/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "media/player/media_player_button.h" #include "styles/style_widgets.h" namespace Media { namespace Player { PlayButtonLayout::PlayButtonLayout(const style::MediaPlayerButton &st, base::lambda callback) : _st(st) , _callback(std::move(callback)) { } void PlayButtonLayout::setState(State state) { if (_nextState == state) return; _nextState = state; if (!_transformProgress.animating(getms())) { _oldState = _state; _state = _nextState; _transformBackward = false; if (_state != _oldState) { startTransform(0., 1.); if (_callback) _callback(); } } else if (_oldState == _nextState) { qSwap(_oldState, _state); startTransform(_transformBackward ? 0. : 1., _transformBackward ? 1. : 0.); _transformBackward = !_transformBackward; } } void PlayButtonLayout::finishTransform() { _transformProgress.finish(); _transformBackward = false; if (_callback) _callback(); } void PlayButtonLayout::paint(Painter &p, const QBrush &brush) { if (_transformProgress.animating(getms())) { auto from = _oldState, to = _state; auto backward = _transformBackward; auto progress = _transformProgress.current(1.); if (from == State::Cancel || (from == State::Pause && to == State::Play)) { qSwap(from, to); backward = !backward; } if (backward) progress = 1. - progress; t_assert(from != to); if (from == State::Play) { if (to == State::Pause) { paintPlayToPause(p, brush, progress); } else { t_assert(to == State::Cancel); paintPlayToCancel(p, brush, progress); } } else { t_assert(from == State::Pause && to == State::Cancel); paintPauseToCancel(p, brush, progress); } } else { switch (_state) { case State::Play: paintPlay(p, brush); break; case State::Pause: paintPlayToPause(p, brush, 1.); break; case State::Cancel: paintPlayToCancel(p, brush, 1.); break; } } } void PlayButtonLayout::paintPlay(Painter &p, const QBrush &brush) { auto playLeft = 0. + _st.playPosition.x(); auto playTop = 0. + _st.playPosition.y(); auto playWidth = _st.playOuter.width() - 2 * playLeft; auto playHeight = _st.playOuter.height() - 2 * playTop; PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); QPainterPath pathPlay; pathPlay.moveTo(playLeft, playTop); pathPlay.lineTo(playLeft + playWidth, playTop + (playHeight / 2.)); pathPlay.lineTo(playLeft, playTop + playHeight); pathPlay.lineTo(playLeft, playTop); p.fillPath(pathPlay, brush); } void PlayButtonLayout::paintPlayToPause(Painter &p, const QBrush &brush, float64 progress) { auto playLeft = 0. + _st.playPosition.x(); auto playTop = 0. + _st.playPosition.y(); auto playWidth = _st.playOuter.width() - 2 * playLeft; auto playHeight = _st.playOuter.height() - 2 * playTop; auto pauseLeft = 0. + _st.pausePosition.x(); auto pauseTop = 0. + _st.pausePosition.y(); auto pauseWidth = _st.pauseOuter.width() - 2 * pauseLeft; auto pauseHeight = _st.pauseOuter.height() - 2 * pauseTop; auto pauseStroke = 0. + _st.pauseStroke; p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); QPointF pathLeftPause[] = { { pauseLeft, pauseTop }, { pauseLeft + pauseStroke, pauseTop }, { pauseLeft + pauseStroke, pauseTop + pauseHeight }, { pauseLeft, pauseTop + pauseHeight }, }; QPointF pathLeftPlay[] = { { playLeft, playTop }, { playLeft + (playWidth / 2.), playTop + (playHeight / 4.) }, { playLeft + (playWidth / 2.), playTop + (3 * playHeight / 4.) }, { playLeft, playTop + playHeight }, }; p.fillPath(anim::interpolate(pathLeftPlay, pathLeftPause, progress), brush); QPointF pathRightPause[] = { { pauseLeft + pauseWidth - pauseStroke, pauseTop }, { pauseLeft + pauseWidth, pauseTop }, { pauseLeft + pauseWidth, pauseTop + pauseHeight }, { pauseLeft + pauseWidth - pauseStroke, pauseTop + pauseHeight }, }; QPointF pathRightPlay[] = { { playLeft + (playWidth / 2.), playTop + (playHeight / 4.) }, { playLeft + playWidth, playTop + (playHeight / 2.) }, { playLeft + playWidth, playTop + (playHeight / 2.) }, { playLeft + (playWidth / 2.), playTop + (3 * playHeight / 4.) }, }; p.fillPath(anim::interpolate(pathRightPlay, pathRightPause, progress), brush); } void PlayButtonLayout::paintPlayToCancel(Painter &p, const QBrush &brush, float64 progress) { static const auto sqrt2 = sqrt(2.); auto playLeft = 0. + _st.playPosition.x(); auto playTop = 0. + _st.playPosition.y(); auto playWidth = _st.playOuter.width() - 2 * playLeft; auto playHeight = _st.playOuter.height() - 2 * playTop; auto cancelLeft = 0. + _st.cancelPosition.x(); auto cancelTop = 0. + _st.cancelPosition.y(); auto cancelWidth = _st.cancelOuter.width() - 2 * cancelLeft; auto cancelHeight = _st.cancelOuter.height() - 2 * cancelTop; auto cancelStroke = (0. + _st.cancelStroke) / sqrt2; p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); QPointF pathPlay[] = { { playLeft, playTop }, { playLeft, playTop }, { playLeft + (playWidth / 2.), playTop + (playHeight / 4.) }, { playLeft + playWidth, playTop + (playHeight / 2.) }, { playLeft + playWidth, playTop + (playHeight / 2.) }, { playLeft + playWidth, playTop + (playHeight / 2.) }, { playLeft + playWidth, playTop + (playHeight / 2.) }, { playLeft + playWidth, playTop + (playHeight / 2.) }, { playLeft + (playWidth / 2.), playTop + (3 * playHeight / 4.) }, { playLeft, playTop + playHeight }, { playLeft, playTop + playHeight }, { playLeft, playTop + (playHeight / 2.) }, }; QPointF pathCancel[] = { { cancelLeft, cancelTop + cancelStroke }, { cancelLeft + cancelStroke, cancelTop }, { cancelLeft + (cancelWidth / 2.), cancelTop + (cancelHeight / 2.) - cancelStroke }, { cancelLeft + cancelWidth - cancelStroke, cancelTop }, { cancelLeft + cancelWidth, cancelTop + cancelStroke }, { cancelLeft + (cancelWidth / 2.) + cancelStroke, cancelTop + (cancelHeight / 2.) }, { cancelLeft + cancelWidth, cancelTop + cancelHeight - cancelStroke }, { cancelLeft + cancelWidth - cancelStroke, cancelTop + cancelHeight }, { cancelLeft + (cancelWidth / 2.), cancelTop + (cancelHeight / 2.) + cancelStroke }, { cancelLeft + cancelStroke, cancelTop + cancelHeight }, { cancelLeft, cancelTop + cancelHeight - cancelStroke }, { cancelLeft + (cancelWidth / 2.) - cancelStroke, cancelTop + (cancelHeight / 2.) }, }; p.fillPath(anim::interpolate(pathPlay, pathCancel, progress), brush); } void PlayButtonLayout::paintPauseToCancel(Painter &p, const QBrush &brush, float64 progress) { static const auto sqrt2 = sqrt(2.); auto pauseLeft = 0. + _st.pausePosition.x(); auto pauseTop = 0. + _st.pausePosition.y(); auto pauseWidth = _st.pauseOuter.width() - 2 * pauseLeft; auto pauseHeight = _st.pauseOuter.height() - 2 * pauseTop; auto pauseStroke = 0. + _st.pauseStroke; auto cancelLeft = 0. + _st.cancelPosition.x(); auto cancelTop = 0. + _st.cancelPosition.y(); auto cancelWidth = _st.cancelOuter.width() - 2 * cancelLeft; auto cancelHeight = _st.cancelOuter.height() - 2 * cancelTop; auto cancelStroke = (0. + _st.cancelStroke) / sqrt2; p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); QPointF pathLeftPause[] = { { pauseLeft, pauseTop }, { pauseLeft + pauseStroke, pauseTop }, { pauseLeft + pauseStroke, pauseTop + pauseHeight }, { pauseLeft, pauseTop + pauseHeight }, }; QPointF pathLeftCancel[] = { { cancelLeft, cancelTop + cancelStroke }, { cancelLeft + cancelStroke, cancelTop }, { cancelLeft + cancelWidth, cancelTop + cancelHeight - cancelStroke }, { cancelLeft + cancelWidth - cancelStroke, cancelTop + cancelHeight }, }; p.fillPath(anim::interpolate(pathLeftPause, pathLeftCancel, progress), brush); QPointF pathRightPause[] = { { pauseLeft + pauseWidth - pauseStroke, pauseTop }, { pauseLeft + pauseWidth, pauseTop }, { pauseLeft + pauseWidth, pauseTop + pauseHeight }, { pauseLeft + pauseWidth - pauseStroke, pauseTop + pauseHeight }, }; QPointF pathRightCancel[] = { { cancelLeft + cancelWidth - cancelStroke, cancelTop }, { cancelLeft + cancelWidth, cancelTop + cancelStroke }, { cancelLeft + cancelStroke, cancelTop + cancelHeight }, { cancelLeft, cancelTop + cancelHeight - cancelStroke }, }; p.fillPath(anim::interpolate(pathRightPause, pathRightCancel, progress), brush); } void PlayButtonLayout::animationCallback() { if (!_transformProgress.animating()) { auto finalState = _nextState; _nextState = _state; setState(finalState); } _callback(); } void PlayButtonLayout::startTransform(float64 from, float64 to) { _transformProgress.start([this] { animationCallback(); }, from, to, st::mediaPlayerButtonTransformDuration); } } // namespace Player } // namespace Media