/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "api/api_unread_things.h" #include "data/data_peer.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_forum_topic.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/history_unread_things.h" #include "apiwrap.h" namespace Api { namespace { constexpr auto kPreloadIfLess = 5; constexpr auto kFirstRequestLimit = 10; constexpr auto kNextRequestLimit = 100; } // namespace UnreadThings::UnreadThings(not_null api) : _api(api) { } bool UnreadThings::trackMentions(Data::Thread *thread) const { const auto peer = thread ? thread->peer().get() : nullptr; return peer && (peer->isChat() || peer->isMegagroup()); } bool UnreadThings::trackReactions(Data::Thread *thread) const { const auto peer = thread ? thread->peer().get() : nullptr; return peer && (peer->isChat() || peer->isMegagroup()); } void UnreadThings::preloadEnough(Data::Thread *thread) { if (trackMentions(thread)) { preloadEnoughMentions(thread); } if (trackReactions(thread)) { preloadEnoughReactions(thread); } } void UnreadThings::mediaAndMentionsRead( const base::flat_set &readIds, ChannelData *channel) { for (const auto &msgId : readIds) { _api->requestMessageData(channel, msgId, [=] { const auto item = channel ? _api->session().data().message(channel->id, msgId) : _api->session().data().nonChannelMessage(msgId); if (item && item->mentionsMe()) { item->markMediaAndMentionRead(); } }); } } void UnreadThings::preloadEnoughMentions(not_null thread) { const auto fullCount = thread->unreadMentions().count(); const auto loadedCount = thread->unreadMentions().loadedCount(); const auto allLoaded = (fullCount >= 0) && (loadedCount >= fullCount); if (fullCount >= 0 && loadedCount < kPreloadIfLess && !allLoaded) { requestMentions(thread, loadedCount); } } void UnreadThings::preloadEnoughReactions(not_null thread) { const auto fullCount = thread->unreadReactions().count(); const auto loadedCount = thread->unreadReactions().loadedCount(); const auto allLoaded = (fullCount >= 0) && (loadedCount >= fullCount); if (fullCount >= 0 && loadedCount < kPreloadIfLess && !allLoaded) { requestReactions(thread, loadedCount); } } void UnreadThings::cancelRequests(not_null thread) { if (const auto requestId = _mentionsRequests.take(thread)) { _api->request(*requestId).cancel(); } if (const auto requestId = _reactionsRequests.take(thread)) { _api->request(*requestId).cancel(); } } void UnreadThings::requestMentions( not_null thread, int loaded) { if (_mentionsRequests.contains(thread)) { return; } const auto offsetId = std::max( thread->unreadMentions().maxLoaded(), MsgId(1)); const auto limit = loaded ? kNextRequestLimit : kFirstRequestLimit; const auto addOffset = loaded ? -(limit + 1) : -limit; const auto maxId = 0; const auto minId = 0; const auto history = thread->owningHistory(); const auto topic = thread->asTopic(); using Flag = MTPmessages_GetUnreadMentions::Flag; const auto requestId = _api->request(MTPmessages_GetUnreadMentions( MTP_flags(topic ? Flag::f_top_msg_id : Flag()), history->peer->input, MTP_int(topic ? topic->rootId() : 0), MTP_int(offsetId), MTP_int(addOffset), MTP_int(limit), MTP_int(maxId), MTP_int(minId) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { _mentionsRequests.remove(thread); thread->unreadMentions().addSlice(result, loaded); }).fail([=] { _mentionsRequests.remove(thread); }).send(); _mentionsRequests.emplace(thread, requestId); } void UnreadThings::requestReactions( not_null thread, int loaded) { if (_reactionsRequests.contains(thread)) { return; } const auto offsetId = loaded ? std::max(thread->unreadReactions().maxLoaded(), MsgId(1)) : MsgId(1); const auto limit = loaded ? kNextRequestLimit : kFirstRequestLimit; const auto addOffset = loaded ? -(limit + 1) : -limit; const auto maxId = 0; const auto minId = 0; const auto history = thread->owningHistory(); const auto topic = thread->asTopic(); using Flag = MTPmessages_GetUnreadReactions::Flag; const auto requestId = _api->request(MTPmessages_GetUnreadReactions( MTP_flags(topic ? Flag::f_top_msg_id : Flag()), history->peer->input, MTP_int(topic ? topic->rootId() : 0), MTP_int(offsetId), MTP_int(addOffset), MTP_int(limit), MTP_int(maxId), MTP_int(minId) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { _reactionsRequests.remove(thread); thread->unreadReactions().addSlice(result, loaded); }).fail([=] { _reactionsRequests.remove(thread); }).send(); _reactionsRequests.emplace(thread, requestId); } } // namespace UnreadThings