/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once enum EntityInTextType { EntityInTextUrl, EntityInTextCustomUrl, EntityInTextEmail, EntityInTextHashtag, EntityInTextMention, EntityInTextBotCommand, EntityInTextBold, EntityInTextItalic, EntityInTextCode, // inline EntityInTextPre, // block }; struct EntityInText { EntityInText(EntityInTextType type, int32 offset, int32 length, const QString &text = QString()) : type(type), offset(offset), length(length), text(text) { } EntityInTextType type; int32 offset, length; QString text; }; typedef QList EntitiesInText; // text preprocess QString textClean(const QString &text); QString textRichPrepare(const QString &text); QString textOneLine(const QString &text, bool trim = true, bool rich = false); QString textAccentFold(const QString &text); QString textSearchKey(const QString &text); bool textSplit(QString &sendingText, EntitiesInText &sendingEntities, QString &leftText, EntitiesInText &leftEntities, int32 limit); enum { TextParseMultiline = 0x001, TextParseLinks = 0x002, TextParseRichText = 0x004, TextParseMentions = 0x008, TextParseHashtags = 0x010, TextParseBotCommands = 0x020, TextParseMono = 0x040, TextTwitterMentions = 0x100, TextTwitterHashtags = 0x200, TextInstagramMentions = 0x400, TextInstagramHashtags = 0x800, }; inline EntitiesInText entitiesFromMTP(const QVector &entities) { EntitiesInText result; if (!entities.isEmpty()) { result.reserve(entities.size()); for (int32 i = 0, l = entities.size(); i != l; ++i) { const MTPMessageEntity &e(entities.at(i)); switch (e.type()) { case mtpc_messageEntityUrl: { const MTPDmessageEntityUrl &d(e.c_messageEntityUrl()); result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextUrl, d.voffset.v, d.vlength.v)); } break; case mtpc_messageEntityTextUrl: { const MTPDmessageEntityTextUrl &d(e.c_messageEntityTextUrl()); result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextCustomUrl, d.voffset.v, d.vlength.v, textClean(qs(d.vurl)))); } break; case mtpc_messageEntityEmail: { const MTPDmessageEntityEmail &d(e.c_messageEntityEmail()); result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextEmail, d.voffset.v, d.vlength.v)); } break; case mtpc_messageEntityHashtag: { const MTPDmessageEntityHashtag &d(e.c_messageEntityHashtag()); result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextHashtag, d.voffset.v, d.vlength.v)); } break; case mtpc_messageEntityMention: { const MTPDmessageEntityMention &d(e.c_messageEntityMention()); result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextMention, d.voffset.v, d.vlength.v)); } break; case mtpc_messageEntityBotCommand: { const MTPDmessageEntityBotCommand &d(e.c_messageEntityBotCommand()); result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextBotCommand, d.voffset.v, d.vlength.v)); } break; case mtpc_messageEntityBold: { const MTPDmessageEntityBold &d(e.c_messageEntityBold()); result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextBold, d.voffset.v, d.vlength.v)); } break; case mtpc_messageEntityItalic: { const MTPDmessageEntityItalic &d(e.c_messageEntityItalic()); result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextItalic, d.voffset.v, d.vlength.v)); } break; case mtpc_messageEntityCode: { const MTPDmessageEntityCode &d(e.c_messageEntityCode()); result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextCode, d.voffset.v, d.vlength.v)); } break; case mtpc_messageEntityPre: { const MTPDmessageEntityPre &d(e.c_messageEntityPre()); result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextPre, d.voffset.v, d.vlength.v, textClean(qs(d.vlanguage)))); } break; } } } return result; } inline MTPVector linksToMTP(const EntitiesInText &links, bool sending = false) { MTPVector result(MTP_vector(0)); QVector &v(result._vector().v); for (int32 i = 0, s = links.size(); i != s; ++i) { const EntityInText &l(links.at(i)); if (l.length <= 0 || (sending && l.type != EntityInTextCode && l.type != EntityInTextPre)) continue; switch (l.type) { case EntityInTextUrl: v.push_back(MTP_messageEntityUrl(MTP_int(l.offset), MTP_int(l.length))); break; case EntityInTextCustomUrl: v.push_back(MTP_messageEntityTextUrl(MTP_int(l.offset), MTP_int(l.length), MTP_string(l.text))); break; case EntityInTextEmail: v.push_back(MTP_messageEntityEmail(MTP_int(l.offset), MTP_int(l.length))); break; case EntityInTextHashtag: v.push_back(MTP_messageEntityHashtag(MTP_int(l.offset), MTP_int(l.length))); break; case EntityInTextMention: v.push_back(MTP_messageEntityMention(MTP_int(l.offset), MTP_int(l.length))); break; case EntityInTextBotCommand: v.push_back(MTP_messageEntityBotCommand(MTP_int(l.offset), MTP_int(l.length))); break; case EntityInTextBold: v.push_back(MTP_messageEntityBold(MTP_int(l.offset), MTP_int(l.length))); break; case EntityInTextItalic: v.push_back(MTP_messageEntityItalic(MTP_int(l.offset), MTP_int(l.length))); break; case EntityInTextCode: v.push_back(MTP_messageEntityCode(MTP_int(l.offset), MTP_int(l.length))); break; case EntityInTextPre: v.push_back(MTP_messageEntityPre(MTP_int(l.offset), MTP_int(l.length), MTP_string(l.text))); break; } } return result; } EntitiesInText textParseEntities(QString &text, int32 flags, bool rich = false); // changes text if (flags & TextParseMono) #include "gui/emoji_config.h" void emojiDraw(QPainter &p, EmojiPtr e, int x, int y); #include "../../../QtStatic/qtbase/src/gui/text/qfontengine_p.h" enum TextBlockType { TextBlockTNewline = 0x01, TextBlockTText = 0x02, TextBlockTEmoji = 0x03, TextBlockTSkip = 0x04, }; enum TextBlockFlags { TextBlockFBold = 0x01, TextBlockFItalic = 0x02, TextBlockFUnderline = 0x04, TextBlockFTilde = 0x08, // tilde fix in OpenSans TextBlockFSemibold = 0x10, TextBlockFCode = 0x20, TextBlockFPre = 0x40, }; class ITextBlock { public: ITextBlock(const style::font &font, const QString &str, uint16 from, uint16 length, uchar flags, const style::color &color, uint16 lnkIndex) : _from(from), _flags((flags & 0xFF) | ((lnkIndex & 0xFFFF) << 12))/*, _color(color)*/, _lpadding(0) { if (length) { if (str.at(_from + length - 1).unicode() == QChar::Space) { _rpadding = font->spacew; } if (length > 1 && str.at(0).unicode() == QChar::Space) { _lpadding = font->spacew; } } } uint16 from() const { return _from; } int32 width() const { return _width.toInt(); } int32 lpadding() const { return _lpadding.toInt(); } int32 rpadding() const { return _rpadding.toInt(); } QFixed f_width() const { return _width; } QFixed f_lpadding() const { return _lpadding; } QFixed f_rpadding() const { return _rpadding; } uint16 lnkIndex() const { return (_flags >> 12) & 0xFFFF; } void setLnkIndex(uint16 lnkIndex) { _flags = (_flags & ~(0xFFFF << 12)) | (lnkIndex << 12); } TextBlockType type() const { return TextBlockType((_flags >> 8) & 0x0F); } int32 flags() const { return (_flags & 0xFF); } const style::color &color() const { static style::color tmp; return tmp;//_color; } virtual ITextBlock *clone() const = 0; virtual ~ITextBlock() { } protected: uint16 _from; uint32 _flags; // 4 bits empty, 16 bits lnkIndex, 4 bits type, 8 bits flags QFixed _width, _lpadding, _rpadding; }; class NewlineBlock : public ITextBlock { public: Qt::LayoutDirection nextDirection() const { return _nextDir; } ITextBlock *clone() const { return new NewlineBlock(*this); } private: NewlineBlock(const style::font &font, const QString &str, uint16 from, uint16 length) : ITextBlock(font, str, from, length, 0, st::transparent, 0), _nextDir(Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto) { _flags |= ((TextBlockTNewline & 0x0F) << 8); } Qt::LayoutDirection _nextDir; friend class Text; friend class TextParser; friend class TextPainter; }; struct TextWord { TextWord() { } TextWord(uint16 from, QFixed width, QFixed rbearing, QFixed rpadding = 0) : from(from), _rbearing(rbearing.value() > 0x7FFF ? 0x7FFF : (rbearing.value() < -0x7FFF ? -0x7FFF : rbearing.value())), width(width), rpadding(rpadding) { } QFixed f_rbearing() const { return QFixed::fromFixed(_rbearing); } uint16 from; int16 _rbearing; QFixed width, rpadding; }; class TextBlock : public ITextBlock { public: QFixed f_rbearing() const { return _words.isEmpty() ? 0 : _words.back().f_rbearing(); } ITextBlock *clone() const { return new TextBlock(*this); } private: TextBlock(const style::font &font, const QString &str, QFixed minResizeWidth, uint16 from, uint16 length, uchar flags, const style::color &color, uint16 lnkIndex); typedef QVector TextWords; TextWords _words; friend class Text; friend class TextParser; friend class BlockParser; friend class TextPainter; }; class EmojiBlock : public ITextBlock { public: ITextBlock *clone() const { return new EmojiBlock(*this); } private: EmojiBlock(const style::font &font, const QString &str, uint16 from, uint16 length, uchar flags, const style::color &color, uint16 lnkIndex, const EmojiData *emoji); const EmojiData *emoji; friend class Text; friend class TextParser; friend class TextPainter; }; class SkipBlock : public ITextBlock { public: int32 height() const { return _height; } ITextBlock *clone() const { return new SkipBlock(*this); } private: SkipBlock(const style::font &font, const QString &str, uint16 from, int32 w, int32 h, uint16 lnkIndex); int32 _height; friend class Text; friend class TextParser; friend class TextPainter; }; class ITextLink { public: virtual void onClick(Qt::MouseButton) const = 0; virtual const QString &text() const { static const QString _tmp; return _tmp; } virtual const QString &readable() const { static const QString _tmp; return _tmp; } virtual bool fullDisplayed() const { return true; } virtual void setFullDisplayed(bool full) { } virtual QString encoded() const { return QString(); } virtual const QLatin1String &type() const = 0; virtual ~ITextLink() { } }; #define TEXT_LINK_CLASS(ClassName) public: \ const QLatin1String &type() const { \ static const QLatin1String _type(qstr(#ClassName)); \ return _type; \ } typedef QSharedPointer TextLinkPtr; class TextLink : public ITextLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(TextLink) public: TextLink(const QString &url, bool fullDisplayed = true) : _url(url), _fullDisplayed(fullDisplayed) { QUrl u(_url), good(u.isValid() ? u.toEncoded() : QString()); _readable = good.isValid() ? good.toDisplayString() : _url; } const QString &text() const { return _url; } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; const QString &readable() const { return _readable; } bool fullDisplayed() const { return _fullDisplayed; } void setFullDisplayed(bool full) { _fullDisplayed = full; } QString encoded() const { QUrl u(_url), good(u.isValid() ? u.toEncoded() : QString()); QString result(good.isValid() ? QString::fromUtf8(good.toEncoded()) : _url); if (!QRegularExpression(qsl("^[a-zA-Z]+://")).match(result).hasMatch()) { // no protocol return qsl("http://") + result; } return result; } private: QString _url, _readable; bool _fullDisplayed; }; class CustomTextLink : public TextLink { public: CustomTextLink(const QString &url) : TextLink(url, false) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class EmailLink : public ITextLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(EmailLink) public: EmailLink(const QString &email) : _email(email) { } const QString &text() const { return _email; } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; const QString &readable() const { return _email; } QString encoded() const { return _email; } private: QString _email; }; class MentionLink : public ITextLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(MentionLink) public: MentionLink(const QString &tag) : _tag(tag) { } const QString &text() const { return _tag; } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; const QString &readable() const { return _tag; } QString encoded() const { return _tag; } private: QString _tag; }; class HashtagLink : public ITextLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(HashtagLink) public: HashtagLink(const QString &tag) : _tag(tag) { } const QString &text() const { return _tag; } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; const QString &readable() const { return _tag; } QString encoded() const { return _tag; } private: QString _tag; }; class BotCommandLink : public ITextLink { TEXT_LINK_CLASS(BotCommandLink) public: BotCommandLink(const QString &cmd) : _cmd(cmd) { } const QString &text() const { return _cmd; } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; const QString &readable() const { return _cmd; } QString encoded() const { return _cmd; } private: QString _cmd; }; static const QChar TextCommand(0x0010); enum TextCommands { TextCommandBold = 0x01, TextCommandNoBold = 0x02, TextCommandItalic = 0x03, TextCommandNoItalic = 0x04, TextCommandUnderline = 0x05, TextCommandNoUnderline = 0x06, TextCommandLinkIndex = 0x07, // 0 - NoLink TextCommandLinkText = 0x08, TextCommandColor = 0x09, TextCommandNoColor = 0x0A, TextCommandSkipBlock = 0x0B, TextCommandLangTag = 0x20, }; struct TextParseOptions { int32 flags; int32 maxw; int32 maxh; Qt::LayoutDirection dir; }; extern const TextParseOptions _defaultOptions, _textPlainOptions; enum TextSelectType { TextSelectLetters = 0x01, TextSelectWords = 0x02, TextSelectParagraphs = 0x03, }; typedef QPair TextCustomTag; // open str and close str typedef QMap TextCustomTagsMap; class Text { public: Text(int32 minResizeWidth = QFIXED_MAX); Text(style::font font, const QString &text, const TextParseOptions &options = _defaultOptions, int32 minResizeWidth = QFIXED_MAX, bool richText = false); Text(const Text &other); Text &operator=(const Text &other); int32 countHeight(int32 width) const; void setText(style::font font, const QString &text, const TextParseOptions &options = _defaultOptions); void setRichText(style::font font, const QString &text, TextParseOptions options = _defaultOptions, const TextCustomTagsMap &custom = TextCustomTagsMap()); void setMarkedText(style::font font, const QString &text, const EntitiesInText &entities, const TextParseOptions &options = _defaultOptions); void setLink(uint16 lnkIndex, const TextLinkPtr &lnk); bool hasLinks() const; bool hasSkipBlock() const { return _blocks.isEmpty() ? false : _blocks.back()->type() == TextBlockTSkip; } void setSkipBlock(int32 width, int32 height); void removeSkipBlock(); int32 maxWidth() const { return _maxWidth.ceil().toInt(); } int32 minHeight() const { return _minHeight; } void replaceFont(style::font f); // does not recount anything, use at your own risk! void draw(QPainter &p, int32 left, int32 top, int32 width, style::align align = style::al_left, int32 yFrom = 0, int32 yTo = -1, uint16 selectedFrom = 0, uint16 selectedTo = 0) const; void drawElided(QPainter &p, int32 left, int32 top, int32 width, int32 lines = 1, style::align align = style::al_left, int32 yFrom = 0, int32 yTo = -1, int32 removeFromEnd = 0) const; void drawLeft(QPainter &p, int32 left, int32 top, int32 width, int32 outerw, style::align align = style::al_left, int32 yFrom = 0, int32 yTo = -1, uint16 selectedFrom = 0, uint16 selectedTo = 0) const { draw(p, rtl() ? (outerw - left - width) : left, top, width, align, yFrom, yTo, selectedFrom, selectedTo); } void drawLeftElided(QPainter &p, int32 left, int32 top, int32 width, int32 outerw, int32 lines = 1, style::align align = style::al_left, int32 yFrom = 0, int32 yTo = -1, int32 removeFromEnd = 0) const { drawElided(p, rtl() ? (outerw - left - width) : left, top, width, lines, align, yFrom, yTo, removeFromEnd); } void drawRight(QPainter &p, int32 right, int32 top, int32 width, int32 outerw, style::align align = style::al_left, int32 yFrom = 0, int32 yTo = -1, uint16 selectedFrom = 0, uint16 selectedTo = 0) const { draw(p, rtl() ? right : (outerw - right - width), top, width, align, yFrom, yTo, selectedFrom, selectedTo); } void drawRightElided(QPainter &p, int32 right, int32 top, int32 width, int32 outerw, int32 lines = 1, style::align align = style::al_left, int32 yFrom = 0, int32 yTo = -1, int32 removeFromEnd = 0) const { drawElided(p, rtl() ? right : (outerw - right - width), top, width, lines, align, yFrom, yTo, removeFromEnd); } const TextLinkPtr &link(int32 x, int32 y, int32 width, style::align align = style::al_left) const; const TextLinkPtr &linkLeft(int32 x, int32 y, int32 width, int32 outerw, style::align align = style::al_left) const { return link(rtl() ? (outerw - x - width) : x, y, width, align); } void getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, bool &inText, int32 x, int32 y, int32 width, style::align align = style::al_left) const; void getStateLeft(TextLinkPtr &lnk, bool &inText, int32 x, int32 y, int32 width, int32 outerw, style::align align = style::al_left) const { return getState(lnk, inText, rtl() ? (outerw - x - width) : x, y, width, align); } void getSymbol(uint16 &symbol, bool &after, bool &upon, int32 x, int32 y, int32 width, style::align align = style::al_left) const; void getSymbolLeft(uint16 &symbol, bool &after, bool &upon, int32 x, int32 y, int32 width, int32 outerw, style::align align = style::al_left) const { return getSymbol(symbol, after, upon, rtl() ? (outerw - x - width) : x, y, width, align); } uint32 adjustSelection(uint16 from, uint16 to, TextSelectType selectType) const; bool isEmpty() const { return _text.isEmpty(); } bool isNull() const { return !_font; } enum ExpandLinksMode { ExpandLinksNone, ExpandLinksShortened, ExpandLinksAll, }; QString original(uint16 selectedFrom = 0, uint16 selectedTo = 0xFFFF, ExpandLinksMode mode = ExpandLinksShortened) const; EntitiesInText originalEntities() const; bool lastDots(int32 dots, int32 maxdots = 3) { // hack for typing animation if (_text.size() < maxdots) return false; int32 nowDots = 0, from = _text.size() - maxdots, to = _text.size(); for (int32 i = from; i < to; ++i) { if (_text.at(i) == QChar('.')) { ++nowDots; } } if (nowDots == dots) return false; for (int32 j = from; j < from + dots; ++j) { _text[j] = QChar('.'); } for (int32 j = from + dots; j < to; ++j) { _text[j] = QChar(' '); } return true; } void clean(); ~Text() { clean(); } private: void recountNaturalSize(bool initial, Qt::LayoutDirection optionsDir = Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto); QFixed _minResizeWidth, _maxWidth; int32 _minHeight; QString _text; style::font _font; typedef QVector TextBlocks; TextBlocks _blocks; typedef QVector TextLinks; TextLinks _links; Qt::LayoutDirection _startDir; friend class TextParser; friend class TextPainter; }; void initLinkSets(); const QSet &validProtocols(); const QSet &validTopDomains(); const QRegularExpression &reDomain(); const QRegularExpression &reMailName(); const QRegularExpression &reMailStart(); const QRegularExpression &reHashtag(); const QRegularExpression &reBotCommand(); // text style const style::textStyle *textstyleCurrent(); void textstyleSet(const style::textStyle *style); inline void textstyleRestore() { textstyleSet(0); } // textlnk void textlnkOver(const TextLinkPtr &lnk); const TextLinkPtr &textlnkOver(); void textlnkDown(const TextLinkPtr &lnk); const TextLinkPtr &textlnkDown(); bool textlnkDrawOver(const TextLinkPtr &lnk); // textcmd QString textcmdSkipBlock(ushort w, ushort h); QString textcmdStartLink(ushort lnkIndex); QString textcmdStartLink(const QString &url); QString textcmdStopLink(); QString textcmdLink(ushort lnkIndex, const QString &text); QString textcmdLink(const QString &url, const QString &text); QString textcmdStartColor(const style::color &color); QString textcmdStopColor(); const QChar *textSkipCommand(const QChar *from, const QChar *end, bool canLink = true); inline bool chIsSpace(QChar ch, bool rich = false) { return ch.isSpace() || (ch < 32 && !(rich && ch == TextCommand)) || (ch == QChar::ParagraphSeparator) || (ch == QChar::LineSeparator) || (ch == QChar::ObjectReplacementCharacter) || (ch == QChar::SoftHyphen) || (ch == QChar::CarriageReturn) || (ch == QChar::Tabulation); } inline bool chIsDiac(QChar ch) { // diac and variation selectors return (ch.category() == QChar::Mark_NonSpacing) || (ch.unicode() == 1652); } inline bool chIsBad(QChar ch) { return (ch == 0) || (ch >= 8232 && ch < 8237) || (ch >= 65024 && ch < 65040 && ch != 65039) || (ch >= 127 && ch < 160 && ch != 156) || (cPlatform() == dbipMac && ch >= 0x0B00 && ch <= 0x0B7F && chIsDiac(ch) && cIsElCapitan()); // tmp hack see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-48910 } inline bool chIsTrimmed(QChar ch, bool rich = false) { return (!rich || ch != TextCommand) && (chIsSpace(ch) || chIsBad(ch)); } inline bool chReplacedBySpace(QChar ch) { // \xe2\x80[\xa8 - \xac\xad] // 8232 - 8237 // QString from1 = QString::fromUtf8("\xe2\x80\xa8"), to1 = QString::fromUtf8("\xe2\x80\xad"); // \xcc[\xb3\xbf\x8a] // 819, 831, 778 // QString bad1 = QString::fromUtf8("\xcc\xb3"), bad2 = QString::fromUtf8("\xcc\xbf"), bad3 = QString::fromUtf8("\xcc\x8a"); // [\x00\x01\x02\x07\x08\x0b-\x1f] // '\t' = 0x09 return (/*code >= 0x00 && */ch <= 0x02) || (ch >= 0x07 && ch <= 0x09) || (ch >= 0x0b && ch <= 0x1f) || (ch == 819) || (ch == 831) || (ch == 778) || (ch >= 8232 && ch <= 8237); } inline int32 chMaxDiacAfterSymbol() { return 2; } inline bool chIsNewline(QChar ch) { return (ch == QChar::LineFeed || ch == 156); } inline bool chIsLinkEnd(QChar ch) { return ch == TextCommand || chIsBad(ch) || chIsSpace(ch) || chIsNewline(ch) || ch.isLowSurrogate() || ch.isHighSurrogate(); } inline bool chIsAlmostLinkEnd(QChar ch) { switch (ch.unicode()) { case '?': case ',': case '.': case '"': case ':': case '!': case '\'': return true; default: break; } return false; } inline bool chIsWordSeparator(QChar ch) { switch (ch.unicode()) { case QChar::Space: case QChar::LineFeed: case '.': case ',': case '?': case '!': case '@': case '#': case '$': case ':': case ';': case '-': case '<': case '>': case '[': case ']': case '(': case ')': case '{': case '}': case '=': case '/': case '+': case '%': case '&': case '^': case '*': case '\'': case '"': case '`': case '~': case '|': return true; default: break; } return false; } inline bool chIsSentenceEnd(QChar ch) { switch (ch.unicode()) { case '.': case '?': case '!': return true; default: break; } return false; } inline bool chIsSentencePartEnd(QChar ch) { switch (ch.unicode()) { case ',': case ':': case ';': return true; default: break; } return false; } inline bool chIsParagraphSeparator(QChar ch) { switch (ch.unicode()) { case QChar::LineFeed: return true; default: break; } return false; } inline QString myUrlEncode(const QString &str) { return QString::fromLatin1(QUrl::toPercentEncoding(str)); } inline QString myUrlDecode(const QString &enc) { return QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(enc.toUtf8()); } QString prepareTextWithEntities(QString result, EntitiesInText &entities, int32 flags); inline QString prepareText(QString result, bool checkLinks = false) { EntitiesInText entities; return prepareTextWithEntities(result, entities, checkLinks ? (TextParseLinks | TextParseMentions | TextParseHashtags | TextParseBotCommands) : 0); } inline void moveStringPart(QChar *start, int32 &to, int32 &from, int32 count, EntitiesInText &entities) { if (count > 0) { if (to < from) { memmove(start + to, start + from, count * sizeof(QChar)); for (EntitiesInText::iterator i = entities.begin(), e = entities.end(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->offset >= from + count) break; if (i->offset + i->length < from) continue; if (i->offset >= from) { i->offset -= (from - to); i->length += (from - to); } if (i->offset + i->length < from + count) { i->length -= (from - to); } } } to += count; from += count; } } // replace bad symbols with space and remove \r inline void cleanTextWithEntities(QString &result, EntitiesInText &entities) { result = result.replace('\t', qstr(" ")); int32 len = result.size(), to = 0, from = 0; QChar *start = result.data(); for (QChar *ch = start, *end = start + len; ch < end; ++ch) { if (ch->unicode() == '\r') { moveStringPart(start, to, from, (ch - start) - from, entities); ++from; } else if (chReplacedBySpace(*ch)) { *ch = ' '; } } moveStringPart(start, to, from, len - from, entities); if (to < len) result.resize(to); } inline void trimTextWithEntities(QString &result, EntitiesInText &entities) { bool foundNotTrimmed = false; for (QChar *s = result.data(), *e = s + result.size(), *ch = e; ch != s;) { // rtrim --ch; if (!chIsTrimmed(*ch)) { if (ch + 1 < e) { int32 l = ch + 1 - s; for (EntitiesInText::iterator i = entities.begin(), e = entities.end(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->offset > l) { i->offset = l; i->length = 0; } else if (i->offset + i->length > l) { i->length = l - i->offset; } } result.resize(l); } foundNotTrimmed = true; break; } } if (!foundNotTrimmed) { result.clear(); entities.clear(); return; } for (QChar *s = result.data(), *ch = s, *e = s + result.size(); ch != e; ++ch) { // ltrim if (!chIsTrimmed(*ch)) { if (ch > s) { int32 l = ch - s; for (EntitiesInText::iterator i = entities.begin(), e = entities.end(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->offset + i->length <= l) { i->length = 0; i->offset = 0; } else if (i->offset < l) { i->length = i->offset + i->length - l; i->offset = 0; } else { i->offset -= l; } } result = result.mid(l); } break; } } }