/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "chat_helpers/emoji_suggestions_widget.h" #include "chat_helpers/emoji_suggestions_helper.h" #include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h" #include "ui/widgets/shadow.h" #include "ui/widgets/inner_dropdown.h" #include "ui/widgets/input_fields.h" #include "ui/emoji_config.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "core/event_filter.h" #include "styles/style_chat_helpers.h" namespace Ui { namespace Emoji { namespace { constexpr auto kRowLimit = 5; } // namespace class SuggestionsWidget::Row { public: Row(not_null emoji, const QString &label, const QString &replacement); Row(const Row &other) = delete; Row &operator=(const Row &other) = delete; Row(Row &&other) = default; Row &operator=(Row &&other) = default; ~Row(); not_null emoji() const { return _emoji; } const QString &label() const { return _label; } const QString &replacement() const { return _replacement; } RippleAnimation *ripple() const { return _ripple.get(); } void setRipple(std::unique_ptr ripple) { _ripple = std::move(ripple); } void resetRipple() { _ripple.reset(); } private: not_null _emoji; QString _label; QString _replacement; std::unique_ptr _ripple; }; SuggestionsWidget::Row::Row(not_null emoji, const QString &label, const QString &replacement) : _emoji(emoji) , _label(label) , _replacement(replacement) { } SuggestionsWidget::Row::~Row() = default; SuggestionsWidget::SuggestionsWidget(QWidget *parent, const style::Menu &st) : TWidget(parent) , _st(&st) , _rowHeight(_st->itemPadding.top() + _st->itemFont->height + _st->itemPadding.bottom()) { setMouseTracking(true); } rpl::producer SuggestionsWidget::toggleAnimated() const { return _toggleAnimated.events(); } rpl::producer SuggestionsWidget::triggered() const { return _triggered.events(); } void SuggestionsWidget::showWithQuery(const QString &query) { if (_query == query) { return; } _query = query; auto rows = getRowsByQuery(); if (rows.empty()) { _toggleAnimated.fire(false); } clearSelection(); _rows = std::move(rows); resizeToRows(); update(); if (!_rows.empty()) { setSelected(0); } if (!_rows.empty()) { _toggleAnimated.fire(true); } } std::vector SuggestionsWidget::getRowsByQuery() const { auto result = std::vector(); if (_query.isEmpty()) { return result; } auto suggestions = GetSuggestions(QStringToUTF16(_query)); if (suggestions.empty()) { return result; } auto count = suggestions.size(); auto suggestionsEmoji = std::vector(count, nullptr); for (auto i = 0; i != count; ++i) { suggestionsEmoji[i] = Find(QStringFromUTF16(suggestions[i].emoji())); } auto recents = 0; auto &recent = GetRecent(); for (auto &item : recent) { auto emoji = item.first->original(); if (!emoji) emoji = item.first; auto it = std::find(suggestionsEmoji.begin(), suggestionsEmoji.end(), emoji); if (it != suggestionsEmoji.end()) { auto index = (it - suggestionsEmoji.begin()); if (index >= recents) { if (index > recents) { auto recentEmoji = suggestionsEmoji[index]; auto recentSuggestion = suggestions[index]; for (auto i = index; i != recents; --i) { suggestionsEmoji[i] = suggestionsEmoji[i - 1]; suggestions[i] = suggestions[i - 1]; } suggestionsEmoji[recents] = recentEmoji; suggestions[recents] = recentSuggestion; } ++recents; } } } result.reserve(kRowLimit); auto index = 0; for (auto &item : suggestions) { if (auto emoji = suggestionsEmoji[index++]) { if (emoji->hasVariants()) { auto it = cEmojiVariants().constFind(emoji->nonColoredId()); if (it != cEmojiVariants().cend()) { emoji = emoji->variant(it.value()); } } result.emplace_back(emoji, QStringFromUTF16(item.label()), QStringFromUTF16(item.replacement())); if (result.size() == kRowLimit) { break; } } } return result; } void SuggestionsWidget::resizeToRows() { auto newWidth = 0; for (auto &row : _rows) { accumulate_max(newWidth, countWidth(row)); } newWidth = snap(newWidth, _st->widthMin, _st->widthMax); auto newHeight = _st->skip + (_rows.size() * _rowHeight) + _st->skip; resize(newWidth, newHeight); } int SuggestionsWidget::countWidth(const Row &row) { auto textw = _st->itemFont->width(row.label()); return _st->itemPadding.left() + textw + _st->itemPadding.right(); } void SuggestionsWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); auto ms = getms(); auto clip = e->rect(); auto topskip = QRect(0, 0, width(), _st->skip); auto bottomskip = QRect(0, height() - _st->skip, width(), _st->skip); if (clip.intersects(topskip)) p.fillRect(clip.intersected(topskip), _st->itemBg); if (clip.intersects(bottomskip)) p.fillRect(clip.intersected(bottomskip), _st->itemBg); const auto top = _st->skip; p.setFont(_st->itemFont); const auto from = floorclamp(clip.top() - top, _rowHeight, 0, _rows.size()); const auto to = ceilclamp(clip.top() + clip.height() - top, _rowHeight, 0, _rows.size()); p.translate(0, top + from * _rowHeight); for (auto i = from; i != to; ++i) { auto &row = _rows[i]; const auto selected = (i == _selected || i == _pressed); p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), _rowHeight, selected ? _st->itemBgOver : _st->itemBg); if (const auto ripple = row.ripple()) { ripple->paint(p, 0, 0, width(), ms); if (ripple->empty()) { row.resetRipple(); } } const auto emoji = row.emoji(); const auto esize = Ui::Emoji::GetSizeLarge(); Ui::Emoji::Draw( p, emoji, esize, (_st->itemPadding.left() - (esize / cIntRetinaFactor())) / 2, (_rowHeight - (esize / cIntRetinaFactor())) / 2); p.setPen(selected ? _st->itemFgOver : _st->itemFg); p.drawTextLeft(_st->itemPadding.left(), _st->itemPadding.top(), width(), row.label()); p.translate(0, _rowHeight); } } void SuggestionsWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { handleKeyEvent(e->key()); } void SuggestionsWidget::handleKeyEvent(int key) { if (key == Qt::Key_Enter || key == Qt::Key_Return || key == Qt::Key_Tab) { triggerSelectedRow(); return; } if ((key != Qt::Key_Up && key != Qt::Key_Down) || _rows.size() < 1) { return; } auto delta = (key == Qt::Key_Down ? 1 : -1), start = _selected; if (start < 0 || start >= _rows.size()) { start = (delta > 0) ? (_rows.size() - 1) : 0; } auto newSelected = start + delta; if (newSelected < 0) { newSelected += _rows.size(); } else if (newSelected >= _rows.size()) { newSelected -= _rows.size(); } _mouseSelection = false; setSelected(newSelected); } void SuggestionsWidget::setSelected(int selected) { if (selected >= _rows.size()) { selected = -1; } if (_selected != selected) { updateSelectedItem(); _selected = selected; updateSelectedItem(); } } void SuggestionsWidget::setPressed(int pressed) { if (pressed >= _rows.size()) { pressed = -1; } if (_pressed != pressed) { _pressed = pressed; } } void SuggestionsWidget::clearMouseSelection() { if (_mouseSelection) { clearSelection(); } } void SuggestionsWidget::clearSelection() { _mouseSelection = false; setSelected(-1); } int SuggestionsWidget::itemTop(int index) { if (index > _rows.size()) { index = _rows.size(); } return _st->skip + (_rowHeight * index); } void SuggestionsWidget::updateItem(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < _rows.size()) { update(0, itemTop(index), width(), _rowHeight); } } void SuggestionsWidget::updateSelectedItem() { updateItem(_selected); } void SuggestionsWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { auto inner = rect().marginsRemoved(QMargins(0, _st->skip, 0, _st->skip)); auto localPosition = e->pos(); if (inner.contains(localPosition)) { _mouseSelection = true; updateSelection(e->globalPos()); } else { clearMouseSelection(); } } void SuggestionsWidget::updateSelection(QPoint globalPosition) { if (!_mouseSelection) return; auto p = mapFromGlobal(globalPosition) - QPoint(0, _st->skip); auto selected = (p.y() >= 0) ? (p.y() / _rowHeight) : -1; setSelected((selected >= 0 && selected < _rows.size()) ? selected : -1); } void SuggestionsWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (!_mouseSelection) { return; } if (_selected >= 0 && _selected < _rows.size()) { setPressed(_selected); if (!_rows[_pressed].ripple()) { auto mask = RippleAnimation::rectMask(QSize(width(), _rowHeight)); _rows[_pressed].setRipple(std::make_unique(_st->ripple, std::move(mask), [this, selected = _pressed] { updateItem(selected); })); } _rows[_pressed].ripple()->add(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()) - QPoint(0, itemTop(_pressed))); } } void SuggestionsWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (_pressed >= 0 && _pressed < _rows.size()) { auto pressed = _pressed; setPressed(-1); if (_rows[pressed].ripple()) { _rows[pressed].ripple()->lastStop(); } if (pressed == _selected) { triggerRow(_rows[_selected]); } } } void SuggestionsWidget::triggerSelectedRow() { if (_selected >= 0 && _selected < _rows.size()) { triggerRow(_rows[_selected]); } } void SuggestionsWidget::triggerRow(const Row &row) { _triggered.fire(row.emoji()->text()); } void SuggestionsWidget::enterEventHook(QEvent *e) { auto mouse = QCursor::pos(); if (!rect().marginsRemoved(QMargins(0, _st->skip, 0, _st->skip)).contains(mapFromGlobal(mouse))) { clearMouseSelection(); } return TWidget::enterEventHook(e); } void SuggestionsWidget::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { clearMouseSelection(); return TWidget::leaveEventHook(e); } SuggestionsController::SuggestionsController( not_null outer, not_null field) : _field(field) { _container = base::make_unique_q( outer, st::emojiSuggestionsDropdown); _container->setAutoHiding(false); _suggestions = _container->setOwnedWidget( object_ptr( _container, st::emojiSuggestionsMenu)); setReplaceCallback(nullptr); _fieldFilter.reset(Core::InstallEventFilter( _field, [=](not_null event) { return fieldFilter(event); })); _outerFilter.reset(Core::InstallEventFilter( outer, [=](not_null event) { return outerFilter(event); })); QObject::connect( _field, &QTextEdit::textChanged, _container, [=] { handleTextChange(); }); QObject::connect( _field, &QTextEdit::cursorPositionChanged, _container, [=] { handleCursorPositionChange(); }); _suggestions->toggleAnimated( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool visible) { suggestionsUpdated(visible); }, _lifetime); _suggestions->triggered( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QString replacement) { replaceCurrent(replacement); }, _lifetime); updateForceHidden(); handleTextChange(); } SuggestionsController *SuggestionsController::Init( not_null outer, not_null field) { const auto result = Ui::CreateChild( field.get(), outer, field->rawTextEdit()); result->setReplaceCallback([=]( int from, int till, const QString &replacement) { field->commitInstantReplacement(from, till, replacement); }); return result; } void SuggestionsController::setReplaceCallback( Fn callback) { if (callback) { _replaceCallback = std::move(callback); } else { _replaceCallback = [=](int from, int till, const QString &replacement) { auto cursor = _field->textCursor(); cursor.setPosition(from); cursor.setPosition(till, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); cursor.insertText(replacement); }; } } void SuggestionsController::handleTextChange() { _ignoreCursorPositionChange = true; InvokeQueued(_container, [=] { _ignoreCursorPositionChange = false; }); const auto query = getEmojiQuery(); if (query.isEmpty() || _textChangeAfterKeyPress) { _suggestions->showWithQuery(query); } } QString SuggestionsController::getEmojiQuery() { if (!Global::SuggestEmoji()) { return QString(); } auto cursor = _field->textCursor(); if (cursor.hasSelection()) { return QString(); } auto position = cursor.position(); auto findTextPart = [this, &position] { auto document = _field->document(); auto block = document->findBlock(position); for (auto i = block.begin(); !i.atEnd(); ++i) { auto fragment = i.fragment(); if (!fragment.isValid()) continue; auto from = fragment.position(); auto till = from + fragment.length(); if (from >= position || till < position) { continue; } if (fragment.charFormat().isImageFormat()) { continue; } position -= from; _queryStartPosition = from; return fragment.text(); } return QString(); }; auto text = findTextPart(); if (text.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } const auto isUpperCaseLetter = [](QChar ch) { return (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z'); }; const auto isLetter = [](QChar ch) { return (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'); }; const auto isSuggestionChar = [](QChar ch) { return (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch == '_') || (ch == '-') || (ch == '+'); }; const auto isGoodCharBeforeSuggestion = [&](QChar ch) { return !isSuggestionChar(ch) || (ch == 0); }; Assert(position > 0 && position <= text.size()); for (auto i = position; i != 0;) { auto ch = text[--i]; if (ch == ':') { auto beforeColon = (i < 1) ? QChar(0) : text[i - 1]; if (isGoodCharBeforeSuggestion(beforeColon)) { // At least one letter after colon. if (position > i + 1) { // Skip colon and the first letter. _queryStartPosition += i + 2; const auto length = position - i; auto result = text.mid(i, length); const auto upperCaseLetters = std::count_if( result.begin(), result.end(), isUpperCaseLetter); const auto letters = std::count_if( result.begin(), result.end(), isLetter); if (letters == upperCaseLetters && letters == 1) { // No upper case single letter suggestions. // We don't want to suggest emoji on :D and :-P return QString(); } return result.toLower(); } } return QString(); } if (position - i > kSuggestionMaxLength) { return QString(); } if (!isSuggestionChar(ch)) { return QString(); } } return QString(); } void SuggestionsController::replaceCurrent(const QString &replacement) { auto suggestion = getEmojiQuery(); if (suggestion.isEmpty()) { _suggestions->showWithQuery(QString()); } else { const auto cursor = _field->textCursor(); const auto position = cursor.position(); const auto from = position - suggestion.size(); _replaceCallback(from, position, replacement); } } void SuggestionsController::handleCursorPositionChange() { InvokeQueued(_container, [=] { if (_ignoreCursorPositionChange) { return; } _suggestions->showWithQuery(QString()); }); } void SuggestionsController::suggestionsUpdated(bool visible) { _shown = visible; if (_shown) { _container->resizeToContent(); updateGeometry(); if (!_forceHidden) { if (_container->isHidden() || _container->isHiding()) { raise(); } _container->showAnimated( Ui::PanelAnimation::Origin::BottomLeft); } } else if (!_forceHidden) { _container->hideAnimated(); } } void SuggestionsController::updateGeometry() { auto cursor = _field->textCursor(); cursor.setPosition(_queryStartPosition); auto aroundRect = _field->cursorRect(cursor); aroundRect.setTopLeft(_field->viewport()->mapToGlobal(aroundRect.topLeft())); aroundRect.setTopLeft(_container->parentWidget()->mapFromGlobal(aroundRect.topLeft())); auto boundingRect = _container->parentWidget()->rect(); auto origin = rtl() ? PanelAnimation::Origin::BottomRight : PanelAnimation::Origin::BottomLeft; auto point = rtl() ? (aroundRect.topLeft() + QPoint(aroundRect.width(), 0)) : aroundRect.topLeft(); point -= rtl() ? QPoint(_container->width() - st::emojiSuggestionsDropdown.padding.right(), _container->height()) : QPoint(st::emojiSuggestionsDropdown.padding.left(), _container->height()); if (rtl()) { if (point.x() < boundingRect.x()) { point.setX(boundingRect.x()); } if (point.x() + _container->width() > boundingRect.x() + boundingRect.width()) { point.setX(boundingRect.x() + boundingRect.width() - _container->width()); } } else { if (point.x() + _container->width() > boundingRect.x() + boundingRect.width()) { point.setX(boundingRect.x() + boundingRect.width() - _container->width()); } if (point.x() < boundingRect.x()) { point.setX(boundingRect.x()); } } if (point.y() < boundingRect.y()) { point.setY(aroundRect.y() + aroundRect.height()); origin = (origin == PanelAnimation::Origin::BottomRight) ? PanelAnimation::Origin::TopRight : PanelAnimation::Origin::TopLeft; } _container->move(point); } void SuggestionsController::updateForceHidden() { _forceHidden = !_field->isVisible() || !_field->hasFocus(); if (_forceHidden) { _container->hideFast(); } else if (_shown) { _container->showFast(); } } bool SuggestionsController::fieldFilter(not_null event) { auto type = event->type(); switch (type) { case QEvent::Move: case QEvent::Resize: { if (_shown) { updateGeometry(); } } break; case QEvent::Show: case QEvent::ShowToParent: case QEvent::Hide: case QEvent::HideToParent: case QEvent::FocusIn: case QEvent::FocusOut: { updateForceHidden(); } break; case QEvent::KeyPress: { const auto key = static_cast(event.get())->key(); switch (key) { case Qt::Key_Enter: case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_Tab: case Qt::Key_Up: case Qt::Key_Down: if (_shown && !_forceHidden) { _suggestions->handleKeyEvent(key); return true; } break; case Qt::Key_Escape: if (_shown && !_forceHidden) { _suggestions->showWithQuery(QString()); return true; } break; } _textChangeAfterKeyPress = true; InvokeQueued(_container, [=] { _textChangeAfterKeyPress = false; }); } break; } return false; } bool SuggestionsController::outerFilter(not_null event) { auto type = event->type(); switch (type) { case QEvent::Move: case QEvent::Resize: { if (_shown) { updateGeometry(); } } break; } return false; } void SuggestionsController::raise() { _container->raise(); } } // namespace Emoji } // namespace Ui