/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "styles/style_widgets.h" #include <rpl/event_stream.h> namespace Ui { class AbstractCheckView { public: AbstractCheckView(int duration, bool checked, Fn<void()> updateCallback); void setCheckedFast(bool checked); void setCheckedAnimated(bool checked); void finishAnimating(); void setUpdateCallback(Fn<void()> updateCallback); bool checked() const { return _checked; } void update(); float64 currentAnimationValue(TimeMs ms); auto checkedValue() const { return _checks.events_starting_with(checked()); } virtual QSize getSize() const = 0; // Zero instead of ms value means that animation was already updated for this time. // It can be passed to currentAnimationValue() safely. virtual void paint(Painter &p, int left, int top, int outerWidth, TimeMs ms) = 0; virtual QImage prepareRippleMask() const = 0; virtual bool checkRippleStartPosition(QPoint position) const = 0; void paint(Painter &p, int left, int top, int outerWidth) { // Pass zero in ms if the animation was already updated for this time. paint(p, left, top, outerWidth, 0); } virtual ~AbstractCheckView() = default; private: int _duration = 0; bool _checked = false; Fn<void()> _updateCallback; Animation _toggleAnimation; rpl::event_stream<bool> _checks; }; class CheckView : public AbstractCheckView { public: CheckView( const style::Check &st, bool checked, Fn<void()> updateCallback = nullptr); void setStyle(const style::Check &st); QSize getSize() const override; void paint(Painter &p, int left, int top, int outerWidth, TimeMs ms) override; QImage prepareRippleMask() const override; bool checkRippleStartPosition(QPoint position) const override; void setUntoggledOverride( base::optional<QColor> untoggledOverride); private: QSize rippleSize() const; not_null<const style::Check*> _st; base::optional<QColor> _untoggledOverride; }; class RadioView : public AbstractCheckView { public: RadioView( const style::Radio &st, bool checked, Fn<void()> updateCallback = nullptr); void setStyle(const style::Radio &st); void setUntoggledOverride(base::optional<QColor> untoggledOverride); QSize getSize() const override; void paint(Painter &p, int left, int top, int outerWidth, TimeMs ms) override; QImage prepareRippleMask() const override; bool checkRippleStartPosition(QPoint position) const override; private: QSize rippleSize() const; not_null<const style::Radio*> _st; base::optional<QColor> _untoggledOverride; }; class ToggleView : public AbstractCheckView { public: ToggleView( const style::Toggle &st, bool checked, Fn<void()> updateCallback = nullptr); void setStyle(const style::Toggle &st); QSize getSize() const override; void paint(Painter &p, int left, int top, int outerWidth, TimeMs ms) override; QImage prepareRippleMask() const override; bool checkRippleStartPosition(QPoint position) const override; private: void paintXV(Painter &p, int left, int top, int outerWidth, float64 toggled, const QBrush &brush); QSize rippleSize() const; not_null<const style::Toggle*> _st; }; class Checkbox : public RippleButton { public: Checkbox( QWidget *parent, const QString &text, bool checked = false, const style::Checkbox &st = st::defaultCheckbox, const style::Check &checkSt = st::defaultCheck); Checkbox( QWidget *parent, const QString &text, bool checked, const style::Checkbox &st, const style::Toggle &toggleSt); Checkbox( QWidget *parent, const QString &text, const style::Checkbox &st, std::unique_ptr<AbstractCheckView> check); void setText(const QString &text); void setCheckAlignment(style::align alignment); bool checked() const; enum class NotifyAboutChange { Notify, DontNotify, }; void setChecked(bool checked, NotifyAboutChange notify = NotifyAboutChange::Notify); base::Observable<bool> checkedChanged; void finishAnimating(); QMargins getMargins() const override { return _st.margin; } int naturalWidth() const override; void updateCheck() { rtlupdate(checkRect()); } QRect checkRect() const; protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; void onStateChanged(State was, StateChangeSource source) override; int resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) override; QImage prepareRippleMask() const override; QPoint prepareRippleStartPosition() const override; virtual void handlePress(); private: void resizeToText(); QPixmap grabCheckCache() const; const style::Checkbox &_st; std::unique_ptr<AbstractCheckView> _check; QPixmap _checkCache; Text _text; style::align _checkAlignment = style::al_left; }; class Radiobutton; class RadiobuttonGroup { public: RadiobuttonGroup() = default; RadiobuttonGroup(int value) : _value(value), _hasValue(true) { } void setChangedCallback(Fn<void(int value)> callback) { _changedCallback = std::move(callback); } bool hasValue() const { return _hasValue; } int value() const { return _value; } void setValue(int value); private: friend class Radiobutton; void registerButton(Radiobutton *button) { if (!base::contains(_buttons, button)) { _buttons.push_back(button); } } void unregisterButton(Radiobutton *button) { _buttons.erase(std::remove(_buttons.begin(), _buttons.end(), button), _buttons.end()); } int _value = 0; bool _hasValue = false; Fn<void(int value)> _changedCallback; std::vector<Radiobutton*> _buttons; }; class Radiobutton : public Checkbox, private base::Subscriber { public: Radiobutton( QWidget *parent, const std::shared_ptr<RadiobuttonGroup> &group, int value, const QString &text, const style::Checkbox &st = st::defaultCheckbox, const style::Radio &radioSt = st::defaultRadio); Radiobutton( QWidget *parent, const std::shared_ptr<RadiobuttonGroup> &group, int value, const QString &text, const style::Checkbox &st, std::unique_ptr<AbstractCheckView> check); ~Radiobutton(); protected: void handlePress() override; private: // Hide the names from Checkbox. bool checked() const; void setChecked(bool checked, NotifyAboutChange notify); void checkedChanged(); Checkbox *checkbox() { return this; } const Checkbox *checkbox() const { return this; } friend class RadiobuttonGroup; void handleNewGroupValue(int value); std::shared_ptr<RadiobuttonGroup> _group; int _value = 0; }; template <typename Enum> class Radioenum; template <typename Enum> class RadioenumGroup { public: RadioenumGroup() = default; RadioenumGroup(Enum value) : _group(static_cast<int>(value)) { } template <typename Callback> void setChangedCallback(Callback &&callback) { _group.setChangedCallback([callback](int value) { callback(static_cast<Enum>(value)); }); } bool hasValue() const { return _group.hasValue(); } Enum value() const { return static_cast<Enum>(_group.value()); } void setValue(Enum value) { _group.setValue(static_cast<int>(value)); } private: template <typename OtherEnum> friend class Radioenum; RadiobuttonGroup _group; }; template <typename Enum> class Radioenum : public Radiobutton { public: Radioenum( QWidget *parent, const std::shared_ptr<RadioenumGroup<Enum>> &group, Enum value, const QString &text, const style::Checkbox &st = st::defaultCheckbox) : Radiobutton( parent, std::shared_ptr<RadiobuttonGroup>(group, &group->_group), static_cast<int>(value), text, st) { } Radioenum( QWidget *parent, const std::shared_ptr<RadioenumGroup<Enum>> &group, Enum value, const QString &text, const style::Checkbox &st, std::unique_ptr<AbstractCheckView> check) : Radiobutton( parent, std::shared_ptr<RadiobuttonGroup>(group, &group->_group), static_cast<int>(value), text, st, std::move(check)) { } }; } // namespace Ui