/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "core/update_checker.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_info.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_file_utilities.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "base/bytes.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "base/qt_adapters.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/changelogs.h" #include "core/click_handler_types.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/main_domain.h" #include "info/info_memento.h" #include "info/settings/info_settings_widget.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "settings/settings_intro.h" #include "ui/layers/box_content.h" #include "app.h" #include #include extern "C" { #include #include #include #include } // extern "C" #if defined Q_OS_WIN && !defined DESKTOP_APP_USE_PACKAGED // use Lzma SDK for win #include #else // Q_OS_WIN && !DESKTOP_APP_USE_PACKAGED #include #endif // else of Q_OS_WIN && !DESKTOP_APP_USE_PACKAGED namespace Core { namespace { constexpr auto kUpdaterTimeout = 10 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kMaxResponseSize = 1024 * 1024; #ifdef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE bool UpdaterIsDisabled = true; #else // TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE bool UpdaterIsDisabled = false; #endif // TDESKTOP_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE std::weak_ptr UpdaterInstance; using Progress = UpdateChecker::Progress; using State = UpdateChecker::State; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN using VersionInt = DWORD; using VersionChar = WCHAR; #else // Q_OS_WIN using VersionInt = int; using VersionChar = wchar_t; #endif // Q_OS_WIN using Loader = MTP::AbstractDedicatedLoader; class Checker : public base::has_weak_ptr { public: Checker(bool testing); virtual void start() = 0; rpl::producer> ready() const; rpl::producer<> failed() const; rpl::lifetime &lifetime(); virtual ~Checker() = default; protected: bool testing() const; void done(std::shared_ptr result); void fail(); private: bool _testing = false; rpl::event_stream> _ready; rpl::event_stream<> _failed; rpl::lifetime _lifetime; }; struct Implementation { std::unique_ptr checker; std::shared_ptr loader; bool failed = false; }; class HttpChecker : public Checker { public: HttpChecker(bool testing); void start() override; ~HttpChecker(); private: void gotResponse(); void gotFailure(QNetworkReply::NetworkError e); void clearSentRequest(); bool handleResponse(const QByteArray &response); std::optional parseOldResponse( const QByteArray &response) const; std::optional parseResponse(const QByteArray &response) const; QString validateLatestUrl( uint64 availableVersion, bool isAvailableAlpha, QString url) const; std::unique_ptr _manager; QNetworkReply *_reply = nullptr; }; class HttpLoaderActor; class HttpLoader : public Loader { public: HttpLoader(const QString &url); ~HttpLoader(); private: void startLoading() override; friend class HttpLoaderActor; QString _url; std::unique_ptr _thread; HttpLoaderActor *_actor = nullptr; }; class HttpLoaderActor : public QObject { public: HttpLoaderActor( not_null parent, not_null thread, const QString &url); private: void start(); void sendRequest(); void gotMetaData(); void partFinished(qint64 got, qint64 total); void partFailed(QNetworkReply::NetworkError e); not_null _parent; QString _url; QNetworkAccessManager _manager; std::unique_ptr _reply; }; class MtpChecker : public Checker { public: MtpChecker(base::weak_ptr session, bool testing); void start() override; private: using FileLocation = MTP::DedicatedLoader::Location; using Checker::fail; Fn failHandler(); void gotMessage(const MTPmessages_Messages &result); std::optional parseMessage( const MTPmessages_Messages &result) const; std::optional parseText(const QByteArray &text) const; FileLocation validateLatestLocation( uint64 availableVersion, const FileLocation &location) const; MTP::WeakInstance _mtp; }; std::shared_ptr GetUpdaterInstance() { if (const auto result = UpdaterInstance.lock()) { return result; } const auto result = std::make_shared(); UpdaterInstance = result; return result; } QString UpdatesFolder() { return cWorkingDir() + qsl("tupdates"); } void ClearAll() { base::Platform::DeleteDirectory(UpdatesFolder()); } QString FindUpdateFile() { QDir updates(UpdatesFolder()); if (!updates.exists()) { return QString(); } const auto list = updates.entryInfoList(QDir::Files); for (const auto &info : list) { if (QRegularExpression( "^(" "tupdate|" "tmacupd|" "tosxupd|" "tlinuxupd|" "tlinux32upd" ")\\d+(_[a-z\\d]+)?$", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption ).match(info.fileName()).hasMatch()) { return info.absoluteFilePath(); } } return QString(); } QString ExtractFilename(const QString &url) { const auto expression = QRegularExpression(qsl("/([^/\\?]+)(\\?|$)")); if (const auto match = expression.match(url); match.hasMatch()) { return match.captured(1).replace( QRegularExpression(qsl("[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]")), QString()); } return QString(); } bool UnpackUpdate(const QString &filepath) { QFile input(filepath); QByteArray packed; if (!input.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { LOG(("Update Error: cant read updates file!")); return false; } #if defined Q_OS_WIN && !defined DESKTOP_APP_USE_PACKAGED // use Lzma SDK for win const int32 hSigLen = 128, hShaLen = 20, hPropsLen = LZMA_PROPS_SIZE, hOriginalSizeLen = sizeof(int32), hSize = hSigLen + hShaLen + hPropsLen + hOriginalSizeLen; // header #else // Q_OS_WIN && !DESKTOP_APP_USE_PACKAGED const int32 hSigLen = 128, hShaLen = 20, hPropsLen = 0, hOriginalSizeLen = sizeof(int32), hSize = hSigLen + hShaLen + hOriginalSizeLen; // header #endif // Q_OS_WIN && !DESKTOP_APP_USE_PACKAGED QByteArray compressed = input.readAll(); int32 compressedLen = compressed.size() - hSize; if (compressedLen <= 0) { LOG(("Update Error: bad compressed size: %1").arg(compressed.size())); return false; } input.close(); QString tempDirPath = cWorkingDir() + qsl("tupdates/temp"), readyFilePath = cWorkingDir() + qsl("tupdates/temp/ready"); base::Platform::DeleteDirectory(tempDirPath); QDir tempDir(tempDirPath); if (tempDir.exists() || QFile(readyFilePath).exists()) { LOG(("Update Error: cant clear tupdates/temp dir!")); return false; } uchar sha1Buffer[20]; bool goodSha1 = !memcmp(compressed.constData() + hSigLen, hashSha1(compressed.constData() + hSigLen + hShaLen, compressedLen + hPropsLen + hOriginalSizeLen, sha1Buffer), hShaLen); if (!goodSha1) { LOG(("Update Error: bad SHA1 hash of update file!")); return false; } RSA *pbKey = PEM_read_bio_RSAPublicKey(BIO_new_mem_buf(const_cast(AppBetaVersion ? UpdatesPublicBetaKey : UpdatesPublicKey), -1), 0, 0, 0); if (!pbKey) { LOG(("Update Error: cant read public rsa key!")); return false; } if (RSA_verify(NID_sha1, (const uchar*)(compressed.constData() + hSigLen), hShaLen, (const uchar*)(compressed.constData()), hSigLen, pbKey) != 1) { // verify signature RSA_free(pbKey); // try other public key, if we update from beta to stable or vice versa pbKey = PEM_read_bio_RSAPublicKey(BIO_new_mem_buf(const_cast(AppBetaVersion ? UpdatesPublicKey : UpdatesPublicBetaKey), -1), 0, 0, 0); if (!pbKey) { LOG(("Update Error: cant read public rsa key!")); return false; } if (RSA_verify(NID_sha1, (const uchar*)(compressed.constData() + hSigLen), hShaLen, (const uchar*)(compressed.constData()), hSigLen, pbKey) != 1) { // verify signature RSA_free(pbKey); LOG(("Update Error: bad RSA signature of update file!")); return false; } } RSA_free(pbKey); QByteArray uncompressed; int32 uncompressedLen; memcpy(&uncompressedLen, compressed.constData() + hSigLen + hShaLen + hPropsLen, hOriginalSizeLen); uncompressed.resize(uncompressedLen); size_t resultLen = uncompressed.size(); #if defined Q_OS_WIN && !defined DESKTOP_APP_USE_PACKAGED // use Lzma SDK for win SizeT srcLen = compressedLen; int uncompressRes = LzmaUncompress((uchar*)uncompressed.data(), &resultLen, (const uchar*)(compressed.constData() + hSize), &srcLen, (const uchar*)(compressed.constData() + hSigLen + hShaLen), LZMA_PROPS_SIZE); if (uncompressRes != SZ_OK) { LOG(("Update Error: could not uncompress lzma, code: %1").arg(uncompressRes)); return false; } #else // Q_OS_WIN && !DESKTOP_APP_USE_PACKAGED lzma_stream stream = LZMA_STREAM_INIT; lzma_ret ret = lzma_stream_decoder(&stream, UINT64_MAX, LZMA_CONCATENATED); if (ret != LZMA_OK) { const char *msg; switch (ret) { case LZMA_MEM_ERROR: msg = "Memory allocation failed"; break; case LZMA_OPTIONS_ERROR: msg = "Specified preset is not supported"; break; case LZMA_UNSUPPORTED_CHECK: msg = "Specified integrity check is not supported"; break; default: msg = "Unknown error, possibly a bug"; break; } LOG(("Error initializing the decoder: %1 (error code %2)").arg(msg).arg(ret)); return false; } stream.avail_in = compressedLen; stream.next_in = (uint8_t*)(compressed.constData() + hSize); stream.avail_out = resultLen; stream.next_out = (uint8_t*)uncompressed.data(); lzma_ret res = lzma_code(&stream, LZMA_FINISH); if (stream.avail_in) { LOG(("Error in decompression, %1 bytes left in _in of %2 whole.").arg(stream.avail_in).arg(compressedLen)); return false; } else if (stream.avail_out) { LOG(("Error in decompression, %1 bytes free left in _out of %2 whole.").arg(stream.avail_out).arg(resultLen)); return false; } lzma_end(&stream); if (res != LZMA_OK && res != LZMA_STREAM_END) { const char *msg; switch (res) { case LZMA_MEM_ERROR: msg = "Memory allocation failed"; break; case LZMA_FORMAT_ERROR: msg = "The input data is not in the .xz format"; break; case LZMA_OPTIONS_ERROR: msg = "Unsupported compression options"; break; case LZMA_DATA_ERROR: msg = "Compressed file is corrupt"; break; case LZMA_BUF_ERROR: msg = "Compressed data is truncated or otherwise corrupt"; break; default: msg = "Unknown error, possibly a bug"; break; } LOG(("Error in decompression: %1 (error code %2)").arg(msg).arg(res)); return false; } #endif // Q_OS_WIN && !DESKTOP_APP_USE_PACKAGED tempDir.mkdir(tempDir.absolutePath()); quint32 version; { QDataStream stream(uncompressed); stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_1); stream >> version; if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("Update Error: cant read version from downloaded stream, status: %1").arg(stream.status())); return false; } quint64 alphaVersion = 0; if (version == 0x7FFFFFFF) { // alpha version stream >> alphaVersion; if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("Update Error: cant read alpha version from downloaded stream, status: %1").arg(stream.status())); return false; } if (!cAlphaVersion() || alphaVersion <= cAlphaVersion()) { LOG(("Update Error: downloaded alpha version %1 is not greater, than mine %2").arg(alphaVersion).arg(cAlphaVersion())); return false; } } else if (int32(version) <= AppVersion) { LOG(("Update Error: downloaded version %1 is not greater, than mine %2").arg(version).arg(AppVersion)); return false; } quint32 filesCount; stream >> filesCount; if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("Update Error: cant read files count from downloaded stream, status: %1").arg(stream.status())); return false; } if (!filesCount) { LOG(("Update Error: update is empty!")); return false; } for (uint32 i = 0; i < filesCount; ++i) { QString relativeName; quint32 fileSize; QByteArray fileInnerData; bool executable = false; stream >> relativeName >> fileSize >> fileInnerData; #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX stream >> executable; #endif // Q_OS_UNIX if (stream.status() != QDataStream::Ok) { LOG(("Update Error: cant read file from downloaded stream, status: %1").arg(stream.status())); return false; } if (fileSize != quint32(fileInnerData.size())) { LOG(("Update Error: bad file size %1 not matching data size %2").arg(fileSize).arg(fileInnerData.size())); return false; } QFile f(tempDirPath + '/' + relativeName); if (!QDir().mkpath(QFileInfo(f).absolutePath())) { LOG(("Update Error: cant mkpath for file '%1'").arg(tempDirPath + '/' + relativeName)); return false; } if (!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { LOG(("Update Error: cant open file '%1' for writing").arg(tempDirPath + '/' + relativeName)); return false; } auto writtenBytes = f.write(fileInnerData); if (writtenBytes != fileSize) { f.close(); LOG(("Update Error: cant write file '%1', desiredSize: %2, write result: %3").arg(tempDirPath + '/' + relativeName).arg(fileSize).arg(writtenBytes)); return false; } f.close(); if (executable) { QFileDevice::Permissions p = f.permissions(); p |= QFileDevice::ExeOwner | QFileDevice::ExeUser | QFileDevice::ExeGroup | QFileDevice::ExeOther; f.setPermissions(p); } } // create tdata/version file tempDir.mkdir(QDir(tempDirPath + qsl("/tdata")).absolutePath()); std::wstring versionString = FormatVersionDisplay(version).toStdWString(); const auto versionNum = VersionInt(version); const auto versionLen = VersionInt(versionString.size() * sizeof(VersionChar)); VersionChar versionStr[32]; memcpy(versionStr, versionString.c_str(), versionLen); QFile fVersion(tempDirPath + qsl("/tdata/version")); if (!fVersion.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { LOG(("Update Error: cant write version file '%1'").arg(tempDirPath + qsl("/version"))); return false; } fVersion.write((const char*)&versionNum, sizeof(VersionInt)); if (versionNum == 0x7FFFFFFF) { // alpha version fVersion.write((const char*)&alphaVersion, sizeof(quint64)); } else { fVersion.write((const char*)&versionLen, sizeof(VersionInt)); fVersion.write((const char*)&versionStr[0], versionLen); } fVersion.close(); } QFile readyFile(readyFilePath); if (readyFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { if (readyFile.write("1", 1)) { readyFile.close(); } else { LOG(("Update Error: cant write ready file '%1'").arg(readyFilePath)); return false; } } else { LOG(("Update Error: cant create ready file '%1'").arg(readyFilePath)); return false; } input.remove(); return true; } template bool ParseCommonMap( const QByteArray &json, bool testing, Callback &&callback) { auto error = QJsonParseError{ 0, QJsonParseError::NoError }; const auto document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(json, &error); if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP failed to parse JSON, error: %1" ).arg(error.errorString())); return false; } else if (!document.isObject()) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP not an object received in JSON.")); return false; } const auto platforms = document.object(); const auto platform = Platform::AutoUpdateKey(); const auto it = platforms.constFind(platform); if (it == platforms.constEnd()) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP platform '%1' not found in response." ).arg(platform)); return false; } else if (!(*it).isObject()) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP not an object found for platform '%1'." ).arg(platform)); return false; } const auto types = (*it).toObject(); const auto list = [&]() -> std::vector { if (cAlphaVersion()) { return { "alpha", "beta", "stable" }; } else if (cInstallBetaVersion()) { return { "beta", "stable" }; } return { "stable" }; }(); auto bestIsAvailableAlpha = false; auto bestAvailableVersion = 0ULL; for (const auto &type : list) { const auto it = types.constFind(type); if (it == types.constEnd()) { continue; } else if (!(*it).isObject()) { LOG(("Update Error: Not an object found for '%1:%2'." ).arg(platform).arg(type)); return false; } const auto map = (*it).toObject(); const auto key = testing ? "testing" : "released"; const auto version = map.constFind(key); if (version == map.constEnd()) { continue; } const auto isAvailableAlpha = (type == "alpha"); const auto availableVersion = [&] { if ((*version).isString()) { const auto string = (*version).toString(); if (const auto index = string.indexOf(':'); index > 0) { return string.midRef(0, index).toULongLong(); } return string.toULongLong(); } else if ((*version).isDouble()) { return uint64(std::round((*version).toDouble())); } return 0ULL; }(); if (!availableVersion) { LOG(("Update Error: Version is not valid for '%1:%2:%3'." ).arg(platform).arg(type).arg(key)); return false; } const auto compare = isAvailableAlpha ? availableVersion : availableVersion * 1000; const auto bestCompare = bestIsAvailableAlpha ? bestAvailableVersion : bestAvailableVersion * 1000; if (compare > bestCompare) { bestAvailableVersion = availableVersion; bestIsAvailableAlpha = isAvailableAlpha; if (!callback(availableVersion, isAvailableAlpha, map)) { return false; } } } if (!bestAvailableVersion) { LOG(("Update Error: No valid entry found for platform '%1'." ).arg(platform)); return false; } return true; } Checker::Checker(bool testing) : _testing(testing) { } rpl::producer> Checker::ready() const { return _ready.events(); } rpl::producer<> Checker::failed() const { return _failed.events(); } bool Checker::testing() const { return _testing; } void Checker::done(std::shared_ptr result) { _ready.fire(std::move(result)); } void Checker::fail() { _failed.fire({}); } rpl::lifetime &Checker::lifetime() { return _lifetime; } HttpChecker::HttpChecker(bool testing) : Checker(testing) { } void HttpChecker::start() { const auto updaterVersion = Platform::AutoUpdateVersion(); const auto path = Local::readAutoupdatePrefix() + qstr("/current") + (updaterVersion > 1 ? QString::number(updaterVersion) : QString()); auto url = QUrl(path); DEBUG_LOG(("Update Info: requesting update state")); const auto request = QNetworkRequest(url); _manager = std::make_unique(); _reply = _manager->get(request); _reply->connect(_reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, [=] { gotResponse(); }); _reply->connect(_reply, base::QNetworkReply_error, [=](auto e) { gotFailure(e); }); } void HttpChecker::gotResponse() { if (!_reply) { return; } cSetLastUpdateCheck(base::unixtime::now()); const auto response = _reply->readAll(); clearSentRequest(); if (response.size() >= kMaxResponseSize || !handleResponse(response)) { LOG(("Update Error: Bad update map size: %1").arg(response.size())); gotFailure(QNetworkReply::UnknownContentError); } } bool HttpChecker::handleResponse(const QByteArray &response) { const auto handle = [&](const QString &url) { done(url.isEmpty() ? nullptr : std::make_shared(url)); return true; }; if (const auto url = parseOldResponse(response)) { return handle(*url); } else if (const auto url = parseResponse(response)) { return handle(*url); } return false; } void HttpChecker::clearSentRequest() { const auto reply = base::take(_reply); if (!reply) { return; } reply->disconnect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, nullptr, nullptr); reply->disconnect(reply, base::QNetworkReply_error, nullptr, nullptr); reply->abort(); reply->deleteLater(); _manager = nullptr; } void HttpChecker::gotFailure(QNetworkReply::NetworkError e) { LOG(("Update Error: " "could not get current version %1").arg(e)); if (const auto reply = base::take(_reply)) { reply->deleteLater(); } fail(); } std::optional HttpChecker::parseOldResponse( const QByteArray &response) const { const auto string = QString::fromLatin1(response); const auto old = QRegularExpression( qsl("^\\s*(\\d+)\\s*:\\s*([\\x21-\\x7f]+)\\s*$") ).match(string); if (!old.hasMatch()) { return std::nullopt; } const auto availableVersion = old.captured(1).toULongLong(); const auto url = old.captured(2); const auto isAvailableAlpha = url.startsWith(qstr("beta_")); return validateLatestUrl( availableVersion, isAvailableAlpha, isAvailableAlpha ? url.mid(5) + "_{signature}" : url); } std::optional HttpChecker::parseResponse( const QByteArray &response) const { auto bestAvailableVersion = 0ULL; auto bestIsAvailableAlpha = false; auto bestLink = QString(); const auto accumulate = [&]( uint64 version, bool isAlpha, const QJsonObject &map) { bestAvailableVersion = version; bestIsAvailableAlpha = isAlpha; const auto link = map.constFind("link"); if (link == map.constEnd()) { LOG(("Update Error: Link not found for version %1." ).arg(version)); return false; } else if (!(*link).isString()) { LOG(("Update Error: Link is not a string for version %1." ).arg(version)); return false; } bestLink = (*link).toString(); return true; }; const auto result = ParseCommonMap(response, testing(), accumulate); if (!result) { return std::nullopt; } return validateLatestUrl( bestAvailableVersion, bestIsAvailableAlpha, Local::readAutoupdatePrefix() + bestLink); } QString HttpChecker::validateLatestUrl( uint64 availableVersion, bool isAvailableAlpha, QString url) const { const auto myVersion = isAvailableAlpha ? cAlphaVersion() : uint64(AppVersion); const auto validVersion = (cAlphaVersion() || !isAvailableAlpha); if (!validVersion || availableVersion <= myVersion) { return QString(); } const auto versionUrl = url.replace( "{version}", QString::number(availableVersion)); const auto finalUrl = isAvailableAlpha ? QString(versionUrl).replace( "{signature}", countAlphaVersionSignature(availableVersion)) : versionUrl; return finalUrl; } HttpChecker::~HttpChecker() { clearSentRequest(); } HttpLoader::HttpLoader(const QString &url) : Loader(UpdatesFolder() + '/' + ExtractFilename(url), kChunkSize) , _url(url) { } void HttpLoader::startLoading() { LOG(("Update Info: Loading using HTTP from '%1'.").arg(_url)); _thread = std::make_unique(); _actor = new HttpLoaderActor(this, _thread.get(), _url); _thread->start(); } HttpLoader::~HttpLoader() { if (const auto thread = base::take(_thread)) { if (const auto actor = base::take(_actor)) { QObject::connect( thread.get(), &QThread::finished, actor, &QObject::deleteLater); } thread->quit(); thread->wait(); } } HttpLoaderActor::HttpLoaderActor( not_null parent, not_null thread, const QString &url) : _parent(parent) { _url = url; moveToThread(thread); _manager.moveToThread(thread); connect(thread, &QThread::started, this, [=] { start(); }); } void HttpLoaderActor::start() { sendRequest(); } void HttpLoaderActor::sendRequest() { auto request = QNetworkRequest(_url); const auto rangeHeaderValue = "bytes=" + QByteArray::number(_parent->alreadySize()) + "-"; request.setRawHeader("Range", rangeHeaderValue); request.setAttribute( QNetworkRequest::HttpPipeliningAllowedAttribute, true); _reply.reset(_manager.get(request)); connect( _reply.get(), &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, this, &HttpLoaderActor::partFinished); connect( _reply.get(), base::QNetworkReply_error, this, &HttpLoaderActor::partFailed); connect( _reply.get(), &QNetworkReply::metaDataChanged, this, &HttpLoaderActor::gotMetaData); } void HttpLoaderActor::gotMetaData() { const auto pairs = _reply->rawHeaderPairs(); for (const auto pair : pairs) { if (QString::fromUtf8(pair.first).toLower() == "content-range") { const auto m = QRegularExpression(qsl("/(\\d+)([^\\d]|$)")).match(QString::fromUtf8(pair.second)); if (m.hasMatch()) { _parent->writeChunk({}, m.captured(1).toInt()); } } } } void HttpLoaderActor::partFinished(qint64 got, qint64 total) { if (!_reply) return; const auto statusCode = _reply->attribute( QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute); if (statusCode.isValid()) { const auto status = statusCode.toInt(); if (status != 200 && status != 206 && status != 416) { LOG(("Update Error: " "Bad HTTP status received in partFinished(): %1" ).arg(status)); _parent->threadSafeFailed(); return; } } DEBUG_LOG(("Update Info: part %1 of %2").arg(got).arg(total)); const auto data = _reply->readAll(); _parent->writeChunk(bytes::make_span(data), total); } void HttpLoaderActor::partFailed(QNetworkReply::NetworkError e) { if (!_reply) return; const auto statusCode = _reply->attribute( QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute); _reply.release()->deleteLater(); if (statusCode.isValid()) { const auto status = statusCode.toInt(); if (status == 416) { // Requested range not satisfiable _parent->writeChunk({}, _parent->alreadySize()); return; } } LOG(("Update Error: failed to download part after %1, error %2" ).arg(_parent->alreadySize() ).arg(e)); _parent->threadSafeFailed(); } MtpChecker::MtpChecker( base::weak_ptr session, bool testing) : Checker(testing) , _mtp(session) { } void MtpChecker::start() { if (!_mtp.valid()) { LOG(("Update Info: MTP is unavailable.")); crl::on_main(this, [=] { fail(); }); return; } const auto updaterVersion = Platform::AutoUpdateVersion(); const auto feed = "tdhbcfeed" + (updaterVersion > 1 ? QString::number(updaterVersion) : QString()); MTP::ResolveChannel(&_mtp, feed, [=]( const MTPInputChannel &channel) { _mtp.send( MTPmessages_GetHistory( MTP_inputPeerChannel( channel.c_inputChannel().vchannel_id(), channel.c_inputChannel().vaccess_hash()), MTP_int(0), // offset_id MTP_int(0), // offset_date MTP_int(0), // add_offset MTP_int(1), // limit MTP_int(0), // max_id MTP_int(0), // min_id MTP_int(0)), // hash [=](const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { gotMessage(result); }, failHandler()); }, [=] { fail(); }); } void MtpChecker::gotMessage(const MTPmessages_Messages &result) { const auto location = parseMessage(result); if (!location) { fail(); return; } else if (location->username.isEmpty()) { done(nullptr); return; } const auto ready = [=](std::unique_ptr loader) { if (loader) { done(std::move(loader)); } else { fail(); } }; MTP::StartDedicatedLoader(&_mtp, *location, UpdatesFolder(), ready); } auto MtpChecker::parseMessage(const MTPmessages_Messages &result) const -> std::optional { const auto message = MTP::GetMessagesElement(result); if (!message || message->type() != mtpc_message) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP feed message not found.")); return std::nullopt; } return parseText(message->c_message().vmessage().v); } auto MtpChecker::parseText(const QByteArray &text) const -> std::optional { auto bestAvailableVersion = 0ULL; auto bestLocation = FileLocation(); const auto accumulate = [&]( uint64 version, bool isAlpha, const QJsonObject &map) { if (isAlpha) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP closed alpha found.")); return false; } bestAvailableVersion = version; const auto key = testing() ? "testing" : "released"; const auto entry = map.constFind(key); if (entry == map.constEnd()) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP entry not found for version %1." ).arg(version)); return false; } else if (!(*entry).isString()) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP entry is not a string for version %1." ).arg(version)); return false; } const auto full = (*entry).toString(); const auto start = full.indexOf(':'); const auto post = full.indexOf('#'); if (start <= 0 || post < start) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP entry '%1' is bad for version %2." ).arg(full ).arg(version)); return false; } bestLocation.username = full.mid(start + 1, post - start - 1); bestLocation.postId = full.mid(post + 1).toInt(); if (bestLocation.username.isEmpty() || !bestLocation.postId) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP entry '%1' is bad for version %2." ).arg(full ).arg(version)); return false; } return true; }; const auto result = ParseCommonMap(text, testing(), accumulate); if (!result) { return std::nullopt; } return validateLatestLocation(bestAvailableVersion, bestLocation); } auto MtpChecker::validateLatestLocation( uint64 availableVersion, const FileLocation &location) const -> FileLocation { const auto myVersion = uint64(AppVersion); return (availableVersion <= myVersion) ? FileLocation() : location; } Fn MtpChecker::failHandler() { return [=](const RPCError &error) { LOG(("Update Error: MTP check failed with '%1'" ).arg(QString::number(error.code()) + ':' + error.type())); fail(); }; } } // namespace bool UpdaterDisabled() { return UpdaterIsDisabled; } void SetUpdaterDisabledAtStartup() { Expects(UpdaterInstance.lock() == nullptr); UpdaterIsDisabled = true; } class Updater : public base::has_weak_ptr { public: Updater(); rpl::producer<> checking() const; rpl::producer<> isLatest() const; rpl::producer progress() const; rpl::producer<> failed() const; rpl::producer<> ready() const; void start(bool forceWait); void stop(); void test(); State state() const; int already() const; int size() const; void setMtproto(base::weak_ptr session); ~Updater(); private: enum class Action { Waiting, Checking, Loading, Unpacking, Ready, }; void check(); void startImplementation( not_null which, std::unique_ptr checker); bool tryLoaders(); void handleTimeout(); void checkerDone( not_null which, std::shared_ptr loader); void checkerFail(not_null which); void finalize(QString filepath); void unpackDone(bool ready); void handleChecking(); void handleProgress(); void handleLatest(); void handleFailed(); void handleReady(); void scheduleNext(); bool _testing = false; Action _action = Action::Waiting; base::Timer _timer; base::Timer _retryTimer; rpl::event_stream<> _checking; rpl::event_stream<> _isLatest; rpl::event_stream _progress; rpl::event_stream<> _failed; rpl::event_stream<> _ready; Implementation _httpImplementation; Implementation _mtpImplementation; std::shared_ptr _activeLoader; bool _usingMtprotoLoader = (cAlphaVersion() != 0); base::weak_ptr _session; rpl::lifetime _lifetime; }; Updater::Updater() : _timer([=] { check(); }) , _retryTimer([=] { handleTimeout(); }) { checking() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { handleChecking(); }, _lifetime); progress() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { handleProgress(); }, _lifetime); failed() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { handleFailed(); }, _lifetime); ready() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { handleReady(); }, _lifetime); isLatest() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { handleLatest(); }, _lifetime); } rpl::producer<> Updater::checking() const { return _checking.events(); } rpl::producer<> Updater::isLatest() const { return _isLatest.events(); } auto Updater::progress() const -> rpl::producer { return _progress.events(); } rpl::producer<> Updater::failed() const { return _failed.events(); } rpl::producer<> Updater::ready() const { return _ready.events(); } void Updater::check() { start(false); } void Updater::handleReady() { stop(); _action = Action::Ready; if (!App::quitting()) { cSetLastUpdateCheck(base::unixtime::now()); Local::writeSettings(); } } void Updater::handleFailed() { scheduleNext(); } void Updater::handleLatest() { if (const auto update = FindUpdateFile(); !update.isEmpty()) { QFile(update).remove(); } scheduleNext(); } void Updater::handleChecking() { _action = Action::Checking; _retryTimer.callOnce(kUpdaterTimeout); } void Updater::handleProgress() { _retryTimer.callOnce(kUpdaterTimeout); } void Updater::scheduleNext() { stop(); if (!App::quitting()) { cSetLastUpdateCheck(base::unixtime::now()); Local::writeSettings(); start(true); } } auto Updater::state() const -> State { if (_action == Action::Ready) { return State::Ready; } else if (_action == Action::Loading) { return State::Download; } return State::None; } int Updater::size() const { return _activeLoader ? _activeLoader->totalSize() : 0; } int Updater::already() const { return _activeLoader ? _activeLoader->alreadySize() : 0; } void Updater::stop() { _httpImplementation = Implementation(); _mtpImplementation = Implementation(); _activeLoader = nullptr; _action = Action::Waiting; } void Updater::start(bool forceWait) { if (cExeName().isEmpty()) { return; } _timer.cancel(); if (!cAutoUpdate() || _action != Action::Waiting) { return; } _retryTimer.cancel(); const auto constDelay = cAlphaVersion() ? 600 : UpdateDelayConstPart; const auto randDelay = cAlphaVersion() ? 300 : UpdateDelayRandPart; const auto updateInSecs = cLastUpdateCheck() + constDelay + int(rand() % randDelay) - base::unixtime::now(); auto sendRequest = (updateInSecs <= 0) || (updateInSecs > constDelay + randDelay); if (!sendRequest && !forceWait) { if (!FindUpdateFile().isEmpty()) { sendRequest = true; } } if (cManyInstance() && !Logs::DebugEnabled()) { // Only main instance is updating. return; } if (sendRequest) { startImplementation( &_httpImplementation, std::make_unique(_testing)); startImplementation( &_mtpImplementation, std::make_unique(_session, _testing)); _checking.fire({}); } else { _timer.callOnce((updateInSecs + 5) * crl::time(1000)); } } void Updater::startImplementation( not_null which, std::unique_ptr checker) { if (!checker) { class EmptyChecker : public Checker { public: EmptyChecker() : Checker(false) { } void start() override { crl::on_main(this, [=] { fail(); }); } }; checker = std::make_unique(); } checker->ready( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](std::shared_ptr &&loader) { checkerDone(which, std::move(loader)); }, checker->lifetime()); checker->failed( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { checkerFail(which); }, checker->lifetime()); *which = Implementation{ std::move(checker) }; crl::on_main(which->checker.get(), [=] { which->checker->start(); }); } void Updater::checkerDone( not_null which, std::shared_ptr loader) { which->checker = nullptr; which->loader = std::move(loader); tryLoaders(); } void Updater::checkerFail(not_null which) { which->checker = nullptr; which->failed = true; tryLoaders(); } void Updater::test() { _testing = true; cSetLastUpdateCheck(0); start(false); } void Updater::setMtproto(base::weak_ptr session) { _session = session; } void Updater::handleTimeout() { if (_action == Action::Checking) { const auto reset = [&](Implementation &which) { if (base::take(which.checker)) { which.failed = true; } }; reset(_httpImplementation); reset(_mtpImplementation); if (!tryLoaders()) { cSetLastUpdateCheck(0); _timer.callOnce(kUpdaterTimeout); } } else if (_action == Action::Loading) { _failed.fire({}); } } bool Updater::tryLoaders() { if (_httpImplementation.checker || _mtpImplementation.checker) { // Some checkers didn't finish yet. return true; } _retryTimer.cancel(); const auto tryOne = [&](Implementation &which) { _activeLoader = std::move(which.loader); if (const auto loader = _activeLoader.get()) { _action = Action::Loading; loader->progress( ) | rpl::start_to_stream(_progress, loader->lifetime()); loader->ready( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QString &&filepath) { finalize(std::move(filepath)); }, loader->lifetime()); loader->failed( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _failed.fire({}); }, loader->lifetime()); _retryTimer.callOnce(kUpdaterTimeout); loader->wipeFolder(); loader->start(); } else { _isLatest.fire({}); } }; if (_mtpImplementation.failed && _httpImplementation.failed) { _failed.fire({}); return false; } else if (!_mtpImplementation.loader) { tryOne(_httpImplementation); } else if (!_httpImplementation.loader) { tryOne(_mtpImplementation); } else { tryOne(_usingMtprotoLoader ? _mtpImplementation : _httpImplementation); _usingMtprotoLoader = !_usingMtprotoLoader; } return true; } void Updater::finalize(QString filepath) { if (_action != Action::Loading) { return; } _retryTimer.cancel(); _activeLoader = nullptr; _action = Action::Unpacking; crl::async([=] { const auto ready = UnpackUpdate(filepath); crl::on_main([=] { GetUpdaterInstance()->unpackDone(ready); }); }); } void Updater::unpackDone(bool ready) { if (ready) { _ready.fire({}); } else { ClearAll(); _failed.fire({}); } } Updater::~Updater() { stop(); } UpdateChecker::UpdateChecker() : _updater(GetUpdaterInstance()) { if (IsAppLaunched() && Core::App().domain().started()) { if (const auto session = Core::App().activeAccount().maybeSession()) { _updater->setMtproto(session); } } } rpl::producer<> UpdateChecker::checking() const { return _updater->checking(); } rpl::producer<> UpdateChecker::isLatest() const { return _updater->isLatest(); } auto UpdateChecker::progress() const -> rpl::producer { return _updater->progress(); } rpl::producer<> UpdateChecker::failed() const { return _updater->failed(); } rpl::producer<> UpdateChecker::ready() const { return _updater->ready(); } void UpdateChecker::start(bool forceWait) { _updater->start(forceWait); } void UpdateChecker::test() { _updater->test(); } void UpdateChecker::setMtproto(base::weak_ptr session) { _updater->setMtproto(session); } void UpdateChecker::stop() { _updater->stop(); } auto UpdateChecker::state() const -> State { return _updater->state(); } int UpdateChecker::already() const { return _updater->already(); } int UpdateChecker::size() const { return _updater->size(); } //QString winapiErrorWrap() { // WCHAR errMsg[2048]; // DWORD errorCode = GetLastError(); // LPTSTR errorText = NULL, errorTextDefault = L"(Unknown error)"; // FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, errorCode, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR)&errorText, 0, 0); // if (!errorText) { // errorText = errorTextDefault; // } // StringCbPrintf(errMsg, sizeof(errMsg), L"Error code: %d, error message: %s", errorCode, errorText); // if (errorText != errorTextDefault) { // LocalFree(errorText); // } // return QString::fromWCharArray(errMsg); //} bool checkReadyUpdate() { QString readyFilePath = cWorkingDir() + qsl("tupdates/temp/ready"), readyPath = cWorkingDir() + qsl("tupdates/temp"); if (!QFile(readyFilePath).exists() || cExeName().isEmpty()) { if (QDir(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tupdates/ready")).exists() || QDir(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tupdates/temp")).exists()) { ClearAll(); } return false; } // check ready version QString versionPath = readyPath + qsl("/tdata/version"); { QFile fVersion(versionPath); if (!fVersion.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { LOG(("Update Error: cant read version file '%1'").arg(versionPath)); ClearAll(); return false; } auto versionNum = VersionInt(); if (fVersion.read((char*)&versionNum, sizeof(VersionInt)) != sizeof(VersionInt)) { LOG(("Update Error: cant read version from file '%1'").arg(versionPath)); ClearAll(); return false; } if (versionNum == 0x7FFFFFFF) { // alpha version quint64 alphaVersion = 0; if (fVersion.read((char*)&alphaVersion, sizeof(quint64)) != sizeof(quint64)) { LOG(("Update Error: cant read alpha version from file '%1'").arg(versionPath)); ClearAll(); return false; } if (!cAlphaVersion() || alphaVersion <= cAlphaVersion()) { LOG(("Update Error: cant install alpha version %1 having alpha version %2").arg(alphaVersion).arg(cAlphaVersion())); ClearAll(); return false; } } else if (versionNum <= AppVersion) { LOG(("Update Error: cant install version %1 having version %2").arg(versionNum).arg(AppVersion)); ClearAll(); return false; } fVersion.close(); } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QString curUpdater = (cExeDir() + qsl("Updater.exe")); QFileInfo updater(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tupdates/temp/Updater.exe")); #elif defined Q_OS_MAC // Q_OS_WIN QString curUpdater = (cExeDir() + cExeName() + qsl("/Contents/Frameworks/Updater")); QFileInfo updater(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tupdates/temp/Telegram.app/Contents/Frameworks/Updater")); #elif defined Q_OS_UNIX // Q_OS_MAC QString curUpdater = (cExeDir() + qsl("Updater")); QFileInfo updater(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tupdates/temp/Updater")); #endif // Q_OS_UNIX if (!updater.exists()) { QFileInfo current(curUpdater); if (!current.exists()) { ClearAll(); return false; } if (!QFile(current.absoluteFilePath()).copy(updater.absoluteFilePath())) { ClearAll(); return false; } } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (CopyFile(updater.absoluteFilePath().toStdWString().c_str(), curUpdater.toStdWString().c_str(), FALSE) == FALSE) { DWORD errorCode = GetLastError(); if (errorCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { // we are in write-protected dir, like Program Files cSetWriteProtected(true); return true; } else { ClearAll(); return false; } } if (DeleteFile(updater.absoluteFilePath().toStdWString().c_str()) == FALSE) { ClearAll(); return false; } #elif defined Q_OS_MAC // Q_OS_WIN QDir().mkpath(QFileInfo(curUpdater).absolutePath()); DEBUG_LOG(("Update Info: moving %1 to %2...").arg(updater.absoluteFilePath()).arg(curUpdater)); if (!objc_moveFile(updater.absoluteFilePath(), curUpdater)) { ClearAll(); return false; } #elif defined Q_OS_UNIX // Q_OS_MAC if (!linuxMoveFile(QFile::encodeName(updater.absoluteFilePath()).constData(), QFile::encodeName(curUpdater).constData())) { ClearAll(); return false; } #endif // Q_OS_UNIX #ifdef Q_OS_MAC base::Platform::RemoveQuarantine(QFileInfo(curUpdater).absolutePath()); base::Platform::RemoveQuarantine(updater.absolutePath()); #endif // Q_OS_MAC return true; } void UpdateApplication() { if (UpdaterDisabled()) { const auto url = [&] { #ifdef OS_WIN_STORE return "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/telegram-desktop/9nztwsqntd0s"; #elif defined OS_MAC_STORE // OS_WIN_STORE return "https://itunes.apple.com/ae/app/telegram-desktop/id946399090"; #elif defined Q_OS_UNIX && !defined Q_OS_MAC // OS_WIN_STORE || OS_MAC_STORE if (Platform::InFlatpak()) { return "https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.telegram.desktop"; } else if (Platform::InSnap()) { return "https://snapcraft.io/telegram-desktop"; } return "https://desktop.telegram.org"; #else // OS_WIN_STORE || OS_MAC_STORE || (defined Q_OS_UNIX && !defined Q_OS_MAC) return "https://desktop.telegram.org"; #endif // OS_WIN_STORE || OS_MAC_STORE || (defined Q_OS_UNIX && !defined Q_OS_MAC) }(); UrlClickHandler::Open(url); } else { cSetAutoUpdate(true); if (const auto window = App::wnd()) { if (const auto controller = window->sessionController()) { controller->showSection( std::make_shared( Info::Settings::Tag{ controller->session().user() }, Info::Section::SettingsType::Advanced), Window::SectionShow()); } else { window->showSpecialLayer( Box<::Settings::LayerWidget>(&window->controller()), anim::type::normal); } window->showFromTray(); } cSetLastUpdateCheck(0); Core::UpdateChecker().start(); } } QString countAlphaVersionSignature(uint64 version) { // duplicated in packer.cpp if (cAlphaPrivateKey().isEmpty()) { LOG(("Error: Trying to count alpha version signature without alpha private key!")); return QString(); } QByteArray signedData = (qstr("TelegramBeta_") + QString::number(version, 16).toLower()).toUtf8(); static const int32 shaSize = 20, keySize = 128; uchar sha1Buffer[shaSize]; hashSha1(signedData.constData(), signedData.size(), sha1Buffer); // count sha1 uint32 siglen = 0; RSA *prKey = PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey(BIO_new_mem_buf(const_cast(cAlphaPrivateKey().constData()), -1), 0, 0, 0); if (!prKey) { LOG(("Error: Could not read alpha private key!")); return QString(); } if (RSA_size(prKey) != keySize) { LOG(("Error: Bad alpha private key size: %1").arg(RSA_size(prKey))); RSA_free(prKey); return QString(); } QByteArray signature; signature.resize(keySize); if (RSA_sign(NID_sha1, (const uchar*)(sha1Buffer), shaSize, (uchar*)(signature.data()), &siglen, prKey) != 1) { // count signature LOG(("Error: Counting alpha version signature failed!")); RSA_free(prKey); return QString(); } RSA_free(prKey); if (siglen != keySize) { LOG(("Error: Bad alpha version signature length: %1").arg(siglen)); return QString(); } signature = signature.toBase64(QByteArray::Base64UrlEncoding | QByteArray::OmitTrailingEquals); signature = signature.replace('-', '8').replace('_', 'B'); return QString::fromUtf8(signature.mid(19, 32)); } } // namespace Core