/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "history/history_view_highlight_manager.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/view/history_view_element.h" #include "ui/chat/chat_style.h" namespace HistoryView { ElementHighlighter::ElementHighlighter( not_null data, ViewForItem viewForItem, RepaintView repaintView) : _data(data) , _viewForItem(std::move(viewForItem)) , _repaintView(std::move(repaintView)) , _animation(*this) { } void ElementHighlighter::enqueue(const SelectedQuote "e) { const auto data = computeHighlight(quote); if (_queue.empty() && !_animation.animating()) { highlight(data); } else if (_highlighted != data && !base::contains(_queue, data)) { _queue.push_back(data); checkNextHighlight(); } } void ElementHighlighter::highlight(const SelectedQuote "e) { highlight(computeHighlight(quote)); } void ElementHighlighter::checkNextHighlight() { if (_animation.animating()) { return; } const auto next = [&] { while (!_queue.empty()) { const auto highlight = _queue.front(); _queue.pop_front(); if (const auto item = _data->message(highlight.itemId)) { if (_viewForItem(item)) { return highlight; } } } return Highlight(); }(); if (next) { highlight(next); } } Ui::ChatPaintHighlight ElementHighlighter::state( not_null item) const { if (item->fullId() == _highlighted.itemId) { auto result = _animation.state(); result.range = _highlighted.part; return result; } return {}; } ElementHighlighter::Highlight ElementHighlighter::computeHighlight( const SelectedQuote "e) { Assert(quote.item != nullptr); const auto item = not_null(quote.item); const auto owner = &item->history()->owner(); if (const auto group = owner->groups().find(item)) { const auto leader = group->items.front(); const auto leaderId = leader->fullId(); const auto i = ranges::find(group->items, item); if (i != end(group->items)) { const auto index = int(i - begin(group->items)); if (quote.text.empty()) { return { leaderId, AddGroupItemSelection({}, index) }; } else if (const auto leaderView = _viewForItem(leader)) { return { leaderId, leaderView->selectionFromQuote(quote) }; } } return { leaderId }; } else if (quote.text.empty()) { return { item->fullId() }; } else if (const auto view = _viewForItem(item)) { return { item->fullId(), view->selectionFromQuote(quote) }; } return { item->fullId() }; } void ElementHighlighter::highlight(Highlight data) { if (const auto item = _data->message(data.itemId)) { if (const auto view = _viewForItem(item)) { if (_highlighted && _highlighted.itemId != data.itemId) { if (const auto was = _data->message(_highlighted.itemId)) { if (const auto view = _viewForItem(was)) { repaintHighlightedItem(view); } } } _highlighted = data; _animation.start(!data.part.empty() && !IsSubGroupSelection(data.part)); repaintHighlightedItem(view); } } } void ElementHighlighter::repaintHighlightedItem( not_null view) { if (view->isHiddenByGroup()) { if (const auto group = _data->groups().find(view->data())) { if (const auto leader = _viewForItem(group->items.front())) { if (!leader->isHiddenByGroup()) { _repaintView(leader); return; } } } } _repaintView(view); } void ElementHighlighter::updateMessage() { if (const auto item = _data->message(_highlighted.itemId)) { if (const auto view = _viewForItem(item)) { repaintHighlightedItem(view); } } } void ElementHighlighter::clear() { _animation.cancel(); _highlighted = {}; _lastHighlightedMessageId = FullMsgId(); _queue.clear(); } ElementHighlighter::AnimationManager::AnimationManager( ElementHighlighter &parent) : _parent(parent) { } bool ElementHighlighter::AnimationManager::animating() const { if (_timer && _timer->isActive()) { return true; } else if (!anim::Disabled()) { return _simple.animating(); } return false; } Ui::ChatPaintHighlight ElementHighlighter::AnimationManager::state() const { if (anim::Disabled()) { return { .opacity = !_timer ? 0. : 1., .collapsion = !_timer ? 0. : _fadingOut ? 1. : 0., }; } return { .opacity = ((!_fadingOut && _collapsing) ? 1. : _simple.value(_fadingOut ? 0. : 1.)), .collapsion = ((!_withTextPart || !_collapsing) ? 0. : _fadingOut ? 1. : _simple.value(1.)), }; } MsgId ElementHighlighter::latestSingleHighlightedMsgId() const { return _highlighted.itemId ? _highlighted.itemId.msg : _lastHighlightedMessageId.msg; } void ElementHighlighter::AnimationManager::start(bool withTextPart) { _withTextPart = withTextPart; const auto finish = [=] { cancel(); _parent._lastHighlightedMessageId = base::take( _parent._highlighted.itemId); _parent.checkNextHighlight(); }; cancel(); if (anim::Disabled()) { _timer.emplace([=] { _parent.updateMessage(); if (_withTextPart && !_fadingOut) { _fadingOut = true; _timer->callOnce(st::activeFadeOutDuration); } else { finish(); } }); _timer->callOnce(_withTextPart ? st::activeFadeInDuration : st::activeFadeOutDuration); _parent.updateMessage(); } else { _simple.start( [=](float64 value) { _parent.updateMessage(); if (value == 1.) { if (_withTextPart) { _timer.emplace([=] { _parent.updateMessage(); if (_collapsing) { _fadingOut = true; } else { _collapsing = true; } _simple.start([=](float64 value) { _parent.updateMessage(); if (_fadingOut && value == 0.) { finish(); } else if (!_fadingOut && value == 1.) { _timer->callOnce( st::activeFadeOutDuration); } }, _fadingOut ? 1. : 0., _fadingOut ? 0. : 1., (_fadingOut ? st::activeFadeInDuration : st::fadeWrapDuration)); }); _timer->callOnce(st::activeFadeInDuration); } else { _fadingOut = true; _simple.start([=](float64 value) { _parent.updateMessage(); if (value == 0.) { finish(); } }, 1., 0., st::activeFadeOutDuration); } } }, 0., 1., st::activeFadeInDuration); } } void ElementHighlighter::AnimationManager::cancel() { _simple.stop(); _timer.reset(); _fadingOut = false; _collapsed = false; _collapsing = false; } } // namespace HistoryView