/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, an unofficial desktop messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://tdesktop.com */ #pragma once #include #include "gui/flatbutton.h" #include "dialogswidget.h" #include "historywidget.h" #include "profilewidget.h" #include "overviewwidget.h" class Window; struct DialogRow; class MainWidget; class TopBarWidget : public QWidget, public Animated { Q_OBJECT public: TopBarWidget(MainWidget *w); void enterEvent(QEvent *e); void leaveEvent(QEvent *e); void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e); void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e); void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e); bool animStep(float64 ms); void enableShadow(bool enable = true); void startAnim(); void stopAnim(); void showAll(); void showSelected(uint32 selCount); FlatButton *mediaTypeButton(); public slots: void onForwardSelection(); void onDeleteSelection(); void onClearSelection(); void onAddContact(); void onEdit(); void onDeleteContact(); void onDeleteContactSure(); void onDeleteAndExit(); void onDeleteAndExitSure(); signals: void clicked(); private: MainWidget *main(); anim::fvalue a_over; bool _drawShadow; uint32 _selCount; QString _selStr; int32 _selStrWidth; bool _animating; FlatButton _clearSelection; FlatButton _forward, _delete; FlatButton _edit, _leaveGroup, _addContact, _deleteContact; FlatButton _mediaType; }; enum StackItemType { HistoryStackItem, ProfileStackItem, OverviewStackItem, }; class StackItem { public: StackItem(PeerData *peer) : peer(peer) { } virtual StackItemType type() const = 0; virtual ~StackItem() { } PeerData *peer; }; class StackItemHistory : public StackItem { public: StackItemHistory(PeerData *peer, int32 lastWidth, int32 lastScrollTop) : StackItem(peer), lastWidth(lastWidth), lastScrollTop(lastScrollTop) { } StackItemType type() const { return HistoryStackItem; } int32 lastWidth, lastScrollTop; }; class StackItemProfile : public StackItem { public: StackItemProfile(PeerData *peer, int32 lastScrollTop, bool allMediaShown) : StackItem(peer), lastScrollTop(lastScrollTop), allMediaShown(allMediaShown) { } StackItemType type() const { return ProfileStackItem; } int32 lastScrollTop; bool allMediaShown; }; class StackItemOverview : public StackItem { public: StackItemOverview(PeerData *peer, MediaOverviewType mediaType, int32 lastWidth, int32 lastScrollTop) : StackItem(peer), mediaType(mediaType), lastWidth(lastWidth), lastScrollTop(lastScrollTop) { } StackItemType type() const { return OverviewStackItem; } MediaOverviewType mediaType; int32 lastWidth, lastScrollTop; }; class StackItems : public QVector { public: bool contains(PeerData *peer) const { for (int32 i = 0, l = size(); i < l; ++i) { if (at(i)->peer == peer) { return true; } } return false; } void clear() { for (int32 i = 0, l = size(); i < l; ++i) { delete at(i); } QVector::clear(); } ~StackItems() { clear(); } }; class MainWidget : public QWidget, public Animated, public RPCSender { Q_OBJECT public: MainWidget(Window *window); void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e); void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e); void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e); void paintTopBar(QPainter &p, float64 over, int32 decreaseWidth); TopBarWidget *topBar(); void animShow(const QPixmap &bgAnimCache, bool back = false); bool animStep(float64 ms); void start(const MTPUser &user); void startFull(const MTPVector &users); void applyNotifySetting(const MTPNotifyPeer &peer, const MTPPeerNotifySettings &settings, History *history = 0); void gotNotifySetting(MTPInputNotifyPeer peer, const MTPPeerNotifySettings &settings); bool failNotifySetting(MTPInputNotifyPeer peer); void updateNotifySetting(PeerData *peer, bool enabled); void activate(); void createDialogAtTop(History *history, int32 unreadCount); void dlgUpdated(DialogRow *row); void dlgUpdated(History *row); void windowShown(); void sentDataReceived(uint64 randomId, const MTPmessages_SentMessage &data); void sentFullDataReceived(uint64 randomId, const MTPmessages_StatedMessage &result); // randomId = 0 - new message, <> 0 - already added new message void sentFullDatasReceived(const MTPmessages_StatedMessages &result); void forwardDone(PeerId peer, const MTPmessages_StatedMessages &result); void msgUpdated(PeerId peer, const HistoryItem *msg); void historyToDown(History *hist); void dialogsToUp(); void dialogsClear(); // after showing peer history void newUnreadMsg(History *history, MsgId msgId); void updUpdated(int32 pts, int32 date, int32 qts, int32 seq); void historyWasRead(); void peerBefore(const PeerData *inPeer, MsgId inMsg, PeerData *&outPeer, MsgId &outMsg); void peerAfter(const PeerData *inPeer, MsgId inMsg, PeerData *&outPeer, MsgId &outMsg); PeerData *peer(); PeerData *activePeer(); MsgId activeMsgId(); PeerData *profilePeer(); bool mediaTypeSwitch(); void showPeerProfile(PeerData *peer, bool back = false, int32 lastScrollTop = -1, bool allMediaShown = false); void showMediaOverview(PeerData *peer, MediaOverviewType type, bool back = false, int32 lastScrollTop = -1); void showBackFromStack(); QRect historyRect() const; void confirmShareContact(const QString &phone, const QString &fname, const QString &lname); void confirmSendImage(const ReadyLocalMedia &img); void confirmSendImageUncompressed(); void cancelSendImage(); void destroyData(); void updateOnlineDisplayIn(int32 msecs); void addNewContact(int32 uid, bool show = true); bool isActive() const; bool historyIsActive() const; int32 dlgsWidth() const; void forwardLayer(bool forwardSelected = false); void deleteLayer(int32 selectedCount = -1); // -1 - context item, else selected, -2 - cancel upload void shareContactLayer(UserData *contact); void noHider(HistoryHider *destroyed); mtpRequestId onForward(const PeerId &peer, bool forwardSelected); void onShareContact(const PeerId &peer, UserData *contact); void onSendPaths(const PeerId &peer); bool selectingPeer(); void offerPeer(PeerId peer); void hidePeerSelect(); void focusPeerSelect(); void dialogsActivate(); bool leaveChatFailed(PeerData *peer, const RPCError &e); void deleteHistory(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_StatedMessage &result); void deleteHistoryPart(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_AffectedHistory &result); void deletedContact(UserData *user, const MTPcontacts_Link &result); void deleteHistoryAndContact(UserData *user, const MTPcontacts_Link &result); void clearHistory(PeerData *peer); void removeContact(UserData *user); void addParticipants(ChatData *chat, const QVector &users); void addParticipantDone(ChatData *chat, const MTPmessages_StatedMessage &result); bool addParticipantFail(ChatData *chat, const RPCError &e); void kickParticipant(ChatData *chat, UserData *user); void kickParticipantDone(ChatData *chat, const MTPmessages_StatedMessage &result); bool kickParticipantFail(ChatData *chat, const RPCError &e); void checkPeerHistory(PeerData *peer); void checkedHistory(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_Messages &result); void forwardSelectedItems(); void deleteSelectedItems(); void clearSelectedItems(); DialogsIndexed &contactsList(); void sendMessage(History *history, const QString &text); void readServerHistory(History *history, bool force = true); uint64 animActiveTime() const; void stopAnimActive(); void searchMessages(const QString &query); void preloadOverviews(PeerData *peer); void mediaOverviewUpdated(PeerData *peer); void changingMsgId(HistoryItem *row, MsgId newId); void itemRemoved(HistoryItem *item); void itemReplaced(HistoryItem *oldItem, HistoryItem *newItem); void itemResized(HistoryItem *row); void loadMediaBack(PeerData *peer, MediaOverviewType type, bool many = false); ~MainWidget(); signals: void peerUpdated(PeerData *peer); void peerNameChanged(PeerData *peer, const PeerData::Names &oldNames, const PeerData::NameFirstChars &oldChars); void peerPhotoChanged(PeerData *peer); void dialogRowReplaced(DialogRow *oldRow, DialogRow *newRow); void dialogToTop(const History::DialogLinks &links); void dialogsUpdated(); public slots: void videoLoadProgress(mtpFileLoader *loader); void videoLoadFailed(mtpFileLoader *loader, bool started); void videoLoadRetry(); void audioLoadProgress(mtpFileLoader *loader); void audioLoadFailed(mtpFileLoader *loader, bool started); void audioLoadRetry(); void audioPlayProgress(AudioData *audio); void documentLoadProgress(mtpFileLoader *loader); void documentLoadFailed(mtpFileLoader *loader, bool started); void documentLoadRetry(); void setInnerFocus(); void dialogsCancelled(); void onParentResize(const QSize &newSize); void getDifference(); void setOnline(int windowState = -1); void mainStateChanged(Qt::WindowState state); void updateOnlineDisplay(); void showPeer(const PeerId &peer, MsgId msgId = 0, bool back = false, bool force = false); void onTopBarClick(); void onPeerShown(PeerData *peer); void onUpdateNotifySettings(); void onPhotosSelect(); void onVideosSelect(); void onDocumentsSelect(); void onAudiosSelect(); private: void partWasRead(PeerData *peer, const MTPmessages_AffectedHistory &result); void photosLoaded(History *h, const MTPmessages_Messages &msgs, mtpRequestId req); uint64 failedObjId; QString failedFileName; void loadFailed(mtpFileLoader *loader, bool started, const char *retrySlot); void gotDifference(const MTPupdates_Difference &diff); bool failDifference(const RPCError &e); void feedDifference(const MTPVector &users, const MTPVector &chats, const MTPVector &msgs, const MTPVector &other); void gotState(const MTPupdates_State &state); void updSetState(int32 pts, int32 date, int32 qts, int32 seq); void feedUpdates(const MTPVector &updates, bool skipMessageIds = false); void feedMessageIds(const MTPVector &updates); void feedUpdate(const MTPUpdate &update); void updateReceived(const mtpPrime *from, const mtpPrime *end); bool updateFail(const RPCError &e); void hideAll(); void showAll(); void overviewPreloaded(PeerData *data, const MTPmessages_Messages &result, mtpRequestId req); bool overviewFailed(PeerData *data, const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req); QPixmap _animCache, _bgAnimCache; anim::ivalue a_coord, a_bgCoord; anim::fvalue a_alpha, a_bgAlpha; int32 _dialogsWidth; MTPDuserSelf self; DialogsWidget dialogs; HistoryWidget history; ProfileWidget *profile; OverviewWidget *overview; TopBarWidget _topBar; HistoryHider *hider; StackItems _stack; QPixmap profileAnimCache; Dropdown _mediaType; int32 _mediaTypeMask; int updPts, updDate, updQts, updSeq; bool updInited; QTimer noUpdatesTimer; mtpRequestId onlineRequest; QTimer onlineTimer; QTimer onlineUpdater; QSet updateNotifySettingPeers; QTimer updateNotifySettingTimer; typedef QMap ReadRequests; ReadRequests _readRequests; typedef QMap OverviewsPreload; OverviewsPreload _overviewPreload[OverviewCount], _overviewLoad[OverviewCount]; };