/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "genstyles.h" #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QWindowsIntegrationPlugin) #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QCocoaIntegrationPlugin) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QDDSPlugin) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QICNSPlugin) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QICOPlugin) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QJp2Plugin) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QMngPlugin) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QTgaPlugin) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QTiffPlugin) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QWbmpPlugin) Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QWebpPlugin) #endif enum ScalarType { scNumber, scString, scColor, scPoint, scRect, scSprite, scSize, scTransition, scCursor, scAlign, scMargins, scFont, scTypesCount, }; string scalarTypeNames[] = { "number", "string", "color", "point", "rect", "sprite", "size", "transition", "cursor", "align", "margins", "font", }; string outputTypeNames[] = { "number", "string", "color", "point", "rect", "sprite", "size", "transition", "cursor", "align", "margins", "font", }; enum ClassGenTokenType { csName, // [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* csDelimeter, // ':' csFieldFinish, // ';' csClassStart, // '{' csClassFinish, // '}' }; bool skipWhitespaces(const char *&from, const char *end) { while (from < end && (*from == ' ' || *from == '\n' || *from == '\t' || *from == '\r')) { ++from; } return (from < end); } bool skipComment(const char *&from, const char *end) { if (from >= end) return false; if (*from == '/') { if (from + 1 >= end) return true; if (*(from + 1) == '*') { from += 2; while (from + 1 < end && (*from != '*' || *(from + 1) != '/')) { ++from; } from += 2; return (from < end); } else if (*(from + 1) == '/') { from += 2; while (from < end && *from != '\n' && *from != '\r') { ++from; } ++from; return (from < end); } else { return true; } } return true; } void readName(const char *&from, const char *end, string &token) { if (from >= end) throw Exception("Unexpected end of file!"); const char *start = from; char ch = *from; if (!((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')))) { throw Exception("Unknown error :("); } while (++from < end) { ch = *from; if (!((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')) || ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')) || ch == '_')) break; } token = string(start, from); } void readString(const char *&from, const char *end, string &token) { if (from + 1 >= end) throw Exception("Unexpected end of file!"); token = ""; char border = *from; if (border != '"' && border != '\'') { throw Exception("Unknown error :("); } bool spec = false; for (++from; spec || (*from != border); ) { if (*from == '\\') { spec = true; } else if (spec) { if (*from == 'n') { token += '\n'; } else if (*from == 't') { token += '\t'; } else if (*from == '\\' || *from == '"' || *from == '\'') { token += *from; } else { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected escaped character in string: %1").arg(*from)); } spec = false; } else { token += *from; } if (++from >= end) throw Exception("Unexpected end of file!"); } ++from; } char hexChar(char ch) { if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') { return ch + ('A' - 'a'); } return ch; } void readColor(const char *&from, const char *end, string &token) { if (from + 3 >= end) throw Exception("Unexpected end of file!"); token.resize(8); int len = 0; for (const char *ch = from + 1; ch < end; ++ch) { if ((*ch >= '0' && *ch <= '9') || (*ch >= 'A' && *ch <= 'F') || (*ch >= 'a' && *ch <= 'f')) { ++len; } else { break; } } if (len != 3 && len != 4 && len != 6 && len != 8) { throw Exception("Bad color token"); } if (len == 3 || len == 4) { token[0] = token[1] = hexChar(*(++from)); token[2] = token[3] = hexChar(*(++from)); token[4] = token[5] = hexChar(*(++from)); if (len == 3) { token[6] = token[7] = 'F'; } else { token[6] = token[7] = hexChar(*(++from)); } } else { token[0] = hexChar(*(++from)); token[1] = hexChar(*(++from)); token[2] = hexChar(*(++from)); token[3] = hexChar(*(++from)); token[4] = hexChar(*(++from)); token[5] = hexChar(*(++from)); if (len == 6) { token[6] = token[7] = 'F'; } else { token[6] = hexChar(*(++from)); token[7] = hexChar(*(++from)); } } ++from; } void readNumber(const char *&from, const char *end, string &token) { if (from >= end) throw Exception("Unexpected end of file!"); bool neg = false; if (*from == '-') { neg = true; if (++from >= end) throw Exception("Unexpected end of file!"); } if (*from == '0' && from < end && *(from + 1) >= '0' && *(from + 1) <= '9') throw Exception("Bad number token!"); token = neg ? "-" : ""; for (bool wasDot = false; from < end; ++from) { if (*from == '.') { if (wasDot) throw Exception("Unexpected dot in number!"); wasDot = true; } else if (*from < '0' || *from > '9') { break; } token += *from; } } void readClassGenToken(const char *&from, const char *end, ClassGenTokenType &tokenType, string &token) { const char *start; do { start = from; if (!skipWhitespaces(from, end)) throw Exception("Unexpected end of file!"); if (!skipComment(from, end)) throw Exception("Unexpected end of comment!"); } while (start != from); if ((*from >= 'a' && *from <= 'z') || ((*from >= 'A') && (*from <= 'Z'))) { tokenType = csName; return readName(from, end, token); } else if (*from == ':') { tokenType = csDelimeter; } else if (*from == ';') { tokenType = csFieldFinish; } else if (*from == '{') { tokenType = csClassStart; } else if (*from == '}') { tokenType = csClassFinish; } else { throw Exception("Could not parse token!"); } ++from; return; } typedef QMap FieldTypesMap; struct ClassData { string name; FieldTypesMap fields; }; typedef QMap Classes; Classes classes; typedef QMap ByName; bool genClasses(const QString &classes_in, const QString &classes_out) { QFile f(classes_in); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { cout << "Could not open style classes input file '" << classes_in.toUtf8().constData() << "'!\n"; QCoreApplication::exit(1); return false; } QByteArray blob = f.readAll(); const char *text = blob.constData(), *end = blob.constData() + blob.size(); ByName byName; QVector byIndex; string token; ClassGenTokenType type; try { while (true) { try { readClassGenToken(text, end, type, token); } catch (exception &e) { if (e.what() != string("Unexpected end of file!")) { throw; } break; } if (type != csName) { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token, type %1: %2").arg(type).arg(token.c_str())); } byIndex.push_back(ClassData()); ClassData &cls(byIndex.back()); cls.name = token; readClassGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type == csDelimeter) { readClassGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != csName) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token after '%1:', type %2").arg(cls.name.c_str()).arg(type)); QMap::const_iterator i = byName.constFind(token); if (i == byName.cend()) throw Exception(QString("Parent class '%1' not found for class '%2'").arg(token.c_str()).arg(cls.name.c_str())); cls.fields = byIndex[i.value()].fields; readClassGenToken(text, end, type, token); } if (type != csClassStart) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token after '%1:%2', type %3").arg(cls.name.c_str()).arg(token.c_str()).arg(type)); do { string fname, ftype; readClassGenToken(text, end, type, fname); if (type == csClassFinish) { byName.insert(cls.name, byIndex.size() - 1); break; } if (type != csName) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading class '%2'").arg(type).arg(cls.name.c_str())); readClassGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != csDelimeter) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading field '%2' in class '%3'").arg(type).arg(fname.c_str()).arg(cls.name.c_str())); readClassGenToken(text, end, type, ftype); if (type != csName) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading field '%2' in class '%3'").arg(type).arg(fname.c_str()).arg(cls.name.c_str())); readClassGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != csFieldFinish) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading field '%2:%3' in class '%4'").arg(type).arg(fname.c_str()).arg(ftype.c_str()).arg(cls.name.c_str())); ScalarType typeIndex = scTypesCount; for (int t = 0; t < scTypesCount; ++t) { if (ftype == scalarTypeNames[t]) { typeIndex = ScalarType(t); break; } } if (typeIndex == scTypesCount) throw Exception(QString("Unknown field type %1 while reading field '%2' in class '%3'").arg(ftype.c_str()).arg(fname.c_str()).arg(cls.name.c_str())); FieldTypesMap::const_iterator alr = cls.fields.find(fname); if (alr != cls.fields.cend()) throw Exception(QString("Redeclaration of field '%1' in class '%2'").arg(fname.c_str()).arg(cls.name.c_str())); cls.fields.insert(fname, typeIndex); } while(true); } QByteArray outText; { QTextStream tout(&outText); tout << "\ /*\n\ Created from \'/Resources/style_classes.txt\' by \'/MetaStyle\' project\n\ \n\ WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n\ \n\ This file is part of Telegram Desktop,\n\ the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org\n\ \n\ Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n\ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n\ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n\ (at your option) any later version.\n\ \n\ It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n\ GNU General Public License for more details.\n\ \n\ In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission\n\ to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.\n\ \n\ Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE\n\ Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org\n\ */\n"; tout << "#pragma once\n\n#include \"style.h\"\n\nnamespace style {\n"; for (int i = 0, l = byIndex.size(); i < l; ++i) { ClassData &cls(byIndex[i]); classes.insert(cls.name, cls); tout << "\n\tclass " << cls.name.c_str() << " {\n\tpublic:\n\t\t" << cls.name.c_str() << "("; for (FieldTypesMap::const_iterator j = cls.fields.cbegin(), e = cls.fields.cend(); j != e;) { tout << "const style::" << outputTypeNames[j.value()].c_str() << " &_" << j.key().c_str(); if (++j != e) { tout << ", "; } } tout << ", Qt::Initialization = Qt::Uninitialized)"; if (!cls.fields.isEmpty()) { tout << " : "; } for (FieldTypesMap::const_iterator j = cls.fields.cbegin(), e = cls.fields.cend(); j != e;) { tout << j.key().c_str() << "(_" << j.key().c_str() << ")"; if (++j != e) { tout << ", "; } } tout << " {\n\t\t}\n\n"; for (FieldTypesMap::const_iterator j = cls.fields.cbegin(), e = cls.fields.cend(); j != e;) { tout << "\t\tstyle::" << outputTypeNames[j.value()].c_str() << " " << j.key().c_str() << ";\n"; ++j; } tout << "\t};\n"; } tout << "\n};\n"; } QFile out(classes_out); if (out.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray wasOut = out.readAll(); if (wasOut.size() == outText.size()) { if (!memcmp(wasOut.constData(), outText.constData(), outText.size())) { return true; } } out.close(); } cout << "Style classes compiled, writing " << byIndex.size() << " classes.\n"; if (!out.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) throw Exception("Could not open style_classes.h for writing!"); if (out.write(outText) != outText.size()) throw Exception("Could not open style_classes.h for writing!"); } catch (exception &e) { cout << e.what() << "\n"; QCoreApplication::exit(1); return false; } return true; } enum StyleGenTokenType { stName, // [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* stDelimeter, // ':' stFieldFinish, // ';' stObjectStart, // '{' stObjectFinish, // '}' stConsStart, // '(' stConsFinish, // ')' stComma, // ',' stVariant, // '/' stString, // "text" or 'text' stColor, // #rgb or #rrggbb stNumber, // -?([1-9][0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+) }; static const int variants[] = { 0, 2, 3, 4 }, variantsCount = sizeof(variants) / sizeof(variants[0]); static const char *variantNames[] = { "dbisOne", "dbisOneAndQuarter", "dbisOneAndHalf", "dbisTwo" }; static const char *variantPostfixes[] = { "", "_125x", "_150x", "_200x" }; QImage *variantSprites = 0; int *spriteWidths = 0; QImage *variantGrids = 0; void readStyleGenToken(const char *&from, const char *end, StyleGenTokenType &tokenType, string &token) { const char *start; do { start = from; if (!skipWhitespaces(from, end)) throw Exception("Unexpected end of file!"); if (!skipComment(from, end)) throw Exception("Unexpected end of comment!"); } while (start != from); if ((*from >= 'a' && *from <= 'z') || ((*from >= 'A') && (*from <= 'Z'))) { tokenType = stName; return readName(from, end, token); } else if (*from == '"' || *from == '\'') { tokenType = stString; return readString(from, end, token); } else if (*from == '#') { tokenType = stColor; return readColor(from, end, token); } else if (*from == '.' || (*from >= '0' && *from <= '9') || *from == '-') { tokenType = stNumber; return readNumber(from, end, token); } else if (*from == ':') { tokenType = stDelimeter; } else if (*from == ';') { tokenType = stFieldFinish; } else if (*from == '{') { tokenType = stObjectStart; } else if (*from == '}') { tokenType = stObjectFinish; } else if (*from == '(') { tokenType = stConsStart; } else if (*from == ')') { tokenType = stConsFinish; } else if (*from == ',') { tokenType = stComma; } else if (*from == '/') { tokenType = stVariant; } else { throw Exception("Could not parse token!"); } ++from; return; } bool readPxAfterNumber(const char *&from, const char *end) { if (from + 2 <= end && *from == 'p' && *(from + 1) == 'x') { from += 2; return true; } return false; } typedef QMap ScalarValue; typedef QPair ScalarData; typedef QPair Scalar; typedef QMap Fields; typedef QPair ObjectData; typedef QPair Object; typedef QVector Objects; typedef QVector Scalars; string findScalarVariant(const ScalarValue &value, int variant) { ScalarValue::const_iterator i = value.constFind(variant); if (i != value.cend()) return i.value(); return value[0]; //string result; //for (ScalarValue::const_iterator i = value.cbegin(), e = value.cend(); i != e; ++i) { // if (i.key() > variant) { // break; // } // result = i.value(); //} //return result; } Objects objects; Scalars scalars; ByName objectsMap; ByName scalarsMap; ScalarValue fillPrepareResult(int variant, const string &result) { ScalarValue r; r[variant] = result; if (!variant) { for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount; ++i) { r[variants[i]] = result; } } return r; } int adjustPx(int variant, int number, bool ispx) { if (!ispx || !variant) return number; switch (variant) { case 2: return qRound(number * 1.25 + (number > 0 ? -0.01 : 0.01)); case 3: return qRound(number * 1.5 + (number > 0 ? -0.01 : 0.01)); case 4: return number * 2; } return number; } string adjustPx(int variant, const string &number, bool ispx) { if (!variant || !ispx) return number; return QString::number(adjustPx(variant, QString(number.c_str()).toInt(), ispx)).toUtf8().constData(); } ScalarValue prepareString(int variant, const string &token) { string result; result.reserve(token.length() * 2); result += "(qsl(\""; for (quint64 i = 0, l = token.length(); i < l; ++i) { if (token[i] == '\n') { result += "\\n"; } else if (token[i] == '\r') { result += "\\r"; } else if (token[i] == '\t') { result += "\\t"; } else { if (token[i] == '\\' || token[i] == '"') { result += '\\'; } result += token[i]; } } result += "\"))"; return fillPrepareResult(variant, result); } int hexDec(char a, char b) { int da = (a >= '0' && a <= '9') ? (a - '0') : (10 + a - 'A'); int db = (b >= '0' && b <= '9') ? (b - '0') : (10 + b - 'A'); return da * 16 + db; } typedef QMap > Named; QMap named; struct Color { string color; }; typedef QMap Colors; QMap colors; ScalarValue prepareColor(int variant, const string &name, const string &token) { QString result; result.reserve(20); int r = hexDec(token[0], token[1]), g = hexDec(token[2], token[3]), b = hexDec(token[4], token[5]), a = hexDec(token[6], token[7]); if (a == 255) { Color c; c.color = QString("%1, %2, %3, 255").arg(r).arg(g).arg(b).toUtf8().constData(); colors[variant][name] = c; if (!variant) { for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount; ++i) { colors[variants[i]][name] = c; } } return fillPrepareResult(variant, "(Qt::Uninitialized)"); } Color c; c.color = QString("%1, %2, %3, %4").arg(r).arg(g).arg(b).arg(a).toUtf8().constData(); colors[variant][name] = c; if (!variant) { for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount; ++i) { colors[variants[i]][name] = c; } } return fillPrepareResult(variant, "(Qt::Uninitialized)"); } ScalarValue prepareNumber(int variant, const string &token, const char *&text, const char *end) { bool ispx = readPxAfterNumber(text, end); ScalarValue r; r[variant] = '(' + token + ')'; if (!variant) { for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount; ++i) { r[variants[i]] = '(' + adjustPx(variants[i], token, ispx) + ')'; } } return r; } ScalarValue prepareColorRGB(int variant, const string &name, const char *&text, const char *end) { StyleGenTokenType type; string token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsStart) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rgb() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rgb() cons!").arg(type)); string r = token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rgb() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rgb() cons!").arg(type)); string g = token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rgb() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rgb() cons!").arg(type)); string b = token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsFinish) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rgb() cons!").arg(type)); Color c; c.color = QString("%1, %2, %3, 255").arg(r.c_str()).arg(g.c_str()).arg(b.c_str()).toUtf8().constData(); colors[variant][name] = c; if (!variant) { for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount; ++i) { colors[variants[i]][name] = c; } } return fillPrepareResult(variant, "(Qt::Uninitialized)"); } ScalarValue prepareColorRGBA(int variant, const string &name, const char *&text, const char *end) { StyleGenTokenType type; string token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsStart) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rgba() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rgba() cons!").arg(type)); string r = token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rgba() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rgba() cons!").arg(type)); string g = token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rgba() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rgba() cons!").arg(type)); string b = token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rgba() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rgba() cons!").arg(type)); string a = token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsFinish) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rgba() cons!").arg(type)); Color c; c.color = QString("%1, %2, %3, %4").arg(r.c_str()).arg(g.c_str()).arg(b.c_str()).arg(a.c_str()).toUtf8().constData(); colors[variant][name] = c; if (!variant) { for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount; ++i) { colors[variants[i]][name] = c; } } return fillPrepareResult(variant, "(Qt::Uninitialized)"); } ScalarValue prepareRect(int variant, const char *&text, const char *end) { StyleGenTokenType type; string token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsStart) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rect() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rect() cons!").arg(type)); string x = token; bool xpx = readPxAfterNumber(text, end); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rect() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rect() cons!").arg(type)); string y = token; bool ypx = readPxAfterNumber(text, end); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rect() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rect() cons!").arg(type)); string w = token; bool wpx = readPxAfterNumber(text, end); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rect() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rect() cons!").arg(type)); string h = token; bool hpx = readPxAfterNumber(text, end); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsFinish) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading rect() cons!").arg(type)); ScalarValue r; r[variant] = QString("(%1, %2, %3, %4)").arg(x.c_str()).arg(y.c_str()).arg(w.c_str()).arg(h.c_str()).toUtf8().constData(); if (!variant) { for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount; ++i) { r[variants[i]] = QString("(%1, %2, %3, %4)").arg(adjustPx(variants[i], x, xpx).c_str()).arg(adjustPx(variants[i], y, ypx).c_str()).arg(adjustPx(variants[i], w, wpx).c_str()).arg(adjustPx(variants[i], h, hpx).c_str()).toUtf8().constData(); } } return r; } typedef QVector > SpriteRects; SpriteRects sprites; ScalarValue prepareSprite(int variant, const char *&text, const char *end) { StyleGenTokenType type; string token; if (variant) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected variant in sprite rectangle!")); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsStart) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading sprite() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading sprite() cons!").arg(type)); string x = token; if (!readPxAfterNumber(text, end)) throw Exception(QString("All number in sprite() cons must be in px!")); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading sprite() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading sprite() cons!").arg(type)); string y = token; if (!readPxAfterNumber(text, end)) throw Exception(QString("All number in sprite() cons must be in px!")); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading sprite() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading sprite() cons!").arg(type)); string w = token; if (!readPxAfterNumber(text, end)) throw Exception(QString("All number in sprite() cons must be in px!")); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading sprite() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading sprite() cons!").arg(type)); string h = token; if (!readPxAfterNumber(text, end)) throw Exception(QString("All number in sprite() cons must be in px!")); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsFinish) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading sprite() cons!").arg(type)); ScalarValue r; r[variant] = QString("(%1, %2, %3, %4)").arg(x.c_str()).arg(y.c_str()).arg(w.c_str()).arg(h.c_str()).toUtf8().constData(); if (!variant) { for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount; ++i) { r[variants[i]] = QString("(%1, %2, %3, %4)").arg(adjustPx(variants[i], x, true).c_str()).arg(adjustPx(variants[i], y, true).c_str()).arg(adjustPx(variants[i], w, true).c_str()).arg(adjustPx(variants[i], h, true).c_str()).toUtf8().constData(); } } bool found = false; QRect sprite(QString(x.c_str()).toInt(), QString(y.c_str()).toInt(), QString(w.c_str()).toInt(), QString(h.c_str()).toInt()); for (SpriteRects::const_iterator i = sprites.cbegin(), e = sprites.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->first == sprite) { found = true; break; } if (i->first.intersects(sprite)) { cout << QString("Sprites intersection, %1 intersects with %2").arg(i->second).arg(r[variant].c_str()).toUtf8().constData() << "\n"; // throw Exception(QString("Sprites intersection, %1 intersects with %2").arg(i->second).arg(r[variant].c_str())); } } if (!found) { sprites.push_back(QPair(sprite, QString(r[variant].c_str()))); if (sprite.x() < 0 || sprite.y() < 0 || sprite.x() + sprite.width() > variantSprites[0].width() || sprite.y() + sprite.height() > variantSprites[0].height()) { throw Exception(QString("Bad sprite size %1").arg(r[variant].c_str())); } int varLast = variants[variantsCount - 1]; QImage lastCopy = variantSprites[variantsCount - 1].copy(adjustPx(varLast, sprite.x(), true), adjustPx(varLast, sprite.y(), true), adjustPx(varLast, sprite.width(), true), adjustPx(varLast, sprite.height(), true)); for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount - 1; ++i) { QPainter p(&variantSprites[i]); p.drawImage(QPoint(adjustPx(variants[i], sprite.x(), true), adjustPx(variants[i], sprite.y(), true)), lastCopy.scaled(adjustPx(variants[i], sprite.width(), true), adjustPx(variants[i], sprite.height(), true), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); } for (int i = 0; i < variantsCount; ++i) { QPainter p(&variantGrids[i]); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); p.setPen(QColor(0, 255, 255)); p.drawRect(QRect(adjustPx(variants[i], sprite.x(), true), adjustPx(variants[i], sprite.y(), true), adjustPx(variants[i], sprite.width(), true) - 1, adjustPx(variants[i], sprite.height(), true) - 1)); } } return r; } ScalarValue preparePoint(int variant, const char *&text, const char *end) { StyleGenTokenType type; string token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsStart) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading point() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading point() cons!").arg(type)); string x = token; bool xpx = readPxAfterNumber(text, end); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading point() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading point() cons!").arg(type)); string y = token; bool ypx = readPxAfterNumber(text, end); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsFinish) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading point() cons!").arg(type)); ScalarValue r; r[variant] = QString("(%1, %2)").arg(x.c_str()).arg(y.c_str()).toUtf8().constData(); if (!variant) { for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount; ++i) { r[variants[i]] = QString("(%1, %2)").arg(adjustPx(variants[i], x, xpx).c_str()).arg(adjustPx(variants[i], y, ypx).c_str()).toUtf8().constData(); } } return r; } ScalarValue prepareSize(int variant, const char *&text, const char *end) { StyleGenTokenType type; string token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsStart) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading size() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading size() cons!").arg(type)); string x = token; bool xpx = readPxAfterNumber(text, end); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading size() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading size() cons!").arg(type)); string y = token; bool ypx = readPxAfterNumber(text, end); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsFinish) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading size() cons!").arg(type)); ScalarValue r; r[variant] = QString("(%1, %2)").arg(x.c_str()).arg(y.c_str()).toUtf8().constData(); if (!variant) { for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount; ++i) { r[variants[i]] = QString("(%1, %2)").arg(adjustPx(variants[i], x, xpx).c_str()).arg(adjustPx(variants[i], y, ypx).c_str()).toUtf8().constData(); } } return r; } ScalarValue prepareTransition(int variant, const char *&text, const char *end) { StyleGenTokenType type; string token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsStart) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading transition() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stName) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading transition() cons!").arg(type)); string func = token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsFinish) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading transition() cons!").arg(type)); return fillPrepareResult(variant, QString("(anim::%1)").arg(func.c_str()).toUtf8().constData()); } ScalarValue prepareCursor(int variant, const char *&text, const char *end) { StyleGenTokenType type; string token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsStart) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading cursor() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stName) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading cursor() cons!").arg(type)); string func = token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsFinish) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading cursor() cons!").arg(type)); return fillPrepareResult(variant, QString("(style::cur_%1)").arg(func.c_str()).toUtf8().constData()); } ScalarValue prepareAlign(int variant, const char *&text, const char *end) { StyleGenTokenType type; string token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsStart) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading align() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stName) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading align() cons!").arg(type)); string func = token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsFinish) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading align() cons!").arg(type)); return fillPrepareResult(variant, QString("(style::al_%1)").arg(func.c_str()).toUtf8().constData()); } ScalarValue prepareMargins(int variant, const char *&text, const char *end) { StyleGenTokenType type; string token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsStart) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading margins() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading margins() cons!").arg(type)); string x = token; bool xpx = readPxAfterNumber(text, end); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading margins() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading margins() cons!").arg(type)); string y = token; bool ypx = readPxAfterNumber(text, end); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading margins() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading margins() cons!").arg(type)); string w = token; bool wpx = readPxAfterNumber(text, end); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading margins() cons!").arg(type)); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading margins() cons!").arg(type)); string h = token; bool hpx = readPxAfterNumber(text, end); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsFinish) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading margins() cons!").arg(type)); ScalarValue r; r[variant] = QString("(%1, %2, %3, %4)").arg(x.c_str()).arg(y.c_str()).arg(w.c_str()).arg(h.c_str()).toUtf8().constData(); if (!variant) { for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount; ++i) { r[variants[i]] = QString("(%1, %2, %3, %4)").arg(adjustPx(variants[i], x, xpx).c_str()).arg(adjustPx(variants[i], y, ypx).c_str()).arg(adjustPx(variants[i], w, wpx).c_str()).arg(adjustPx(variants[i], h, hpx).c_str()).toUtf8().constData(); } } return r; } enum FontFlagBits { FontBoldBit, FontItalicBit, FontUnderlineBit, FontFlagsBits }; enum FontFlags { FontBold = (1 << FontBoldBit), FontItalic = (1 << FontItalicBit), FontUnderline = (1 << FontUnderlineBit), FontDifferentFlags = (1 << FontFlagsBits) }; struct Font { string family, size; int flags; }; typedef QMap Fonts; QMap fonts; ScalarValue prepareFont(int variant, const string &name, const char *&text, const char *end) { StyleGenTokenType type; string token; ScalarValue sizeScalar, familyScalar; string size, family; int flags = 0; bool sizepx; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stConsStart) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 (%2) while reading font() cons!").arg(type).arg(token.c_str())); do { readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type == stNumber) { if (size.empty() && sizeScalar.isEmpty()) { size = token; sizepx = readPxAfterNumber(text, end); } else { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected second number %1 while reading font() cons!").arg(token.c_str())); } } else if (type == stName) { int bit = 0; if (token == "bold") { bit = FontBold; } else if (token == "italic") { bit = FontItalic; } else if (token == "underline") { bit = FontUnderline; } else { ByName::const_iterator j = scalarsMap.constFind(token); if (j != scalarsMap.cend()) { if (scalars[j.value()].second.first == scNumber) { if (size.empty() && sizeScalar.isEmpty()) { sizeScalar = scalars[j.value()].second.second; // size = findScalarVariant(scalars[j.value()].second.second, variant); } else { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected second number %1 while reading font() cons!").arg(token.c_str())); } } else if (scalars[j.value()].second.first == scString) { if (scalars[j.value()].second.second.empty()) { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected empty string %1 while reading font() cons!").arg(token.c_str())); } else if (!family.empty() || !familyScalar.empty()) { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected second string %1 while reading font() cons!").arg(token.c_str())); } familyScalar = scalars[j.value()].second.second; // family = findScalarVariant(scalars[j.value()].second.second, variant); } else { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected name token %1 type %2 while reading font() cons!").arg(token.c_str()).arg(scalars[j.value()].second.first)); } } else { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected name token %1 while reading font() cons!").arg(token.c_str())); } } if (flags & bit) { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected second time token %1 while reading font() cons!").arg(token.c_str())); } flags |= bit; } else if (type == stString) { if (token.empty()) { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected empty string while reading font() cons!")); } else if (!family.empty() || !familyScalar.empty()) { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected second string %1 while reading font() cons!").arg(token.c_str())); } family = token; } else if (type == stConsFinish) { break; } else { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while reading font() cons!").arg(type)); } } while (true); if (family.empty() && familyScalar.isEmpty()) { ByName::const_iterator j = scalarsMap.constFind("defaultFontFamily"); if (j != scalarsMap.cend()) { if (scalars[j.value()].second.first == scString) { if (scalars[j.value()].second.second.empty()) { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected empty string %1 while reading font() cons!").arg(token.c_str())); } else if (!family.empty() || !familyScalar.isEmpty()) { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected second string %1 while reading font() cons!").arg(token.c_str())); } // family = findScalarVariant(scalars[j.value()].second.second, variant); familyScalar = scalars[j.value()].second.second; } else { throw Exception(QString("Font family not found while reading font() cons!")); } } else { throw Exception(QString("Font family not found while reading font() cons!")); } } if (size.empty() && sizeScalar.isEmpty()) throw Exception(QString("Font size not found while reading font() cons!")); Font font; font.family = familyScalar.empty() ? family : findScalarVariant(familyScalar, variant); font.size = sizeScalar.empty() ? size : findScalarVariant(sizeScalar, variant); font.flags = flags; fonts[variant][name] = font; if (!variant) { for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount; ++i) { Font varFont = font; if (!familyScalar.empty()) varFont.family = findScalarVariant(familyScalar, variants[i]); varFont.size = sizeScalar.empty() ? adjustPx(variants[i], size, sizepx) : findScalarVariant(sizeScalar, variants[i]); fonts[variants[i]][name] = varFont; } } return fillPrepareResult(variant, "(Qt::Uninitialized)"); } ScalarData readScalarElement(string name, const char *&text, const char *end, string objName, const Fields *objFields, int variant) { string fullName = objFields ? (objName + '.' + name) : name; ScalarData result; StyleGenTokenType type; string token; readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type == stString) { result.first = scString; result.second = prepareString(variant, token); } else if (type == stNumber) { result.first = scNumber; result.second = prepareNumber(variant, token, text, end); } else if (type == stColor) { result.first = scColor; result.second = prepareColor(variant, fullName, token); } else if (type == stName) { if (token == "rgb") { result.first = scColor; result.second = prepareColorRGB(variant, fullName, text, end); } else if (token == "rgba") { result.first = scColor; result.second = prepareColorRGBA(variant, fullName, text, end); } else if (token == "rect") { result.first = scRect; result.second = prepareRect(variant, text, end); } else if (token == "sprite") { result.first = scSprite; result.second = prepareSprite(variant, text, end); } else if (token == "point") { result.first = scPoint; result.second = preparePoint(variant, text, end); } else if (token == "size") { result.first = scSize; result.second = preparePoint(variant, text, end); } else if (token == "transition") { result.first = scTransition; result.second = prepareTransition(variant, text, end); } else if (token == "cursor") { result.first = scCursor; result.second = prepareCursor(variant, text, end); } else if (token == "align") { result.first = scAlign; result.second = prepareAlign(variant, text, end); } else if (token == "margins") { result.first = scMargins; result.second = prepareMargins(variant, text, end); } else if (token == "font") { result.first = scFont; result.second = prepareFont(variant, fullName, text, end); } else { bool found = false; if (objFields) { //Fields::const_iterator j = objFields->constFind(token); //if (j != objFields->cend()) { // found = true; // result.second = j.value(); //} } if (!found) { ByName::const_iterator j = scalarsMap.constFind(token); if (j != scalarsMap.cend()) { found = true; result.first = scalars[j.value()].second.first; result.second = scalars[j.value()].second.second; if (result.first == scFont) { named[variant][fullName] = QPair(result.first, token); if (!variant) { for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount; ++i) { named[variants[i]][fullName] = QPair(result.first, token); } } } else if (result.first == scColor) { named[variant][fullName] = QPair(result.first, token); if (!variant) { for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount; ++i) { named[variants[i]][fullName] = QPair(result.first, token); } } } } } if (!found) { result.first = scTypesCount; result.second = fillPrepareResult(variant, token); } } } else { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token after '%1:', type %2").arg(name.c_str()).arg(type)); } return result; } Scalar readScalarData(StyleGenTokenType &type, string &token, const char *&text, const char *end, string objName = string(), const Fields *objFields = 0) { if (type != stName) { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token, type %1: %2").arg(type).arg(token.c_str())); } string name = token; if (!objFields) { ByName::const_iterator i = objectsMap.constFind(name); if (i != objectsMap.cend()) throw Exception(QString("Redefinition of style object %1").arg(name.c_str())); ByName::const_iterator j = scalarsMap.constFind(name); if (j != scalarsMap.cend()) throw Exception(QString("Redefinition of style scalar %1").arg(name.c_str())); } readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stDelimeter) { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token, type %1: %2").arg(type).arg(token.c_str())); } string fullName = objFields ? (objName + '.' + name) : name; Scalar result; result.first = name; result.second = readScalarElement(name, text, end, objName, objFields, 0); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); while (type == stVariant) { readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stNumber) { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token '%1' reading variants of '%2' scalar").arg(token.c_str()).arg(name.c_str())); } int variant = QString(token.c_str()).toInt(); if (variant != 2 && variant != 3 && variant != 4) { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected variant index '%1' in '%2' scalar").arg(token.c_str()).arg(name.c_str())); } readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type != stDelimeter) { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token '%1' reading variants of '%2' scalar, expected delimeter").arg(token.c_str()).arg(name.c_str())); } ScalarData el = readScalarElement(name, text, end, objName, objFields, variant); if (el.first != result.second.first) { throw Exception(QString("Type changed in variant for '%1'").arg(name.c_str())); } result.second.second.insert(variant, el.second[variant]); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); } return result; } string prepareObject(const string &cls, Fields fields, const string &obj, int variant) { string result = "("; Classes::const_iterator i = classes.constFind(cls); if (i == classes.cend()) throw Exception("Unknown error :("); for (FieldTypesMap::const_iterator j = i.value().fields.cbegin(), e = i.value().fields.cend(); j != e;) { result += "style::" + outputTypeNames[j.value()]; Fields::iterator f = fields.find(j.key()); if (f == fields.end()) { result += "()"; } else if (f.value().first != j.value()) { throw Exception(QString("Bad type of field %1 while parsing %2").arg(j.key().c_str()).arg(obj.c_str())); } else { if (variant == -1) { // retina result += findScalarVariant(f.value().second, (j.value() == scSprite) ? 4 : 0); } else { result += findScalarVariant(f.value().second, variant); } } fields.erase(f); if (++j != e) { result += ", "; } } if (fields.size()) { throw Exception(QString("Unknown fields found in %1, for example %2").arg(obj.c_str()).arg(fields.begin().key().c_str())); } return result + ", Qt::Uninitialized)"; } bool genStyles(const QString &classes_in, const QString &classes_out, const QString &styles_in, const QString &styles_out, const QString &path_to_sprites) { if (!genClasses(classes_in, classes_out)) return false; QString styles_cpp = QString(styles_out).replace(".h", ".cpp"); if (styles_cpp == styles_out) { cout << "Bad output file name '" << styles_out.toUtf8().constData() << "'!\n"; QCoreApplication::exit(1); return false; } QString numbers_cpp = QString(styles_cpp).replace("style_auto.cpp", "numbers.cpp"); if (numbers_cpp == styles_cpp) { cout << "Bad output file name '" << numbers_cpp.toUtf8().constData() << "'!\n"; QCoreApplication::exit(1); return false; } QFile f(styles_in); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { cout << "Could not open styles input file '" << styles_in.toUtf8().constData() << "'!\n"; QCoreApplication::exit(1); return false; } QString numbers_in = QString(styles_in).replace("style.txt", "numbers.txt"); if (numbers_in == styles_in) { cout << "Bad input file name '" << numbers_in.toUtf8().constData() << "'!\n"; QCoreApplication::exit(1); return false; } QFile fnum(numbers_in); if (!fnum.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { cout << "Could not open numbers input file '" << numbers_in.toUtf8().constData() << "'!\n"; QCoreApplication::exit(1); return false; } QImage sprites[variantsCount]; int widths[variantsCount] = { 0 }; variantSprites = sprites; spriteWidths = widths; QString sprite0(path_to_sprites + "sprite" + QString(variantPostfixes[0]) + ".png"), spriteLast(path_to_sprites + "sprite" + QString(variantPostfixes[variantsCount - 1]) + ".png"); variantSprites[0] = QImage(sprite0); spriteWidths[0] = variantSprites[0].width(); for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount - 1; ++i) { variantSprites[i] = QImage(adjustPx(variants[i], variantSprites[0].width(), true), adjustPx(variants[i], variantSprites[0].height(), true), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); spriteWidths[i] = variantSprites[i].width(); QPainter p(&variantSprites[i]); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.fillRect(0, 0, variantSprites[i].width(), variantSprites[i].height(), Qt::transparent); } variantSprites[variantsCount - 1] = QImage(spriteLast); spriteWidths[variantsCount - 1] = variantSprites[variantsCount - 1].width(); if (!variantSprites[0].width() || !variantSprites[0].height()) { cout << "Could not open input sprite file '" << sprite0.toUtf8().constData() << "'!\n"; QCoreApplication::exit(1); return false; } if (!variantSprites[variantsCount - 1].width() || !variantSprites[variantsCount - 1].height()) { cout << "Could not open input sprite file '" << spriteLast.toUtf8().constData() << "'!\n"; QCoreApplication::exit(1); return false; } if (adjustPx(variants[variantsCount - 1], variantSprites[0].width(), true) != variantSprites[variantsCount - 1].width()) { cout << "Bad sprite file width '" << spriteLast.toUtf8().constData() << "'!\n"; QCoreApplication::exit(1); return false; } if (adjustPx(variants[variantsCount - 1], variantSprites[0].height(), true) != variantSprites[variantsCount - 1].height()) { cout << "Bad sprite file height '" << spriteLast.toUtf8().constData() << "'!\n"; QCoreApplication::exit(1); return false; } QImage grids[variantsCount]; variantGrids = grids; for (int i = 0; i < variantsCount; ++i) { variantGrids[i] = QImage(variantSprites[i].width(), variantSprites[i].height(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); QPainter p(&variantGrids[i]); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.fillRect(0, 0, variantSprites[i].width(), variantSprites[i].height(), Qt::transparent); } QByteArray blob = f.readAll(); const char *text = blob.constData(), *end = blob.constData() + blob.size(); QMap byName; QVector byIndex; string token; StyleGenTokenType type; try { while (true) { try { readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); } catch (exception &e) { if (e.what() != string("Unexpected end of file!")) { throw; } break; } string name = token; Scalar scalar = readScalarData(type, token, text, end); if (scalar.second.first != scTypesCount) { scalarsMap.insert(scalar.first, scalars.size()); scalars.push_back(scalar); if (type != stFieldFinish) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token after scalar %1, type %2").arg(name.c_str()).arg(type)); continue; } string objType = scalar.second.second[0]; Object obj; obj.first = name; obj.second.first = objType; Classes::const_iterator c = classes.constFind(objType); if (c == classes.cend()) throw Exception(QString("Unknown type %1 used for object %2").arg(objType.c_str()).arg(name.c_str())); if (type == stConsStart) { do { readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); string parent = token; if (type != stName) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1 while parsing object %2").arg(type).arg(name.c_str())); ByName::const_iterator p = objectsMap.constFind(parent); if (p == objectsMap.cend()) throw Exception(QString("Parent object %1 not found, while parsing object %2").arg(parent.c_str()).arg(name.c_str())); const ObjectData &alr(objects[p.value()].second); for (Fields::const_iterator f = alr.second.cbegin(), e = alr.second.cend(); f != e; ++f) { // Fields::const_iterator a = obj.second.second.constFind(f.key()); // if (a == obj.second.second.cend()) { obj.second.second.insert(f.key(), f.value()); if (f.value().first == scFont) { for (int v = 0; v < variantsCount; ++v) { named[variants[v]][name + '.' + f.key()] = QPair(f.value().first, parent + '.' + f.key()); } } else if (f.value().first == scColor) { for (int v = 0; v < variantsCount; ++v) { named[variants[v]][name + '.' + f.key()] = QPair(f.value().first, parent + '.' + f.key()); } } // } } readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type == stConsFinish) break; if (type != stComma) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1, expected , or ) while parsing object %2").arg(type).arg(name.c_str())); } while (true); readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); } if (type != stObjectStart) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token %1, expected { while parsing object %2").arg(type).arg(name.c_str())); while (true) { readStyleGenToken(text, end, type, token); if (type == stObjectFinish) { objectsMap.insert(name, objects.size()); objects.push_back(obj); break; } for (int v = 0; v < variantsCount; ++v) { named[variants[v]].remove(name + '.' + token); } Scalar scalar = readScalarData(type, token, text, end, name, &obj.second.second); if (scalar.second.first == scTypesCount) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected type name %1 while parsing object %2").arg(scalar.second.second[0].c_str()).arg(name.c_str())); obj.second.second.insert(scalar.first, scalar.second); if (type != stFieldFinish) throw Exception(QString("Unexpected token after scalar %1 in object %2, type %3").arg(scalar.first.c_str()).arg(name.c_str()).arg(type)); } } QByteArray outText, cppText; { int variant = 0; QTextStream tout(&outText), tcpp(&cppText); tout << "\ /*\n\ Created from \'/Resources/style.txt\' by \'/MetaStyle\' project\n\ \n\ WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n\ \n\ This file is part of Telegram Desktop,\n\ the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org\n\ \n\ Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n\ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n\ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n\ (at your option) any later version.\n\ \n\ It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n\ GNU General Public License for more details.\n\ \n\ In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission\n\ to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.\n\ \n\ Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE\n\ Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org\n\ */\n"; tout << "#pragma once\n\n#include \"style.h\"\n\nnamespace st {\n"; tcpp << "\ /*\n\ Created from \'/Resources/style.txt\' by \'/MetaStyle\' project\n\ \n\ WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n\ \n\ This file is part of Telegram Desktop,\n\ the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org\n\ \n\ Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n\ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n\ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n\ (at your option) any later version.\n\ \n\ It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n\ GNU General Public License for more details.\n\ \n\ In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission\n\ to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.\n\ \n\ Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE\n\ Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org\n\ */\n"; tcpp << "#include \"stdafx.h\"\n#include \"style_auto.h\"\n\nnamespace {\n"; for (int i = 0, l = scalars.size(); i < l; ++i) { Scalar &sc(scalars[i]); tout << "\textern const style::" << outputTypeNames[sc.second.first].c_str() << " &" << sc.first.c_str() << ";\n"; tcpp << "\tstyle::" << outputTypeNames[sc.second.first].c_str() << " _" << sc.first.c_str() << findScalarVariant(sc.second.second, variant).c_str() << ";\n"; } tout << "\n"; tcpp << "\n"; for (int i = 0, l = objects.size(); i < l; ++i) { Object &obj(objects[i]); tout << "\textern const style::" << obj.second.first.c_str() << " &" << obj.first.c_str() << ";\n"; tcpp << "\tstyle::" << obj.second.first.c_str() << " _" << obj.first.c_str() << prepareObject(obj.second.first, obj.second.second, obj.first, variant).c_str() << ";\n"; } tout << "};\n"; tcpp << "};\n"; tcpp << "\nnamespace st {\n"; for (int i = 0, l = scalars.size(); i < l; ++i) { Scalar &sc(scalars[i]); tcpp << "\tconst style::" << outputTypeNames[sc.second.first].c_str() << " &" << sc.first.c_str() << "(_" << sc.first.c_str() << ");\n"; } tcpp << "\n"; for (int i = 0, l = objects.size(); i < l; ++i) { Object &obj(objects[i]); tcpp << "\tconst style::" << obj.second.first.c_str() << " &" << obj.first.c_str() << "(_" << obj.first.c_str() << ");\n"; } tcpp << "};\n"; tcpp << "\nnamespace style {\n\n"; tcpp << "\tFontFamilies _fontFamilies;\n"; tcpp << "\tFontDatas _fontsMap;\n"; tcpp << "\tColorDatas _colorsMap;\n"; tcpp << "\tint _spriteWidth = " << spriteWidths[0] << ";\n\n"; tcpp << "\tvoid startManager() {\n"; tcpp << "\n\t\tif (cRetina()) {\n"; tcpp << "\t\t\tcSetRealScale(dbisOne);\n"; tcpp << "\t\t\t_spriteWidth = " << spriteWidths[variantsCount - 1] << ";\n\n"; for (int i = 0, l = scalars.size(); i < l; ++i) { Scalar &sc(scalars[i]); if (sc.second.first == scSprite || sc.first == "spriteFile" || sc.first == "emojisFile" || sc.first == "emojiImgSize") { string v = findScalarVariant(sc.second.second, 4); if (v != findScalarVariant(sc.second.second, 0)) { tcpp << "\t\t\t_" << sc.first.c_str() << " = style::" << outputTypeNames[sc.second.first].c_str() << v.c_str() << ";\n"; } } } for (int i = 0, l = objects.size(); i < l; ++i) { Object &obj(objects[i]); string v = prepareObject(obj.second.first, obj.second.second, obj.first, -1); // retina if (v != prepareObject(obj.second.first, obj.second.second, obj.first, 0)) { tcpp << "\t\t\t_" << obj.first.c_str() << " = style::" << obj.second.first.c_str() << v.c_str() << ";\n"; } } tcpp << "\t\t} else switch (cScale()) {\n\n"; for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount; ++i) { variant = variants[i]; const char *varName = variantNames[i]; tcpp << "\t\tcase " << varName << ":\n"; tcpp << "\t\t\t_spriteWidth = " << spriteWidths[i] << ";\n\n"; typedef QMap FontFamilies; FontFamilies fontFamilies; for (int i = 0, l = scalars.size(); i < l; ++i) { Scalar &sc(scalars[i]); string v = findScalarVariant(sc.second.second, variant); if (v != findScalarVariant(sc.second.second, 0)) { tcpp << "\t\t\t_" << sc.first.c_str() << " = style::" << outputTypeNames[sc.second.first].c_str() << v.c_str() << ";\n"; } } for (int i = 0, l = objects.size(); i < l; ++i) { Object &obj(objects[i]); string v = prepareObject(obj.second.first, obj.second.second, obj.first, variant); if (v != prepareObject(obj.second.first, obj.second.second, obj.first, 0)) { tcpp << "\t\t\t_" << obj.first.c_str() << " = style::" << obj.second.first.c_str() << v.c_str() << ";\n"; } } tcpp << "\t\tbreak;\n\n"; } tcpp << "\t\t}\n\n"; Colors &clrs(colors[variant]); for (Colors::const_iterator i = clrs.cbegin(), e = clrs.cend(); i != e; ++i) { bool differ = false; for (int j = 1; j < variantsCount; ++j) { const Colors &otherClrs(colors[variants[j]]); Colors::const_iterator k = otherClrs.constFind(i.key()); if (k == otherClrs.cend() || k.value().color != i.value().color) { differ = true; break; } } if (!differ) { tcpp << "\t\t_" << i.key().c_str() << ".init(" << i.value().color.c_str() << ");\n"; } } for (int i = 0; i < variantsCount; ++i) { variant = variants[i]; Named &nmd(named[variant]); while (true) { bool found = false; for (Named::iterator i = nmd.begin(), e = nmd.end(); i != e; ++i) { if (i.key() == i.value().second) { throw Exception(QString("Object '%1' is equal to itself!").arg(i.key().c_str())); } Named::const_iterator j = nmd.constFind(i.value().second); if (j != nmd.cend()) { *i = *j; found = true; } } if (!found) break; } } tcpp << "\n\t\tswitch (cScale()) {\n\n"; for (int i = 0; i < variantsCount; ++i) { variant = variants[i]; const char *varName = variantNames[i]; tcpp << "\t\tcase " << varName << ":\n"; typedef QMap FontFamilies; FontFamilies fontFamilies; int familyIndex = 0; ByName::const_iterator j = scalarsMap.constFind("defaultFontFamily"); if (j != scalarsMap.cend()) { if (scalars[j.value()].second.first == scString) { if (scalars[j.value()].second.second.empty()) { throw Exception(QString("Unexpected empty string in defaultFontFamily!").arg(token.c_str())); } string v = findScalarVariant(scalars[j.value()].second.second, variant); tcpp << "\t\t\t_fontFamilies.push_back" << v.c_str() << ";\n"; fontFamilies.insert(v, familyIndex++); } else { throw Exception(QString("defaultFontFamily has bad type!")); } } else { throw Exception(QString("defaultFontFamily not found!")); } Fonts &fnts(fonts[variant]); for (Fonts::const_iterator i = fnts.cbegin(), e = fnts.cend(); i != e; ++i) { FontFamilies::const_iterator j = fontFamilies.constFind(i.value().family); if (j == fontFamilies.cend()) { tcpp << "\n\t\t\t_fontFamilies.push_back" << i.value().family.c_str() << ";\n"; j = fontFamilies.insert(i.value().family, familyIndex++); } tcpp << "\t\t\t_" << i.key().c_str() << ".init(" << i.value().size.c_str() << ", " << i.value().flags << ", " << j.value() << ", 0);\n"; } Colors &clrs(colors[variant]); if (!clrs.empty()) tcpp << "\n"; for (Colors::const_iterator i = clrs.cbegin(), e = clrs.cend(); i != e; ++i) { bool differ = false; for (int j = 0; j < variantsCount; ++j) { if (variant == variants[j]) continue; const Colors &otherClrs(colors[variants[j]]); Colors::const_iterator k = otherClrs.constFind(i.key()); if (k == otherClrs.cend() || k.value().color != i.value().color) { differ = true; break; } } if (differ) { tcpp << "\t\t\t_" << i.key().c_str() << ".init(" << i.value().color.c_str() << ");\n"; } } Named &nmd(named[variant]); for (Named::const_iterator i = nmd.cbegin(), e = nmd.cend(); i != e; ++i) { bool differ = false; for (int j = 0; j < variantsCount; ++j) { if (variant == variants[j]) continue; const Named &otherNmd(named[variants[j]]); Named::const_iterator k = otherNmd.constFind(i.key()); if (k == otherNmd.cend() || k.value().second != i.value().second) { differ = true; break; } } if (differ) { tcpp << "\t\t\t_" << i.key().c_str() << " = _" << i.value().second.c_str() << ";\n"; } } tcpp << "\t\tbreak;\n\n"; } tcpp << "\t\t}\n\n"; variant = 0; Named &nmd(named[variant]); for (Named::const_iterator i = nmd.cbegin(), e = nmd.cend(); i != e; ++i) { bool differ = false; for (int j = 1; j < variantsCount; ++j) { const Named &otherNmd(named[variants[j]]); Named::const_iterator k = otherNmd.constFind(i.key()); if (k == otherNmd.cend() || k.value().second != i.value().second) { differ = true; break; } } if (!differ) { tcpp << "\t\t_" << i.key().c_str() << " = _" << i.value().second.c_str() << ";\n"; } } tcpp << "\t}\n"; tcpp << "\n};\n"; } for (int i = 1; i < variantsCount - 1; ++i) { QString spritei(path_to_sprites + "sprite" + QString(variantPostfixes[i]) + ".png"), spriteLast(path_to_sprites + "sprite" + QString(variantPostfixes[i]) + ".png"); QByteArray sprite; { QBuffer sbuf(&sprite); if (!variantSprites[i].save(&sbuf, "PNG")) { throw Exception(("Could not write intermediate sprite '" + spritei + "'!")); } } bool needResave = !QFileInfo(spritei).exists(); if (!needResave) { QFile sf(spritei); if (!sf.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { needResave = true; } else { QByteArray already(sf.readAll()); if (already.size() != sprite.size() || memcmp(already.constData(), sprite.constData(), already.size())) { needResave = true; } } } if (needResave) { QFile sf(spritei); if (!sf.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { throw Exception(("Could not write intermediate sprite '" + spritei + "'!")); } else { if (sf.write(sprite) != sprite.size()) { throw Exception(("Could not write intermediate sprite '" + spritei + "'!")); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < variantsCount; ++i) { QString spritei(path_to_sprites + "grid" + QString(variantPostfixes[i]) + ".png"), spriteLast(path_to_sprites + "sprite" + QString(variantPostfixes[i]) + ".png"); QByteArray grid; { QBuffer gbuf(&grid); if (!variantGrids[i].save(&gbuf, "PNG")) { throw Exception(("Could not write intermediate grid '" + spritei + "'!")); } } bool needResave = !QFileInfo(spritei).exists(); if (!needResave) { QFile gf(spritei); if (!gf.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { needResave = true; } else { QByteArray already(gf.readAll()); if (already.size() != grid.size() || memcmp(already.constData(), grid.constData(), already.size())) { needResave = true; } } } if (needResave) { QFile gf(spritei); if (!gf.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { throw Exception(("Could not write intermediate grid '" + spritei + "'!")); } else { if (gf.write(grid) != grid.size()) { throw Exception(("Could not write intermediate grid '" + spritei + "'!")); } } } } QFile out(styles_out), cpp(styles_cpp); bool write_out = true; if (out.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray wasOut = out.readAll(); if (wasOut.size() == outText.size()) { if (!memcmp(wasOut.constData(), outText.constData(), outText.size())) { write_out = false; } } out.close(); } if (write_out) { cout << "Style compiled, writing " << scalars.size() << " scalars and " << objects.size() << " objects.\n"; if (!out.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) throw Exception("Could not open style_auto.h for writing!"); if (out.write(outText) != outText.size()) throw Exception("Could not open style_auto.h for writing!"); } bool write_cpp = true; if (cpp.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray wasCpp = cpp.readAll(); if (wasCpp.size() == cppText.size()) { if (!memcmp(wasCpp.constData(), cppText.constData(), cppText.size())) { write_cpp = false; } } cpp.close(); } if (write_cpp) { if (!write_out) cout << "Style updated, writing " << scalars.size() << " scalars and " << objects.size() << " objects.\n"; if (!cpp.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) throw Exception("Could not open style_auto.cpp for writing!"); if (cpp.write(cppText) != cppText.size()) throw Exception("Could not open style_auto.cpp for writing!"); } QMap > numberRules; QList numlines = fnum.readAll().split('\n'); for (int i = 0, l = numlines.size(); i < l; ++i) { QList strs = numlines.at(i).split(';'); if (strs.isEmpty()) continue; QString code = QString::fromLatin1(strs.at(0)).trimmed(); if (code.isEmpty() || QRegularExpression("[^0-9]").match(code).hasMatch()) { throw Exception("Bad string in number.txt: " + numlines.at(i)); } if (strs.size() < 5) { numberRules.insert(code, QVector()); } else { QString lenstr = QString::fromLatin1(strs.at(4)).trimmed(), pattern = QString::fromLatin1(strs.at(3)).trimmed(); if (QRegularExpression("[^0-9]").match(lenstr).hasMatch() || !pattern.startsWith(code + ' ')) { throw Exception("Bad string in number.txt: " + numlines.at(i)); } QStringList lst = pattern.mid(code.size() + 1).split(' '); int len = lenstr.toInt(), sum = code.size(); QVector result; for (int j = 0, c = lst.size(); j < c; ++j) { if (lst.at(j).isEmpty()) continue; if (QRegularExpression("[^X]").match(lst.at(j)).hasMatch()) { throw Exception("Bad string in number.txt: " + numlines.at(i)); } result.push_back(lst.at(j).size()); sum += lst.at(j).size(); } if (sum != len) { throw Exception("Bad length in number.txt: " + numlines.at(i)); } numberRules.insert(code, result); } } QByteArray numText; { QTextStream tnum(&numText); tnum << "\ /*\n\ Created from \'/Resources/style.txt\' by \'/MetaStyle\' project\n\ \n\ WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!\n\ \n\ This file is part of Telegram Desktop,\n\ the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org\n\ \n\ Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n\ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n\ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n\ (at your option) any later version.\n\ \n\ It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n\ GNU General Public License for more details.\n\ \n\ In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission\n\ to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library.\n\ \n\ Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE\n\ Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org\n\ */\n"; tnum << "#include \"stdafx.h\"\n#include \"numbers.h\"\n\n"; tnum << "QVector phoneNumberParse(const QString &number) {\n"; tnum << "\tQVector result;\n\n"; tnum << "\tint32 len = number.size();\n"; tnum << "\tif (len > 0) switch (number.at(0).unicode()) {\n"; QString already; for (QMap >::const_iterator i = numberRules.cend(), e = numberRules.cbegin(); i != e;) { --i; QString k = i.key(); bool onlyLastChanged = true; while (!already.isEmpty() && (already.size() > k.size() || !already.endsWith(k.at(already.size() - 1)))) { if (!onlyLastChanged) { tnum << QString("\t").repeated(1 + already.size()) << "}\n"; tnum << QString("\t").repeated(already.size()) << "break;\n"; } already = already.mid(0, already.size() - 1); onlyLastChanged = false; } if (already == k) { tnum << QString("\t").repeated(1 + already.size()) << "}\n"; } else { bool onlyFirstCheck = true; while (already.size() < k.size()) { if (!onlyFirstCheck) tnum << QString("\t").repeated(1 + already.size()) << "if (len > " << already.size() << ") switch (number.at(" << already.size() << ").unicode()) {\n"; tnum << QString("\t").repeated(1 + already.size()) << "case '" << k.at(already.size()).toLatin1() << "':\n"; already.push_back(k.at(already.size())); onlyFirstCheck = false; } } if (i.value().isEmpty()) { tnum << QString("\t").repeated(1 + already.size()) << "return QVector(1, " << k.size() << ");\n"; } else { tnum << QString("\t").repeated(1 + already.size()) << "result.reserve(" << (i.value().size() + 1) << ");\n"; tnum << QString("\t").repeated(1 + already.size()) << "result.push_back(" << k.size() << ");\n"; for (int j = 0, l = i.value().size(); j < l; ++j) { tnum << QString("\t").repeated(1 + already.size()) << "result.push_back(" << i.value().at(j) << ");\n"; } tnum << QString("\t").repeated(1 + already.size()) << "return result;\n"; } } bool onlyLastChanged = true; while (!already.isEmpty()) { if (!onlyLastChanged) { tnum << QString("\t").repeated(1 + already.size()) << "}\n"; // tnum << QString("\t").repeated(1 + already.size()) << "\return result;\n"; } already = already.mid(0, already.size() - 1); onlyLastChanged = false; } tnum << "\t}\n\n"; tnum << "\treturn result;\n"; tnum << "}\n"; } QFile num(numbers_cpp); bool write_num = true; if (num.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray wasNum = num.readAll(); if (wasNum.size() == numText.size()) { if (!memcmp(wasNum.constData(), numText.constData(), numText.size())) { write_num = false; } } num.close(); } if (write_num) { cout << "Numbers compiled, writing..\n"; if (!num.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) throw Exception("Could not open numbers.cpp for writing!"); if (num.write(numText) != numText.size()) throw Exception("Could not open numbers.cpp for writing!"); } } catch (exception &e) { cout << e.what() << "\n"; QCoreApplication::exit(1); return false; } return true; }