/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include <vector> #include <deque> #include <rpl/producer.h> #include "base/type_traits.h" namespace base { namespace internal { using ObservableCallHandlers = Fn<void()>; void RegisterPendingObservable(ObservableCallHandlers *handlers); void UnregisterActiveObservable(ObservableCallHandlers *handlers); void UnregisterObservable(ObservableCallHandlers *handlers); template <typename EventType> struct SubscriptionHandlerHelper { using type = Fn<void(parameter_type<EventType>)>; }; template <> struct SubscriptionHandlerHelper<void> { using type = Fn<void()>; }; template <typename EventType> using SubscriptionHandler = typename SubscriptionHandlerHelper<EventType>::type; class BaseObservableData { }; template <typename EventType, typename Handler> class CommonObservableData; template <typename EventType, typename Handler> class ObservableData; } // namespace internal class Subscription { public: Subscription() = default; Subscription(const Subscription &) = delete; Subscription &operator=(const Subscription &) = delete; Subscription(Subscription &&other) : _node(base::take(other._node)), _removeAndDestroyMethod(other._removeAndDestroyMethod) { } Subscription &operator=(Subscription &&other) { qSwap(_node, other._node); qSwap(_removeAndDestroyMethod, other._removeAndDestroyMethod); return *this; } explicit operator bool() const { return (_node != nullptr); } void destroy() { if (_node) { (*_removeAndDestroyMethod)(base::take(_node)); } } ~Subscription() { destroy(); } private: struct Node { Node(const std::shared_ptr<internal::BaseObservableData> &observable) : observable(observable) { } Node *next = nullptr; Node *prev = nullptr; std::weak_ptr<internal::BaseObservableData> observable; }; using RemoveAndDestroyMethod = void(*)(Node*); Subscription(Node *node, RemoveAndDestroyMethod removeAndDestroyMethod) : _node(node) , _removeAndDestroyMethod(removeAndDestroyMethod) { } Node *_node = nullptr; RemoveAndDestroyMethod _removeAndDestroyMethod; template <typename EventType, typename Handler> friend class internal::CommonObservableData; template <typename EventType, typename Handler> friend class internal::ObservableData; }; namespace internal { template <typename EventType, typename Handler, bool EventTypeIsSimple> class BaseObservable; template <typename EventType, typename Handler> class CommonObservable { public: Subscription add_subscription(Handler &&handler) { if (!_data) { _data = std::make_shared<ObservableData<EventType, Handler>>(this); } return _data->append(std::move(handler)); } private: std::shared_ptr<ObservableData<EventType, Handler>> _data; friend class CommonObservableData<EventType, Handler>; friend class BaseObservable<EventType, Handler, base::type_traits<EventType>::is_fast_copy_type::value>; }; template <typename EventType, typename Handler> class BaseObservable<EventType, Handler, true> : public internal::CommonObservable<EventType, Handler> { public: void notify(EventType event, bool sync = false) { if (this->_data) { this->_data->notify(std::move(event), sync); } } }; template <typename EventType, typename Handler> class BaseObservable<EventType, Handler, false> : public internal::CommonObservable<EventType, Handler> { public: void notify(EventType &&event, bool sync = false) { if (this->_data) { this->_data->notify(std::move(event), sync); } } void notify(const EventType &event, bool sync = false) { if (this->_data) { auto event_copy = event; this->_data->notify(std::move(event_copy), sync); } } }; } // namespace internal namespace internal { template <typename EventType, typename Handler> class CommonObservableData : public BaseObservableData { public: CommonObservableData(CommonObservable<EventType, Handler> *observable) : _observable(observable) { } Subscription append(Handler &&handler) { auto node = new Node(_observable->_data, std::move(handler)); if (_begin) { _end->next = node; node->prev = _end; _end = node; } else { _begin = _end = node; } return { _end, &CommonObservableData::removeAndDestroyNode }; } bool empty() const { return !_begin; } private: struct Node : public Subscription::Node { Node( const std::shared_ptr<BaseObservableData> &observer, Handler &&handler) : Subscription::Node(observer) , handler(std::move(handler)) { } Handler handler; }; void remove(Subscription::Node *node) { if (node->prev) { node->prev->next = node->next; } if (node->next) { node->next->prev = node->prev; } if (_begin == node) { _begin = static_cast<Node*>(node->next); } if (_end == node) { _end = static_cast<Node*>(node->prev); } if (_current == node) { _current = static_cast<Node*>(node->prev); } else if (!_begin) { _observable->_data.reset(); } } static void removeAndDestroyNode(Subscription::Node *node) { if (const auto that = node->observable.lock()) { static_cast<CommonObservableData*>(that.get())->remove(node); } delete static_cast<Node*>(node); } template <typename CallCurrent> void notifyEnumerate(CallCurrent callCurrent) { _current = _begin; do { callCurrent(); if (_current) { _current = static_cast<Node*>(_current->next); } else if (_begin) { _current = _begin; } else { break; } } while (_current); } bool destroyMeIfEmpty() const { if (empty()) { _observable->_data.reset(); return true; } return false; } CommonObservable<EventType, Handler> *_observable = nullptr; Node *_begin = nullptr; Node *_current = nullptr; Node *_end = nullptr; ObservableCallHandlers _callHandlers; friend class ObservableData<EventType, Handler>; }; template <typename EventType, typename Handler> class ObservableData : public CommonObservableData<EventType, Handler> { public: using CommonObservableData<EventType, Handler>::CommonObservableData; void notify(EventType &&event, bool sync) { if (_handling) { sync = false; } if (sync) { _events.push_back(std::move(event)); callHandlers(); } else { if (!this->_callHandlers) { this->_callHandlers = [this]() { callHandlers(); }; } if (_events.empty()) { RegisterPendingObservable(&this->_callHandlers); } _events.push_back(std::move(event)); } } ~ObservableData() { UnregisterObservable(&this->_callHandlers); } private: void callHandlers() { _handling = true; auto events = base::take(_events); for (auto &event : events) { this->notifyEnumerate([this, &event]() { this->_current->handler(event); }); if (this->destroyMeIfEmpty()) { return; } } _handling = false; UnregisterActiveObservable(&this->_callHandlers); } std::deque<EventType> _events; bool _handling = false; }; template <class Handler> class ObservableData<void, Handler> : public CommonObservableData<void, Handler> { public: using CommonObservableData<void, Handler>::CommonObservableData; void notify(bool sync) { if (_handling) { sync = false; } if (sync) { ++_eventsCount; callHandlers(); } else { if (!this->_callHandlers) { this->_callHandlers = [this]() { callHandlers(); }; } if (!_eventsCount) { RegisterPendingObservable(&this->_callHandlers); } ++_eventsCount; } } ~ObservableData() { UnregisterObservable(&this->_callHandlers); } private: void callHandlers() { _handling = true; auto eventsCount = base::take(_eventsCount); for (int i = 0; i != eventsCount; ++i) { this->notifyEnumerate([this]() { this->_current->handler(); }); if (this->destroyMeIfEmpty()) { return; } } _handling = false; UnregisterActiveObservable(&this->_callHandlers); } int _eventsCount = 0; bool _handling = false; }; template <typename Handler> class BaseObservable<void, Handler, base::type_traits<void>::is_fast_copy_type::value> : public internal::CommonObservable<void, Handler> { public: void notify(bool sync = false) { if (this->_data) { this->_data->notify(sync); } } }; } // namespace internal template <typename EventType, typename Handler = internal::SubscriptionHandler<EventType>> class Observable : public internal::BaseObservable<EventType, Handler, base::type_traits<EventType>::is_fast_copy_type::value> { public: Observable() = default; Observable(const Observable &other) = delete; Observable(Observable &&other) = default; Observable &operator=(const Observable &other) = delete; Observable &operator=(Observable &&other) = default; }; template <typename Type> class Variable { public: Variable(parameter_type<Type> startValue = Type()) : _value(startValue) { } Variable(Variable &&other) = default; Variable &operator=(Variable &&other) = default; parameter_type<Type> value() const { return _value; } void setForced(parameter_type<Type> newValue, bool sync = false) { _value = newValue; changed().notify(_value, sync); } void set(parameter_type<Type> newValue, bool sync = false) { if (_value != newValue) { setForced(newValue, sync); } } template <typename Callback> void process(Callback callback, bool sync = false) { callback(_value); changed().notify(_value, sync); } Observable<Type> &changed() const { return _changed; } private: Type _value; mutable Observable<Type> _changed; }; class Subscriber { protected: template <typename EventType, typename Handler, typename Lambda> int subscribe(base::Observable<EventType, Handler> &observable, Lambda &&handler) { _subscriptions.push_back(observable.add_subscription(std::forward<Lambda>(handler))); return _subscriptions.size(); } template <typename EventType, typename Handler, typename Lambda> int subscribe(base::Observable<EventType, Handler> *observable, Lambda &&handler) { return subscribe(*observable, std::forward<Lambda>(handler)); } template <typename Type, typename Lambda> int subscribe(const base::Variable<Type> &variable, Lambda &&handler) { return subscribe(variable.changed(), std::forward<Lambda>(handler)); } template <typename Type, typename Lambda> int subscribe(const base::Variable<Type> *variable, Lambda &&handler) { return subscribe(variable->changed(), std::forward<Lambda>(handler)); } void unsubscribe(int index) { if (!index) return; auto count = static_cast<int>(_subscriptions.size()); Assert(index > 0 && index <= count); _subscriptions[index - 1].destroy(); if (index == count) { while (index > 0 && !_subscriptions[--index]) { _subscriptions.pop_back(); } } } ~Subscriber() { auto subscriptions = base::take(_subscriptions); for (auto &subscription : subscriptions) { subscription.destroy(); } } private: std::vector<base::Subscription> _subscriptions; }; void InitObservables(void(*HandleDelayed)()); void HandleObservables(); template < typename Type, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<Type, void>>> inline auto ObservableViewer(base::Observable<Type> &observable) { return rpl::make_producer<Type>([&observable]( const auto &consumer) { auto lifetime = rpl::lifetime(); lifetime.make_state<base::Subscription>( observable.add_subscription([consumer](auto &&update) { consumer.put_next_forward( std::forward<decltype(update)>(update)); })); return lifetime; }); } rpl::producer<> ObservableViewer(base::Observable<void> &observable); } // namespace base