/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, an unofficial desktop messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://tdesktop.com */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "style.h" #include "lang.h" #include "boxes/addcontactbox.h" #include "application.h" #include "window.h" #include "settingswidget.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "boxes/confirmbox.h" TopBarWidget::TopBarWidget(MainWidget *w) : QWidget(w), a_over(0), _drawShadow(true), _selCount(0), _selStrWidth(0), _animating(false), _clearSelection(this, lang(lng_selected_clear), st::topBarButton), _forward(this, lang(lng_selected_forward), st::topBarActionButton), _delete(this, lang(lng_selected_delete), st::topBarActionButton), _edit(this, lang(lng_profile_edit_contact), st::topBarButton), _leaveGroup(this, lang(lng_profile_delete_and_exit), st::topBarButton), _addContact(this, lang(lng_profile_add_contact), st::topBarButton), _deleteContact(this, lang(lng_profile_delete_contact), st::topBarButton) { connect(&_forward, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onForwardSelection())); connect(&_delete, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onDeleteSelection())); connect(&_clearSelection, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClearSelection())); connect(&_addContact, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onAddContact())); connect(&_deleteContact, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onDeleteContact())); connect(&_edit, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onEdit())); connect(&_leaveGroup, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onDeleteAndExit())); setCursor(style::cur_pointer); showAll(); } void TopBarWidget::onForwardSelection() { if (App::main()) App::main()->forwardSelectedItems(); } void TopBarWidget::onDeleteSelection() { if (App::main()) App::main()->deleteSelectedItems(); } void TopBarWidget::onClearSelection() { if (App::main()) App::main()->clearSelectedItems(); } void TopBarWidget::onEdit() { PeerData *p = App::main() ? App::main()->profilePeer() : 0; if (p) App::wnd()->showLayer(new AddContactBox(p)); } void TopBarWidget::onAddContact() { PeerData *p = App::main() ? App::main()->profilePeer() : 0; UserData *u = (p && !p->chat) ? p->asUser() : 0; if (u) App::wnd()->showLayer(new AddContactBox(u->firstName, u->lastName, u->phone)); } void TopBarWidget::onDeleteContact() { PeerData *p = App::main() ? App::main()->profilePeer() : 0; UserData *u = (p && !p->chat) ? p->asUser() : 0; if (u) { ConfirmBox *box = new ConfirmBox(lang(lng_sure_delete_contact).replace(qsl("{contact}"), p->name)); connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, SLOT(onDeleteContactSure())); App::wnd()->showLayer(box); } } void TopBarWidget::onDeleteContactSure() { PeerData *p = App::main() ? App::main()->profilePeer() : 0; UserData *u = (p && !p->chat) ? p->asUser() : 0; if (u) { App::main()->showPeer(0, 0, true); App::wnd()->hideLayer(); MTP::send(MTPcontacts_DeleteContact(u->inputUser), App::main()->rpcDone(&MainWidget::deletedContact, u)); } } void TopBarWidget::onDeleteAndExit() { PeerData *p = App::main() ? App::main()->profilePeer() : 0; ChatData *c = (p && p->chat) ? p->asChat() : 0; if (c) { ConfirmBox *box = new ConfirmBox(lang(lng_sure_delete_and_exit).replace(qsl("{group}"), p->name)); connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, SLOT(onDeleteAndExitSure())); App::wnd()->showLayer(box); } } void TopBarWidget::onDeleteAndExitSure() { PeerData *p = App::main() ? App::main()->profilePeer() : 0; ChatData *c = (p && p->chat) ? p->asChat() : 0; if (c) { App::main()->showPeer(0, 0, true); App::wnd()->hideLayer(); MTP::send(MTPmessages_DeleteChatUser(MTP_int(p->id & 0xFFFFFFFF), App::self()->inputUser), App::main()->rpcDone(&MainWidget::deleteHistory, p), App::main()->rpcFail(&MainWidget::leaveChatFailed, p)); } } void TopBarWidget::enterEvent(QEvent *e) { a_over.start(1); anim::start(this); } void TopBarWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent *e) { a_over.start(0); anim::start(this); } bool TopBarWidget::animStep(float64 ms) { float64 dt = ms / st::topBarDuration; bool res = true; if (dt >= 1) { a_over.finish(); res = false; } else { a_over.update(dt, anim::linear); } update(); return res; } void TopBarWidget::enableShadow(bool enable) { _drawShadow = enable; } void TopBarWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QPainter p(this); if (e->rect().top() < st::topBarHeight) { p.fillRect(QRect(0, 0, width(), st::topBarHeight), st::topBarBG->b); if (_clearSelection.isHidden()) { p.save(); main()->paintTopBar(p, a_over.current(), 0); p.restore(); } else { p.setFont(st::linkFont->f); p.setPen(st::btnDefLink.color->p); p.drawText(st::topBarSelectedPos.x(), st::topBarSelectedPos.y() + st::linkFont->ascent, _selStr); } } else { int a = 0; // optimize shadow-only drawing } if (_drawShadow) { p.fillRect(st::titleShadow, st::topBarHeight, width() - st::titleShadow, st::titleShadow, st::titleShadowColor->b); } } void TopBarWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { PeerData *p = App::main() ? App::main()->profilePeer() : 0; if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton && e->pos().y() < st::topBarHeight && (p || !_selCount)) { emit clicked(); } } void TopBarWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { int32 r = width(); if (!_forward.isHidden()) { int32 availX = st::topBarSelectedPos.x() + _selStrWidth, availW = r - (_clearSelection.width() + st::topBarButton.width / 2) - availX; _forward.move(availX + (availW - _forward.width() - _delete.width() - st::topBarActionSkip) / 2, (st::topBarHeight - _forward.height()) / 2); _delete.move(availX + (availW + _forward.width() - _delete.width() + st::topBarActionSkip) / 2, (st::topBarHeight - _forward.height()) / 2); } if (!_clearSelection.isHidden()) _clearSelection.move(r -= _clearSelection.width(), 0); if (!_deleteContact.isHidden()) _deleteContact.move(r -= _deleteContact.width(), 0); if (!_leaveGroup.isHidden()) _leaveGroup.move(r -= _leaveGroup.width(), 0); if (!_edit.isHidden()) _edit.move(r -= _edit.width(), 0); if (!_addContact.isHidden()) _addContact.move(r -= _addContact.width(), 0); } void TopBarWidget::startAnim() { _edit.hide(); _leaveGroup.hide(); _addContact.hide(); _deleteContact.hide(); _clearSelection.hide(); _delete.hide(); _forward.hide(); _animating = true; } void TopBarWidget::stopAnim() { _animating = false; showAll(); } void TopBarWidget::showAll() { if (_animating) { resizeEvent(0); return; } PeerData *p = App::main() ? App::main()->profilePeer() : 0; if (p && (p->chat || p->asUser()->contact >= 0)) { if (p->chat) { if (p->asChat()->forbidden) { _edit.hide(); } else { _edit.show(); } _leaveGroup.show(); _addContact.hide(); _deleteContact.hide(); } else if (p->asUser()->contact > 0) { _edit.show(); _leaveGroup.hide(); _addContact.hide(); _deleteContact.show(); } else { _edit.hide(); _leaveGroup.hide(); _addContact.show(); _deleteContact.hide(); } _clearSelection.hide(); _delete.hide(); _forward.hide(); } else { _edit.hide(); _leaveGroup.hide(); _addContact.hide(); _deleteContact.hide(); if (!p && _selCount) { _clearSelection.show(); _delete.show(); _forward.show(); } else { _clearSelection.hide(); _delete.hide(); _forward.hide(); } } resizeEvent(0); } void TopBarWidget::showSelected(uint32 selCount) { PeerData *p = App::main() ? App::main()->profilePeer() : 0; _selCount = selCount; _selStr = (_selCount > 0) ? lang((_selCount == 1) ? lng_selected_count_1 : lng_selected_count_5).arg(_selCount) : QString(); _selStrWidth = st::btnDefLink.font->m.width(_selStr); setCursor((!p && _selCount) ? style::cur_default : style::cur_pointer); showAll(); } MainWidget *TopBarWidget::main() { return static_cast(parentWidget()); } MainWidget::MainWidget(Window *window) : QWidget(window), failedObjId(0), _dialogsWidth(st::dlgMinWidth), dialogs(this), history(this), profile(0), overview(0), _topBar(this), hider(0), updPts(0), updDate(0), updQts(0), updSeq(0), updInited(false), onlineRequest(0) { setGeometry(QRect(0, st::titleHeight, App::wnd()->width(), App::wnd()->height() - st::titleHeight)); connect(window, SIGNAL(resized(const QSize &)), this, SLOT(onParentResize(const QSize &))); connect(&dialogs, SIGNAL(peerChosen(const PeerId &, MsgId)), this, SLOT(showPeer(const PeerId &, MsgId))); connect(&dialogs, SIGNAL(cancelled()), this, SLOT(dialogsCancelled())); connect(&history, SIGNAL(cancelled()), &dialogs, SLOT(activate())); connect(this, SIGNAL(peerPhotoChanged(PeerData *)), this, SIGNAL(dialogsUpdated())); connect(&noUpdatesTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(getDifference())); connect(&onlineTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(setOnline())); connect(&onlineUpdater, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateOnlineDisplay())); connect(this, SIGNAL(peerUpdated(PeerData*)), &history, SLOT(peerUpdated(PeerData*))); connect(&_topBar, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onTopBarClick())); connect(&history, SIGNAL(peerShown(PeerData*)), this, SLOT(onPeerShown(PeerData*))); connect(&updateNotifySettingTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onUpdateNotifySettings())); noUpdatesTimer.setSingleShot(true); onlineTimer.setSingleShot(true); onlineUpdater.setSingleShot(true); updateNotifySettingTimer.setSingleShot(true); dialogs.show(); history.show(); _topBar.hide(); _topBar.raise(); dialogs.raise(); MTP::setGlobalFailHandler(rpcFail(&MainWidget::updateFail)); show(); setFocus(); } mtpRequestId MainWidget::onForward(const PeerId &peer, bool forwardSelected) { return history.onForward(peer, forwardSelected); } void MainWidget::onShareContact(const PeerId &peer, UserData *contact) { history.onShareContact(peer, contact); } void MainWidget::onSendPaths(const PeerId &peer) { history.onSendPaths(peer); } void MainWidget::noHider(HistoryHider *destroyed) { if (hider == destroyed) { hider = 0; } } void MainWidget::forwardLayer(bool forwardSelected) { hider = new HistoryHider(this, forwardSelected); hider->show(); resizeEvent(0); dialogs.activate(); } void MainWidget::deleteLayer(int32 selectedCount) { QString str(lang((selectedCount < -1) ? lng_selected_cancel_sure_this : (selectedCount < 0 ? lng_selected_delete_sure_this : (selectedCount > 1 ? lng_selected_delete_sure_5 : lng_selected_delete_sure_1)))); ConfirmBox *box = new ConfirmBox((selectedCount < 0) ? str : str.arg(selectedCount), lang(lng_selected_delete_confirm)); if (selectedCount < 0) { connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), &history, SLOT(onDeleteContextSure())); } else { connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), &history, SLOT(onDeleteSelectedSure())); } App::wnd()->showLayer(box); } void MainWidget::shareContactLayer(UserData *contact) { hider = new HistoryHider(this, contact); hider->show(); resizeEvent(0); dialogs.activate(); } bool MainWidget::selectingPeer() { return !!hider; } void MainWidget::offerPeer(PeerId peer) { hider->offerPeer(peer); } void MainWidget::hidePeerSelect() { hider->startHide(); } void MainWidget::focusPeerSelect() { hider->setFocus(); } void MainWidget::dialogsActivate() { dialogs.activate(); } bool MainWidget::leaveChatFailed(PeerData *peer, const RPCError &e) { if (e.type() == "CHAT_ID_INVALID") { // left this chat already if ((profile && profile->peer() == peer) || (overview && overview->peer() == peer) || _stack.contains(peer) || history.peer() == peer) { showPeer(0); } dialogs.removePeer(peer); MTP::send(MTPmessages_DeleteHistory(peer->input, MTP_int(0)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::deleteHistoryPart, peer)); return true; } return false; } void MainWidget::deleteHistory(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_StatedMessage &result) { sentFullDataReceived(0, result); if ((profile && profile->peer() == peer) || (overview && overview->peer() == peer) || _stack.contains(peer) || history.peer() == peer) { showPeer(0); } dialogs.removePeer(peer); MTP::send(MTPmessages_DeleteHistory(peer->input, MTP_int(0)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::deleteHistoryPart, peer)); } void MainWidget::deleteHistoryPart(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_AffectedHistory &result) { const MTPDmessages_affectedHistory &d(result.c_messages_affectedHistory()); App::main()->updUpdated(d.vpts.v, 0, 0, d.vseq.v); int32 offset = d.voffset.v; if (!MTP::authedId() || offset <= 0) return; MTP::send(MTPmessages_DeleteHistory(peer->input, d.voffset), rpcDone(&MainWidget::deleteHistoryPart, peer)); } void MainWidget::deletedContact(UserData *user, const MTPcontacts_Link &result) { const MTPDcontacts_link &d(result.c_contacts_link()); App::feedUsers(MTP_vector(QVector(1, d.vuser))); App::feedUserLink(MTP_int(user->id & 0xFFFFFFFF), d.vmy_link, d.vforeign_link); } void MainWidget::deleteHistoryAndContact(UserData *user, const MTPcontacts_Link &result) { const MTPDcontacts_link &d(result.c_contacts_link()); App::feedUsers(MTP_vector(QVector(1, d.vuser))); App::feedUserLink(MTP_int(user->id & 0xFFFFFFFF), d.vmy_link, d.vforeign_link); if ((profile && profile->peer() == user) || (overview && overview->peer() == user) || _stack.contains(user) || history.peer() == user) { showPeer(0); } dialogs.removePeer(user); MTP::send(MTPmessages_DeleteHistory(user->input, MTP_int(0)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::deleteHistoryPart, (PeerData*)user)); } void MainWidget::clearHistory(PeerData *peer) { if (!peer->chat && peer->asUser()->contact <= 0) { dialogs.removePeer(peer->asUser()); } dialogs.dialogsToUp(); dialogs.update(); App::history(peer->id)->clear(); MTP::send(MTPmessages_DeleteHistory(peer->input, MTP_int(0)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::deleteHistoryPart, peer)); } void MainWidget::removeContact(UserData *user) { dialogs.removeContact(user); } void MainWidget::addParticipants(ChatData *chat, const QVector &users) { for (QVector::const_iterator i = users.cbegin(), e = users.cend(); i != e; ++i) { MTP::send(MTPmessages_AddChatUser(MTP_int(chat->id & 0xFFFFFFFF), (*i)->inputUser, MTP_int(ForwardOnAdd)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::addParticipantDone, chat), rpcFail(&MainWidget::addParticipantFail, chat), 0, 5); } App::wnd()->hideLayer(); showPeer(chat->id, 0, false); } void MainWidget::addParticipantDone(ChatData *chat, const MTPmessages_StatedMessage &result) { sentFullDataReceived(0, result); } bool MainWidget::addParticipantFail(ChatData *chat, const RPCError &e) { if (e.type() == "USER_LEFT_CHAT") { // trying to return banned user to his group } return false; } void MainWidget::kickParticipant(ChatData *chat, UserData *user) { MTP::send(MTPmessages_DeleteChatUser(MTP_int(chat->id & 0xFFFFFFFF), user->inputUser), rpcDone(&MainWidget::kickParticipantDone, chat), rpcFail(&MainWidget::kickParticipantFail, chat)); App::wnd()->hideLayer(); showPeer(chat->id, 0, false); } void MainWidget::kickParticipantDone(ChatData *chat, const MTPmessages_StatedMessage &result) { sentFullDataReceived(0, result); } bool MainWidget::kickParticipantFail(ChatData *chat, const RPCError &e) { e.type(); return false; } void MainWidget::checkPeerHistory(PeerData *peer) { MTP::send(MTPmessages_GetHistory(peer->input, MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(1)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::checkedHistory, peer)); } void MainWidget::checkedHistory(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { const QVector *v = 0; if (result.type() == mtpc_messages_messages) { const MTPDmessages_messages &d(result.c_messages_messages()); App::feedChats(d.vchats); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); v = &d.vmessages.c_vector().v; } else if (result.type() == mtpc_messages_messagesSlice) { const MTPDmessages_messagesSlice &d(result.c_messages_messagesSlice()); App::feedChats(d.vchats); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); v = &d.vmessages.c_vector().v; } if (!v) return; if (v->isEmpty()) { if ((profile && profile->peer() == peer) || (overview && overview->peer() == peer) || _stack.contains(peer) || history.peer() == peer) { showPeer(0); } dialogs.removePeer(peer); } else { History *h = App::historyLoaded(peer->id); if (!h->last) { h->addToBack((*v)[0], 0); } } } void MainWidget::forwardSelectedItems() { history.onForwardSelected(); } void MainWidget::deleteSelectedItems() { history.onDeleteSelected(); } void MainWidget::clearSelectedItems() { history.onClearSelected(); } DialogsIndexed &MainWidget::contactsList() { return dialogs.contactsList(); } void MainWidget::sendMessage(History *hist, const QString &text) { readServerHistory(hist); QString msg = history.prepareMessage(text); if (!msg.isEmpty()) { MsgId newId = clientMsgId(); uint64 randomId = MTP::nonce(); App::historyRegRandom(randomId, newId); hist->loadAround(0); MTPstring msgText(MTP_string(msg)); hist->addToBack(MTP_message(MTP_int(newId), MTP_int(MTP::authedId()), App::peerToMTP(hist->peer->id), MTP_bool(true), MTP_bool(true), MTP_int(unixtime()), msgText, MTP_messageMediaEmpty())); historyToDown(hist); if (history.peer() == hist->peer) { history.peerMessagesUpdated(); } MTP::send(MTPmessages_SendMessage(hist->peer->input, msgText, MTP_long(randomId)), App::main()->rpcDone(&MainWidget::sentDataReceived, randomId)); } } void MainWidget::readServerHistory(History *hist, bool force) { if (!hist || (!force && (!hist->unreadCount || !hist->readyForWork()))) return; ReadRequests::const_iterator i = _readRequests.constFind(hist->peer); if (i == _readRequests.cend()) { hist->inboxRead(true); _readRequests.insert(hist->peer, MTP::send(MTPmessages_ReadHistory(hist->peer->input, MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::partWasRead, hist->peer))); } } uint64 MainWidget::animActiveTime() const { return history.animActiveTime(); } void MainWidget::stopAnimActive() { history.stopAnimActive(); } void MainWidget::searchMessages(const QString &query) { dialogs.searchMessages(query); } void MainWidget::preloadOverviews(PeerData *peer) { History *h = App::history(peer->id); bool sending[OverviewCount] = { false }; for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { if (h->_overviewCount[i] < 0) { if (_overviewPreload[i].constFind(peer) == _overviewPreload[i].cend()) { sending[i] = true; } } } int32 last = OverviewCount; while (last > 0) { if (sending[--last]) break; } for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { if (sending[i]) { MediaOverviewType type = MediaOverviewType(i); MTPMessagesFilter filter = typeToMediaFilter(type); if (type == OverviewCount) break; _overviewPreload[i].insert(peer, MTP::send(MTPmessages_Search(peer->input, MTP_string(""), filter, MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::overviewPreloaded, peer), rpcFail(&MainWidget::overviewFailed, peer), 0, (i == last) ? 0 : 10)); } } } void MainWidget::overviewPreloaded(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_Messages &result, mtpRequestId req) { MediaOverviewType type = OverviewCount; for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { OverviewsPreload::iterator j = _overviewPreload[i].find(peer); if (j != _overviewPreload[i].end() && j.value() == req) { type = MediaOverviewType(i); _overviewPreload[i].erase(j); break; } } if (type == OverviewCount) return; History *h = App::history(peer->id); switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_messages: { const MTPDmessages_messages &d(result.c_messages_messages()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); h->_overviewCount[type] = 0; } break; case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: { const MTPDmessages_messagesSlice &d(result.c_messages_messagesSlice()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); h->_overviewCount[type] = d.vcount.v; } break; default: return; } if (h->_overviewCount[type] > 0) { for (History::MediaOverviewIds::const_iterator i = h->_overviewIds[type].cbegin(), e = h->_overviewIds[type].cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i.key() < 0) { ++h->_overviewCount[type]; } else { break; } } } mediaOverviewUpdated(peer); } void MainWidget::mediaOverviewUpdated(PeerData *peer) { if (profile) profile->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer); if (overview) overview->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer); } bool MainWidget::overviewFailed(PeerData *peer, const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) { MediaOverviewType type = OverviewCount; for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { OverviewsPreload::iterator j = _overviewPreload[i].find(peer); if (j != _overviewPreload[i].end() && j.value() == req) { _overviewPreload[i].erase(j); break; } } return true; } void MainWidget::loadMediaBack(PeerData *peer, MediaOverviewType type, bool many) { if (_overviewLoad[type].constFind(peer) != _overviewLoad[type].cend()) return; MsgId minId = 0; History *hist = App::history(peer->id); if (hist->_overviewCount[type] == 0) return; // all loaded for (History::MediaOverviewIds::const_iterator i = hist->_overviewIds[type].cbegin(), e = hist->_overviewIds[type].cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i.key() > 0) { minId = i.key(); break; } } int32 limit = many ? SearchManyPerPage : (hist->_overview[type].size() > MediaOverviewStartPerPage) ? SearchPerPage : MediaOverviewStartPerPage; MTPMessagesFilter filter = typeToMediaFilter(type); if (type == OverviewCount) return; _overviewLoad[type].insert(hist->peer, MTP::send(MTPmessages_Search(hist->peer->input, MTPstring(), filter, MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(minId), MTP_int(limit)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::photosLoaded, hist))); } void MainWidget::photosLoaded(History *h, const MTPmessages_Messages &msgs, mtpRequestId req) { OverviewsPreload::iterator it; MediaOverviewType type = OverviewCount; for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { it = _overviewLoad[i].find(h->peer); if (it != _overviewLoad[i].cend()) { type = MediaOverviewType(i); _overviewLoad[i].erase(it); break; } } if (type == OverviewCount) return; const QVector *v = 0; switch (msgs.type()) { case mtpc_messages_messages: { const MTPDmessages_messages &d(msgs.c_messages_messages()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); v = &d.vmessages.c_vector().v; h->_overviewCount[type] = 0; } break; case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: { const MTPDmessages_messagesSlice &d(msgs.c_messages_messagesSlice()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); h->_overviewCount[type] = d.vcount.v; v = &d.vmessages.c_vector().v; } break; default: return; } if (h->_overviewCount[type] > 0) { for (History::MediaOverviewIds::const_iterator i = h->_overviewIds[type].cbegin(), e = h->_overviewIds[type].cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i.key() < 0) { ++h->_overviewCount[type]; } else { break; } } } if (v->isEmpty()) { h->_overviewCount[type] = 0; } for (QVector::const_iterator i = v->cbegin(), e = v->cend(); i != e; ++i) { HistoryItem *item = App::histories().addToBack(*i, -1); if (item && h->_overviewIds[type].constFind(item->id) == h->_overviewIds[type].cend()) { h->_overviewIds[type].insert(item->id, NullType()); h->_overview[type].push_front(item->id); } } if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->mediaOverviewUpdated(h->peer); } void MainWidget::partWasRead(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_AffectedHistory &result) { const MTPDmessages_affectedHistory &d(result.c_messages_affectedHistory()); App::main()->updUpdated(d.vpts.v, 0, 0, d.vseq.v); int32 offset = d.voffset.v; if (!MTP::authedId() || offset <= 0) { _readRequests.remove(peer); } else { _readRequests[peer] = MTP::send(MTPmessages_ReadHistory(peer->input, MTP_int(0), MTP_int(offset)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::partWasRead, peer)); } } void MainWidget::videoLoadProgress(mtpFileLoader *loader) { VideoData *video = App::video(loader->objId()); if (video->loader) { if (video->loader->done()) { video->finish(); QString already = video->already(); if (!already.isEmpty() && video->openOnSave) { psOpenFile(already, video->openOnSave < 0); } } } const VideoItems &items(App::videoItems()); VideoItems::const_iterator i = items.constFind(video); if (i != items.cend()) { for (HistoryItemsMap::const_iterator j = i->cbegin(), e = i->cend(); j != e; ++j) { msgUpdated(j.key()->history()->peer->id, j.key()); } } } void MainWidget::loadFailed(mtpFileLoader *loader, bool started, const char *retrySlot) { failedObjId = loader->objId(); failedFileName = loader->fileName(); ConfirmBox *box = new ConfirmBox(lang(started ? lng_download_finish_failed : lng_download_path_failed), started ? QString() : lang(lng_download_path_settings)); if (started) { connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), this, retrySlot); } else { connect(box, SIGNAL(confirmed()), App::wnd(), SLOT(showSettings())); } App::wnd()->showLayer(box); } void MainWidget::videoLoadFailed(mtpFileLoader *loader, bool started) { loadFailed(loader, started, SLOT(videoLoadRetry())); VideoData *video = App::video(loader->objId()); if (video && video->loader) video->finish(); } void MainWidget::videoLoadRetry() { App::wnd()->hideLayer(); VideoData *video = App::video(failedObjId); if (video) video->save(failedFileName); } void MainWidget::audioLoadProgress(mtpFileLoader *loader) { AudioData *audio = App::audio(loader->objId()); if (audio->loader) { if (audio->loader->done()) { audio->finish(); QString already = audio->already(); if (!already.isEmpty() && audio->openOnSave) { psOpenFile(already, audio->openOnSave < 0); } } } const AudioItems &items(App::audioItems()); AudioItems::const_iterator i = items.constFind(audio); if (i != items.cend()) { for (HistoryItemsMap::const_iterator j = i->cbegin(), e = i->cend(); j != e; ++j) { msgUpdated(j.key()->history()->peer->id, j.key()); } } } void MainWidget::audioLoadFailed(mtpFileLoader *loader, bool started) { loadFailed(loader, started, SLOT(audioLoadRetry())); AudioData *audio = App::audio(loader->objId()); if (audio && audio->loader) audio->finish(); } void MainWidget::audioLoadRetry() { App::wnd()->hideLayer(); AudioData *audio = App::audio(failedObjId); if (audio) audio->save(failedFileName); } void MainWidget::documentLoadProgress(mtpFileLoader *loader) { DocumentData *document = App::document(loader->objId()); if (document->loader) { if (document->loader->done()) { document->finish(); QString already = document->already(); if (!already.isEmpty() && document->openOnSave) { psOpenFile(already, document->openOnSave < 0); } } } const DocumentItems &items(App::documentItems()); DocumentItems::const_iterator i = items.constFind(document); if (i != items.cend()) { for (HistoryItemsMap::const_iterator j = i->cbegin(), e = i->cend(); j != e; ++j) { msgUpdated(j.key()->history()->peer->id, j.key()); } } } void MainWidget::documentLoadFailed(mtpFileLoader *loader, bool started) { loadFailed(loader, started, SLOT(documentLoadRetry())); DocumentData *document = App::document(loader->objId()); if (document && document->loader) document->finish(); } void MainWidget::documentLoadRetry() { App::wnd()->hideLayer(); DocumentData *document = App::document(failedObjId); if (document) document->save(failedFileName); } void MainWidget::onParentResize(const QSize &newSize) { resize(newSize); } void MainWidget::updateOnlineDisplay() { history.updateOnlineDisplay(history.x(), width() - history.x() - st::sysBtnDelta * 2 - st::sysCls.img.pxWidth() - st::sysRes.img.pxWidth() - st::sysMin.img.pxWidth()); if (profile) profile->updateOnlineDisplay(); if (App::wnd()->settingsWidget()) App::wnd()->settingsWidget()->updateOnlineDisplay(); } void MainWidget::confirmSendImage(const ReadyLocalMedia &img) { history.confirmSendImage(img); } void MainWidget::confirmSendImageUncompressed() { history.uploadConfirmImageUncompressed(); } void MainWidget::cancelSendImage() { history.cancelSendImage(); } void MainWidget::dialogsCancelled() { if (hider) { hider->startHide(); } else { history.activate(); } } void MainWidget::setInnerFocus() { if (hider || !history.peer()) { if (hider && hider->wasOffered()) { hider->setFocus(); } else { dialogs.setInnerFocus(); } } else { history.activate(); } } void MainWidget::createDialogAtTop(History *history, int32 unreadCount) { dialogs.createDialogAtTop(history, unreadCount); } void MainWidget::showPeer(const PeerId &peerId, MsgId msgId, bool back, bool force) { if (!back && _stack.size() == 1 && _stack[0]->type() == HistoryStackItem && _stack[0]->peer->id == peerId) { back = true; } App::wnd()->hideLayer(); QPixmap animCache, animTopBarCache; if (force && hider) { hider->startHide(); hider = 0; } if (force || !selectingPeer()) { if (history.isHidden() && (profile || overview)) { dialogs.enableShadow(false); if (peerId) { _topBar.enableShadow(false); animCache = myGrab(this, history.geometry()); } else { animCache = myGrab(this, QRect(_dialogsWidth, 0, width() - _dialogsWidth, height())); } animTopBarCache = myGrab(this, QRect(_topBar.x(), _topBar.y(), _topBar.width(), st::topBarHeight)); dialogs.enableShadow(); _topBar.enableShadow(); history.show(); } } history.showPeer(peerId, msgId, force); if (force || !selectingPeer()) { if (profile || overview) { if (profile) { profile->deleteLater(); profile->rpcInvalidate(); profile = 0; } if (overview) { overview->clear(); overview->deleteLater(); overview->rpcInvalidate(); overview = 0; } _stack.clear(); if (!history.peer() || !history.peer()->id) { _topBar.hide(); resizeEvent(0); } if (!animCache.isNull()) { history.animShow(animCache, animTopBarCache, back); } } } dialogs.scrollToPeer(peerId); dialogs.update(); } PeerData *MainWidget::peerBefore(const PeerData *peer) { if (selectingPeer()) return 0; return dialogs.peerBefore(peer); } PeerData *MainWidget::peerAfter(const PeerData *peer) { if (selectingPeer()) return 0; return dialogs.peerAfter(peer); } PeerData *MainWidget::peer() { return history.peer(); } PeerData *MainWidget::activePeer() { return history.activePeer(); } MsgId MainWidget::activeMsgId() { return history.activeMsgId(); } PeerData *MainWidget::profilePeer() { return profile ? profile->peer() : 0; } void MainWidget::showMediaOverview(const PeerData *peer, MediaOverviewType type, bool back, int32 lastScrollTop) { App::wnd()->hideSettings(); if (overview && overview->peer() == peer) { if (overview->type() != type) { overview->switchType(type); } return; } dialogs.enableShadow(false); _topBar.enableShadow(false); QPixmap animCache = myGrab(this, history.geometry()), animTopBarCache = myGrab(this, QRect(_topBar.x(), _topBar.y(), _topBar.width(), st::topBarHeight)); dialogs.enableShadow(); _topBar.enableShadow(); if (!back) { if (overview) { _stack.push_back(new StackItemOverview(overview->peer(), overview->type(), overview->lastWidth(), overview->lastScrollTop())); } else if (profile) { _stack.push_back(new StackItemProfile(profile->peer(), profile->lastScrollTop(), profile->allMediaShown())); } else { _stack.push_back(new StackItemHistory(history.peer(), history.lastWidth(), history.lastScrollTop())); } } if (overview) { overview->clear(); overview->deleteLater(); overview->rpcInvalidate(); } if (profile) { profile->deleteLater(); profile->rpcInvalidate(); profile = 0; } overview = new OverviewWidget(this, peer, type); _topBar.show(); resizeEvent(0); overview->animShow(animCache, animTopBarCache, back, lastScrollTop); history.animStop(); history.showPeer(0, 0, false, true); history.hide(); _topBar.raise(); dialogs.raise(); if (hider) hider->raise(); } void MainWidget::showPeerProfile(const PeerData *peer, bool back, int32 lastScrollTop, bool allMediaShown) { App::wnd()->hideSettings(); if (profile && profile->peer() == peer) return; dialogs.enableShadow(false); _topBar.enableShadow(false); QPixmap animCache = myGrab(this, history.geometry()), animTopBarCache = myGrab(this, QRect(_topBar.x(), _topBar.y(), _topBar.width(), st::topBarHeight)); dialogs.enableShadow(); _topBar.enableShadow(); if (!back) { if (overview) { _stack.push_back(new StackItemOverview(overview->peer(), overview->type(), overview->lastWidth(), overview->lastScrollTop())); } else if (profile) { _stack.push_back(new StackItemProfile(profile->peer(), profile->lastScrollTop(), profile->allMediaShown())); } else { _stack.push_back(new StackItemHistory(history.peer(), history.lastWidth(), history.lastScrollTop())); } } if (overview) { overview->clear(); overview->deleteLater(); overview->rpcInvalidate(); overview = 0; } if (profile) { profile->deleteLater(); profile->rpcInvalidate(); } profile = new ProfileWidget(this, peer); _topBar.show(); resizeEvent(0); profile->animShow(animCache, animTopBarCache, back, lastScrollTop, allMediaShown); history.animStop(); history.showPeer(0, 0, false, true); history.hide(); _topBar.raise(); dialogs.raise(); if (hider) hider->raise(); } void MainWidget::showBackFromStack() { if (_stack.isEmpty() || selectingPeer()) return; StackItem *item = _stack.back(); _stack.pop_back(); if (item->type() == HistoryStackItem) { StackItemHistory *histItem = static_cast(item); showPeer(histItem->peer->id, App::main()->activeMsgId(), true); } else if (item->type() == ProfileStackItem) { StackItemProfile *profItem = static_cast(item); showPeerProfile(profItem->peer, true, profItem->lastScrollTop, profItem->allMediaShown); } else if (item->type() == OverviewStackItem) { StackItemOverview *overItem = static_cast(item); showMediaOverview(overItem->peer, overItem->mediaType, true, overItem->lastScrollTop); } delete item; } QRect MainWidget::historyRect() const { QRect r(history.historyRect()); r.moveLeft(r.left() + history.x()); r.moveTop(r.top() + history.y()); return r; } void MainWidget::dlgUpdated(DialogRow *row) { dialogs.dlgUpdated(row); } void MainWidget::dlgUpdated(History *row) { dialogs.dlgUpdated(row); } void MainWidget::windowShown() { history.windowShown(); } void MainWidget::sentDataReceived(uint64 randomId, const MTPmessages_SentMessage &result) { switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_sentMessage: { const MTPDmessages_sentMessage &d(result.c_messages_sentMessage()); if (updInited && d.vseq.v) { if (d.vseq.v <= updSeq) return; if (d.vseq.v > updSeq + 1) return getDifference(); } feedUpdate(MTP_updateMessageID(d.vid, MTP_long(randomId))); // ignore real date if (updInited) { updSetState(d.vpts.v, d.vdate.v, updQts, d.vseq.v); } } break; case mtpc_messages_sentMessageLink: { const MTPDmessages_sentMessageLink &d(result.c_messages_sentMessageLink()); if (updInited && d.vseq.v) { if (d.vseq.v <= updSeq) return; if (d.vseq.v > updSeq + 1) return getDifference(); } feedUpdate(MTP_updateMessageID(d.vid, MTP_long(randomId))); // ignore real date if (updInited) { updSetState(d.vpts.v, d.vdate.v, updQts, d.vseq.v); } App::feedUserLinks(d.vlinks); } break; }; } void MainWidget::sentFullDataReceived(uint64 randomId, const MTPmessages_StatedMessage &result) { if (randomId) { const MTPMessage *msg = 0; switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_statedMessage: msg = &result.c_messages_statedMessage().vmessage; break; case mtpc_messages_statedMessageLink: msg = &result.c_messages_statedMessageLink().vmessage; break; } if (msg) { MsgId msgId = 0; switch (msg->type()) { case mtpc_message: msgId = msg->c_message().vid.v; break; case mtpc_messageEmpty: msgId = msg->c_messageEmpty().vid.v; break; case mtpc_messageForwarded: msgId = msg->c_messageForwarded().vid.v; break; case mtpc_messageService: msgId = msg->c_messageService().vid.v; break; } if (msgId) { feedUpdate(MTP_updateMessageID(MTP_int(msgId), MTP_long(randomId))); // ignore real date App::feedMessageMedia(msgId, *msg); } } } switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_statedMessage: { const MTPDmessages_statedMessage &d(result.c_messages_statedMessage()); if (updInited && d.vseq.v) { if (d.vseq.v <= updSeq || d.vseq.v > updSeq + 1) return getDifference(); } App::feedChats(d.vchats); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); if (!randomId) { feedUpdate(MTP_updateNewMessage(d.vmessage, d.vpts)); } if (updInited) { updSetState(d.vpts.v, updDate, updQts, d.vseq.v); } } break; case mtpc_messages_statedMessageLink: { const MTPDmessages_statedMessageLink &d(result.c_messages_statedMessageLink()); if (updInited && d.vseq.v) { if (d.vseq.v <= updSeq || d.vseq.v > updSeq + 1) return getDifference(); } App::feedChats(d.vchats); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); if (!randomId) { feedUpdate(MTP_updateNewMessage(d.vmessage, d.vpts)); } if (updInited) { updSetState(d.vpts.v, updDate, updQts, d.vseq.v); } App::feedUserLinks(d.vlinks); } break; }; } void MainWidget::sentFullDatasReceived(const MTPmessages_StatedMessages &result) { switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_statedMessages: { const MTPDmessages_statedMessages &d(result.c_messages_statedMessages()); if (updInited && d.vseq.v) { if (d.vseq.v <= updSeq || d.vseq.v > updSeq + 1) return getDifference(); } App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); App::feedMsgs(d.vmessages, true); history.peerMessagesUpdated(); if (updInited) { updSetState(d.vpts.v, updDate, updQts, d.vseq.v); } } break; case mtpc_messages_statedMessagesLinks: { const MTPDmessages_statedMessagesLinks &d(result.c_messages_statedMessagesLinks()); if (updInited && d.vseq.v) { if (d.vseq.v <= updSeq || d.vseq.v > updSeq + 1) return getDifference(); } App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); App::feedMsgs(d.vmessages, true); history.peerMessagesUpdated(); if (updInited) { updSetState(d.vpts.v, updDate, updQts, d.vseq.v); } App::feedUserLinks(d.vlinks); } break; }; } void MainWidget::forwardDone(PeerId peer, const MTPmessages_StatedMessages &result) { sentFullDatasReceived(result); if (hider) hider->forwardDone(); showPeer(peer, 0, false, true); history.onClearSelected(); } void MainWidget::msgUpdated(PeerId peer, HistoryItem *msg) { if (!msg) return; history.msgUpdated(peer, msg); if (!msg->history()->dialogs.isEmpty()) dialogs.dlgUpdated(msg->history()->dialogs[0]); if (overview) overview->msgUpdated(peer, msg); } void MainWidget::historyToDown(History *hist) { history.historyToDown(hist); } void MainWidget::dialogsToUp() { dialogs.dialogsToUp(); } void MainWidget::dialogsClear() { dialogs.clearFiltered(); } void MainWidget::newUnreadMsg(History *hist, MsgId msgId) { history.newUnreadMsg(hist, msgId); } void MainWidget::historyWasRead() { history.historyWasRead(false); } void MainWidget::animShow(const QPixmap &bgAnimCache, bool back) { _bgAnimCache = bgAnimCache; anim::stop(this); showAll(); _animCache = myGrab(this, rect()); a_coord = back ? anim::ivalue(-st::introSlideShift, 0) : anim::ivalue(st::introSlideShift, 0); a_alpha = anim::fvalue(0, 1); a_bgCoord = back ? anim::ivalue(0, st::introSlideShift) : anim::ivalue(0, -st::introSlideShift); a_bgAlpha = anim::fvalue(1, 0); hideAll(); anim::start(this); show(); } bool MainWidget::animStep(float64 ms) { float64 fullDuration = st::introSlideDelta + st::introSlideDuration, dt = ms / fullDuration; float64 dt1 = (ms > st::introSlideDuration) ? 1 : (ms / st::introSlideDuration), dt2 = (ms > st::introSlideDelta) ? (ms - st::introSlideDelta) / (st::introSlideDuration) : 0; bool res = true; if (dt2 >= 1) { res = false; a_bgCoord.finish(); a_bgAlpha.finish(); a_coord.finish(); a_alpha.finish(); _animCache = _bgAnimCache = QPixmap(); anim::stop(this); showAll(); activate(); } else { a_bgCoord.update(dt1, st::introHideFunc); a_bgAlpha.update(dt1, st::introAlphaHideFunc); a_coord.update(dt2, st::introShowFunc); a_alpha.update(dt2, st::introAlphaShowFunc); } update(); return res; } void MainWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QPainter p(this); if (animating()) { p.setOpacity(a_bgAlpha.current()); p.drawPixmap(a_bgCoord.current(), 0, _bgAnimCache); p.setOpacity(a_alpha.current()); p.drawPixmap(a_coord.current(), 0, _animCache); } else { } } void MainWidget::hideAll() { dialogs.hide(); history.hide(); if (profile) { profile->hide(); } if (overview) { overview->hide(); } _topBar.hide(); } void MainWidget::showAll() { dialogs.show(); if (overview) { overview->show(); } else if(profile) { profile->show(); } else { history.show(); } if (profile || overview || history.peer()) { _topBar.show(); } App::wnd()->checkHistoryActivation(); } void MainWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { _dialogsWidth = snap((width() * 5) / 14, st::dlgMinWidth, st::dlgMaxWidth); int32 tbh = _topBar.isHidden() ? 0 : st::topBarHeight; dialogs.setGeometry(0, 0, _dialogsWidth + st::dlgShadow, height()); _topBar.setGeometry(_dialogsWidth, 0, width() - _dialogsWidth, st::topBarHeight + st::titleShadow); history.setGeometry(_dialogsWidth, tbh, width() - _dialogsWidth, height() - tbh); if (profile) profile->setGeometry(history.geometry()); if (overview) overview->setGeometry(history.geometry()); if (hider) hider->setGeometry(QRect(_dialogsWidth, 0, width() - _dialogsWidth, height())); } void MainWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { } void MainWidget::paintTopBar(QPainter &p, float64 over, int32 decreaseWidth) { if (profile) { profile->paintTopBar(p, over, decreaseWidth); } else if (overview) { overview->paintTopBar(p, over, decreaseWidth); } else { history.paintTopBar(p, over, decreaseWidth); } } TopBarWidget *MainWidget::topBar() { return &_topBar; } void MainWidget::onTopBarClick() { if (profile) { profile->topBarClick(); } else if (overview) { overview->topBarClick(); } else { history.topBarClick(); } } void MainWidget::onPeerShown(PeerData *peer) { if (profile || overview || (peer && peer->id)) { _topBar.show(); } else { _topBar.hide(); } resizeEvent(0); } void MainWidget::onUpdateNotifySettings() { while (!updateNotifySettingPeers.isEmpty()) { PeerData *peer = *updateNotifySettingPeers.begin(); updateNotifySettingPeers.erase(updateNotifySettingPeers.begin()); if (peer->notify == UnknownNotifySettings || peer->notify == EmptyNotifySettings) { peer->notify = new NotifySettings(); } MTP::send(MTPaccount_UpdateNotifySettings(MTP_inputNotifyPeer(peer->input), MTP_inputPeerNotifySettings(MTP_int(peer->notify->mute), MTP_string(peer->notify->sound), MTP_bool(peer->notify->previews), MTP_int(peer->notify->events))), RPCResponseHandler(), 0, updateNotifySettingPeers.isEmpty() ? 0 : 10); } } void MainWidget::feedUpdates(const MTPVector &updates, bool skipMessageIds) { const QVector &v(updates.c_vector().v); for (QVector::const_iterator i = v.cbegin(), e = v.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (skipMessageIds && i->type() == mtpc_updateMessageID) continue; feedUpdate(*i); } } void MainWidget::feedMessageIds(const MTPVector &updates) { const QVector &v(updates.c_vector().v); for (QVector::const_iterator i = v.cbegin(), e = v.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->type() == mtpc_updateMessageID) { feedUpdate(*i); } } } bool MainWidget::updateFail(const RPCError &e) { if (MTP::authedId()) { App::logOut(); } return true; } void MainWidget::updSetState(int32 pts, int32 date, int32 qts, int32 seq) { if (updPts < pts) updPts = pts; if (updDate < date) updDate = date; if (updQts < qts) updQts = qts; if (seq) updSeq = seq; } void MainWidget::gotState(const MTPupdates_State &state) { const MTPDupdates_state &d(state.c_updates_state()); updSetState(d.vpts.v, d.vdate.v, d.vqts.v, d.vseq.v); MTP::setGlobalDoneHandler(rpcDone(&MainWidget::updateReceived)); noUpdatesTimer.start(NoUpdatesTimeout); updInited = true; dialogs.loadDialogs(); setOnline(); } void MainWidget::gotDifference(const MTPupdates_Difference &diff) { switch (diff.type()) { case mtpc_updates_differenceEmpty: { const MTPDupdates_differenceEmpty &d(diff.c_updates_differenceEmpty()); updSetState(updPts, d.vdate.v, updQts, d.vseq.v); MTP::setGlobalDoneHandler(rpcDone(&MainWidget::updateReceived)); noUpdatesTimer.start(NoUpdatesTimeout); updInited = true; } break; case mtpc_updates_differenceSlice: { const MTPDupdates_differenceSlice &d(diff.c_updates_differenceSlice()); feedDifference(d.vusers, d.vchats, d.vnew_messages, d.vother_updates); const MTPDupdates_state &s(d.vintermediate_state.c_updates_state()); updSetState(s.vpts.v, s.vdate.v, s.vqts.v, s.vseq.v); updInited = true; getDifference(); } break; case mtpc_updates_difference: { const MTPDupdates_difference &d(diff.c_updates_difference()); feedDifference(d.vusers, d.vchats, d.vnew_messages, d.vother_updates); gotState(d.vstate); } break; }; } void MainWidget::updUpdated(int32 pts, int32 date, int32 qts, int32 seq) { if (!updInited) return; if (seq && (seq < updSeq || seq > updSeq + 1)) return getDifference(); updSetState(pts, date, qts, seq); } void MainWidget::feedDifference(const MTPVector &users, const MTPVector &chats, const MTPVector &msgs, const MTPVector &other) { App::feedUsers(users); App::feedChats(chats); feedMessageIds(other); App::feedMsgs(msgs, true); feedUpdates(other, true); history.peerMessagesUpdated(); } bool MainWidget::failDifference(const RPCError &e) { LOG(("RPC Error: %1 %2: %3").arg(e.code()).arg(e.type()).arg(e.description())); if (MTP::authedId()) { updInited = true; getDifference(); } return true; } void MainWidget::getDifference() { if (!updInited) return; updInited = false; MTP::setGlobalDoneHandler(RPCDoneHandlerPtr(0)); MTP::send(MTPupdates_GetDifference(MTP_int(updPts), MTP_int(updDate), MTP_int(updQts)), rpcDone(&MainWidget::gotDifference), rpcFail(&MainWidget::failDifference)); } void MainWidget::start(const MTPUser &user) { MTP::authed(user.c_userSelf().vid.v); App::initMedia(); App::feedUsers(MTP_vector(QVector(1, user))); App::app()->startUpdateCheck(); MTP::send(MTPupdates_GetState(), rpcDone(&MainWidget::gotState)); update(); } void MainWidget::startFull(const MTPVector &users) { const QVector &v(users.c_vector().v); if (v.isEmpty() || v[0].type() != mtpc_userSelf) { // wtf?.. return App::logOut(); } start(v[0]); } void MainWidget::applyNotifySetting(const MTPNotifyPeer &peer, const MTPPeerNotifySettings &settings, History *history) { switch (settings.type()) { case mtpc_peerNotifySettingsEmpty: switch (peer.type()) { case mtpc_notifyAll: globalNotifyAllPtr = EmptyNotifySettings; break; case mtpc_notifyUsers: globalNotifyUsersPtr = EmptyNotifySettings; break; case mtpc_notifyChats: globalNotifyChatsPtr = EmptyNotifySettings; break; case mtpc_notifyPeer: { PeerData *data = App::peerLoaded(App::peerFromMTP(peer.c_notifyPeer().vpeer)); if (data && data->notify != EmptyNotifySettings) { if (data->notify != UnknownNotifySettings) { delete data->notify; } data->notify = EmptyNotifySettings; App::history(data->id)->setMute(false); } } break; } break; case mtpc_peerNotifySettings: { const MTPDpeerNotifySettings &d(settings.c_peerNotifySettings()); NotifySettingsPtr setTo = UnknownNotifySettings; PeerId peerId = 0; switch (peer.type()) { case mtpc_notifyAll: setTo = globalNotifyAllPtr = &globalNotifyAll; break; case mtpc_notifyUsers: setTo = globalNotifyUsersPtr = &globalNotifyUsers; break; case mtpc_notifyChats: setTo = globalNotifyChatsPtr = &globalNotifyChats; break; case mtpc_notifyPeer: { PeerData *data = App::peerLoaded(App::peerFromMTP(peer.c_notifyPeer().vpeer)); if (!data) break; peerId = data->id; if (data->notify == UnknownNotifySettings || data->notify == EmptyNotifySettings) { data->notify = new NotifySettings(); } setTo = data->notify; } break; } if (setTo == UnknownNotifySettings) break; setTo->mute = d.vmute_until.v; setTo->sound = d.vsound.c_string().v; setTo->previews = d.vshow_previews.v; setTo->events = d.vevents_mask.v; if (peerId) { if (!history) history = App::history(peerId); if (isNotifyMuted(setTo)) { App::wnd()->notifyClear(history); history->setMute(true); } else { history->setMute(false); } } } break; } if (profile) { profile->updateNotifySettings(); } } void MainWidget::gotNotifySetting(MTPInputNotifyPeer peer, const MTPPeerNotifySettings &settings) { switch (peer.type()) { case mtpc_inputNotifyAll: applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyAll(), settings); break; case mtpc_inputNotifyUsers: applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyUsers(), settings); break; case mtpc_inputNotifyChats: applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyChats(), settings); break; case mtpc_inputNotifyGeoChatPeer: break; // no MTP_peerGeoChat case mtpc_inputNotifyPeer: switch (peer.c_inputNotifyPeer().vpeer.type()) { case mtpc_inputPeerEmpty: applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyPeer(MTP_peerUser(MTP_int(0))), settings); break; case mtpc_inputPeerSelf: applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyPeer(MTP_peerUser(MTP_int(MTP::authedId()))), settings); break; case mtpc_inputPeerContact: applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyPeer(MTP_peerUser(peer.c_inputNotifyPeer().vpeer.c_inputPeerContact().vuser_id)), settings); break; case mtpc_inputPeerForeign: applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyPeer(MTP_peerUser(peer.c_inputNotifyPeer().vpeer.c_inputPeerForeign().vuser_id)), settings); break; case mtpc_inputPeerChat: applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyPeer(MTP_peerChat(peer.c_inputNotifyPeer().vpeer.c_inputPeerChat().vchat_id)), settings); break; } break; } App::wnd()->notifySettingGot(); } bool MainWidget::failNotifySetting(MTPInputNotifyPeer peer) { gotNotifySetting(peer, MTP_peerNotifySettingsEmpty()); return true; } void MainWidget::updateNotifySetting(PeerData *peer, bool enabled) { updateNotifySettingPeers.insert(peer); if (peer->notify == EmptyNotifySettings) { if (!enabled) { peer->notify = new NotifySettings(); peer->notify->sound = ""; peer->notify->mute = unixtime() + 86400 * 365; } } else { if (peer->notify == UnknownNotifySettings) { peer->notify = new NotifySettings(); } peer->notify->sound = enabled ? "default" : ""; peer->notify->mute = enabled ? 0 : (unixtime() + 86400 * 365); } App::history(peer->id)->setMute(!enabled); updateNotifySettingTimer.start(NotifySettingSaveTimeout); } void MainWidget::activate() { if (!profile && !overview) { if (hider) { if (hider->wasOffered()) { hider->setFocus(); } else { dialogs.activate(); } } else if (App::wnd() && !App::wnd()->layerShown()) { if (!cSendPaths().isEmpty()) { hider = new HistoryHider(this); hider->show(); resizeEvent(0); dialogs.activate(); } else if (history.peer()) { history.activate(); } else { dialogs.activate(); } } } App::wnd()->fixOrder(); } void MainWidget::destroyData() { history.destroyData(); dialogs.destroyData(); } void MainWidget::updateOnlineDisplayIn(int32 msecs) { onlineUpdater.start(msecs); } void MainWidget::addNewContact(int32 uid, bool show) { if (dialogs.addNewContact(uid, show)) { showPeer(App::peerFromUser(uid)); } } bool MainWidget::isActive() const { return isVisible() && !animating(); } bool MainWidget::historyIsActive() const { return isActive() && !profile && !overview && history.isActive(); } int32 MainWidget::dlgsWidth() const { return dialogs.width(); } MainWidget::~MainWidget() { delete hider; MTP::clearGlobalHandlers(); App::deinitMedia(false); if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->noMain(this); } void MainWidget::setOnline(int windowState) { if (onlineRequest) { MTP::cancel(onlineRequest); onlineRequest = 0; } onlineTimer.stop(); bool isOnline = App::wnd()->psIsOnline(windowState); if (isOnline || windowState >= 0) { onlineRequest = MTP::send(MTPaccount_UpdateStatus(MTP_bool(!isOnline))); LOG(("App Info: Updating Online!")); } if (App::self()) App::self()->onlineTill = unixtime() + (isOnline ? 60 : -1); if (profile) { profile->updateOnlineDisplayTimer(); } else { history.updateOnlineDisplayTimer(); } onlineTimer.start(55000); } void MainWidget::mainStateChanged(Qt::WindowState state) { setOnline(state); } void MainWidget::updateReceived(const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end) { if (end <= from || !MTP::authedId()) return; if (mtpTypeId(*from) == mtpc_new_session_created) { MTPNewSession newSession(from, end); updSeq = 0; return getDifference(); } else { try { MTPUpdates updates(from, end); noUpdatesTimer.start(NoUpdatesTimeout); switch (updates.type()) { case mtpc_updates: { const MTPDupdates &d(updates.c_updates()); if (d.vseq.v) { if (d.vseq.v <= updSeq || d.vseq.v > updSeq + 1) return getDifference(); } App::feedChats(d.vchats); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); feedUpdates(d.vupdates); updSetState(updPts, d.vdate.v, updQts, d.vseq.v); } break; case mtpc_updatesCombined: { const MTPDupdatesCombined &d(updates.c_updatesCombined()); if (d.vseq.v) { if (d.vseq_start.v <= updSeq || d.vseq_start.v > updSeq + 1) return getDifference(); } App::feedChats(d.vchats); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); feedUpdates(d.vupdates); updSetState(updPts, d.vdate.v, updQts, d.vseq.v); } break; case mtpc_updateShort: { const MTPDupdateShort &d(updates.c_updateShort()); feedUpdate(d.vupdate); updSetState(updPts, d.vdate.v, updQts, updSeq); } break; case mtpc_updateShortMessage: { const MTPDupdateShortMessage &d(updates.c_updateShortMessage()); if (d.vseq.v) { if (d.vseq.v <= updSeq || d.vseq.v > updSeq + 1) return getDifference(); } if (!App::userLoaded(d.vfrom_id.v)) return getDifference(); HistoryItem *item = App::histories().addToBack(MTP_message(d.vid, d.vfrom_id, MTP_peerUser(MTP_int(MTP::authedId())), MTP_bool(false), MTP_bool(true), d.vdate, d.vmessage, MTP_messageMediaEmpty())); if (item) { history.peerMessagesUpdated(item->history()->peer->id); } updSetState(d.vpts.v, d.vdate.v, updQts, d.vseq.v); } break; case mtpc_updateShortChatMessage: { const MTPDupdateShortChatMessage &d(updates.c_updateShortChatMessage()); if (d.vseq.v) { if (d.vseq.v <= updSeq || d.vseq.v > updSeq + 1) return getDifference(); } if (!App::chatLoaded(d.vchat_id.v) || !App::userLoaded(d.vfrom_id.v)) return getDifference(); HistoryItem *item = App::histories().addToBack(MTP_message(d.vid, d.vfrom_id, MTP_peerChat(d.vchat_id), MTP_bool(false), MTP_bool(true), d.vdate, d.vmessage, MTP_messageMediaEmpty())); if (item) { history.peerMessagesUpdated(item->history()->peer->id); } updSetState(d.vpts.v, d.vdate.v, updQts, d.vseq.v); } break; case mtpc_updatesTooLong: { return getDifference(); } break; } } catch(mtpErrorUnexpected &e) { // just some other type } } update(); /**/ } void MainWidget::feedUpdate(const MTPUpdate &update) { if (!MTP::authedId()) return; switch (update.type()) { case mtpc_updateNewMessage: { const MTPDupdateNewMessage &d(update.c_updateNewMessage()); HistoryItem *item = App::histories().addToBack(d.vmessage); if (item) { history.peerMessagesUpdated(item->history()->peer->id); } if (updPts < d.vpts.v) updPts = d.vpts.v; } break; case mtpc_updateMessageID: { const MTPDupdateMessageID &d(update.c_updateMessageID()); MsgId msg = App::histItemByRandom(d.vrandom_id.v); if (msg) { HistoryItem *msgRow = App::histItemById(msg); if (msgRow) { App::historyUnregItem(msgRow); History *h = msgRow->history(); for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { History::MediaOverviewIds::iterator j = h->_overviewIds[i].find(msgRow->id); if (j != h->_overviewIds[i].cend()) { h->_overviewIds[i].erase(j); if (h->_overviewIds[i].constFind(d.vid.v) == h->_overviewIds[i].cend()) { h->_overviewIds[i].insert(d.vid.v, NullType()); for (int32 k = 0, l = h->_overview[i].size(); k != l; ++k) { if (h->_overview[i].at(k) == msgRow->id) { h->_overview[i][k] = d.vid.v; break; } } } } } if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->changingMsgId(msgRow, d.vid.v); msgRow->id = d.vid.v; if (!App::historyRegItem(msgRow)) { msgUpdated(h->peer->id, msgRow); } else { msgRow->destroy(); history.peerMessagesUpdated(); } } App::historyUnregRandom(d.vrandom_id.v); } } break; case mtpc_updateReadMessages: { const MTPDupdateReadMessages &d(update.c_updateReadMessages()); App::feedWereRead(d.vmessages.c_vector().v); if (updPts < d.vpts.v) updPts = d.vpts.v; } break; case mtpc_updateDeleteMessages: { const MTPDupdateDeleteMessages &d(update.c_updateDeleteMessages()); App::feedWereDeleted(d.vmessages.c_vector().v); history.peerMessagesUpdated(); if (updPts < d.vpts.v) updPts = d.vpts.v; } break; case mtpc_updateRestoreMessages: { const MTPDupdateRestoreMessages &d(update.c_updateRestoreMessages()); if (updPts < d.vpts.v) updPts = d.vpts.v; } break; case mtpc_updateUserTyping: { const MTPDupdateUserTyping &d(update.c_updateUserTyping()); History *history = App::historyLoaded(App::peerFromUser(d.vuser_id)); UserData *user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (history && user) { dialogs.regTyping(history, user); } } break; case mtpc_updateChatUserTyping: { const MTPDupdateChatUserTyping &d(update.c_updateChatUserTyping()); History *history = App::historyLoaded(App::peerFromChat(d.vchat_id)); UserData *user = (d.vuser_id.v == MTP::authedId()) ? 0 : App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (history && user) { dialogs.regTyping(history, user); } } break; case mtpc_updateChatParticipants: { const MTPDupdateChatParticipants &d(update.c_updateChatParticipants()); App::feedParticipants(d.vparticipants); } break; case mtpc_updateChatParticipantAdd: { const MTPDupdateChatParticipantAdd &d(update.c_updateChatParticipantAdd()); App::feedParticipantAdd(d); } break; case mtpc_updateChatParticipantDelete: { const MTPDupdateChatParticipantDelete &d(update.c_updateChatParticipantDelete()); App::feedParticipantDelete(d); } break; case mtpc_updateUserStatus: { const MTPDupdateUserStatus &d(update.c_updateUserStatus()); if (d.vuser_id.v == MTP::authedId() && (d.vstatus.type() == mtpc_userStatusOffline || d.vstatus.type() == mtpc_userStatusEmpty)) { setOnline(); } else { UserData *user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (user) { switch (d.vstatus.type()) { case mtpc_userStatusEmpty: user->onlineTill = 0; break; case mtpc_userStatusOffline: user->onlineTill = d.vstatus.c_userStatusOffline().vwas_online.v; break; case mtpc_userStatusOnline: user->onlineTill = d.vstatus.c_userStatusOnline().vexpires.v; break; } if (App::main()) App::main()->peerUpdated(user); } } } break; case mtpc_updateUserName: { const MTPDupdateUserName &d(update.c_updateUserName()); UserData *user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (user && user->contact <= 0) { user->setName(textOneLine(qs(d.vfirst_name)), textOneLine(qs(d.vlast_name)), user->nameOrPhone); if (App::main()) App::main()->peerUpdated(user); } } break; case mtpc_updateUserPhoto: { const MTPDupdateUserPhoto &d(update.c_updateUserPhoto()); UserData *user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (user) { user->setPhoto(d.vphoto); user->photo->load(); if (d.vprevious.v) { user->photosCount = -1; user->photos.clear(); } else { if (user->photoId) { if (user->photosCount > 0) ++user->photosCount; user->photos.push_front(App::photo(user->photoId)); } else { user->photosCount = -1; user->photos.clear(); } if (false && d.vuser_id.v != MTP::authedId() && d.vphoto.type() == mtpc_userProfilePhoto) { MTPPhoto photo(App::photoFromUserPhoto(MTP_int(user->id & 0xFFFFFFFF), d.vdate, d.vphoto)); HistoryMedia *media = new HistoryPhoto(photo.c_photo(), 100); if (App::history(user->id)->loadedAtBottom()) { App::history(user->id)->addToBackService(clientMsgId(), date(d.vdate), lang(lng_action_user_photo).replace(qsl("{from}"), user->name), false, true, media); } } } if (App::main()) App::main()->peerUpdated(user); if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->mediaOverviewUpdated(user); } } break; case mtpc_updateContactRegistered: { const MTPDupdateContactRegistered &d(update.c_updateContactRegistered()); UserData *user = App::userLoaded(d.vuser_id.v); if (user) { if (App::history(user->id)->loadedAtBottom()) { App::history(user->id)->addToBackService(clientMsgId(), date(d.vdate), lang(lng_action_user_registered).replace(qsl("{from}"), user->name), false, true); } } } break; case mtpc_updateContactLink: { const MTPDupdateContactLink &d(update.c_updateContactLink()); App::feedUserLink(d.vuser_id, d.vmy_link, d.vforeign_link); } break; case mtpc_updateActivation: { const MTPDupdateActivation &d(update.c_updateActivation()); } break; case mtpc_updateNewAuthorization: { const MTPDupdateNewAuthorization &d(update.c_updateNewAuthorization()); } break; case mtpc_updateNewEncryptedMessage: { const MTPDupdateNewEncryptedMessage &d(update.c_updateNewEncryptedMessage()); if (updQts < d.vqts.v) updQts = d.vqts.v; } break; case mtpc_updateEncryptedChatTyping: { const MTPDupdateEncryptedChatTyping &d(update.c_updateEncryptedChatTyping()); } break; case mtpc_updateEncryption: { const MTPDupdateEncryption &d(update.c_updateEncryption()); } break; case mtpc_updateEncryptedMessagesRead: { const MTPDupdateEncryptedMessagesRead &d(update.c_updateEncryptedMessagesRead()); } break; case mtpc_updateNewGeoChatMessage: { const MTPDupdateNewGeoChatMessage &d(update.c_updateNewGeoChatMessage()); // PeerId peer = App::histories().addToBack(d.vmessage); // history.peerMessagesUpdated(peer); } break; case mtpc_updateUserBlocked: { const MTPDupdateUserBlocked &d(update.c_updateUserBlocked()); // } break; case mtpc_updateNotifySettings: { const MTPDupdateNotifySettings &d(update.c_updateNotifySettings()); applyNotifySetting(d.vpeer, d.vnotify_settings); } break; case mtpc_updateDcOptions: { const MTPDupdateDcOptions &d(update.c_updateDcOptions()); MTP::updateDcOptions(d.vdc_options.c_vector().v); } break; } }