/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, an unofficial desktop messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://tdesktop.com */ #pragma once typedef uint64 PeerId; typedef uint64 PhotoId; typedef uint64 VideoId; typedef uint64 AudioId; typedef uint64 DocumentId; typedef int32 MsgId; void historyInit(); class HistoryItem; static const uint32 FullItemSel = 0xFFFFFFFF; extern TextParseOptions _textNameOptions; struct NotifySettings { NotifySettings() : mute(0), sound("default"), previews(true), events(1) { } int32 mute; string sound; bool previews; int32 events; }; typedef NotifySettings *NotifySettingsPtr; static const NotifySettingsPtr UnknownNotifySettings = NotifySettingsPtr(0); static const NotifySettingsPtr EmptyNotifySettings = NotifySettingsPtr(1); extern NotifySettings globalNotifyAll, globalNotifyUsers, globalNotifyChats; extern NotifySettingsPtr globalNotifyAllPtr, globalNotifyUsersPtr, globalNotifyChatsPtr; inline bool isNotifyMuted(NotifySettingsPtr settings) { if (settings == UnknownNotifySettings || settings == EmptyNotifySettings) { return false; } return (settings->mute > unixtime()); } struct ChatData; struct UserData; struct PeerData { PeerData(const PeerId &id); virtual ~PeerData() { if (notify != UnknownNotifySettings && notify != EmptyNotifySettings) { delete notify; notify = UnknownNotifySettings; } } UserData *asUser(); const UserData *asUser() const; ChatData *asChat(); const ChatData *asChat() const; void updateName(const QString &newName, const QString &newNameOrPhone); void fillNames() { names.clear(); chars.clear(); QString toIndex = textAccentFold(name); if (nameOrPhone != name) { toIndex += qsl(" ") + textAccentFold(nameOrPhone); } if (cRussianLetters().match(toIndex).hasMatch()) { toIndex += qsl(" ") + translitRusEng(toIndex); } toIndex += qsl(" ") + rusKeyboardLayoutSwitch(toIndex); if (name.midRef(0, 8) == "Telegram") { int a = 0; } QStringList namesList = toIndex.toLower().split(cWordSplit(), QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (QStringList::const_iterator i = namesList.cbegin(), e = namesList.cend(); i != e; ++i) { names.insert(*i); chars.insert(i->at(0)); } } virtual void nameUpdated() { } PeerId id; QString name; QString nameOrPhone; typedef QSet Names; Names names; // for filtering typedef QSet NameFirstChars; NameFirstChars chars; bool loaded; bool chat; uint64 access; MTPinputPeer input; MTPinputUser inputUser; int32 colorIndex; style::color color; ImagePtr photo; int32 nameVersion; NotifySettingsPtr notify; }; class PeerLink : public ITextLink { public: PeerLink(const PeerData *peer) : _peer(peer) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; const PeerData *peer() const { return _peer; } private: const PeerData *_peer; }; struct PhotoData; struct UserData : public PeerData { UserData(const PeerId &id) : PeerData(id), lnk(new PeerLink(this)), onlineTill(0), contact(-1), photosCount(-1) { } void setPhoto(const MTPUserProfilePhoto &photo); void setName(const QString &first, const QString &last, const QString &phoneName); void setPhone(const QString &newPhone); void nameUpdated(); QString firstName; QString lastName; QString phone; Text nameText; PhotoId photoId; TextLinkPtr lnk; int32 onlineTill; int32 contact; // -1 - not contact, cant add (self, empty, deleted, foreign), 0 - not contact, can add (request), 1 - contact typedef QList Photos; Photos photos; int32 photosCount; // -1 not loaded, 0 all loaded }; struct ChatData : public PeerData { ChatData(const PeerId &id) : PeerData(id), count(0), date(0), version(0), left(false), forbidden(true), photoId(0) { } void setPhoto(const MTPChatPhoto &photo, const PhotoId &phId = 0); int32 count; int32 date; int32 version; int32 admin; bool left; bool forbidden; typedef QMap Participants; Participants participants; typedef QMap CanKick; CanKick cankick; ImagePtr photoFull; PhotoId photoId; // geo }; typedef QMap PreparedPhotoThumbs; struct PhotoData { PhotoData(const PhotoId &id, const uint64 &access = 0, int32 user = 0, int32 date = 0, const ImagePtr &thumb = ImagePtr(), const ImagePtr &full = ImagePtr()) : id(id), access(access), user(user), date(date), thumb(thumb), full(full), chat(0) { } void forget() { thumb->forget(); full->forget(); } PhotoId id; uint64 access; int32 user; int32 date; ImagePtr thumb; ImagePtr full; ChatData *chat; // for chat photos connection // geo, caption }; class PhotoLink : public ITextLink { public: PhotoLink(PhotoData *photo) : _photo(photo), _peer(0) { } PhotoLink(PhotoData *photo, PeerData *peer) : _photo(photo), _peer(peer) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; PhotoData *photo() const { return _photo; } PeerData *peer() const { return _peer; } private: PhotoData *_photo; PeerData *_peer; }; enum FileStatus { FileFailed = -1, FileUploading = 0, FileReady = 1, }; struct VideoData { VideoData(const VideoId &id, const uint64 &access = 0, int32 user = 0, int32 date = 0, int32 duration = 0, int32 w = 0, int32 h = 0, const ImagePtr &thumb = ImagePtr(), int32 dc = 0, int32 size = 0) : id(id), access(access), user(user), date(date), duration(duration), w(w), h(h), thumb(thumb), dc(dc), size(size), status(FileReady), uploadOffset(0), fileType(0), openOnSave(0), loader(0) { memset(md5, 0, sizeof(md5)); } void forget() { thumb->forget(); } void save(const QString &toFile); void cancel(bool beforeDownload = false) { mtpFileLoader *l = loader; loader = 0; if (l) { l->cancel(); l->deleteLater(); l->rpcInvalidate(); } fileName = QString(); modDate = QDateTime(); if (!beforeDownload) { openOnSave = 0; } } void finish() { if (loader->done()) { fileName = loader->fileName(); modDate = fileName.isEmpty() ? QDateTime() : QFileInfo(fileName).lastModified(); } loader->deleteLater(); loader->rpcInvalidate(); loader = 0; } QString already(bool check = false) { if (!check) return fileName; QString res = modDate.isNull() ? QString() : fileName; if (!res.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo f(res); if (f.exists() && f.lastModified() <= modDate) { return res; } } return QString(); } VideoId id; uint64 access; int32 user; int32 date; int32 duration; int32 w, h; ImagePtr thumb; int32 dc, size; // geo, caption FileStatus status; int32 uploadOffset; mtpTypeId fileType; int32 openOnSave; mtpFileLoader *loader; QString fileName; QDateTime modDate; int32 md5[8]; }; class VideoLink : public ITextLink { public: VideoLink(VideoData *video) : _video(video) { } VideoData *video() const { return _video; } private: VideoData *_video; }; class VideoSaveLink : public VideoLink { public: VideoSaveLink(VideoData *video) : VideoLink(video) { } void doSave(bool forceSavingAs = false) const; void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class VideoOpenLink : public VideoLink { public: VideoOpenLink(VideoData *video) : VideoLink(video) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class VideoCancelLink : public VideoLink { public: VideoCancelLink(VideoData *video) : VideoLink(video) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; struct AudioData { AudioData(const AudioId &id, const uint64 &access = 0, int32 user = 0, int32 date = 0, int32 duration = 0, int32 dc = 0, int32 size = 0) : id(id), access(access), user(user), date(date), duration(duration), dc(dc), size(size), status(FileReady), uploadOffset(0), openOnSave(0), loader(0) { memset(md5, 0, sizeof(md5)); } void forget() { } void save(const QString &toFile); void cancel(bool beforeDownload = false) { mtpFileLoader *l = loader; loader = 0; if (l) { l->cancel(); l->deleteLater(); l->rpcInvalidate(); } fileName = QString(); modDate = QDateTime(); if (!beforeDownload) { openOnSave = 0; } } void finish() { if (loader->done()) { fileName = loader->fileName(); modDate = fileName.isEmpty() ? QDateTime() : QFileInfo(fileName).lastModified(); } loader->deleteLater(); loader->rpcInvalidate(); loader = 0; } QString already(bool check = false) { if (!check) return fileName; QString res = modDate.isNull() ? QString() : fileName; if (!res.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo f(res); if (f.exists() && f.lastModified() <= modDate) { return res; } } return QString(); } AudioId id; uint64 access; int32 user; int32 date; int32 duration; int32 dc; int32 size; FileStatus status; int32 uploadOffset; int32 openOnSave; mtpFileLoader *loader; QString fileName; QDateTime modDate; int32 md5[8]; }; class AudioLink : public ITextLink { public: AudioLink(AudioData *audio) : _audio(audio) { } AudioData *audio() const { return _audio; } private: AudioData *_audio; }; class AudioSaveLink : public AudioLink { public: AudioSaveLink(AudioData *audio) : AudioLink(audio) { } void doSave(bool forceSavingAs = false) const; void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class AudioOpenLink : public AudioLink { public: AudioOpenLink(AudioData *audio) : AudioLink(audio) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class AudioCancelLink : public AudioLink { public: AudioCancelLink(AudioData *audio) : AudioLink(audio) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; struct DocumentData { DocumentData(const DocumentId &id, const uint64 &access = 0, int32 user = 0, int32 date = 0, const QString &name = QString(), const QString &mime = QString(), const ImagePtr &thumb = ImagePtr(), int32 dc = 0, int32 size = 0) : id(id), access(access), user(user), date(date), name(name), mime(mime), thumb(thumb), dc(dc), size(size), status(FileReady), uploadOffset(0), openOnSave(0), loader(0) { memset(md5, 0, sizeof(md5)); } void forget() { thumb->forget(); } void save(const QString &toFile); void cancel(bool beforeDownload = false) { mtpFileLoader *l = loader; loader = 0; if (l) { l->cancel(); l->deleteLater(); l->rpcInvalidate(); } fileName = QString(); modDate = QDateTime(); if (!beforeDownload) { openOnSave = 0; } } void finish() { if (loader->done()) { fileName = loader->fileName(); modDate = fileName.isEmpty() ? QDateTime() : QFileInfo(fileName).lastModified(); } loader->deleteLater(); loader->rpcInvalidate(); loader = 0; } QString already(bool check = false) { if (!check) return fileName; QString res = modDate.isNull() ? QString() : fileName; if (!res.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo f(res); if (f.exists() && f.lastModified() <= modDate) { return res; } } return QString(); } DocumentId id; uint64 access; int32 user; int32 date; QString name, mime; ImagePtr thumb; int32 dc; int32 size; FileStatus status; int32 uploadOffset; int32 openOnSave; mtpFileLoader *loader; QString fileName; QDateTime modDate; int32 md5[8]; }; class DocumentLink : public ITextLink { public: DocumentLink(DocumentData *document) : _document(document) { } DocumentData *document() const { return _document; } private: DocumentData *_document; }; class DocumentSaveLink : public DocumentLink { public: DocumentSaveLink(DocumentData *document) : DocumentLink(document) { } void doSave(bool forceSavingAs = false) const; void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class DocumentOpenLink : public DocumentLink { public: DocumentOpenLink(DocumentData *document) : DocumentLink(document) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; class DocumentCancelLink : public DocumentLink { public: DocumentCancelLink(DocumentData *document) : DocumentLink(document) { } void onClick(Qt::MouseButton button) const; }; MsgId clientMsgId(); struct History; struct Histories : public QHash { typedef QHash Parent; Histories() : unreadFull(0), unreadMuted(0) { } void clear(); Parent::iterator erase(Parent::iterator i); ~Histories() { clear(); unreadFull = unreadMuted = 0; } HistoryItem *addToBack(const MTPmessage &msg, int msgState = 1); // 1 - new message, 0 - not new message, -1 - searched message // HistoryItem *addToBack(const MTPgeoChatMessage &msg, bool newMsg = true); typedef QMap TypingHistories; // when typing in this history started TypingHistories typing; int32 unreadFull, unreadMuted; }; struct HistoryBlock; class HistoryItem; struct DialogRow { DialogRow(History *history = 0, DialogRow *prev = 0, DialogRow *next = 0, int32 pos = 0) : prev(prev), next(next), history(history), pos(pos), attached(0) { } void paint(QPainter &p, int32 w, bool act, bool sel) const; DialogRow *prev, *next; History *history; int32 pos; void *attached; // for any attached data, for example View in contacts list }; struct FakeDialogRow { FakeDialogRow(HistoryItem *item) : _item(item), _cacheFor(0), _cache(st::dlgRichMinWidth) { } void paint(QPainter &p, int32 w, bool act, bool sel) const; HistoryItem *_item; mutable const HistoryItem *_cacheFor; mutable Text _cache; }; class HistoryMedia; class HistoryMessage; class HistoryUnreadBar; struct History : public QList { History(const PeerId &peerId); typedef QList Parent; void clear(bool leaveItems = false); Parent::iterator erase(Parent::iterator i); void blockResized(HistoryBlock *block, int32 dh); void removeBlock(HistoryBlock *block); ~History() { clear(); } HistoryItem *createItem(HistoryBlock *block, const MTPmessage &msg, bool newMsg, bool returnExisting = false); HistoryItem *createItemForwarded(HistoryBlock *block, MsgId id, HistoryMessage *msg); // HistoryItem *createItem(HistoryBlock *block, const MTPgeoChatMessage &msg, bool newMsg); HistoryItem *addToBackService(MsgId msgId, QDateTime date, const QString &text, bool out = false, bool unread = false, HistoryMedia *media = 0, bool newMsg = true); HistoryItem *addToBack(const MTPmessage &msg, bool newMsg = true); HistoryItem *addToHistory(const MTPmessage &msg); HistoryItem *addToBackForwarded(MsgId id, HistoryMessage *item); // HistoryItem *addToBack(const MTPgeoChatMessage &msg, bool newMsg = true); void addToFront(const QVector &slice); void addToBack(const QVector &slice); void createInitialDateBlock(const QDateTime &date); HistoryItem *doAddToBack(HistoryBlock *to, bool newBlock, HistoryItem *adding, bool newMsg); void newItemAdded(HistoryItem *item); void inboxRead(bool byThisInstance = false); void outboxRead(); void setUnreadCount(int32 newUnreadCount, bool psUpdate = true); void setMsgCount(int32 newMsgCount); void setMute(bool newMute); void getNextShowFrom(HistoryBlock *block, int32 i); void addUnreadBar(); void clearNotifications(); bool readyForWork() const; // all unread loaded or loaded around activeMsgId bool loadedAtBottom() const; // last message is in the list bool loadedAtTop() const; // nothing was added after loading history back void fixLastMessage(bool wasAtBottom); void loadAround(MsgId msgId); bool canShowAround(MsgId msgId) const; MsgId minMsgId() const; MsgId maxMsgId() const; int32 geomResize(int32 newWidth, int32 *ytransform = 0); // return new size int32 width, height, msgCount, unreadCount; int32 inboxReadTill, outboxReadTill; HistoryItem *showFrom; HistoryUnreadBar *unreadBar; PeerData *peer; bool oldLoaded, newLoaded; HistoryItem *last; MsgId activeMsgId; typedef QList NotifyQueue; NotifyQueue notifies; void removeNotification(HistoryItem *item) { if (!notifies.isEmpty()) { for (NotifyQueue::iterator i = notifies.begin(), e = notifies.end(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i) == item) { notifies.erase(i); break; } } } } HistoryItem *currentNotification() { return notifies.isEmpty() ? 0 : notifies.front(); } void skipNotification() { if (!notifies.isEmpty()) { notifies.pop_front(); } } void itemReplaced(HistoryItem *old, HistoryItem *item) { if (!notifies.isEmpty()) { for (NotifyQueue::iterator i = notifies.begin(), e = notifies.end(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i) == old) { *i = item; break; } } } if (last == old) { last = item; } // showFrom can't be detached } QString draft; QTextCursor draftCur; int32 lastWidth, lastScrollTop; bool mute; // for dialog drawing Text nameText; void updateNameText(); mutable const HistoryItem *textCachedFor; // cache mutable Text lastItemTextCache; void paintDialog(QPainter &p, int32 w, bool sel) const; typedef QMap DialogLinks; DialogLinks dialogs; int32 posInDialogs; typedef QMap TypingUsers; TypingUsers typing; QString typingStr; Text typingText; uint32 typingFrame; bool updateTyping(uint64 ms = 0, uint32 dots = 0, bool force = false); uint64 myTyping; typedef QList MediaOverview; typedef QSet MediaOverviewIds; MediaOverview _photosOverview; MediaOverviewIds _photosOverviewIds; int32 _photosOverviewCount; // -1 - not loaded, 0 - all loaded, > 0 - count, but not all loaded static const int32 ScrollMax = INT_MAX; }; struct DialogsList { DialogsList(bool sortByName) : begin(&last), end(&last), byName(sortByName), count(0), current(&last) { } void adjustCurrent(int32 y, int32 h) const { int32 pos = (y > 0) ? (y / h) : 0; while (current->pos > pos && current != begin) { current = current->prev; } while (current->pos + 1 <= pos && current->next != end) { current = current->next; } } void paint(QPainter &p, int32 w, int32 hFrom, int32 hTo, PeerData *act, PeerData *sel) const { adjustCurrent(hFrom, st::dlgHeight); DialogRow *drawFrom = current; p.translate(0, drawFrom->pos * st::dlgHeight); while (drawFrom != end && drawFrom->pos * st::dlgHeight < hTo) { drawFrom->paint(p, w, (drawFrom->history->peer == act), (drawFrom->history->peer == sel)); drawFrom = drawFrom->next; p.translate(0, st::dlgHeight); } } DialogRow *rowAtY(int32 y, int32 h) const { if (!count) return 0; int32 pos = (y > 0) ? (y / h) : 0; adjustCurrent(y, h); return (pos == current->pos) ? current : 0; } DialogRow *addToEnd(History *history, bool updatePos = true) { DialogRow *result = new DialogRow(history, end->prev, end, end->pos); end->pos++; if (begin == end) { begin = current = result; if (!byName && updatePos) history->posInDialogs = 0; } else { end->prev->next = result; if (!byName && updatePos) history->posInDialogs = end->prev->history->posInDialogs + 1; } rowByPeer.insert(history->peer->id, result); ++count; return (end->prev = result); } void bringToTop(DialogRow *row, bool updatePos = true) { if (!byName && updatePos && row != begin) { row->history->posInDialogs = begin->history->posInDialogs - 1; } insertBefore(row, begin); } bool insertBefore(DialogRow *row, DialogRow *before) { if (row == before) return false; if (current == row) current = row->prev; DialogRow *updateTill = row->prev; remove(row); // insert row row->next = before; // update row row->prev = before->prev; row->next->prev = row; // update row->next if (row->prev) { // update row->prev row->prev->next = row; } else { begin = row; } // update y for (DialogRow *n = row; n != updateTill; n = n->next) { n->next->pos++; row->pos--; } return true; } bool insertAfter(DialogRow *row, DialogRow *after) { if (row == after) return false; if (current == row) current = row->next; DialogRow *updateFrom = row->next; remove(row); // insert row row->prev = after; // update row row->next = after->next; row->prev->next = row; // update row->prev row->next->prev = row; // update row->next // update y for (DialogRow *n = updateFrom; n != row; n = n->next) { n->pos--; row->pos++; } return true; } DialogRow *adjustByName(const PeerData *peer) { if (!byName) return 0; RowByPeer::iterator i = rowByPeer.find(peer->id); if (i == rowByPeer.cend()) return 0; DialogRow *row = i.value(), *change = row; while (change->prev && change->prev->history->peer->name > peer->name) { change = change->prev; } if (!insertBefore(row, change)) { while (change->next != end && change->next->history->peer->name < peer->name) { change = change->next; } insertAfter(row, change); } return row; } DialogRow *addByName(History *history) { if (!byName) return 0; DialogRow *row = addToEnd(history), *change = row; const QString &peerName(history->peer->name); while (change->prev && change->prev->history->peer->name > peerName) { change = change->prev; } if (!insertBefore(row, change)) { while (change->next != end && change->next->history->peer->name < peerName) { change = change->next; } insertAfter(row, change); } return row; } void adjustByPos(DialogRow *row) { if (byName) return; DialogRow *change = row; while (change->prev && change->prev->history->posInDialogs > row->history->posInDialogs) { change = change->prev; } if (!insertBefore(row, change)) { while (change->next != end && change->next->history->posInDialogs < row->history->posInDialogs) { change = change->next; } insertAfter(row, change); } } DialogRow *addByPos(History *history) { if (byName) return 0; DialogRow *row = addToEnd(history, false); adjustByPos(row); return row; } bool del(const PeerId &peerId, DialogRow *replacedBy = 0); void remove(DialogRow *row) { row->next->prev = row->prev; // update row->next if (row->prev) { // update row->prev row->prev->next = row->next; } else { begin = row->next; } } void clear() { while (begin != end) { current = begin; begin = begin->next; delete current; } current = begin; rowByPeer.clear(); count = 0; } ~DialogsList() { clear(); } DialogRow last; DialogRow *begin, *end; bool byName; int32 count; typedef QHash RowByPeer; RowByPeer rowByPeer; mutable DialogRow *current; // cache }; struct DialogsIndexed { DialogsIndexed(bool sortByName) : byName(sortByName), list(byName) { } History::DialogLinks addToEnd(History *history) { History::DialogLinks result; DialogsList::RowByPeer::const_iterator i = list.rowByPeer.find(history->peer->id); if (i != list.rowByPeer.cend()) { return i.value()->history->dialogs; } result.insert(0, list.addToEnd(history)); for (PeerData::NameFirstChars::const_iterator i = history->peer->chars.cbegin(), e = history->peer->chars.cend(); i != e; ++i) { DialogsIndex::iterator j = index.find(*i); if (j == index.cend()) { j = index.insert(*i, new DialogsList(byName)); } result.insert(*i, j.value()->addToEnd(history)); } return result; } DialogRow *addByName(History *history) { DialogsList::RowByPeer::const_iterator i = list.rowByPeer.constFind(history->peer->id); if (i != list.rowByPeer.cend()) { return i.value(); } DialogRow *res = list.addByName(history); for (PeerData::NameFirstChars::const_iterator i = history->peer->chars.cbegin(), e = history->peer->chars.cend(); i != e; ++i) { DialogsIndex::iterator j = index.find(*i); if (j == index.cend()) { j = index.insert(*i, new DialogsList(byName)); } j.value()->addByName(history); } return res; } void bringToTop(const History::DialogLinks &links) { for (History::DialogLinks::const_iterator i = links.cbegin(), e = links.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i.key() == QChar(0)) { list.bringToTop(i.value()); } else { DialogsIndex::iterator j = index.find(i.key()); if (j != index.cend()) { j.value()->bringToTop(i.value()); } } } } void peerNameChanged(PeerData *peer, const PeerData::Names &oldNames, const PeerData::NameFirstChars &oldChars); void del(const PeerData *peer, DialogRow *replacedBy = 0) { if (list.del(peer->id, replacedBy)) { for (PeerData::NameFirstChars::const_iterator i = peer->chars.cbegin(), e = peer->chars.cend(); i != e; ++i) { DialogsIndex::iterator j = index.find(*i); if (j != index.cend()) { j.value()->del(peer->id, replacedBy); } } } } ~DialogsIndexed() { clear(); } void clear(); bool byName; DialogsList list; typedef QMap DialogsIndex; DialogsIndex index; }; class HistoryItem; struct HistoryBlock : public QVector { HistoryBlock(History *hist) : y(0), height(0), history(hist) { } typedef QVector Parent; void clear(bool leaveItems = false); Parent::iterator erase(Parent::iterator i); ~HistoryBlock() { clear(); } void removeItem(HistoryItem *item); int32 geomResize(int32 newWidth, int32 *ytransform); // return new size int32 y, height; History *history; }; class HistoryElem { public: HistoryElem() : _height(0), _maxw(0) { } virtual int32 resize(int32 width) = 0; // return new height int32 height() const { return _height; } int32 maxWidth() const { return _maxw; } virtual ~HistoryElem() { } protected: mutable int32 _height, _maxw, _minh; }; class HistoryMedia; class HistoryItem : public HistoryElem { public: HistoryItem(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, MsgId msgId, bool out, bool unread, QDateTime msgDate, int32 from); enum { MsgType = 0, DateType, UnreadBarType }; virtual void draw(QPainter &p, uint32 selection) const = 0; History *history() { return _history; } const History *history() const { return _history; } UserData *from() { return _from; } const UserData *from() const { return _from; } HistoryBlock *block() { return _block; } const HistoryBlock *block() const { return _block; } void destroy(); void detach(); void detachFast(); bool detached() const { return !_block; } bool out() const { return _out; } bool unread() const { if ((_out && (id > 0 && id < _history->outboxReadTill)) || (!_out && id > 0 && id < _history->inboxReadTill)) return false; return _unread; } virtual bool needCheck() const { return true; } virtual bool hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y) const { return false; } virtual void getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, bool &inText, int32 x, int32 y) const { lnk = TextLinkPtr(); inText = false; } virtual void getSymbol(uint16 &symbol, bool &after, bool &upon, int32 x, int32 y) const { // from text upon = hasPoint(x, y); symbol = upon ? 0xFFFF : 0; after = false; } virtual uint32 adjustSelection(uint16 from, uint16 to, TextSelectType type) const { return (from << 16) | to; } virtual bool getPhotoCoords(PhotoData *photo, int32 &x, int32 &y, int32 &w) const { return false; } virtual bool getVideoCoords(VideoData *video, int32 &x, int32 &y, int32 &w) const { return false; } virtual int32 itemType() const { return MsgType; } virtual bool serviceMsg() const { return false; } virtual void updateMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media) { } virtual QString selectedText(uint32 selection) const { return qsl("[-]"); } virtual void drawInDialog(QPainter &p, const QRect &r, bool act, const HistoryItem *&cacheFor, Text &cache) const = 0; virtual QString notificationHeader() const { return QString(); } virtual QString notificationText() const = 0; void markRead(); int32 y, id; QDateTime date; virtual HistoryMedia *getMedia(bool inOverview = false) const { return 0; } virtual ~HistoryItem(); protected: UserData *_from; mutable int32 _fromVersion; History *_history; HistoryBlock *_block; bool _out, _unread; }; HistoryItem *regItem(HistoryItem *item, bool returnExisting = false); enum HistoryMediaType { MediaTypePhoto, MediaTypeVideo, MediaTypeGeo, MediaTypeContact, MediaTypeAudio, MediaTypeDocument, }; class HistoryMedia : public HistoryElem { public: virtual void initDimensions(const HistoryItem *parent, int32 timeWidth) { } virtual HistoryMediaType type() const = 0; virtual const QString inDialogsText() const = 0; virtual bool hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y) const = 0; virtual TextLinkPtr getLink(int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent) const = 0; virtual void draw(QPainter &p, const HistoryItem *parent, const QString &time, int32 timeWidth, bool selected) const = 0; virtual bool getPhotoCoords(PhotoData *photo, int32 &x, int32 &y, int32 &w) const { return false; } virtual bool getVideoCoords(VideoData *video, int32 &x, int32 &y, int32 &w) const { return false; } virtual bool uploading() const { return false; } virtual HistoryMedia *clone() const = 0; virtual void regItem(HistoryItem *item) { } virtual void unregItem(HistoryItem *item) { } virtual void updateFrom(const MTPMessageMedia &media) { } }; class HistoryPhoto : public HistoryMedia { public: HistoryPhoto(const MTPDphoto &photo, int32 width = 0); HistoryPhoto(PeerData *chat, const MTPDphoto &photo, int32 width = 0); void init(); void draw(QPainter &p, const HistoryItem *parent, const QString &time, int32 timeWidth, bool selected) const; int32 resize(int32 width); HistoryMediaType type() const { return MediaTypePhoto; } const QString inDialogsText() const; bool hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y) const; TextLinkPtr getLink(int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent) const; bool getPhotoCoords(PhotoData *photo, int32 &x, int32 &y, int32 &w) const; HistoryMedia *clone() const; PhotoData *photo() const { return data; } private: PhotoData *data; TextLinkPtr openl; int32 w; }; class HistoryVideo : public HistoryMedia { public: HistoryVideo(const MTPDvideo &video, int32 width = 0); void reinit(); void initDimensions(const HistoryItem *parent, int32 timeWidth); void draw(QPainter &p, const HistoryItem *parent, const QString &time, int32 timeWidth, bool selected) const; int32 resize(int32 width); HistoryMediaType type() const { return MediaTypeVideo; } const QString inDialogsText() const; bool hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y) const; TextLinkPtr getLink(int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent) const; bool getVideoCoords(VideoData *video, int32 &x, int32 &y, int32 &w) const; bool uploading() const { return (data->status == FileUploading); } HistoryMedia *clone() const; void regItem(HistoryItem *item); void unregItem(HistoryItem *item); private: VideoData *data; TextLinkPtr _openl, _savel, _cancell; int32 w; QString _size; int32 _thumbw, _thumbx, _thumby; mutable QString _dldTextCache, _uplTextCache; mutable int32 _dldDone, _uplDone; }; class HistoryAudio : public HistoryMedia { public: HistoryAudio(const MTPDaudio &audio, int32 width = 0); void reinit(); void initDimensions(const HistoryItem *parent, int32 timeWidth); void draw(QPainter &p, const HistoryItem *parent, const QString &time, int32 timeWidth, bool selected) const; int32 resize(int32 width); HistoryMediaType type() const { return MediaTypeAudio; } const QString inDialogsText() const; bool hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y) const; TextLinkPtr getLink(int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent) const; bool uploading() const { return (data->status == FileUploading); } HistoryMedia *clone() const; void regItem(HistoryItem *item); void unregItem(HistoryItem *item); private: AudioData *data; TextLinkPtr _openl, _savel, _cancell; int32 w; QString _size; mutable QString _dldTextCache, _uplTextCache; mutable int32 _dldDone, _uplDone; }; class HistoryDocument : public HistoryMedia { public: HistoryDocument(const MTPDdocument &document, int32 width = 0); void reinit(); void initDimensions(const HistoryItem *parent, int32 timeWidth); void draw(QPainter &p, const HistoryItem *parent, const QString &time, int32 timeWidth, bool selected) const; int32 resize(int32 width); HistoryMediaType type() const { return MediaTypeDocument; } const QString inDialogsText() const; bool hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y) const; bool uploading() const { return (data->status == FileUploading); } TextLinkPtr getLink(int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent) const; HistoryMedia *clone() const; DocumentData *document() { return data; } void regItem(HistoryItem *item); void unregItem(HistoryItem *item); void updateFrom(const MTPMessageMedia &media); private: DocumentData *data; TextLinkPtr _openl, _savel, _cancell; int32 w; int32 _namew; QString _name, _size; int32 _thumbw, _thumbx, _thumby; mutable QString _dldTextCache, _uplTextCache; mutable int32 _dldDone, _uplDone; }; class HistoryContact : public HistoryMedia { public: HistoryContact(int32 userId, const QString &first, const QString &last, const QString &phone); void initDimensions(const HistoryItem *parent, int32 timeWidth); void draw(QPainter &p, const HistoryItem *parent, const QString &time, int32 timeWidth, bool selected) const; int32 resize(int32 width); HistoryMediaType type() const { return MediaTypeContact; } const QString inDialogsText() const; bool hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y) const; TextLinkPtr getLink(int32 x, int32 y, const HistoryItem *parent) const; HistoryMedia *clone() const; private: int32 userId; int32 w, phonew; Text name; QString phone; UserData *contact; }; class HistoryMessage : public HistoryItem { public: HistoryMessage(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, const MTPDmessage &msg); // HistoryMessage(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, const MTPDgeoChatMessage &msg); // HistoryMessage(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, MsgId msgId, bool out, bool unread, QDateTime date, int32 from, const QString &msg); HistoryMessage(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, MsgId msgId, bool out, bool unread, QDateTime date, int32 from, const QString &msg, const MTPMessageMedia &media); HistoryMessage(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, MsgId msgId, bool out, bool unread, QDateTime date, int32 from, const QString &msg, HistoryMedia *media); void initMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media, QString ¤tText); void initDimensions(const QString &text); void fromNameUpdated() const; bool uploading() const; void draw(QPainter &p, uint32 selection) const; virtual void drawMessageText(QPainter &p, const QRect &trect, uint32 selection) const; int32 resize(int32 width); bool hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y) const; void getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, bool &inText, int32 x, int32 y) const; void getSymbol(uint16 &symbol, bool &after, bool &upon, int32 x, int32 y) const; uint32 adjustSelection(uint16 from, uint16 to, TextSelectType type) const { return _text.adjustSelection(from, to, type); } bool getPhotoCoords(PhotoData *photo, int32 &x, int32 &y, int32 &w) const; bool getVideoCoords(VideoData *video, int32 &x, int32 &y, int32 &w) const; void drawInDialog(QPainter &p, const QRect &r, bool act, const HistoryItem *&cacheFor, Text &cache) const; QString notificationHeader() const; QString notificationText() const; void updateMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media) { if (this->media) this->media->updateFrom(media); } QString selectedText(uint32 selection) const; HistoryMedia *getMedia(bool inOverview = false) const; ~HistoryMessage(); protected: Text _text; int32 _textWidth, _textHeight; HistoryMedia *media; QString time; int32 timeWidth; }; class HistoryForwarded : public HistoryMessage { public: HistoryForwarded(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, const MTPDmessageForwarded &msg); HistoryForwarded(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, MsgId id, HistoryMessage *msg); void fwdNameUpdated() const; void draw(QPainter &p, uint32 selection) const; void drawMessageText(QPainter &p, const QRect &trect, uint32 selection) const; int32 resize(int32 width); bool hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y) const; void getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, bool &inText, int32 x, int32 y) const; void getSymbol(uint16 &symbol, bool &after, bool &upon, int32 x, int32 y) const; QDateTime dateForwarded() const { return fwdDate; } UserData *fromForwarded() const { return fwdFrom; } QString selectedText(uint32 selection) const; protected: QDateTime fwdDate; UserData *fwdFrom; mutable Text fwdFromName; mutable int32 fwdFromVersion; int32 fromWidth; }; class HistoryServiceMsg : public HistoryItem { public: HistoryServiceMsg(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, const MTPDmessageService &msg); // HistoryServiceMsg(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, const MTPDgeoChatMessageService &msg); HistoryServiceMsg(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, MsgId msgId, QDateTime date, const QString &msg, bool out = false, bool unread = false, HistoryMedia *media = 0); void draw(QPainter &p, uint32 selection) const; int32 resize(int32 width); bool hasPoint(int32 x, int32 y) const; void getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, bool &inText, int32 x, int32 y) const; void getSymbol(uint16 &symbol, bool &after, bool &upon, int32 x, int32 y) const; uint32 adjustSelection(uint16 from, uint16 to, TextSelectType type) const { return _text.adjustSelection(from, to, type); } bool getPhotoCoords(PhotoData *photo, int32 &x, int32 &y, int32 &w) const; void drawInDialog(QPainter &p, const QRect &r, bool act, const HistoryItem *&cacheFor, Text &cache) const; QString notificationText() const; bool needCheck() const { return false; } bool serviceMsg() const { return true; } QString selectedText(uint32 selection) const; HistoryMedia *getMedia(bool inOverview = false) const; ~HistoryServiceMsg(); protected: QString messageByAction(const MTPmessageAction &action, TextLinkPtr &second); Text _text; HistoryMedia *media; int32 _textWidth, _textHeight; }; class HistoryDateMsg : public HistoryServiceMsg { public: HistoryDateMsg(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, const QDate &date); void getState(TextLinkPtr &lnk, bool &inText, int32 x, int32 y) const { lnk = TextLinkPtr(); inText = false; } void getSymbol(uint16 &symbol, bool &after, bool &upon, int32 x, int32 y) const { symbol = 0xFFFF; after = false; upon = false; } QString selectedText(uint32 selection) const { return QString(); } int32 itemType() const { return DateType; } }; HistoryItem *createDayServiceMsg(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, QDateTime date); class HistoryUnreadBar : public HistoryItem { public: HistoryUnreadBar(History *history, HistoryBlock *block, int32 count, const QDateTime &date); void setCount(int32 count); void draw(QPainter &p, uint32 selection) const; int32 resize(int32 width); void drawInDialog(QPainter &p, const QRect &r, bool act, const HistoryItem *&cacheFor, Text &cache) const; QString notificationText() const; QString selectedText(uint32 selection) const { return QString(); } int32 itemType() const { return UnreadBarType; } protected: QString text; bool freezed; };