/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "ui/widgets/shadow.h" #include "ui/image/image_prepare.h" #include "platform/platform_info.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" namespace Ui { PopupMenu::PopupMenu(QWidget *parent, const style::PopupMenu &st) : RpWidget(parent) , _st(st) , _menu(this, _st.menu) { init(); } PopupMenu::PopupMenu(QWidget *parent, QMenu *menu, const style::PopupMenu &st) : RpWidget(parent) , _st(st) , _menu(this, menu, _st.menu) { init(); for (auto action : actions()) { if (auto submenu = action->menu()) { auto it = _submenus.insert(action, new PopupMenu(parentWidget(), submenu, st)); it.value()->deleteOnHide(false); } } } void PopupMenu::init() { using namespace rpl::mappers; rpl::merge( Core::App().passcodeLockChanges(), Core::App().termsLockChanges() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { hideMenu(true); }, lifetime()); _menu->setResizedCallback([this] { handleMenuResize(); }); _menu->setActivatedCallback([this](QAction *action, int actionTop, TriggeredSource source) { handleActivated(action, actionTop, source); }); _menu->setTriggeredCallback([this](QAction *action, int actionTop, TriggeredSource source) { handleTriggered(action, actionTop, source); }); _menu->setKeyPressDelegate([this](int key) { return handleKeyPress(key); }); _menu->setMouseMoveDelegate([this](QPoint globalPosition) { handleMouseMove(globalPosition); }); _menu->setMousePressDelegate([this](QPoint globalPosition) { handleMousePress(globalPosition); }); _menu->setMouseReleaseDelegate([this](QPoint globalPosition) { handleMouseRelease(globalPosition); }); handleCompositingUpdate(); setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint) | Qt::BypassWindowManagerHint | Qt::Popup | Qt::NoDropShadowWindowHint); setMouseTracking(true); hide(); setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, true); setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground, true); } void PopupMenu::handleCompositingUpdate() { _padding = _useTransparency ? _st.shadow.extend : style::margins(st::lineWidth, st::lineWidth, st::lineWidth, st::lineWidth); _menu->moveToLeft(_padding.left() + _st.scrollPadding.left(), _padding.top() + _st.scrollPadding.top()); handleMenuResize(); } void PopupMenu::handleMenuResize() { auto newWidth = _padding.left() + _st.scrollPadding.left() + _menu->width() + _st.scrollPadding.right() + _padding.right(); auto newHeight = _padding.top() + _st.scrollPadding.top() + _menu->height() + _st.scrollPadding.bottom() + _padding.bottom(); resize(newWidth, newHeight); _inner = rect().marginsRemoved(_padding); } not_null PopupMenu::addAction(const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, const char* member, const style::icon *icon, const style::icon *iconOver) { return _menu->addAction(text, receiver, member, icon, iconOver); } not_null PopupMenu::addAction(const QString &text, Fn callback, const style::icon *icon, const style::icon *iconOver) { return _menu->addAction(text, std::move(callback), icon, iconOver); } not_null PopupMenu::addSeparator() { return _menu->addSeparator(); } void PopupMenu::clearActions() { for (const auto &submenu : base::take(_submenus)) { delete submenu; } return _menu->clearActions(); } const std::vector> &PopupMenu::actions() const { return _menu->actions(); } void PopupMenu::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); if (_useTransparency) { Platform::StartTranslucentPaint(p, e); } if (_a_show.animating()) { if (auto opacity = _a_opacity.value(_hiding ? 0. : 1.)) { _showAnimation->paintFrame(p, 0, 0, width(), _a_show.value(1.), opacity); } } else if (_a_opacity.animating()) { p.setOpacity(_a_opacity.value(0.)); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, _cache); } else if (_hiding || isHidden()) { hideFinished(); } else if (_showAnimation) { _showAnimation->paintFrame(p, 0, 0, width(), 1., 1.); _showAnimation.reset(); showChildren(); } else { paintBg(p); } } void PopupMenu::paintBg(Painter &p) { if (_useTransparency) { Shadow::paint(p, _inner, width(), _st.shadow); App::roundRect(p, _inner, _st.menu.itemBg, ImageRoundRadius::Small); } else { p.fillRect(0, 0, width() - _padding.right(), _padding.top(), _st.shadow.fallback); p.fillRect(width() - _padding.right(), 0, _padding.right(), height() - _padding.bottom(), _st.shadow.fallback); p.fillRect(_padding.left(), height() - _padding.bottom(), width() - _padding.left(), _padding.bottom(), _st.shadow.fallback); p.fillRect(0, _padding.top(), _padding.left(), height() - _padding.top(), _st.shadow.fallback); p.fillRect(_inner, _st.menu.itemBg); } } void PopupMenu::handleActivated(QAction *action, int actionTop, TriggeredSource source) { if (source == TriggeredSource::Mouse) { if (!popupSubmenuFromAction(action, actionTop, source)) { if (auto currentSubmenu = base::take(_activeSubmenu)) { currentSubmenu->hideMenu(true); } } } } void PopupMenu::handleTriggered(QAction *action, int actionTop, TriggeredSource source) { if (!popupSubmenuFromAction(action, actionTop, source)) { _triggering = true; hideMenu(); emit action->trigger(); _triggering = false; if (_deleteLater) { _deleteLater = false; deleteLater(); } } } bool PopupMenu::popupSubmenuFromAction(QAction *action, int actionTop, TriggeredSource source) { if (auto submenu = _submenus.value(action)) { if (_activeSubmenu == submenu) { submenu->hideMenu(true); } else { popupSubmenu(submenu, actionTop, source); } return true; } return false; } void PopupMenu::popupSubmenu(SubmenuPointer submenu, int actionTop, TriggeredSource source) { if (auto currentSubmenu = base::take(_activeSubmenu)) { currentSubmenu->hideMenu(true); } if (submenu) { QPoint p(_inner.x() + (rtl() ? _padding.right() : _inner.width() - _padding.left()), _inner.y() + actionTop); _activeSubmenu = submenu; _activeSubmenu->showMenu(geometry().topLeft() + p, this, source); _menu->setChildShown(true); } else { _menu->setChildShown(false); } } void PopupMenu::forwardKeyPress(int key) { if (!handleKeyPress(key)) { _menu->handleKeyPress(key); } } bool PopupMenu::handleKeyPress(int key) { if (_activeSubmenu) { _activeSubmenu->handleKeyPress(key); return true; } else if (key == Qt::Key_Escape) { hideMenu(_parent ? true : false); return true; } else if (key == (rtl() ? Qt::Key_Right : Qt::Key_Left)) { if (_parent) { hideMenu(true); return true; } } return false; } void PopupMenu::handleMouseMove(QPoint globalPosition) { if (_parent) { _parent->forwardMouseMove(globalPosition); } } void PopupMenu::handleMousePress(QPoint globalPosition) { if (_parent) { _parent->forwardMousePress(globalPosition); } else { hideMenu(); } } void PopupMenu::handleMouseRelease(QPoint globalPosition) { if (_parent) { _parent->forwardMouseRelease(globalPosition); } else { hideMenu(); } } void PopupMenu::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *e) { hideMenu(); } void PopupMenu::hideEvent(QHideEvent *e) { if (_deleteOnHide) { if (_triggering) { _deleteLater = true; } else { deleteLater(); } } } void PopupMenu::hideMenu(bool fast) { if (isHidden()) return; if (_parent && !_a_opacity.animating()) { _parent->childHiding(this); } if (fast) { hideFast(); } else { hideAnimated(); if (_parent) { _parent->hideMenu(); } } if (_activeSubmenu) { _activeSubmenu->hideMenu(fast); } } void PopupMenu::childHiding(PopupMenu *child) { if (_activeSubmenu && _activeSubmenu == child) { _activeSubmenu = SubmenuPointer(); } if (!_hiding && !isHidden()) { activateWindow(); } } void PopupMenu::setOrigin(PanelAnimation::Origin origin) { _origin = origin; } void PopupMenu::showAnimated(PanelAnimation::Origin origin) { setOrigin(origin); showStarted(); } void PopupMenu::hideAnimated() { if (isHidden()) return; if (_hiding) return; startOpacityAnimation(true); } void PopupMenu::hideFast() { if (isHidden()) return; _hiding = false; _a_opacity.stop(); hideFinished(); } void PopupMenu::hideFinished() { _a_show.stop(); _cache = QPixmap(); if (!isHidden()) { hide(); } } void PopupMenu::prepareCache() { if (_a_opacity.animating()) return; auto showAnimation = base::take(_a_show); auto showAnimationData = base::take(_showAnimation); showChildren(); _cache = GrabWidget(this); _showAnimation = base::take(showAnimationData); _a_show = base::take(showAnimation); } void PopupMenu::startOpacityAnimation(bool hiding) { _hiding = false; if (!_useTransparency) { _a_opacity.stop(); if (hiding) { hideFinished(); } else { update(); } return; } prepareCache(); _hiding = hiding; hideChildren(); _a_opacity.start([this] { opacityAnimationCallback(); }, _hiding ? 1. : 0., _hiding ? 0. : 1., _st.duration); } void PopupMenu::showStarted() { if (isHidden()) { show(); startShowAnimation(); return; } else if (!_hiding) { return; } startOpacityAnimation(false); } void PopupMenu::startShowAnimation() { if (!_useTransparency) { _a_show.stop(); update(); return; } if (!_a_show.animating()) { auto opacityAnimation = base::take(_a_opacity); showChildren(); auto cache = grabForPanelAnimation(); _a_opacity = base::take(opacityAnimation); _showAnimation = std::make_unique(_st.animation, _origin); _showAnimation->setFinalImage(std::move(cache), QRect(_inner.topLeft() * cIntRetinaFactor(), _inner.size() * cIntRetinaFactor())); if (_useTransparency) { auto corners = App::cornersMask(ImageRoundRadius::Small); _showAnimation->setCornerMasks(corners[0], corners[1], corners[2], corners[3]); } else { _showAnimation->setSkipShadow(true); } _showAnimation->start(); } hideChildren(); _a_show.start([this] { showAnimationCallback(); }, 0., 1., _st.showDuration); } void PopupMenu::opacityAnimationCallback() { update(); if (!_a_opacity.animating()) { if (_hiding) { _hiding = false; hideFinished(); } else { showChildren(); } } } void PopupMenu::showAnimationCallback() { update(); } QImage PopupMenu::grabForPanelAnimation() { SendPendingMoveResizeEvents(this); auto result = QImage(size() * cIntRetinaFactor(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); result.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); result.fill(Qt::transparent); { Painter p(&result); if (_useTransparency) { App::roundRect(p, _inner, _st.menu.itemBg, ImageRoundRadius::Small); } else { p.fillRect(_inner, _st.menu.itemBg); } for (const auto child : children()) { if (const auto widget = qobject_cast(child)) { RenderWidget(p, widget, widget->pos()); } } } return result; } void PopupMenu::deleteOnHide(bool del) { _deleteOnHide = del; } void PopupMenu::popup(const QPoint &p) { showMenu(p, nullptr, TriggeredSource::Mouse); } void PopupMenu::showMenu(const QPoint &p, PopupMenu *parent, TriggeredSource source) { if (!parent && Platform::IsMac() && !Platform::IsApplicationActive()) { _hiding = false; _a_opacity.stop(); _a_show.stop(); _cache = QPixmap(); hide(); if (_deleteOnHide) { deleteLater(); } return; } _parent = parent; auto origin = PanelAnimation::Origin::TopLeft; auto w = p - QPoint(0, _padding.top()); auto r = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(p); _useTransparency = Platform::TranslucentWindowsSupported(p); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, !_useTransparency); handleCompositingUpdate(); if (rtl()) { if (w.x() - width() < r.x() - _padding.left()) { if (_parent && w.x() + _parent->width() - _padding.left() - _padding.right() + width() - _padding.right() <= r.x() + r.width()) { w.setX(w.x() + _parent->width() - _padding.left() - _padding.right()); } else { w.setX(r.x() - _padding.left()); } } else { w.setX(w.x() - width()); } } else { if (w.x() + width() - _padding.right() > r.x() + r.width()) { if (_parent && w.x() - _parent->width() + _padding.left() + _padding.right() - width() + _padding.right() >= r.x() - _padding.left()) { w.setX(w.x() + _padding.left() + _padding.right() - _parent->width() - width() + _padding.left() + _padding.right()); } else { w.setX(p.x() - width() + _padding.right()); } origin = PanelAnimation::Origin::TopRight; } } if (w.y() + height() - _padding.bottom() > r.y() + r.height()) { if (_parent) { w.setY(r.y() + r.height() - height() + _padding.bottom()); } else { w.setY(p.y() - height() + _padding.bottom()); origin = (origin == PanelAnimation::Origin::TopRight) ? PanelAnimation::Origin::BottomRight : PanelAnimation::Origin::BottomLeft; } } if (w.x() < r.x()) { w.setX(r.x()); } if (w.y() < r.y()) { w.setY(r.y()); } move(w); setOrigin(origin); _menu->setShowSource(source); startShowAnimation(); psUpdateOverlayed(this); show(); psShowOverAll(this); activateWindow(); } PopupMenu::~PopupMenu() { for (const auto &submenu : base::take(_submenus)) { delete submenu; } if (const auto parent = parentWidget()) { if (QApplication::focusWidget() != nullptr) { Core::App().activateWindowDelayed(parent); } } if (_destroyedCallback) { _destroyedCallback(); } } } // namespace Ui