/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/effects/premium_graphics.h" #include "data/data_subscription_option.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "ui/abstract_button.h" #include "ui/effects/animations.h" #include "ui/effects/gradient.h" #include "ui/effects/numbers_animation.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" #include "ui/layers/generic_box.h" #include "ui/text/text_options.h" #include "ui/widgets/checkbox.h" #include "ui/wrap/padding_wrap.h" #include "ui/wrap/vertical_layout.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "styles/style_premium.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_settings.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" #include "styles/style_widgets.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include namespace Ui { namespace Premium { namespace { using TextFactory = Fn; constexpr auto kBubbleRadiusSubtractor = 2; constexpr auto kDeflectionSmall = 20.; constexpr auto kDeflection = 30.; constexpr auto kStepBeforeDeflection = 0.75; constexpr auto kStepAfterDeflection = kStepBeforeDeflection + (1. - kStepBeforeDeflection) / 2.; class GradientRadioView : public Ui::RadioView { public: GradientRadioView( const style::Radio &st, bool checked, Fn updateCallback = nullptr); void setBrush(std::optional brush); void paint(QPainter &p, int left, int top, int outerWidth) override; private: not_null _st; std::optional _brushOverride; }; GradientRadioView::GradientRadioView( const style::Radio &st, bool checked, Fn updateCallback) : Ui::RadioView(st, checked, updateCallback) , _st(&st) { } void GradientRadioView::paint(QPainter &p, int left, int top, int outerWidth) { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); const auto toggled = currentAnimationValue(); const auto toggledFg = _brushOverride ? (*_brushOverride) : QBrush(_st->toggledFg); { const auto skip = (_st->outerSkip / 10.) + (_st->thickness / 2); const auto rect = QRectF(left, top, _st->diameter, _st->diameter) - QMarginsF(skip, skip, skip, skip); p.setBrush(_st->bg); if (toggled < 1) { p.setPen(QPen(_st->untoggledFg, _st->thickness)); p.drawEllipse(style::rtlrect(rect, outerWidth)); } if (toggled > 0) { p.setOpacity(toggled); p.setPen(QPen(toggledFg, _st->thickness)); p.drawEllipse(style::rtlrect(rect, outerWidth)); } } if (toggled > 0) { p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(toggledFg); const auto skip0 = _st->diameter / 2.; const auto skip1 = _st->skip / 10.; const auto checkSkip = skip0 * (1. - toggled) + skip1 * toggled; const auto rect = QRectF(left, top, _st->diameter, _st->diameter) - QMarginsF(checkSkip, checkSkip, checkSkip, checkSkip); p.drawEllipse(style::rtlrect(rect, outerWidth)); } } void GradientRadioView::setBrush(std::optional brush) { _brushOverride = brush; } [[nodiscard]] TextFactory ProcessTextFactory( std::optional> phrase) { return phrase ? TextFactory([=](int n) { return (*phrase)(tr::now, lt_count, n); }) : TextFactory([=](int n) { return QString::number(n); }); } [[nodiscard]] QLinearGradient ComputeGradient( not_null content, int left, int width) { // Take a full width of parent box without paddings. const auto fullGradientWidth = content->parentWidget()->width(); auto fullGradient = QLinearGradient(0, 0, fullGradientWidth, 0); fullGradient.setStops(ButtonGradientStops()); auto gradient = QLinearGradient(0, 0, width, 0); const auto fullFinal = float64(fullGradient.finalStop().x()); left += ((fullGradientWidth - content->width()) / 2); gradient.setColorAt( .0, anim::gradient_color_at(fullGradient, left / fullFinal)); gradient.setColorAt( 1., anim::gradient_color_at(fullGradient, (left + width) / fullFinal)); return gradient; } class PartialGradient final { public: PartialGradient(int from, int to, QGradientStops stops); [[nodiscard]] QLinearGradient compute(int position, int size) const; private: const int _from; const int _to; QLinearGradient _gradient; }; PartialGradient::PartialGradient(int from, int to, QGradientStops stops) : _from(from) , _to(to) , _gradient(0, 0, 0, to - from) { _gradient.setStops(std::move(stops)); } QLinearGradient PartialGradient::compute(int position, int size) const { const auto pointTop = position - _from; const auto pointBottom = pointTop + size; const auto ratioTop = pointTop / float64(_to - _from); const auto ratioBottom = pointBottom / float64(_to - _from); auto resultGradient = QLinearGradient( QPointF(), QPointF(0, pointBottom - pointTop)); resultGradient.setColorAt( .0, anim::gradient_color_at(_gradient, ratioTop)); resultGradient.setColorAt( .1, anim::gradient_color_at(_gradient, ratioBottom)); return resultGradient; } class Bubble final { public: using EdgeProgress = float64; Bubble( Fn updateCallback, TextFactory textFactory, const style::icon *icon, bool premiumPossible); [[nodiscard]] int counter() const; [[nodiscard]] int height() const; [[nodiscard]] int width() const; [[nodiscard]] int bubbleRadius() const; [[nodiscard]] int countMaxWidth(int maxCounter) const; void setCounter(int value); void setTailEdge(EdgeProgress edge); void paintBubble(QPainter &p, const QRect &r, const QBrush &brush); [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> widthChanges() const; private: [[nodiscard]] int filledWidth() const; const Fn _updateCallback; const TextFactory _textFactory; const style::font &_font; const style::margins &_padding; const style::icon *_icon; NumbersAnimation _numberAnimation; const QSize _tailSize; const int _height; const int _textTop; const bool _premiumPossible; int _counter = -1; EdgeProgress _tailEdge = 0.; rpl::event_stream<> _widthChanges; }; Bubble::Bubble( Fn updateCallback, TextFactory textFactory, const style::icon *icon, bool premiumPossible) : _updateCallback(std::move(updateCallback)) , _textFactory(std::move(textFactory)) , _font(st::premiumBubbleFont) , _padding(st::premiumBubblePadding) , _icon(icon) , _numberAnimation(_font, _updateCallback) , _tailSize(st::premiumBubbleTailSize) , _height(st::premiumBubbleHeight + _tailSize.height()) , _textTop((_height - _tailSize.height() - _font->height) / 2) , _premiumPossible(premiumPossible) { _numberAnimation.setDisabledMonospace(true); _numberAnimation.setWidthChangedCallback([=] { _widthChanges.fire({}); }); _numberAnimation.setText(_textFactory(0), 0); _numberAnimation.finishAnimating(); } int Bubble::counter() const { return _counter; } int Bubble::height() const { return _height; } int Bubble::bubbleRadius() const { return (_height - _tailSize.height()) / 2 - kBubbleRadiusSubtractor; } int Bubble::filledWidth() const { return _padding.left() + _icon->width() + st::premiumBubbleTextSkip + _padding.right(); } int Bubble::width() const { return filledWidth() + _numberAnimation.countWidth(); } int Bubble::countMaxWidth(int maxCounter) const { auto numbers = Ui::NumbersAnimation(_font, [] {}); numbers.setDisabledMonospace(true); numbers.setDuration(0); numbers.setText(_textFactory(0), 0); numbers.setText(_textFactory(maxCounter), maxCounter); numbers.finishAnimating(); return filledWidth() + numbers.maxWidth(); } void Bubble::setCounter(int value) { if (_counter != value) { _counter = value; _numberAnimation.setText(_textFactory(_counter), _counter); } } void Bubble::setTailEdge(EdgeProgress edge) { _tailEdge = std::clamp(edge, 0., 1.); } void Bubble::paintBubble(QPainter &p, const QRect &r, const QBrush &brush) { if (_counter < 0) { return; } const auto penWidth = st::premiumBubblePenWidth; const auto penWidthHalf = penWidth / 2; const auto bubbleRect = r - style::margins( penWidthHalf, penWidthHalf, penWidthHalf, _tailSize.height() + penWidthHalf); { const auto radius = bubbleRadius(); auto pathTail = QPainterPath(); const auto tailWHalf = _tailSize.width() / 2.; const auto progress = _tailEdge; const auto tailTop = bubbleRect.y() + bubbleRect.height(); const auto tailLeftFull = bubbleRect.x() + (bubbleRect.width() * 0.5) - tailWHalf; const auto tailLeft = bubbleRect.x() + (bubbleRect.width() * 0.5 * (progress + 1.)) - tailWHalf; const auto tailCenter = tailLeft + tailWHalf; const auto tailRight = [&] { const auto max = bubbleRect.x() + bubbleRect.width(); const auto right = tailLeft + _tailSize.width(); const auto bottomMax = max - radius; return (right > bottomMax) ? std::max(float64(tailCenter), float64(bottomMax)) : right; }(); if (_premiumPossible) { pathTail.moveTo(tailLeftFull, tailTop); pathTail.lineTo(tailLeft, tailTop); pathTail.lineTo(tailCenter, tailTop + _tailSize.height()); pathTail.lineTo(tailRight, tailTop); pathTail.lineTo(tailRight, tailTop - radius); pathTail.moveTo(tailLeftFull, tailTop); } auto pathBubble = QPainterPath(); pathBubble.setFillRule(Qt::WindingFill); pathBubble.addRoundedRect(bubbleRect, radius, radius); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setPen(QPen( brush, penWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin)); p.setBrush(brush); p.drawPath(pathTail + pathBubble); } p.setPen(st::activeButtonFg); p.setFont(_font); const auto iconLeft = r.x() + _padding.left(); _icon->paint( p, iconLeft, bubbleRect.y() + (bubbleRect.height() - _icon->height()) / 2, bubbleRect.width()); _numberAnimation.paint( p, iconLeft + _icon->width() + st::premiumBubbleTextSkip, r.y() + _textTop, width() / 2); } rpl::producer<> Bubble::widthChanges() const { return _widthChanges.events(); } class BubbleWidget final : public Ui::RpWidget { public: BubbleWidget( not_null parent, TextFactory textFactory, int current, int maxCounter, bool premiumPossible, rpl::producer<> showFinishes, const style::icon *icon); protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; private: const int _currentCounter; const int _maxCounter; Bubble _bubble; const int _maxBubbleWidth; const bool _premiumPossible; Ui::Animations::Simple _appearanceAnimation; QSize _spaceForDeflection; QLinearGradient _cachedGradient; float64 _deflection; bool _ignoreDeflection = false; float64 _stepBeforeDeflection; float64 _stepAfterDeflection; }; BubbleWidget::BubbleWidget( not_null parent, TextFactory textFactory, int current, int maxCounter, bool premiumPossible, rpl::producer<> showFinishes, const style::icon *icon) : RpWidget(parent) , _currentCounter(current) , _maxCounter(maxCounter) , _bubble([=] { update(); }, std::move(textFactory), icon, premiumPossible) , _maxBubbleWidth(_bubble.countMaxWidth(_maxCounter)) , _premiumPossible(premiumPossible) , _deflection(kDeflection) , _stepBeforeDeflection(kStepBeforeDeflection) , _stepAfterDeflection(kStepAfterDeflection) { const auto resizeTo = [=](int w, int h) { _deflection = (w > st::premiumBubbleWidthLimit) ? kDeflectionSmall : kDeflection; _spaceForDeflection = QSize( st::premiumBubbleSkip, st::premiumBubbleSkip); resize(QSize(w, h) + _spaceForDeflection); }; resizeTo(_bubble.width(), _bubble.height()); _bubble.widthChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { resizeTo(_bubble.width(), _bubble.height()); }, lifetime()); const auto moveEndPoint = _currentCounter / float64(_maxCounter); const auto computeLeft = [=](float64 pointRatio, float64 animProgress) { const auto &padding = st::boxRowPadding; const auto halfWidth = (_maxBubbleWidth / 2); const auto left = padding.left(); const auto right = padding.right(); return ((parent->width() - left - right) * pointRatio * animProgress) - halfWidth + left; }; std::move( showFinishes ) | rpl::take(1) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { const auto computeEdge = [=] { return parent->width() - st::boxRowPadding.right() - _maxBubbleWidth; }; const auto checkBubbleEdges = [&]() -> Bubble::EdgeProgress { const auto finish = computeLeft(moveEndPoint, 1.); const auto edge = computeEdge(); return (finish >= edge) ? (finish - edge) / (_maxBubbleWidth / 2.) : 0.; }; const auto bubbleEdge = checkBubbleEdges(); _ignoreDeflection = bubbleEdge; if (_ignoreDeflection) { _stepBeforeDeflection = 1.; _stepAfterDeflection = 1.; } _appearanceAnimation.start([=](float64 value) { const auto moveProgress = std::clamp( (value / _stepBeforeDeflection), 0., 1.); const auto counterProgress = std::clamp( (value / _stepAfterDeflection), 0., 1.); moveToLeft( computeLeft(moveEndPoint, moveProgress) - (_maxBubbleWidth / 2.) * bubbleEdge, 0); const auto counter = int(0 + counterProgress * _currentCounter); // if (!(counter % 4) || counterProgress > 0.8) { _bubble.setCounter(counter); // } const auto edgeProgress = value * bubbleEdge; _bubble.setTailEdge(edgeProgress); update(); }, 0., 1., st::premiumBubbleSlideDuration * (_ignoreDeflection ? kStepBeforeDeflection : 1.), anim::easeOutCirc); }, lifetime()); } void BubbleWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { if (_bubble.counter() <= 0) { return; } auto p = QPainter(this); const auto padding = QMargins( 0, _spaceForDeflection.height(), _spaceForDeflection.width(), 0); const auto bubbleRect = rect() - padding; if (_appearanceAnimation.animating()) { auto gradient = ComputeGradient( parentWidget(), x(), bubbleRect.width()); _cachedGradient = std::move(gradient); const auto progress = _appearanceAnimation.value(1.); const auto scaleProgress = std::clamp( (progress / _stepBeforeDeflection), 0., 1.); const auto scale = scaleProgress; const auto rotationProgress = std::clamp( (progress - _stepBeforeDeflection) / (1. - _stepBeforeDeflection), 0., 1.); const auto rotationProgressReverse = std::clamp( (progress - _stepAfterDeflection) / (1. - _stepAfterDeflection), 0., 1.); const auto offsetX = bubbleRect.x() + bubbleRect.width() / 2; const auto offsetY = bubbleRect.y() + bubbleRect.height(); p.translate(offsetX, offsetY); p.scale(scale, scale); if (!_ignoreDeflection) { p.rotate(rotationProgress * _deflection - rotationProgressReverse * _deflection); } p.translate(-offsetX, -offsetY); } _bubble.paintBubble( p, bubbleRect, _premiumPossible ? QBrush(_cachedGradient) : st::windowBgActive->b); } class Line final : public Ui::RpWidget { public: Line( not_null parent, int max, TextFactory textFactory, int min); Line(not_null parent, QString max, QString min); void setColorOverride(QBrush brush); protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override; private: void recache(const QSize &s); int _leftWidth = 0; int _rightWidth = 0; QPixmap _leftPixmap; QPixmap _rightPixmap; Ui::Text::String _leftText; Ui::Text::String _rightText; Ui::Text::String _rightLabel; Ui::Text::String _leftLabel; std::optional _overrideBrush; }; Line::Line( not_null parent, int max, TextFactory textFactory, int min) : Line( parent, max ? textFactory(max) : QString(), min ? textFactory(min) : QString()) { } Line::Line(not_null parent, QString max, QString min) : Ui::RpWidget(parent) , _leftText(st::semiboldTextStyle, tr::lng_premium_free(tr::now)) , _rightText(st::semiboldTextStyle, tr::lng_premium(tr::now)) , _rightLabel(st::semiboldTextStyle, max) , _leftLabel(st::semiboldTextStyle, min) { resize(width(), st::requestsAcceptButton.height); sizeValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const QSize &s) { if (s.isEmpty()) { return; } _leftWidth = (s.width() / 2); _rightWidth = (s.width() - _leftWidth); recache(s); update(); }, lifetime()); } void Line::setColorOverride(QBrush brush) { if (brush.style() == Qt::NoBrush) { _overrideBrush = std::nullopt; } else { _overrideBrush = brush; } } void Line::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { Painter p(this); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, _leftPixmap); p.drawPixmap(_leftWidth, 0, _rightPixmap); p.setFont(st::normalFont); const auto textPadding = st::premiumLineTextSkip; const auto textTop = (height() - _leftText.minHeight()) / 2; p.setPen(st::windowFg); _leftLabel.drawRight( p, textPadding, textTop, _leftWidth - textPadding, _leftWidth, style::al_right); _leftText.drawLeft( p, textPadding, textTop, _leftWidth - textPadding, _leftWidth); p.setPen(st::activeButtonFg); _rightLabel.drawRight( p, textPadding, textTop, _rightWidth - textPadding, width(), style::al_right); _rightText.drawLeftElided( p, _leftWidth + textPadding, textTop, _rightWidth - _rightLabel.countWidth(_rightWidth) - textPadding * 2, _rightWidth); } void Line::recache(const QSize &s) { const auto r = QRect(0, 0, _leftWidth, s.height()); auto pixmap = QPixmap(r.size() * style::DevicePixelRatio()); pixmap.setDevicePixelRatio(style::DevicePixelRatio()); pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); auto pathRound = QPainterPath(); pathRound.addRoundedRect(r, st::buttonRadius, st::buttonRadius); { auto leftPixmap = pixmap; auto p = QPainter(&leftPixmap); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); auto pathRect = QPainterPath(); auto halfRect = r; halfRect.setLeft(r.center().x()); pathRect.addRect(halfRect); p.fillPath(pathRound + pathRect, st::windowBgOver); _leftPixmap = std::move(leftPixmap); } { auto rightPixmap = pixmap; auto p = QPainter(&rightPixmap); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); auto pathRect = QPainterPath(); auto halfRect = r; halfRect.setRight(r.center().x()); pathRect.addRect(halfRect); if (_overrideBrush) { p.fillPath(pathRound + pathRect, *_overrideBrush); } else { auto gradient = ComputeGradient( this, (_leftPixmap.width() / style::DevicePixelRatio()) + r.x(), r.width()); p.fillPath(pathRound + pathRect, QBrush(std::move(gradient))); } _rightPixmap = std::move(rightPixmap); } } } // namespace void AddBubbleRow( not_null parent, rpl::producer<> showFinishes, int min, int current, int max, bool premiumPossible, std::optional> phrase, const style::icon *icon) { const auto container = parent->add( object_ptr(parent, 0)); const auto bubble = Ui::CreateChild( container, ProcessTextFactory(phrase), current, max, premiumPossible, std::move(showFinishes), icon); rpl::combine( container->sizeValue(), bubble->sizeValue() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const QSize &parentSize, const QSize &size) { container->resize(parentSize.width(), size.height()); }, bubble->lifetime()); } void AddLimitRow( not_null parent, QString max, QString min) { parent->add(object_ptr(parent, max, min), st::boxRowPadding); } void AddLimitRow( not_null parent, int max, std::optional> phrase, int min) { const auto factory = ProcessTextFactory(phrase); AddLimitRow( parent, max ? factory(max) : QString(), min ? factory(min) : QString()); } void AddAccountsRow( not_null parent, AccountsRowArgs &&args) { const auto container = parent->add( object_ptr(parent, st::premiumAccountsHeight), st::boxRowPadding); struct Account { not_null widget; Ui::RoundImageCheckbox checkbox; Ui::Text::String name; QPixmap badge; }; struct State { std::vector accounts; }; const auto state = container->lifetime().make_state(); const auto group = args.group; const auto imageRadius = args.st.imageRadius; const auto checkSelectWidth = args.st.selectWidth; const auto nameFg = args.stNameFg; const auto cacheBadge = [=](int center) { const auto &padding = st::premiumAccountsLabelPadding; const auto size = st::premiumAccountsLabelSize + QSize( padding.left() + padding.right(), padding.top() + padding.bottom()); auto badge = QPixmap(size * style::DevicePixelRatio()); badge.setDevicePixelRatio(style::DevicePixelRatio()); badge.fill(Qt::transparent); auto p = QPainter(&badge); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); const auto rectOut = QRect(QPoint(), size); const auto rectIn = rectOut - padding; const auto radius = st::premiumAccountsLabelRadius; p.setBrush(st::premiumButtonFg); p.drawRoundedRect(rectOut, radius, radius); const auto left = center - rectIn.width() / 2; p.setBrush(QBrush(ComputeGradient(container, left, rectIn.width()))); p.drawRoundedRect(rectIn, radius / 2, radius / 2); p.setPen(st::premiumButtonFg); p.setFont(st::semiboldFont); p.drawText(rectIn, u"+1"_q, style::al_center); return badge; }; for (auto &entry : args.entries) { const auto widget = Ui::CreateChild(container); auto name = Ui::Text::String(imageRadius * 2); name.setText(args.stName, entry.name, Ui::NameTextOptions()); state->accounts.push_back(Account{ .widget = widget, .checkbox = Ui::RoundImageCheckbox( args.st, [=] { widget->update(); }, base::take(entry.paintRoundImage)), .name = std::move(name), }); const auto index = int(state->accounts.size()) - 1; state->accounts[index].checkbox.setChecked( index == group->value(), anim::type::instant); widget->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { Painter p(widget); const auto width = widget->width(); const auto photoLeft = (width - (imageRadius * 2)) / 2; const auto photoTop = checkSelectWidth; const auto &account = state->accounts[index]; account.checkbox.paint(p, photoLeft, photoTop, width); const auto &badgeSize = account.badge.size() / style::DevicePixelRatio(); p.drawPixmap( (width - badgeSize.width()) / 2, photoTop + (imageRadius * 2) - badgeSize.height() / 2, account.badge); p.setPen(nameFg); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); account.name.drawLeftElided( p, 0, photoTop + imageRadius * 2 + st::premiumAccountsNameTop, width, width, 2, style::al_top, 0, -1, 0, true); }, widget->lifetime()); widget->setClickedCallback([=] { group->setValue(index); }); } container->sizeValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const QSize &size) { const auto count = state->accounts.size(); const auto columnWidth = size.width() / count; for (auto i = 0; i < count; i++) { auto &account = state->accounts[i]; account.widget->resize(columnWidth, size.height()); const auto left = columnWidth * i; account.widget->moveToLeft(left, 0); account.badge = cacheBadge(left + columnWidth / 2); const auto photoWidth = ((imageRadius + checkSelectWidth) * 2); account.checkbox.setColorOverride(QBrush( ComputeGradient( container, left + (columnWidth - photoWidth) / 2, photoWidth))); } }, container->lifetime()); group->setChangedCallback([=](int value) { for (auto i = 0; i < state->accounts.size(); i++) { state->accounts[i].checkbox.setChecked(i == value); } }); } QGradientStops LimitGradientStops() { return { { 0.0, st::premiumButtonBg1->c }, { .25, st::premiumButtonBg1->c }, { .85, st::premiumButtonBg2->c }, { 1.0, st::premiumButtonBg3->c }, }; } QGradientStops ButtonGradientStops() { return { { 0., st::premiumButtonBg1->c }, { 0.6, st::premiumButtonBg2->c }, { 1., st::premiumButtonBg3->c }, }; } QGradientStops LockGradientStops() { return ButtonGradientStops(); } QGradientStops FullHeightGradientStops() { return { { 0.0, st::premiumIconBg1->c }, { .28, st::premiumIconBg2->c }, { .55, st::premiumButtonBg2->c }, { .75, st::premiumButtonBg1->c }, { 1.0, st::premiumIconBg3->c }, }; } QGradientStops GiftGradientStops() { return { { 0., st::premiumButtonBg1->c }, { 1., st::premiumButtonBg2->c }, }; } void ShowListBox( not_null box, std::vector entries) { const auto &stLabel = st::defaultFlatLabel; const auto &titlePadding = st::settingsPremiumPreviewTitlePadding; const auto &descriptionPadding = st::settingsPremiumPreviewAboutPadding; auto lines = std::vector(); lines.reserve(int(entries.size())); const auto content = box->verticalLayout(); for (auto &entry : entries) { content->add( object_ptr( content, base::take(entry.subtitle) | rpl::map(Ui::Text::Bold), stLabel), titlePadding); content->add( object_ptr( content, base::take(entry.description), st::boxDividerLabel), descriptionPadding); const auto limitRow = content->add( object_ptr( content, entry.rightNumber, TextFactory([=, text = ProcessTextFactory(std::nullopt)]( int n) { if (entry.customRightText && (n == entry.rightNumber)) { return *entry.customRightText; } else { return text(n); } }), entry.leftNumber), st::settingsPremiumPreviewLinePadding); lines.push_back(limitRow); } content->resizeToWidth(content->height()); // Color lines. Assert(lines.size() > 2); const auto from = lines.front()->y(); const auto to = lines.back()->y() + lines.back()->height(); const auto partialGradient = [&] { auto stops = Ui::Premium::FullHeightGradientStops(); // Reverse. for (auto &stop : stops) { stop.first = std::abs(stop.first - 1.); } return PartialGradient(from, to, std::move(stops)); }(); for (auto i = 0; i < int(lines.size()); i++) { const auto &line = lines[i]; const auto brush = QBrush( partialGradient.compute(line->y(), line->height())); line->setColorOverride(brush); } box->addSkip(st::settingsPremiumPreviewLinePadding.bottom()); box->setTitle(tr::lng_premium_summary_subtitle_double_limits()); box->setWidth(st::boxWideWidth); } void AddGiftOptions( not_null parent, std::shared_ptr group, std::vector gifts, const style::PremiumOption &st, bool topBadges) { struct Edges { Ui::RpWidget *top = nullptr; Ui::RpWidget *bottom = nullptr; }; const auto edges = parent->lifetime().make_state(); struct Animation { int nowIndex = 0; Ui::Animations::Simple animation; }; const auto animation = parent->lifetime().make_state(); const auto stops = GiftGradientStops(); const auto addRow = [&](const Data::SubscriptionOption &info, int index) { const auto row = parent->add( object_ptr(parent), st.rowPadding); row->resize(row->width(), st.rowHeight); { if (!index) { edges->top = row; } edges->bottom = row; } const auto &stCheckbox = st::defaultBoxCheckbox; auto radioView = std::make_unique( st::defaultRadio, (group->hasValue() && group->value() == index)); const auto radioViewRaw = radioView.get(); const auto radio = Ui::CreateChild( row, group, index, QString(), stCheckbox, std::move(radioView)); radio->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); row->sizeValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=, margins = stCheckbox.margin]( const QSize &s) { const auto radioHeight = radio->height() - margins.top() - margins.bottom(); radio->moveToLeft( st.rowMargins.left(), (s.height() - radioHeight) / 2); }, radio->lifetime()); { auto onceLifetime = std::make_shared(); row->paintRequest( ) | rpl::take( 1 ) | rpl::start_with_next([=]() mutable { const auto from = edges->top->y(); const auto to = edges->bottom->y() + edges->bottom->height(); auto partialGradient = PartialGradient(from, to, stops); radioViewRaw->setBrush( partialGradient.compute(row->y(), row->height())); if (onceLifetime) { base::take(onceLifetime)->destroy(); } }, *onceLifetime); } row->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const QRect &r) { auto p = QPainter(row); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.fillRect(r, Qt::transparent); const auto left = st.textLeft; const auto halfHeight = row->height() / 2; const auto titleFont = st::semiboldFont; p.setFont(titleFont); p.setPen(st::boxTextFg); if (info.costPerMonth.isEmpty() && info.discount.isEmpty()) { const auto r = row->rect().translated( -row->rect().left() + left, 0); p.drawText(r, info.duration, style::al_left); } else { p.drawText( left, st.subtitleTop + titleFont->ascent, info.duration); } const auto discountFont = st::windowFiltersButton.badgeStyle.font; const auto discountWidth = discountFont->width(info.discount); const auto &discountMargins = discountWidth ? st.badgeMargins : style::margins(); const auto bottomLeftRect = QRect( left, halfHeight + discountMargins.top(), discountWidth + discountMargins.left() + discountMargins.right(), st.badgeHeight); const auto discountRect = topBadges ? bottomLeftRect.translated( titleFont->width(info.duration) + st.badgeShift.x(), -bottomLeftRect.top() + st.badgeShift.y() + st.subtitleTop + (titleFont->height - bottomLeftRect.height()) / 2) : bottomLeftRect; const auto from = edges->top->y(); const auto to = edges->bottom->y() + edges->bottom->height(); auto partialGradient = PartialGradient(from, to, stops); const auto partialGradientBrush = partialGradient.compute( row->y(), row->height()); { p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(partialGradientBrush); const auto round = st.badgeRadius; p.drawRoundedRect(discountRect, round, round); } if (st.borderWidth && (animation->nowIndex == index)) { const auto progress = animation->animation.value(1.); const auto w = row->width(); auto gradient = QLinearGradient(w - w * progress, 0, w * 2, 0); gradient.setSpread(QGradient::Spread::RepeatSpread); gradient.setStops(stops); const auto pen = QPen( QBrush(partialGradientBrush), st.borderWidth); p.setPen(pen); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); const auto borderRect = row->rect() - QMargins( pen.width() / 2, pen.width() / 2, pen.width() / 2, pen.width() / 2); const auto round = st.borderRadius; p.drawRoundedRect(borderRect, round, round); } p.setPen(st::premiumButtonFg); p.setFont(discountFont); p.drawText(discountRect, info.discount, style::al_center); const auto perRect = QMargins(0, 0, row->width(), 0) + bottomLeftRect.translated( topBadges ? 0 : bottomLeftRect.width() + discountMargins.left(), 0); p.setPen(st::windowSubTextFg); p.setFont(st::shareBoxListItem.nameStyle.font); p.drawText(perRect, info.costPerMonth, style::al_left); const auto totalRect = row->rect() - QMargins(0, 0, st.rowMargins.right(), 0); p.setFont(st::normalFont); p.drawText(totalRect, info.costTotal, style::al_right); }, row->lifetime()); row->setClickedCallback([=, duration = st::defaultCheck.duration] { group->setValue(index); animation->nowIndex = group->value(); animation->animation.stop(); animation->animation.start( [=] { parent->update(); }, 0., 1., duration); }); }; for (auto i = 0; i < gifts.size(); i++) { addRow(gifts[i], i); } parent->resizeToWidth(parent->height()); parent->update(); } } // namespace Premium } // namespace Ui