st::dialogsRowHeight) >= yTo) { break; } (*i)->history()->peer->loadUserpic(); } yFrom = 0; } else { yFrom -= otherStart; } yTo -= otherStart; } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { int32 from = (yFrom - filteredOffset()) / st::dialogsRowHeight; if (from < 0) from = 0; if (from < _filterResults.size()) { int32 to = (yTo / int32(st::dialogsRowHeight)) + 1, w = width(); if (to > _filterResults.size()) to = _filterResults.size(); for (; from < to; ++from) { _filterResults[from]->history()->peer->loadUserpic(); } } from = (yFrom > filteredOffset() + st::searchedBarHeight ? ((yFrom - filteredOffset() - st::searchedBarHeight) / int32(st::dialogsRowHeight)) : 0) - _filterResults.size(); if (from < 0) from = 0; if (from < _peopleResults.size()) { int32 to = (yTo > filteredOffset() + st::searchedBarHeight ? ((yTo - filteredOffset() - st::searchedBarHeight) / int32(st::dialogsRowHeight)) : 0) - _filterResults.size() + 1, w = width(); if (to > _peopleResults.size()) to = _peopleResults.size(); for (; from < to; ++from) { _peopleResults[from]->loadUserpic(); } } from = (yFrom > filteredOffset() + ((_peopleResults.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight) + st::searchedBarHeight) ? ((yFrom - filteredOffset() - (_peopleResults.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight) - st::searchedBarHeight) / int32(st::dialogsRowHeight)) : 0) - _filterResults.size() - _peopleResults.size(); if (from < 0) from = 0; if (from < _searchResults.size()) { int32 to = (yTo > filteredOffset() + (_peopleResults.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight) + st::searchedBarHeight ? ((yTo - filteredOffset() - (_peopleResults.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight) - st::searchedBarHeight) / int32(st::dialogsRowHeight)) : 0) - _filterResults.size() - _peopleResults.size() + 1, w = width(); if (to > _searchResults.size()) to = _searchResults.size(); for (; from < to; ++from) { _searchResults[from]->item()->history()->peer->loadUserpic(); } } } } bool DialogsInner::choosePeer() { History *history = nullptr; MsgId msgId = ShowAtUnreadMsgId; if (_state == DefaultState) { if (_importantSwitchSel && importantDialogs) { clearSelection(); if (Global::DialogsMode() == Dialogs::Mode::All) { Global::SetDialogsMode(Dialogs::Mode::Important); } else { Global::SetDialogsMode(Dialogs::Mode::All); } Local::writeUserSettings(); refresh(); _importantSwitchSel = true; return true; } else if (_sel) { history = _sel->history(); } } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (_hashtagSel >= 0 && _hashtagSel < _hashtagResults.size()) { QString hashtag = _hashtagResults.at(_hashtagSel); if (_overDelete) { lastMousePos = QCursor::pos(); RecentHashtagPack recent(cRecentSearchHashtags()); for (RecentHashtagPack::iterator i = recent.begin(); i != recent.cend();) { if (i->first == hashtag) { i = recent.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } cSetRecentSearchHashtags(recent); Local::writeRecentHashtagsAndBots(); emit refreshHashtags(); _selByMouse = true; onUpdateSelected(true); } else { saveRecentHashtags('#' + hashtag); emit completeHashtag(hashtag); } return true; } if (_filteredSel >= 0 && _filteredSel < _filterResults.size()) { history = _filterResults[_filteredSel]->history(); } else if (_peopleSel >= 0 && _peopleSel < _peopleResults.size()) { history = App::history(_peopleResults[_peopleSel]->id); } else if (_searchedSel >= 0 && _searchedSel < _searchResults.size()) { history = _searchResults[_searchedSel]->item()->history(); msgId = _searchResults[_searchedSel]->item()->id; } } if (history) { if (msgId > 0) { saveRecentHashtags(_filter); } bool chosen = (!App::main()->selectingPeer(true) && (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) && _filteredSel >= 0 && _filteredSel < _filterResults.size()); App::main()->choosePeer(history->peer->id, msgId); if (chosen) { emit searchResultChosen(); } updateSelectedRow(); _sel = nullptr; _filteredSel = _peopleSel = _searchedSel = _hashtagSel = -1; return true; } return false; } void DialogsInner::saveRecentHashtags(const QString &text) { bool found = false; QRegularExpressionMatch m; RecentHashtagPack recent(cRecentSearchHashtags()); for (int32 i = 0, next = 0; (m = reHashtag().match(text, i)).hasMatch(); i = next) { i = m.capturedStart(); next = m.capturedEnd(); if (m.hasMatch()) { if (!m.capturedRef(1).isEmpty()) { ++i; } if (!m.capturedRef(2).isEmpty()) { --next; } } if (!found && cRecentWriteHashtags().isEmpty() && cRecentSearchHashtags().isEmpty()) { Local::readRecentHashtagsAndBots(); recent = cRecentSearchHashtags(); } found = true; incrementRecentHashtag(recent, text.mid(i + 1, next - i - 1)); } if (found) { cSetRecentSearchHashtags(recent); Local::writeRecentHashtagsAndBots(); } } void DialogsInner::destroyData() { _sel = nullptr; _hashtagSel = -1; _hashtagResults.clear(); _filteredSel = -1; _filterResults.clear(); _filter.clear(); _searchedSel = _peopleSel = -1; clearSearchResults(); contacts = nullptr; contactsNoDialogs = nullptr; dialogs = nullptr; if (importantDialogs) { importantDialogs = nullptr; } } void DialogsInner::peerBefore(const PeerData *inPeer, MsgId inMsg, PeerData *&outPeer, MsgId &outMsg) const { if (!inPeer) { outPeer = nullptr; outMsg = 0; return; } if (_state == DefaultState) { if (auto row = shownDialogs()->getRow(inPeer->id)) { auto i = shownDialogs()->cfind(row); if (i != shownDialogs()->cbegin()) { outPeer = (*(--i))->history()->peer; outMsg = ShowAtUnreadMsgId; return; } } outPeer = nullptr; outMsg = 0; return; } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (inMsg && !_searchResults.isEmpty()) { for (SearchResults::const_iterator b = _searchResults.cbegin(), i = b + 1, e = _searchResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->item()->history()->peer == inPeer && (*i)->item()->id == inMsg) { SearchResults::const_iterator j = i - 1; outPeer = (*j)->item()->history()->peer; outMsg = (*j)->item()->id; return; } } if (_searchResults.at(0)->item()->history()->peer == inPeer && _searchResults.at(0)->item()->id == inMsg) { outMsg = ShowAtUnreadMsgId; if (_peopleResults.isEmpty()) { if (_filterResults.isEmpty()) { outPeer = nullptr; } else { outPeer = _filterResults.back()->history()->peer; } } else { outPeer = _peopleResults.back(); } return; } } if (!_peopleResults.isEmpty() && _peopleResults.at(0) == inPeer) { outPeer = _filterResults.isEmpty() ? 0 : _filterResults.back()->history()->peer; outMsg = ShowAtUnreadMsgId; return; } if (!_peopleResults.isEmpty()) { for (PeopleResults::const_iterator b = _peopleResults.cbegin(), i = b + 1, e = _peopleResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i) == inPeer) { outPeer = (*(i - 1)); outMsg = ShowAtUnreadMsgId; return; } } } if (_filterResults.isEmpty() || _filterResults.at(0)->history()->peer == inPeer) { outPeer = nullptr; outMsg = 0; return; } for (FilteredDialogs::const_iterator b = _filterResults.cbegin(), i = b + 1, e = _filterResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->history()->peer == inPeer) { outPeer = (*(i - 1))->history()->peer; outMsg = ShowAtUnreadMsgId; return; } } } outPeer = nullptr; outMsg = 0; } void DialogsInner::peerAfter(const PeerData *inPeer, MsgId inMsg, PeerData *&outPeer, MsgId &outMsg) const { if (!inPeer) { outPeer = nullptr; outMsg = 0; return; } if (_state == DefaultState) { if (auto row = shownDialogs()->getRow(inPeer->id)) { auto i = shownDialogs()->cfind(row) + 1; if (i != shownDialogs()->cend()) { outPeer = (*i)->history()->peer; outMsg = ShowAtUnreadMsgId; return; } } outPeer = nullptr; outMsg = 0; return; } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (inMsg) { for (SearchResults::const_iterator i = _searchResults.cbegin(), e = _searchResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->item()->history()->peer == inPeer && (*i)->item()->id == inMsg) { ++i; outPeer = (i == e) ? nullptr : (*i)->item()->history()->peer; outMsg = (i == e) ? 0 : (*i)->item()->id; return; } } } for (PeopleResults::const_iterator i = _peopleResults.cbegin(), e = _peopleResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i) == inPeer) { ++i; if (i == e && !_searchResults.isEmpty()) { outPeer = _searchResults.front()->item()->history()->peer; outMsg = _searchResults.front()->item()->id; } else { outPeer = (i == e) ? nullptr : (*i); outMsg = ShowAtUnreadMsgId; } return; } } for (FilteredDialogs::const_iterator i = _filterResults.cbegin(), e = _filterResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->history()->peer == inPeer) { ++i; if (i == e && !_peopleResults.isEmpty()) { outPeer = _peopleResults.front(); outMsg = ShowAtUnreadMsgId; } else if (i == e && !_searchResults.isEmpty()) { outPeer = _searchResults.front()->item()->history()->peer; outMsg = _searchResults.front()->item()->id; } else { outPeer = (i == e) ? nullptr : (*i)->history()->peer; outMsg = ShowAtUnreadMsgId; } return; } } } outPeer = nullptr; outMsg = 0; } Dialogs::IndexedList *DialogsInner::contactsList() { return contacts.get(); } Dialogs::IndexedList *DialogsInner::dialogsList() { return dialogs.get(); } DialogsInner::FilteredDialogs &DialogsInner::filteredList() { return _filterResults; } DialogsInner::PeopleResults &DialogsInner::peopleList() { return _peopleResults; } DialogsInner::SearchResults &DialogsInner::searchList() { return _searchResults; } int32 DialogsInner::lastSearchDate() const { return _lastSearchDate; } PeerData *DialogsInner::lastSearchPeer() const { return _lastSearchPeer; } MsgId DialogsInner::lastSearchId() const { return _lastSearchId; } MsgId DialogsInner::lastSearchMigratedId() const { return _lastSearchMigratedId; } DialogsWidget::DialogsWidget(QWidget *parent) : TWidget(parent) , _mainMenuToggle(this, st::dialogsMenuToggle) , _filter(this, st::dialogsFilter, lang(lng_dlg_filter)) , _cancelSearch(this, st::dialogsCancelSearch) , _lockUnlock(this, st::dialogsLock) , _scroll(this, st::dialogsScroll) , _inner(this, parent) , _a_show(animation(this, &DialogsWidget::step_show)) { _scroll->setOwnedWidget(_inner); connect(_inner, SIGNAL(mustScrollTo(int,int)), _scroll, SLOT(scrollToY(int,int))); connect(_inner, SIGNAL(dialogMoved(int,int)), this, SLOT(onDialogMoved(int,int))); connect(_inner, SIGNAL(searchMessages()), this, SLOT(onNeedSearchMessages())); connect(_inner, SIGNAL(searchResultChosen()), this, SLOT(onCancel())); connect(_inner, SIGNAL(completeHashtag(QString)), this, SLOT(onCompleteHashtag(QString))); connect(_inner, SIGNAL(refreshHashtags()), this, SLOT(onFilterCursorMoved())); connect(_inner, SIGNAL(cancelSearchInPeer()), this, SLOT(onCancelSearchInPeer())); connect(_scroll, SIGNAL(geometryChanged()), _inner, SLOT(onParentGeometryChanged())); connect(_scroll, SIGNAL(scrolled()), this, SLOT(onListScroll())); connect(_filter, SIGNAL(cancelled()), this, SLOT(onCancel())); connect(_filter, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(onFilterUpdate())); connect(_filter, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged(int,int)), this, SLOT(onFilterCursorMoved(int,int))); #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE Sandbox::connect(SIGNAL(updateLatest()), this, SLOT(onCheckUpdateStatus())); Sandbox::connect(SIGNAL(updateFailed()), this, SLOT(onCheckUpdateStatus())); Sandbox::connect(SIGNAL(updateReady()), this, SLOT(onCheckUpdateStatus())); onCheckUpdateStatus(); #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE subscribe(Adaptive::Changed(), [this] { updateForwardBar(); }); _cancelSearch->setClickedCallback([this] { onCancelSearch(); }); _lockUnlock->setVisible(Global::LocalPasscode()); subscribe(Global::RefLocalPasscodeChanged(), [this] { updateLockUnlockVisibility(); }); _lockUnlock->setClickedCallback([this] { _lockUnlock->setIcon(&st::dialogsUnlockIcon, &st::dialogsUnlockIconOver); App::wnd()->setupPasscode(); _lockUnlock->setIcon(nullptr); }); _mainMenuToggle->setClickedCallback([this] { showMainMenu(); }); _chooseByDragTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_chooseByDragTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onChooseByDrag())); setAcceptDrops(true); _searchTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_searchTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onSearchMessages())); _filter->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); _filter->customUpDown(true); _cancelSearch->hide(); } #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE void DialogsWidget::onCheckUpdateStatus() { if (Sandbox::updatingState() == Application::UpdatingReady) { if (_updateTelegram) return; _updateTelegram.create(this, lang(lng_update_telegram).toUpper(), st::dialogsUpdateButton); _updateTelegram->show(); _updateTelegram->setClickedCallback([] { checkReadyUpdate(); App::restart(); }); } else { if (!_updateTelegram) return; _updateTelegram.destroy(); } updateControlsGeometry(); } #endif // TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE void DialogsWidget::activate() { _filter->setFocus(); _inner->activate(); } void DialogsWidget::createDialog(History *history) { auto creating = !history->inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All); _inner->createDialog(history); if (creating && history->peer->migrateFrom()) { if (auto migrated = App::historyLoaded(history->peer->migrateFrom()->id)) { if (migrated->inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All)) { removeDialog(migrated); } } } } void DialogsWidget::dlgUpdated(Dialogs::Mode list, Dialogs::Row *row) { _inner->dlgUpdated(list, row); } void DialogsWidget::dlgUpdated(History *row, MsgId msgId) { _inner->dlgUpdated(row, msgId); } void DialogsWidget::dialogsToUp() { if (_filter->getLastText().trimmed().isEmpty()) { _scroll->scrollToY(0); } } void DialogsWidget::showFast() { show(); updateForwardBar(); } void DialogsWidget::showAnimated(Window::SlideDirection direction, const Window::SectionSlideParams ¶ms) { if (App::app()) App::app()->mtpPause(); _cacheUnder = params.oldContentCache; show(); updateForwardBar(); _cacheOver = App::main()->grabForShowAnimation(params); _a_show.stop(); _scroll->hide(); _mainMenuToggle->hide(); if (_forwardCancel) _forwardCancel->hide(); _filter->hide(); _cancelSearch->hide(); _lockUnlock->hide(); int delta = st::slideShift; if (direction == Window::SlideDirection::FromLeft) { a_progress = anim::fvalue(1, 0); std::swap(_cacheUnder, _cacheOver); a_coordUnder = anim::ivalue(-delta, 0); a_coordOver = anim::ivalue(0, width()); } else { a_progress = anim::fvalue(0, 1); a_coordUnder = anim::ivalue(0, -delta); a_coordOver = anim::ivalue(width(), 0); } _a_show.start(); } void DialogsWidget::step_show(float64 ms, bool timer) { float64 dt = ms / st::slideDuration; if (dt >= 1) { _a_show.stop(); a_coordUnder.finish(); a_coordOver.finish(); a_progress.finish(); _cacheUnder = _cacheOver = QPixmap(); _scroll->show(); _mainMenuToggle->show(); if (_forwardCancel) _forwardCancel->show(); _filter->show(); updateLockUnlockVisibility(); _a_show.stop(); onFilterUpdate(); if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->setInnerFocus(); if (App::app()) App::app()->mtpUnpause(); } else { a_coordUnder.update(dt, Window::SlideAnimation::transition()); a_coordOver.update(dt, Window::SlideAnimation::transition()); a_progress.update(dt, Window::SlideAnimation::transition()); } if (timer) update(); } void DialogsWidget::onCancel() { if (!onCancelSearch() || (!_searchInPeer && !App::main()->selectingPeer())) { emit cancelled(); } } void DialogsWidget::notify_userIsContactChanged(UserData *user, bool fromThisApp) { if (fromThisApp) { _filter->setText(QString()); _filter->updatePlaceholder(); onFilterUpdate(); } _inner->notify_userIsContactChanged(user, fromThisApp); } void DialogsWidget::notify_historyMuteUpdated(History *history) { _inner->notify_historyMuteUpdated(history); } void DialogsWidget::unreadCountsReceived(const QVector &dialogs) { } void DialogsWidget::dialogsReceived(const MTPmessages_Dialogs &dialogs, mtpRequestId req) { if (_dialogsRequest != req) return; const QVector *dialogsList = 0; const QVector *messagesList = 0; switch (dialogs.type()) { case mtpc_messages_dialogs: { const auto &data(dialogs.c_messages_dialogs()); App::feedUsers(data.vusers); App::feedChats(data.vchats); messagesList = &data.vmessages.c_vector().v; dialogsList = &data.vdialogs.c_vector().v; _dialogsFull = true; } break; case mtpc_messages_dialogsSlice: { const auto &data(dialogs.c_messages_dialogsSlice()); App::feedUsers(data.vusers); App::feedChats(data.vchats); messagesList = &data.vmessages.c_vector().v; dialogsList = &data.vdialogs.c_vector().v; } break; } if (!_contactsRequest) { _contactsRequest = MTP::send(MTPcontacts_GetContacts(MTP_string("")), rpcDone(&DialogsWidget::contactsReceived), rpcFail(&DialogsWidget::contactsFailed)); } if (messagesList) { App::feedMsgs(*messagesList, NewMessageLast); } if (dialogsList) { unreadCountsReceived(*dialogsList); _inner->dialogsReceived(*dialogsList); onListScroll(); TimeId lastDate = 0; PeerId lastPeer = 0; MsgId lastMsgId = 0; for (int i = dialogsList->size(); i > 0;) { auto &dialog = dialogsList->at(--i); if (dialog.type() != mtpc_dialog) { continue; } if (auto peer = peerFromMTP(dialog.c_dialog().vpeer)) { if (!lastPeer) lastPeer = peer; if (auto msgId = dialog.c_dialog().vtop_message.v) { if (!lastMsgId) lastMsgId = msgId; for (int j = messagesList->size(); j > 0;) { auto &message = messagesList->at(--j); if (idFromMessage(message) == msgId && peerFromMessage(message) == peer) { if (auto date = dateFromMessage(message)) { lastDate = date; } break; } } if (lastDate) break; } } } if (lastDate) { _dialogsOffsetDate = lastDate; _dialogsOffsetId = lastMsgId; _dialogsOffsetPeer = App::peer(lastPeer); } else { _dialogsFull = true; } } else { _dialogsFull = true; } _dialogsRequest = 0; loadDialogs(); } bool DialogsWidget::dialogsFailed(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; LOG(("RPC Error: %1 %2: %3").arg(error.code()).arg(error.type()).arg(error.description())); if (_dialogsRequest == req) { _dialogsRequest = 0; } return true; } bool DialogsWidget::onSearchMessages(bool searchCache) { QString q = _filter->getLastText().trimmed(); if (q.isEmpty()) { if (_searchRequest) { MTP::cancel(_searchRequest); _searchRequest = 0; } if (_peopleRequest) { MTP::cancel(_peopleRequest); _peopleRequest = 0; } return true; } if (searchCache) { SearchCache::const_iterator i = _searchCache.constFind(q); if (i != _searchCache.cend()) { _searchQuery = q; _searchFull = _searchFullMigrated = false; if (_searchRequest) { MTP::cancel(_searchRequest); _searchRequest = 0; } searchReceived(_searchInPeer ? DialogsSearchPeerFromStart : DialogsSearchFromStart, i.value(), 0); return true; } } else if (_searchQuery != q) { _searchQuery = q; _searchFull = _searchFullMigrated = false; if (_searchRequest) { MTP::cancel(_searchRequest); } if (_searchInPeer) { MTPmessages_Search::Flags flags = 0; _searchRequest = MTP::send(MTPmessages_Search(MTP_flags(flags), _searchInPeer->input, MTP_string(_searchQuery), MTP_inputMessagesFilterEmpty(), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(SearchPerPage)), rpcDone(&DialogsWidget::searchReceived, DialogsSearchPeerFromStart), rpcFail(&DialogsWidget::searchFailed, DialogsSearchPeerFromStart)); } else { _searchRequest = MTP::send(MTPmessages_SearchGlobal(MTP_string(_searchQuery), MTP_int(0), MTP_inputPeerEmpty(), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(SearchPerPage)), rpcDone(&DialogsWidget::searchReceived, DialogsSearchFromStart), rpcFail(&DialogsWidget::searchFailed, DialogsSearchFromStart)); } _searchQueries.insert(_searchRequest, _searchQuery); } if (!_searchInPeer && q.size() >= MinUsernameLength) { if (searchCache) { auto i = _peopleCache.constFind(q); if (i != _peopleCache.cend()) { _peopleQuery = q; _peopleRequest = 0; peopleReceived(i.value(), 0); return true; } } else if (_peopleQuery != q) { _peopleQuery = q; _peopleFull = false; _peopleRequest = MTP::send(MTPcontacts_Search(MTP_string(_peopleQuery), MTP_int(SearchPeopleLimit)), rpcDone(&DialogsWidget::peopleReceived), rpcFail(&DialogsWidget::peopleFailed)); _peopleQueries.insert(_peopleRequest, _peopleQuery); } } return false; } void DialogsWidget::onNeedSearchMessages() { if (!onSearchMessages(true)) { _searchTimer.start(AutoSearchTimeout); } } void DialogsWidget::onChooseByDrag() { _inner->choosePeer(); } void DialogsWidget::showMainMenu() { App::wnd()->showMainMenu(); } void DialogsWidget::searchMessages(const QString &query, PeerData *inPeer) { if ((_filter->getLastText() != query) || (inPeer && inPeer != _searchInPeer && inPeer->migrateTo() != _searchInPeer)) { if (inPeer) { onCancelSearch(); setSearchInPeer(inPeer); } _filter->setText(query); _filter->updatePlaceholder(); onFilterUpdate(true); _searchTimer.stop(); onSearchMessages(); _inner->saveRecentHashtags(query); } } void DialogsWidget::onSearchMore() { if (!_searchRequest) { if (!_searchFull) { int32 offsetDate = _inner->lastSearchDate(); PeerData *offsetPeer = _inner->lastSearchPeer(); MsgId offsetId = _inner->lastSearchId(); if (_searchInPeer) { MTPmessages_Search::Flags flags = 0; _searchRequest = MTP::send(MTPmessages_Search(MTP_flags(flags), _searchInPeer->input, MTP_string(_searchQuery), MTP_inputMessagesFilterEmpty(), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(offsetId), MTP_int(SearchPerPage)), rpcDone(&DialogsWidget::searchReceived, offsetId ? DialogsSearchPeerFromOffset : DialogsSearchPeerFromStart), rpcFail(&DialogsWidget::searchFailed, offsetId ? DialogsSearchPeerFromOffset : DialogsSearchPeerFromStart)); } else { _searchRequest = MTP::send(MTPmessages_SearchGlobal(MTP_string(_searchQuery), MTP_int(offsetDate), offsetPeer ? offsetPeer->input : MTP_inputPeerEmpty(), MTP_int(offsetId), MTP_int(SearchPerPage)), rpcDone(&DialogsWidget::searchReceived, offsetId ? DialogsSearchFromOffset : DialogsSearchFromStart), rpcFail(&DialogsWidget::searchFailed, offsetId ? DialogsSearchFromOffset : DialogsSearchFromStart)); } if (!offsetId) { _searchQueries.insert(_searchRequest, _searchQuery); } } else if (_searchInMigrated && !_searchFullMigrated) { MsgId offsetMigratedId = _inner->lastSearchMigratedId(); MTPmessages_Search::Flags flags = 0; _searchRequest = MTP::send(MTPmessages_Search(MTP_flags(flags), _searchInMigrated->input, MTP_string(_searchQuery), MTP_inputMessagesFilterEmpty(), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(offsetMigratedId), MTP_int(SearchPerPage)), rpcDone(&DialogsWidget::searchReceived, offsetMigratedId ? DialogsSearchMigratedFromOffset : DialogsSearchMigratedFromStart), rpcFail(&DialogsWidget::searchFailed, offsetMigratedId ? DialogsSearchMigratedFromOffset : DialogsSearchMigratedFromStart)); } } } void DialogsWidget::loadDialogs() { if (_dialogsRequest) return; if (_dialogsFull) { _inner->addAllSavedPeers(); cSetDialogsReceived(true); return; } int32 loadCount = _dialogsOffsetDate ? DialogsPerPage : DialogsFirstLoad; _dialogsRequest = MTP::send(MTPmessages_GetDialogs(MTP_int(_dialogsOffsetDate), MTP_int(_dialogsOffsetId), _dialogsOffsetPeer ? _dialogsOffsetPeer->input : MTP_inputPeerEmpty(), MTP_int(loadCount)), rpcDone(&DialogsWidget::dialogsReceived), rpcFail(&DialogsWidget::dialogsFailed)); } void DialogsWidget::contactsReceived(const MTPcontacts_Contacts &contacts) { cSetContactsReceived(true); if (contacts.type() == mtpc_contacts_contacts) { const auto &d(contacts.c_contacts_contacts()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); _inner->contactsReceived(d.vcontacts.c_vector().v); } if (App::main()) App::main()->contactsReceived(); } bool DialogsWidget::contactsFailed(const RPCError &error) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; return true; } void DialogsWidget::searchReceived(DialogsSearchRequestType type, const MTPmessages_Messages &result, mtpRequestId req) { if (_inner->state() == DialogsInner::FilteredState || _inner->state() == DialogsInner::SearchedState) { if (type == DialogsSearchFromStart || type == DialogsSearchPeerFromStart) { SearchQueries::iterator i = _searchQueries.find(req); if (i != _searchQueries.cend()) { _searchCache[i.value()] = result; _searchQueries.erase(i); } } } if (_searchRequest == req) { switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_messages: { auto &d(result.c_messages_messages()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); auto &msgs(d.vmessages.c_vector().v); if (!_inner->searchReceived(msgs, type, msgs.size())) { if (type == DialogsSearchMigratedFromStart || type == DialogsSearchMigratedFromOffset) { _searchFullMigrated = true; } else { _searchFull = true; } } } break; case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: { auto &d(result.c_messages_messagesSlice()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); auto &msgs(d.vmessages.c_vector().v); if (!_inner->searchReceived(msgs, type, d.vcount.v)) { if (type == DialogsSearchMigratedFromStart || type == DialogsSearchMigratedFromOffset) { _searchFullMigrated = true; } else { _searchFull = true; } } } break; case mtpc_messages_channelMessages: { auto &d(result.c_messages_channelMessages()); if (_searchInPeer && _searchInPeer->isChannel()) { _searchInPeer->asChannel()->ptsReceived(d.vpts.v); } else { LOG(("API Error: received messages.channelMessages when no channel was passed! (DialogsWidget::searchReceived)")); } App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); auto &msgs(d.vmessages.c_vector().v); if (!_inner->searchReceived(msgs, type, d.vcount.v)) { if (type == DialogsSearchMigratedFromStart || type == DialogsSearchMigratedFromOffset) { _searchFullMigrated = true; } else { _searchFull = true; } } } break; } _searchRequest = 0; onListScroll(); update(); } } void DialogsWidget::peopleReceived(const MTPcontacts_Found &result, mtpRequestId req) { auto q = _peopleQuery; if (_inner->state() == DialogsInner::FilteredState || _inner->state() == DialogsInner::SearchedState) { auto i = _peopleQueries.find(req); if (i != _peopleQueries.cend()) { q = i.value(); _peopleCache[q] = result; _peopleQueries.erase(i); } } if (_peopleRequest == req) { switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_contacts_found: { auto &d = result.c_contacts_found(); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); _inner->peopleReceived(q, d.vresults.c_vector().v); } break; } _peopleRequest = 0; onListScroll(); } } bool DialogsWidget::searchFailed(DialogsSearchRequestType type, const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (_searchRequest == req) { _searchRequest = 0; if (type == DialogsSearchMigratedFromStart || type == DialogsSearchMigratedFromOffset) { _searchFullMigrated = true; } else { _searchFull = true; } } return true; } bool DialogsWidget::peopleFailed(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) { if (MTP::isDefaultHandledError(error)) return false; if (_peopleRequest == req) { _peopleRequest = 0; _peopleFull = true; } return true; } void DialogsWidget::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e) { if (App::main()->selectingPeer()) return; _dragInScroll = false; _dragForward = e->mimeData()->hasFormat(qsl("application/x-td-forward-selected")); if (!_dragForward) _dragForward = e->mimeData()->hasFormat(qsl("application/x-td-forward-pressed-link")); if (!_dragForward) _dragForward = e->mimeData()->hasFormat(qsl("application/x-td-forward-pressed")); if (_dragForward && Adaptive::OneColumn()) _dragForward = false; if (_dragForward) { e->setDropAction(Qt::CopyAction); e->accept(); updateDragInScroll(_scroll->geometry().contains(e->pos())); } else if (App::main() && App::main()->getDragState(e->mimeData()) != DragStateNone) { e->setDropAction(Qt::CopyAction); e->accept(); } _chooseByDragTimer.stop(); } void DialogsWidget::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *e) { if (_scroll->geometry().contains(e->pos())) { if (_dragForward) { updateDragInScroll(true); } else { _chooseByDragTimer.start(ChoosePeerByDragTimeout); } PeerData *p = _inner->updateFromParentDrag(mapToGlobal(e->pos())); if (p) { e->setDropAction(Qt::CopyAction); } else { e->setDropAction(Qt::IgnoreAction); } } else { if (_dragForward) updateDragInScroll(false); _inner->leaveEvent(0); e->setDropAction(Qt::IgnoreAction); } e->accept(); } void DialogsWidget::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *e) { if (_dragForward) { updateDragInScroll(false); } else { _chooseByDragTimer.stop(); } _inner->leaveEvent(0); e->accept(); } void DialogsWidget::updateDragInScroll(bool inScroll) { if (_dragInScroll != inScroll) { _dragInScroll = inScroll; if (_dragInScroll) { App::main()->forwardLayer(1); } else { App::main()->dialogsCancelled(); } } } void DialogsWidget::dropEvent(QDropEvent *e) { _chooseByDragTimer.stop(); if (_scroll->geometry().contains(e->pos())) { PeerData *p = _inner->updateFromParentDrag(mapToGlobal(e->pos())); if (p) { e->acceptProposedAction(); App::main()->onFilesOrForwardDrop(p->id, e->mimeData()); } } } void DialogsWidget::onListScroll() { // if (!App::self()) return; _inner->loadPeerPhotos(_scroll->scrollTop()); if (_inner->state() == DialogsInner::SearchedState || (_inner->state() == DialogsInner::FilteredState && _searchInMigrated && _searchFull && !_searchFullMigrated)) { if (_scroll->scrollTop() > (_inner->searchList().size() + _inner->filteredList().size() + _inner->peopleList().size()) * st::dialogsRowHeight - PreloadHeightsCount * _scroll->height()) { onSearchMore(); } } else if (_scroll->scrollTop() > _inner->dialogsList()->size() * st::dialogsRowHeight - PreloadHeightsCount * _scroll->height()) { loadDialogs(); } } void DialogsWidget::onFilterUpdate(bool force) { if (_a_show.animating() && !force) return; QString filterText = _filter->getLastText(); _inner->onFilterUpdate(filterText, force); if (filterText.isEmpty()) { _searchCache.clear(); _searchQueries.clear(); _searchQuery = QString(); _cancelSearch->hide(); } else if (_cancelSearch->isHidden()) { _cancelSearch->show(); } if (filterText.size() < MinUsernameLength) { _peopleCache.clear(); _peopleQueries.clear(); _peopleQuery = QString(); } } void DialogsWidget::searchInPeer(PeerData *peer) { onCancelSearch(); setSearchInPeer(peer); onFilterUpdate(true); } void DialogsWidget::setSearchInPeer(PeerData *peer) { auto newSearchInPeer = peer ? (peer->migrateTo() ? peer->migrateTo() : peer) : nullptr; _searchInMigrated = newSearchInPeer ? newSearchInPeer->migrateFrom() : nullptr; if (newSearchInPeer != _searchInPeer) { _searchInPeer = newSearchInPeer; App::main()->searchInPeerChanged().notify(_searchInPeer, true); } _inner->searchInPeer(_searchInPeer); } void DialogsWidget::onFilterCursorMoved(int from, int to) { if (to < 0) to = _filter->cursorPosition(); QString t = _filter->getLastText(); QStringRef r; for (int start = to; start > 0;) { --start; if (t.size() <= start) break; if (t.at(start) == '#') { r = t.midRef(start, to - start); break; } if (!t.at(start).isLetterOrNumber() && t.at(start) != '_') break; } _inner->onHashtagFilterUpdate(r); } void DialogsWidget::onCompleteHashtag(QString tag) { QString t = _filter->getLastText(), r; int cur = _filter->cursorPosition(); for (int start = cur; start > 0;) { --start; if (t.size() <= start) break; if (t.at(start) == '#') { if (cur == start + 1 || t.midRef(start + 1, cur - start - 1) == tag.midRef(0, cur - start - 1)) { for (; cur < t.size() && cur - start - 1 < tag.size(); ++cur) { if (t.at(cur) != tag.at(cur - start - 1)) break; } if (cur - start - 1 == tag.size() && cur < t.size() && t.at(cur) == ' ') ++cur; r = t.mid(0, start + 1) + tag + ' ' + t.mid(cur); _filter->setText(r); _filter->setCursorPosition(start + 1 + tag.size() + 1); onFilterUpdate(true); return; } break; } if (!t.at(start).isLetterOrNumber() && t.at(start) != '_') break; } _filter->setText(t.mid(0, cur) + '#' + tag + ' ' + t.mid(cur)); _filter->setCursorPosition(cur + 1 + tag.size() + 1); onFilterUpdate(true); } void DialogsWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { updateControlsGeometry(); } void DialogsWidget::updateLockUnlockVisibility() { if (!_a_show.animating()) { _lockUnlock->setVisible(Global::LocalPasscode()); } updateControlsGeometry(); } void DialogsWidget::updateControlsGeometry() { auto filterAreaTop = 0; if (_forwardCancel) { _forwardCancel->moveToLeft(0, filterAreaTop); filterAreaTop += st::dialogsForwardHeight; } auto filterLeft = st::dialogsFilterPadding.x() + _mainMenuToggle->width() + st::dialogsFilterPadding.x(); auto filterRight = (Global::LocalPasscode() ? (st::dialogsFilterPadding.x() + _lockUnlock->width()) : st::dialogsFilterSkip) + st::dialogsFilterPadding.x(); auto filterWidth = width() - filterLeft - filterRight; auto filterAreaHeight = st::dialogsFilterPadding.y() + _mainMenuToggle->height() + st::dialogsFilterPadding.y(); auto filterTop = filterAreaTop + (filterAreaHeight - _filter->height()) / 2; _filter->setGeometryToLeft(filterLeft, filterTop, filterWidth, _filter->height()); _mainMenuToggle->moveToLeft(st::dialogsFilterPadding.x(), filterAreaTop + st::dialogsFilterPadding.y()); _lockUnlock->moveToRight(st::dialogsFilterPadding.x(), filterAreaTop + st::dialogsFilterPadding.y()); _cancelSearch->moveToLeft(filterLeft + filterWidth - _cancelSearch->width(), _filter->y()); auto scrollTop = filterAreaTop + filterAreaHeight; auto addToScroll = App::main() ? App::main()->contentScrollAddToY() : 0; auto newScrollTop = _scroll->scrollTop() + addToScroll; auto scrollHeight = height() - scrollTop; if (_updateTelegram) { auto updateHeight = _updateTelegram->height(); _updateTelegram->setGeometry(0, height() - updateHeight, width(), updateHeight); scrollHeight -= updateHeight; } else { scrollHeight -= st::dialogsPadding.y(); } _scroll->setGeometry(0, scrollTop, width(), scrollHeight); if (addToScroll) { _scroll->scrollToY(newScrollTop); } else { onListScroll(); } } void DialogsWidget::updateForwardBar() { auto selecting = App::main()->selectingPeer(); auto oneColumnSelecting = (Adaptive::OneColumn() && selecting); if (!oneColumnSelecting == !_forwardCancel) { return; } if (oneColumnSelecting) { _forwardCancel.create(this, st::dialogsForwardCancel); _forwardCancel->setClickedCallback([] { Global::RefPeerChooseCancel().notify(true); }); if (!_a_show.animating()) _forwardCancel->show(); } else { _forwardCancel.destroyDelayed(); } updateControlsGeometry(); update(); } void DialogsWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { e->ignore(); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Return || e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter) { if (!_inner->choosePeer()) { if (_inner->state() == DialogsInner::DefaultState || _inner->state() == DialogsInner::SearchedState || (_inner->state() == DialogsInner::FilteredState && _inner->hasFilteredResults())) { _inner->selectSkip(1); _inner->choosePeer(); } else { onSearchMessages(); } } } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Down) { _inner->setMouseSel(false); _inner->selectSkip(1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Up) { _inner->setMouseSel(false); _inner->selectSkip(-1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown) { _inner->setMouseSel(false); _inner->selectSkipPage(_scroll->height(), 1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp) { _inner->setMouseSel(false); _inner->selectSkipPage(_scroll->height(), -1); } else { e->ignore(); } } void DialogsWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { if (App::wnd() && App::wnd()->contentOverlapped(this, e)) return; Painter p(this); QRect r(e->rect()); if (r != rect()) { p.setClipRect(r); } if (_a_show.animating()) { int retina = cIntRetinaFactor(); if (a_coordOver.current() > 0) { p.drawPixmap(QRect(0, 0, a_coordOver.current(), _cacheUnder.height() / retina), _cacheUnder, QRect(-a_coordUnder.current() * retina, 0, a_coordOver.current() * retina, _cacheUnder.height())); p.setOpacity(a_progress.current()); p.fillRect(0, 0, a_coordOver.current(), _cacheUnder.height() / retina, st::slideFadeOutBg); p.setOpacity(1); } p.drawPixmap(QRect(a_coordOver.current(), 0, _cacheOver.width() / retina, _cacheOver.height() / retina), _cacheOver, QRect(0, 0, _cacheOver.width(), _cacheOver.height())); p.setOpacity(a_progress.current()); st::slideShadow.fill(p, QRect(a_coordOver.current() - st::slideShadow.width(), 0, st::slideShadow.width(), _cacheOver.height() / retina)); return; } auto aboveTop = 0; if (_forwardCancel) { p.fillRect(0, aboveTop, width(), st::dialogsForwardHeight, st::dialogsForwardBg); p.setPen(st::dialogsForwardFg); p.setFont(st::dialogsForwardFont); p.drawTextLeft(st::dialogsForwardTextLeft, st::dialogsForwardTextTop, width(), lang(lng_forward_choose)); aboveTop += st::dialogsForwardHeight; } auto above = QRect(0, aboveTop, width(), _scroll->y()); if (above.intersects(r)) { p.fillRect(above.intersected(r), st::dialogsBg); } auto below = QRect(0, _scroll->y() + qMin(_scroll->height(), _inner->height()), width(), height()); if (below.intersects(r)) { p.fillRect(below.intersected(r), st::dialogsBg); } } void DialogsWidget::destroyData() { _inner->destroyData(); } void DialogsWidget::peerBefore(const PeerData *inPeer, MsgId inMsg, PeerData *&outPeer, MsgId &outMsg) const { return _inner->peerBefore(inPeer, inMsg, outPeer, outMsg); } void DialogsWidget::peerAfter(const PeerData *inPeer, MsgId inMsg, PeerData *&outPeer, MsgId &outMsg) const { return _inner->peerAfter(inPeer, inMsg, outPeer, outMsg); } void DialogsWidget::scrollToPeer(const PeerId &peer, MsgId msgId) { _inner->scrollToPeer(peer, msgId); } void DialogsWidget::removeDialog(History *history) { _inner->removeDialog(history); onFilterUpdate(); } Dialogs::IndexedList *DialogsWidget::contactsList() { return _inner->contactsList(); } Dialogs::IndexedList *DialogsWidget::dialogsList() { return _inner->dialogsList(); } bool DialogsWidget::onCancelSearch() { bool clearing = !_filter->getLastText().isEmpty(); if (_searchRequest) { MTP::cancel(_searchRequest); _searchRequest = 0; } if (_searchInPeer && !clearing) { if (Adaptive::OneColumn()) { Ui::showPeerHistory(_searchInPeer, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } setSearchInPeer(nullptr); clearing = true; } _inner->clearFilter(); _filter->clear(); _filter->updatePlaceholder(); onFilterUpdate(); return clearing; } void DialogsWidget::onCancelSearchInPeer() { if (_searchRequest) { MTP::cancel(_searchRequest); _searchRequest = 0; } if (_searchInPeer) { if (Adaptive::OneColumn() && !App::main()->selectingPeer()) { Ui::showPeerHistory(_searchInPeer, ShowAtUnreadMsgId); } setSearchInPeer(nullptr); } _inner->clearFilter(); _filter->clear(); _filter->updatePlaceholder(); onFilterUpdate(); if (!Adaptive::OneColumn() && !App::main()->selectingPeer()) { emit cancelled(); } } void DialogsWidget::onDialogMoved(int movedFrom, int movedTo) { int32 st = _scroll->scrollTop(); if (st > movedTo && st < movedFrom) { _scroll->scrollToY(st + st::dialogsRowHeight); } }