/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once typedef int32 ChannelId; static const ChannelId NoChannel = 0; typedef uint64 PeerId; static const uint64 PeerIdMask = 0xFFFFFFFFULL; static const uint64 PeerIdTypeMask = 0x300000000ULL; static const uint64 PeerIdUserShift = 0x000000000ULL; static const uint64 PeerIdChatShift = 0x100000000ULL; static const uint64 PeerIdChannelShift = 0x200000000ULL; inline bool peerIsUser(const PeerId &id) { return (id & PeerIdTypeMask) == PeerIdUserShift; } inline bool peerIsChat(const PeerId &id) { return (id & PeerIdTypeMask) == PeerIdChatShift; } inline bool peerIsChannel(const PeerId &id) { return (id & PeerIdTypeMask) == PeerIdChannelShift; } inline PeerId peerFromUser(int32 user_id) { return PeerIdUserShift | uint64(uint32(user_id)); } inline PeerId peerFromChat(int32 chat_id) { return PeerIdChatShift | uint64(uint32(chat_id)); } inline PeerId peerFromChannel(ChannelId channel_id) { return PeerIdChannelShift | uint64(uint32(channel_id)); } inline PeerId peerFromUser(const MTPint &user_id) { return peerFromUser(user_id.v); } inline PeerId peerFromChat(const MTPint &chat_id) { return peerFromChat(chat_id.v); } inline PeerId peerFromChannel(const MTPint &channel_id) { return peerFromChannel(channel_id.v); } inline int32 peerToBareInt(const PeerId &id) { return int32(uint32(id & PeerIdMask)); } inline int32 peerToUser(const PeerId &id) { return peerIsUser(id) ? peerToBareInt(id) : 0; } inline int32 peerToChat(const PeerId &id) { return peerIsChat(id) ? peerToBareInt(id) : 0; } inline ChannelId peerToChannel(const PeerId &id) { return peerIsChannel(id) ? peerToBareInt(id) : NoChannel; } inline MTPint peerToBareMTPInt(const PeerId &id) { return MTP_int(peerToBareInt(id)); } inline PeerId peerFromMTP(const MTPPeer &peer) { switch (peer.type()) { case mtpc_peerUser: return peerFromUser(peer.c_peerUser().vuser_id); case mtpc_peerChat: return peerFromChat(peer.c_peerChat().vchat_id); case mtpc_peerChannel: return peerFromChannel(peer.c_peerChannel().vchannel_id); } return 0; } inline MTPpeer peerToMTP(const PeerId &id) { if (peerIsUser(id)) { return MTP_peerUser(peerToBareMTPInt(id)); } else if (peerIsChat(id)) { return MTP_peerChat(peerToBareMTPInt(id)); } else if (peerIsChannel(id)) { return MTP_peerChannel(peerToBareMTPInt(id)); } return MTP_peerUser(MTP_int(0)); } inline PeerId peerFromMessage(const MTPmessage &msg) { PeerId from_id = 0, to_id = 0; switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_message: from_id = msg.c_message().has_from_id() ? peerFromUser(msg.c_message().vfrom_id) : 0; to_id = peerFromMTP(msg.c_message().vto_id); break; case mtpc_messageService: from_id = msg.c_messageService().has_from_id() ? peerFromUser(msg.c_messageService().vfrom_id) : 0; to_id = peerFromMTP(msg.c_messageService().vto_id); break; } return (from_id && peerToUser(to_id) == MTP::authedId()) ? from_id : to_id; } inline int32 flagsFromMessage(const MTPmessage &msg) { switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_message: return msg.c_message().vflags.v; case mtpc_messageService: return msg.c_messageService().vflags.v; } return 0; } inline int32 idFromMessage(const MTPmessage &msg) { switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_messageEmpty: return msg.c_messageEmpty().vid.v; case mtpc_message: return msg.c_message().vid.v; case mtpc_messageService: return msg.c_messageService().vid.v; } return 0; } inline int32 dateFromMessage(const MTPmessage &msg) { switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_message: return msg.c_message().vdate.v; case mtpc_messageService: return msg.c_messageService().vdate.v; } return 0; } typedef uint64 PhotoId; typedef uint64 VideoId; typedef uint64 AudioId; typedef uint64 DocumentId; typedef uint64 WebPageId; typedef int32 MsgId; struct FullMsgId { FullMsgId() : channel(NoChannel), msg(0) { } FullMsgId(ChannelId channel, MsgId msg) : channel(channel), msg(msg) { } ChannelId channel; MsgId msg; }; inline bool operator==(const FullMsgId &a, const FullMsgId &b) { return (a.channel == b.channel) && (a.msg == b.msg); } inline bool operator<(const FullMsgId &a, const FullMsgId &b) { if (a.msg < b.msg) return true; if (a.msg > b.msg) return false; return a.channel < b.channel; } static const MsgId StartClientMsgId = -0x7FFFFFFF; static const MsgId EndClientMsgId = -0x40000000; inline bool isClientMsgId(MsgId id) { return id >= StartClientMsgId && id < EndClientMsgId; } static const MsgId ShowAtTheEndMsgId = -0x40000000; static const MsgId SwitchAtTopMsgId = -0x3FFFFFFF; static const MsgId ServerMaxMsgId = 0x3FFFFFFF; static const MsgId ShowAtUnreadMsgId = 0; struct NotifySettings { NotifySettings() : mute(0), sound("default"), previews(true), events(1) { } int32 mute; string sound; bool previews; int32 events; }; typedef NotifySettings *NotifySettingsPtr; static const NotifySettingsPtr UnknownNotifySettings = NotifySettingsPtr(0); static const NotifySettingsPtr EmptyNotifySettings = NotifySettingsPtr(1); extern NotifySettings globalNotifyAll, globalNotifyUsers, globalNotifyChats; extern NotifySettingsPtr globalNotifyAllPtr, globalNotifyUsersPtr, globalNotifyChatsPtr; inline bool isNotifyMuted(NotifySettingsPtr settings, int32 *changeIn = 0) { if (settings != UnknownNotifySettings && settings != EmptyNotifySettings) { int32 t = unixtime(); if (settings->mute > t) { if (changeIn) *changeIn = settings->mute - t + 1; return true; } } if (changeIn) *changeIn = 0; return false; } static const int32 UserColorsCount = 8; style::color peerColor(int32 index); ImagePtr userDefPhoto(int32 index); ImagePtr chatDefPhoto(int32 index); ImagePtr channelDefPhoto(int32 index); static const PhotoId UnknownPeerPhotoId = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL; inline const QString &emptyUsername() { static QString empty; return empty; } class UserData; class ChatData; class ChannelData; class PeerData { public: virtual ~PeerData() { if (notify != UnknownNotifySettings && notify != EmptyNotifySettings) { delete notify; notify = UnknownNotifySettings; } } bool isUser() const { return peerIsUser(id); } bool isChat() const { return peerIsChat(id); } bool isChannel() const { return peerIsChannel(id); } bool isSelf() const { return (input.type() == mtpc_inputPeerSelf); } bool isVerified() const; bool isMegagroup() const; bool canWrite() const; UserData *asUser(); const UserData *asUser() const; ChatData *asChat(); const ChatData *asChat() const; ChannelData *asChannel(); const ChannelData *asChannel() const; ChatData *migrateFrom() const; ChannelData *migrateTo() const; void updateName(const QString &newName, const QString &newNameOrPhone, const QString &newUsername); void fillNames(); const Text &dialogName() const; const QString &shortName() const; const QString &userName() const; const PeerId id; int32 bareId() const { return int32(uint32(id & 0xFFFFFFFFULL)); } TextLinkPtr lnk; QString name; Text nameText; typedef QSet Names; Names names; // for filtering typedef QSet NameFirstChars; NameFirstChars chars; bool loaded; MTPinputPeer input; int32 colorIndex; style::color color; ImagePtr photo; PhotoId photoId; StorageImageLocation photoLoc; int32 nameVersion; NotifySettingsPtr notify; private: PeerData(const PeerId &id); friend class UserData; friend class ChatData; friend class ChannelData; }; static const uint64 UserNoAccess = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL; class PeerLink : public ITextLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(PeerLink) public: PeerLink(PeerData *peer) : _peer(peer) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; PeerData *peer() const { return _peer; } private: PeerData *_peer; }; class BotCommand { public: BotCommand(const QString &command, const QString &description) : command(command), _description(description) { } QString command; bool setDescription(const QString &description) { if (_description != description) { _description = description; _descriptionText = Text(); return true; } return false; } const Text &descriptionText() const; private: QString _description; mutable Text _descriptionText; }; struct BotInfo { BotInfo() : inited(false), readsAllHistory(false), cantJoinGroups(false), version(0), text(st::msgMinWidth) { } bool inited; bool readsAllHistory, cantJoinGroups; int32 version; QString shareText, description, inlinePlaceholder; QList commands; Text text; // description QString startToken, startGroupToken; }; enum UserBlockedStatus { UserBlockUnknown = 0, UserIsBlocked, UserIsNotBlocked, }; class PhotoData; class UserData : public PeerData { public: UserData(const PeerId &id) : PeerData(id), access(0), flags(0), onlineTill(0), contact(-1), blocked(UserBlockUnknown), photosCount(-1), botInfo(0) { setName(QString(), QString(), QString(), QString()); } void setPhoto(const MTPUserProfilePhoto &photo); void setName(const QString &first, const QString &last, const QString &phoneName, const QString &username); void setPhone(const QString &newPhone); void setBotInfoVersion(int32 version); void setBotInfo(const MTPBotInfo &info); void setNameOrPhone(const QString &newNameOrPhone); void madeAction(); // pseudo-online uint64 access; int32 flags; bool isVerified() const { return flags & MTPDuser::flag_verified; } bool canWrite() const { return access != UserNoAccess; } MTPInputUser inputUser; QString firstName; QString lastName; QString username; QString phone; QString nameOrPhone; Text phoneText; int32 onlineTill; int32 contact; // -1 - not contact, cant add (self, empty, deleted, foreign), 0 - not contact, can add (request), 1 - contact UserBlockedStatus blocked; typedef QList Photos; Photos photos; int32 photosCount; // -1 not loaded, 0 all loaded BotInfo *botInfo; }; static UserData * const InlineBotLookingUpData = SharedMemoryLocation(); class ChatData : public PeerData { public: ChatData(const PeerId &id) : PeerData(id), inputChat(MTP_int(bareId())), migrateToPtr(0), count(0), date(0), version(0), creator(0), inviterForSpamReport(0), flags(0), isForbidden(false), botStatus(0) { } void setPhoto(const MTPChatPhoto &photo, const PhotoId &phId = UnknownPeerPhotoId); void invalidateParticipants() { participants = ChatData::Participants(); admins = ChatData::Admins(); flags &= ~MTPDchat::flag_admin; invitedByMe = ChatData::InvitedByMe(); botStatus = 0; } bool noParticipantInfo() const { return (count > 0 || amIn()) && participants.isEmpty(); } MTPint inputChat; ChannelData *migrateToPtr; int32 count; int32 date; int32 version; int32 creator; int32 inviterForSpamReport; // > 0 - user who invited me to chat in unread service msg, < 0 - have outgoing message int32 flags; bool isForbidden; bool amIn() const { return !isForbidden && !haveLeft() && !wasKicked(); } bool canEdit() const { return !isDeactivated() && (amCreator() || (adminsEnabled() ? amAdmin() : amIn())); } bool canWrite() const { return !isDeactivated() && amIn(); } bool haveLeft() const { return flags & MTPDchat::flag_left; } bool wasKicked() const { return flags & MTPDchat::flag_kicked; } bool adminsEnabled() const { return flags & MTPDchat::flag_admins_enabled; } bool amCreator() const { return flags & MTPDchat::flag_creator; } bool amAdmin() const { return flags & MTPDchat::flag_admin; } bool isDeactivated() const { return flags & MTPDchat::flag_deactivated; } bool isMigrated() const { return flags & MTPDchat::flag_migrated_to; } typedef QMap Participants; Participants participants; typedef QMap InvitedByMe; InvitedByMe invitedByMe; typedef QMap Admins; Admins admins; typedef QList LastAuthors; LastAuthors lastAuthors; typedef QMap MarkupSenders; MarkupSenders markupSenders; int32 botStatus; // -1 - no bots, 0 - unknown, 1 - one bot, that sees all history, 2 - other // ImagePtr photoFull; QString invitationUrl; }; enum PtsSkippedQueue { SkippedUpdate, SkippedUpdates, }; class PtsWaiter { public: PtsWaiter() : _good(0), _last(0), _count(0), _applySkippedLevel(0), _requesting(false), _waitingForSkipped(false), _waitingForShortPoll(false) { } void init(int32 pts) { _good = _last = _count = pts; clearSkippedUpdates(); } bool inited() const { return _good > 0; } void setRequesting(bool isRequesting) { _requesting = isRequesting; if (_requesting) { clearSkippedUpdates(); } } bool requesting() const { return _requesting; } bool waitingForSkipped() const { return _waitingForSkipped; } bool waitingForShortPoll() const { return _waitingForShortPoll; } void setWaitingForSkipped(ChannelData *channel, int32 ms); // < 0 - not waiting void setWaitingForShortPoll(ChannelData *channel, int32 ms); // < 0 - not waiting int32 current() const{ return _good; } bool updated(ChannelData *channel, int32 pts, int32 count); bool updated(ChannelData *channel, int32 pts, int32 count, const MTPUpdates &updates); bool updated(ChannelData *channel, int32 pts, int32 count, const MTPUpdate &update); void applySkippedUpdates(ChannelData *channel); void clearSkippedUpdates(); private: bool check(ChannelData *channel, int32 pts, int32 count); // return false if need to save that update and apply later uint64 ptsKey(PtsSkippedQueue queue); void checkForWaiting(ChannelData *channel); QMap _queue; QMap _updateQueue; QMap _updatesQueue; int32 _good, _last, _count; int32 _applySkippedLevel; bool _requesting, _waitingForSkipped, _waitingForShortPoll; }; struct MegagroupInfo { MegagroupInfo() : botStatus(0) , joinedMessageFound(false) , lastParticipantsStatus(LastParticipantsUpToDate) , lastParticipantsCount(0) , migrateFromPtr(0) { } typedef QList LastParticipants; LastParticipants lastParticipants; typedef QMap LastAdmins; LastAdmins lastAdmins; typedef QMap MarkupSenders; MarkupSenders markupSenders; typedef QMap Bots; Bots bots; int32 botStatus; // -1 - no bots, 0 - unknown, 1 - one bot, that sees all history, 2 - other bool joinedMessageFound; enum LastParticipantsStatus { LastParticipantsUpToDate = 0x00, LastParticipantsAdminsOutdated = 0x01, LastParticipantsCountOutdated = 0x02, }; mutable int32 lastParticipantsStatus; int32 lastParticipantsCount; ChatData *migrateFromPtr; }; class ChannelData : public PeerData { public: ChannelData(const PeerId &id) : PeerData(id), access(0), inputChannel(MTP_inputChannel(MTP_int(bareId()), MTP_long(0))), count(1), adminsCount(1), date(0), version(0), flags(0), flagsFull(0), mgInfo(0), isForbidden(true), inviter(0), _lastFullUpdate(0) { setName(QString(), QString()); } void setPhoto(const MTPChatPhoto &photo, const PhotoId &phId = UnknownPeerPhotoId); void setName(const QString &name, const QString &username); void updateFull(bool force = false); void fullUpdated(); uint64 access; MTPinputChannel inputChannel; QString username, about; int32 count, adminsCount; int32 date; int32 version; int32 flags, flagsFull; MegagroupInfo *mgInfo; bool lastParticipantsCountOutdated() const { if (!mgInfo || !(mgInfo->lastParticipantsStatus & MegagroupInfo::LastParticipantsCountOutdated)) { return false; } if (mgInfo->lastParticipantsCount == count) { mgInfo->lastParticipantsStatus &= ~MegagroupInfo::LastParticipantsCountOutdated; return false; } return true; } void flagsUpdated(); bool isMegagroup() const { return flags & MTPDchannel::flag_megagroup; } bool isBroadcast() const { return flags & MTPDchannel::flag_broadcast; } bool isPublic() const { return flags & MTPDchannel::flag_username; } bool amCreator() const { return flags & MTPDchannel::flag_creator; } bool amEditor() const { return flags & MTPDchannel::flag_editor; } bool amModerator() const { return flags & MTPDchannel::flag_moderator; } bool haveLeft() const { return flags & MTPDchannel::flag_left; } bool wasKicked() const { return flags & MTPDchannel::flag_kicked; } bool amIn() const { return !isForbidden && !haveLeft() && !wasKicked(); } bool canPublish() const { return amCreator() || amEditor(); } bool canWrite() const { return amIn() && (canPublish() || !isBroadcast()); } bool canViewParticipants() const { return flagsFull & MTPDchannelFull::flag_can_view_participants; } bool isForbidden; bool isVerified() const { return flags & MTPDchannel::flag_verified; } // ImagePtr photoFull; QString invitationUrl; int32 inviter; // > 0 - user who invited me to channel, < 0 - not in channel QDateTime inviteDate; void ptsInit(int32 pts) { _ptsWaiter.init(pts); } void ptsReceived(int32 pts) { if (_ptsWaiter.updated(this, pts, 0)) { _ptsWaiter.applySkippedUpdates(this); } } bool ptsUpdated(int32 pts, int32 count) { return _ptsWaiter.updated(this, pts, count); } bool ptsUpdated(int32 pts, int32 count, const MTPUpdate &update) { return _ptsWaiter.updated(this, pts, count, update); } int32 pts() const { return _ptsWaiter.current(); } bool ptsInited() const { return _ptsWaiter.inited(); } bool ptsRequesting() const { return _ptsWaiter.requesting(); } void ptsSetRequesting(bool isRequesting) { return _ptsWaiter.setRequesting(isRequesting); } void ptsApplySkippedUpdates() { return _ptsWaiter.applySkippedUpdates(this); } void ptsWaitingForShortPoll(int32 ms) { // < 0 - not waiting return _ptsWaiter.setWaitingForShortPoll(this, ms); } ~ChannelData(); private: PtsWaiter _ptsWaiter; uint64 _lastFullUpdate; }; inline UserData *PeerData::asUser() { return isUser() ? static_cast(this) : 0; } inline const UserData *PeerData::asUser() const { return isUser() ? static_cast(this) : 0; } inline ChatData *PeerData::asChat() { return isChat() ? static_cast(this) : 0; } inline const ChatData *PeerData::asChat() const { return isChat() ? static_cast(this) : 0; } inline ChannelData *PeerData::asChannel() { return isChannel() ? static_cast(this) : 0; } inline const ChannelData *PeerData::asChannel() const { return isChannel() ? static_cast(this) : 0; } inline ChatData *PeerData::migrateFrom() const { return (isMegagroup() && asChannel()->amIn()) ? asChannel()->mgInfo->migrateFromPtr : 0; } inline ChannelData *PeerData::migrateTo() const { return (isChat() && asChat()->migrateToPtr && asChat()->migrateToPtr->amIn()) ? asChat()->migrateToPtr : 0; } inline const Text &PeerData::dialogName() const { return migrateTo() ? migrateTo()->dialogName() : ((isUser() && !asUser()->phoneText.isEmpty()) ? asUser()->phoneText : nameText); } inline const QString &PeerData::shortName() const { return isUser() ? asUser()->firstName : name; } inline const QString &PeerData::userName() const { return isUser() ? asUser()->username : (isChannel() ? asChannel()->username : emptyUsername()); } inline bool PeerData::isVerified() const { return isUser() ? asUser()->isVerified() : (isChannel() ? asChannel()->isVerified() : false); } inline bool PeerData::isMegagroup() const { return isChannel() ? asChannel()->isMegagroup() : false; } inline bool PeerData::canWrite() const { return isChannel() ? asChannel()->canWrite() : (isChat() ? asChat()->canWrite() : (isUser() ? asUser()->canWrite() : false)); } inline int32 newMessageFlags(PeerData *p) { return p->isSelf() ? 0 : (((p->isChat() || (p->isUser() && !p->asUser()->botInfo)) ? MTPDmessage::flag_unread : 0) | MTPDmessage::flag_out); } enum ActionOnLoad { ActionOnLoadNone, ActionOnLoadOpen, ActionOnLoadOpenWith, ActionOnLoadPlayInline }; typedef QMap PreparedPhotoThumbs; class PhotoData { public: PhotoData(const PhotoId &id, const uint64 &access = 0, int32 date = 0, const ImagePtr &thumb = ImagePtr(), const ImagePtr &medium = ImagePtr(), const ImagePtr &full = ImagePtr()); void automaticLoad(const HistoryItem *item); void automaticLoadSettingsChanged(); void download(); bool loaded() const; bool loading() const; bool displayLoading() const; void cancel(); float64 progress() const; int32 loadOffset() const; bool uploading() const; void forget(); ImagePtr makeReplyPreview(); ~PhotoData(); PhotoId id; uint64 access; int32 date; ImagePtr thumb, replyPreview; ImagePtr medium; ImagePtr full; PeerData *peer; // for chat and channel photos connection // geo, caption struct UploadingData { UploadingData(int32 size) : offset(0), size(size) { } int32 offset, size; }; UploadingData *uploadingData; private: void notifyLayoutChanged() const; }; class PhotoLink : public ITextLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(PhotoLink) public: PhotoLink(PhotoData *photo, PeerData *peer = 0) : _photo(photo), _peer(peer) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; PhotoData *photo() const { return _photo; } PeerData *peer() const { return _peer; } private: PhotoData *_photo; PeerData *_peer; }; class PhotoSaveLink : public PhotoLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(PhotoSaveLink) public: PhotoSaveLink(PhotoData *photo, PeerData *peer = 0) : PhotoLink(photo, peer) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class PhotoCancelLink : public PhotoLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(PhotoCancelLink) public: PhotoCancelLink(PhotoData *photo, PeerData *peer = 0) : PhotoLink(photo, peer) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; enum FileStatus { FileDownloadFailed = -2, FileUploadFailed = -1, FileUploading = 0, FileReady = 1, }; class VideoData { public: VideoData(const VideoId &id, const uint64 &access = 0, int32 date = 0, int32 duration = 0, int32 w = 0, int32 h = 0, const ImagePtr &thumb = ImagePtr(), int32 dc = 0, int32 size = 0); void automaticLoad(const HistoryItem *item) { } void automaticLoadSettingsChanged() { } bool loaded(bool check = false) const; bool loading() const; bool displayLoading() const; void save(const QString &toFile, ActionOnLoad action = ActionOnLoadNone, const FullMsgId &actionMsgId = FullMsgId(), LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud = LoadFromCloudOrLocal, bool autoLoading = false); void cancel(); float64 progress() const; int32 loadOffset() const; bool uploading() const; QString already(bool check = false) const; QByteArray data() const; const FileLocation &location(bool check = false) const; void setLocation(const FileLocation &loc); bool saveToCache() const { return false; } void performActionOnLoad(); void forget(); VideoId id; uint64 access; int32 date; int32 duration; int32 w, h; ImagePtr thumb, replyPreview; int32 dc, size; // geo, caption FileStatus status; int32 uploadOffset; private: FileLocation _location; ActionOnLoad _actionOnLoad; FullMsgId _actionOnLoadMsgId; mutable mtpFileLoader *_loader; void notifyLayoutChanged() const; }; class VideoLink : public ITextLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(VideoLink) public: VideoLink(VideoData *video) : _video(video) { } VideoData *video() const { return _video; } private: VideoData *_video; }; class VideoSaveLink : public VideoLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(VideoSaveLink) public: VideoSaveLink(VideoData *video) : VideoLink(video) { } static void doSave(VideoData *video, bool forceSavingAs = false); void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class VideoOpenLink : public VideoLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(VideoOpenLink) public: VideoOpenLink(VideoData *video) : VideoLink(video) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class VideoCancelLink : public VideoLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(VideoCancelLink) public: VideoCancelLink(VideoData *video) : VideoLink(video) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class AudioData { public: AudioData(const AudioId &id, const uint64 &access = 0, int32 date = 0, const QString &mime = QString(), int32 duration = 0, int32 dc = 0, int32 size = 0); void automaticLoad(const HistoryItem *item); // auto load voice message void automaticLoadSettingsChanged(); bool loaded(bool check = false) const; bool loading() const; bool displayLoading() const; void save(const QString &toFile, ActionOnLoad action = ActionOnLoadNone, const FullMsgId &actionMsgId = FullMsgId(), LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud = LoadFromCloudOrLocal, bool autoLoading = false); void cancel(); float64 progress() const; int32 loadOffset() const; bool uploading() const; QString already(bool check = false) const; QByteArray data() const; const FileLocation &location(bool check = false) const; void setLocation(const FileLocation &loc); bool saveToCache() const; void performActionOnLoad(); void forget(); void setData(const QByteArray &data) { _data = data; } AudioId id; uint64 access; int32 date; QString mime; int32 duration; int32 dc; int32 size; FileStatus status; int32 uploadOffset; int32 md5[8]; private: FileLocation _location; QByteArray _data; ActionOnLoad _actionOnLoad; FullMsgId _actionOnLoadMsgId; mutable mtpFileLoader *_loader; void notifyLayoutChanged() const; }; struct AudioMsgId { AudioMsgId() : audio(0) { } AudioMsgId(AudioData *audio, const FullMsgId &msgId) : audio(audio), msgId(msgId) { } AudioMsgId(AudioData *audio, ChannelId channelId, MsgId msgId) : audio(audio), msgId(channelId, msgId) { } operator bool() const { return audio; } AudioData *audio; FullMsgId msgId; }; inline bool operator<(const AudioMsgId &a, const AudioMsgId &b) { return quintptr(a.audio) < quintptr(b.audio) || (quintptr(a.audio) == quintptr(b.audio) && a.msgId < b.msgId); } inline bool operator==(const AudioMsgId &a, const AudioMsgId &b) { return a.audio == b.audio && a.msgId == b.msgId; } inline bool operator!=(const AudioMsgId &a, const AudioMsgId &b) { return !(a == b); } class AudioLink : public ITextLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(AudioLink) public: AudioLink(AudioData *audio) : _audio(audio) { } AudioData *audio() const { return _audio; } private: AudioData *_audio; }; class AudioSaveLink : public AudioLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(AudioSaveLink) public: AudioSaveLink(AudioData *audio) : AudioLink(audio) { } static void doSave(AudioData *audio, bool forceSavingAs = false); void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class AudioOpenLink : public AudioLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(AudioOpenLink) public: AudioOpenLink(AudioData *audio) : AudioLink(audio) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class AudioCancelLink : public AudioLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(AudioCancelLink) public: AudioCancelLink(AudioData *audio) : AudioLink(audio) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; enum DocumentType { FileDocument = 0, VideoDocument = 1, SongDocument = 2, StickerDocument = 3, AnimatedDocument = 4, }; struct DocumentAdditionalData { }; struct StickerData : public DocumentAdditionalData { StickerData() : set(MTP_inputStickerSetEmpty()) { } ImagePtr img; QString alt; MTPInputStickerSet set; bool setInstalled() const; StorageImageLocation loc; // doc thumb location }; struct SongData : public DocumentAdditionalData { SongData() : duration(0) { } int32 duration; QString title, performer; }; bool fileIsImage(const QString &name, const QString &mime); class DocumentData { public: DocumentData(const DocumentId &id, const uint64 &access = 0, int32 date = 0, const QVector &attributes = QVector(), const QString &mime = QString(), const ImagePtr &thumb = ImagePtr(), int32 dc = 0, int32 size = 0); void setattributes(const QVector &attributes); void automaticLoad(const HistoryItem *item); // auto load sticker or video void automaticLoadSettingsChanged(); bool loaded(bool check = false) const; bool loading() const; bool displayLoading() const; void save(const QString &toFile, ActionOnLoad action = ActionOnLoadNone, const FullMsgId &actionMsgId = FullMsgId(), LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud = LoadFromCloudOrLocal, bool autoLoading = false); void cancel(); float64 progress() const; int32 loadOffset() const; bool uploading() const; QString already(bool check = false) const; QByteArray data() const; const FileLocation &location(bool check = false) const; void setLocation(const FileLocation &loc); bool saveToCache() const; void performActionOnLoad(); void forget(); ImagePtr makeReplyPreview(); StickerData *sticker() { return (type == StickerDocument) ? static_cast(_additional) : 0; } void checkSticker() { StickerData *s = sticker(); if (!s) return; automaticLoad(0); if (s->img->isNull() && loaded()) { if (_data.isEmpty()) { const FileLocation &loc(location(true)); if (loc.accessEnable()) { s->img = ImagePtr(loc.name()); loc.accessDisable(); } } else { s->img = ImagePtr(_data); } } } SongData *song() { return (type == SongDocument) ? static_cast(_additional) : 0; } bool isAnimation() const { return (type == AnimatedDocument) || !mime.compare(qstr("image/gif"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); } bool isGifv() const { return (type == AnimatedDocument) && !mime.compare(qstr("video/mp4"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); } int32 duration() const { return (isAnimation() || type == VideoDocument) ? _duration : -1; } bool isImage() const { return !isAnimation() && (type != VideoDocument) && (_duration > 0); } void recountIsImage(); ~DocumentData(); DocumentId id; DocumentType type; QSize dimensions; uint64 access; int32 date; QString name, mime; ImagePtr thumb, replyPreview; int32 dc; int32 size; FileStatus status; int32 uploadOffset; int32 md5[8]; private: FileLocation _location; QByteArray _data; DocumentAdditionalData *_additional; int32 _duration; ActionOnLoad _actionOnLoad; FullMsgId _actionOnLoadMsgId; mutable mtpFileLoader *_loader; void notifyLayoutChanged() const; }; struct SongMsgId { SongMsgId() : song(0) { } SongMsgId(DocumentData *song, const FullMsgId &msgId) : song(song), msgId(msgId) { } SongMsgId(DocumentData *song, ChannelId channelId, MsgId msgId) : song(song), msgId(channelId, msgId) { } operator bool() const { return song; } DocumentData *song; FullMsgId msgId; }; inline bool operator<(const SongMsgId &a, const SongMsgId &b) { return quintptr(a.song) < quintptr(b.song) || (quintptr(a.song) == quintptr(b.song) && a.msgId < b.msgId); } inline bool operator==(const SongMsgId &a, const SongMsgId &b) { return a.song == b.song && a.msgId == b.msgId; } inline bool operator!=(const SongMsgId &a, const SongMsgId &b) { return !(a == b); } class DocumentLink : public ITextLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(DocumentLink) public: DocumentLink(DocumentData *document) : _document(document) { } DocumentData *document() const { return _document; } private: DocumentData *_document; }; class DocumentSaveLink : public DocumentLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(DocumentSaveLink) public: DocumentSaveLink(DocumentData *document) : DocumentLink(document) { } static void doSave(DocumentData *document, bool forceSavingAs = false); void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class DocumentOpenLink : public DocumentLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(DocumentOpenLink) public: DocumentOpenLink(DocumentData *document) : DocumentLink(document) { } static void doOpen(DocumentData *document, ActionOnLoad action = ActionOnLoadOpen); void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class GifOpenLink : public DocumentOpenLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(GifOpenLink) public: GifOpenLink(DocumentData *document) : DocumentOpenLink(document) { } static void doOpen(DocumentData *document); void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class DocumentCancelLink : public DocumentLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(DocumentCancelLink) public: DocumentCancelLink(DocumentData *document) : DocumentLink(document) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; enum WebPageType { WebPagePhoto, WebPageVideo, WebPageProfile, WebPageArticle }; inline WebPageType toWebPageType(const QString &type) { if (type == qstr("photo")) return WebPagePhoto; if (type == qstr("video")) return WebPageVideo; if (type == qstr("profile")) return WebPageProfile; return WebPageArticle; } struct WebPageData { WebPageData(const WebPageId &id, WebPageType type = WebPageArticle, const QString &url = QString(), const QString &displayUrl = QString(), const QString &siteName = QString(), const QString &title = QString(), const QString &description = QString(), PhotoData *photo = 0, DocumentData *doc = 0, int32 duration = 0, const QString &author = QString(), int32 pendingTill = -1); void forget() { if (photo) photo->forget(); } WebPageId id; WebPageType type; QString url, displayUrl, siteName, title, description; int32 duration; QString author; PhotoData *photo; DocumentData *doc; int32 pendingTill; }; class InlineResult { public: InlineResult(uint64 queryId) : queryId(queryId) , doc(0) , photo(0) , width(0) , height(0) , duration(0) , noWebPage(false) , _loader(0) { } uint64 queryId; QString id, type; DocumentData *doc; PhotoData *photo; QString title, description, url, thumb_url; QString content_type, content_url; int32 width, height, duration; QString message; // botContextMessageText bool noWebPage; EntitiesInText entities; QString caption; // if message.isEmpty() use botContextMessageMediaAuto ImagePtr thumb; void automaticLoadGif(); void automaticLoadSettingsChangedGif(); void saveFile(const QString &toFile, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading); void cancelFile(); QByteArray data() const; bool loading() const; bool loaded() const; bool displayLoading() const; void forget(); float64 progress() const; ~InlineResult(); private: QByteArray _data; mutable webFileLoader *_loader; }; typedef QList InlineResults; QString saveFileName(const QString &title, const QString &filter, const QString &prefix, QString name, bool savingAs, const QDir &dir = QDir()); MsgId clientMsgId(); struct MessageCursor { MessageCursor() : position(0), anchor(0), scroll(QFIXED_MAX) { } MessageCursor(int position, int anchor, int scroll) : position(position), anchor(anchor), scroll(scroll) { } MessageCursor(const QTextEdit &edit) { fillFrom(edit); } void fillFrom(const QTextEdit &edit) { QTextCursor c = edit.textCursor(); position = c.position(); anchor = c.anchor(); QScrollBar *s = edit.verticalScrollBar(); scroll = (s && (s->value() != s->maximum())) ? s->value() : QFIXED_MAX; } void applyTo(QTextEdit &edit, bool *lock = 0) { if (lock) *lock = true; QTextCursor c = edit.textCursor(); c.setPosition(anchor, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); c.setPosition(position, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); edit.setTextCursor(c); QScrollBar *s = edit.verticalScrollBar(); if (s) s->setValue(scroll); if (lock) *lock = false; } int position, anchor, scroll; };