/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "payments/ui/payments_panel.h" #include "payments/ui/payments_form_summary.h" #include "payments/ui/payments_edit_information.h" #include "payments/ui/payments_edit_card.h" #include "payments/ui/payments_panel_delegate.h" #include "payments/ui/payments_field.h" #include "ui/widgets/separate_panel.h" #include "ui/widgets/checkbox.h" #include "ui/wrap/fade_wrap.h" #include "ui/boxes/single_choice_box.h" #include "ui/text/format_values.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" #include "ui/effects/radial_animation.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "webview/webview_embed.h" #include "webview/webview_interface.h" #include "styles/style_payments.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" namespace Payments::Ui { namespace { constexpr auto kProgressDuration = crl::time(200); constexpr auto kProgressOpacity = 0.3; } // namespace struct Panel::Progress { Progress(QWidget *parent, Fn rect); RpWidget widget; InfiniteRadialAnimation animation; Animations::Simple shownAnimation; bool shown = true; rpl::lifetime geometryLifetime; }; struct Panel::WebviewWithLifetime { WebviewWithLifetime( QWidget *parent = nullptr, Webview::WindowConfig config = Webview::WindowConfig()); Webview::Window window; QPointer lastHidingBox; rpl::lifetime lifetime; }; Panel::WebviewWithLifetime::WebviewWithLifetime( QWidget *parent, Webview::WindowConfig config) : window(parent, std::move(config)) { } Panel::Progress::Progress(QWidget *parent, Fn rect) : widget(parent) , animation( [=] { if (!anim::Disabled()) widget.update(rect()); }, st::paymentsLoading) { } Panel::Panel(not_null delegate) : _delegate(delegate) , _widget(std::make_unique()) { _widget->setInnerSize(st::paymentsPanelSize); _widget->setWindowFlag(Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint, false); _widget->closeRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _delegate->panelRequestClose(); }, _widget->lifetime()); _widget->closeEvents( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _delegate->panelCloseSure(); }, _widget->lifetime()); } Panel::~Panel() { _webview = nullptr; _progress = nullptr; _widget = nullptr; } void Panel::requestActivate() { _widget->showAndActivate(); } void Panel::toggleProgress(bool shown) { if (!_progress) { if (!shown) { return; } _progress = std::make_unique( _widget.get(), [=] { return progressRect(); }); _progress->widget.paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect clip) { auto p = QPainter(&_progress->widget); p.setOpacity( _progress->shownAnimation.value(_progress->shown ? 1. : 0.)); auto thickness = st::paymentsLoading.thickness; if (progressWithBackground()) { auto color = st::windowBg->c; color.setAlphaF(kProgressOpacity); p.fillRect(clip, color); } const auto rect = progressRect().marginsRemoved( { thickness, thickness, thickness, thickness }); InfiniteRadialAnimation::Draw( p, _progress->animation.computeState(), rect.topLeft(), rect.size() - QSize(), _progress->widget.width(), st::paymentsLoading.color, thickness); }, _progress->widget.lifetime()); _progress->widget.show(); _progress->animation.start(); } else if (_progress->shown == shown) { return; } const auto callback = [=] { if (!_progress->shownAnimation.animating() && !_progress->shown) { _progress = nullptr; } else { _progress->widget.update(); } }; _progress->shown = shown; _progress->shownAnimation.start( callback, shown ? 0. : 1., shown ? 1. : 0., kProgressDuration); if (shown) { setupProgressGeometry(); } } bool Panel::progressWithBackground() const { return (_progress->widget.width() == _widget->innerGeometry().width()); } QRect Panel::progressRect() const { const auto rect = _progress->widget.rect(); if (!progressWithBackground()) { return rect; } const auto size = st::defaultBoxButton.height; return QRect( rect.x() + (rect.width() - size) / 2, rect.y() + (rect.height() - size) / 2, size, size); } void Panel::setupProgressGeometry() { if (!_progress || !_progress->shown) { return; } _progress->geometryLifetime.destroy(); if (_webviewBottom) { _webviewBottom->geometryValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect bottom) { const auto height = bottom.height(); const auto size = st::paymentsLoading.size; const auto skip = (height - size.height()) / 2; const auto inner = _widget->innerGeometry(); const auto right = inner.x() + inner.width(); const auto top = inner.y() + inner.height() - height; // This doesn't work, because first we get the correct bottom // geometry and after that we get the previous event (which // triggered the 'fire' of correct geometry before getting here). //const auto right = bottom.x() + bottom.width(); //const auto top = bottom.y(); _progress->widget.setGeometry(QRect{ QPoint(right - skip - size.width(), top + skip), size }); }, _progress->geometryLifetime); } else if (_weakFormSummary) { _weakFormSummary->sizeValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QSize form) { const auto full = _widget->innerGeometry(); const auto size = st::defaultBoxButton.height; const auto inner = _weakFormSummary->contentHeight(); const auto left = full.height() - inner; if (left >= 2 * size) { _progress->widget.setGeometry( full.x() + (full.width() - size) / 2, full.y() + inner + (left - size) / 2, size, size); } else { _progress->widget.setGeometry(full); } }, _progress->geometryLifetime); } else if (_weakEditInformation) { _weakEditInformation->geometryValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _progress->widget.setGeometry(_widget->innerGeometry()); }, _progress->geometryLifetime); } else if (_weakEditCard) { _weakEditCard->geometryValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _progress->widget.setGeometry(_widget->innerGeometry()); }, _progress->geometryLifetime); } _progress->widget.show(); _progress->widget.raise(); if (_progress->shown) { _progress->widget.setFocus(); } } void Panel::showForm( const Invoice &invoice, const RequestedInformation ¤t, const PaymentMethodDetails &method, const ShippingOptions &options) { if (invoice && !method.ready && !method.native.supported) { const auto available = Webview::Availability(); if (available.error != Webview::Available::Error::None) { showWebviewError( tr::lng_payments_webview_no_use(tr::now), available); return; } } _testMode = invoice.isTest; setTitle(invoice.receipt ? tr::lng_payments_receipt_title() : tr::lng_payments_checkout_title()); auto form = base::make_unique_q( _widget.get(), invoice, current, method, options, _delegate, _formScrollTop.current()); _weakFormSummary = form.get(); _widget->showInner(std::move(form)); _widget->setBackAllowed(false); _formScrollTop = _weakFormSummary->scrollTopValue(); setupProgressGeometry(); } void Panel::updateFormThumbnail(const QImage &thumbnail) { if (_weakFormSummary) { _weakFormSummary->updateThumbnail(thumbnail); } } void Panel::showEditInformation( const Invoice &invoice, const RequestedInformation ¤t, InformationField field) { setTitle(tr::lng_payments_shipping_address_title()); auto edit = base::make_unique_q( _widget.get(), invoice, current, field, _delegate); _weakEditInformation = edit.get(); _widget->showInner(std::move(edit)); _widget->setBackAllowed(true); _weakEditInformation->setFocusFast(field); setupProgressGeometry(); } void Panel::showInformationError( const Invoice &invoice, const RequestedInformation ¤t, InformationField field) { if (_weakEditInformation) { _weakEditInformation->showError(field); } else { showEditInformation(invoice, current, field); if (_weakEditInformation && field == InformationField::ShippingCountry) { _weakEditInformation->showError(field); } } } void Panel::chooseShippingOption(const ShippingOptions &options) { showBox(Box([=](not_null box) { const auto i = ranges::find( options.list, options.selectedId, &ShippingOption::id); const auto index = (i != end(options.list)) ? int(i - begin(options.list)) : -1; const auto group = std::make_shared(index); const auto layout = box->verticalLayout(); auto counter = 0; for (const auto &option : options.list) { const auto index = counter++; const auto button = layout->add( object_ptr( layout, group, index, QString(), st::defaultBoxCheckbox, st::defaultRadio), st::paymentsShippingMargin); const auto label = CreateChild( layout.get(), option.title, st::paymentsShippingLabel); const auto total = ranges::accumulate( option.prices, int64(0), std::plus<>(), &LabeledPrice::price); const auto price = CreateChild( layout.get(), FillAmountAndCurrency(total, options.currency), st::paymentsShippingPrice); const auto area = CreateChild(layout.get()); area->setClickedCallback([=] { group->setValue(index); }); button->geometryValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect geometry) { label->move( geometry.topLeft() + st::paymentsShippingLabelPosition); price->move( geometry.topLeft() + st::paymentsShippingPricePosition); const auto right = geometry.x() + st::paymentsShippingLabelPosition.x(); area->setGeometry( right, geometry.y(), std::max( label->x() + label->width() - right, price->x() + price->width() - right), price->y() + price->height() - geometry.y()); }, button->lifetime()); } box->setTitle(tr::lng_payments_shipping_method()); box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); group->setChangedCallback([=](int index) { if (index >= 0) { _delegate->panelChangeShippingOption( options.list[index].id); box->closeBox(); } }); })); } void Panel::chooseTips(const Invoice &invoice) { const auto max = invoice.tipsMax; const auto now = invoice.tipsSelected; const auto currency = invoice.currency; showBox(Box([=](not_null box) { box->setTitle(tr::lng_payments_tips_box_title()); const auto row = box->lifetime().make_state( box, FieldConfig{ .type = FieldType::Money, .value = QString::number(now), .currency = currency, }); box->setFocusCallback([=] { row->setFocusFast(); }); box->addRow(row->ownedWidget()); const auto errorWrap = box->addRow( object_ptr>( box, object_ptr( box, tr::lng_payments_tips_max( lt_amount, rpl::single(FillAmountAndCurrency(max, currency))), st::paymentTipsErrorLabel)), st::paymentTipsErrorPadding); errorWrap->hide(anim::type::instant); const auto submit = [=] { const auto value = row->value().toLongLong(); if (value > max) { row->showError(); errorWrap->show(anim::type::normal); } else { _delegate->panelChangeTips(value); box->closeBox(); } }; row->submitted( ) | rpl::start_with_next(submit, box->lifetime()); box->addButton(tr::lng_settings_save(), submit); box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); })); } void Panel::showEditPaymentMethod(const PaymentMethodDetails &method) { auto bottomText = method.canSaveInformation ? rpl::producer() : tr::lng_payments_processed_by( lt_provider, rpl::single(method.provider)); setTitle(tr::lng_payments_card_title()); if (method.native.supported) { showEditCard(method.native, CardField::Number); } else if (!showWebview(method.url, true, std::move(bottomText))) { const auto available = Webview::Availability(); if (available.error != Webview::Available::Error::None) { showWebviewError( tr::lng_payments_webview_no_card(tr::now), available); } else { showCriticalError({ "Error: Could not initialize WebView." }); } _widget->setBackAllowed(true); } else if (method.canSaveInformation) { const auto &padding = st::paymentsPanelPadding; _saveWebviewInformation = CreateChild( _webviewBottom.get(), tr::lng_payments_save_information(tr::now), false); const auto height = padding.top() + _saveWebviewInformation->heightNoMargins() + padding.bottom(); _saveWebviewInformation->moveToLeft(padding.right(), padding.top()); _saveWebviewInformation->show(); _webviewBottom->resize(_webviewBottom->width(), height); } } void Panel::showWebviewProgress() { if (_webviewProgress && _progress && _progress->shown) { return; } _webviewProgress = true; toggleProgress(true); } void Panel::hideWebviewProgress() { if (!_webviewProgress) { return; } _webviewProgress = false; toggleProgress(false); } bool Panel::showWebview( const QString &url, bool allowBack, rpl::producer bottomText) { if (!_webview && !createWebview()) { return false; } showWebviewProgress(); _widget->destroyLayer(); _webview->window.navigate(url); _widget->setBackAllowed(allowBack); if (bottomText) { const auto &padding = st::paymentsPanelPadding; const auto label = CreateChild( _webviewBottom.get(), std::move(bottomText), st::paymentsWebviewBottom); const auto height = padding.top() + label->heightNoMargins() + padding.bottom(); rpl::combine( _webviewBottom->widthValue(), label->widthValue() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int outerWidth, int width) { label->move((outerWidth - width) / 2, padding.top()); }, label->lifetime()); label->show(); _webviewBottom->resize(_webviewBottom->width(), height); } return true; } bool Panel::createWebview() { auto container = base::make_unique_q(_widget.get()); _webviewBottom = std::make_unique(_widget.get()); const auto bottom = _webviewBottom.get(); bottom->show(); bottom->heightValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=, raw = container.get()](int height) { const auto inner = _widget->innerGeometry(); bottom->move(inner.x(), inner.y() + inner.height() - height); raw->resize(inner.width(), inner.height() - height); bottom->resizeToWidth(inner.width()); }, bottom->lifetime()); container->show(); _webview = std::make_unique( container.get(), Webview::WindowConfig{ .userDataPath = _delegate->panelWebviewDataPath(), }); const auto raw = &_webview->window; QObject::connect(container.get(), &QObject::destroyed, [=] { if (_webview && &_webview->window == raw) { _webview = nullptr; if (_webviewProgress) { hideWebviewProgress(); if (_progress && !_progress->shown) { _progress = nullptr; } } } if (_webviewBottom.get() == bottom) { _webviewBottom = nullptr; } }); if (!raw->widget()) { return false; } container->geometryValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect geometry) { raw->widget()->setGeometry(geometry); }, _webview->lifetime); raw->setMessageHandler([=](const QJsonDocument &message) { const auto save = _saveWebviewInformation && _saveWebviewInformation->checked(); _delegate->panelWebviewMessage(message, save); }); raw->setNavigationStartHandler([=](const QString &uri) { if (!_delegate->panelWebviewNavigationAttempt(uri)) { return false; } showWebviewProgress(); return true; }); raw->setNavigationDoneHandler([=](bool success) { hideWebviewProgress(); }); raw->init(R"( window.TelegramWebviewProxy = { postEvent: function(eventType, eventData) { if (window.external && window.external.invoke) { window.external.invoke(JSON.stringify([eventType, eventData])); } } };)"); _widget->showInner(std::move(container)); setupProgressGeometry(); return true; } void Panel::choosePaymentMethod(const PaymentMethodDetails &method) { if (!method.ready) { showEditPaymentMethod(method); return; } showBox(Box([=](not_null box) { const auto save = [=](int option) { if (option) { showEditPaymentMethod(method); } }; SingleChoiceBox(box, { .title = tr::lng_payments_payment_method(), .options = { method.title, tr::lng_payments_new_card(tr::now) }, .initialSelection = 0, .callback = save, }); })); } void Panel::askSetPassword() { showBox(Box([=](not_null box) { box->addRow( object_ptr( box.get(), tr::lng_payments_need_password(), st::boxLabel), st::boxPadding); box->addButton(tr::lng_continue(), [=] { _delegate->panelSetPassword(); box->closeBox(); }); box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); })); } void Panel::showCloseConfirm() { showBox(Box([=](not_null box) { box->addRow( object_ptr( box.get(), tr::lng_payments_sure_close(), st::boxLabel), st::boxPadding); box->addButton(tr::lng_close(), [=] { _delegate->panelCloseSure(); }); box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); })); } void Panel::showWarning(const QString &bot, const QString &provider) { showBox(Box([=](not_null box) { box->setTitle(tr::lng_payments_warning_title()); box->addRow(object_ptr( box.get(), tr::lng_payments_warning_body( lt_bot1, rpl::single(bot), lt_provider, rpl::single(provider), lt_bot2, rpl::single(bot), lt_bot3, rpl::single(bot)), st::boxLabel)); box->addButton(tr::lng_continue(), [=] { _delegate->panelTrustAndSubmit(); box->closeBox(); }); box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); })); } void Panel::showEditCard( const NativeMethodDetails &native, CardField field) { Expects(native.supported); auto edit = base::make_unique_q( _widget.get(), native, field, _delegate); _weakEditCard = edit.get(); _widget->showInner(std::move(edit)); _widget->setBackAllowed(true); _weakEditCard->setFocusFast(field); setupProgressGeometry(); } void Panel::showCardError( const NativeMethodDetails &native, CardField field) { if (_weakEditCard) { _weakEditCard->showError(field); } else { // We cancelled card edit already. //showEditCard(native, field); //if (_weakEditCard // && field == CardField::AddressCountry) { // _weakEditCard->showError(field); //} } } void Panel::setTitle(rpl::producer title) { using namespace rpl::mappers; if (_testMode) { _widget->setTitle(std::move(title) | rpl::map(_1 + " (Test)")); } else { _widget->setTitle(std::move(title)); } } rpl::producer<> Panel::backRequests() const { return _widget->backRequests(); } void Panel::showBox(object_ptr box) { if (const auto widget = _webview ? _webview->window.widget() : nullptr) { const auto hideNow = !widget->isHidden(); if (hideNow || _webview->lastHidingBox) { const auto raw = _webview->lastHidingBox = box.data(); box->boxClosing( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { const auto widget = _webview ? _webview->window.widget() : nullptr; if (widget && widget->isHidden() && _webview->lastHidingBox == raw) { widget->show(); } }, _webview->lifetime); if (hideNow) { widget->hide(); } } } _widget->showBox( std::move(box), LayerOption::KeepOther, anim::type::normal); } void Panel::showToast(const TextWithEntities &text) { _widget->showToast(text); } void Panel::showCriticalError(const TextWithEntities &text) { _progress = nullptr; _webviewProgress = false; if (!_weakFormSummary || !_weakFormSummary->showCriticalError(text)) { auto error = base::make_unique_q>( _widget.get(), object_ptr( _widget.get(), rpl::single(text), st::paymentsCriticalError), st::paymentsCriticalErrorPadding); error->entity()->setClickHandlerFilter([=]( const ClickHandlerPtr &handler, Qt::MouseButton) { const auto entity = handler->getTextEntity(); if (entity.type != EntityType::CustomUrl) { return true; } _delegate->panelOpenUrl(entity.data); return false; }); _widget->showInner(std::move(error)); } } void Panel::showWebviewError( const QString &text, const Webview::Available &information) { using Error = Webview::Available::Error; Expects(information.error != Error::None); auto rich = TextWithEntities{ text }; rich.append("\n\n"); switch (information.error) { case Error::NoWebview2: { const auto command = QString(QChar(TextCommand)); const auto text = tr::lng_payments_webview_install_edge( tr::now, lt_link, command); const auto parts = text.split(command); rich.append(parts.value(0)) .append(Text::Link( "Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime", "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=2124703")) .append(parts.value(1)); } break; case Error::NoGtkOrWebkit2Gtk: rich.append(tr::lng_payments_webview_install_webkit(tr::now)); break; case Error::MutterWM: rich.append(tr::lng_payments_webview_switch_mutter(tr::now)); break; case Error::Wayland: rich.append(tr::lng_payments_webview_switch_wayland(tr::now)); break; default: rich.append(QString::fromStdString(information.details)); break; } showCriticalError(rich); } rpl::lifetime &Panel::lifetime() { return _widget->lifetime(); } } // namespace Payments::Ui