/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "storage/file_download_web.h" #include "storage/cache/storage_cache_types.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "base/weak_ptr.h" #include namespace { constexpr auto kMaxWebFileQueries = 8; constexpr auto kMaxHttpRedirects = 5; constexpr auto kResetDownloadPrioritiesTimeout = crl::time(200); std::weak_ptr GlobalLoadManager; [[nodiscard]] std::shared_ptr GetManager() { auto result = GlobalLoadManager.lock(); if (!result) { GlobalLoadManager = result = std::make_shared(); } return result; } enum class ProcessResult { Error, Progress, Finished, }; enum class Error { }; struct Progress { qint64 ready = 0; qint64 total = 0; }; using Update = std::variant; struct UpdateForLoader { not_null loader; Update data; }; } // namespace class WebLoadManager final : public base::has_weak_ptr { public: WebLoadManager(); ~WebLoadManager(); void enqueue(not_null loader); void remove(not_null loader); [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer updates( not_null loader) const; private: struct Enqueued { int id = 0; QString url; }; struct Sent { QString url; not_null reply; QByteArray data; int64 ready = 0; int64 total = 0; int redirectsLeft = kMaxHttpRedirects; }; // Constructor. void handleNetworkErrors(); // Worker thread. void enqueue(int id, const QString &url); void remove(int id); void resetGeneration(); void checkSendNext(); void send(const Enqueued &entry); [[nodiscard]] not_null send(int id, const QString &url); [[nodiscard]] Sent *findSent(int id, not_null reply); void removeSent(int id); void progress( int id, not_null reply, int64 ready, int64 total); void failed( int id, not_null reply, QNetworkReply::NetworkError error); void redirect(int id, not_null reply); void notify( int id, not_null reply, int64 ready, int64 total); void failed(int id, not_null reply); void finished(int id, not_null reply); void deleteDeferred(not_null reply); void queueProgressUpdate(int id, int64 ready, int64 total); void queueFailedUpdate(int id); void queueFinishedUpdate(int id, const QByteArray &data); void clear(); // Main thread. void sendUpdate(int id, Update &&data); QThread _thread; std::unique_ptr _network; base::Timer _resetGenerationTimer; // Main thread. rpl::event_stream _updates; int _autoincrement = 0; base::flat_map, int> _ids; // Worker thread. std::deque _queue; std::deque _previousGeneration; base::flat_map _sent; std::vector> _repliesBeingDeleted; }; WebLoadManager::WebLoadManager() : _network(std::make_unique()) , _resetGenerationTimer(&_thread, [=] { resetGeneration(); }) { handleNetworkErrors(); _network->moveToThread(&_thread); QObject::connect(&_thread, &QThread::finished, [=] { clear(); _network = nullptr; }); _thread.start(); } void WebLoadManager::handleNetworkErrors() { const auto fail = [=](QNetworkReply *reply) { for (const auto &[id, sent] : _sent) { if (sent.reply == reply) { failed(id, reply); return; } } }; QObject::connect( _network.get(), &QNetworkAccessManager::authenticationRequired, fail); QObject::connect( _network.get(), &QNetworkAccessManager::sslErrors, fail); } WebLoadManager::~WebLoadManager() { _thread.quit(); _thread.wait(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer WebLoadManager::updates( not_null loader) const { return _updates.events( ) | rpl::filter([=](const UpdateForLoader &update) { return (update.loader == loader); }) | rpl::map([=](UpdateForLoader &&update) { return std::move(update.data); }); } void WebLoadManager::enqueue(not_null loader) { const auto id = [&] { const auto i = _ids.find(loader); return (i != end(_ids)) ? i->second : _ids.emplace(loader, ++_autoincrement).first->second; }(); const auto url = loader->url(); InvokeQueued(_network.get(), [=] { enqueue(id, url); }); } void WebLoadManager::remove(not_null loader) { const auto i = _ids.find(loader); if (i == end(_ids)) { return; } const auto id = i->second; _ids.erase(i); InvokeQueued(_network.get(), [=] { remove(id); }); } void WebLoadManager::enqueue(int id, const QString &url) { const auto i = ranges::find(_queue, id, &Enqueued::id); if (i != end(_queue)) { return; } _previousGeneration.erase( ranges::remove(_previousGeneration, id, &Enqueued::id), end(_previousGeneration)); _queue.push_back(Enqueued{ id, url }); if (!_resetGenerationTimer.isActive()) { _resetGenerationTimer.callOnce(kResetDownloadPrioritiesTimeout); } checkSendNext(); } void WebLoadManager::remove(int id) { _queue.erase(ranges::remove(_queue, id, &Enqueued::id), end(_queue)); _previousGeneration.erase( ranges::remove(_previousGeneration, id, &Enqueued::id), end(_previousGeneration)); removeSent(id); } void WebLoadManager::resetGeneration() { if (!_previousGeneration.empty()) { std::copy( begin(_previousGeneration), end(_previousGeneration), std::back_inserter(_queue)); _previousGeneration.clear(); } std::swap(_queue, _previousGeneration); } void WebLoadManager::checkSendNext() { if (_sent.size() >= kMaxWebFileQueries || (_queue.empty() && _previousGeneration.empty())) { return; } const auto entry = _queue.empty() ? _previousGeneration.front() : _queue.front(); (_queue.empty() ? _previousGeneration : _queue).pop_front(); send(entry); } void WebLoadManager::send(const Enqueued &entry) { const auto id = entry.id; const auto url = entry.url; _sent.emplace(id, Sent{ url, send(id, url) }); } void WebLoadManager::removeSent(int id) { if (const auto i = _sent.find(id); i != end(_sent)) { deleteDeferred(i->second.reply); _sent.erase(i); checkSendNext(); } } not_null WebLoadManager::send(int id, const QString &url) { const auto result = _network->get(QNetworkRequest(url)); const auto handleProgress = [=](qint64 ready, qint64 total) { progress(id, result, ready, total); }; const auto handleError = [=](QNetworkReply::NetworkError error) { failed(id, result, error); }; QObject::connect( result, &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, handleProgress); QObject::connect(result, &QNetworkReply::errorOccurred, handleError); return result; } WebLoadManager::Sent *WebLoadManager::findSent( int id, not_null reply) { const auto i = _sent.find(id); return (i != end(_sent) && i->second.reply == reply) ? &i->second : nullptr; } void WebLoadManager::progress( int id, not_null reply, int64 ready, int64 total) { const auto statusCode = reply->attribute( QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute); const auto status = statusCode.isValid() ? statusCode.toInt() : 200; if (status == 301 || status == 302) { redirect(id, reply); } else if (status != 200 && status != 206 && status != 416) { LOG(("Network Error: " "Bad HTTP status received in WebLoadManager::onProgress() %1" ).arg(status)); failed(id, reply); } else { notify(id, reply, ready, total); } } void WebLoadManager::redirect(int id, not_null reply) { const auto header = reply->header(QNetworkRequest::LocationHeader); const auto url = header.toString(); if (url.isEmpty()) { return; } if (const auto sent = findSent(id, reply)) { if (!sent->redirectsLeft--) { LOG(("Network Error: " "Too many HTTP redirects in onFinished() " "for web file loader: %1").arg(url)); failed(id, reply); return; } deleteDeferred(reply); sent->url = url; sent->reply = send(id, url); } } void WebLoadManager::notify( int id, not_null reply, int64 ready, int64 total) { if (const auto sent = findSent(id, reply)) { sent->ready = ready; sent->total = std::max(total, int64(0)); sent->data.append(reply->readAll()); if (total == 0 || total > Storage::kMaxFileInMemory || sent->data.size() > Storage::kMaxFileInMemory) { LOG(("Network Error: " "Bad size received for HTTP download progress " "in WebLoadManager::onProgress(): %1 / %2 (bytes %3)" ).arg(ready ).arg(total ).arg(sent->data.size())); failed(id, reply); } else if (total > 0 && ready >= total) { finished(id, reply); } else { queueProgressUpdate(id, sent->ready, sent->total); } } } void WebLoadManager::failed( int id, not_null reply, QNetworkReply::NetworkError error) { if (const auto sent = findSent(id, reply)) { LOG(("Network Error: " "Failed to request '%1', error %2 (%3)" ).arg(sent->url ).arg(int(error) ).arg(reply->errorString())); failed(id, reply); } } void WebLoadManager::failed(int id, not_null reply) { if (const auto sent = findSent(id, reply)) { removeSent(id); queueFailedUpdate(id); } } void WebLoadManager::deleteDeferred(not_null reply) { reply->deleteLater(); _repliesBeingDeleted.erase( ranges::remove(_repliesBeingDeleted, nullptr), end(_repliesBeingDeleted)); _repliesBeingDeleted.emplace_back(reply.get()); } void WebLoadManager::finished(int id, not_null reply) { if (const auto sent = findSent(id, reply)) { const auto data = base::take(sent->data); removeSent(id); queueFinishedUpdate(id, data); } } void WebLoadManager::clear() { for (const auto &[id, sent] : base::take(_sent)) { sent.reply->abort(); delete sent.reply; } for (const auto &reply : base::take(_repliesBeingDeleted)) { if (reply) { delete reply; } } } void WebLoadManager::queueProgressUpdate(int id, int64 ready, int64 total) { crl::on_main(this, [=] { sendUpdate(id, Progress{ ready, total }); }); } void WebLoadManager::queueFailedUpdate(int id) { crl::on_main(this, [=] { sendUpdate(id, Error{}); }); } void WebLoadManager::queueFinishedUpdate(int id, const QByteArray &data) { crl::on_main(this, [=] { for (const auto &[loader, loaderId] : _ids) { if (loaderId == id) { break; } } sendUpdate(id, QByteArray(data)); }); } void WebLoadManager::sendUpdate(int id, Update &&data) { for (const auto &[loader, loaderId] : _ids) { if (loaderId == id) { _updates.fire(UpdateForLoader{ loader, std::move(data) }); return; } } } webFileLoader::webFileLoader( not_null session, const QString &url, const QString &to, LoadFromCloudSetting fromCloud, bool autoLoading, uint8 cacheTag) : FileLoader( session, QString(), 0, 0, UnknownFileLocation, LoadToCacheAsWell, fromCloud, autoLoading, cacheTag) , _url(url) { } webFileLoader::~webFileLoader() { if (!_finished) { cancel(); } } QString webFileLoader::url() const { return _url; } void webFileLoader::startLoading() { if (_finished) { return; } else if (!_manager) { _manager = GetManager(); _manager->updates( this ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Update &data) { if (const auto progress = std::get_if(&data)) { loadProgress(progress->ready, progress->total); } else if (const auto bytes = std::get_if(&data)) { loadFinished(*bytes); } else { loadFailed(); } }, _managerLifetime); } _manager->enqueue(this); } int64 webFileLoader::currentOffset() const { return _ready; } void webFileLoader::loadProgress(qint64 ready, qint64 total) { _fullSize = _loadSize = total; _ready = ready; notifyAboutProgress(); } void webFileLoader::loadFinished(const QByteArray &data) { cancelRequest(); if (writeResultPart(0, bytes::make_span(data))) { finalizeResult(); } } void webFileLoader::loadFailed() { cancel(true); } Storage::Cache::Key webFileLoader::cacheKey() const { return Data::UrlCacheKey(_url); } std::optional webFileLoader::fileLocationKey() const { return std::nullopt; } void webFileLoader::cancelHook() { cancelRequest(); } void webFileLoader::cancelRequest() { if (!_manager) { return; } _managerLifetime.destroy(); _manager->remove(this); _manager = nullptr; }