/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "editor/photo_editor_controls.h" #include "editor/controllers/controllers.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "ui/image/image_prepare.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "ui/wrap/fade_wrap.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "styles/style_editor.h" namespace Editor { class EdgeButton final : public Ui::RippleButton { public: EdgeButton( not_null parent, const QString &text, int height, bool left, const style::color &bg, const style::color &fg, const style::RippleAnimation &st); protected: QImage prepareRippleMask() const override; QPoint prepareRippleStartPosition() const override; private: void init(); const style::color &_fg; Ui::Text::String _text; const int _width; const QRect _rippleRect; const QColor _bg; const bool _left; QImage rounded(std::optional color) const; }; EdgeButton::EdgeButton( not_null parent, const QString &text, int height, bool left, const style::color &bg, const style::color &fg, const style::RippleAnimation &st) : Ui::RippleButton(parent, st) , _fg(fg) , _text(st::photoEditorButtonStyle, text) , _width(_text.maxWidth() + st::photoEditorTextButtonPadding.left() + st::photoEditorTextButtonPadding.right()) , _rippleRect(QRect(0, 0, _width, height)) , _bg(bg->c) , _left(left) { resize(_width, height); init(); } void EdgeButton::init() { // const auto bg = rounded(_bg); paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { Painter p(this); // p.drawImage(QPoint(), bg); paintRipple(p, _rippleRect.x(), _rippleRect.y()); p.setPen(_fg); const auto textTop = st::photoEditorButtonTextTop; _text.draw(p, 0, textTop, width(), style::al_center); }, lifetime()); } QImage EdgeButton::rounded(std::optional color) const { auto result = QImage( _rippleRect.size() * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); result.setDevicePixelRatio(cIntRetinaFactor()); result.fill(color.value_or(Qt::white)); const auto parts = RectPart::None | (_left ? RectPart::TopLeft : RectPart::TopRight) | (_left ? RectPart::BottomLeft : RectPart::BottomRight); return Images::Round(std::move(result), ImageRoundRadius::Large, parts); } QImage EdgeButton::prepareRippleMask() const { return rounded(std::nullopt); } QPoint EdgeButton::prepareRippleStartPosition() const { return mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()) - _rippleRect.topLeft(); } class ButtonBar final : public Ui::RpWidget { public: ButtonBar( not_null parent, const style::color &bg); private: QImage _roundedBg; }; ButtonBar::ButtonBar( not_null parent, const style::color &bg) : RpWidget(parent) { sizeValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const QSize &size) { const auto children = RpWidget::children(); const auto widgets = ranges::views::all( children ) | ranges::views::filter([](not_null object) { return object->isWidgetType(); }) | ranges::views::transform([](not_null object) { return static_cast(object.get()); }) | ranges::to_vector; if (widgets.size() < 2) { return; } const auto layout = [&](bool symmetrical) { auto widths = widgets | ranges::views::transform( &QWidget::width ) | ranges::to_vector; const auto count = int(widths.size()); const auto middle = count / 2; if (symmetrical) { for (auto i = 0; i != middle; ++i) { const auto j = count - i - 1; widths[i] = widths[j] = std::max(widths[i], widths[j]); } } const auto residualWidth = size.width() - ranges::accumulate(widths, 0); if (symmetrical && residualWidth < 0) { return false; } const auto step = residualWidth / float(count - 1); auto left = 0.; auto &&ints = ranges::views::ints(0, ranges::unreachable); auto &&list = ranges::views::zip(widgets, widths, ints); for (const auto &[widget, width, index] : list) { widget->move(int((index >= middle) ? (left + width - widget->width()) : left), 0); left += width + step; } return true; }; if (!layout(true)) { layout(false); } auto result = QImage( size * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); result.setDevicePixelRatio(cIntRetinaFactor()); result.fill(bg->c); _roundedBg = Images::Round( std::move(result), ImageRoundRadius::Large); }, lifetime()); paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { auto p = QPainter(this); p.drawImage(QPoint(), _roundedBg); }, lifetime()); } PhotoEditorControls::PhotoEditorControls( not_null parent, std::shared_ptr controllers, const PhotoModifications modifications, const EditorData &data) : RpWidget(parent) , _bg(st::roundedBg) , _buttonHeight(st::photoEditorButtonBarHeight) , _transformButtons(base::make_unique_q(this, _bg)) , _paintTopButtons(base::make_unique_q(this, _bg)) , _paintBottomButtons(base::make_unique_q(this, _bg)) , _about(data.about.empty() ? nullptr : base::make_unique_q>( this, object_ptr( this, rpl::single(data.about), st::photoEditorAbout))) , _transformCancel(base::make_unique_q( _transformButtons, tr::lng_cancel(tr::now), _buttonHeight, true, _bg, st::mediaviewCaptionFg, st::photoEditorRotateButton.ripple)) , _flipButton(base::make_unique_q( _transformButtons, st::photoEditorFlipButton)) , _rotateButton(base::make_unique_q( _transformButtons, st::photoEditorRotateButton)) , _paintModeButton(base::make_unique_q( _transformButtons, st::photoEditorPaintModeButton)) , _transformDone(base::make_unique_q( _transformButtons, (data.confirm.isEmpty() ? tr::lng_box_done(tr::now) : data.confirm), _buttonHeight, false, _bg, st::mediaviewTextLinkFg, st::photoEditorRotateButton.ripple)) , _paintCancel(base::make_unique_q( _paintBottomButtons, tr::lng_cancel(tr::now), _buttonHeight, true, _bg, st::mediaviewCaptionFg, st::photoEditorRotateButton.ripple)) , _undoButton(base::make_unique_q( _paintTopButtons, st::photoEditorUndoButton)) , _redoButton(base::make_unique_q( _paintTopButtons, st::photoEditorRedoButton)) , _paintModeButtonActive(base::make_unique_q( _paintBottomButtons, st::photoEditorPaintModeButton)) , _stickersButton(controllers->stickersPanelController ? base::make_unique_q( _paintBottomButtons, st::photoEditorStickersButton) : nullptr) , _paintDone(base::make_unique_q( _paintBottomButtons, tr::lng_box_done(tr::now), _buttonHeight, false, _bg, st::mediaviewTextLinkFg, st::photoEditorRotateButton.ripple)) { { const auto icon = &st::photoEditorPaintIconActive; _paintModeButtonActive->setIconOverride(icon, icon); } _paintModeButtonActive->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); sizeValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const QSize &size) { if (size.isEmpty()) { return; } const auto &padding = st::photoEditorButtonBarPadding; const auto w = std::min(st::photoEditorButtonBarWidth, size.width()) - padding.left() - padding.right(); _transformButtons->resize(w, _buttonHeight); _paintBottomButtons->resize(w, _buttonHeight); _paintTopButtons->resize(w, _buttonHeight); const auto buttonsTop = bottomButtonsTop(); const auto ¤t = _transformButtons->isHidden() ? _paintBottomButtons : _transformButtons; current->moveToLeft( (size.width() - current->width()) / 2, buttonsTop); if (_about) { const auto &margin = st::photoEditorAboutMargin; const auto skip = st::photoEditorCropPointSize; _about->resizeToWidth( size.width() - margin.left() - margin.right()); _about->moveToLeft( (size.width() - _about->width()) / 2, margin.top() - skip); } }, lifetime()); _mode.changes( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const PhotoEditorMode &mode) { if (mode.mode == PhotoEditorMode::Mode::Out) { return; } const auto animated = (_paintBottomButtons->isVisible() == _transformButtons->isVisible()) ? anim::type::instant : anim::type::normal; showAnimated(mode.mode, animated); }, lifetime()); _paintBottomButtons->positionValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const QPoint &containerPos) { _paintTopButtons->moveToLeft( containerPos.x(), containerPos.y() - st::photoEditorControlsCenterSkip - _paintTopButtons->height()); }, _paintBottomButtons->lifetime()); _paintBottomButtons->shownValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool shown) { _paintTopButtons->setVisible(shown); }, _paintBottomButtons->lifetime()); controllers->undoController->setPerformRequestChanges(rpl::merge( _undoButton->clicks() | rpl::map_to(Undo::Undo), _redoButton->clicks() | rpl::map_to(Undo::Redo), _keyPresses.events( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null e) { using Mode = PhotoEditorMode::Mode; return (e->matches(QKeySequence::Undo) && !_undoButton->isHidden() && !_undoButton->testAttribute( Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents) && (_mode.current().mode == Mode::Paint)) || (e->matches(QKeySequence::Redo) && !_redoButton->isHidden() && !_redoButton->testAttribute( Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents) && (_mode.current().mode == Mode::Paint)); }) | rpl::map([=](not_null e) { return e->matches(QKeySequence::Undo) ? Undo::Undo : Undo::Redo; }))); controllers->undoController->canPerformChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const UndoController::EnableRequest &r) { const auto isUndo = (r.command == Undo::Undo); const auto &button = isUndo ? _undoButton : _redoButton; button->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents, !r.enable); if (!r.enable) { button->clearState(); } button->setIconOverride(r.enable ? nullptr : isUndo ? &st::photoEditorUndoButtonInactive : &st::photoEditorRedoButtonInactive); }, lifetime()); if (_stickersButton) { using ShowRequest = StickersPanelController::ShowRequest; controllers->stickersPanelController->setShowRequestChanges( rpl::merge( _mode.value( ) | rpl::map_to(ShowRequest::HideFast), _stickersButton->clicks( ) | rpl::map_to(ShowRequest::ToggleAnimated) )); controllers->stickersPanelController->setMoveRequestChanges( _paintBottomButtons->positionValue( ) | rpl::map([=](const QPoint &containerPos) { return QPoint( (x() + width()) / 2, y() + containerPos.y() + _stickersButton->y()); })); controllers->stickersPanelController->panelShown( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool shown) { const auto icon = shown ? &st::photoEditorStickersIconActive : nullptr; _stickersButton->setIconOverride(icon, icon); }, _stickersButton->lifetime()); } rpl::single(rpl::empty) | rpl::skip( modifications.flipped ? 0 : 1 ) | rpl::then( _flipButton->clicks() | rpl::to_empty ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _flipped = !_flipped; const auto icon = _flipped ? &st::photoEditorFlipIconActive : nullptr; _flipButton->setIconOverride(icon, icon); }, _flipButton->lifetime()); } rpl::producer PhotoEditorControls::rotateRequests() const { return _rotateButton->clicks() | rpl::map_to(90); } rpl::producer<> PhotoEditorControls::flipRequests() const { return _flipButton->clicks() | rpl::to_empty; } rpl::producer<> PhotoEditorControls::paintModeRequests() const { return _paintModeButton->clicks() | rpl::to_empty; } rpl::producer<> PhotoEditorControls::doneRequests() const { return rpl::merge( _transformDone->clicks() | rpl::to_empty, _paintDone->clicks() | rpl::to_empty, _keyPresses.events( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null e) { const auto key = e->key(); return ((key == Qt::Key_Enter) || (key == Qt::Key_Return)) && !_toggledBarAnimation.animating(); }) | rpl::to_empty); } rpl::producer<> PhotoEditorControls::cancelRequests() const { return rpl::merge( _transformCancel->clicks() | rpl::to_empty, _paintCancel->clicks() | rpl::to_empty, _keyPresses.events( ) | rpl::filter([=](not_null e) { const auto key = e->key(); return (key == Qt::Key_Escape) && !_toggledBarAnimation.animating(); }) | rpl::to_empty); } int PhotoEditorControls::bottomButtonsTop() const { return height() - st::photoEditorControlsBottomSkip - _transformButtons->height(); } void PhotoEditorControls::showAnimated( PhotoEditorMode::Mode mode, anim::type animated) { using Mode = PhotoEditorMode::Mode; const auto duration = st::photoEditorBarAnimationDuration; const auto isTransform = (mode == Mode::Transform); if (_about) { _about->toggle(isTransform, animated); } const auto buttonsLeft = (width() - _transformButtons->width()) / 2; const auto buttonsTop = bottomButtonsTop(); const auto visibleBar = _transformButtons->isVisible() ? _transformButtons.get() : _paintBottomButtons.get(); const auto shouldVisibleBar = isTransform ? _transformButtons.get() : _paintBottomButtons.get(); // Mode::Paint const auto computeTop = [=](float64 progress) { return anim::interpolate(buttonsTop, height() * 2, progress); }; const auto showShouldVisibleBar = [=] { _toggledBarAnimation.stop(); auto callback = [=](float64 value) { shouldVisibleBar->moveToLeft(buttonsLeft, computeTop(value)); }; if (animated == anim::type::instant) { callback(1.); } else { _toggledBarAnimation.start( std::move(callback), 1., 0., duration); } }; auto animationCallback = [=](float64 value) { if (shouldVisibleBar == visibleBar) { showShouldVisibleBar(); return; } visibleBar->moveToLeft(buttonsLeft, computeTop(value)); if (value == 1.) { shouldVisibleBar->show(); shouldVisibleBar->moveToLeft(buttonsLeft, computeTop(1.)); visibleBar->hide(); showShouldVisibleBar(); } }; if (animated == anim::type::instant) { animationCallback(1.); } else { _toggledBarAnimation.start( std::move(animationCallback), 0., 1., duration); } } void PhotoEditorControls::applyMode(const PhotoEditorMode &mode) { _mode = mode; } rpl::producer PhotoEditorControls::colorLinePositionValue() const { return rpl::merge( geometryValue() | rpl::to_empty, _paintTopButtons->geometryValue() | rpl::to_empty ) | rpl::map([=] { const auto r = _paintTopButtons->geometry(); return mapToParent(r.topLeft()) + QPoint(r.width() / 2, r.height() / 2); }); } rpl::producer PhotoEditorControls::colorLineShownValue() const { return _paintTopButtons->shownValue(); } bool PhotoEditorControls::handleKeyPress(not_null e) const { _keyPresses.fire(std::move(e)); return true; } bool PhotoEditorControls::animating() const { return _toggledBarAnimation.animating(); } } // namespace Editor