/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "application.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "window/notifications_manager.h" #include "core/crash_reports.h" #include "messenger.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "base/qthelp_url.h" #include "base/qthelp_regex.h" #include "core/update_checker.h" #include "core/crash_report_window.h" namespace { constexpr auto kEmptyPidForCommandResponse = 0ULL; QChar _toHex(ushort v) { v = v & 0x000F; return QChar::fromLatin1((v >= 10) ? ('a' + (v - 10)) : ('0' + v)); } ushort _fromHex(QChar c) { return ((c.unicode() >= uchar('a')) ? (c.unicode() - uchar('a') + 10) : (c.unicode() - uchar('0'))) & 0x000F; } QString _escapeTo7bit(const QString &str) { QString result; result.reserve(str.size() * 2); for (int i = 0, l = str.size(); i != l; ++i) { QChar ch(str.at(i)); ushort uch(ch.unicode()); if (uch < 32 || uch > 127 || uch == ushort(uchar('%'))) { result.append('%').append(_toHex(uch >> 12)).append(_toHex(uch >> 8)).append(_toHex(uch >> 4)).append(_toHex(uch)); } else { result.append(ch); } } return result; } QString _escapeFrom7bit(const QString &str) { QString result; result.reserve(str.size()); for (int i = 0, l = str.size(); i != l; ++i) { QChar ch(str.at(i)); if (ch == QChar::fromLatin1('%') && i + 4 < l) { result.append(QChar(ushort((_fromHex(str.at(i + 1)) << 12) | (_fromHex(str.at(i + 2)) << 8) | (_fromHex(str.at(i + 3)) << 4) | _fromHex(str.at(i + 4))))); i += 4; } else { result.append(ch); } } return result; } } // namespace bool InternalPassportLink(const QString &url) { const auto urlTrimmed = url.trimmed(); if (!urlTrimmed.startsWith(qstr("tg://"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return false; } const auto command = urlTrimmed.midRef(qstr("tg://").size()); using namespace qthelp; const auto matchOptions = RegExOption::CaseInsensitive; const auto authMatch = regex_match( qsl("^passport/?\\?(.+)(#|$)"), command, matchOptions); const auto usernameMatch = regex_match( qsl("^resolve/?\\?(.+)(#|$)"), command, matchOptions); const auto usernameValue = usernameMatch->hasMatch() ? url_parse_params( usernameMatch->captured(1), UrlParamNameTransform::ToLower).value(qsl("domain")) : QString(); const auto authLegacy = (usernameValue == qstr("telegrampassport")); return authMatch->hasMatch() || authLegacy; } bool StartUrlRequiresActivate(const QString &url) { return Messenger::Instance().locked() ? true : !InternalPassportLink(url); } Application::Application( not_null launcher, int &argc, char **argv) : QApplication(argc, argv) , _launcher(launcher) , _updateChecker(Core::UpdaterDisabled() ? nullptr : std::make_unique()) { const auto d = QFile::encodeName(QDir(cWorkingDir()).absolutePath()); char h[33] = { 0 }; hashMd5Hex(d.constData(), d.size(), h); #ifndef OS_MAC_STORE _localServerName = psServerPrefix() + h + '-' + cGUIDStr(); #else // OS_MAC_STORE h[4] = 0; // use only first 4 chars _localServerName = psServerPrefix() + h; #endif // OS_MAC_STORE connect(&_localSocket, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(socketConnected())); connect(&_localSocket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(socketDisconnected())); connect(&_localSocket, SIGNAL(error(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError)), this, SLOT(socketError(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError))); connect(&_localSocket, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)), this, SLOT(socketWritten(qint64))); connect(&_localSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(socketReading())); connect(&_localServer, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(newInstanceConnected())); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(startApplication())); connect(this, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), this, SLOT(closeApplication())); if (cManyInstance()) { LOG(("Many instance allowed, starting...")); singleInstanceChecked(); } else { LOG(("Connecting local socket to %1...").arg(_localServerName)); _localSocket.connectToServer(_localServerName); } } Application::~Application() = default; bool Application::event(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::Close) { App::quit(); } return QApplication::event(e); } void Application::socketConnected() { LOG(("Socket connected, this is not the first application instance, sending show command...")); _secondInstance = true; QString commands; const QStringList &lst(cSendPaths()); for (QStringList::const_iterator i = lst.cbegin(), e = lst.cend(); i != e; ++i) { commands += qsl("SEND:") + _escapeTo7bit(*i) + ';'; } if (!cStartUrl().isEmpty()) { commands += qsl("OPEN:") + _escapeTo7bit(cStartUrl()) + ';'; } else { commands += qsl("CMD:show;"); } DEBUG_LOG(("Application Info: writing commands %1").arg(commands)); _localSocket.write(commands.toLatin1()); } void Application::socketWritten(qint64/* bytes*/) { if (_localSocket.state() != QLocalSocket::ConnectedState) { LOG(("Socket is not connected %1").arg(_localSocket.state())); return; } if (_localSocket.bytesToWrite()) { return; } LOG(("Show command written, waiting response...")); } void Application::socketReading() { if (_localSocket.state() != QLocalSocket::ConnectedState) { LOG(("Socket is not connected %1").arg(_localSocket.state())); return; } _localSocketReadData.append(_localSocket.readAll()); if (QRegularExpression("RES:(\\d+);").match(_localSocketReadData).hasMatch()) { uint64 pid = _localSocketReadData.mid(4, _localSocketReadData.length() - 5).toULongLong(); if (pid != kEmptyPidForCommandResponse) { psActivateProcess(pid); } LOG(("Show command response received, pid = %1, activating and quitting...").arg(pid)); return App::quit(); } } void Application::socketError(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketError e) { if (App::quitting()) return; if (_secondInstance) { LOG(("Could not write show command, error %1, quitting...").arg(e)); return App::quit(); } if (e == QLocalSocket::ServerNotFoundError) { LOG(("This is the only instance of Telegram, starting server and app...")); } else { LOG(("Socket connect error %1, starting server and app...").arg(e)); } _localSocket.close(); // Local server does not work in WinRT build. #ifndef Q_OS_WINRT psCheckLocalSocket(_localServerName); if (!_localServer.listen(_localServerName)) { LOG(("Failed to start listening to %1 server, error %2").arg(_localServerName).arg(int(_localServer.serverError()))); return App::quit(); } #endif // !Q_OS_WINRT if (!Core::UpdaterDisabled() && !cNoStartUpdate() && Core::checkReadyUpdate()) { cSetRestartingUpdate(true); DEBUG_LOG(("Application Info: installing update instead of starting app...")); return App::quit(); } singleInstanceChecked(); } void Application::singleInstanceChecked() { if (cManyInstance()) { Logs::multipleInstances(); } Sandbox::start(); refreshGlobalProxy(); if (!Logs::started() || (!cManyInstance() && !Logs::instanceChecked())) { new NotStartedWindow(); } else { const auto status = CrashReports::Start(); if (status == CrashReports::CantOpen) { new NotStartedWindow(); } else if (status == CrashReports::LastCrashed) { if (Sandbox::LastCrashDump().isEmpty()) { // don't handle bad closing for now if (CrashReports::Restart() == CrashReports::CantOpen) { new NotStartedWindow(); } else { Sandbox::launch(); } } else { new LastCrashedWindow(); } } else { Sandbox::launch(); } } } void Application::socketDisconnected() { if (_secondInstance) { DEBUG_LOG(("Application Error: socket disconnected before command response received, quitting...")); return App::quit(); } } void Application::newInstanceConnected() { DEBUG_LOG(("Application Info: new local socket connected")); for (QLocalSocket *client = _localServer.nextPendingConnection(); client; client = _localServer.nextPendingConnection()) { _localClients.push_back(LocalClient(client, QByteArray())); connect(client, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readClients())); connect(client, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(removeClients())); } } void Application::readClients() { // This method can be called before Messenger is constructed. QString startUrl; QStringList toSend; for (LocalClients::iterator i = _localClients.begin(), e = _localClients.end(); i != e; ++i) { i->second.append(i->first->readAll()); if (i->second.size()) { QString cmds(QString::fromLatin1(i->second)); int32 from = 0, l = cmds.length(); for (int32 to = cmds.indexOf(QChar(';'), from); to >= from; to = (from < l) ? cmds.indexOf(QChar(';'), from) : -1) { QStringRef cmd(&cmds, from, to - from); if (cmd.startsWith(qsl("CMD:"))) { Sandbox::execExternal(cmds.mid(from + 4, to - from - 4)); const auto response = qsl("RES:%1;").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationPid()).toLatin1(); i->first->write(response.data(), response.size()); } else if (cmd.startsWith(qsl("SEND:"))) { if (cSendPaths().isEmpty()) { toSend.append(_escapeFrom7bit(cmds.mid(from + 5, to - from - 5))); } } else if (cmd.startsWith(qsl("OPEN:"))) { auto activateRequired = true; if (cStartUrl().isEmpty()) { startUrl = _escapeFrom7bit(cmds.mid(from + 5, to - from - 5)).mid(0, 8192); activateRequired = StartUrlRequiresActivate(startUrl); } if (activateRequired) { Sandbox::execExternal("show"); } const auto responsePid = activateRequired ? QCoreApplication::applicationPid() : kEmptyPidForCommandResponse; const auto response = qsl("RES:%1;").arg(responsePid).toLatin1(); i->first->write(response.data(), response.size()); } else { LOG(("Application Error: unknown command %1 passed in local socket").arg(QString(cmd.constData(), cmd.length()))); } from = to + 1; } if (from > 0) { i->second = i->second.mid(from); } } } if (!toSend.isEmpty()) { QStringList paths(cSendPaths()); paths.append(toSend); cSetSendPaths(paths); } if (!cSendPaths().isEmpty()) { if (App::wnd()) { App::wnd()->sendPaths(); } } if (!startUrl.isEmpty()) { cSetStartUrl(startUrl); } if (auto messenger = Messenger::InstancePointer()) { messenger->checkStartUrl(); } } void Application::removeClients() { DEBUG_LOG(("Application Info: remove clients slot called, clients %1").arg(_localClients.size())); for (LocalClients::iterator i = _localClients.begin(), e = _localClients.end(); i != e;) { if (i->first->state() != QLocalSocket::ConnectedState) { DEBUG_LOG(("Application Info: removing client")); i = _localClients.erase(i); e = _localClients.end(); } else { ++i; } } } void Application::startApplication() { if (App::quitting()) { quit(); } } void Application::createMessenger() { Expects(!App::quitting()); _messengerInstance = std::make_unique(_launcher); } void Application::refreshGlobalProxy() { #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_NETWORK_PROXY const auto proxy = [&] { if (Global::started()) { return Global::UseProxy() ? Global::SelectedProxy() : ProxyData(); } return Sandbox::PreLaunchProxy(); }(); if (proxy.type == ProxyData::Type::Socks5 || proxy.type == ProxyData::Type::Http) { QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy( ToNetworkProxy(ToDirectIpProxy(proxy))); } else { QNetworkProxyFactory::setUseSystemConfiguration(true); } #endif // TDESKTOP_DISABLE_NETWORK_PROXY } void Application::closeApplication() { if (App::launchState() == App::QuitProcessed) return; App::setLaunchState(App::QuitProcessed); _messengerInstance.reset(); Sandbox::finish(); _localServer.close(); for (LocalClients::iterator i = _localClients.begin(), e = _localClients.end(); i != e; ++i) { disconnect(i->first, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(removeClients())); i->first->close(); } _localClients.clear(); _localSocket.close(); _updateChecker = nullptr; } inline Application *application() { return qobject_cast(QApplication::instance()); } namespace Sandbox { QRect availableGeometry() { if (auto a = application()) { return a->desktop()->availableGeometry(); } return QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry(); } QRect screenGeometry(const QPoint &p) { if (auto a = application()) { return a->desktop()->screenGeometry(p); } return QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry(p); } void setActiveWindow(QWidget *window) { if (auto a = application()) { a->setActiveWindow(window); } } bool isSavingSession() { if (auto a = application()) { return a->isSavingSession(); } return false; } void execExternal(const QString &cmd) { DEBUG_LOG(("Application Info: executing external command '%1'").arg(cmd)); if (cmd == "show") { if (App::wnd()) { App::wnd()->activate(); } else if (PreLaunchWindow::instance()) { PreLaunchWindow::instance()->activate(); } } } void adjustSingleTimers() { if (auto a = application()) { a->adjustSingleTimers(); } base::Timer::Adjust(); } void connect(const char *signal, QObject *object, const char *method) { if (auto a = application()) { a->connect(a, signal, object, method); } } void launch() { Assert(application() != 0); float64 dpi = Application::primaryScreen()->logicalDotsPerInch(); if (dpi <= 108) { // 0-96-108 cSetScreenScale(dbisOne); } else if (dpi <= 132) { // 108-120-132 cSetScreenScale(dbisOneAndQuarter); } else if (dpi <= 168) { // 132-144-168 cSetScreenScale(dbisOneAndHalf); } else { // 168-192-inf cSetScreenScale(dbisTwo); } auto devicePixelRatio = application()->devicePixelRatio(); if (devicePixelRatio > 1.) { if ((cPlatform() != dbipMac && cPlatform() != dbipMacOld) || (devicePixelRatio != 2.)) { LOG(("Found non-trivial Device Pixel Ratio: %1").arg(devicePixelRatio)); LOG(("Environmental variables: QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO='%1'").arg(QString::fromLatin1(qgetenv("QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO")))); LOG(("Environmental variables: QT_SCALE_FACTOR='%1'").arg(QString::fromLatin1(qgetenv("QT_SCALE_FACTOR")))); LOG(("Environmental variables: QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR='%1'").arg(QString::fromLatin1(qgetenv("QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR")))); LOG(("Environmental variables: QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS='%1'").arg(QString::fromLatin1(qgetenv("QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS")))); } cSetRetina(true); cSetRetinaFactor(devicePixelRatio); cSetIntRetinaFactor(int32(cRetinaFactor())); cSetConfigScale(dbisOne); cSetRealScale(dbisOne); } application()->createMessenger(); } void refreshGlobalProxy() { if (const auto instance = application()) { instance->refreshGlobalProxy(); } } } // namespace Sandbox