/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "history/view/controls/history_view_compose_media_edit_manager.h" #include "history/view/history_view_corner_buttons.h" #include "history/history_drag_area.h" #include "history/history_view_highlight_manager.h" #include "history/history_view_top_toast.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "chat_helpers/field_autocomplete.h" #include "chat_helpers/field_characters_count_manager.h" #include "window/section_widget.h" #include "ui/widgets/fields/input_field.h" #include "mtproto/sender.h" enum class SendMediaType; class MessageLinksParser; struct InlineBotQuery; struct AutocompleteQuery; namespace MTP { class Error; } // namespace MTP namespace Data { class PhotoMedia; } // namespace Data namespace SendMenu { struct Details; } // namespace SendMenu namespace Api { struct SendOptions; struct SendAction; } // namespace Api namespace InlineBots { namespace Layout { class Widget; } // namespace Layout struct ResultSelected; } // namespace InlineBots namespace Support { class Autocomplete; struct Contact; } // namespace Support namespace Ui { class InnerDropdown; class DropdownMenu; class PlainShadow; class IconButton; class EmojiButton; class SendButton; class SilentToggle; class FlatButton; class RoundButton; class PinnedBar; class GroupCallBar; class RequestsBar; struct PreparedList; class SendFilesWay; class SendAsButton; class SpoilerAnimation; enum class ReportReason; class ChooseThemeController; class ContinuousScroll; struct ChatPaintHighlight; } // namespace Ui namespace Window { class SessionController; } // namespace Window namespace ChatHelpers { class TabbedPanel; class TabbedSelector; } // namespace ChatHelpers namespace HistoryView { class StickerToast; class TopBarWidget; class ContactStatus; class BusinessBotStatus; class Element; class PinnedTracker; class TranslateBar; class ComposeSearch; struct SelectedQuote; } // namespace HistoryView namespace HistoryView::Controls { class RecordLock; class VoiceRecordBar; class ForwardPanel; class TTLButton; class WebpageProcessor; class CharactersLimitLabel; class PhotoEditSpoilerManager; } // namespace HistoryView::Controls class BotKeyboard; class HistoryInner; class HistoryWidget final : public Window::AbstractSectionWidget , private HistoryView::CornerButtonsDelegate { public: using FieldHistoryAction = Ui::InputField::HistoryAction; using RecordLock = HistoryView::Controls::RecordLock; using VoiceRecordBar = HistoryView::Controls::VoiceRecordBar; using ForwardPanel = HistoryView::Controls::ForwardPanel; HistoryWidget( QWidget *parent, not_null controller); void start(); void historyLoaded(); [[nodiscard]] bool preventsClose(Fn &&continueCallback) const; // When resizing the widget with top edge moved up or down and we // want to add this top movement to the scroll position, so inner // content will not move. void setGeometryWithTopMoved(const QRect &newGeometry, int topDelta); void windowShown(); [[nodiscard]] bool markingMessagesRead() const; [[nodiscard]] bool markingContentsRead() const; bool skipItemRepaint(); void checkActivation(); void leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) override; bool isItemCompletelyHidden(HistoryItem *item) const; void updateTopBarSelection(); void updateTopBarChooseForReport(); void loadMessages(); void loadMessagesDown(); void firstLoadMessages(); void delayedShowAt( MsgId showAtMsgId, const TextWithEntities &highlightPart, int highlightPartOffsetHint); bool updateReplaceMediaButton(); void updateFieldPlaceholder(); bool updateStickersByEmoji(); bool confirmSendingFiles(const QStringList &files); bool confirmSendingFiles(not_null data); void updateControlsVisibility(); void updateControlsGeometry(); History *history() const; PeerData *peer() const; void setMsgId( MsgId showAtMsgId, const TextWithEntities &highlightPart = {}, int highlightPartOffsetHint = 0); MsgId msgId() const; bool hasTopBarShadow() const { return peer() != nullptr; } void showAnimated( Window::SlideDirection direction, const Window::SectionSlideParams ¶ms); void finishAnimating(); void doneShow(); QPoint clampMousePosition(QPoint point); bool touchScroll(const QPoint &delta); void enqueueMessageHighlight(const HistoryView::SelectedQuote "e); [[nodiscard]] Ui::ChatPaintHighlight itemHighlight( not_null item) const; MessageIdsList getSelectedItems() const; void itemEdited(not_null item); void replyToMessage(FullReplyTo id); void replyToMessage( not_null item, TextWithEntities quote = {}, int quoteOffset = 0); void editMessage( not_null item, const TextSelection &selection); [[nodiscard]] FullReplyTo replyTo() const; bool lastForceReplyReplied(const FullMsgId &replyTo) const; bool lastForceReplyReplied() const; bool cancelReply(bool lastKeyboardUsed = false); void cancelEdit(); void updateForwarding(); void pushReplyReturn(not_null item); [[nodiscard]] QVector replyReturns() const; void setReplyReturns(PeerId peer, QVector replyReturns); void escape(); void sendBotCommand(const Bot::SendCommandRequest &request); void hideSingleUseKeyboard(FullMsgId replyToId); bool insertBotCommand(const QString &cmd); bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e) override; // With force=true the markup is updated even if it is // already shown for the passed history item. void updateBotKeyboard(History *h = nullptr, bool force = false); void botCallbackSent(not_null item); void fastShowAtEnd(not_null history); bool applyDraft( FieldHistoryAction fieldHistoryAction = FieldHistoryAction::Clear); void showHistory( const PeerId &peer, MsgId showAtMsgId, const TextWithEntities &highlightPart = {}, int highlightPartOffsetHint = 0); void setChooseReportMessagesDetails( Ui::ReportReason reason, Fn callback); void clearAllLoadRequests(); void clearSupportPreloadRequest(); void clearDelayedShowAtRequest(); void clearDelayedShowAt(); void toggleChooseChatTheme( not_null peer, std::optional show = std::nullopt); [[nodiscard]] Ui::ChatTheme *customChatTheme() const; void applyCloudDraft(History *history); void updateFieldSubmitSettings(); void activate(); void setInnerFocus(); [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> cancelRequests() const { return _cancelRequests.events(); } bool searchInChatEmbedded(Dialogs::Key chat, QString query); void updateNotifyControls(); bool contentOverlapped(const QRect &globalRect); QPixmap grabForShowAnimation(const Window::SectionSlideParams ¶ms); void forwardSelected(); void confirmDeleteSelected(); void clearSelected(); [[nodiscard]] SendMenu::Details sendMenuDetails() const; [[nodiscard]] SendMenu::Details saveMenuDetails() const; bool sendExistingDocument( not_null document, Api::SendOptions options, std::optional localId = std::nullopt); bool sendExistingPhoto( not_null photo, Api::SendOptions options); void showInfoTooltip( const TextWithEntities &text, Fn hiddenCallback); void showPremiumStickerTooltip( not_null view); void showPremiumToast(not_null document); // Tabbed selector management. bool pushTabbedSelectorToThirdSection( not_null thread, const Window::SectionShow ¶ms) override; bool returnTabbedSelector() override; // Float player interface. bool floatPlayerHandleWheelEvent(QEvent *e) override; QRect floatPlayerAvailableRect() override; bool notify_switchInlineBotButtonReceived(const QString &query, UserData *samePeerBot, MsgId samePeerReplyTo); void tryProcessKeyInput(not_null e); ~HistoryWidget(); protected: void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override; void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) override; void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; void leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) override; void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override; private: using TabbedPanel = ChatHelpers::TabbedPanel; using TabbedSelector = ChatHelpers::TabbedSelector; enum ScrollChangeType { ScrollChangeNone, // When we toggle a pinned message. ScrollChangeAdd, // When loading a history part while scrolling down. ScrollChangeNoJumpToBottom, }; struct ScrollChange { ScrollChangeType type; int value; }; struct ChooseMessagesForReport { Ui::ReportReason reason = {}; Fn callback; bool active = false; }; struct ItemRevealAnimation { Ui::Animations::Simple animation; int startHeight = 0; }; enum class TextUpdateEvent { SaveDraft = (1 << 0), SendTyping = (1 << 1), }; using TextUpdateEvents = base::flags; friend inline constexpr bool is_flag_type(TextUpdateEvent) { return true; }; void cornerButtonsShowAtPosition( Data::MessagePosition position) override; Data::Thread *cornerButtonsThread() override; FullMsgId cornerButtonsCurrentId() override; bool cornerButtonsIgnoreVisibility() override; std::optional cornerButtonsDownShown() override; bool cornerButtonsUnreadMayBeShown() override; bool cornerButtonsHas(HistoryView::CornerButtonType type) override; void checkSuggestToGigagroup(); void processReply(); void setReplyFieldsFromProcessing(); void initTabbedSelector(); void initVoiceRecordBar(); void refreshTabbedPanel(); void createTabbedPanel(); void setTabbedPanel(std::unique_ptr panel); void updateField(); void fieldChanged(); void fieldTabbed(); void fieldFocused(); void fieldResized(); void insertHashtagOrBotCommand( QString str, FieldAutocomplete::ChooseMethod method); void cancelInlineBot(); void saveDraft(bool delayed = false); void saveCloudDraft(); void saveDraftDelayed(); void checkFieldAutocomplete(); void showMembersDropdown(); void windowIsVisibleChanged(); void saveFieldToHistoryLocalDraft(); // Checks if we are too close to the top or to the bottom // in the scroll area and preloads history if needed. void preloadHistoryIfNeeded(); void handleScroll(); void updateHistoryItemsByTimer(); [[nodiscard]] Dialogs::EntryState computeDialogsEntryState() const; void refreshTopBarActiveChat(); void refreshJoinChannelText(); void requestMessageData(MsgId msgId); void messageDataReceived(not_null peer, MsgId msgId); [[nodiscard]] Api::SendAction prepareSendAction( Api::SendOptions options) const; void send(Api::SendOptions options); void sendWithModifiers(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers); void sendScheduled(Api::SendOptions initialOptions); [[nodiscard]] SendMenu::Details sendButtonMenuDetails() const; [[nodiscard]] SendMenu::Details sendButtonDefaultDetails() const; void handlePendingHistoryUpdate(); void fullInfoUpdated(); void toggleTabbedSelectorMode(); void recountChatWidth(); void handlePeerUpdate(); bool updateCanSendMessage(); void setMembersShowAreaActive(bool active); void handleHistoryChange(not_null history); void showAboutTopPromotion(); void hideFieldIfVisible(); void unreadCountUpdated(); void closeCurrent(); [[nodiscard]] int computeMaxFieldHeight() const; void toggleMuteUnmute(); void reportSelectedMessages(); void showKeyboardHideButton(); void toggleKeyboard(bool manual = true); void startBotCommand(); void hidePinnedMessage(); void cancelFieldAreaState(); void unblockUser(); void sendBotStartCommand(); void joinChannel(); void supportInitAutocomplete(); void supportInsertText(const QString &text); void supportShareContact(Support::Contact contact); auto computeSendButtonType() const; void showFinished(); void updateOverStates(QPoint pos); void chooseAttach(std::optional overrideSendImagesAsPhotos = {}); void sendButtonClicked(); void newItemAdded(not_null item); void maybeMarkReactionsRead(not_null item); bool canSendFiles(not_null data) const; bool confirmSendingFiles( const QStringList &files, const QString &insertTextOnCancel); bool confirmSendingFiles( QImage &&image, QByteArray &&content, std::optional overrideSendImagesAsPhotos = std::nullopt, const QString &insertTextOnCancel = QString()); bool confirmSendingFiles( not_null data, std::optional overrideSendImagesAsPhotos, const QString &insertTextOnCancel = QString()); bool confirmSendingFiles( Ui::PreparedList &&list, const QString &insertTextOnCancel = QString()); bool showSendingFilesError(const Ui::PreparedList &list) const; bool showSendingFilesError( const Ui::PreparedList &list, std::optional compress) const; bool showSendMessageError( const TextWithTags &textWithTags, bool ignoreSlowmodeCountdown); void sendingFilesConfirmed( Ui::PreparedList &&list, Ui::SendFilesWay way, TextWithTags &&caption, Api::SendOptions options, bool ctrlShiftEnter); void uploadFile(const QByteArray &fileContent, SendMediaType type); void itemRemoved(not_null item); // Updates position of controls around the message field, // like send button, emoji button and others. void moveFieldControls(); void updateFieldSize(); [[nodiscard]] MsgId resolveReplyToTopicRootId(); [[nodiscard]] Data::ForumTopic *resolveReplyToTopic(); [[nodiscard]] bool canWriteMessage() const; void orderWidgets(); [[nodiscard]] InlineBotQuery parseInlineBotQuery() const; [[nodiscard]] auto parseMentionHashtagBotCommandQuery() const -> AutocompleteQuery; void clearInlineBot(); void inlineBotChanged(); // Look in the _field for the inline bot and query string. void updateInlineBotQuery(); // Request to show results in the emoji panel. void applyInlineBotQuery(UserData *bot, const QString &query); void cancelReplyAfterMediaSend(bool lastKeyboardUsed); bool replyToPreviousMessage(); bool replyToNextMessage(); [[nodiscard]] bool showSlowmodeError(); void hideChildWidgets(); void hideSelectorControlsAnimated(); int countMembersDropdownHeightMax() const; void updateReplyToName(); bool editingMessage() const { return _editMsgId != 0; } void setupShortcuts(); void handlePeerMigration(); void updateReplyEditTexts(bool force = false); void updateReplyEditText(not_null item); void updatePinnedViewer(); void setupTranslateBar(); void setupPinnedTracker(); void checkPinnedBarState(); void clearHidingPinnedBar(); void refreshPinnedBarButton(bool many, HistoryItem *item); void checkLastPinnedClickedIdReset( int wasScrollTop, int nowScrollTop); void checkMessagesTTL(); void setupGroupCallBar(); void setupRequestsBar(); void sendInlineResult(InlineBots::ResultSelected result); void drawField(Painter &p, const QRect &rect); void paintEditHeader( Painter &p, const QRect &rect, int left, int top) const; bool paintShowAnimationFrame(); void updateMouseTracking(); // destroys _history and _migrated unread bars void destroyUnreadBar(); void destroyUnreadBarOnClose(); void createUnreadBarIfBelowVisibleArea(int withScrollTop); [[nodiscard]] bool insideJumpToEndInsteadOfToUnread() const; void createUnreadBarAndResize(); [[nodiscard]] TextWithEntities prepareTextForEditMsg() const; void saveEditMsg(); void setupPreview(); void editDraftOptions(); void jumpToReply(FullReplyTo to); void messagesReceived(not_null peer, const MTPmessages_Messages &messages, int requestId); void messagesFailed(const MTP::Error &error, int requestId); void addMessagesToFront(not_null peer, const QVector &messages); void addMessagesToBack(not_null peer, const QVector &messages); void updateSendRestriction(); [[nodiscard]] QString computeSendRestriction() const; void updateHistoryGeometry(bool initial = false, bool loadedDown = false, const ScrollChange &change = { ScrollChangeNone, 0 }); void updateListSize(); void startItemRevealAnimations(); void revealItemsCallback(); void startMessageSendingAnimation(not_null item); // Does any of the shown histories has this flag set. bool hasPendingResizedItems() const; // Counts scrollTop for placing the scroll right at the unread // messages bar, choosing from _history and _migrated unreadBar. std::optional unreadBarTop() const; int itemTopForHighlight(not_null view) const; void scrollToCurrentVoiceMessage(FullMsgId fromId, FullMsgId toId); // Scroll to current y without updating the _lastUserScrolled time. // Used to distinguish between user scrolls and syntetic scrolls. // This one is syntetic. void synteticScrollToY(int y); void writeDrafts(); void writeDraftTexts(); void writeDraftCursors(); void setFieldText( const TextWithTags &textWithTags, TextUpdateEvents events = 0, FieldHistoryAction fieldHistoryAction = FieldHistoryAction::Clear); void clearFieldText( TextUpdateEvents events = 0, FieldHistoryAction fieldHistoryAction = FieldHistoryAction::Clear); [[nodiscard]] int fieldHeight() const; [[nodiscard]] bool fieldOrDisabledShown() const; void unregisterDraftSources(); void registerDraftSource(); void setHistory(History *history); void setEditMsgId(MsgId msgId); HistoryItem *getItemFromHistoryOrMigrated(MsgId genericMsgId) const; void animatedScrollToItem(MsgId msgId); void animatedScrollToY(int scrollTo, HistoryItem *attachTo = nullptr); // when scroll position or scroll area size changed this method // updates the boundings of the visible area in HistoryInner [[nodiscard]] bool hasSavedScroll() const; void visibleAreaUpdated(); int countInitialScrollTop(); int countAutomaticScrollTop(); void preloadHistoryByScroll(); void checkReplyReturns(); void scrollToAnimationCallback(FullMsgId attachToId, int relativeTo); [[nodiscard]] bool readyToForward() const; [[nodiscard]] bool hasSilentToggle() const; void checkSupportPreload(bool force = false); void handleSupportSwitch(not_null updated); [[nodiscard]] bool isRecording() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isSearching() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isBotStart() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isBlocked() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isJoinChannel() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isMuteUnmute() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isReportMessages() const; bool updateCmdStartShown(); void updateSendButtonType(); [[nodiscard]] bool showRecordButton() const; [[nodiscard]] bool showInlineBotCancel() const; void refreshSilentToggle(); [[nodiscard]] bool isChoosingTheme() const; void setupScheduledToggle(); void refreshScheduledToggle(); void setupSendAsToggle(); void refreshSendAsToggle(); void refreshAttachBotsMenu(); void injectSponsoredMessages() const; bool kbWasHidden() const; void switchToSearch(QString query); void checkCharsCount(); void checkCharsLimitation(); MTP::Sender _api; FullReplyTo _replyTo; Ui::Text::String _replyToName; FullReplyTo _processingReplyTo; HistoryItem *_processingReplyItem = nullptr; MsgId _editMsgId = 0; std::shared_ptr _photoEditMedia; bool _canReplaceMedia = false; HistoryView::MediaEditManager _mediaEditManager; HistoryItem *_replyEditMsg = nullptr; Ui::Text::String _replyEditMsgText; std::unique_ptr _replySpoiler; mutable base::Timer _updateEditTimeLeftDisplay; object_ptr _fieldBarCancel; std::unique_ptr _translateBar; int _translateBarHeight = 0; std::unique_ptr _pinnedTracker; std::unique_ptr _pinnedBar; std::unique_ptr _hidingPinnedBar; int _pinnedBarHeight = 0; FullMsgId _pinnedClickedId; std::optional _minPinnedId; std::unique_ptr _groupCallBar; int _groupCallBarHeight = 0; std::unique_ptr _requestsBar; int _requestsBarHeight = 0; bool _preserveScrollTop = false; bool _repaintFieldScheduled = false; mtpRequestId _saveEditMsgRequestId = 0; std::unique_ptr _preview; Fn _previewDrawPreview; Ui::Text::String _previewTitle; Ui::Text::String _previewDescription; PeerData *_peer = nullptr; bool _canSendMessages = false; bool _canSendTexts = false; MsgId _showAtMsgId = ShowAtUnreadMsgId; base::flat_set _topicsRequested; TextWithEntities _showAtMsgHighlightPart; int _showAtMsgHighlightPartOffsetHint = 0; int _firstLoadRequest = 0; // Not real mtpRequestId. int _preloadRequest = 0; // Not real mtpRequestId. int _preloadDownRequest = 0; // Not real mtpRequestId. MsgId _delayedShowAtMsgId = -1; TextWithEntities _delayedShowAtMsgHighlightPart; int _delayedShowAtMsgHighlightPartOffsetHint = 0; int _delayedShowAtRequest = 0; // Not real mtpRequestId. History *_supportPreloadHistory = nullptr; int _supportPreloadRequest = 0; // Not real mtpRequestId. object_ptr _topBar; object_ptr _scroll; QPointer _list; History *_migrated = nullptr; History *_history = nullptr; // Initial updateHistoryGeometry() was called. bool _historyInited = false; // If updateListSize() was called without updateHistoryGeometry(). bool _updateHistoryGeometryRequired = false; int _lastScrollTop = 0; // gifs optimization crl::time _lastScrolled = 0; base::Timer _updateHistoryItems; crl::time _lastUserScrolled = 0; bool _synteticScrollEvent = false; Ui::Animations::Simple _scrollToAnimation; HistoryView::CornerButtons _cornerButtons; const object_ptr _fieldAutocomplete; object_ptr _supportAutocomplete; UserData *_inlineBot = nullptr; QString _inlineBotUsername; bool _inlineLookingUpBot = false; mtpRequestId _inlineBotResolveRequestId = 0; bool _isInlineBot = false; std::unique_ptr _contactStatus; std::unique_ptr _businessBotStatus; const std::shared_ptr _send; object_ptr _unblock; object_ptr _botStart; object_ptr _joinChannel; object_ptr _muteUnmute; object_ptr _reportMessages; struct { object_ptr button = { nullptr }; QString text; bool small = false; } _botMenu; object_ptr _attachToggle; object_ptr _replaceMedia = { nullptr }; object_ptr _sendAs = { nullptr }; object_ptr _tabbedSelectorToggle; object_ptr _botKeyboardShow; object_ptr _botKeyboardHide; object_ptr _botCommandStart; object_ptr _silent = { nullptr }; object_ptr _scheduled = { nullptr }; std::unique_ptr _ttlInfo; const std::unique_ptr _voiceRecordBar; const std::unique_ptr _forwardPanel; std::unique_ptr _composeSearch; bool _cmdStartShown = false; object_ptr _field; base::unique_qptr _fieldDisabled; base::unique_qptr _sendRestriction; using CharactersLimitLabel = HistoryView::Controls::CharactersLimitLabel; base::unique_qptr _charsLimitation; QString _sendRestrictionKey; Ui::Animations::Simple _inPhotoEditOver; bool _inDetails = false; bool _inPhotoEdit = false; bool _inClickable = false; bool _kbShown = false; bool _fieldIsEmpty = true; HistoryItem *_kbReplyTo = nullptr; object_ptr _kbScroll; const not_null _keyboard; FieldCharsCountManager _fieldCharsCountManager; std::unique_ptr _chooseTheme; object_ptr _membersDropdown = { nullptr }; base::Timer _membersDropdownShowTimer; object_ptr _inlineResults = { nullptr }; std::unique_ptr _tabbedPanel; std::unique_ptr _attachBotsMenu; DragArea::Areas _attachDragAreas; Fn _raiseEmojiSuggestions; bool _nonEmptySelection = false; TextUpdateEvents _textUpdateEvents = (TextUpdateEvents() | TextUpdateEvent::SaveDraft | TextUpdateEvent::SendTyping); QString _confirmSource; std::unique_ptr _showAnimation; HistoryView::ElementHighlighter _highlighter; crl::time _saveDraftStart = 0; bool _saveDraftText = false; base::Timer _saveDraftTimer; base::Timer _saveCloudDraftTimer; HistoryView::InfoTooltip _topToast; std::unique_ptr _stickerToast; std::unique_ptr _chooseForReport; base::flat_set> _itemRevealPending; base::flat_map< not_null, ItemRevealAnimation> _itemRevealAnimations; int _itemsRevealHeight = 0; bool _sponsoredMessagesStateKnown = false; bool _justMarkingAsRead = false; object_ptr _topShadow; bool _inGrab = false; int _topDelta = 0; rpl::event_stream<> _cancelRequests; };