/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2015 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "text.h" #include "lang.h" #include "pspecific.h" #include "boxes/confirmbox.h" #include "window.h" #include namespace { const QRegularExpression _reDomain(QString::fromUtf8("(?|'\"\\[\\]\\{\\}`\\~\\!\\%\\^\\*\\(\\)\\-\\+=\\x10])#[\\w]{2,64}([\\W]|$)"), QRegularExpression::UseUnicodePropertiesOption); const QRegularExpression _reMention(qsl("(^|[\\s\\.,:;<>|'\"\\[\\]\\{\\}`\\~\\!\\%\\^\\*\\(\\)\\-\\+=\\x10])@[A-Za-z_0-9]{5,32}([\\W]|$)"), QRegularExpression::UseUnicodePropertiesOption); const QRegularExpression _reBotCommand(qsl("(^|[\\s\\.,:;<>|'\"\\[\\]\\{\\}`\\~\\!\\%\\^\\*\\(\\)\\-\\+=\\x10])/[A-Za-z_0-9]{1,64}(@[A-Za-z_0-9]{5,32})?([\\W]|$)")); const QRegularExpression _rePre(qsl("(^|[\\s\\.,:;<>|'\"\\[\\]\\{\\}`\\~\\!\\%\\^\\*\\(\\)\\-\\+=\\x10])(````?)[\\s\\S]+?(````?)([\\s\\.,:;<>|'\"\\[\\]\\{\\}`\\~\\!\\%\\^\\*\\(\\)\\-\\+=\\x10]|$)"), QRegularExpression::UseUnicodePropertiesOption); const QRegularExpression _reCode(qsl("(^|[\\s\\.,:;<>|'\"\\[\\]\\{\\}`\\~\\!\\%\\^\\*\\(\\)\\-\\+=\\x10])(`)[^\\n]+?(`)([\\s\\.,:;<>|'\"\\[\\]\\{\\}`\\~\\!\\%\\^\\*\\(\\)\\-\\+=\\x10]|$)"), QRegularExpression::UseUnicodePropertiesOption); QSet _validProtocols, _validTopDomains; const style::textStyle *_textStyle = 0; TextLinkPtr _overLnk, _downLnk, _zeroLnk; void _initDefault() { _textStyle = &st::defaultTextStyle; } inline int32 _blockHeight(const ITextBlock *b, const style::font &font) { return (b->type() == TextBlockTSkip) ? static_cast(b)->height() : (_textStyle->lineHeight > font->height) ? _textStyle->lineHeight : font->height; } inline QFixed _blockRBearing(const ITextBlock *b) { return (b->type() == TextBlockTText) ? static_cast(b)->f_rbearing() : 0; } } const QRegularExpression &reDomain() { return _reDomain; } const QRegularExpression &reMailName() { return _reMailName; } const QRegularExpression &reMailStart() { return _reMailStart; } const QRegularExpression &reHashtag() { return _reHashtag; } const QRegularExpression &reBotCommand() { return _reBotCommand; } const style::textStyle *textstyleCurrent() { return _textStyle; } void textstyleSet(const style::textStyle *style) { _textStyle = style ? style : &st::defaultTextStyle; } void textlnkOver(const TextLinkPtr &lnk) { _overLnk = lnk; } const TextLinkPtr &textlnkOver() { return _overLnk; } void textlnkDown(const TextLinkPtr &lnk) { _downLnk = lnk; } const TextLinkPtr &textlnkDown() { return _downLnk; } QString textOneLine(const QString &text, bool trim, bool rich) { QString result(text); const QChar *s = text.unicode(), *ch = s, *e = text.unicode() + text.size(); if (trim) { while (s < e && chIsTrimmed(*s)) { ++s; } while (s < e && chIsTrimmed(*(e - 1))) { --e; } if (e - s != text.size()) { result = text.mid(s - text.unicode(), e - s); } } for (const QChar *ch = s; ch != e; ++ch) { if (chIsNewline(*ch)) { result[int(ch - s)] = QChar::Space; } } return result; } QString textClean(const QString &text) { QString result(text); for (const QChar *s = text.unicode(), *ch = s, *e = text.unicode() + text.size(); ch != e; ++ch) { if (*ch == TextCommand) { result[int(ch - s)] = QChar::Space; } } return result; } QString textRichPrepare(const QString &text) { QString result; result.reserve(text.size()); const QChar *s = text.constData(), *ch = s; for (const QChar *e = s + text.size(); ch != e; ++ch) { if (*ch == TextCommand) { if (ch > s) result.append(s, ch - s); result.append(QChar::Space); s = ch + 1; continue; } if (ch->unicode() == '\\' || ch->unicode() == '[') { if (ch > s) result.append(s, ch - s); result.append('\\'); s = ch; continue; } } if (ch > s) result.append(s, ch - s); return result; } QString textcmdSkipBlock(ushort w, ushort h) { static QString cmd(5, TextCommand); cmd[1] = QChar(TextCommandSkipBlock); cmd[2] = QChar(w); cmd[3] = QChar(h); return cmd; } QString textcmdStartLink(ushort lnkIndex) { static QString cmd(4, TextCommand); cmd[1] = QChar(TextCommandLinkIndex); cmd[2] = QChar(lnkIndex); return cmd; } QString textcmdStartLink(const QString &url) { if (url.size() >= 4096) return QString(); QString result; result.reserve(url.size() + 4); return result.append(TextCommand).append(QChar(TextCommandLinkText)).append(QChar(url.size())).append(url).append(TextCommand); } QString textcmdStopLink() { return textcmdStartLink(0); } QString textcmdLink(ushort lnkIndex, const QString &text) { QString result; result.reserve(4 + text.size() + 4); return result.append(textcmdStartLink(lnkIndex)).append(text).append(textcmdStopLink()); } QString textcmdLink(const QString &url, const QString &text) { QString result; result.reserve(4 + url.size() + text.size() + 4); return result.append(textcmdStartLink(url)).append(text).append(textcmdStopLink()); } QString textcmdStartColor(const style::color &color) { QString result; result.reserve(7); return result.append(TextCommand).append(QChar(TextCommandColor)).append(QChar(color->c.red())).append(QChar(color->c.green())).append(QChar(color->c.blue())).append(QChar(color->c.alpha())).append(TextCommand); } QString textcmdStopColor() { QString result; result.reserve(3); return result.append(TextCommand).append(QChar(TextCommandNoColor)).append(TextCommand); } const QChar *textSkipCommand(const QChar *from, const QChar *end, bool canLink) { const QChar *result = from + 1; if (*from != TextCommand || result >= end) return from; ushort cmd = result->unicode(); ++result; if (result >= end) return from; switch (cmd) { case TextCommandBold: case TextCommandNoBold: case TextCommandItalic: case TextCommandNoItalic: case TextCommandUnderline: case TextCommandNoUnderline: case TextCommandNoColor: break; case TextCommandLinkIndex: if (result->unicode() > 0x7FFF) return from; ++result; break; case TextCommandLinkText: { ushort len = result->unicode(); if (len >= 4096 || !canLink) return from; result += len + 1; } break; case TextCommandColor: { const QChar *e = result + 4; if (e >= end) return from; for (; result < e; ++result) { if (result->unicode() >= 256) return from; } } break; case TextCommandSkipBlock: result += 2; break; case TextCommandLangTag: result += 1; break; } return (result < end && *result == TextCommand) ? (result + 1) : from; } class TextParser { public: static Qt::LayoutDirection stringDirection(const QString &str, int32 from, int32 to) { const ushort *p = reinterpret_cast(str.unicode()) + from; const ushort *end = p + (to - from); while (p < end) { uint ucs4 = *p; if (QChar::isHighSurrogate(ucs4) && p < end - 1) { ushort low = p[1]; if (QChar::isLowSurrogate(low)) { ucs4 = QChar::surrogateToUcs4(ucs4, low); ++p; } } switch (QChar::direction(ucs4)) { case QChar::DirL: return Qt::LeftToRight; case QChar::DirR: case QChar::DirAL: return Qt::RightToLeft; default: break; } ++p; } return Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto; } void blockCreated() { sumWidth += _t->_blocks.back()->f_width(); if (sumWidth.floor().toInt() > stopAfterWidth) { sumFinished = true; } } void createBlock(int32 skipBack = 0) { if (lnkIndex < 0x8000 && lnkIndex > maxLnkIndex) maxLnkIndex = lnkIndex; int32 len = int32(_t->_text.size()) + skipBack - blockStart; if (len > 0) { bool newline = !emoji && (len == 1 && _t->_text.at(blockStart) == QChar::LineFeed); if (newlineAwaited) { newlineAwaited = false; if (!newline) { _t->_text.insert(blockStart, QChar::LineFeed); createBlock(skipBack - len); } } lastSkipped = false; if (emoji) { _t->_blocks.push_back(new EmojiBlock(_t->_font, _t->_text, blockStart, len, flags, color, lnkIndex, emoji)); emoji = 0; lastSkipped = true; } else if (newline) { _t->_blocks.push_back(new NewlineBlock(_t->_font, _t->_text, blockStart, len)); } else { _t->_blocks.push_back(new TextBlock(_t->_font, _t->_text, _t->_minResizeWidth, blockStart, len, flags, color, lnkIndex)); } blockStart += len; blockCreated(); } } void createSkipBlock(int32 w, int32 h) { createBlock(); _t->_text.push_back('_'); _t->_blocks.push_back(new SkipBlock(_t->_font, _t->_text, blockStart++, w, h, lnkIndex)); blockCreated(); } void createNewlineBlock() { createBlock(); _t->_text.push_back(QChar::LineFeed); createBlock(); } void getLinkData(const QString &original, QString &result, int32 &fullDisplayed) { if (!original.isEmpty() && original.at(0) == '/') { result = original; fullDisplayed = -4; // bot command } else if (!original.isEmpty() && original.at(0) == '@') { result = original; fullDisplayed = -3; // mention } else if (!original.isEmpty() && original.at(0) == '#') { result = original; fullDisplayed = -2; // hashtag } else if (_reMailStart.match(original).hasMatch()) { result = original; fullDisplayed = -1; // email } else { QUrl url(original), good(url.isValid() ? url.toEncoded() : ""); QString readable = good.isValid() ? good.toDisplayString() : original; result = _t->_font->elided(readable, st::linkCropLimit); fullDisplayed = (result == readable) ? 1 : 0; } } void checkCommand() { QChar c = ((ptr < end) ? *ptr : 0); while (c == TextCommand) { if (!readCommand()) { break; } } } void checkEntities() { while (!removeFlags.isEmpty() && (ptr >= removeFlags.firstKey() || ptr >= end)) { const QList &removing(removeFlags.first()); for (int32 i = removing.size(); i > 0;) { int32 flag = removing.at(--i); if (flags & flag) { createBlock(); flags &= ~flag; if (flag == TextBlockFPre) { newlineAwaited = true; } } } removeFlags.erase(removeFlags.begin()); } while (waitingEntity != entitiesEnd && start + waitingEntity->offset + waitingEntity->length <= ptr) { ++waitingEntity; } if (waitingEntity == entitiesEnd || ptr < start + waitingEntity->offset) { return; } bool lnk = false; int32 startFlags = 0; int32 fullDisplayed; QString lnkUrl, lnkText; if (waitingEntity->type == EntityInTextCustomUrl) { lnk = true; lnkUrl = waitingEntity->text; lnkText = QString(start + waitingEntity->offset, waitingEntity->length); fullDisplayed = -5; } else if (waitingEntity->type == EntityInTextBold) { startFlags = TextBlockFSemibold; } else if (waitingEntity->type == EntityInTextItalic) { startFlags = TextBlockFItalic; } else if (waitingEntity->type == EntityInTextCode) { startFlags = TextBlockFCode; } else if (waitingEntity->type == EntityInTextPre) { startFlags = TextBlockFPre; createBlock(); if (!_t->_blocks.isEmpty() && _t->_blocks.back()->type() != TextBlockTNewline) { createNewlineBlock(); } } else { lnk = true; lnkUrl = QString(start + waitingEntity->offset, waitingEntity->length); getLinkData(lnkUrl, lnkText, fullDisplayed); } if (lnk) { createBlock(); links.push_back(TextLinkData(lnkUrl, fullDisplayed)); lnkIndex = 0x8000 + links.size(); _t->_text += lnkText; ptr = start + waitingEntity->offset + waitingEntity->length; createBlock(); lnkIndex = 0; } else if (startFlags) { if (!(flags & startFlags)) { createBlock(); flags |= startFlags; removeFlags[start + waitingEntity->offset + waitingEntity->length].push_front(startFlags); } } ++waitingEntity; if (links.size() >= 0x7FFF) { while (waitingEntity != entitiesEnd && ( waitingEntity->type == EntityInTextUrl || waitingEntity->type == EntityInTextCustomUrl || waitingEntity->type == EntityInTextEmail || waitingEntity->type == EntityInTextHashtag || waitingEntity->type == EntityInTextMention || waitingEntity->type == EntityInTextBotCommand || waitingEntity->length <= 0)) { ++waitingEntity; } } else { while (waitingEntity != entitiesEnd && waitingEntity->length <= 0) ++waitingEntity; } } bool readCommand() { const QChar *afterCmd = textSkipCommand(ptr, end, links.size() < 0x7FFF); if (afterCmd == ptr) { return false; } ushort cmd = (++ptr)->unicode(); ++ptr; switch (cmd) { case TextCommandBold: if (!(flags & TextBlockFBold)) { createBlock(); flags |= TextBlockFBold; } break; case TextCommandNoBold: if (flags & TextBlockFBold) { createBlock(); flags &= ~TextBlockFBold; } break; case TextCommandItalic: if (!(flags & TextBlockFItalic)) { createBlock(); flags |= TextBlockFItalic; } break; case TextCommandNoItalic: if (flags & TextBlockFItalic) { createBlock(); flags &= ~TextBlockFItalic; } break; case TextCommandUnderline: if (!(flags & TextBlockFUnderline)) { createBlock(); flags |= TextBlockFUnderline; } break; case TextCommandNoUnderline: if (flags & TextBlockFUnderline) { createBlock(); flags &= ~TextBlockFUnderline; } break; case TextCommandLinkIndex: if (ptr->unicode() != lnkIndex) { createBlock(); lnkIndex = ptr->unicode(); } break; case TextCommandLinkText: { createBlock(); int32 len = ptr->unicode(); links.push_back(TextLinkData(QString(++ptr, len), false)); lnkIndex = 0x8000 + links.size(); } break; case TextCommandColor: { style::color c(ptr->unicode(), (ptr + 1)->unicode(), (ptr + 2)->unicode(), (ptr + 3)->unicode()); if (color != c) { createBlock(); color = c; } } break; case TextCommandSkipBlock: createBlock(); createSkipBlock(ptr->unicode(), (ptr + 1)->unicode()); break; case TextCommandNoColor: if (color) { createBlock(); color = style::color(); } break; } ptr = afterCmd; return true; } void parseCurrentChar() { int skipBack = 0; ch = ((ptr < end) ? *ptr : 0); chInt = ch.unicode(); bool skip = false, isNewLine = multiline && chIsNewline(ch), isSpace = chIsSpace(ch), isDiac = chIsDiac(ch), isTilde = (ch == '~'); if (chIsBad(ch) || ch.isLowSurrogate()) { skip = true; } else if (isDiac) { if (lastSkipped || emoji || ++diacs > chMaxDiacAfterSymbol()) { skip = true; } } else if (ch.isHighSurrogate()) { if (ptr + 1 >= end || !(ptr + 1)->isLowSurrogate()) { skip = true; } else { _t->_text.push_back(ch); skipBack = -1; ++ptr; ch = *ptr; chInt = (chInt << 16) | ch.unicode(); } } else if ((ch >= 48 && ch < 58) || ch == 35) { // check for digit emoji if (ptr + 1 < end && (ptr + 1)->unicode() == 0x20E3) { _t->_text.push_back(ch); skipBack = -1; ++ptr; ch = *ptr; chInt = (chInt << 16) | 0x20E3; } } lastSkipped = skip; if (skip) { ch = 0; } else { if (isTilde) { // tilde fix in OpenSans if (!(flags & TextBlockFTilde)) { createBlock(); flags |= TextBlockFTilde; } } else { if (flags & TextBlockFTilde) { createBlock(); flags &= ~TextBlockFTilde; } } if (isNewLine) { createNewlineBlock(); } else if (isSpace) { _t->_text.push_back(QChar::Space); } else { if (emoji) createBlock(skipBack); _t->_text.push_back(ch); } if (!isDiac) diacs = 0; } } void parseEmojiFromCurrent() { int len = 0, skipped = (chInt > 0xFFFFU) ? 1 : 0; EmojiPtr e = emojiFromText(ptr - skipped, end, len); if (!e) return; for (int l = len - skipped - 1; l > 0; --l) { _t->_text.push_back(*++ptr); } if (e->postfix && _t->_text.at(_t->_text.size() - 1).unicode() != e->postfix) { _t->_text.push_back(e->postfix); ++len; } createBlock(-len); emoji = e; } TextParser(Text *t, const QString &text, const TextParseOptions &options) : _t(t), src(text), rich(options.flags & TextParseRichText), multiline(options.flags & TextParseMultiline), maxLnkIndex(0), flags(0), lnkIndex(0), stopAfterWidth(QFIXED_MAX) { if (options.flags & TextParseLinks) { entities = textParseEntities(src, options.flags, rich); } parse(options); } TextParser(Text *t, const QString &text, const EntitiesInText &preparsed, const TextParseOptions &options) : _t(t), src(text), rich(options.flags & TextParseRichText), multiline(options.flags & TextParseMultiline), maxLnkIndex(0), flags(0), lnkIndex(0), stopAfterWidth(QFIXED_MAX) { if ((options.flags & TextParseLinks) && !preparsed.isEmpty()) { bool parseMentions = (options.flags & TextParseMentions); bool parseHashtags = (options.flags & TextParseHashtags); bool parseBotCommands = (options.flags & TextParseBotCommands); bool parseMono = (options.flags & TextParseMono); if (parseMentions && parseHashtags && parseBotCommands && parseMono) { entities = preparsed; } else { int32 i = 0, l = preparsed.size(); entities.reserve(l); const QChar *p = text.constData(), s = text.size(); for (; i < l; ++i) { EntityInTextType t = preparsed.at(i).type; if ((t == EntityInTextMention && !parseMentions) || (t == EntityInTextHashtag && !parseHashtags) || (t == EntityInTextBotCommand && !parseBotCommands) || ((t == EntityInTextBold || t == EntityInTextItalic || t == EntityInTextCode || t == EntityInTextPre) && !parseMono)) { continue; } entities.push_back(preparsed.at(i)); } } } parse(options); } void parse(const TextParseOptions &options) { if (options.maxw > 0 && options.maxh > 0) { stopAfterWidth = ((options.maxh / _t->_font->height) + 1) * options.maxw; } start = src.constData(); end = start + src.size(); ptr = start; while (ptr != end && chIsTrimmed(*ptr, rich)) { ++ptr; } while (ptr != end && chIsTrimmed(*(end - 1), rich)) { --end; } _t->_text.resize(0); _t->_text.reserve(end - ptr); diacs = 0; sumWidth = 0; sumFinished = newlineAwaited = false; blockStart = 0; emoji = 0; ch = chInt = 0; lastSkipped = false; entitiesEnd = entities.cend(); waitingEntity = entities.cbegin(); while (waitingEntity != entitiesEnd && waitingEntity->length <= 0) ++waitingEntity; for (; ptr <= end; ++ptr) { checkEntities(); if (rich) checkCommand(); parseCurrentChar(); parseEmojiFromCurrent(); if (sumFinished || _t->_text.size() >= 0x8000) break; // 32k max } createBlock(); removeFlags.clear(); _t->_links.resize(maxLnkIndex); for (Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator i = _t->_blocks.cbegin(), e = _t->_blocks.cend(); i != e; ++i) { ITextBlock *b = *i; if (b->lnkIndex() > 0x8000) { lnkIndex = maxLnkIndex + (b->lnkIndex() - 0x8000); if (_t->_links.size() < lnkIndex) { _t->_links.resize(lnkIndex); const TextLinkData &data(links[lnkIndex - maxLnkIndex - 1]); TextLinkPtr lnk; if (data.fullDisplayed < -4) { // hidden link lnk = TextLinkPtr(new CustomTextLink(data.url)); } else if (data.fullDisplayed < -3) { // bot command lnk = TextLinkPtr(new BotCommandLink(data.url)); } else if (data.fullDisplayed < -2) { // mention if (options.flags & TextTwitterMentions) { lnk = TextLinkPtr(new TextLink(qsl("https://twitter.com/") + data.url.mid(1), true)); } else if (options.flags & TextInstagramMentions) { lnk = TextLinkPtr(new TextLink(qsl("https://instagram.com/") + data.url.mid(1) + '/', true)); } else { lnk = TextLinkPtr(new MentionLink(data.url)); } } else if (data.fullDisplayed < -1) { // hashtag if (options.flags & TextTwitterMentions) { lnk = TextLinkPtr(new TextLink(qsl("https://twitter.com/hashtag/") + data.url.mid(1) + qsl("?src=hash"), true)); } else if (options.flags & TextInstagramMentions) { lnk = TextLinkPtr(new TextLink(qsl("https://instagram.com/explore/tags/") + data.url.mid(1) + '/', true)); } else { lnk = TextLinkPtr(new HashtagLink(data.url)); } } else if (data.fullDisplayed < 0) { // email lnk = TextLinkPtr(new EmailLink(data.url)); } else { lnk = TextLinkPtr(new TextLink(data.url, data.fullDisplayed > 0)); } _t->setLink(lnkIndex, lnk); } b->setLnkIndex(lnkIndex); } } _t->_links.squeeze(); _t->_blocks.squeeze(); _t->_text.squeeze(); } private: Text *_t; QString src; const QChar *start, *end, *ptr; bool rich, multiline; EntitiesInText entities; EntitiesInText::const_iterator waitingEntity, entitiesEnd; struct TextLinkData { TextLinkData(const QString &url = QString(), int32 fullDisplayed = 1) : url(url), fullDisplayed(fullDisplayed) { } QString url; int32 fullDisplayed; // -5 - custom text link, -4 - bot command, -3 - mention, -2 - hashtag, -1 - email }; typedef QVector TextLinks; TextLinks links; typedef QMap > RemoveFlagsMap; RemoveFlagsMap removeFlags; uint16 maxLnkIndex; // current state int32 flags; uint16 lnkIndex; const EmojiData *emoji; // current emoji, if current word is an emoji, or zero int32 blockStart; // offset in result, from which current parsed block is started int32 diacs; // diac chars skipped without good char QFixed sumWidth, stopAfterWidth; // summary width of all added words bool sumFinished, newlineAwaited; style::color color; // current color, could be invalid // current char data QChar ch; // current char (low surrogate, if current char is surrogate pair) uint32 chInt; // full ch, could be surrogate pair bool lastSkipped; // did we skip current char }; namespace { // COPIED FROM qtextengine.cpp AND MODIFIED struct BidiStatus { BidiStatus() { eor = QChar::DirON; lastStrong = QChar::DirON; last = QChar:: DirON; dir = QChar::DirON; } QChar::Direction eor; QChar::Direction lastStrong; QChar::Direction last; QChar::Direction dir; }; enum { _MaxBidiLevel = 61 }; enum { _MaxItemLength = 4096 }; struct BidiControl { inline BidiControl(bool rtl) : cCtx(0), base(rtl ? 1 : 0), level(rtl ? 1 : 0), override(false) {} inline void embed(bool rtl, bool o = false) { unsigned int toAdd = 1; if((level%2 != 0) == rtl ) { ++toAdd; } if (level + toAdd <= _MaxBidiLevel) { ctx[cCtx].level = level; ctx[cCtx].override = override; cCtx++; override = o; level += toAdd; } } inline bool canPop() const { return cCtx != 0; } inline void pdf() { Q_ASSERT(cCtx); --cCtx; level = ctx[cCtx].level; override = ctx[cCtx].override; } inline QChar::Direction basicDirection() const { return (base ? QChar::DirR : QChar:: DirL); } inline unsigned int baseLevel() const { return base; } inline QChar::Direction direction() const { return ((level%2) ? QChar::DirR : QChar:: DirL); } struct { unsigned int level; bool override; } ctx[_MaxBidiLevel]; unsigned int cCtx; const unsigned int base; unsigned int level; bool override; }; static void eAppendItems(QScriptAnalysis *analysis, int &start, int &stop, const BidiControl &control, QChar::Direction dir) { if (start > stop) return; int level = control.level; if(dir != QChar::DirON && !control.override) { // add level of run (cases I1 & I2) if(level % 2) { if(dir == QChar::DirL || dir == QChar::DirAN || dir == QChar::DirEN) level++; } else { if(dir == QChar::DirR) level++; else if(dir == QChar::DirAN || dir == QChar::DirEN) level += 2; } } QScriptAnalysis *s = analysis + start; const QScriptAnalysis *e = analysis + stop; while (s <= e) { s->bidiLevel = level; ++s; } ++stop; start = stop; } } void TextLink::onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const { if (button == Qt::LeftButton || button == Qt::MiddleButton) { QString url = TextLink::encoded(); QRegularExpressionMatch telegramMeUser = QRegularExpression(qsl("^https?://telegram\\.me/([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\_]+)/?(\\?|$)"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption).match(url); QRegularExpressionMatch telegramMeGroup = QRegularExpression(qsl("^https?://telegram\\.me/joinchat/([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\_\\-]+)(\\?|$)"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption).match(url); QRegularExpressionMatch telegramMeStickers = QRegularExpression(qsl("^https?://telegram\\.me/addstickers/([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\_]+)(\\?|$)"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption).match(url); QRegularExpressionMatch telegramMeShareUrl = QRegularExpression(qsl("^https?://telegram\\.me/share/url\\?(.+)$"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption).match(url); if (telegramMeUser.hasMatch()) { QString params = url.mid(telegramMeUser.captured(0).size()); url = qsl("tg://resolve/?domain=") + myUrlEncode(telegramMeUser.captured(1)) + (params.isEmpty() ? QString() : '&' + params); } else if (telegramMeGroup.hasMatch()) { url = qsl("tg://join?invite=") + myUrlEncode(telegramMeGroup.captured(1)); } else if (telegramMeStickers.hasMatch()) { url = qsl("tg://addstickers?set=") + myUrlEncode(telegramMeStickers.captured(1)); } else if (telegramMeShareUrl.hasMatch()) { url = qsl("tg://msg_url?") + telegramMeShareUrl.captured(1); } if (QRegularExpression(qsl("^tg://[a-zA-Z0-9]+"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption).match(url).hasMatch()) { App::openLocalUrl(url); } else { QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); } } } void EmailLink::onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const { if (button == Qt::LeftButton || button == Qt::MiddleButton) { QUrl url(qstr("mailto:") + _email); if (!QDesktopServices::openUrl(url)) { psOpenFile(url.toString(QUrl::FullyEncoded), true); } } } void CustomTextLink::onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const { App::wnd()->showLayer(new ConfirmLinkBox(text())); } void MentionLink::onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const { if (button == Qt::LeftButton || button == Qt::MiddleButton) { App::openPeerByName(_tag.mid(1), true); } } void HashtagLink::onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const { if (button == Qt::LeftButton || button == Qt::MiddleButton) { App::searchByHashtag(_tag, App::mousedItem() ? App::mousedItem()->history()->peer : 0); } } void BotCommandLink::onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const { if (button == Qt::LeftButton || button == Qt::MiddleButton) { // App::insertBotCommand(_cmd); App::sendBotCommand(_cmd); } } class TextPainter { public: static inline uint16 _blockEnd(const Text *t, const Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator &i, const Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator &e) { return (i + 1 == e) ? t->_text.size() : (*(i + 1))->from(); } static inline uint16 _blockLength(const Text *t, const Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator &i, const Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator &e) { return _blockEnd(t, i, e) - (*i)->from(); } TextPainter(QPainter *p, const Text *t) : _p(p), _t(t), _elideLast(false), _elideRemoveFromEnd(0), _str(0), _elideSavedBlock(0), _lnkResult(0), _inTextFlag(0), _getSymbol(0), _getSymbolAfter(0), _getSymbolUpon(0) { } void initNextParagraph(Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator i) { _parStartBlock = i; Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator e = _t->_blocks.cend(); if (i == e) { _parStart = _t->_text.size(); _parLength = 0; } else { _parStart = (*i)->from(); for (; i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->type() == TextBlockTNewline) { break; } } _parLength = ((i == e) ? _t->_text.size() : (*i)->from()) - _parStart; } _parAnalysis.resize(0); } void initParagraphBidi() { if (!_parLength || !_parAnalysis.isEmpty()) return; Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator i = _parStartBlock, e = _t->_blocks.cend(), n = i + 1; bool ignore = false; bool rtl = (_parDirection == Qt::RightToLeft); if (!ignore && !rtl) { ignore = true; const ushort *start = reinterpret_cast(_str) + _parStart; const ushort *curr = start; const ushort *end = start + _parLength; while (curr < end) { while (n != e && (*n)->from() <= _parStart + (curr - start)) { i = n; ++n; } if ((*i)->type() != TextBlockTEmoji && *curr >= 0x590) { ignore = false; break; } ++curr; } } _parAnalysis.resize(_parLength); QScriptAnalysis *analysis = _parAnalysis.data(); BidiControl control(rtl); _parHasBidi = false; if (ignore) { memset(analysis, 0, _parLength * sizeof(QScriptAnalysis)); if (rtl) { for (int i = 0; i < _parLength; ++i) analysis[i].bidiLevel = 1; _parHasBidi = true; } } else { _parHasBidi = eBidiItemize(analysis, control); } } void draw(int32 left, int32 top, int32 w, style::align align, int32 yFrom, int32 yTo, uint16 selectedFrom = 0, uint16 selectedTo = 0) { if (_t->isEmpty()) return; _blocksSize = _t->_blocks.size(); if (!_textStyle) _initDefault(); if (_p) { _p->setFont(_t->_font->f); _originalPen = _p->pen(); } _x = left; _y = top; _yFrom = yFrom + top; _yTo = (yTo < 0) ? -1 : (yTo + top); _selectedFrom = selectedFrom; _selectedTo = selectedTo; _wLeft = _w = w; _str = _t->_text.unicode(); if (_p) { QRectF clip = _p->clipBoundingRect(); if (clip.width() > 0 || clip.height() > 0) { if (_yFrom < clip.y()) _yFrom = clip.y(); if (_yTo < 0 || _yTo > clip.y() + clip.height()) _yTo = clip.y() + clip.height(); } } _align = align; _parDirection = _t->_startDir; if (_parDirection == Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto) _parDirection = cLangDir(); if ((*_t->_blocks.cbegin())->type() != TextBlockTNewline) { initNextParagraph(_t->_blocks.cbegin()); } _lineStart = 0; _lineStartBlock = 0; _lineHeight = 0; _fontHeight = _t->_font->height; QFixed last_rBearing = 0, last_rPadding = 0; int32 blockIndex = 0; bool longWordLine = true; Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator e = _t->_blocks.cend(); for (Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator i = _t->_blocks.cbegin(); i != e; ++i, ++blockIndex) { ITextBlock *b = *i; TextBlockType _btype = b->type(); int32 blockHeight = _blockHeight(b, _t->_font); QFixed _rb = _blockRBearing(b); if (_btype == TextBlockTNewline) { if (!_lineHeight) _lineHeight = blockHeight; ushort nextStart = _blockEnd(_t, i, e); if (!drawLine(nextStart, i + 1, e)) return; _y += _lineHeight; _lineHeight = 0; _lineStart = nextStart; _lineStartBlock = blockIndex + 1; last_rBearing = _rb; last_rPadding = b->f_rpadding(); _wLeft = _w - (b->f_width() - last_rBearing); if (_elideLast && _elideRemoveFromEnd > 0 && (_y + blockHeight >= _yTo)) { _wLeft -= _elideRemoveFromEnd; } _parDirection = static_cast(b)->nextDirection(); if (_parDirection == Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto) _parDirection = cLangDir(); initNextParagraph(i + 1); longWordLine = true; continue; } QFixed lpadding = b->f_lpadding(); QFixed newWidthLeft = _wLeft - lpadding - last_rBearing - (last_rPadding + b->f_width() - _rb); if (newWidthLeft >= 0) { last_rBearing = _rb; last_rPadding = b->f_rpadding(); _wLeft = newWidthLeft; _lineHeight = qMax(_lineHeight, blockHeight); longWordLine = false; continue; } if (_btype == TextBlockTText) { TextBlock *t = static_cast(b); QFixed f_wLeft = _wLeft; int32 f_lineHeight = _lineHeight; for (TextBlock::TextWords::const_iterator j = t->_words.cbegin(), en = t->_words.cend(), f = j; j != en; ++j) { bool wordEndsHere = (j->width >= 0); QFixed j_width = wordEndsHere ? j->width : -j->width; QFixed newWidthLeft = _wLeft - lpadding - last_rBearing - (last_rPadding + j_width - j->f_rbearing()); lpadding = 0; if (newWidthLeft >= 0) { last_rBearing = j->f_rbearing(); last_rPadding = j->rpadding; _wLeft = newWidthLeft; _lineHeight = qMax(_lineHeight, blockHeight); if (wordEndsHere) { longWordLine = false; } if (wordEndsHere || longWordLine) { f_wLeft = _wLeft; f_lineHeight = _lineHeight; f = j + 1; } continue; } int32 elidedLineHeight = qMax(_lineHeight, blockHeight); bool elidedLine = _elideLast && (_y + elidedLineHeight >= _yTo); if (elidedLine) { _lineHeight = elidedLineHeight; } else if (f != j) { j = f; _wLeft = f_wLeft; _lineHeight = f_lineHeight; j_width = (j->width >= 0) ? j->width : -j->width; } if (!drawLine(elidedLine ? ((j + 1 == en) ? _blockEnd(_t, i, e) : (j + 1)->from) : j->from, i, e)) return; _y += _lineHeight; _lineHeight = qMax(0, blockHeight); _lineStart = j->from; _lineStartBlock = blockIndex; last_rBearing = j->f_rbearing(); last_rPadding = j->rpadding; _wLeft = _w - (j_width - last_rBearing); if (_elideLast && _elideRemoveFromEnd > 0 && (_y + blockHeight >= _yTo)) { _wLeft -= _elideRemoveFromEnd; } longWordLine = true; f = j + 1; f_wLeft = _wLeft; f_lineHeight = _lineHeight; } continue; } int32 elidedLineHeight = qMax(_lineHeight, blockHeight); bool elidedLine = _elideLast && (_y + elidedLineHeight >= _yTo); if (elidedLine) { _lineHeight = elidedLineHeight; } if (!drawLine(elidedLine ? _blockEnd(_t, i, e) : b->from(), i, e)) return; _y += _lineHeight; _lineHeight = qMax(0, blockHeight); _lineStart = b->from(); _lineStartBlock = blockIndex; last_rBearing = _rb; last_rPadding = b->f_rpadding(); _wLeft = _w - (b->f_width() - last_rBearing); if (_elideLast && _elideRemoveFromEnd > 0 && (_y + blockHeight >= _yTo)) { _wLeft -= _elideRemoveFromEnd; } longWordLine = true; continue; } if (_lineStart < _t->_text.size()) { if (!drawLine(_t->_text.size(), e, e)) return; } if (_getSymbol) { *_getSymbol = _t->_text.size(); *_getSymbolAfter = false; *_getSymbolUpon = false; } } void drawElided(int32 left, int32 top, int32 w, style::align align, int32 lines, int32 yFrom, int32 yTo, int32 removeFromEnd) { if (lines <= 0 || _t->isNull()) return; if (yTo < 0 || (lines - 1) * _t->_font->height < yTo) { yTo = lines * _t->_font->height; _elideLast = true; _elideRemoveFromEnd = removeFromEnd; } draw(left, top, w, align, yFrom, yTo); } const TextLinkPtr &link(int32 x, int32 y, int32 w, style::align align) { _lnkX = x; _lnkY = y; _lnkResult = &_zeroLnk; if (!_t->isNull() && _lnkX >= 0 && _lnkX < w && _lnkY >= 0) { draw(0, 0, w, align, _lnkY, _lnkY + 1); } return *_lnkResult; } void getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, bool &inText, int32 x, int32 y, int32 w, style::align align) { lnk = TextLinkPtr(); inText = false; if (!_t->isNull() && x >= 0 && x < w && y >= 0) { _lnkX = x; _lnkY = y; _lnkResult = &lnk; _inTextFlag = &inText; draw(0, 0, w, align, _lnkY, _lnkY + 1); lnk = *_lnkResult; } } void getSymbol(uint16 &symbol, bool &after, bool &upon, int32 x, int32 y, int32 w, style::align align) { symbol = 0; after = false; upon = false; if (!_t->isNull() && y >= 0) { _lnkX = x; _lnkY = y; _getSymbol = &symbol; _getSymbolAfter = &after; _getSymbolUpon = &upon; draw(0, 0, w, align, _lnkY, _lnkY + 1); } } const QPen &blockPen(ITextBlock *block) { if (block->color()) { return block->color()->p; } if (block->lnkIndex()) { const TextLinkPtr &l(_t->_links.at(block->lnkIndex() - 1)); if (l == _overLnk) { if (l == _downLnk) { return _textStyle->linkFgDown->p; } } return _textStyle->linkFg->p; } if ((block->flags() & TextBlockFCode) || (block->flags() & TextBlockFPre)) { return _textStyle->monoFg->p; } return _originalPen; } bool drawLine(uint16 _lineEnd, const Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator &_endBlockIter, const Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator &_end) { _yDelta = (_lineHeight - _fontHeight) / 2; if (_yTo >= 0 && _y + _yDelta >= _yTo) return false; if (_y + _yDelta + _fontHeight <= _yFrom) return true; uint16 trimmedLineEnd = _lineEnd; for (; trimmedLineEnd > _lineStart; --trimmedLineEnd) { QChar ch = _t->_text.at(trimmedLineEnd - 1); if ((ch != QChar::Space || trimmedLineEnd == _lineStart + 1) && ch != QChar::LineFeed) { break; } } ITextBlock *_endBlock = (_endBlockIter == _end) ? 0 : (*_endBlockIter); bool elidedLine = _elideLast && _endBlock && (_y + _lineHeight >= _yTo); int blockIndex = _lineStartBlock; ITextBlock *currentBlock = _t->_blocks[blockIndex]; ITextBlock *nextBlock = (++blockIndex < _blocksSize) ? _t->_blocks[blockIndex] : 0; int32 delta = (currentBlock->from() < _lineStart ? qMin(_lineStart - currentBlock->from(), 2) : 0); _localFrom = _lineStart - delta; int32 lineEnd = (_endBlock && _endBlock->from() < trimmedLineEnd && !elidedLine) ? qMin(uint16(trimmedLineEnd + 2), _blockEnd(_t, _endBlockIter, _end)) : trimmedLineEnd; QString lineText = _t->_text.mid(_localFrom, lineEnd - _localFrom); int32 lineStart = delta, lineLength = trimmedLineEnd - _lineStart; if (elidedLine) { initParagraphBidi(); prepareElidedLine(lineText, lineStart, lineLength, _endBlock); } QFixed x = _x; if (_align & Qt::AlignHCenter) { x += (_wLeft / 2).toInt(); } else if (((_align & Qt::AlignLeft) && _parDirection == Qt::RightToLeft) || ((_align & Qt::AlignRight) && _parDirection == Qt::LeftToRight)) { x += _wLeft; } if (_getSymbol) { if (_lnkX < x) { if (_parDirection == Qt::RightToLeft) { *_getSymbol = (_lineEnd > _lineStart) ? (_lineEnd - 1) : _lineStart; *_getSymbolAfter = (_lineEnd > _lineStart) ? true : false; *_getSymbolUpon = ((_lnkX >= _x) && (_lineEnd < _t->_text.size()) && (!_endBlock || _endBlock->type() != TextBlockTSkip)) ? true : false; } else { *_getSymbol = _lineStart; *_getSymbolAfter = false; *_getSymbolUpon = ((_lnkX >= _x) && (_lineStart > 0)) ? true : false; } return false; } else if (_lnkX >= x + (_w - _wLeft)) { if (_parDirection == Qt::RightToLeft) { *_getSymbol = _lineStart; *_getSymbolAfter = false; *_getSymbolUpon = ((_lnkX < _x + _w) && (_lineStart > 0)) ? true : false; } else { *_getSymbol = (_lineEnd > _lineStart) ? (_lineEnd - 1) : _lineStart; *_getSymbolAfter = (_lineEnd > _lineStart) ? true : false; *_getSymbolUpon = ((_lnkX < _x + _w) && (_lineEnd < _t->_text.size()) && (!_endBlock || _endBlock->type() != TextBlockTSkip)) ? true : false; } return false; } } bool selectFromStart = (_selectedTo > _lineStart) && (_lineStart > 0) && (_selectedFrom <= _lineStart); bool selectTillEnd = (_selectedTo >= _lineEnd) && (_lineEnd < _t->_text.size()) && (_selectedFrom < _lineEnd) && (!_endBlock || _endBlock->type() != TextBlockTSkip); if ((selectFromStart && _parDirection == Qt::LeftToRight) || (selectTillEnd && _parDirection == Qt::RightToLeft)) { if (x > _x) { _p->fillRect(QRectF(_x.toReal(), _y + _yDelta, (x - _x).toReal(), _fontHeight), _textStyle->selectBg->b); } } if ((selectTillEnd && _parDirection == Qt::LeftToRight) || (selectFromStart && _parDirection == Qt::RightToLeft)) { if (x < _x + _wLeft) { _p->fillRect(QRectF((x + _w - _wLeft).toReal(), _y + _yDelta, (_x + _wLeft - x).toReal(), _fontHeight), _textStyle->selectBg->b); } } if (trimmedLineEnd == _lineStart && !elidedLine) return true; if (!elidedLine) initParagraphBidi(); // if was not inited _f = _t->_font; QStackTextEngine engine(lineText, _f->f); engine.option.setTextDirection(_parDirection); _e = &engine; eItemize(); QScriptLine line; line.from = lineStart; line.length = lineLength; eShapeLine(line); int firstItem = engine.findItem(line.from), lastItem = engine.findItem(line.from + line.length - 1); int nItems = (firstItem >= 0 && lastItem >= firstItem) ? (lastItem - firstItem + 1) : 0; if (!nItems) { if (elidedLine) restoreAfterElided(); return true; } QVarLengthArray visualOrder(nItems); QVarLengthArray levels(nItems); for (int i = 0; i < nItems; ++i) { QScriptItem &si(engine.layoutData->items[firstItem + i]); while (nextBlock && nextBlock->from() <= _localFrom + si.position) { currentBlock = nextBlock; nextBlock = (++blockIndex < _blocksSize) ? _t->_blocks[blockIndex] : 0; } TextBlockType _type = currentBlock->type(); if (_type == TextBlockTSkip) { levels[i] = si.analysis.bidiLevel = 0; } else { levels[i] = si.analysis.bidiLevel; } if (si.analysis.flags == QScriptAnalysis::Object) { if (_type == TextBlockTEmoji || _type == TextBlockTSkip) { si.width = currentBlock->f_width() + (nextBlock == _endBlock && (!nextBlock || nextBlock->from() >= trimmedLineEnd) ? 0 : currentBlock->f_rpadding()); } } } QTextEngine::bidiReorder(nItems, levels.data(), visualOrder.data()); blockIndex = _lineStartBlock; currentBlock = _t->_blocks[blockIndex]; nextBlock = (++blockIndex < _blocksSize) ? _t->_blocks[blockIndex] : 0; int32 textY = _y + _yDelta + _t->_font->ascent, emojiY = (_t->_font->height - st::emojiSize) / 2; eSetFont(currentBlock); if (_p) _p->setPen(blockPen(currentBlock)); for (int i = 0; i < nItems; ++i) { int item = firstItem + visualOrder[i]; const QScriptItem &si = engine.layoutData->items.at(item); bool rtl = (si.analysis.bidiLevel % 2); while (blockIndex > _lineStartBlock + 1 && _t->_blocks[blockIndex - 1]->from() > _localFrom + si.position) { nextBlock = currentBlock; currentBlock = _t->_blocks[--blockIndex - 1]; if (_p) _p->setPen(blockPen(currentBlock)); eSetFont(currentBlock); } while (nextBlock && nextBlock->from() <= _localFrom + si.position) { currentBlock = nextBlock; nextBlock = (++blockIndex < _blocksSize) ? _t->_blocks[blockIndex] : 0; if (_p) _p->setPen(blockPen(currentBlock)); eSetFont(currentBlock); } if (si.analysis.flags >= QScriptAnalysis::TabOrObject) { TextBlockType _type = currentBlock->type(); if (_lnkResult && _lnkX >= x && _lnkX < x + si.width) { if (currentBlock->lnkIndex() && _lnkY >= _y + _yDelta && _lnkY < _y + _yDelta + _fontHeight) { _lnkResult = &_t->_links.at(currentBlock->lnkIndex() - 1); } if (_inTextFlag && _type != TextBlockTSkip) { *_inTextFlag = true; } return false; } else if (_getSymbol && _lnkX >= x && _lnkX < x + si.width) { if (_type == TextBlockTSkip) { if (_parDirection == Qt::RightToLeft) { *_getSymbol = _lineStart; *_getSymbolAfter = false; *_getSymbolUpon = false; } else { *_getSymbol = (trimmedLineEnd > _lineStart) ? (trimmedLineEnd - 1) : _lineStart; *_getSymbolAfter = (trimmedLineEnd > _lineStart) ? true : false; *_getSymbolUpon = false; } return false; } const QChar *chFrom = _str + currentBlock->from(), *chTo = chFrom + ((nextBlock ? nextBlock->from() : _t->_text.size()) - currentBlock->from()); if (chTo > chFrom && (chTo - 1)->unicode() == QChar::Space) { if (rtl) { if (_lnkX < x + (si.width - currentBlock->f_width())) { *_getSymbol = (chTo - 1 - _str); // up to ending space, included, rtl *_getSymbolAfter = (_lnkX < x + (si.width - currentBlock->f_width()) / 2) ? true : false; *_getSymbolUpon = true; return false; } } else if (_lnkX >= x + currentBlock->f_width()) { *_getSymbol = (chTo - 1 - _str); // up to ending space, inclided, ltr *_getSymbolAfter = (_lnkX >= x + currentBlock->f_width() + (currentBlock->f_rpadding() / 2)) ? true : false; *_getSymbolUpon = true; return false; } --chTo; } if (_lnkX < x + (rtl ? (si.width - currentBlock->f_width()) : 0) + (currentBlock->f_width() / 2)) { *_getSymbol = ((rtl && chTo > chFrom) ? (chTo - 1) : chFrom) - _str; *_getSymbolAfter = (rtl && chTo > chFrom) ? true : false; *_getSymbolUpon = true; } else { *_getSymbol = ((rtl || chTo <= chFrom) ? chFrom : (chTo - 1)) - _str; *_getSymbolAfter = (rtl || chTo <= chFrom) ? false : true; *_getSymbolUpon = true; } return false; } else if (_p && _type == TextBlockTEmoji) { QFixed glyphX = x; if (rtl) { glyphX += (si.width - currentBlock->f_width()); } if (_localFrom + si.position < _selectedTo) { const QChar *chFrom = _str + currentBlock->from(), *chTo = chFrom + ((nextBlock ? nextBlock->from() : _t->_text.size()) - currentBlock->from()); if (_localFrom + si.position >= _selectedFrom) { // could be without space if (chTo == chFrom || (chTo - 1)->unicode() != QChar::Space || _selectedTo >= (chTo - _str)) { _p->fillRect(QRectF(x.toReal(), _y + _yDelta, si.width.toReal(), _fontHeight), _textStyle->selectBg->b); } else { // or with space _p->fillRect(QRectF(glyphX.toReal(), _y + _yDelta, currentBlock->f_width().toReal(), _fontHeight), _textStyle->selectBg->b); } } else if (chTo > chFrom && (chTo - 1)->unicode() == QChar::Space && (chTo - 1 - _str) >= _selectedFrom) { if (rtl) { // rtl space only _p->fillRect(QRectF(x.toReal(), _y + _yDelta, (glyphX - x).toReal(), _fontHeight), _textStyle->selectBg->b); } else { // ltr space only _p->fillRect(QRectF((x + currentBlock->f_width()).toReal(), _y + _yDelta, (si.width - currentBlock->f_width()).toReal(), _fontHeight), _textStyle->selectBg->b); } } } emojiDraw(*_p, static_cast(currentBlock)->emoji, (glyphX + int(st::emojiPadding)).toInt(), _y + _yDelta + emojiY); // } else if (_p && currentBlock->type() == TextBlockSkip) { // debug // _p->fillRect(QRect(x.toInt(), _y, currentBlock->width(), static_cast(currentBlock)->height()), QColor(0, 0, 0, 32)); } x += si.width; continue; } unsigned short *logClusters = engine.logClusters(&si); QGlyphLayout glyphs = engine.shapedGlyphs(&si); int itemStart = qMax(line.from, si.position), itemEnd; int itemLength = engine.length(item); int glyphsStart = logClusters[itemStart - si.position], glyphsEnd; if (line.from + line.length < si.position + itemLength) { itemEnd = line.from + line.length; glyphsEnd = logClusters[itemEnd - si.position]; } else { itemEnd = si.position + itemLength; glyphsEnd = si.num_glyphs; } QFixed itemWidth = 0; for (int g = glyphsStart; g < glyphsEnd; ++g) itemWidth += glyphs.effectiveAdvance(g); if (_lnkResult && _lnkX >= x && _lnkX < x + itemWidth) { if (currentBlock->lnkIndex() && _lnkY >= _y + _yDelta && _lnkY < _y + _yDelta + _fontHeight) { _lnkResult = &_t->_links.at(currentBlock->lnkIndex() - 1); } if (_inTextFlag) { *_inTextFlag = true; } return false; } else if (_getSymbol && _lnkX >= x && _lnkX < x + itemWidth) { QFixed tmpx = rtl ? (x + itemWidth) : x; for (int ch = 0, g, itemL = itemEnd - itemStart; ch < itemL;) { g = logClusters[itemStart - si.position + ch]; QFixed gwidth = glyphs.effectiveAdvance(g); // ch2 - glyph end, ch - glyph start, (ch2 - ch) - how much chars it takes int ch2 = ch + 1; while ((ch2 < itemL) && (g == logClusters[itemStart - si.position + ch2])) { ++ch2; } for (int charsCount = (ch2 - ch); ch < ch2; ++ch) { QFixed shift1 = QFixed(2 * (charsCount - (ch2 - ch)) + 2) * gwidth / QFixed(2 * charsCount), shift2 = QFixed(2 * (charsCount - (ch2 - ch)) + 1) * gwidth / QFixed(2 * charsCount); if ((rtl && _lnkX >= tmpx - shift1) || (!rtl && _lnkX < tmpx + shift1)) { *_getSymbol = _localFrom + itemStart + ch; if ((rtl && _lnkX >= tmpx - shift2) || (!rtl && _lnkX < tmpx + shift2)) { *_getSymbolAfter = false; } else { *_getSymbolAfter = true; } *_getSymbolUpon = true; return false; } } if (rtl) { tmpx -= gwidth; } else { tmpx += gwidth; } } if (itemEnd > itemStart) { *_getSymbol = _localFrom + itemEnd - 1; *_getSymbolAfter = true; } else { *_getSymbol = _localFrom + itemStart; *_getSymbolAfter = false; } *_getSymbolUpon = true; return false; } else if (_p) { QTextCharFormat format; QTextItemInt gf(glyphs.mid(glyphsStart, glyphsEnd - glyphsStart), &_e->fnt, engine.layoutData->string.unicode() + itemStart, itemEnd - itemStart, engine.fontEngine(si), format); gf.logClusters = logClusters + itemStart - si.position; gf.width = itemWidth; gf.justified = false; gf.initWithScriptItem(si); if (_localFrom + itemStart < _selectedTo && _localFrom + itemEnd > _selectedFrom) { QFixed selX = x, selWidth = itemWidth; if (_localFrom + itemEnd > _selectedTo || _localFrom + itemStart < _selectedFrom) { selWidth = 0; int itemL = itemEnd - itemStart; int selStart = _selectedFrom - (_localFrom + itemStart), selEnd = _selectedTo - (_localFrom + itemStart); if (selStart < 0) selStart = 0; if (selEnd > itemL) selEnd = itemL; for (int ch = 0, g; ch < selEnd;) { g = logClusters[itemStart - si.position + ch]; QFixed gwidth = glyphs.effectiveAdvance(g); // ch2 - glyph end, ch - glyph start, (ch2 - ch) - how much chars it takes int ch2 = ch + 1; while ((ch2 < itemL) && (g == logClusters[itemStart - si.position + ch2])) { ++ch2; } if (ch2 <= selStart) { selX += gwidth; } else if (ch >= selStart && ch2 <= selEnd) { selWidth += gwidth; } else { int sStart = ch, sEnd = ch2; if (ch < selStart) { sStart = selStart; selX += QFixed(sStart - ch) * gwidth / QFixed(ch2 - ch); } if (ch2 >= selEnd) { sEnd = selEnd; selWidth += QFixed(sEnd - sStart) * gwidth / QFixed(ch2 - ch); break; } selWidth += QFixed(sEnd - sStart) * gwidth / QFixed(ch2 - ch); } ch = ch2; } } if (rtl) selX = x + itemWidth - (selX - x) - selWidth; _p->fillRect(QRectF(selX.toReal(), _y + _yDelta, selWidth.toReal(), _fontHeight), _textStyle->selectBg->b); } _p->drawTextItem(QPointF(x.toReal(), textY), gf); } x += itemWidth; } if (elidedLine) restoreAfterElided(); return true; } void elideSaveBlock(int32 blockIndex, ITextBlock *&_endBlock, int32 elideStart, int32 elideWidth) { _elideSavedIndex = blockIndex; _elideSavedBlock = _t->_blocks[blockIndex]; const_cast(_t)->_blocks[blockIndex] = new TextBlock(_t->_font, _t->_text, QFIXED_MAX, elideStart, 0, _elideSavedBlock->flags(), _elideSavedBlock->color(), _elideSavedBlock->lnkIndex()); _blocksSize = blockIndex + 1; _endBlock = (blockIndex + 1 < _t->_blocks.size() ? _t->_blocks[blockIndex + 1] : 0); } void setElideBidi(int32 elideStart, int32 elideLen) { int32 newParLength = elideStart + elideLen - _parStart; if (newParLength > _parAnalysis.size()) { _parAnalysis.resize(newParLength); } for (int32 i = elideLen; i > 0; --i) { _parAnalysis[newParLength - i].bidiLevel = (_parDirection == Qt::RightToLeft) ? 1 : 0; } } void prepareElidedLine(QString &lineText, int32 lineStart, int32 &lineLength, ITextBlock *&_endBlock, int repeat = 0) { static const QString _Elide = qsl("..."); _f = _t->_font; QStackTextEngine engine(lineText, _f->f); engine.option.setTextDirection(_parDirection); _e = &engine; eItemize(); int blockIndex = _lineStartBlock; ITextBlock *currentBlock = _t->_blocks[blockIndex]; ITextBlock *nextBlock = (++blockIndex < _blocksSize) ? _t->_blocks[blockIndex] : 0; QScriptLine line; line.from = lineStart; line.length = lineLength; eShapeLine(line); int32 elideWidth = _f->width(_Elide); _wLeft = _w - elideWidth - _elideRemoveFromEnd; int firstItem = engine.findItem(line.from), lastItem = engine.findItem(line.from + line.length - 1); int nItems = (firstItem >= 0 && lastItem >= firstItem) ? (lastItem - firstItem + 1) : 0, i; for (i = 0; i < nItems; ++i) { QScriptItem &si(engine.layoutData->items[firstItem + i]); while (nextBlock && nextBlock->from() <= _localFrom + si.position) { currentBlock = nextBlock; nextBlock = (++blockIndex < _blocksSize) ? _t->_blocks[blockIndex] : 0; } TextBlockType _type = currentBlock->type(); if (si.analysis.flags == QScriptAnalysis::Object) { if (_type == TextBlockTEmoji || _type == TextBlockTSkip) { si.width = currentBlock->f_width() + currentBlock->f_rpadding(); } } if (_type == TextBlockTEmoji || _type == TextBlockTSkip || _type == TextBlockTNewline) { if (_wLeft < si.width) { lineText = lineText.mid(0, currentBlock->from() - _localFrom) + _Elide; lineLength = currentBlock->from() + _Elide.size() - _lineStart; setElideBidi(currentBlock->from(), _Elide.size()); elideSaveBlock(blockIndex - 1, _endBlock, currentBlock->from(), elideWidth); return; } _wLeft -= si.width; } else if (_type == TextBlockTText) { unsigned short *logClusters = engine.logClusters(&si); QGlyphLayout glyphs = engine.shapedGlyphs(&si); int itemStart = qMax(line.from, si.position), itemEnd; int itemLength = engine.length(firstItem + i); int glyphsStart = logClusters[itemStart - si.position], glyphsEnd; if (line.from + line.length < si.position + itemLength) { itemEnd = line.from + line.length; glyphsEnd = logClusters[itemEnd - si.position]; } else { itemEnd = si.position + itemLength; glyphsEnd = si.num_glyphs; } for (int g = glyphsStart; g < glyphsEnd; ++g) { QFixed adv = glyphs.effectiveAdvance(g); if (_wLeft < adv) { int pos = itemStart; while (pos < itemEnd && logClusters[pos - si.position] < g) { ++pos; } if (lineText.size() <= pos || repeat > 3) { lineText += _Elide; lineLength = _localFrom + pos + _Elide.size() - _lineStart; setElideBidi(_localFrom + pos, _Elide.size()); _blocksSize = blockIndex; _endBlock = nextBlock; } else { lineText = lineText.mid(0, pos); lineLength = _localFrom + pos - _lineStart; _blocksSize = blockIndex; _endBlock = nextBlock; prepareElidedLine(lineText, lineStart, lineLength, _endBlock, repeat + 1); } return; } else { _wLeft -= adv; } } } } int32 elideStart = _lineStart + lineText.length(); setElideBidi(elideStart, _Elide.size()); lineText += _Elide; lineLength += _Elide.size(); if (!repeat) { for (; blockIndex < _blocksSize && _t->_blocks[blockIndex] != _endBlock && _t->_blocks[blockIndex]->from() < elideStart; ++blockIndex) { } if (blockIndex < _blocksSize) { elideSaveBlock(blockIndex, _endBlock, elideStart, elideWidth); } } } void restoreAfterElided() { if (_elideSavedBlock) { delete _t->_blocks[_elideSavedIndex]; const_cast(_t)->_blocks[_elideSavedIndex] = _elideSavedBlock; _elideSavedBlock = 0; } } // COPIED FROM qtextengine.cpp AND MODIFIED void eShapeLine(const QScriptLine &line) { int item = _e->findItem(line.from), end = _e->findItem(line.from + line.length - 1); if (item == -1) return; int blockIndex = _lineStartBlock; ITextBlock *currentBlock = _t->_blocks[blockIndex]; ITextBlock *nextBlock = (++blockIndex < _blocksSize) ? _t->_blocks[blockIndex] : 0; eSetFont(currentBlock); for (item = _e->findItem(line.from); item <= end; ++item) { QScriptItem &si = _e->layoutData->items[item]; while (nextBlock && nextBlock->from() <= _localFrom + si.position) { currentBlock = nextBlock; nextBlock = (++blockIndex < _blocksSize) ? _t->_blocks[blockIndex] : 0; eSetFont(currentBlock); } _e->shape(item); } } style::font applyFlags(int32 flags, const style::font &f) { style::font result = f; if ((flags & TextBlockFPre) || (flags & TextBlockFCode)) { result = App::monofont(); if (result->size() != f->size() || result->flags() != f->flags()) { result = style::font(f->size(), f->flags(), result->family()); } } else { if (flags & TextBlockFBold) { result = result->bold(); } else if (flags & TextBlockFSemibold) { result = st::semiboldFont; if (result->size() != f->size() || result->flags() != f->flags()) { result = style::font(f->size(), f->flags(), result->family()); } } if (flags & TextBlockFItalic) result = result->italic(); if (flags & TextBlockFUnderline) result = result->underline(); if ((flags & TextBlockFTilde) && !cRetina() && f->size() == 13 && f->flags() == 0) { // tilde fix in OpenSans result = st::semiboldFont; } } return result; } void eSetFont(ITextBlock *block) { style::font newFont = _t->_font; int flags = block->flags(); if (flags) { newFont = applyFlags(flags, _t->_font); } if (block->lnkIndex()) { const TextLinkPtr &l(_t->_links.at(block->lnkIndex() - 1)); if (l == _overLnk) { if (l == _downLnk || !_downLnk) { if (_t->_font != _textStyle->linkFlagsOver) newFont = _textStyle->linkFlagsOver; } else { if (_t->_font != _textStyle->linkFlags) newFont = _textStyle->linkFlags; } } else { if (_t->_font != _textStyle->linkFlags) newFont = _textStyle->linkFlags; } } if (newFont != _f) { if (newFont->family() == _t->_font->family()) { newFont = applyFlags(flags | newFont->flags(), _t->_font); } _f = newFont; _e->fnt = _f->f; _e->resetFontEngineCache(); } } void eItemize() { _e->validate(); if (_e->layoutData->items.size()) return; int length = _e->layoutData->string.length(); if (!length) return; const ushort *string = reinterpret_cast(_e->layoutData->string.unicode()); int blockIndex = _lineStartBlock; ITextBlock *currentBlock = _t->_blocks[blockIndex]; ITextBlock *nextBlock = (++blockIndex < _blocksSize) ? _t->_blocks[blockIndex] : 0; _e->layoutData->hasBidi = _parHasBidi; QScriptAnalysis *analysis = _parAnalysis.data() + (_localFrom - _parStart); { QVarLengthArray scripts(length); QUnicodeTools::initScripts(string, length, scripts.data()); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) analysis[i].script = scripts.at(i); } blockIndex = _lineStartBlock; currentBlock = _t->_blocks[blockIndex]; nextBlock = (++blockIndex < _blocksSize) ? _t->_blocks[blockIndex] : 0; const ushort *start = string; const ushort *end = start + length; while (start < end) { while (nextBlock && nextBlock->from() <= _localFrom + (start - string)) { currentBlock = nextBlock; nextBlock = (++blockIndex < _blocksSize) ? _t->_blocks[blockIndex] : 0; } TextBlockType _type = currentBlock->type(); if (_type == TextBlockTEmoji || _type == TextBlockTSkip) { analysis->script = QChar::Script_Common; analysis->flags = QScriptAnalysis::Object; } else { analysis->flags = QScriptAnalysis::None; } analysis->script = hbscript_to_script(script_to_hbscript(analysis->script)); // retain the old behavior ++start; ++analysis; } { const QString *i_string = &_e->layoutData->string; const QScriptAnalysis *i_analysis = _parAnalysis.data() + (_localFrom - _parStart); QScriptItemArray *i_items = &_e->layoutData->items; blockIndex = _lineStartBlock; currentBlock = _t->_blocks[blockIndex]; nextBlock = (++blockIndex < _blocksSize) ? _t->_blocks[blockIndex] : 0; ITextBlock *startBlock = currentBlock; if (!length) return; int start = 0, end = start + length; for (int i = start + 1; i < end; ++i) { while (nextBlock && nextBlock->from() <= _localFrom + i) { currentBlock = nextBlock; nextBlock = (++blockIndex < _blocksSize) ? _t->_blocks[blockIndex] : 0; } // According to the unicode spec we should be treating characters in the Common script // (punctuation, spaces, etc) as being the same script as the surrounding text for the // purpose of splitting up text. This is important because, for example, a fullstop // (0x2E) can be used to indicate an abbreviation and so must be treated as part of a // word. Thus it must be passed along with the word in languages that have to calculate // word breaks. For example the thai word "ครม." has no word breaks but the word "ครม" // does. // Unfortuntely because we split up the strings for both wordwrapping and for setting // the font and because Japanese and Chinese are also aliases of the script "Common", // doing this would break too many things. So instead we only pass the full stop // along, and nothing else. if (currentBlock == startBlock && i_analysis[i].bidiLevel == i_analysis[start].bidiLevel && i_analysis[i].flags == i_analysis[start].flags && (i_analysis[i].script == i_analysis[start].script || i_string->at(i) == QLatin1Char('.')) // && i_analysis[i].flags < QScriptAnalysis::SpaceTabOrObject // only emojis are objects here, no tabs && i - start < _MaxItemLength) continue; i_items->append(QScriptItem(start, i_analysis[start])); start = i; startBlock = currentBlock; } i_items->append(QScriptItem(start, i_analysis[start])); } } QChar::Direction eSkipBoundryNeutrals(QScriptAnalysis *analysis, const ushort *unicode, int &sor, int &eor, BidiControl &control, Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator i) { Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator e = _t->_blocks.cend(), n = i + 1; QChar::Direction dir = control.basicDirection(); int level = sor > 0 ? analysis[sor - 1].bidiLevel : control.level; while (sor <= _parLength) { while (i != _parStartBlock && (*i)->from() > _parStart + sor) { n = i; --i; } while (n != e && (*n)->from() <= _parStart + sor) { i = n; ++n; } TextBlockType _itype = (*i)->type(); if (eor == _parLength) dir = control.basicDirection(); else if (_itype == TextBlockTEmoji) dir = QChar::DirCS; else if (_itype == TextBlockTSkip) dir = QChar::DirCS; else dir = QChar::direction(unicode[sor]); // Keep skipping DirBN as if it doesn't exist if (dir != QChar::DirBN) break; analysis[sor++].bidiLevel = level; } eor = sor; return dir; } // creates the next QScript items. bool eBidiItemize(QScriptAnalysis *analysis, BidiControl &control) { bool rightToLeft = (control.basicDirection() == 1); bool hasBidi = rightToLeft; int sor = 0; int eor = -1; const ushort *unicode = reinterpret_cast(_t->_text.unicode()) + _parStart; int current = 0; QChar::Direction dir = rightToLeft ? QChar::DirR : QChar::DirL; BidiStatus status; Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator i = _parStartBlock, e = _t->_blocks.cend(), n = i + 1; QChar::Direction sdir; TextBlockType _stype = (*_parStartBlock)->type(); if (_stype == TextBlockTEmoji) sdir = QChar::DirCS; else if (_stype == TextBlockTSkip) sdir = QChar::DirCS; else sdir = QChar::direction(*unicode); if (sdir != QChar::DirL && sdir != QChar::DirR && sdir != QChar::DirEN && sdir != QChar::DirAN) sdir = QChar::DirON; else dir = QChar::DirON; status.eor = sdir; status.lastStrong = rightToLeft ? QChar::DirR : QChar::DirL; status.last = status.lastStrong; status.dir = sdir; while (current <= _parLength) { while (n != e && (*n)->from() <= _parStart + current) { i = n; ++n; } QChar::Direction dirCurrent; TextBlockType _itype = (*i)->type(); if (current == (int)_parLength) dirCurrent = control.basicDirection(); else if (_itype == TextBlockTEmoji) dirCurrent = QChar::DirCS; else if (_itype == TextBlockTSkip) dirCurrent = QChar::DirCS; else dirCurrent = QChar::direction(unicode[current]); switch (dirCurrent) { // embedding and overrides (X1-X9 in the BiDi specs) case QChar::DirRLE: case QChar::DirRLO: case QChar::DirLRE: case QChar::DirLRO: { bool rtl = (dirCurrent == QChar::DirRLE || dirCurrent == QChar::DirRLO); hasBidi |= rtl; bool override = (dirCurrent == QChar::DirLRO || dirCurrent == QChar::DirRLO); unsigned int level = control.level+1; if ((level%2 != 0) == rtl) ++level; if (level < _MaxBidiLevel) { eor = current-1; eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); eor = current; control.embed(rtl, override); QChar::Direction edir = (rtl ? QChar::DirR : QChar::DirL); dir = status.eor = edir; status.lastStrong = edir; } break; } case QChar::DirPDF: { if (control.canPop()) { if (dir != control.direction()) { eor = current-1; eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); dir = control.direction(); } eor = current; eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); control.pdf(); dir = QChar::DirON; status.eor = QChar::DirON; status.last = control.direction(); if (control.override) dir = control.direction(); else dir = QChar::DirON; status.lastStrong = control.direction(); } break; } // strong types case QChar::DirL: if(dir == QChar::DirON) dir = QChar::DirL; switch(status.last) { case QChar::DirL: eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirL; break; case QChar::DirR: case QChar::DirAL: case QChar::DirEN: case QChar::DirAN: if (eor >= 0) { eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); status.eor = dir = eSkipBoundryNeutrals(analysis, unicode, sor, eor, control, i); } else { eor = current; status.eor = dir; } break; case QChar::DirES: case QChar::DirET: case QChar::DirCS: case QChar::DirBN: case QChar::DirB: case QChar::DirS: case QChar::DirWS: case QChar::DirON: if(dir != QChar::DirL) { //last stuff takes embedding dir if(control.direction() == QChar::DirR) { if(status.eor != QChar::DirR) { // AN or EN eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); status.eor = QChar::DirON; dir = QChar::DirR; } eor = current - 1; eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); status.eor = dir = eSkipBoundryNeutrals(analysis, unicode, sor, eor, control, i); } else { if(status.eor != QChar::DirL) { eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); status.eor = QChar::DirON; dir = QChar::DirL; } else { eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirL; break; } } } else { eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirL; } default: break; } status.lastStrong = QChar::DirL; break; case QChar::DirAL: case QChar::DirR: hasBidi = true; if(dir == QChar::DirON) dir = QChar::DirR; switch(status.last) { case QChar::DirL: case QChar::DirEN: case QChar::DirAN: if (eor >= 0) eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); // fall through case QChar::DirR: case QChar::DirAL: dir = QChar::DirR; eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirR; break; case QChar::DirES: case QChar::DirET: case QChar::DirCS: case QChar::DirBN: case QChar::DirB: case QChar::DirS: case QChar::DirWS: case QChar::DirON: if(status.eor != QChar::DirR && status.eor != QChar::DirAL) { //last stuff takes embedding dir if(control.direction() == QChar::DirR || status.lastStrong == QChar::DirR || status.lastStrong == QChar::DirAL) { eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); dir = QChar::DirR; status.eor = QChar::DirON; eor = current; } else { eor = current - 1; eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); dir = QChar::DirR; status.eor = QChar::DirON; } } else { eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirR; } default: break; } status.lastStrong = dirCurrent; break; // weak types: case QChar::DirNSM: if (eor == current-1) eor = current; break; case QChar::DirEN: // if last strong was AL change EN to AN if(status.lastStrong != QChar::DirAL) { if(dir == QChar::DirON) { if(status.lastStrong == QChar::DirL) dir = QChar::DirL; else dir = QChar::DirEN; } switch(status.last) { case QChar::DirET: if (status.lastStrong == QChar::DirR || status.lastStrong == QChar::DirAL) { eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); status.eor = QChar::DirON; dir = QChar::DirAN; } // fall through case QChar::DirEN: case QChar::DirL: eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent; break; case QChar::DirR: case QChar::DirAL: case QChar::DirAN: if (eor >= 0) eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); else eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirEN; dir = QChar::DirAN; break; case QChar::DirES: case QChar::DirCS: if(status.eor == QChar::DirEN || dir == QChar::DirAN) { eor = current; break; } case QChar::DirBN: case QChar::DirB: case QChar::DirS: case QChar::DirWS: case QChar::DirON: if(status.eor == QChar::DirR) { // neutrals go to R eor = current - 1; eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); dir = QChar::DirON; status.eor = QChar::DirEN; dir = QChar::DirAN; } else if(status.eor == QChar::DirL || (status.eor == QChar::DirEN && status.lastStrong == QChar::DirL)) { eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent; } else { // numbers on both sides, neutrals get right to left direction if(dir != QChar::DirL) { eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); dir = QChar::DirON; status.eor = QChar::DirON; eor = current - 1; dir = QChar::DirR; eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); dir = QChar::DirON; status.eor = QChar::DirON; dir = QChar::DirAN; } else { eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent; } } default: break; } break; } case QChar::DirAN: hasBidi = true; dirCurrent = QChar::DirAN; if(dir == QChar::DirON) dir = QChar::DirAN; switch(status.last) { case QChar::DirL: case QChar::DirAN: eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirAN; break; case QChar::DirR: case QChar::DirAL: case QChar::DirEN: if (eor >= 0){ eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); } else { eor = current; } dir = QChar::DirAN; status.eor = QChar::DirAN; break; case QChar::DirCS: if(status.eor == QChar::DirAN) { eor = current; break; } case QChar::DirES: case QChar::DirET: case QChar::DirBN: case QChar::DirB: case QChar::DirS: case QChar::DirWS: case QChar::DirON: if(status.eor == QChar::DirR) { // neutrals go to R eor = current - 1; eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); status.eor = QChar::DirAN; dir = QChar::DirAN; } else if(status.eor == QChar::DirL || (status.eor == QChar::DirEN && status.lastStrong == QChar::DirL)) { eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent; } else { // numbers on both sides, neutrals get right to left direction if(dir != QChar::DirL) { eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); status.eor = QChar::DirON; eor = current - 1; dir = QChar::DirR; eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); status.eor = QChar::DirAN; dir = QChar::DirAN; } else { eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent; } } default: break; } break; case QChar::DirES: case QChar::DirCS: break; case QChar::DirET: if(status.last == QChar::DirEN) { dirCurrent = QChar::DirEN; eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent; } break; // boundary neutrals should be ignored case QChar::DirBN: break; // neutrals case QChar::DirB: // ### what do we do with newline and paragraph separators that come to here? break; case QChar::DirS: // ### implement rule L1 break; case QChar::DirWS: case QChar::DirON: break; default: break; } if(current >= (int)_parLength) break; // set status.last as needed. switch(dirCurrent) { case QChar::DirET: case QChar::DirES: case QChar::DirCS: case QChar::DirS: case QChar::DirWS: case QChar::DirON: switch(status.last) { case QChar::DirL: case QChar::DirR: case QChar::DirAL: case QChar::DirEN: case QChar::DirAN: status.last = dirCurrent; break; default: status.last = QChar::DirON; } break; case QChar::DirNSM: case QChar::DirBN: // ignore these break; case QChar::DirLRO: case QChar::DirLRE: status.last = QChar::DirL; break; case QChar::DirRLO: case QChar::DirRLE: status.last = QChar::DirR; break; case QChar::DirEN: if (status.last == QChar::DirL) { status.last = QChar::DirL; break; } // fall through default: status.last = dirCurrent; } ++current; } eor = current - 1; // remove dummy char if (sor <= eor) eAppendItems(analysis, sor, eor, control, dir); return hasBidi; } private: QPainter *_p; const Text *_t; bool _elideLast; int32 _elideRemoveFromEnd; style::align _align; QPen _originalPen; int32 _yFrom, _yTo; uint16 _selectedFrom, _selectedTo; const QChar *_str; // current paragraph data Text::TextBlocks::const_iterator _parStartBlock; Qt::LayoutDirection _parDirection; int32 _parStart, _parLength; bool _parHasBidi; QVarLengthArray _parAnalysis; // current line data QTextEngine *_e; style::font _f; QFixed _x, _w, _wLeft; int32 _y, _yDelta, _lineHeight, _fontHeight; // elided hack support int32 _blocksSize; int32 _elideSavedIndex; ITextBlock *_elideSavedBlock; int32 _lineStart, _localFrom; int32 _lineStartBlock; // link and symbol resolve QFixed _lnkX; int32 _lnkY; const TextLinkPtr *_lnkResult; bool *_inTextFlag; uint16 *_getSymbol; bool *_getSymbolAfter, *_getSymbolUpon; }; const TextParseOptions _defaultOptions = { TextParseLinks | TextParseMultiline, // flags 0, // maxw 0, // maxh Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto, // dir }; const TextParseOptions _textPlainOptions = { TextParseMultiline, // flags 0, // maxw 0, // maxh Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto, // dir }; Text::Text(int32 minResizeWidth) : _minResizeWidth(minResizeWidth), _maxWidth(0), _minHeight(0), _startDir(Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto) { } Text::Text(style::font font, const QString &text, const TextParseOptions &options, int32 minResizeWidth, bool richText) : _minResizeWidth(minResizeWidth) { if (richText) { setRichText(font, text, options); } else { setText(font, text, options); } } Text::Text(const Text &other) : _minResizeWidth(other._minResizeWidth), _maxWidth(other._maxWidth), _minHeight(other._minHeight), _text(other._text), _font(other._font), _blocks(other._blocks.size()), _links(other._links), _startDir(other._startDir) { for (int32 i = 0, l = _blocks.size(); i < l; ++i) { _blocks[i] = other._blocks.at(i)->clone(); } } Text &Text::operator=(const Text &other) { _minResizeWidth = other._minResizeWidth; _maxWidth = other._maxWidth; _minHeight = other._minHeight; _text = other._text; _font = other._font; _blocks = TextBlocks(other._blocks.size()); _links = other._links; _startDir = other._startDir; for (int32 i = 0, l = _blocks.size(); i < l; ++i) { _blocks[i] = other._blocks.at(i)->clone(); } return *this; } void Text::setText(style::font font, const QString &text, const TextParseOptions &options) { if (!_textStyle) _initDefault(); _font = font; clean(); { TextParser parser(this, text, options); } recountNaturalSize(true, options.dir); } void Text::recountNaturalSize(bool initial, Qt::LayoutDirection optionsDir) { NewlineBlock *lastNewline = 0; _maxWidth = _minHeight = 0; int32 lineHeight = 0; int32 result = 0, lastNewlineStart = 0; QFixed _width = 0, last_rBearing = 0, last_rPadding = 0; for (TextBlocks::const_iterator i = _blocks.cbegin(), e = _blocks.cend(); i != e; ++i) { ITextBlock *b = *i; TextBlockType _btype = b->type(); int32 blockHeight = _blockHeight(b, _font); QFixed _rb = _blockRBearing(b); if (_btype == TextBlockTNewline) { if (!lineHeight) lineHeight = blockHeight; if (initial) { Qt::LayoutDirection dir = optionsDir; if (dir == Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto) { dir = TextParser::stringDirection(_text, lastNewlineStart, b->from()); } if (lastNewline) { lastNewline->_nextDir = dir; } else { _startDir = dir; } } lastNewlineStart = b->from(); lastNewline = static_cast(b); _minHeight += lineHeight; lineHeight = 0; last_rBearing = _rb; last_rPadding = b->f_rpadding(); if (_maxWidth < _width) { _maxWidth = _width; } _width = (b->f_width() - last_rBearing); continue; } _width += b->f_lpadding(); _width += last_rBearing + (last_rPadding + b->f_width() - _rb); lineHeight = qMax(lineHeight, blockHeight); last_rBearing = _rb; last_rPadding = b->f_rpadding(); continue; } if (initial) { Qt::LayoutDirection dir = optionsDir; if (dir == Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto) { dir = TextParser::stringDirection(_text, lastNewlineStart, _text.size()); } if (lastNewline) { lastNewline->_nextDir = dir; } else { _startDir = dir; } } if (_width > 0) { if (!lineHeight) lineHeight = _blockHeight(_blocks.back(), _font); _minHeight += lineHeight; if (_maxWidth < _width) { _maxWidth = _width; } } } void Text::setMarkedText(style::font font, const QString &text, const EntitiesInText &entities, const TextParseOptions &options) { if (!_textStyle) _initDefault(); _font = font; clean(); { // QByteArray ba = text.toUtf8(); // const char *ch = ba.constData(); // LOG(("STR: %1").arg(text)); // LOG(("BYTES: %1").arg(mb(ba.constData(), ba.size()).str())); // for (int32 i = 0; i < text.size(); ++i) { // LOG(("LETTER %1: '%2' - %3").arg(i).arg(text.at(i)).arg(text.at(i).unicode())); // } // int32 w = _font->width(text); TextParser parser(this, text, entities, options); } recountNaturalSize(true, options.dir); } void Text::setRichText(style::font font, const QString &text, TextParseOptions options, const TextCustomTagsMap &custom) { QString parsed; parsed.reserve(text.size()); const QChar *s = text.constData(), *ch = s; for (const QChar *b = s, *e = b + text.size(); ch != e; ++ch) { if (ch->unicode() == '\\') { if (ch > s) parsed.append(s, ch - s); s = ch + 1; if (s < e) ++ch; continue; } if (ch->unicode() == '[') { if (ch > s) parsed.append(s, ch - s); s = ch; const QChar *tag = ch + 1; if (tag >= e) continue; bool closing = false, other = false; if (tag->unicode() == '/') { closing = true; if (++tag >= e) continue; } TextCommands cmd; switch (tag->unicode()) { case 'b': cmd = closing ? TextCommandNoBold : TextCommandBold; break; case 'i': cmd = closing ? TextCommandNoItalic : TextCommandItalic; break; case 'u': cmd = closing ? TextCommandNoUnderline : TextCommandUnderline; break; default : other = true; break; } if (!other) { if (++tag >= e || tag->unicode() != ']') continue; parsed.append(TextCommand).append(QChar(cmd)).append(TextCommand); ch = tag; s = ch + 1; continue; } if (tag->unicode() != 'a') { TextCustomTagsMap::const_iterator i = custom.constFind(*tag); if (++tag >= e || tag->unicode() != ']' || i == custom.cend()) continue; parsed.append(closing ? i->second : i->first); ch = tag; s = ch + 1; continue; } if (closing) { if (++tag >= e || tag->unicode() != ']') continue; parsed.append(textcmdStopLink()); ch = tag; s = ch + 1; continue; } if (++tag >= e || tag->unicode() != ' ') continue; while (tag < e && tag->unicode() == ' ') ++tag; if (tag + 5 < e && text.midRef(tag - b, 6) == qsl("href=\"")) { tag += 6; const QChar *tagend = tag; while (tagend < e && tagend->unicode() != '"') ++tagend; if (++tagend >= e || tagend->unicode() != ']') continue; parsed.append(textcmdStartLink(QString(tag, tagend - 1 - tag))); ch = tagend; s = ch + 1; continue; } } } if (ch > s) parsed.append(s, ch - s); s = ch; options.flags |= TextParseRichText; setText(font, parsed, options); } void Text::setLink(uint16 lnkIndex, const TextLinkPtr &lnk) { if (!lnkIndex || lnkIndex > _links.size()) return; _links[lnkIndex - 1] = lnk; } bool Text::hasLinks() const { return !_links.isEmpty(); } void Text::setSkipBlock(int32 width, int32 height) { if (!_blocks.isEmpty() && _blocks.back()->type() == TextBlockTSkip) { SkipBlock *block = static_cast(_blocks.back()); if (block->width() == width && block->height() == height) return; _text.resize(block->from()); _blocks.pop_back(); } _text.push_back('_'); _blocks.push_back(new SkipBlock(_font, _text, _text.size() - 1, width, height, 0)); recountNaturalSize(false); } void Text::removeSkipBlock() { if (!_blocks.isEmpty() && _blocks.back()->type() == TextBlockTSkip) { _text.resize(_blocks.back()->from()); _blocks.pop_back(); recountNaturalSize(false); } } int32 Text::countHeight(int32 w) const { QFixed width = w; if (width < _minResizeWidth) width = _minResizeWidth; if (width >= _maxWidth) { return _minHeight; } int32 result = 0, lineHeight = 0; QFixed widthLeft = width, last_rBearing = 0, last_rPadding = 0; bool longWordLine = true; for (TextBlocks::const_iterator i = _blocks.cbegin(), e = _blocks.cend(); i != e; ++i) { ITextBlock *b = *i; TextBlockType _btype = b->type(); int32 blockHeight = _blockHeight(b, _font); QFixed _rb = _blockRBearing(b); if (_btype == TextBlockTNewline) { if (!lineHeight) lineHeight = blockHeight; result += lineHeight; lineHeight = 0; last_rBearing = _rb; last_rPadding = b->f_rpadding(); widthLeft = width - (b->f_width() - last_rBearing); longWordLine = true; continue; } widthLeft -= b->f_lpadding(); QFixed newWidthLeft = widthLeft - last_rBearing - (last_rPadding + b->f_width() - _rb); if (newWidthLeft >= 0) { last_rBearing = _rb; last_rPadding = b->f_rpadding(); widthLeft = newWidthLeft; lineHeight = qMax(lineHeight, blockHeight); longWordLine = false; continue; } if (_btype == TextBlockTText) { TextBlock *t = static_cast(b); QFixed f_wLeft = widthLeft; int32 f_lineHeight = lineHeight; for (TextBlock::TextWords::const_iterator j = t->_words.cbegin(), e = t->_words.cend(), f = j; j != e; ++j) { bool wordEndsHere = (j->width >= 0); QFixed j_width = wordEndsHere ? j->width : -j->width; QFixed newWidthLeft = widthLeft - last_rBearing - (last_rPadding + j_width - j->f_rbearing()); if (newWidthLeft >= 0) { last_rBearing = j->f_rbearing(); last_rPadding = j->rpadding; widthLeft = newWidthLeft; lineHeight = qMax(lineHeight, blockHeight); if (wordEndsHere) { longWordLine = false; } if (wordEndsHere || longWordLine) { f_wLeft = widthLeft; f_lineHeight = lineHeight; f = j + 1; } continue; } if (f != j) { j = f; widthLeft = f_wLeft; lineHeight = f_lineHeight; j_width = (j->width >= 0) ? j->width : -j->width; } result += lineHeight; lineHeight = qMax(0, blockHeight); last_rBearing = j->f_rbearing(); last_rPadding = j->rpadding; widthLeft = width - (j_width - last_rBearing); longWordLine = true; f = j + 1; f_wLeft = widthLeft; f_lineHeight = lineHeight; } continue; } result += lineHeight; lineHeight = qMax(0, blockHeight); last_rBearing = _rb; last_rPadding = b->f_rpadding(); widthLeft = width - (b->f_width() - last_rBearing); longWordLine = true; continue; } if (widthLeft < width) { result += lineHeight; } return result; } void Text::replaceFont(style::font f) { _font = f; } void Text::draw(QPainter &painter, int32 left, int32 top, int32 w, style::align align, int32 yFrom, int32 yTo, uint16 selectedFrom, uint16 selectedTo) const { // painter.fillRect(QRect(left, top, w, countHeight(w)), QColor(0, 0, 0, 32)); // debug TextPainter p(&painter, this); p.draw(left, top, w, align, yFrom, yTo, selectedFrom, selectedTo); } void Text::drawElided(QPainter &painter, int32 left, int32 top, int32 w, int32 lines, style::align align, int32 yFrom, int32 yTo, int32 removeFromEnd) const { // painter.fillRect(QRect(left, top, w, countHeight(w)), QColor(0, 0, 0, 32)); // debug TextPainter p(&painter, this); p.drawElided(left, top, w, align, lines, yFrom, yTo, removeFromEnd); } const TextLinkPtr &Text::link(int32 x, int32 y, int32 width, style::align align) const { TextPainter p(0, this); return p.link(x, y, width, align); } void Text::getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, bool &inText, int32 x, int32 y, int32 width, style::align align) const { TextPainter p(0, this); p.getState(lnk, inText, x, y, width, align); } void Text::getSymbol(uint16 &symbol, bool &after, bool &upon, int32 x, int32 y, int32 width, style::align align) const { TextPainter p(0, this); p.getSymbol(symbol, after, upon, x, y, width, align); } uint32 Text::adjustSelection(uint16 from, uint16 to, TextSelectType selectType) const { if (from < _text.size() && from <= to) { if (to > _text.size()) to = _text.size() - 1; if (selectType == TextSelectParagraphs) { if (!chIsParagraphSeparator(_text.at(from))) { while (from > 0 && !chIsParagraphSeparator(_text.at(from - 1))) { --from; } } if (to < _text.size()) { if (chIsParagraphSeparator(_text.at(to))) { ++to; } else { while (to < _text.size() && !chIsParagraphSeparator(_text.at(to))) { ++to; } } } } else if (selectType == TextSelectWords) { if (!chIsWordSeparator(_text.at(from))) { while (from > 0 && !chIsWordSeparator(_text.at(from - 1))) { --from; } } if (to < _text.size()) { if (chIsWordSeparator(_text.at(to))) { ++to; } else { while (to < _text.size() && !chIsWordSeparator(_text.at(to))) { ++to; } } } } } return (from << 16) | to; } QString Text::original(uint16 selectedFrom, uint16 selectedTo, ExpandLinksMode mode) const { QString result; result.reserve(_text.size()); int32 lnkFrom = 0, lnkIndex = 0; for (TextBlocks::const_iterator i = _blocks.cbegin(), e = _blocks.cend(); true; ++i) { int32 blockLnkIndex = (i == e) ? 0 : (*i)->lnkIndex(); int32 blockFrom = (i == e) ? _text.size() : (*i)->from(); if (blockLnkIndex != lnkIndex) { if (lnkIndex) { // write link const TextLinkPtr &lnk(_links.at(lnkIndex - 1)); const QString &url(lnk ? lnk->text() : QString()); int32 rangeFrom = qMax(int32(selectedFrom), lnkFrom), rangeTo = qMin(blockFrom, int32(selectedTo)); if (rangeTo > rangeFrom) { QStringRef r = _text.midRef(rangeFrom, rangeTo - rangeFrom); if (url.isEmpty() || mode == ExpandLinksNone || lnkFrom != rangeFrom || blockFrom != rangeTo) { result += r; } else { QUrl u(url); QString displayed = (u.isValid() ? u.toDisplayString() : url); bool shortened = (r.size() > 3) && (_text.midRef(lnkFrom, r.size() - 3) == displayed.midRef(0, r.size() - 3)); bool same = (r == displayed.midRef(0, r.size())) || (r == url.midRef(0, r.size())); if (same || shortened) { result += url; } else if (mode == ExpandLinksAll) { result.append(r).append(qsl(" ( ")).append(url).append(qsl(" )")); } else { result += r; } } } } lnkIndex = blockLnkIndex; lnkFrom = blockFrom; } if (i == e) break; TextBlockType type = (*i)->type(); if (type == TextBlockTSkip) continue; if (!blockLnkIndex) { int32 rangeFrom = qMax(selectedFrom, (*i)->from()), rangeTo = qMin(selectedTo, uint16((*i)->from() + TextPainter::_blockLength(this, i, e))); if (rangeTo > rangeFrom) { result += _text.midRef(rangeFrom, rangeTo - rangeFrom); } } } return result; } EntitiesInText Text::originalEntities() const { EntitiesInText result; int32 originalLength = 0, lnkStart = 0, italicStart = 0, boldStart = 0, codeStart = 0, preStart = 0; int32 lnkFrom = 0, lnkIndex = 0, flags = 0; for (TextBlocks::const_iterator i = _blocks.cbegin(), e = _blocks.cend(); true; ++i) { int32 blockLnkIndex = (i == e) ? 0 : (*i)->lnkIndex(); int32 blockFrom = (i == e) ? _text.size() : (*i)->from(); int32 blockFlags = (i == e) ? 0 : (*i)->flags(); if (blockFlags != flags) { if ((flags & TextBlockFItalic) && !(blockFlags & TextBlockFItalic)) { // write italic result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextItalic, italicStart, originalLength - italicStart)); } else if ((blockFlags & TextBlockFItalic) && !(flags & TextBlockFItalic)) { italicStart = originalLength; } if ((flags & TextBlockFSemibold) && !(blockFlags & TextBlockFSemibold)) { result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextBold, boldStart, originalLength - boldStart)); } else if ((blockFlags & TextBlockFSemibold) && !(flags & TextBlockFSemibold)) { boldStart = originalLength; } if ((flags & TextBlockFCode) && !(blockFlags & TextBlockFCode)) { result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextCode, codeStart, originalLength - codeStart)); } else if ((blockFlags & TextBlockFCode) && !(flags & TextBlockFCode)) { codeStart = originalLength; } if ((flags & TextBlockFPre) && !(blockFlags & TextBlockFPre)) { result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextPre, preStart, originalLength - preStart)); } else if ((blockFlags & TextBlockFPre) && !(flags & TextBlockFPre)) { preStart = originalLength; } flags = blockFlags; } if (blockLnkIndex != lnkIndex) { if (lnkIndex) { // write link const TextLinkPtr &lnk(_links.at(lnkIndex - 1)); const QString &url(lnk ? lnk->text() : QString()); int32 rangeFrom = lnkFrom, rangeTo = blockFrom; if (rangeTo > rangeFrom) { QStringRef r = _text.midRef(rangeFrom, rangeTo - rangeFrom); if (url.isEmpty()) { originalLength += r.size(); } else { QUrl u(url); QString displayed = (u.isValid() ? u.toDisplayString() : url); bool shortened = (r.size() > 3) && (_text.midRef(lnkFrom, r.size() - 3) == displayed.midRef(0, r.size() - 3)); bool same = (r == displayed.midRef(0, r.size())) || (r == url.midRef(0, r.size())); if (same || shortened) { originalLength += url.size(); if (url.at(0) == '@') { result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextMention, lnkStart, originalLength - lnkStart)); } else if (url.at(0) == '#') { result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextHashtag, lnkStart, originalLength - lnkStart)); } else if (url.at(0) == '/') { result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextBotCommand, lnkStart, originalLength - lnkStart)); } else if (url.indexOf('@') > 0 && url.indexOf('/') <= 0) { result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextEmail, lnkStart, originalLength - lnkStart)); } else { result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextUrl, lnkStart, originalLength - lnkStart)); } } else { originalLength += r.size(); result.push_back(EntityInText(EntityInTextCustomUrl, lnkStart, originalLength - lnkStart, url)); } } } } lnkIndex = blockLnkIndex; if (lnkIndex) { lnkFrom = blockFrom; lnkStart = originalLength; } } if (i == e) break; TextBlockType type = (*i)->type(); if (type == TextBlockTSkip) continue; if (!blockLnkIndex) { int32 rangeFrom = (*i)->from(), rangeTo = uint16((*i)->from() + TextPainter::_blockLength(this, i, e)); if (rangeTo > rangeFrom) { originalLength += rangeTo - rangeFrom; } } } return result; } void Text::clean() { for (TextBlocks::iterator i = _blocks.begin(), e = _blocks.end(); i != e; ++i) { delete *i; } _blocks.clear(); _links.clear(); _maxWidth = _minHeight = 0; _startDir = Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto; } // COPIED FROM qtextlayout.cpp AND MODIFIED namespace { struct ScriptLine { ScriptLine() : length(0), textWidth(0) { } int32 length; QFixed textWidth; }; struct LineBreakHelper { LineBreakHelper() : glyphCount(0), maxGlyphs(0), currentPosition(0), fontEngine(0), logClusters(0) { } ScriptLine tmpData; ScriptLine spaceData; QGlyphLayout glyphs; int glyphCount; int maxGlyphs; int currentPosition; glyph_t previousGlyph; QFixed rightBearing; QFontEngine *fontEngine; const unsigned short *logClusters; inline glyph_t currentGlyph() const { Q_ASSERT(currentPosition > 0); Q_ASSERT(logClusters[currentPosition - 1] < glyphs.numGlyphs); return glyphs.glyphs[logClusters[currentPosition - 1]]; } inline void saveCurrentGlyph() { previousGlyph = 0; if (currentPosition > 0 && logClusters[currentPosition - 1] < glyphs.numGlyphs) { previousGlyph = currentGlyph(); // needed to calculate right bearing later } } inline void adjustRightBearing(glyph_t glyph) { qreal rb; fontEngine->getGlyphBearings(glyph, 0, &rb); rightBearing = qMin(QFixed(), QFixed::fromReal(rb)); } inline void adjustRightBearing() { if (currentPosition <= 0) return; adjustRightBearing(currentGlyph()); } inline void adjustPreviousRightBearing() { if (previousGlyph > 0) adjustRightBearing(previousGlyph); } }; static inline void addNextCluster(int &pos, int end, ScriptLine &line, int &glyphCount, const QScriptItem ¤t, const unsigned short *logClusters, const QGlyphLayout &glyphs) { int glyphPosition = logClusters[pos]; do { // got to the first next cluster ++pos; ++line.length; } while (pos < end && logClusters[pos] == glyphPosition); do { // calculate the textWidth for the rest of the current cluster. if (!glyphs.attributes[glyphPosition].dontPrint) line.textWidth += glyphs.advances[glyphPosition]; ++glyphPosition; } while (glyphPosition < current.num_glyphs && !glyphs.attributes[glyphPosition].clusterStart); Q_ASSERT((pos == end && glyphPosition == current.num_glyphs) || logClusters[pos] == glyphPosition); ++glyphCount; } } // anonymous namespace class BlockParser { public: BlockParser(QTextEngine *e, TextBlock *b, QFixed minResizeWidth, int32 blockFrom) : block(b), eng(e) { parseWords(minResizeWidth, blockFrom); } void parseWords(QFixed minResizeWidth, int32 blockFrom) { LineBreakHelper lbh; lbh.maxGlyphs = INT_MAX; int item = -1; int newItem = eng->findItem(0); style::align alignment = eng->option.alignment(); const QCharAttributes *attributes = eng->attributes(); if (!attributes) return; lbh.currentPosition = 0; int end = 0; lbh.logClusters = eng->layoutData->logClustersPtr; lbh.previousGlyph = 0; block->_lpadding = 0; block->_words.clear(); int wordStart = lbh.currentPosition; bool addingEachGrapheme = false; int lastGraphemeBoundaryPosition = -1; ScriptLine lastGraphemeBoundaryLine; while (newItem < eng->layoutData->items.size()) { if (newItem != item) { item = newItem; const QScriptItem ¤t = eng->layoutData->items[item]; if (!current.num_glyphs) { eng->shape(item); attributes = eng->attributes(); if (!attributes) return; lbh.logClusters = eng->layoutData->logClustersPtr; } lbh.currentPosition = current.position; end = current.position + eng->length(item); lbh.glyphs = eng->shapedGlyphs(¤t); QFontEngine *fontEngine = eng->fontEngine(current); if (lbh.fontEngine != fontEngine) { lbh.fontEngine = fontEngine; } } const QScriptItem ¤t = eng->layoutData->items[item]; if (attributes[lbh.currentPosition].whiteSpace) { while (lbh.currentPosition < end && attributes[lbh.currentPosition].whiteSpace) addNextCluster(lbh.currentPosition, end, lbh.spaceData, lbh.glyphCount, current, lbh.logClusters, lbh.glyphs); if (block->_words.isEmpty()) { block->_lpadding = lbh.spaceData.textWidth; } else { block->_words.back().rpadding += lbh.spaceData.textWidth; block->_width += lbh.spaceData.textWidth; } lbh.spaceData.length = 0; lbh.spaceData.textWidth = 0; wordStart = lbh.currentPosition; addingEachGrapheme = false; lastGraphemeBoundaryPosition = -1; lastGraphemeBoundaryLine = ScriptLine(); } else { do { addNextCluster(lbh.currentPosition, end, lbh.tmpData, lbh.glyphCount, current, lbh.logClusters, lbh.glyphs); if (lbh.currentPosition >= eng->layoutData->string.length() || attributes[lbh.currentPosition].whiteSpace || attributes[lbh.currentPosition].lineBreak) { lbh.adjustRightBearing(); block->_words.push_back(TextWord(wordStart + blockFrom, lbh.tmpData.textWidth, qMin(QFixed(), lbh.rightBearing))); block->_width += lbh.tmpData.textWidth; lbh.tmpData.textWidth = 0; lbh.tmpData.length = 0; wordStart = lbh.currentPosition; break; } else if (attributes[lbh.currentPosition].graphemeBoundary) { if (!addingEachGrapheme && lbh.tmpData.textWidth > minResizeWidth) { if (lastGraphemeBoundaryPosition >= 0) { lbh.adjustPreviousRightBearing(); block->_words.push_back(TextWord(wordStart + blockFrom, -lastGraphemeBoundaryLine.textWidth, qMin(QFixed(), lbh.rightBearing))); block->_width += lastGraphemeBoundaryLine.textWidth; lbh.tmpData.textWidth -= lastGraphemeBoundaryLine.textWidth; lbh.tmpData.length -= lastGraphemeBoundaryLine.length; wordStart = lastGraphemeBoundaryPosition; } addingEachGrapheme = true; } if (addingEachGrapheme) { lbh.adjustRightBearing(); block->_words.push_back(TextWord(wordStart + blockFrom, -lbh.tmpData.textWidth, qMin(QFixed(), lbh.rightBearing))); block->_width += lbh.tmpData.textWidth; lbh.tmpData.textWidth = 0; lbh.tmpData.length = 0; wordStart = lbh.currentPosition; } else { lastGraphemeBoundaryPosition = lbh.currentPosition; lastGraphemeBoundaryLine = lbh.tmpData; lbh.saveCurrentGlyph(); } } } while (lbh.currentPosition < end); } if (lbh.currentPosition == end) newItem = item + 1; } if (block->_words.isEmpty()) { block->_rpadding = 0; } else { block->_rpadding = block->_words.back().rpadding; block->_width -= block->_rpadding; block->_words.squeeze(); } } private: TextBlock *block; QTextEngine *eng; }; TextBlock::TextBlock(const style::font &font, const QString &str, QFixed minResizeWidth, uint16 from, uint16 length, uchar flags, const style::color &color, uint16 lnkIndex) : ITextBlock(font, str, from, length, flags, color, lnkIndex) { _flags |= ((TextBlockTText & 0x0F) << 8); if (length) { style::font blockFont = font; if (!flags && lnkIndex) { // should use textStyle lnkFlags somehow.. not supported } if ((flags & TextBlockFPre) || (flags & TextBlockFCode)) { blockFont = App::monofont(); if (blockFont->size() != font->size() || blockFont->flags() != font->flags()) { blockFont = style::font(font->size(), font->flags(), blockFont->family()); } } else { if (flags & TextBlockFBold) { blockFont = blockFont->bold(); } else if (flags & TextBlockFSemibold) { blockFont = st::semiboldFont; if (blockFont->size() != font->size() || blockFont->flags() != font->flags()) { blockFont = style::font(font->size(), font->flags(), blockFont->family()); } } if (flags & TextBlockFItalic) blockFont = blockFont->italic(); if (flags & TextBlockFUnderline) blockFont = blockFont->underline(); if ((flags & TextBlockFTilde) && !cRetina() && font->size() == 13 && font->flags() == 0) { // tilde fix in OpenSans blockFont = st::semiboldFont; } } QStackTextEngine engine(str.mid(_from, length), blockFont->f); engine.itemize(); QTextLayout layout(&engine); layout.beginLayout(); layout.createLine(); BlockParser parser(&engine, this, minResizeWidth, _from); layout.endLayout(); } } EmojiBlock::EmojiBlock(const style::font &font, const QString &str, uint16 from, uint16 length, uchar flags, const style::color &color, uint16 lnkIndex, const EmojiData *emoji) : ITextBlock(font, str, from, length, flags, color, lnkIndex), emoji(emoji) { _flags |= ((TextBlockTEmoji & 0x0F) << 8); _width = int(st::emojiSize + 2 * st::emojiPadding); } SkipBlock::SkipBlock(const style::font &font, const QString &str, uint16 from, int32 w, int32 h, uint16 lnkIndex) : ITextBlock(font, str, from, 1, 0, style::color(), lnkIndex), _height(h) { _flags |= ((TextBlockTSkip & 0x0F) << 8); _width = w; } namespace { void regOneProtocol(const QString &protocol) { _validProtocols.insert(hashCrc32(protocol.constData(), protocol.size() * sizeof(QChar))); } void regOneTopDomain(const QString &domain) { _validTopDomains.insert(hashCrc32(domain.constData(), domain.size() * sizeof(QChar))); } } const QSet &validProtocols() { return _validProtocols; } const QSet &validTopDomains() { return _validTopDomains; } void initLinkSets() { if (!_validProtocols.isEmpty() || !_validTopDomains.isEmpty()) return; regOneProtocol(qsl("itmss")); // itunes regOneProtocol(qsl("http")); regOneProtocol(qsl("https")); regOneProtocol(qsl("ftp")); regOneProtocol(qsl("tg")); // local urls regOneTopDomain(qsl("ac")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ad")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ae")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("af")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ag")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ai")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("al")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("am")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("an")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ao")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("aq")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ar")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("as")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("at")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("au")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("aw")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ax")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("az")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ba")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("bb")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("bd")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("be")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("bf")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("bg")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("bh")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("bi")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("bj")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("bm")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("bn")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("bo")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("br")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("bs")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("bt")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("bv")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("bw")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("by")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("bz")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ca")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("cc")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("cd")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("cf")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("cg")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ch")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ci")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ck")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("cl")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("cm")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("cn")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("co")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("cr")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("cu")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("cv")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("cx")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("cy")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("cz")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("de")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("dj")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("dk")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("dm")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("do")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("dz")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ec")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ee")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("eg")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("eh")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("er")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("es")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("et")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("eu")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("fi")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("fj")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("fk")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("fm")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("fo")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("fr")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ga")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gd")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ge")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gf")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gg")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gh")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gi")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gl")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gm")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gn")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gp")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gq")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gr")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gs")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gt")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gu")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gw")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gy")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("hk")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("hm")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("hn")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("hr")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ht")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("hu")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("id")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ie")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("il")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("im")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("in")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("io")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("iq")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ir")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("is")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("it")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("je")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("jm")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("jo")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("jp")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ke")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("kg")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("kh")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ki")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("km")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("kn")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("kp")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("kr")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("kw")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ky")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("kz")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("la")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("lb")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("lc")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("li")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("lk")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("lr")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ls")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("lt")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("lu")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("lv")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ly")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ma")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mc")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("md")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("me")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mg")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mh")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mk")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ml")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mm")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mn")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mo")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mp")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mq")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mr")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ms")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mt")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mu")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mv")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mw")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mx")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("my")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mz")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("na")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("nc")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ne")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("nf")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ng")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ni")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("nl")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("no")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("np")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("nr")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("nu")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("nz")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("om")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("pa")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("pe")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("pf")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("pg")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ph")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("pk")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("pl")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("pm")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("pn")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("pr")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ps")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("pt")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("pw")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("py")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("qa")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("re")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ro")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ru")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("rs")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("rw")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("sa")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("sb")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("sc")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("sd")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("se")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("sg")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("sh")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("si")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("sj")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("sk")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("sl")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("sm")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("sn")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("so")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("sr")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ss")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("st")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("su")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("sv")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("sx")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("sy")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("sz")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("tc")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("td")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("tf")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("tg")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("th")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("tj")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("tk")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("tl")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("tm")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("tn")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("to")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("tp")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("tr")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("tt")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("tv")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("tw")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("tz")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ua")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ug")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("uk")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("um")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("us")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("uy")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("uz")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("va")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("vc")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ve")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("vg")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("vi")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("vn")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("vu")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("wf")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ws")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("ye")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("yt")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("yu")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("za")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("zm")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("zw")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("arpa")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("aero")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("asia")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("biz")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("cat")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("com")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("coop")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("info")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("int")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("jobs")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mobi")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("museum")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("name")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("net")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("org")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("post")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("pro")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("tel")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("travel")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xxx")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("edu")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("gov")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("mil")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("local")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--lgbbat1ad8j")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--54b7fta0cc")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--fiqs8s")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--fiqz9s")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--wgbh1c")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--node")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--j6w193g")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--h2brj9c")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--mgbbh1a71e")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--fpcrj9c3d")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--gecrj9c")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--s9brj9c")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--45brj9c")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--mgba3a4f16a")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--mgbayh7gpa")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--80ao21a")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--mgbx4cd0ab")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--l1acc")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--mgbc0a9azcg")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--mgb9awbf")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--mgbai9azgqp6j")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--ygbi2ammx")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--wgbl6a")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--p1ai")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--mgberp4a5d4ar")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--90a3ac")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--yfro4i67o")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--clchc0ea0b2g2a9gcd")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--3e0b707e")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--fzc2c9e2c")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--xkc2al3hye2a")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--mgbtf8fl")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--kprw13d")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--kpry57d")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--o3cw4h")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--pgbs0dh")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--j1amh")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--mgbaam7a8h")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--mgb2ddes")); regOneTopDomain(qsl("xn--ogbpf8fl")); regOneTopDomain(QString::fromUtf8("рф")); } namespace { // accent char list taken from https://github.com/aristus/accent-folding inline QChar chNoAccent(int32 code) { switch (code) { case 7834: return QChar(97); case 193: return QChar(97); case 225: return QChar(97); case 192: return QChar(97); case 224: return QChar(97); case 258: return QChar(97); case 259: return QChar(97); case 7854: return QChar(97); case 7855: return QChar(97); case 7856: return QChar(97); case 7857: return QChar(97); case 7860: return QChar(97); case 7861: return QChar(97); case 7858: return QChar(97); case 7859: return QChar(97); case 194: return QChar(97); case 226: return QChar(97); case 7844: return QChar(97); case 7845: return QChar(97); case 7846: return QChar(97); case 7847: return QChar(97); case 7850: return QChar(97); case 7851: return QChar(97); case 7848: return QChar(97); case 7849: return QChar(97); case 461: return QChar(97); case 462: return QChar(97); case 197: return QChar(97); case 229: return QChar(97); case 506: return QChar(97); case 507: return QChar(97); case 196: return QChar(97); case 228: return QChar(97); case 478: return QChar(97); case 479: return QChar(97); case 195: return QChar(97); case 227: return QChar(97); case 550: return QChar(97); case 551: return QChar(97); case 480: return QChar(97); case 481: return QChar(97); case 260: return QChar(97); case 261: return QChar(97); case 256: return QChar(97); case 257: return QChar(97); case 7842: return QChar(97); case 7843: return QChar(97); case 512: return QChar(97); case 513: return QChar(97); case 514: return QChar(97); case 515: return QChar(97); case 7840: return QChar(97); case 7841: return QChar(97); case 7862: return QChar(97); case 7863: return QChar(97); case 7852: return QChar(97); case 7853: return QChar(97); case 7680: return QChar(97); case 7681: return QChar(97); case 570: return QChar(97); case 11365: return QChar(97); case 508: return QChar(97); case 509: return QChar(97); case 482: return QChar(97); case 483: return QChar(97); case 7682: return QChar(98); case 7683: return QChar(98); case 7684: return QChar(98); case 7685: return QChar(98); case 7686: return QChar(98); case 7687: return QChar(98); case 579: return QChar(98); case 384: return QChar(98); case 7532: return QChar(98); case 385: return QChar(98); case 595: return QChar(98); case 386: return QChar(98); case 387: return QChar(98); case 262: return QChar(99); case 263: return QChar(99); case 264: return QChar(99); case 265: return QChar(99); case 268: return QChar(99); case 269: return QChar(99); case 266: return QChar(99); case 267: return QChar(99); case 199: return QChar(99); case 231: return QChar(99); case 7688: return QChar(99); case 7689: return QChar(99); case 571: return QChar(99); case 572: return QChar(99); case 391: return QChar(99); case 392: return QChar(99); case 597: return QChar(99); case 270: return QChar(100); case 271: return QChar(100); case 7690: return QChar(100); case 7691: return QChar(100); case 7696: return QChar(100); case 7697: return QChar(100); case 7692: return QChar(100); case 7693: return QChar(100); case 7698: return QChar(100); case 7699: return QChar(100); case 7694: return QChar(100); case 7695: return QChar(100); case 272: return QChar(100); case 273: return QChar(100); case 7533: return QChar(100); case 393: return QChar(100); case 598: return QChar(100); case 394: return QChar(100); case 599: return QChar(100); case 395: return QChar(100); case 396: return QChar(100); case 545: return QChar(100); case 240: return QChar(100); case 201: return QChar(101); case 399: return QChar(101); case 398: return QChar(101); case 477: return QChar(101); case 233: return QChar(101); case 200: return QChar(101); case 232: return QChar(101); case 276: return QChar(101); case 277: return QChar(101); case 202: return QChar(101); case 234: return QChar(101); case 7870: return QChar(101); case 7871: return QChar(101); case 7872: return QChar(101); case 7873: return QChar(101); case 7876: return QChar(101); case 7877: return QChar(101); case 7874: return QChar(101); case 7875: return QChar(101); case 282: return QChar(101); case 283: return QChar(101); case 203: return QChar(101); case 235: return QChar(101); case 7868: return QChar(101); case 7869: return QChar(101); case 278: return QChar(101); case 279: return QChar(101); case 552: return QChar(101); case 553: return QChar(101); case 7708: return QChar(101); case 7709: return QChar(101); case 280: return QChar(101); case 281: return QChar(101); case 274: return QChar(101); case 275: return QChar(101); case 7702: return QChar(101); case 7703: return QChar(101); case 7700: return QChar(101); case 7701: return QChar(101); case 7866: return QChar(101); case 7867: return QChar(101); case 516: return QChar(101); case 517: return QChar(101); case 518: return QChar(101); case 519: return QChar(101); case 7864: return QChar(101); case 7865: return QChar(101); case 7878: return QChar(101); case 7879: return QChar(101); case 7704: return QChar(101); case 7705: return QChar(101); case 7706: return QChar(101); case 7707: return QChar(101); case 582: return QChar(101); case 583: return QChar(101); case 602: return QChar(101); case 605: return QChar(101); case 7710: return QChar(102); case 7711: return QChar(102); case 7534: return QChar(102); case 401: return QChar(102); case 402: return QChar(102); case 500: return QChar(103); case 501: return QChar(103); case 286: return QChar(103); case 287: return QChar(103); case 284: return QChar(103); case 285: return QChar(103); case 486: return QChar(103); case 487: return QChar(103); case 288: return QChar(103); case 289: return QChar(103); case 290: return QChar(103); case 291: return QChar(103); case 7712: return QChar(103); case 7713: return QChar(103); case 484: return QChar(103); case 485: return QChar(103); case 403: return QChar(103); case 608: return QChar(103); case 292: return QChar(104); case 293: return QChar(104); case 542: return QChar(104); case 543: return QChar(104); case 7718: return QChar(104); case 7719: return QChar(104); case 7714: return QChar(104); case 7715: return QChar(104); case 7720: return QChar(104); case 7721: return QChar(104); case 7716: return QChar(104); case 7717: return QChar(104); case 7722: return QChar(104); case 7723: return QChar(104); case 817: return QChar(104); case 7830: return QChar(104); case 294: return QChar(104); case 295: return QChar(104); case 11367: return QChar(104); case 11368: return QChar(104); case 205: return QChar(105); case 237: return QChar(105); case 204: return QChar(105); case 236: return QChar(105); case 300: return QChar(105); case 301: return QChar(105); case 206: return QChar(105); case 238: return QChar(105); case 463: return QChar(105); case 464: return QChar(105); case 207: return QChar(105); case 239: return QChar(105); case 7726: return QChar(105); case 7727: return QChar(105); case 296: return QChar(105); case 297: return QChar(105); case 304: return QChar(105); case 302: return QChar(105); case 303: return QChar(105); case 298: return QChar(105); case 299: return QChar(105); case 7880: return QChar(105); case 7881: return QChar(105); case 520: return QChar(105); case 521: return QChar(105); case 522: return QChar(105); case 523: return QChar(105); case 7882: return QChar(105); case 7883: return QChar(105); case 7724: return QChar(105); case 7725: return QChar(105); case 305: return QChar(105); case 407: return QChar(105); case 616: return QChar(105); case 308: return QChar(106); case 309: return QChar(106); case 780: return QChar(106); case 496: return QChar(106); case 567: return QChar(106); case 584: return QChar(106); case 585: return QChar(106); case 669: return QChar(106); case 607: return QChar(106); case 644: return QChar(106); case 7728: return QChar(107); case 7729: return QChar(107); case 488: return QChar(107); case 489: return QChar(107); case 310: return QChar(107); case 311: return QChar(107); case 7730: return QChar(107); case 7731: return QChar(107); case 7732: return QChar(107); case 7733: return QChar(107); case 408: return QChar(107); case 409: return QChar(107); case 11369: return QChar(107); case 11370: return QChar(107); case 313: return QChar(97); case 314: return QChar(108); case 317: return QChar(108); case 318: return QChar(108); case 315: return QChar(108); case 316: return QChar(108); case 7734: return QChar(108); case 7735: return QChar(108); case 7736: return QChar(108); case 7737: return QChar(108); case 7740: return QChar(108); case 7741: return QChar(108); case 7738: return QChar(108); case 7739: return QChar(108); case 321: return QChar(108); case 322: return QChar(108); case 803: return QChar(108); case 319: return QChar(108); case 320: return QChar(108); case 573: return QChar(108); case 410: return QChar(108); case 11360: return QChar(108); case 11361: return QChar(108); case 11362: return QChar(108); case 619: return QChar(108); case 620: return QChar(108); case 621: return QChar(108); case 564: return QChar(108); case 7742: return QChar(109); case 7743: return QChar(109); case 7744: return QChar(109); case 7745: return QChar(109); case 7746: return QChar(109); case 7747: return QChar(109); case 625: return QChar(109); case 323: return QChar(110); case 324: return QChar(110); case 504: return QChar(110); case 505: return QChar(110); case 327: return QChar(110); case 328: return QChar(110); case 209: return QChar(110); case 241: return QChar(110); case 7748: return QChar(110); case 7749: return QChar(110); case 325: return QChar(110); case 326: return QChar(110); case 7750: return QChar(110); case 7751: return QChar(110); case 7754: return QChar(110); case 7755: return QChar(110); case 7752: return QChar(110); case 7753: return QChar(110); case 413: return QChar(110); case 626: return QChar(110); case 544: return QChar(110); case 414: return QChar(110); case 627: return QChar(110); case 565: return QChar(110); case 776: return QChar(116); case 211: return QChar(111); case 243: return QChar(111); case 210: return QChar(111); case 242: return QChar(111); case 334: return QChar(111); case 335: return QChar(111); case 212: return QChar(111); case 244: return QChar(111); case 7888: return QChar(111); case 7889: return QChar(111); case 7890: return QChar(111); case 7891: return QChar(111); case 7894: return QChar(111); case 7895: return QChar(111); case 7892: return QChar(111); case 7893: return QChar(111); case 465: return QChar(111); case 466: return QChar(111); case 214: return QChar(111); case 246: return QChar(111); case 554: return QChar(111); case 555: return QChar(111); case 336: return QChar(111); case 337: return QChar(111); case 213: return QChar(111); case 245: return QChar(111); case 7756: return QChar(111); case 7757: return QChar(111); case 7758: return QChar(111); case 7759: return QChar(111); case 556: return QChar(111); case 557: return QChar(111); case 558: return QChar(111); case 559: return QChar(111); case 560: return QChar(111); case 561: return QChar(111); case 216: return QChar(111); case 248: return QChar(111); case 510: return QChar(111); case 511: return QChar(111); case 490: return QChar(111); case 491: return QChar(111); case 492: return QChar(111); case 493: return QChar(111); case 332: return QChar(111); case 333: return QChar(111); case 7762: return QChar(111); case 7763: return QChar(111); case 7760: return QChar(111); case 7761: return QChar(111); case 7886: return QChar(111); case 7887: return QChar(111); case 524: return QChar(111); case 525: return QChar(111); case 526: return QChar(111); case 527: return QChar(111); case 416: return QChar(111); case 417: return QChar(111); case 7898: return QChar(111); case 7899: return QChar(111); case 7900: return QChar(111); case 7901: return QChar(111); case 7904: return QChar(111); case 7905: return QChar(111); case 7902: return QChar(111); case 7903: return QChar(111); case 7906: return QChar(111); case 7907: return QChar(111); case 7884: return QChar(111); case 7885: return QChar(111); case 7896: return QChar(111); case 7897: return QChar(111); case 415: return QChar(111); case 629: return QChar(111); case 7764: return QChar(112); case 7765: return QChar(112); case 7766: return QChar(112); case 7767: return QChar(112); case 11363: return QChar(112); case 420: return QChar(112); case 421: return QChar(112); case 771: return QChar(112); case 672: return QChar(113); case 586: return QChar(113); case 587: return QChar(113); case 340: return QChar(114); case 341: return QChar(114); case 344: return QChar(114); case 345: return QChar(114); case 7768: return QChar(114); case 7769: return QChar(114); case 342: return QChar(114); case 343: return QChar(114); case 528: return QChar(114); case 529: return QChar(114); case 530: return QChar(114); case 531: return QChar(114); case 7770: return QChar(114); case 7771: return QChar(114); case 7772: return QChar(114); case 7773: return QChar(114); case 7774: return QChar(114); case 7775: return QChar(114); case 588: return QChar(114); case 589: return QChar(114); case 7538: return QChar(114); case 636: return QChar(114); case 11364: return QChar(114); case 637: return QChar(114); case 638: return QChar(114); case 7539: return QChar(114); case 223: return QChar(115); case 346: return QChar(115); case 347: return QChar(115); case 7780: return QChar(115); case 7781: return QChar(115); case 348: return QChar(115); case 349: return QChar(115); case 352: return QChar(115); case 353: return QChar(115); case 7782: return QChar(115); case 7783: return QChar(115); case 7776: return QChar(115); case 7777: return QChar(115); case 7835: return QChar(115); case 350: return QChar(115); case 351: return QChar(115); case 7778: return QChar(115); case 7779: return QChar(115); case 7784: return QChar(115); case 7785: return QChar(115); case 536: return QChar(115); case 537: return QChar(115); case 642: return QChar(115); case 809: return QChar(115); case 222: return QChar(116); case 254: return QChar(116); case 356: return QChar(116); case 357: return QChar(116); case 7831: return QChar(116); case 7786: return QChar(116); case 7787: return QChar(116); case 354: return QChar(116); case 355: return QChar(116); case 7788: return QChar(116); case 7789: return QChar(116); case 538: return QChar(116); case 539: return QChar(116); case 7792: return QChar(116); case 7793: return QChar(116); case 7790: return QChar(116); case 7791: return QChar(116); case 358: return QChar(116); case 359: return QChar(116); case 574: return QChar(116); case 11366: return QChar(116); case 7541: return QChar(116); case 427: return QChar(116); case 428: return QChar(116); case 429: return QChar(116); case 430: return QChar(116); case 648: return QChar(116); case 566: return QChar(116); case 218: return QChar(117); case 250: return QChar(117); case 217: return QChar(117); case 249: return QChar(117); case 364: return QChar(117); case 365: return QChar(117); case 219: return QChar(117); case 251: return QChar(117); case 467: return QChar(117); case 468: return QChar(117); case 366: return QChar(117); case 367: return QChar(117); case 220: return QChar(117); case 252: return QChar(117); case 471: return QChar(117); case 472: return QChar(117); case 475: return QChar(117); case 476: return QChar(117); case 473: return QChar(117); case 474: return QChar(117); case 469: return QChar(117); case 470: return QChar(117); case 368: return QChar(117); case 369: return QChar(117); case 360: return QChar(117); case 361: return QChar(117); case 7800: return QChar(117); case 7801: return QChar(117); case 370: return QChar(117); case 371: return QChar(117); case 362: return QChar(117); case 363: return QChar(117); case 7802: return QChar(117); case 7803: return QChar(117); case 7910: return QChar(117); case 7911: return QChar(117); case 532: return QChar(117); case 533: return QChar(117); case 534: return QChar(117); case 535: return QChar(117); case 431: return QChar(117); case 432: return QChar(117); case 7912: return QChar(117); case 7913: return QChar(117); case 7914: return QChar(117); case 7915: return QChar(117); case 7918: return QChar(117); case 7919: return QChar(117); case 7916: return QChar(117); case 7917: return QChar(117); case 7920: return QChar(117); case 7921: return QChar(117); case 7908: return QChar(117); case 7909: return QChar(117); case 7794: return QChar(117); case 7795: return QChar(117); case 7798: return QChar(117); case 7799: return QChar(117); case 7796: return QChar(117); case 7797: return QChar(117); case 580: return QChar(117); case 649: return QChar(117); case 7804: return QChar(118); case 7805: return QChar(118); case 7806: return QChar(118); case 7807: return QChar(118); case 434: return QChar(118); case 651: return QChar(118); case 7810: return QChar(119); case 7811: return QChar(119); case 7808: return QChar(119); case 7809: return QChar(119); case 372: return QChar(119); case 373: return QChar(119); case 778: return QChar(121); case 7832: return QChar(119); case 7812: return QChar(119); case 7813: return QChar(119); case 7814: return QChar(119); case 7815: return QChar(119); case 7816: return QChar(119); case 7817: return QChar(119); case 7820: return QChar(120); case 7821: return QChar(120); case 7818: return QChar(120); case 7819: return QChar(120); case 221: return QChar(121); case 253: return QChar(121); case 7922: return QChar(121); case 7923: return QChar(121); case 374: return QChar(121); case 375: return QChar(121); case 7833: return QChar(121); case 376: return QChar(121); case 255: return QChar(121); case 7928: return QChar(121); case 7929: return QChar(121); case 7822: return QChar(121); case 7823: return QChar(121); case 562: return QChar(121); case 563: return QChar(121); case 7926: return QChar(121); case 7927: return QChar(121); case 7924: return QChar(121); case 7925: return QChar(121); case 655: return QChar(121); case 590: return QChar(121); case 591: return QChar(121); case 435: return QChar(121); case 436: return QChar(121); case 377: return QChar(122); case 378: return QChar(122); case 7824: return QChar(122); case 7825: return QChar(122); case 381: return QChar(122); case 382: return QChar(122); case 379: return QChar(122); case 380: return QChar(122); case 7826: return QChar(122); case 7827: return QChar(122); case 7828: return QChar(122); case 7829: return QChar(122); case 437: return QChar(122); case 438: return QChar(122); case 548: return QChar(122); case 549: return QChar(122); case 656: return QChar(122); case 657: return QChar(122); case 11371: return QChar(122); case 11372: return QChar(122); case 494: return QChar(122); case 495: return QChar(122); case 442: return QChar(122); case 65298: return QChar(50); case 65302: return QChar(54); case 65314: return QChar(66); case 65318: return QChar(70); case 65322: return QChar(74); case 65326: return QChar(78); case 65330: return QChar(82); case 65334: return QChar(86); case 65338: return QChar(90); case 65346: return QChar(98); case 65350: return QChar(102); case 65354: return QChar(106); case 65358: return QChar(110); case 65362: return QChar(114); case 65366: return QChar(118); case 65370: return QChar(122); case 65297: return QChar(49); case 65301: return QChar(53); case 65305: return QChar(57); case 65313: return QChar(65); case 65317: return QChar(69); case 65321: return QChar(73); case 65325: return QChar(77); case 65329: return QChar(81); case 65333: return QChar(85); case 65337: return QChar(89); case 65345: return QChar(97); case 65349: return QChar(101); case 65353: return QChar(105); case 65357: return QChar(109); case 65361: return QChar(113); case 65365: return QChar(117); case 65369: return QChar(121); case 65296: return QChar(48); case 65300: return QChar(52); case 65304: return QChar(56); case 65316: return QChar(68); case 65320: return QChar(72); case 65324: return QChar(76); case 65328: return QChar(80); case 65332: return QChar(84); case 65336: return QChar(88); case 65348: return QChar(100); case 65352: return QChar(104); case 65356: return QChar(108); case 65360: return QChar(112); case 65364: return QChar(116); case 65368: return QChar(120); case 65299: return QChar(51); case 65303: return QChar(55); case 65315: return QChar(67); case 65319: return QChar(71); case 65323: return QChar(75); case 65327: return QChar(79); case 65331: return QChar(83); case 65335: return QChar(87); case 65347: return QChar(99); case 65351: return QChar(103); case 65355: return QChar(107); case 65359: return QChar(111); case 65363: return QChar(115); case 65367: return QChar(119); default: break; } return QChar(0); } } QString textAccentFold(const QString &text) { QString result(text); bool copying = false; int32 i = 0; for (const QChar *s = text.unicode(), *ch = s, *e = text.unicode() + text.size(); ch != e; ++ch, ++i) { if (ch->unicode() < 128) { if (copying) result[i] = *ch; continue; } if (chIsDiac(*ch)) { copying = true; --i; continue; } if (ch->isHighSurrogate() && ch + 1 < e && (ch + 1)->isLowSurrogate()) { QChar noAccent = chNoAccent(QChar::surrogateToUcs4(*ch, *(ch + 1))); if (noAccent.unicode() > 0) { copying = true; result[i] = noAccent; } else { if (copying) result[i] = *ch; ++ch, ++i; if (copying) result[i] = *ch; } } else { QChar noAccent = chNoAccent(ch->unicode()); if (noAccent.unicode() > 0 && noAccent != *ch) { result[i] = noAccent; } else if (copying) { result[i] = *ch; } } } return (i < result.size()) ? result.mid(0, i) : result; } QString textSearchKey(const QString &text) { return textAccentFold(text.trimmed().toLower()); } bool textSplit(QString &sendingText, EntitiesInText &sendingEntities, QString &leftText, EntitiesInText &leftEntities, int32 limit) { if (leftText.isEmpty() || !limit) return false; int32 currentEntity = 0, goodEntity = currentEntity, entityCount = leftEntities.size(); bool goodInEntity = false, goodCanBreakEntity = false; int32 s = 0, half = limit / 2, goodLevel = 0; for (const QChar *start = leftText.constData(), *ch = start, *end = leftText.constEnd(), *good = ch; ch != end; ++ch, ++s) { while (currentEntity < entityCount && ch >= start + leftEntities[currentEntity].offset + leftEntities[currentEntity].length) { ++currentEntity; } #define MARK_GOOD_AS_LEVEL(level) \ if (goodLevel <= (level)) {\ goodLevel = (level);\ good = ch;\ goodEntity = currentEntity;\ goodInEntity = inEntity;\ goodCanBreakEntity = canBreakEntity;\ } if (s > half) { bool inEntity = (currentEntity < entityCount) && (ch > start + leftEntities[currentEntity].offset) && (ch < start + leftEntities[currentEntity].offset + leftEntities[currentEntity].length); EntityInTextType entityType = (currentEntity < entityCount) ? leftEntities[currentEntity].type : EntityInTextBold; bool canBreakEntity = (entityType == EntityInTextPre || entityType == EntityInTextCode); int32 noEntityLevel = inEntity ? 0 : 1; if (inEntity && !canBreakEntity) { MARK_GOOD_AS_LEVEL(0); } else { if (chIsNewline(*ch)) { if (inEntity) { if (ch + 1 < end && chIsNewline(*(ch + 1))) { MARK_GOOD_AS_LEVEL(12); } else { MARK_GOOD_AS_LEVEL(11); } } else if (ch + 1 < end && chIsNewline(*(ch + 1))) { MARK_GOOD_AS_LEVEL(15); } else if (currentEntity < entityCount && ch + 1 == start + leftEntities[currentEntity].offset && leftEntities[currentEntity].type == EntityInTextPre) { MARK_GOOD_AS_LEVEL(14); } else if (currentEntity > 0 && ch == start + leftEntities[currentEntity - 1].offset + leftEntities[currentEntity - 1].length && leftEntities[currentEntity - 1].type == EntityInTextPre) { MARK_GOOD_AS_LEVEL(14); } else { MARK_GOOD_AS_LEVEL(13); } } else if (chIsSpace(*ch)) { if (chIsSentenceEnd(*(ch - 1))) { MARK_GOOD_AS_LEVEL(9 + noEntityLevel); } else if (chIsSentencePartEnd(*(ch - 1))) { MARK_GOOD_AS_LEVEL(7 + noEntityLevel); } else { MARK_GOOD_AS_LEVEL(5 + noEntityLevel); } } else if (chIsWordSeparator(*(ch - 1))) { MARK_GOOD_AS_LEVEL(3 + noEntityLevel); } else { MARK_GOOD_AS_LEVEL(1 + noEntityLevel); } } } #undef MARK_GOOD_AS_LEVEL int elen = 0; EmojiPtr e = emojiFromText(ch, end, elen); if (e) { for (int i = 0; i < elen; ++i, ++ch, ++s) { if (ch->isHighSurrogate() && i + 1 < elen && (ch + 1)->isLowSurrogate()) { ++ch; ++i; } } --ch; --s; } else if (ch->isHighSurrogate() && ch + 1 < end && (ch + 1)->isLowSurrogate()) { ++ch; } if (s >= limit) { sendingText = leftText.mid(0, good - start); leftText = leftText.mid(good - start); if (goodInEntity) { if (goodCanBreakEntity) { sendingEntities = leftEntities.mid(0, goodEntity + 1); sendingEntities.back().length = good - start - sendingEntities.back().offset; leftEntities = leftEntities.mid(goodEntity); for (EntitiesInText::iterator i = leftEntities.begin(), e = leftEntities.end(); i != e; ++i) { i->offset -= good - start; if (i->offset < 0) { i->length += i->offset; i->offset = 0; } } } else { sendingEntities = leftEntities.mid(0, goodEntity); leftEntities = leftEntities.mid(goodEntity + 1); } } else { sendingEntities = leftEntities.mid(0, goodEntity); leftEntities = leftEntities.mid(goodEntity); for (EntitiesInText::iterator i = leftEntities.begin(), e = leftEntities.end(); i != e; ++i) { i->offset -= good - start; } } return true; } } sendingText = leftText; leftText = QString(); sendingEntities = leftEntities; leftEntities = EntitiesInText(); return true; } EntitiesInText textParseEntities(QString &text, int32 flags, bool rich) { // some code is duplicated in flattextarea.cpp! EntitiesInText result, mono; bool withHashtags = (flags & TextParseHashtags); bool withMentions = (flags & TextParseMentions); bool withBotCommands = (flags & TextParseBotCommands); bool withMono = (flags & TextParseMono); if (withMono) { // parse mono entities (code and pre) QString newText; int32 offset = 0, matchOffset = offset, len = text.size(), nextCmd = rich ? 0 : len; const QChar *start = text.constData(); for (; matchOffset < len;) { if (nextCmd <= matchOffset) { for (nextCmd = matchOffset; nextCmd < len; ++nextCmd) { if (*(start + nextCmd) == TextCommand) { break; } } } QRegularExpressionMatch mPre = _rePre.match(text, matchOffset); QRegularExpressionMatch mCode = _reCode.match(text, matchOffset), mTag; if (!mPre.hasMatch() && !mCode.hasMatch()) break; int32 preStart = mPre.hasMatch() ? mPre.capturedStart() : INT_MAX, preEnd = mPre.hasMatch() ? mPre.capturedEnd() : INT_MAX, codeStart = mCode.hasMatch() ? mCode.capturedStart() : INT_MAX, codeEnd = mCode.hasMatch() ? mCode.capturedEnd() : INT_MAX, tagStart, tagEnd; if (mPre.hasMatch()) { if (!mPre.capturedRef(1).isEmpty()) { ++preStart; } if (!mPre.capturedRef(4).isEmpty()) { --preEnd; } } if (mCode.hasMatch()) { if (!mCode.capturedRef(1).isEmpty()) { ++codeStart; } if (!mCode.capturedRef(4).isEmpty()) { --codeEnd; } } bool pre = (preStart <= codeStart); if (pre) { tagStart = preStart; tagEnd = preEnd; mTag = mPre; } else { tagStart = codeStart; tagEnd = codeEnd; mTag = mCode; } if (tagStart > nextCmd) { const QChar *after = textSkipCommand(start + nextCmd, start + len); if (after > start + nextCmd && tagStart < (after - start)) { nextCmd = matchOffset = after - start; continue; } } if (newText.isEmpty()) newText.reserve(text.size()); bool addNewlineBefore = false, addNewlineAfter = false; int32 outerStart = tagStart, outerEnd = tagEnd; int32 innerStart = tagStart + mTag.capturedLength(2), innerEnd = tagEnd - mTag.capturedLength(3); if (pre) { while (outerStart > 0 && chIsSpace(*(start + outerStart - 1), rich) && !chIsNewline(*(start + outerStart - 1))) { --outerStart; } addNewlineBefore = (outerStart > 0 && !chIsNewline(*(start + outerStart - 1))); for (int32 testInnerStart = innerStart; testInnerStart < innerEnd; ++testInnerStart) { if (chIsNewline(*(start + testInnerStart))) { innerStart = testInnerStart + 1; break; } else if (!chIsSpace(*(start + testInnerStart))) { break; } } for (int32 testInnerEnd = innerEnd; innerStart < testInnerEnd;) { --testInnerEnd; if (chIsNewline(*(start + testInnerEnd))) { innerEnd = testInnerEnd; break; } else if (!chIsSpace(*(start + testInnerEnd))) { break; } } while (outerEnd < len && chIsSpace(*(start + outerEnd)) && !chIsNewline(*(start + outerEnd))) { ++outerEnd; } addNewlineAfter = (outerEnd < len && !chIsNewline(*(start + outerEnd))); } if (outerStart > offset) newText.append(start + offset, outerStart - offset); if (addNewlineBefore) newText.append('\n'); int32 tagLength = innerEnd - innerStart; mono.push_back(EntityInText(pre ? EntityInTextPre : EntityInTextCode, newText.size(), tagLength)); newText.append(start + innerStart, tagLength); if (addNewlineAfter) newText.append('\n'); offset = matchOffset = outerEnd; } if (!newText.isEmpty()) { newText.append(start + offset, len - offset); text = newText; } } int32 monoEntity = 0, monoCount = mono.size(), monoTill = 0; initLinkSets(); int32 len = text.size(), nextCmd = rich ? 0 : len; const QChar *start = text.constData(), *end = start + text.size(); for (int32 offset = 0, matchOffset = offset, mentionSkip = 0; offset < len;) { if (nextCmd <= offset) { for (nextCmd = offset; nextCmd < len; ++nextCmd) { if (*(start + nextCmd) == TextCommand) { break; } } } QRegularExpressionMatch mDomain = _reDomain.match(text, matchOffset); QRegularExpressionMatch mExplicitDomain = _reExplicitDomain.match(text, matchOffset); QRegularExpressionMatch mHashtag = withHashtags ? _reHashtag.match(text, matchOffset) : QRegularExpressionMatch(); QRegularExpressionMatch mMention = withMentions ? _reMention.match(text, qMax(mentionSkip, matchOffset)) : QRegularExpressionMatch(); QRegularExpressionMatch mBotCommand = withBotCommands ? _reBotCommand.match(text, matchOffset) : QRegularExpressionMatch(); EntityInTextType lnkType = EntityInTextUrl; int32 lnkStart = 0, lnkLength = 0; int32 domainStart = mDomain.hasMatch() ? mDomain.capturedStart() : INT_MAX, domainEnd = mDomain.hasMatch() ? mDomain.capturedEnd() : INT_MAX, explicitDomainStart = mExplicitDomain.hasMatch() ? mExplicitDomain.capturedStart() : INT_MAX, explicitDomainEnd = mExplicitDomain.hasMatch() ? mExplicitDomain.capturedEnd() : INT_MAX, hashtagStart = mHashtag.hasMatch() ? mHashtag.capturedStart() : INT_MAX, hashtagEnd = mHashtag.hasMatch() ? mHashtag.capturedEnd() : INT_MAX, mentionStart = mMention.hasMatch() ? mMention.capturedStart() : INT_MAX, mentionEnd = mMention.hasMatch() ? mMention.capturedEnd() : INT_MAX, botCommandStart = mBotCommand.hasMatch() ? mBotCommand.capturedStart() : INT_MAX, botCommandEnd = mBotCommand.hasMatch() ? mBotCommand.capturedEnd() : INT_MAX; if (mHashtag.hasMatch()) { if (!mHashtag.capturedRef(1).isEmpty()) { ++hashtagStart; } if (!mHashtag.capturedRef(2).isEmpty()) { --hashtagEnd; } } while (mMention.hasMatch()) { if (!mMention.capturedRef(1).isEmpty()) { ++mentionStart; } if (!mMention.capturedRef(2).isEmpty()) { --mentionEnd; } if (!(start + mentionStart + 1)->isLetter() || !(start + mentionEnd - 1)->isLetterOrNumber()) { mentionSkip = mentionEnd; mMention = _reMention.match(text, qMax(mentionSkip, matchOffset)); if (mMention.hasMatch()) { mentionStart = mMention.capturedStart(); mentionEnd = mMention.capturedEnd(); } else { mentionStart = INT_MAX; mentionEnd = INT_MAX; } } else { break; } } if (mBotCommand.hasMatch()) { if (!mBotCommand.capturedRef(1).isEmpty()) { ++botCommandStart; } if (!mBotCommand.capturedRef(3).isEmpty()) { --botCommandEnd; } } if (!mDomain.hasMatch() && !mExplicitDomain.hasMatch() && !mHashtag.hasMatch() && !mMention.hasMatch() && !mBotCommand.hasMatch()) { break; } if (explicitDomainStart < domainStart) { domainStart = explicitDomainStart; domainEnd = explicitDomainEnd; mDomain = mExplicitDomain; } if (mentionStart < hashtagStart && mentionStart < domainStart && mentionStart < botCommandStart) { if (mentionStart > nextCmd) { const QChar *after = textSkipCommand(start + nextCmd, start + len); if (after > start + nextCmd && mentionStart < (after - start)) { nextCmd = offset = matchOffset = after - start; continue; } } lnkType = EntityInTextMention; lnkStart = mentionStart; lnkLength = mentionEnd - mentionStart; } else if (hashtagStart < domainStart && hashtagStart < botCommandStart) { if (hashtagStart > nextCmd) { const QChar *after = textSkipCommand(start + nextCmd, start + len); if (after > start + nextCmd && hashtagStart < (after - start)) { nextCmd = offset = matchOffset = after - start; continue; } } lnkType = EntityInTextHashtag; lnkStart = hashtagStart; lnkLength = hashtagEnd - hashtagStart; } else if (botCommandStart < domainStart) { if (botCommandStart > nextCmd) { const QChar *after = textSkipCommand(start + nextCmd, start + len); if (after > start + nextCmd && botCommandStart < (after - start)) { nextCmd = offset = matchOffset = after - start; continue; } } lnkType = EntityInTextBotCommand; lnkStart = botCommandStart; lnkLength = botCommandEnd - botCommandStart; } else { if (domainStart > nextCmd) { const QChar *after = textSkipCommand(start + nextCmd, start + len); if (after > start + nextCmd && domainStart < (after - start)) { nextCmd = offset = matchOffset = after - start; continue; } } QString protocol = mDomain.captured(1).toLower(); QString topDomain = mDomain.captured(3).toLower(); bool isProtocolValid = protocol.isEmpty() || _validProtocols.contains(hashCrc32(protocol.constData(), protocol.size() * sizeof(QChar))); bool isTopDomainValid = !protocol.isEmpty() || _validTopDomains.contains(hashCrc32(topDomain.constData(), topDomain.size() * sizeof(QChar))); if (protocol.isEmpty() && domainStart > offset + 1 && *(start + domainStart - 1) == QChar('@')) { QString forMailName = text.mid(offset, domainStart - offset - 1); QRegularExpressionMatch mMailName = _reMailName.match(forMailName); if (mMailName.hasMatch()) { int32 mailStart = offset + mMailName.capturedStart(); if (mailStart < offset) { mailStart = offset; } lnkType = EntityInTextEmail; lnkStart = mailStart; lnkLength = domainEnd - mailStart; } } if (lnkType == EntityInTextUrl && !lnkLength) { if (!isProtocolValid || !isTopDomainValid) { matchOffset = domainEnd; continue; } lnkStart = domainStart; QStack parenth; const QChar *domainEnd = start + mDomain.capturedEnd(), *p = domainEnd; for (; p < end; ++p) { QChar ch(*p); if (chIsLinkEnd(ch)) break; // link finished if (chIsAlmostLinkEnd(ch)) { const QChar *endTest = p + 1; while (endTest < end && chIsAlmostLinkEnd(*endTest)) { ++endTest; } if (endTest >= end || chIsLinkEnd(*endTest)) { break; // link finished at p } p = endTest; ch = *p; } if (ch == '(' || ch == '[' || ch == '{' || ch == '<') { parenth.push(p); } else if (ch == ')' || ch == ']' || ch == '}' || ch == '>') { if (parenth.isEmpty()) break; const QChar *q = parenth.pop(), open(*q); if ((ch == ')' && open != '(') || (ch == ']' && open != '[') || (ch == '}' && open != '{') || (ch == '>' && open != '<')) { p = q; break; } } } if (p > domainEnd) { // check, that domain ended if (domainEnd->unicode() != '/' && domainEnd->unicode() != '?') { matchOffset = domainEnd - start; continue; } } lnkLength = (p - start) - lnkStart; } } for (; monoEntity < monoCount && mono[monoEntity].offset <= lnkStart; ++monoEntity) { monoTill = qMax(monoTill, mono[monoEntity].offset + mono[monoEntity].length); result.push_back(mono[monoEntity]); } if (lnkStart >= monoTill) { result.push_back(EntityInText(lnkType, lnkStart, lnkLength)); } offset = matchOffset = lnkStart + lnkLength; } for (; monoEntity < monoCount; ++monoEntity) { monoTill = qMax(monoTill, mono[monoEntity].offset + mono[monoEntity].length); result.push_back(mono[monoEntity]); } return result; } void emojiDraw(QPainter &p, EmojiPtr e, int x, int y) { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(x, y), App::emoji(), QRect(e->x * ESize, e->y * ESize, ESize, ESize)); } void replaceStringWithEntities(const QLatin1String &from, QChar to, QString &result, EntitiesInText &entities, bool checkSpace = false) { int32 len = from.size(), s = result.size(), offset = 0, length = 0; EntitiesInText::iterator i = entities.begin(), e = entities.end(); for (QChar *start = result.data(); offset < s;) { int32 nextOffset = result.indexOf(from, offset); if (nextOffset < 0) { moveStringPart(start, length, offset, s - offset, entities); break; } if (checkSpace) { bool spaceBefore = (nextOffset > 0) && (start + nextOffset - 1)->isSpace(); bool spaceAfter = (nextOffset + len < s) && (start + nextOffset + len)->isSpace(); if (!spaceBefore && !spaceAfter) { moveStringPart(start, length, offset, nextOffset - offset + len + 1, entities); continue; } } bool skip = false; for (; i != e; ++i) { // find and check next finishing entity if (i->offset + i->length > nextOffset) { skip = (i->offset < nextOffset + len); break; } } if (skip) { moveStringPart(start, length, offset, nextOffset - offset + len, entities); continue; } moveStringPart(start, length, offset, nextOffset - offset, entities); *(start + length) = to; ++length; offset += len; } if (length < s) result.resize(length); } QString prepareTextWithEntities(QString result, EntitiesInText &entities, int32 flags) { cleanTextWithEntities(result, entities); if (flags) { entities = textParseEntities(result, flags); } replaceStringWithEntities(qstr("--"), QChar(8212), result, entities, true); replaceStringWithEntities(qstr("<<"), QChar(171), result, entities); replaceStringWithEntities(qstr(">>"), QChar(187), result, entities); if (cReplaceEmojis()) { result = replaceEmojis(result, entities); } trimTextWithEntities(result, entities); return result; }