/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "settings.h" #include "ui/emoji_config.h" namespace { constexpr auto kRecentEmojiLimit = 42; auto UpdatesRecentEmoji = rpl::event_stream<>(); } // namespace Qt::LayoutDirection gLangDir = Qt::LeftToRight; bool gInstallBetaVersion = AppBetaVersion; uint64 gAlphaVersion = AppAlphaVersion; uint64 gRealAlphaVersion = AppAlphaVersion; QByteArray gAlphaPrivateKey; bool gManyInstance = false; QString gKeyFile; QString gWorkingDir, gExeDir, gExeName; QStringList gSendPaths; QString gStartUrl; QString gDialogLastPath, gDialogHelperPath; // optimize QFileDialog bool gStartMinimized = false; bool gStartInTray = false; bool gAutoStart = false; bool gSendToMenu = false; bool gUseExternalVideoPlayer = false; bool gUseFreeType = false; bool gAutoUpdate = true; TWindowPos gWindowPos; LaunchMode gLaunchMode = LaunchModeNormal; bool gSupportTray = true; bool gSeenTrayTooltip = false; bool gRestartingUpdate = false, gRestarting = false, gRestartingToSettings = false, gWriteProtected = false; int32 gLastUpdateCheck = 0; bool gNoStartUpdate = false; bool gStartToSettings = false; uint32 gConnectionsInSession = 1; QByteArray gLocalSalt; int gScreenScale = style::kScaleAuto; int gConfigScale = style::kScaleAuto; QString gTimeFormat = qsl("hh:mm"); RecentEmojiPack gRecentEmoji; RecentEmojiPreload gRecentEmojiPreload; EmojiColorVariants gEmojiVariants; RecentStickerPreload gRecentStickersPreload; RecentStickerPack gRecentStickers; RecentHashtagPack gRecentWriteHashtags, gRecentSearchHashtags; RecentInlineBots gRecentInlineBots; bool gPasswordRecovered = false; int32 gPasscodeBadTries = 0; crl::time gPasscodeLastTry = 0; float64 gRetinaFactor = 1.; int32 gIntRetinaFactor = 1; int gOtherOnline = 0; int32 gAutoDownloadPhoto = 0; // all auto download int32 gAutoDownloadAudio = 0; int32 gAutoDownloadGif = 0; RecentEmojiPack &GetRecentEmoji() { if (cRecentEmoji().isEmpty()) { RecentEmojiPack result; auto haveAlready = [&result](EmojiPtr emoji) { for (auto &row : result) { if (row.first->id() == emoji->id()) { return true; } } return false; }; if (!cRecentEmojiPreload().isEmpty()) { auto preload = cRecentEmojiPreload(); cSetRecentEmojiPreload(RecentEmojiPreload()); result.reserve(preload.size()); for (auto i = preload.cbegin(), e = preload.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (auto emoji = Ui::Emoji::Find(i->first)) { if (!haveAlready(emoji)) { result.push_back(qMakePair(emoji, i->second)); } } } } const auto defaultRecent = { 0xD83DDE02LLU, 0xD83DDE18LLU, 0x2764LLU, 0xD83DDE0DLLU, 0xD83DDE0ALLU, 0xD83DDE01LLU, 0xD83DDC4DLLU, 0x263ALLU, 0xD83DDE14LLU, 0xD83DDE04LLU, 0xD83DDE2DLLU, 0xD83DDC8BLLU, 0xD83DDE12LLU, 0xD83DDE33LLU, 0xD83DDE1CLLU, 0xD83DDE48LLU, 0xD83DDE09LLU, 0xD83DDE03LLU, 0xD83DDE22LLU, 0xD83DDE1DLLU, 0xD83DDE31LLU, 0xD83DDE21LLU, 0xD83DDE0FLLU, 0xD83DDE1ELLU, 0xD83DDE05LLU, 0xD83DDE1ALLU, 0xD83DDE4ALLU, 0xD83DDE0CLLU, 0xD83DDE00LLU, 0xD83DDE0BLLU, 0xD83DDE06LLU, 0xD83DDC4CLLU, 0xD83DDE10LLU, 0xD83DDE15LLU, }; for (const auto emoji : Ui::Emoji::GetDefaultRecent()) { if (result.size() >= kRecentEmojiLimit) break; if (!haveAlready(emoji)) { result.push_back(qMakePair(emoji, 1)); } } cSetRecentEmoji(result); } return cRefRecentEmoji(); } EmojiPack GetRecentEmojiSection() { const auto &recent = GetRecentEmoji(); auto result = EmojiPack(); result.reserve(recent.size()); for (const auto &item : recent) { result.push_back(item.first); } return result; } void AddRecentEmoji(EmojiPtr emoji) { auto &recent = GetRecentEmoji(); auto i = recent.begin(), e = recent.end(); for (; i != e; ++i) { if (i->first == emoji) { ++i->second; if (i->second > 0x8000) { for (auto j = recent.begin(); j != e; ++j) { if (j->second > 1) { j->second /= 2; } else { j->second = 1; } } } for (; i != recent.begin(); --i) { if ((i - 1)->second > i->second) { break; } std::swap(*i, *(i - 1)); } break; } } if (i == e) { while (recent.size() >= kRecentEmojiLimit) { recent.pop_back(); } recent.push_back(qMakePair(emoji, 1)); for (i = recent.end() - 1; i != recent.begin(); --i) { if ((i - 1)->second > i->second) { break; } std::swap(*i, *(i - 1)); } } UpdatesRecentEmoji.fire({}); } rpl::producer<> UpdatedRecentEmoji() { return UpdatesRecentEmoji.events(); }