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'hidden-left' : 'hidden-right'); now.classList.remove(back ? 'hidden-right' : 'hidden-left'); IV.stopAnimations(now.firstChild); if (!was.listening) { was.listening = true; was.firstChild.addEventListener('transitionend', function (e) { if (was.classList.contains('hidden-left') || was.classList.contains('hidden-right')) { if (was.parentNode) { was.parentNode.removeChild(was); var videos = was.getElementsByClassName('video'); for (var i = 0; i < videos.length; ++i) { videos[i].innerHTML = ''; } } } }); } was.classList.add(back ? 'hidden-right' : 'hidden-left'); now.classList.remove(back ? 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IV.findPageScroll().focus(); }, 100); }, stopAnimations: function (element) { element.getAnimations().forEach( (animation) => animation.finish()); }, menuShown: function (shown) { var already = document.getElementById('menu_page_blocker'); if (already && shown) { return; } else if (already) { document.body.removeChild(already); return; } else if (!shown) { return; } var blocker = document.createElement('div'); = 'menu_page_blocker'; document.body.appendChild(blocker); }, videos: {}, videosPlaying: {}, cache: {}, channelsJoined: {}, index: 0, position: 0 }; document.onclick = IV.frameClickHandler; document.onkeydown = IV.frameKeyDown; document.onmouseenter = IV.frameMouseEnter; document.onmouseup = IV.frameMouseUp; document.onresize = IV.checkVideos; window.onmessage = IV.postMessageHandler; window.addEventListener('popstate', function (e) { if (e.state) { IV.showDOM(e.state.index, e.state.hash, e.state.scroll); } }); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", IV.forceScrollFocus);