/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/controls/download_bar.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/text/format_values.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" #include "ui/image/image_prepare.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" namespace Ui { namespace { constexpr auto kFullArcLength = 360 * 16; [[nodiscard]] QImage Make(const QImage &image, int size) { if (image.isNull()) { return QImage(); } auto result = image.scaledToWidth( size * style::DevicePixelRatio(), Qt::SmoothTransformation); result.setDevicePixelRatio(style::DevicePixelRatio()); return result; } } // namespace DownloadBar::DownloadBar( not_null parent, rpl::producer progress) : _button( parent, object_ptr(parent, st::dialogsMenuToggle.ripple)) , _shadow(parent) , _progress(std::move(progress)) , _radial([=](crl::time now) { radialAnimationCallback(now); }) { _button.hide(anim::type::instant); _shadow.showOn(_button.shownValue()); _button.setDirectionUp(false); _button.entity()->resize(0, st::downloadBarHeight); _button.entity()->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect clip) { auto p = Painter(_button.entity()); paint(p, clip); }, lifetime()); style::PaletteChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refreshIcon(); }, lifetime()); refreshIcon(); _progress.value( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const DownloadBarProgress &progress) { refreshInfo(progress); }, lifetime()); } DownloadBar::~DownloadBar() = default; void DownloadBar::show(DownloadBarContent &&content) { _button.toggle(content.count > 0, anim::type::normal); if (!content.count) { return; } if (!_radial.animating()) { _radial.start(computeProgress()); } _content = content; const auto finished = (_content.done == _content.count); if (_finished != finished) { _finished = finished; _finishedAnimation.start( [=] { _button.update(); }, _finished ? 0. : 1., _finished ? 1. : 0., st::widgetFadeDuration); } refreshThumbnail(); _title.setMarkedText( st::defaultTextStyle, (content.count > 1 ? Ui::Text::Bold( tr::lng_profile_files(tr::now, lt_count, content.count)) : content.singleName)); refreshInfo(_progress.current()); } void DownloadBar::refreshThumbnail() { if (_content.singleThumbnail.isNull()) { _thumbnail = _thumbnailDone = QImage(); _thumbnailCacheKey = 0; return; } const auto cacheKey = _content.singleThumbnail.cacheKey(); if (_thumbnailCacheKey == cacheKey) { return; } _thumbnailCacheKey = cacheKey; _thumbnailLarge = _content.singleThumbnail; _thumbnailLarge.detach(); const auto width = _thumbnailLarge.width(); const auto height = _thumbnailLarge.height(); if (width != height) { const auto size = std::min(width, height); _thumbnailLarge = _thumbnailLarge.copy( (width - size) / 2, (height - size) / 2, size, size); } const auto size = st::downloadLoadingSize; const auto added = 3 * st::downloadLoadingLine; const auto loadingsize = size; const auto donesize = size + (added - st::downloadLoadingLine) * 2; const auto make = [&](int size) { return Images::Circle(Make(_thumbnailLarge, size)); }; _thumbnail = make(loadingsize); _thumbnailDone = make(donesize); _thumbnailLarge = Images::Circle(std::move(_thumbnailLarge)); } void DownloadBar::refreshIcon() { _documentIconLarge = st::downloadIconDocument.instance( st::windowFgActive->c, style::kScaleMax / style::DevicePixelRatio()); _documentIcon = Make(_documentIconLarge, st::downloadIconSize); _documentIconDone = Make(_documentIconLarge, st::downloadIconSizeDone); } void DownloadBar::refreshInfo(const DownloadBarProgress &progress) { _info.setMarkedText( st::downloadInfoStyle, (progress.ready < progress.total ? Text::WithEntities( FormatDownloadText(progress.ready, progress.total)) : Text::Link((_content.count > 1) ? tr::lng_downloads_view_in_section(tr::now) : tr::lng_downloads_view_in_chat(tr::now)))); _button.entity()->update(); } bool DownloadBar::isHidden() const { return _button.isHidden(); } int DownloadBar::height() const { return _button.height(); } rpl::producer DownloadBar::heightValue() const { return _button.heightValue(); } rpl::producer DownloadBar::shownValue() const { return _button.shownValue(); } void DownloadBar::setGeometry(int left, int top, int width, int height) { _button.resizeToWidth(width); _button.moveToLeft(left, top); _shadow.setGeometry(left, top - st::lineWidth, width, st::lineWidth); } rpl::producer<> DownloadBar::clicks() const { return _button.entity()->clicks() | rpl::to_empty; } rpl::lifetime &DownloadBar::lifetime() { return _button.lifetime(); } void DownloadBar::paint(Painter &p, QRect clip) { const auto button = _button.entity(); const auto outerw = button->width(); const auto over = button->isOver() || button->isDown(); const auto &icon = over ? st::downloadArrowOver : st::downloadArrow; p.fillRect(clip, st::windowBg); button->paintRipple(p, 0, 0); const auto finished = _finishedAnimation.value(_finished ? 1. : 0.); const auto size = st::downloadLoadingSize; const auto added = 3 * st::downloadLoadingLine; const auto skipx = st::downloadLoadingLeft; const auto skipy = (button->height() - size) / 2; const auto full = QRect( skipx - added, skipy - added, size + added * 2, size + added * 2); if (full.intersects(clip)) { const auto done = (finished == 1.); const auto loading = _radial.computeState(); if (loading.shown > 0) { auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); p.setOpacity(loading.shown); auto pen = st::windowBgActive->p; pen.setWidth(st::downloadLoadingLine); p.setPen(pen); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); const auto m = added / 2.; auto rect = QRectF(full).marginsRemoved({ m, m, m, m }); if (loading.arcLength < kFullArcLength) { p.drawArc(rect, loading.arcFrom, loading.arcLength); } else { p.drawEllipse(rect); } p.setOpacity(1.); } const auto shift = st::downloadLoadingLine + (1. - finished) * (added - st::downloadLoadingLine); const auto ellipse = QRectF(full).marginsRemoved( { shift, shift, shift, shift }); if (_thumbnail.isNull()) { auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(st::windowBgActive); p.drawEllipse(ellipse); const auto sizeLoading = st::downloadIconSize; if (finished == 0. || done) { const auto size = done ? st::downloadIconSizeDone : sizeLoading; const auto image = done ? _documentIconDone : _documentIcon; p.drawImage( full.x() + (full.width() - size) / 2, full.y() + (full.height() - size) / 2, image); } else { auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); const auto size = sizeLoading + (st::downloadIconSizeDone - sizeLoading) * finished; p.drawImage( QRectF( full.x() + (full.width() - size) / 2., full.y() + (full.height() - size) / 2., size, size), _documentIconLarge); } } else if (finished == 0. || done) { p.drawImage( base::SafeRound(ellipse.x()), base::SafeRound(ellipse.y()), done ? _thumbnailDone : _thumbnail); } else { auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); p.drawImage(ellipse, _thumbnailLarge); } } const auto minleft = std::min( st::downloadTitleLeft, st::downloadInfoLeft); const auto maxwidth = outerw - minleft; if (!clip.intersects({ minleft, 0, maxwidth, st::downloadBarHeight })) { return; } const auto right = st::downloadArrowRight + icon.width(); const auto available = button->width() - st::downloadTitleLeft - right; p.setPen(st::windowBoldFg); _title.drawLeftElided( p, st::downloadTitleLeft, st::downloadTitleTop, available, outerw); p.setPen(st::windowSubTextFg); p.setTextPalette(st::defaultTextPalette); _info.drawLeftElided( p, st::downloadInfoLeft, st::downloadInfoTop, available, outerw); const auto iconTop = (st::downloadBarHeight - icon.height()) / 2; icon.paint(p, outerw - right, iconTop, outerw); } float64 DownloadBar::computeProgress() const { const auto now = _progress.current(); return now.total ? (now.ready / float64(now.total)) : 0.; } void DownloadBar::radialAnimationCallback(crl::time now) { const auto finished = (_content.done == _content.count); const auto updated = _radial.update(computeProgress(), finished, now); if (!anim::Disabled() || updated) { const auto button = _button.entity(); const auto size = st::downloadLoadingSize; const auto added = 3 * st::downloadLoadingLine; const auto skipx = st::downloadLoadingLeft; const auto skipy = (button->height() - size) / 2; const auto full = QRect( skipx - added, skipy - added, size + added * 2, size + added * 2); button->update(full); } } } // namespace Ui