set -e FullExecPath=$PWD pushd `dirname $0` > /dev/null FullScriptPath=`pwd` popd > /dev/null arg1="$1" arg2="$2" arg3="$3" if [ ! -d "$FullScriptPath/../../../DesktopPrivate" ]; then echo "" echo "This script is for building the production version of Telegram Desktop." echo "" echo "For building custom versions please visit the build instructions page at:" echo "" exit fi Error () { cd $FullExecPath echo "$1" exit 1 } if [ ! -f "$FullScriptPath/target" ]; then Error "Build target not found!" fi while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do BuildTarget="$line" done < "$FullScriptPath/target" while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do set $line eval $1="$2" done < "$FullScriptPath/version" VersionForPacker="$AppVersion" if [ "$AlphaVersion" != "0" ]; then AppVersion="$AlphaVersion" AppVersionStrFull="${AppVersionStr}_${AlphaVersion}" AlphaBetaParam="-alpha $AlphaVersion" AlphaKeyFile="talpha_${AppVersion}_key" elif [ "$BetaChannel" == "0" ]; then AppVersionStrFull="$AppVersionStr" AlphaBetaParam='' else AppVersionStrFull="$AppVersionStr.beta" AlphaBetaParam='-beta' fi echo "" HomePath="$FullScriptPath/.." if [ "$BuildTarget" == "linux" ]; then echo "Building version $AppVersionStrFull for Linux 64bit.." UpdateFile="tlinuxupd$AppVersion" SetupFile="tsetup.$AppVersionStrFull.tar.xz" ProjectPath="$HomePath/../out" ReleasePath="$ProjectPath/Release" BinaryName="Telegram" elif [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac" ] ; then if [ "$arg1" == "x86_64" ] || [ "$arg1" == "arm64" ]; then echo "Building version $AppVersionStrFull for macOS 10.13+ ($arg1).." MacArch="$arg1" if [ "$arg2" == "request_uuid" ] && [ "$arg3" != "" ]; then NotarizeRequestId="$arg3" fi else echo "Building version $AppVersionStrFull for macOS 10.13+.." if [ "$arg2" != "" ]; then if [ "$arg1" == "request_uuid_x86_64" ]; then NotarizeRequestIdAMD64="$arg2" elif [ "$arg1" == "request_uuid_arm64" ]; then NotarizeRequestIdARM64="$arg2" elif [ "$arg1" == "request_uuid" ]; then NotarizeRequestId="$arg2" fi fi fi if [ "$AC_USERNAME" == "" ]; then Error "AC_USERNAME not found!" fi UpdateFileAMD64="tmacupd$AppVersion" UpdateFileARM64="tarmacupd$AppVersion" if [ "$MacArch" == "arm64" ]; then UpdateFile="$UpdateFileARM64" elif [ "$MacArch" == "x86_64" ]; then UpdateFile="$UpdateFileAMD64" fi ProjectPath="$HomePath/../out" ReleasePath="$ProjectPath/Release" BinaryName="Telegram" if [ "$MacArch" != "" ]; then BundleName="$BinaryName.$" SetupFile="tsetup.$MacArch.$AppVersionStrFull.dmg" else BundleName="$" SetupFile="tsetup.$AppVersionStrFull.dmg" fi elif [ "$BuildTarget" == "macstore" ]; then if [ "$AlphaVersion" != "0" ]; then Error "Can't build macstore alpha version!" fi echo "Building version $AppVersionStrFull for Mac App Store.." ProjectPath="$HomePath/../out" ReleasePath="$ProjectPath/Release" BinaryName="Telegram Lite" BundleName="$" else Error "Invalid target!" fi if [ "$AlphaVersion" != "0" ]; then if [ -d "$ReleasePath/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStrFull" ]; then Error "Deploy folder for version $AppVersionStrFull already exists!" fi else if [ -d "$ReleasePath/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStr.alpha" ]; then Error "Deploy folder for version $AppVersionStr.alpha already exists!" fi if [ -d "$ReleasePath/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStr.beta" ]; then Error "Deploy folder for version $AppVersionStr.beta already exists!" fi if [ -d "$ReleasePath/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStr" ]; then Error "Deploy folder for version $AppVersionStr already exists!" fi if [ -f "$ReleasePath/$UpdateFile" ]; then Error "Update file for version $AppVersion already exists!" fi fi DeployPath="$ReleasePath/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStrFull" if [ "$BuildTarget" == "linux" ]; then DropboxSymbolsPath="/media/psf/Dropbox/Telegram/symbols" if [ ! -d "$DropboxSymbolsPath" ]; then DropboxSymbolsPath="/mnt/c/Telegram/Dropbox/Telegram/symbols" if [ ! -d "$DropboxSymbolsPath" ]; then Error "Dropbox path not found!" fi fi BackupPath="/media/psf/backup/tdesktop/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStrFull/t$BuildTarget" if [ ! -d "/media/psf/backup/tdesktop" ]; then BackupPath="/mnt/c/Telegram/Projects/backup/tdesktop/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStrFull/t$BuildTarget" if [ ! -d "/mnt/c/Telegram/Projects/backup/tdesktop" ]; then Error "Backup folder not found!" fi fi ./build/docker/centos_env/ /usr/src/tdesktop/Telegram/build/docker/ echo "Copying from docker result folder." cp "$ReleasePath/root/$BinaryName" "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName" cp "$ReleasePath/root/Updater" "$ReleasePath/Updater" cp "$ReleasePath/root/Packer" "$ReleasePath/Packer" echo "Dumping debug symbols.." "$ReleasePath/dump_syms" "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName" > "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName.sym" echo "Done!" echo "Stripping the executable.." strip -s "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName" echo "Done!" echo "Preparing version $AppVersionStrFull, executing Packer.." cd "$ReleasePath" "./Packer" -path "$BinaryName" -path Updater -version $VersionForPacker $AlphaBetaParam echo "Packer done!" if [ "$AlphaVersion" != "0" ]; then if [ ! -f "$ReleasePath/$AlphaKeyFile" ]; then Error "Alpha version key file not found!" fi while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do AlphaSignature="$line" done < "$ReleasePath/$AlphaKeyFile" UpdateFile="${UpdateFile}_${AlphaSignature}" SetupFile="talpha${AlphaVersion}_${AlphaSignature}.tar.xz" fi SymbolsHash=`head -n 1 "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName.sym" | awk -F " " 'END {print $4}'` echo "Copying $BinaryName.sym to $DropboxSymbolsPath/$BinaryName/$SymbolsHash" mkdir -p "$DropboxSymbolsPath/$BinaryName/$SymbolsHash" cp "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName.sym" "$DropboxSymbolsPath/$BinaryName/$SymbolsHash/" echo "Done!" if [ ! -d "$ReleasePath/deploy" ]; then mkdir "$ReleasePath/deploy" fi if [ ! -d "$ReleasePath/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor" ]; then mkdir "$ReleasePath/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor" fi echo "Copying $BinaryName, Updater and $UpdateFile to deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStrFull.."; mkdir "$DeployPath" mkdir "$DeployPath/$BinaryName" mv "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName" "$DeployPath/$BinaryName/" mv "$ReleasePath/Updater" "$DeployPath/$BinaryName/" mv "$ReleasePath/$UpdateFile" "$DeployPath/" if [ "$AlphaVersion" != "0" ]; then mv "$ReleasePath/$AlphaKeyFile" "$DeployPath/" fi cd "$DeployPath" tar -cJvf "$SetupFile" "$BinaryName/" mkdir -p $BackupPath cp "$SetupFile" "$BackupPath/" cp "$UpdateFile" "$BackupPath/" if [ "$AlphaVersion" != "0" ]; then cp -v "$AlphaKeyFile" "$BackupPath/" fi fi if [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac" ] || [ "$BuildTarget" == "macstore" ]; then DropboxSymbolsPath="$HOME/Dropbox/Telegram/symbols" if [ ! -d "$DropboxSymbolsPath" ]; then Error "Dropbox path not found!" fi BackupPath="$HOME/Projects/backup/tdesktop/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStrFull" if [ ! -d "$HOME/Projects/backup/tdesktop" ]; then Error "Backup path not found!" fi if [ "$MacArch" != "" ]; then cd $ReleasePath echo "Preparing single $MacArch .app.." rm -rf $BundleName cp -R $ $BundleName lipo -thin $MacArch $$BinaryName -output $BundleName/Contents/MacOS/$BinaryName lipo -thin $MacArch $ -output $BundleName/Contents/Frameworks/Updater lipo -thin $MacArch $ -output $BundleName/Contents/Helpers/crashpad_handler echo "Done!" elif [ "$NotarizeRequestId" == "" ]; then if [ "$NotarizeRequestIdAMD64" == "" ] && [ "$NotarizeRequestIdARM64" == "" ]; then if [ -f "$ReleasePath/$" ]; then rm "$ReleasePath/$" fi if [ -f "$ProjectPath/Telegram/CMakeFiles/Telegram.dir/Info.plist" ]; then rm "$ProjectPath/Telegram/CMakeFiles/Telegram.dir/Info.plist" fi rm -rf "$ReleasePath/$" rm -rf "$ReleasePath/Updater" ./ -D DESKTOP_APP_MAC_ARCH="arm64;x86_64" cd $ProjectPath cmake --build . --config Release --target Telegram fi if [ ! -d "$ReleasePath/$" ]; then Error "$ not found!" fi cd $FullExecPath if [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac" ]; then if [ "$NotarizeRequestIdAMD64" == "" ]; then echo "Preparing single arm64 update.." ./$0 arm64 request_uuid $NotarizeRequestIdARM64 fi echo "Preparing single x86_64 update.." ./$0 x86_64 request_uuid $NotarizeRequestIdAMD64 echo "Done." fi cd $ReleasePath fi if [ "$NotarizeRequestId" == "" ]; then if [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac" ]; then if [ ! -f "$ReleasePath/$BundleName/Contents/Frameworks/Updater" ]; then Error "Updater not found!" fi if [ ! -f "$ReleasePath/$BundleName/Contents/Helpers/crashpad_handler" ]; then Error "crashpad_handler not found!" fi fi if [ "$BuildTarget" == "macstore" ]; then if [ ! -d "$ReleasePath/$BundleName/Contents/Frameworks/Breakpad.framework" ]; then Error "Breakpad.framework not found!" fi fi if [ "$MacArch" == "" ]; then echo "Dumping debug symbols x86_64 from universal.." "$HomePath/../../Libraries/breakpad/src/tools/mac/dump_syms/build/Release/dump_syms" "-a" "x86_64" "$ReleasePath/$$BinaryName" > "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName.x86_64.sym" 2>/dev/null echo "Done!" SymbolsHash=`head -n 1 "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName.x86_64.sym" | awk -F " " 'END {print $4}'` echo "Copying $BinaryName.x86_64.sym to $DropboxSymbolsPath/$BinaryName/$SymbolsHash" mkdir -p "$DropboxSymbolsPath/$BinaryName/$SymbolsHash" cp "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName.x86_64.sym" "$DropboxSymbolsPath/$BinaryName/$SymbolsHash/$BinaryName.sym" echo "Done!" echo "Dumping debug symbols arm64 from universal.." "$HomePath/../../Libraries/breakpad/src/tools/mac/dump_syms/build/Release/dump_syms" "-a" "arm64" "$ReleasePath/$$BinaryName" > "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName.arm64.sym" 2>/dev/null echo "Done!" SymbolsHash=`head -n 1 "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName.arm64.sym" | awk -F " " 'END {print $4}'` echo "Copying $BinaryName.arm64.sym to $DropboxSymbolsPath/$BinaryName/$SymbolsHash" mkdir -p "$DropboxSymbolsPath/$BinaryName/$SymbolsHash" cp "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName.arm64.sym" "$DropboxSymbolsPath/$BinaryName/$SymbolsHash/$BinaryName.sym" echo "Done!" fi echo "Stripping the executable.." strip "$ReleasePath/$BundleName/Contents/MacOS/$BinaryName" if [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac" ]; then strip "$ReleasePath/$BundleName/Contents/Frameworks/Updater" strip "$ReleasePath/$BundleName/Contents/Helpers/crashpad_handler" fi echo "Done!" echo "Signing the application.." if [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac" ]; then codesign --force --deep --timestamp --options runtime --sign "Developer ID Application: Telegram FZ-LLC (C67CF9S4VU)" "$ReleasePath/$BundleName" --entitlements "$HomePath/Telegram/Telegram.entitlements" elif [ "$BuildTarget" == "macstore" ]; then codesign --force --timestamp --options runtime --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Telegram FZ-LLC (C67CF9S4VU)" "$ReleasePath/$BundleName/Contents/Frameworks/Breakpad.framework/Versions/A/Resources/breakpadUtilities.dylib" --entitlements "$HomePath/Telegram/Breakpad.entitlements" codesign --force --deep --timestamp --options runtime --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Telegram FZ-LLC (C67CF9S4VU)" "$ReleasePath/$BundleName" --entitlements "$HomePath/Telegram/Telegram Lite.entitlements" echo "Making an installer.." productbuild --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Telegram FZ-LLC (C67CF9S4VU)" --component "$ReleasePath/$BundleName" /Applications "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName.pkg" fi echo "Done!" if [ ! -f "$ReleasePath/$BundleName/Contents/Resources/Icon.icns" ]; then Error "Icon.icns not found in Resources!" fi if [ ! -f "$ReleasePath/$BundleName/Contents/MacOS/$BinaryName" ]; then Error "$BinaryName not found in MacOS!" fi if [ ! -d "$ReleasePath/$BundleName/Contents/_CodeSignature" ]; then Error "$BinaryName signature not found!" fi if [ "$BuildTarget" == "macstore" ]; then if [ ! -f "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName.pkg" ]; then Error "$BinaryName.pkg not found!" fi fi fi if [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac" ]; then cd "$ReleasePath" if [ "$NotarizeRequestId" == "" ]; then if [ "$AlphaVersion" == "0" ]; then cp -f tsetup_template.dmg tsetup.temp.dmg TempDiskPath=`hdiutil attach -nobrowse -noautoopenrw -readwrite tsetup.temp.dmg | awk -F "\t" 'END {print $3}'` cp -R "./$BundleName" "$TempDiskPath/" bless --folder "$TempDiskPath/" hdiutil detach "$TempDiskPath" hdiutil convert tsetup.temp.dmg -format UDBZ -ov -o "$SetupFile" rm tsetup.temp.dmg fi fi if [ "$AlphaVersion" != "0" ]; then cd $ReleasePath "./Packer" -path "$BundleName" -target "$BuildTarget" -version $VersionForPacker $AlphaBetaParam -alphakey if [ ! -f "$AlphaKeyFile" ]; then Error "Alpha version key file not found!" fi while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do AlphaSignature="$line" done < "$ReleasePath/$AlphaKeyFile" UpdateFile="${UpdateFile}_${AlphaSignature}" UpdateFileAMD64="${UpdateFileAMD64}_${AlphaSignature}" UpdateFileARM64="${UpdateFileARM64}_${AlphaSignature}" if [ "$MacArch" != "" ]; then SetupFile="talpha${AlphaVersion}_${MacArch}_${AlphaSignature}.zip" else SetupFile="talpha${AlphaVersion}_${AlphaSignature}.zip" fi if [ "$NotarizeRequestId" == "" ]; then rm -rf "$ReleasePath/AlphaTemp" mkdir "$ReleasePath/AlphaTemp" mkdir "$ReleasePath/AlphaTemp/$BinaryName" cp -r "$ReleasePath/$BundleName" "$ReleasePath/AlphaTemp/$BinaryName/" cd "$ReleasePath/AlphaTemp" zip -r "$SetupFile" "$BinaryName" mv "$SetupFile" "$ReleasePath/" cd "$ReleasePath" fi fi echo "Beginning notarization process." xcrun notarytool submit "$SetupFile" --keychain-profile "preston" --wait xcrun stapler staple "$ReleasePath/$BundleName" if [ "$MacArch" != "" ]; then rm "$ReleasePath/$SetupFile" echo "Setup file $SetupFile removed." elif [ "$AlphaVersion" != "0" ]; then rm -rf "$ReleasePath/AlphaTemp" mkdir "$ReleasePath/AlphaTemp" mkdir "$ReleasePath/AlphaTemp/$BinaryName" cp -r "$ReleasePath/$" "$ReleasePath/AlphaTemp/$BinaryName/" cd "$ReleasePath/AlphaTemp" zip -r "$SetupFile" "$BinaryName" mv "$SetupFile" "$ReleasePath/" cd "$ReleasePath" echo "Alpha archive re-created." else xcrun stapler staple "$ReleasePath/$SetupFile" fi if [ "$MacArch" != "" ]; then UpdatePackPath="$ReleasePath/update_pack_${MacArch}" rm -rf "$UpdatePackPath" mkdir "$UpdatePackPath" mv "$ReleasePath/$BundleName" "$UpdatePackPath/$" cp "$ReleasePath/Packer" "$UpdatePackPath/" cd "$UpdatePackPath" "./Packer" -path "$" -target "$BuildTarget" -version $VersionForPacker -arch $MacArch $AlphaBetaParam echo "Packer done!" mv "$UpdateFile" "$ReleasePath/" cd "$ReleasePath" rm -rf "$UpdatePackPath" exit fi fi if [ ! -d "$ReleasePath/deploy" ]; then mkdir "$ReleasePath/deploy" fi if [ ! -d "$ReleasePath/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor" ]; then mkdir "$ReleasePath/deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor" fi if [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac" ]; then echo "Copying $, $UpdateFileAMD64 and $UpdateFileARM64 to deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStr.."; mkdir "$DeployPath" mkdir "$DeployPath/$BinaryName" cp -r "$ReleasePath/$" "$DeployPath/$BinaryName/" if [ "$AlphaVersion" != "0" ]; then mv "$ReleasePath/$AlphaKeyFile" "$DeployPath/" fi rm "$ReleasePath/$$BinaryName" rm "$ReleasePath/$" mv "$ReleasePath/$UpdateFileAMD64" "$DeployPath/" mv "$ReleasePath/$UpdateFileARM64" "$DeployPath/" mv "$ReleasePath/$SetupFile" "$DeployPath/" if [ "$BuildTarget" == "mac" ]; then mkdir -p "$BackupPath/tmac" cp "$DeployPath/$UpdateFileAMD64" "$BackupPath/tmac/" cp "$DeployPath/$UpdateFileARM64" "$BackupPath/tmac/" cp "$DeployPath/$SetupFile" "$BackupPath/tmac/" if [ "$AlphaVersion" != "0" ]; then cp -v "$DeployPath/$AlphaKeyFile" "$BackupPath/tmac/" fi fi elif [ "$BuildTarget" == "macstore" ]; then echo "Copying $ to deploy/$AppVersionStrMajor/$AppVersionStr.."; mkdir "$DeployPath" cp -r "$ReleasePath/$" "$DeployPath/" mv "$ReleasePath/$BinaryName.pkg" "$DeployPath/" rm "$ReleasePath/$$BinaryName" fi fi echo "Version $AppVersionStrFull is ready!"; echo -en "\007"; sleep 1; echo -en "\007"; sleep 1; echo -en "\007";