/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "mediaview.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "application.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/text_options.h" #include "media/media_clip_reader.h" #include "media/view/media_clip_controller.h" #include "media/view/media_view_group_thumbs.h" #include "media/media_audio.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_message.h" #include "history/history_media_types.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme_preview.h" #include "window/window_peer_menu.h" #include "observer_peer.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "messenger.h" #include "layout.h" #include "storage/file_download.h" #include "calls/calls_instance.h" #include "styles/style_mediaview.h" #include "styles/style_history.h" namespace { constexpr auto kPreloadCount = 4; // Preload X message ids before and after current. constexpr auto kIdsLimit = 48; // Preload next messages if we went further from current than that. constexpr auto kIdsPreloadAfter = 28; } // namespace struct MediaView::SharedMedia { SharedMedia(SharedMediaWithLastSlice::Key key) : key(key) { } SharedMediaWithLastSlice::Key key; rpl::lifetime lifetime; }; struct MediaView::UserPhotos { UserPhotos(UserPhotosSlice::Key key) : key(key) { } UserPhotosSlice::Key key; rpl::lifetime lifetime; }; MediaView::MediaView() : TWidget(nullptr) , _transparentBrush(style::transparentPlaceholderBrush()) , _animStarted(getms()) , _docDownload(this, lang(lng_media_download), st::mediaviewFileLink) , _docSaveAs(this, lang(lng_mediaview_save_as), st::mediaviewFileLink) , _docCancel(this, lang(lng_cancel), st::mediaviewFileLink) , _radial(animation(this, &MediaView::step_radial)) , _lastAction(-st::mediaviewDeltaFromLastAction, -st::mediaviewDeltaFromLastAction) , _a_state(animation(this, &MediaView::step_state)) , _dropdown(this, st::mediaviewDropdownMenu) , _dropdownShowTimer(this) { subscribe(Lang::Current().updated(), [this] { refreshLang(); }); TextCustomTagsMap custom; custom.insert(QChar('c'), qMakePair(textcmdStartLink(1), textcmdStopLink())); _saveMsgText.setRichText(st::mediaviewSaveMsgStyle, lang(lng_mediaview_saved), Ui::DialogTextOptions(), custom); _saveMsg = QRect(0, 0, _saveMsgText.maxWidth() + st::mediaviewSaveMsgPadding.left() + st::mediaviewSaveMsgPadding.right(), st::mediaviewSaveMsgStyle.font->height + st::mediaviewSaveMsgPadding.top() + st::mediaviewSaveMsgPadding.bottom()); _saveMsgText.setLink(1, std::make_shared([this] { showSaveMsgFile(); })); connect(QApplication::desktop(), SIGNAL(resized(int)), this, SLOT(onScreenResized(int))); // While we have one mediaview for all authsessions we have to do this. auto handleAuthSessionChange = [this] { if (AuthSession::Exists()) { subscribe(Auth().downloaderTaskFinished(), [this] { if (!isHidden()) { updateControls(); } }); subscribe(Auth().calls().currentCallChanged(), [this](Calls::Call *call) { if (call && _clipController && !_videoPaused) { onVideoPauseResume(); } }); subscribe(Auth().documentUpdated, [this](DocumentData *document) { if (!isHidden()) { documentUpdated(document); } }); subscribe(Auth().messageIdChanging, [this](std::pair, MsgId> update) { changingMsgId(update.first, update.second); }); } else { _sharedMedia = nullptr; _userPhotos = nullptr; } }; subscribe(Messenger::Instance().authSessionChanged(), [handleAuthSessionChange] { handleAuthSessionChange(); }); handleAuthSessionChange(); setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::BypassWindowManagerHint | Qt::Tool | Qt::NoDropShadowWindowHint); moveToScreen(); setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, true); setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground, true); setMouseTracking(true); hide(); createWinId(); if (cPlatform() == dbipWindows) { setWindowState(Qt::WindowFullScreen); } _saveMsgUpdater.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_saveMsgUpdater, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateImage())); setAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents); _touchTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_touchTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onTouchTimer())); _controlsHideTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_controlsHideTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onHideControls())); connect(_docDownload, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onDownload())); connect(_docSaveAs, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSaveAs())); connect(_docCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSaveCancel())); _dropdown->setHiddenCallback([this] { dropdownHidden(); }); _dropdownShowTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(_dropdownShowTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onDropdown())); } void MediaView::refreshLang() { InvokeQueued(this, [this] { updateThemePreviewGeometry(); }); } void MediaView::moveToScreen() { auto widgetScreen = [this](auto &&widget) -> QScreen* { if (auto handle = widget ? widget->windowHandle() : nullptr) { return handle->screen(); } return nullptr; }; auto activeWindow = Messenger::Instance().getActiveWindow(); auto activeWindowScreen = widgetScreen(activeWindow); auto myScreen = widgetScreen(this); if (activeWindowScreen && myScreen && myScreen != activeWindowScreen) { windowHandle()->setScreen(activeWindowScreen); } auto available = activeWindow ? Sandbox::screenGeometry(activeWindow->geometry().center()) : QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(); if (geometry() != available) { setGeometry(available); } auto navSkip = 2 * st::mediaviewControlMargin + st::mediaviewControlSize; _closeNav = myrtlrect(width() - st::mediaviewControlMargin - st::mediaviewControlSize, st::mediaviewControlMargin, st::mediaviewControlSize, st::mediaviewControlSize); _closeNavIcon = centerrect(_closeNav, st::mediaviewClose); _leftNav = myrtlrect(st::mediaviewControlMargin, navSkip, st::mediaviewControlSize, height() - 2 * navSkip); _leftNavIcon = centerrect(_leftNav, st::mediaviewLeft); _rightNav = myrtlrect(width() - st::mediaviewControlMargin - st::mediaviewControlSize, navSkip, st::mediaviewControlSize, height() - 2 * navSkip); _rightNavIcon = centerrect(_rightNav, st::mediaviewRight); _saveMsg.moveTo((width() - _saveMsg.width()) / 2, (height() - _saveMsg.height()) / 2); } bool MediaView::fileShown() const { return !_current.isNull() || gifShown(); } bool MediaView::fileBubbleShown() const { return (!_photo && !_doc) || (_doc && !fileShown() && !_themePreviewShown); } bool MediaView::gifShown() const { if (_gif && _gif->ready()) { if (!_gif->started()) { const auto streamVideo = _doc && (_doc->isVideoFile() || _doc->isVideoMessage()); const auto pauseOnStart = (_autoplayVideoDocument != _doc); if (streamVideo && pauseOnStart && !_gif->videoPaused()) { const_cast(this)->toggleVideoPaused(); } const auto rounding = (_doc && _doc->isVideoMessage()) ? ImageRoundRadius::Ellipse : ImageRoundRadius::None; _gif->start( _gif->width() / cIntRetinaFactor(), _gif->height() / cIntRetinaFactor(), _gif->width() / cIntRetinaFactor(), _gif->height() / cIntRetinaFactor(), rounding, RectPart::AllCorners); const_cast(this)->_current = QPixmap(); updateMixerVideoVolume(); Global::RefVideoVolumeChanged().notify(); } return true;// _gif->state() != Media::Clip::State::Error; } return false; } void MediaView::stopGif() { _gif = nullptr; _videoPaused = _videoStopped = _videoIsSilent = false; _fullScreenVideo = false; _clipController.destroy(); disconnect(Media::Player::mixer(), SIGNAL(updated(const AudioMsgId&)), this, SLOT(onVideoPlayProgress(const AudioMsgId&))); } void MediaView::documentUpdated(DocumentData *doc) { if (fileBubbleShown() && _doc && _doc == doc) { if ((_doc->loading() && _docCancel->isHidden()) || (!_doc->loading() && !_docCancel->isHidden())) { updateControls(); } else if (_doc->loading()) { updateDocSize(); update(_docRect); } } } void MediaView::changingMsgId(not_null row, MsgId newId) { if (row->fullId() == _msgid) { _msgid = FullMsgId(_msgid.channel, newId); refreshMediaViewer(); } } void MediaView::updateDocSize() { if (!_doc || !fileBubbleShown()) return; if (_doc->loading()) { quint64 ready = _doc->loadOffset(), total = _doc->size; QString readyStr, totalStr, mb; if (total >= 1024 * 1024) { // more than 1 mb qint64 readyTenthMb = (ready * 10 / (1024 * 1024)), totalTenthMb = (total * 10 / (1024 * 1024)); readyStr = QString::number(readyTenthMb / 10) + '.' + QString::number(readyTenthMb % 10); totalStr = QString::number(totalTenthMb / 10) + '.' + QString::number(totalTenthMb % 10); mb = qsl("MB"); } else if (total >= 1024) { qint64 readyKb = (ready / 1024), totalKb = (total / 1024); readyStr = QString::number(readyKb); totalStr = QString::number(totalKb); mb = qsl("KB"); } else { readyStr = QString::number(ready); totalStr = QString::number(total); mb = qsl("B"); } _docSize = lng_media_save_progress(lt_ready, readyStr, lt_total, totalStr, lt_mb, mb); } else { _docSize = formatSizeText(_doc->size); } _docSizeWidth = st::mediaviewFont->width(_docSize); int32 maxw = st::mediaviewFileSize.width() - st::mediaviewFileIconSize - st::mediaviewFilePadding * 3; if (_docSizeWidth > maxw) { _docSize = st::mediaviewFont->elided(_docSize, maxw); _docSizeWidth = st::mediaviewFont->width(_docSize); } } void MediaView::refreshNavVisibility() { if (_sharedMediaData) { _leftNavVisible = _index && (*_index > 0); _rightNavVisible = _index && (*_index + 1 < _sharedMediaData->size()); } else if (_userPhotosData) { _leftNavVisible = _index && (*_index > 0); _rightNavVisible = _index && (*_index + 1 < _userPhotosData->size()); } else { _leftNavVisible = false; _rightNavVisible = false; } } void MediaView::updateControls() { if (_doc && fileBubbleShown()) { if (_doc->loading()) { _docDownload->hide(); _docSaveAs->hide(); _docCancel->moveToLeft(_docRect.x() + 2 * st::mediaviewFilePadding + st::mediaviewFileIconSize, _docRect.y() + st::mediaviewFilePadding + st::mediaviewFileLinksTop); _docCancel->show(); } else { if (_doc->loaded(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked)) { _docDownload->hide(); _docSaveAs->moveToLeft(_docRect.x() + 2 * st::mediaviewFilePadding + st::mediaviewFileIconSize, _docRect.y() + st::mediaviewFilePadding + st::mediaviewFileLinksTop); _docSaveAs->show(); _docCancel->hide(); } else { _docDownload->moveToLeft(_docRect.x() + 2 * st::mediaviewFilePadding + st::mediaviewFileIconSize, _docRect.y() + st::mediaviewFilePadding + st::mediaviewFileLinksTop); _docDownload->show(); _docSaveAs->moveToLeft(_docRect.x() + 2.5 * st::mediaviewFilePadding + st::mediaviewFileIconSize + _docDownload->width(), _docRect.y() + st::mediaviewFilePadding + st::mediaviewFileLinksTop); _docSaveAs->show(); _docCancel->hide(); } } updateDocSize(); } else { _docDownload->hide(); _docSaveAs->hide(); _docCancel->hide(); } radialStart(); updateThemePreviewGeometry(); _saveVisible = ((_photo && _photo->loaded()) || (_doc && (_doc->loaded(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked) || (!fileShown() && (_photo || _doc))))); _saveNav = myrtlrect(width() - st::mediaviewIconSize.width() * 2, height() - st::mediaviewIconSize.height(), st::mediaviewIconSize.width(), st::mediaviewIconSize.height()); _saveNavIcon = centerrect(_saveNav, st::mediaviewSave); _moreNav = myrtlrect(width() - st::mediaviewIconSize.width(), height() - st::mediaviewIconSize.height(), st::mediaviewIconSize.width(), st::mediaviewIconSize.height()); _moreNavIcon = centerrect(_moreNav, st::mediaviewMore); QDateTime d, dNow(date(unixtime())); if (_photo) { d = date(_photo->date); } else if (_doc) { d = date(_doc->date); } else if (auto item = App::histItemById(_msgid)) { d = item->date; } if (d.date() == dNow.date()) { _dateText = lng_mediaview_today(lt_time, d.time().toString(cTimeFormat())); } else if (d.date().addDays(1) == dNow.date()) { _dateText = lng_mediaview_yesterday(lt_time, d.time().toString(cTimeFormat())); } else { _dateText = lng_mediaview_date_time(lt_date, d.date().toString(qsl("dd.MM.yy")), lt_time, d.time().toString(cTimeFormat())); } if (_from) { _fromName.setText(st::mediaviewTextStyle, (_from->migrateTo() ? _from->migrateTo() : _from)->name, Ui::NameTextOptions()); _nameNav = myrtlrect(st::mediaviewTextLeft, height() - st::mediaviewTextTop, qMin(_fromName.maxWidth(), width() / 3), st::mediaviewFont->height); _dateNav = myrtlrect(st::mediaviewTextLeft + _nameNav.width() + st::mediaviewTextSkip, height() - st::mediaviewTextTop, st::mediaviewFont->width(_dateText), st::mediaviewFont->height); } else { _nameNav = QRect(); _dateNav = myrtlrect(st::mediaviewTextLeft, height() - st::mediaviewTextTop, st::mediaviewFont->width(_dateText), st::mediaviewFont->height); } updateHeader(); refreshNavVisibility(); resizeCenteredControls(); updateOver(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos())); update(); } void MediaView::resizeCenteredControls() { const auto bottomSkip = std::max( _dateNav.left() + _dateNav.width(), _headerNav.left() + _headerNav.width()) + st::mediaviewCaptionMargin.width(); _groupThumbsAvailableWidth = std::max( width() - 2 * bottomSkip, st::msgMinWidth + st::mediaviewCaptionPadding.left() + st::mediaviewCaptionPadding.right()); _groupThumbsLeft = (width() - _groupThumbsAvailableWidth) / 2; refreshGroupThumbs(); _groupThumbsTop = _groupThumbs ? (height() - _groupThumbs->height()) : 0; refreshClipControllerGeometry(); refreshCaptionGeometry(); } void MediaView::refreshCaptionGeometry() { if (_caption.isEmpty()) { _captionRect = QRect(); return; } if (_groupThumbs && _groupThumbs->hiding()) { _groupThumbs = nullptr; _groupThumbsRect = QRect(); } const auto captionBottom = _clipController ? (_clipController->y() - st::mediaviewCaptionMargin.height()) : _groupThumbs ? _groupThumbsTop : height() - st::mediaviewCaptionMargin.height(); const auto captionWidth = std::min( _groupThumbsAvailableWidth - st::mediaviewCaptionPadding.left() - st::mediaviewCaptionPadding.right(), _caption.maxWidth()); const auto captionHeight = std::min( _caption.countHeight(captionWidth), height() / 4 - st::mediaviewCaptionPadding.top() - st::mediaviewCaptionPadding.bottom() - 2 * st::mediaviewCaptionMargin.height()); _captionRect = QRect( (width() - captionWidth) / 2, captionBottom - captionHeight - st::mediaviewCaptionPadding.bottom(), captionWidth, captionHeight); } void MediaView::updateActions() { _actions.clear(); if (_doc && _doc->loading()) { _actions.push_back({ lang(lng_cancel), SLOT(onSaveCancel()) }); } if (IsServerMsgId(_msgid.msg)) { _actions.push_back({ lang(lng_context_to_msg), SLOT(onToMessage()) }); } if (_doc && !_doc->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked).isEmpty()) { _actions.push_back({ lang((cPlatform() == dbipMac || cPlatform() == dbipMacOld) ? lng_context_show_in_finder : lng_context_show_in_folder), SLOT(onShowInFolder()) }); } if ((_doc && fileShown()) || (_photo && _photo->loaded())) { _actions.push_back({ lang(lng_mediaview_copy), SLOT(onCopy()) }); } if (_canForwardItem) { _actions.push_back({ lang(lng_mediaview_forward), SLOT(onForward()) }); } auto canDelete = [&] { if (_canDeleteItem) { return true; } else if (!_msgid && _photo && App::self() && _user == App::self()) { return _userPhotosData && _fullIndex && _fullCount; } else if (_photo && _photo->peer && _photo->peer->userpicPhotoId() == _photo->id) { if (auto chat = _photo->peer->asChat()) { return chat->canEdit(); } else if (auto channel = _photo->peer->asChannel()) { return channel->canEditInformation(); } } return false; }(); if (canDelete) { _actions.push_back({ lang(lng_mediaview_delete), SLOT(onDelete()) }); } _actions.push_back({ lang(lng_mediaview_save_as), SLOT(onSaveAs()) }); if (const auto overviewType = computeOverviewType()) { _actions.push_back({ lang(_doc ? lng_mediaview_files_all : lng_mediaview_photos_all), SLOT(onOverview()) }); } } auto MediaView::computeOverviewType() const -> base::optional { if (const auto mediaType = sharedMediaType()) { if (const auto overviewType = SharedMediaOverviewType(*mediaType)) { return overviewType; } else if (mediaType == SharedMediaType::PhotoVideo) { if (_photo) { return SharedMediaOverviewType(SharedMediaType::Photo); } else if (_doc) { return SharedMediaOverviewType(SharedMediaType::Video); } } } return base::none; } void MediaView::step_state(TimeMs ms, bool timer) { bool result = false; for (Showing::iterator i = _animations.begin(); i != _animations.end();) { TimeMs start = i.value(); switch (i.key()) { case OverLeftNav: update(_leftNav); break; case OverRightNav: update(_rightNav); break; case OverName: update(_nameNav); break; case OverDate: update(_dateNav); break; case OverHeader: update(_headerNav); break; case OverClose: update(_closeNav); break; case OverSave: update(_saveNav); break; case OverIcon: update(_docIconRect); break; case OverMore: update(_moreNav); break; default: break; } float64 dt = float64(ms - start) / st::mediaviewFadeDuration; if (dt >= 1) { _animOpacities.remove(i.key()); i = _animations.erase(i); } else { _animOpacities[i.key()].update(dt, anim::linear); ++i; } } if (_controlsState == ControlsShowing || _controlsState == ControlsHiding) { float64 dt = float64(ms - _controlsAnimStarted) / (_controlsState == ControlsShowing ? st::mediaviewShowDuration : st::mediaviewHideDuration); if (dt >= 1) { a_cOpacity.finish(); _controlsState = (_controlsState == ControlsShowing ? ControlsShown : ControlsHidden); updateCursor(); } else { a_cOpacity.update(dt, anim::linear); } const auto toUpdate = QRegion() + (_over == OverLeftNav ? _leftNav : _leftNavIcon) + (_over == OverRightNav ? _rightNav : _rightNavIcon) + (_over == OverClose ? _closeNav : _closeNavIcon) + _saveNavIcon + _moreNavIcon + _headerNav + _nameNav + _dateNav + _captionRect.marginsAdded(st::mediaviewCaptionPadding) + _groupThumbsRect; update(toUpdate); if (dt < 1) result = true; } if (!result && _animations.isEmpty()) { _a_state.stop(); } } void MediaView::updateCursor() { setCursor(_controlsState == ControlsHidden ? Qt::BlankCursor : (_over == OverNone ? style::cur_default : style::cur_pointer)); } float64 MediaView::radialProgress() const { if (_doc) { return _doc->progress(); } else if (_photo) { return _photo->full->progress(); } return 1.; } bool MediaView::radialLoading() const { if (_doc) { return _doc->loading(); } else if (_photo) { return _photo->full->loading(); } return false; } QRect MediaView::radialRect() const { if (_doc) { return _docIconRect; } else if (_photo) { return _photoRadialRect; } return QRect(); } void MediaView::radialStart() { if (radialLoading() && !_radial.animating()) { _radial.start(radialProgress()); if (auto shift = radialTimeShift()) { _radial.update(radialProgress(), !radialLoading(), getms() + shift); } } } TimeMs MediaView::radialTimeShift() const { return _photo ? st::radialDuration : 0; } void MediaView::step_radial(TimeMs ms, bool timer) { if (!_doc && !_photo) { _radial.stop(); return; } const auto wasAnimating = _radial.animating(); _radial.update(radialProgress(), !radialLoading(), ms + radialTimeShift()); if (timer && (wasAnimating || _radial.animating())) { update(radialRect()); } const auto ready = _doc && _doc->loaded(); const auto streamVideo = ready && (_doc->isAnimation() || _doc->isVideoFile()); const auto tryOpenImage = ready && (_doc->size < App::kImageSizeLimit); if (ready && ((tryOpenImage && !_radial.animating()) || streamVideo)) { if (_doc->isVideoFile() || _doc->isVideoMessage()) { _autoplayVideoDocument = _doc; } if (!_doc->data().isEmpty() && streamVideo) { displayDocument(_doc, App::histItemById(_msgid)); } else { auto &location = _doc->location(true); if (location.accessEnable()) { if (streamVideo || _doc->isTheme() || QImageReader(location.name()).canRead()) { displayDocument(_doc, App::histItemById(_msgid)); } location.accessDisable(); } } } } void MediaView::zoomIn() { int32 newZoom = _zoom; if (newZoom == ZoomToScreenLevel) { if (qCeil(_zoomToScreen) <= MaxZoomLevel) { newZoom = qCeil(_zoomToScreen); } } else { if (newZoom < _zoomToScreen && (newZoom + 1 > _zoomToScreen || (_zoomToScreen > MaxZoomLevel && newZoom == MaxZoomLevel))) { newZoom = ZoomToScreenLevel; } else if (newZoom < MaxZoomLevel) { ++newZoom; } } zoomUpdate(newZoom); } void MediaView::zoomOut() { int32 newZoom = _zoom; if (newZoom == ZoomToScreenLevel) { if (qFloor(_zoomToScreen) >= -MaxZoomLevel) { newZoom = qFloor(_zoomToScreen); } } else { if (newZoom > _zoomToScreen && (newZoom - 1 < _zoomToScreen || (_zoomToScreen < -MaxZoomLevel && newZoom == -MaxZoomLevel))) { newZoom = ZoomToScreenLevel; } else if (newZoom > -MaxZoomLevel) { --newZoom; } } zoomUpdate(newZoom); } void MediaView::zoomReset() { int32 newZoom = _zoom; if (_zoom == 0) { if (qFloor(_zoomToScreen) == qCeil(_zoomToScreen) && qRound(_zoomToScreen) >= -MaxZoomLevel && qRound(_zoomToScreen) <= MaxZoomLevel) { newZoom = qRound(_zoomToScreen); } else { newZoom = ZoomToScreenLevel; } } else { newZoom = 0; } _x = -_width / 2; _y = -((gifShown() ? _gif->height() : (_current.height() / cIntRetinaFactor())) / 2); float64 z = (_zoom == ZoomToScreenLevel) ? _zoomToScreen : _zoom; if (z >= 0) { _x = qRound(_x * (z + 1)); _y = qRound(_y * (z + 1)); } else { _x = qRound(_x / (-z + 1)); _y = qRound(_y / (-z + 1)); } _x += width() / 2; _y += height() / 2; update(); zoomUpdate(newZoom); } void MediaView::zoomUpdate(int32 &newZoom) { if (newZoom != ZoomToScreenLevel) { while ((newZoom < 0 && (-newZoom + 1) > _w) || (-newZoom + 1) > _h) { ++newZoom; } } setZoomLevel(newZoom); } void MediaView::clearData() { if (!isHidden()) { hide(); } if (!_animations.isEmpty()) { _animations.clear(); _a_state.stop(); } if (!_animOpacities.isEmpty()) _animOpacities.clear(); stopGif(); delete _menu; _menu = nullptr; setContext(base::none); _from = nullptr; _photo = nullptr; _doc = nullptr; _fullScreenVideo = false; _caption.clear(); } MediaView::~MediaView() { delete base::take(_menu); } void MediaView::clickHandlerActiveChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool active) { setCursor((active || ClickHandler::getPressed()) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); update(QRegion(_saveMsg) + _captionRect); } void MediaView::clickHandlerPressedChanged(const ClickHandlerPtr &p, bool pressed) { setCursor((pressed || ClickHandler::getActive()) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); update(QRegion(_saveMsg) + _captionRect); } void MediaView::showSaveMsgFile() { File::ShowInFolder(_saveMsgFilename); } void MediaView::updateMixerVideoVolume() const { if (_doc && (_doc->isVideoFile() || _doc->isVideoMessage())) { Media::Player::mixer()->setVideoVolume(Global::VideoVolume()); } } void MediaView::close() { Messenger::Instance().hideMediaView(); } void MediaView::activateControls() { if (!_menu && !_mousePressed) { _controlsHideTimer.start(int(st::mediaviewWaitHide)); } if (_fullScreenVideo) { if (_clipController) { _clipController->showAnimated(); } } if (_controlsState == ControlsHiding || _controlsState == ControlsHidden) { _controlsState = ControlsShowing; _controlsAnimStarted = getms(); a_cOpacity.start(1); if (!_a_state.animating()) _a_state.start(); } } void MediaView::onHideControls(bool force) { if (!force) { if (!_dropdown->isHidden() || _menu || _mousePressed || (_fullScreenVideo && _clipController && _clipController->geometry().contains(_lastMouseMovePos))) { return; } } if (_fullScreenVideo) { if (_clipController) { _clipController->hideAnimated(); } } if (_controlsState == ControlsHiding || _controlsState == ControlsHidden) return; _lastMouseMovePos = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); _controlsState = ControlsHiding; _controlsAnimStarted = getms(); a_cOpacity.start(0); if (!_a_state.animating()) _a_state.start(); } void MediaView::dropdownHidden() { setFocus(); _ignoringDropdown = true; _lastMouseMovePos = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); updateOver(_lastMouseMovePos); _ignoringDropdown = false; if (!_controlsHideTimer.isActive()) { onHideControls(true); } } void MediaView::onScreenResized(int screen) { if (isHidden()) return; bool ignore = false; auto screens = QApplication::screens(); if (screen >= 0 && screen < screens.size()) { if (auto screenHandle = windowHandle()->screen()) { if (screens.at(screen) != screenHandle) { ignore = true; } } } if (!ignore) { moveToScreen(); auto item = (_msgid ? App::histItemById(_msgid) : nullptr); if (_photo) { displayPhoto(_photo, item); } else if (_doc) { displayDocument(_doc, item); } } } void MediaView::onToMessage() { if (auto item = _msgid ? App::histItemById(_msgid) : 0) { close(); Ui::showPeerHistoryAtItem(item); } } void MediaView::onSaveAs() { QString file; if (_doc) { const FileLocation &location(_doc->location(true)); if (!_doc->data().isEmpty() || location.accessEnable()) { QFileInfo alreadyInfo(location.name()); QDir alreadyDir(alreadyInfo.dir()); QString name = alreadyInfo.fileName(), filter; MimeType mimeType = mimeTypeForName(_doc->mimeString()); QStringList p = mimeType.globPatterns(); QString pattern = p.isEmpty() ? QString() : p.front(); if (name.isEmpty()) { name = pattern.isEmpty() ? qsl(".unknown") : pattern.replace('*', QString()); } if (pattern.isEmpty()) { filter = QString(); } else { filter = mimeType.filterString() + qsl(";;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter(); } psBringToBack(this); file = saveFileName(lang(lng_save_file), filter, qsl("doc"), name, true, alreadyDir); psShowOverAll(this); if (!file.isEmpty() && file != location.name()) { if (_doc->data().isEmpty()) { QFile(file).remove(); QFile(location.name()).copy(file); } else { QFile f(file); f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); f.write(_doc->data()); } } if (_doc->data().isEmpty()) location.accessDisable(); } else { if (!fileShown()) { DocumentSaveClickHandler::doSave(_doc, true); updateControls(); } else { _saveVisible = false; update(_saveNav); } updateOver(_lastMouseMovePos); } } else { if (!_photo || !_photo->loaded()) return; psBringToBack(this); auto filter = qsl("JPEG Image (*.jpg);;") + FileDialog::AllFilesFilter(); FileDialog::GetWritePath(lang(lng_save_photo), filter, filedialogDefaultName(qsl("photo"), qsl(".jpg"), QString(), false, _photo->date), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this, photo = _photo](const QString &result) { if (!result.isEmpty() && _photo == photo && photo->loaded()) { photo->full->pix().toImage().save(result, "JPG"); } psShowOverAll(this); }), base::lambda_guarded(this, [this] { psShowOverAll(this); })); } activateWindow(); Sandbox::setActiveWindow(this); setFocus(); } void MediaView::onDocClick() { if (_doc->loading()) { onSaveCancel(); } else { DocumentOpenClickHandler::doOpen(_doc, nullptr, ActionOnLoadNone); if (_doc->loading() && !_radial.animating()) { _radial.start(_doc->progress()); } } } void MediaView::clipCallback(Media::Clip::Notification notification) { using namespace Media::Clip; if (!_gif) return; switch (notification) { case NotificationReinit: { if (auto item = App::histItemById(_msgid)) { if (_gif->state() == State::Error) { stopGif(); updateControls(); update(); break; } else if (_gif->state() == State::Finished) { _videoPositionMs = _videoDurationMs; _videoStopped = true; updateSilentVideoPlaybackState(); } else { _videoIsSilent = _doc && (_doc->isVideoFile() || _doc->isVideoMessage()) && !_gif->hasAudio(); _videoDurationMs = _gif->getDurationMs(); _videoPositionMs = _gif->getPositionMs(); if (_videoIsSilent) { updateSilentVideoPlaybackState(); } } displayDocument(_doc, item); } else { stopGif(); updateControls(); update(); } } break; case NotificationRepaint: { if (!_gif->currentDisplayed()) { _videoPositionMs = _gif->getPositionMs(); if (_videoIsSilent) { updateSilentVideoPlaybackState(); } update(_x, _y, _w, _h); } } break; } } PeerData *MediaView::ui_getPeerForMouseAction() { return _history ? _history->peer.get() : nullptr; } void MediaView::onDownload() { if (Global::AskDownloadPath()) { return onSaveAs(); } QString path; if (Global::DownloadPath().isEmpty()) { path = psDownloadPath(); } else if (Global::DownloadPath() == qsl("tmp")) { path = cTempDir(); } else { path = Global::DownloadPath(); } QString toName; if (_doc) { const FileLocation &location(_doc->location(true)); if (location.accessEnable()) { if (!QDir().exists(path)) QDir().mkpath(path); toName = filedialogNextFilename( _doc->filename(), location.name(), path); if (!toName.isEmpty() && toName != location.name()) { QFile(toName).remove(); if (!QFile(location.name()).copy(toName)) { toName = QString(); } } location.accessDisable(); } else { if (!fileShown()) { DocumentSaveClickHandler::doSave(_doc); updateControls(); } else { _saveVisible = false; update(_saveNav); } updateOver(_lastMouseMovePos); } } else { if (!_photo || !_photo->loaded()) { _saveVisible = false; update(_saveNav); } else { if (!QDir().exists(path)) QDir().mkpath(path); toName = filedialogDefaultName(qsl("photo"), qsl(".jpg"), path); if (!_photo->full->pix().toImage().save(toName, "JPG")) { toName = QString(); } } } if (!toName.isEmpty()) { _saveMsgFilename = toName; _saveMsgStarted = getms(); _saveMsgOpacity.start(1); updateImage(); } } void MediaView::onSaveCancel() { if (_doc && _doc->loading()) { _doc->cancel(); } } void MediaView::onShowInFolder() { if (!_doc) return; auto filepath = _doc->filepath(DocumentData::FilePathResolveChecked); if (!filepath.isEmpty()) { File::ShowInFolder(filepath); } } void MediaView::onForward() { auto item = App::histItemById(_msgid); if (!item || !IsServerMsgId(item->id) || item->serviceMsg()) { return; } close(); Window::ShowForwardMessagesBox({ 1, item->fullId() }); } void MediaView::onDelete() { close(); const auto deletingPeerPhoto = [this] { if (!_msgid) { return true; } if (_photo && _history) { if (_history->peer->userpicPhotoId() == _photo->id) { return _firstOpenedPeerPhoto; } } return false; }; if (deletingPeerPhoto()) { App::main()->deletePhotoLayer(_photo); } else { App::main()->deleteLayer(_msgid); } } void MediaView::onOverview() { if (_menu) _menu->hideMenu(true); update(); if (const auto overviewType = computeOverviewType()) { close(); SharedMediaShowOverview(*overviewType, _history); } } void MediaView::onCopy() { _dropdown->hideAnimated(Ui::DropdownMenu::HideOption::IgnoreShow); if (_doc) { if (!_current.isNull()) { QApplication::clipboard()->setPixmap(_current); } else if (gifShown()) { QApplication::clipboard()->setPixmap(_gif->frameOriginal()); } } else { if (!_photo || !_photo->loaded()) return; QApplication::clipboard()->setPixmap(_photo->full->pix()); } } base::optional MediaView::sharedMediaType() const { using Type = SharedMediaType; if (auto item = App::histItemById(_msgid)) { if (_photo) { if (item->toHistoryMessage()) { return Type::PhotoVideo; } return Type::ChatPhoto; } else if (_doc) { if (_doc->isGifv()) { return Type::GIF; } else if (_doc->isVideoFile()) { return Type::PhotoVideo; } return Type::File; } } return base::none; } base::optional MediaView::sharedMediaKey() const { if (!_msgid && _peer && !_user && _photo && _peer->userpicPhotoId() == _photo->id) { return SharedMediaKey { _history->peer->id, _migrated ? _migrated->peer->id : 0, SharedMediaType::ChatPhoto, _peer->userpicPhotoId() }; } if (!IsServerMsgId(_msgid.msg)) { return base::none; } auto keyForType = [this](SharedMediaType type) -> SharedMediaKey { return { _history->peer->id, _migrated ? _migrated->peer->id : 0, type, (_msgid.channel == _history->channelId()) ? _msgid.msg : (_msgid.msg - ServerMaxMsgId) }; }; return sharedMediaType() | keyForType; } bool MediaView::validSharedMedia() const { if (auto key = sharedMediaKey()) { if (!_sharedMedia) { return false; } using Key = SharedMediaWithLastSlice::Key; auto inSameDomain = [](const Key &a, const Key &b) { return (a.type == b.type) && (a.peerId == b.peerId) && (a.migratedPeerId == b.migratedPeerId); }; auto countDistanceInData = [&](const Key &a, const Key &b) { return [&](const SharedMediaWithLastSlice &data) { return inSameDomain(a, b) ? data.distance(a, b) : base::optional(); }; }; if (key == _sharedMedia->key) { return true; } else if (!_sharedMediaDataKey || _sharedMedia->key != *_sharedMediaDataKey) { return false; } auto distance = _sharedMediaData | countDistanceInData(*key, _sharedMedia->key) | func::abs; if (distance) { return (*distance < kIdsPreloadAfter); } } return (_sharedMedia == nullptr); } void MediaView::validateSharedMedia() { if (auto key = sharedMediaKey()) { _sharedMedia = std::make_unique(*key); auto viewer = (key->type == SharedMediaType::ChatPhoto) ? SharedMediaWithLastReversedViewer : SharedMediaWithLastViewer; viewer( *key, kIdsLimit, kIdsLimit ) | rpl::start_with_next([this]( SharedMediaWithLastSlice &&update) { handleSharedMediaUpdate(std::move(update)); }, _sharedMedia->lifetime); } else { _sharedMedia = nullptr; _sharedMediaData = base::none; _sharedMediaDataKey = base::none; } } void MediaView::handleSharedMediaUpdate(SharedMediaWithLastSlice &&update) { if ((!_photo && !_doc) || !_sharedMedia) { _sharedMediaData = base::none; _sharedMediaDataKey = base::none; } else { _sharedMediaData = std::move(update); _sharedMediaDataKey = _sharedMedia->key; } findCurrent(); updateControls(); preloadData(0); } base::optional MediaView::userPhotosKey() const { if (!_msgid && _user && _photo) { return UserPhotosKey { _user->bareId(), _photo->id }; } return base::none; } bool MediaView::validUserPhotos() const { if (auto key = userPhotosKey()) { if (!_userPhotos) { return false; } auto countDistanceInData = [](const auto &a, const auto &b) { return [&](const UserPhotosSlice &data) { return data.distance(a, b); }; }; auto distance = (key == _userPhotos->key) ? 0 : _userPhotosData | countDistanceInData(*key, _userPhotos->key) | func::abs; if (distance) { return (*distance < kIdsPreloadAfter); } } return (_userPhotos == nullptr); } void MediaView::validateUserPhotos() { if (auto key = userPhotosKey()) { _userPhotos = std::make_unique(*key); UserPhotosReversedViewer( *key, kIdsLimit, kIdsLimit ) | rpl::start_with_next([this]( UserPhotosSlice &&update) { handleUserPhotosUpdate(std::move(update)); }, _userPhotos->lifetime); } else { _userPhotos = nullptr; _userPhotosData = base::none; } } void MediaView::handleUserPhotosUpdate(UserPhotosSlice &&update) { if (!_photo || !_userPhotos) { _userPhotosData = base::none; } else { _userPhotosData = std::move(update); } findCurrent(); updateControls(); preloadData(0); } void MediaView::refreshMediaViewer() { if (!validSharedMedia()) { validateSharedMedia(); } if (!validUserPhotos()) { validateUserPhotos(); } findCurrent(); updateControls(); preloadData(0); } void MediaView::refreshCaption(HistoryItem *item) { _caption = Text(); if (!item) { return; } const auto caption = item->originalText(); if (caption.text.isEmpty()) { return; } const auto asBot = [&] { if (const auto author = item->author()->asUser()) { return author->botInfo != nullptr; } return false; }(); _caption = Text(st::msgMinWidth); _caption.setMarkedText( st::mediaviewCaptionStyle, caption, Ui::ItemTextOptions(item)); } void MediaView::refreshGroupThumbs() { const auto existed = (_groupThumbs != nullptr); if (_index && _sharedMediaData) { Media::View::GroupThumbs::Refresh( _groupThumbs, *_sharedMediaData, *_index, _groupThumbsAvailableWidth); } else if (_index && _userPhotosData) { Media::View::GroupThumbs::Refresh( _groupThumbs, *_userPhotosData, *_index, _groupThumbsAvailableWidth); } else if (_groupThumbs) { _groupThumbs->clear(); _groupThumbs->resizeToWidth(_groupThumbsAvailableWidth); } if (_groupThumbs && !existed) { initGroupThumbs(); } } void MediaView::initGroupThumbs() { Expects(_groupThumbs != nullptr); _groupThumbs->updateRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([this](QRect rect) { const auto shift = (width() / 2); _groupThumbsRect = QRect( shift + rect.x(), _groupThumbsTop, rect.width(), _groupThumbs->height()); update(_groupThumbsRect); }, _groupThumbs->lifetime()); _groupThumbs->activateRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([this](Media::View::GroupThumbs::Key key) { if (const auto photoId = base::get_if(&key)) { const auto photo = Auth().data().photo(*photoId); moveToEntity({ photo, nullptr }); } else if (const auto itemId = base::get_if(&key)) { moveToEntity(entityForItemId(*itemId)); } }, _groupThumbs->lifetime()); _groupThumbsRect = QRect( _groupThumbsLeft, _groupThumbsTop, width() - 2 * _groupThumbsLeft, height() - _groupThumbsTop); } void MediaView::showPhoto(not_null photo, HistoryItem *context) { if (context) { setContext(context); } else { setContext(base::none); } _firstOpenedPeerPhoto = false; _saveMsgStarted = 0; _loadRequest = 0; _over = OverNone; _pressed = false; _dragging = 0; setCursor(style::cur_default); if (!_animations.isEmpty()) { _animations.clear(); _a_state.stop(); } if (!_animOpacities.isEmpty()) _animOpacities.clear(); _photo = photo; refreshMediaViewer(); displayPhoto(photo, context); preloadData(0); activateControls(); } void MediaView::showPhoto(not_null photo, not_null context) { setContext(context); _firstOpenedPeerPhoto = true; _saveMsgStarted = 0; _loadRequest = 0; _over = OverNone; setCursor(style::cur_default); if (!_animations.isEmpty()) { _animations.clear(); _a_state.stop(); } if (!_animOpacities.isEmpty()) _animOpacities.clear(); _photo = photo; refreshMediaViewer(); displayPhoto(photo, 0); preloadData(0); activateControls(); } void MediaView::showDocument(not_null document, HistoryItem *context) { if (context) { setContext(context); } else { setContext(base::none); } _photo = nullptr; _saveMsgStarted = 0; _loadRequest = 0; _down = OverNone; _pressed = false; _dragging = 0; setCursor(style::cur_default); if (!_animations.isEmpty()) { _animations.clear(); _a_state.stop(); } if (!_animOpacities.isEmpty()) _animOpacities.clear(); if (document->isVideoFile() || document->isVideoMessage()) { _autoplayVideoDocument = document; } displayDocument(document, context); preloadData(0); activateControls(); } void MediaView::displayPhoto(not_null photo, HistoryItem *item) { stopGif(); destroyThemePreview(); _doc = _autoplayVideoDocument = nullptr; _fullScreenVideo = false; _photo = photo; _radial.stop(); refreshMediaViewer(); _photoRadialRect = QRect(QPoint((width() - st::radialSize.width()) / 2, (height() - st::radialSize.height()) / 2), st::radialSize); _zoom = 0; refreshCaption(item); _zoomToScreen = 0; Auth().downloader().clearPriorities(); _full = -1; _current = QPixmap(); _down = OverNone; _w = convertScale(photo->full->width()); _h = convertScale(photo->full->height()); if (isHidden()) { moveToScreen(); } if (_w > width()) { _h = qRound(_h * width() / float64(_w)); _w = width(); } if (_h > height()) { _w = qRound(_w * height() / float64(_h)); _h = height(); } _x = (width() - _w) / 2; _y = (height() - _h) / 2; _width = _w; if (_msgid && item) { _from = item->senderOriginal(); } else { _from = _user; } _photo->download(); displayFinished(); } void MediaView::destroyThemePreview() { _themePreviewId = 0; _themePreviewShown = false; _themePreview.reset(); _themeApply.destroy(); _themeCancel.destroy(); } void MediaView::displayDocument(DocumentData *doc, HistoryItem *item) { // empty messages shown as docs: doc can be NULL auto documentChanged = (!doc || doc != _doc || (item && item->fullId() != _msgid)); if (documentChanged || (!doc->isAnimation() && !doc->isVideoFile())) { _fullScreenVideo = false; _current = QPixmap(); stopGif(); } else if (gifShown()) { _current = QPixmap(); } if (documentChanged || !doc->isTheme()) { destroyThemePreview(); } _doc = doc; _photo = nullptr; _radial.stop(); refreshMediaViewer(); if (_autoplayVideoDocument && _doc != _autoplayVideoDocument) { _autoplayVideoDocument = nullptr; } if (documentChanged) { refreshCaption(item); } if (_doc) { if (_doc->sticker()) { _doc->checkSticker(); if (!_doc->sticker()->img->isNull()) { _current = _doc->sticker()->img->pix(); } else { _current = _doc->thumb->pixBlurred(_doc->dimensions.width(), _doc->dimensions.height()); } } else { _doc->automaticLoad(item); if (_doc->isAnimation() || _doc->isVideoFile()) { initAnimation(); } else if (_doc->isTheme()) { initThemePreview(); } else { auto &location = _doc->location(true); if (location.accessEnable()) { if (QImageReader(location.name()).canRead()) { _current = App::pixmapFromImageInPlace(App::readImage(location.name(), 0, false)); } } location.accessDisable(); } } } _docIconRect = QRect((width() - st::mediaviewFileIconSize) / 2, (height() - st::mediaviewFileIconSize) / 2, st::mediaviewFileIconSize, st::mediaviewFileIconSize); if (fileBubbleShown()) { if (!_doc || _doc->thumb->isNull()) { int32 colorIndex = documentColorIndex(_doc, _docExt); _docIconColor = documentColor(colorIndex); const style::icon *(thumbs[]) = { &st::mediaviewFileBlue, &st::mediaviewFileGreen, &st::mediaviewFileRed, &st::mediaviewFileYellow }; _docIcon = thumbs[colorIndex]; int32 extmaxw = (st::mediaviewFileIconSize - st::mediaviewFileExtPadding * 2); _docExtWidth = st::mediaviewFileExtFont->width(_docExt); if (_docExtWidth > extmaxw) { _docExt = st::mediaviewFileNameFont->elided(_docExt, extmaxw, Qt::ElideMiddle); _docExtWidth = st::mediaviewFileNameFont->width(_docExt); } } else { _doc->thumb->load(); int32 tw = _doc->thumb->width(), th = _doc->thumb->height(); if (!tw || !th) { _docThumbx = _docThumby = _docThumbw = 0; } else if (tw > th) { _docThumbw = (tw * st::mediaviewFileIconSize) / th; _docThumbx = (_docThumbw - st::mediaviewFileIconSize) / 2; _docThumby = 0; } else { _docThumbw = st::mediaviewFileIconSize; _docThumbx = 0; _docThumby = ((th * _docThumbw) / tw - st::mediaviewFileIconSize) / 2; } } int32 maxw = st::mediaviewFileSize.width() - st::mediaviewFileIconSize - st::mediaviewFilePadding * 3; if (_doc) { _docName = (_doc->type == StickerDocument) ? lang(lng_in_dlg_sticker) : (_doc->type == AnimatedDocument ? qsl("GIF") : (_doc->filename().isEmpty() ? lang(lng_mediaview_doc_image) : _doc->filename())); } else { _docName = lang(lng_message_empty); } _docNameWidth = st::mediaviewFileNameFont->width(_docName); if (_docNameWidth > maxw) { _docName = st::mediaviewFileNameFont->elided(_docName, maxw, Qt::ElideMiddle); _docNameWidth = st::mediaviewFileNameFont->width(_docName); } // _docSize is updated in updateControls() _docRect = QRect((width() - st::mediaviewFileSize.width()) / 2, (height() - st::mediaviewFileSize.height()) / 2, st::mediaviewFileSize.width(), st::mediaviewFileSize.height()); _docIconRect = myrtlrect(_docRect.x() + st::mediaviewFilePadding, _docRect.y() + st::mediaviewFilePadding, st::mediaviewFileIconSize, st::mediaviewFileIconSize); } else if (_themePreviewShown) { updateThemePreviewGeometry(); } else if (!_current.isNull()) { _current.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); _w = convertScale(_current.width()); _h = convertScale(_current.height()); } else { _w = convertScale(_gif->width()); _h = convertScale(_gif->height()); } if (isHidden()) { moveToScreen(); } _width = _w; if (_w > 0 && _h > 0) { _zoomToScreen = float64(width()) / _w; if (_h * _zoomToScreen > height()) { _zoomToScreen = float64(height()) / _h; } if (_zoomToScreen >= 1.) { _zoomToScreen -= 1.; } else { _zoomToScreen = 1. - (1. / _zoomToScreen); } } else { _zoomToScreen = 0; } if ((_w > width()) || (_h > height()) || _fullScreenVideo) { _zoom = ZoomToScreenLevel; if (_zoomToScreen >= 0) { _w = qRound(_w * (_zoomToScreen + 1)); _h = qRound(_h * (_zoomToScreen + 1)); } else { _w = qRound(_w / (-_zoomToScreen + 1)); _h = qRound(_h / (-_zoomToScreen + 1)); } snapXY(); } else { _zoom = 0; } _x = (width() - _w) / 2; _y = (height() - _h) / 2; if (_msgid && item) { _from = item->senderOriginal(); } else { _from = _user; } _full = 1; displayFinished(); } void MediaView::updateThemePreviewGeometry() { if (_themePreviewShown) { auto previewRect = QRect((width() - st::themePreviewSize.width()) / 2, (height() - st::themePreviewSize.height()) / 2, st::themePreviewSize.width(), st::themePreviewSize.height()); _themePreviewRect = previewRect.marginsAdded(st::themePreviewMargin); if (_themeApply) { auto right = qMax(width() - _themePreviewRect.x() - _themePreviewRect.width(), 0) + st::themePreviewMargin.right(); auto bottom = qMin(height(), _themePreviewRect.y() + _themePreviewRect.height()); _themeApply->moveToRight(right, bottom - st::themePreviewMargin.bottom() + (st::themePreviewMargin.bottom() - _themeApply->height()) / 2); right += _themeApply->width() + st::themePreviewButtonsSkip; _themeCancel->moveToRight(right, _themeApply->y()); } // For context menu event. _x = _themePreviewRect.x(); _y = _themePreviewRect.y(); _w = _themePreviewRect.width(); _h = _themePreviewRect.height(); } } void MediaView::displayFinished() { updateControls(); if (isHidden()) { psUpdateOverlayed(this); show(); psShowOverAll(this); activateWindow(); Sandbox::setActiveWindow(this); setFocus(); } } Images::Options MediaView::videoThumbOptions() const { auto options = Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Blurred; if (_doc && _doc->isVideoMessage()) { options |= Images::Option::Circled; } return options; } void MediaView::initAnimation() { Expects(_doc != nullptr); Expects(_doc->isAnimation() || _doc->isVideoFile()); auto &location = _doc->location(true); if (!_doc->data().isEmpty()) { createClipReader(); } else if (location.accessEnable()) { createClipReader(); location.accessDisable(); } else if (_doc->dimensions.width() && _doc->dimensions.height()) { auto w = _doc->dimensions.width(); auto h = _doc->dimensions.height(); _current = _doc->thumb->pixNoCache(w, h, videoThumbOptions(), w / cIntRetinaFactor(), h / cIntRetinaFactor()); if (cRetina()) _current.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); } else { _current = _doc->thumb->pixNoCache(_doc->thumb->width(), _doc->thumb->height(), videoThumbOptions(), st::mediaviewFileIconSize, st::mediaviewFileIconSize); } } void MediaView::createClipReader() { if (_gif) return; Expects(_doc != nullptr); Expects(_doc->isAnimation() || _doc->isVideoFile()); if (_doc->dimensions.width() && _doc->dimensions.height()) { int w = _doc->dimensions.width(); int h = _doc->dimensions.height(); _current = _doc->thumb->pixNoCache(w, h, videoThumbOptions(), w / cIntRetinaFactor(), h / cIntRetinaFactor()); if (cRetina()) _current.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); } else { _current = _doc->thumb->pixNoCache(_doc->thumb->width(), _doc->thumb->height(), videoThumbOptions(), st::mediaviewFileIconSize, st::mediaviewFileIconSize); } auto mode = (_doc->isVideoFile() || _doc->isVideoMessage()) ? Media::Clip::Reader::Mode::Video : Media::Clip::Reader::Mode::Gif; _gif = Media::Clip::MakeReader(_doc, _msgid, [this](Media::Clip::Notification notification) { clipCallback(notification); }, mode); // Correct values will be set when gif gets inited. _videoPaused = _videoIsSilent = _videoStopped = false; _videoPositionMs = 0ULL; _videoDurationMs = _doc->duration() * 1000ULL; createClipController(); } void MediaView::initThemePreview() { Assert(_doc && _doc->isTheme()); auto &location = _doc->location(); if (!location.isEmpty() && location.accessEnable()) { _themePreviewShown = true; Window::Theme::CurrentData current; current.backgroundId = Window::Theme::Background()->id(); current.backgroundImage = Window::Theme::Background()->pixmap().toImage(); current.backgroundTiled = Window::Theme::Background()->tile(); const auto path = _doc->location().name(); const auto id = _themePreviewId = rand_value(); const auto weak = make_weak(this); crl::async([=, data = std::move(current)]() mutable { auto preview = Window::Theme::GeneratePreview( path, std::move(data)); crl::on_main(weak, [=, result = std::move(preview)]() mutable { if (id != _themePreviewId) { return; } _themePreviewId = 0; _themePreview = std::move(result); if (_themePreview) { _themeApply.create( this, langFactory(lng_theme_preview_apply), st::themePreviewApplyButton); _themeApply->show(); _themeApply->setClickedCallback([this] { auto preview = std::move(_themePreview); close(); Window::Theme::Apply(std::move(preview)); }); _themeCancel.create( this, langFactory(lng_cancel), st::themePreviewCancelButton); _themeCancel->show(); _themeCancel->setClickedCallback([this] { close(); }); updateControls(); } update(); }); }); location.accessDisable(); } } void MediaView::createClipController() { Expects(_doc != nullptr); if (!_doc->isVideoFile() && !_doc->isVideoMessage()) return; _clipController.create(this); refreshClipControllerGeometry(); _clipController->show(); connect(_clipController, SIGNAL(playPressed()), this, SLOT(onVideoPauseResume())); connect(_clipController, SIGNAL(pausePressed()), this, SLOT(onVideoPauseResume())); connect(_clipController, SIGNAL(seekProgress(TimeMs)), this, SLOT(onVideoSeekProgress(TimeMs))); connect(_clipController, SIGNAL(seekFinished(TimeMs)), this, SLOT(onVideoSeekFinished(TimeMs))); connect(_clipController, SIGNAL(volumeChanged(float64)), this, SLOT(onVideoVolumeChanged(float64))); connect(_clipController, SIGNAL(toFullScreenPressed()), this, SLOT(onVideoToggleFullScreen())); connect(_clipController, SIGNAL(fromFullScreenPressed()), this, SLOT(onVideoToggleFullScreen())); connect(Media::Player::mixer(), SIGNAL(updated(const AudioMsgId&)), this, SLOT(onVideoPlayProgress(const AudioMsgId&))); } void MediaView::refreshClipControllerGeometry() { if (!_clipController) { return; } if (_groupThumbs && _groupThumbs->hiding()) { _groupThumbs = nullptr; _groupThumbsRect = QRect(); } const auto controllerBottom = _groupThumbs ? _groupThumbsTop : height(); _clipController->setGeometry( (width() - _clipController->width()) / 2, controllerBottom - _clipController->height() - st::mediaviewCaptionPadding.bottom() - st::mediaviewCaptionMargin.height(), st::mediaviewControllerSize.width(), st::mediaviewControllerSize.height()); Ui::SendPendingMoveResizeEvents(_clipController); } void MediaView::onVideoPauseResume() { if (!_gif) return; if (auto item = App::histItemById(_msgid)) { if (_gif->state() == Media::Clip::State::Error) { displayDocument(_doc, item); } else if (_gif->state() == Media::Clip::State::Finished) { restartVideoAtSeekPosition(0); } else { toggleVideoPaused(); } } else { stopGif(); updateControls(); update(); } } void MediaView::toggleVideoPaused() { _gif->pauseResumeVideo(); _videoPaused = _gif->videoPaused(); if (_videoIsSilent) { updateSilentVideoPlaybackState(); } } void MediaView::restartVideoAtSeekPosition(TimeMs positionMs) { _autoplayVideoDocument = _doc; if (_current.isNull()) { auto rounding = (_doc && _doc->isVideoMessage()) ? ImageRoundRadius::Ellipse : ImageRoundRadius::None; _current = _gif->current(_gif->width() / cIntRetinaFactor(), _gif->height() / cIntRetinaFactor(), _gif->width() / cIntRetinaFactor(), _gif->height() / cIntRetinaFactor(), rounding, RectPart::AllCorners, getms()); } _gif = Media::Clip::MakeReader(_doc, _msgid, [this](Media::Clip::Notification notification) { clipCallback(notification); }, Media::Clip::Reader::Mode::Video, positionMs); // Correct values will be set when gif gets inited. _videoPaused = _videoIsSilent = _videoStopped = false; _videoPositionMs = positionMs; Media::Player::TrackState state; state.state = Media::Player::State::Playing; state.position = _videoPositionMs; state.length = _videoDurationMs; state.frequency = _videoFrequencyMs; updateVideoPlaybackState(state); } void MediaView::onVideoSeekProgress(TimeMs positionMs) { if (!_videoPaused && !_videoStopped) { onVideoPauseResume(); } } void MediaView::onVideoSeekFinished(TimeMs positionMs) { restartVideoAtSeekPosition(positionMs); } void MediaView::onVideoVolumeChanged(float64 volume) { Global::SetVideoVolume(volume); updateMixerVideoVolume(); Global::RefVideoVolumeChanged().notify(); } void MediaView::onVideoToggleFullScreen() { if (!_clipController) return; _fullScreenVideo = !_fullScreenVideo; if (_fullScreenVideo) { _fullScreenZoomCache = _zoom; setZoomLevel(ZoomToScreenLevel); } else { setZoomLevel(_fullScreenZoomCache); _clipController->showAnimated(); } _clipController->setInFullScreen(_fullScreenVideo); updateControls(); update(); } void MediaView::onVideoPlayProgress(const AudioMsgId &audioId) { if (!_gif || _gif->audioMsgId() != audioId) { return; } auto state = Media::Player::mixer()->currentState(AudioMsgId::Type::Video); if (state.id == _gif->audioMsgId()) { if (state.length) { updateVideoPlaybackState(state); } Auth().settings().setLastTimeVideoPlayedAt(getms(true)); } } void MediaView::updateVideoPlaybackState(const Media::Player::TrackState &state) { if (state.frequency) { if (Media::Player::IsStopped(state.state)) { _videoStopped = true; } _clipController->updatePlayback(state); } else { // Audio has stopped already. _videoIsSilent = true; updateSilentVideoPlaybackState(); } } void MediaView::updateSilentVideoPlaybackState() { Media::Player::TrackState state; if (_videoPaused) { state.state = Media::Player::State::Paused; } else if (_videoPositionMs == _videoDurationMs) { state.state = Media::Player::State::StoppedAtEnd; } else { state.state = Media::Player::State::Playing; } state.position = _videoPositionMs; state.length = _videoDurationMs; state.frequency = _videoFrequencyMs; updateVideoPlaybackState(state); } void MediaView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QRect r(e->rect()); QRegion region(e->region()); QVector rs(region.rects()); auto ms = getms(); Painter p(this); bool name = false; p.setClipRegion(region); // main bg QPainter::CompositionMode m = p.compositionMode(); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); if (_fullScreenVideo) { for (int i = 0, l = region.rectCount(); i < l; ++i) { p.fillRect(rs.at(i), st::mediaviewVideoBg); } if (_doc && _doc->isVideoMessage()) { p.setCompositionMode(m); } } else { for (int i = 0, l = region.rectCount(); i < l; ++i) { p.fillRect(rs.at(i), st::mediaviewBg); } p.setCompositionMode(m); } // photo if (_photo) { int32 w = _width * cIntRetinaFactor(); if (_full <= 0 && _photo->loaded()) { int32 h = int((_photo->full->height() * (qreal(w) / qreal(_photo->full->width()))) + 0.9999); _current = _photo->full->pixNoCache(w, h, Images::Option::Smooth); if (cRetina()) _current.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); _full = 1; } else if (_full < 0 && _photo->medium->loaded()) { int32 h = int((_photo->full->height() * (qreal(w) / qreal(_photo->full->width()))) + 0.9999); _current = _photo->medium->pixNoCache(w, h, Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Blurred); if (cRetina()) _current.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); _full = 0; } else if (_current.isNull() && _photo->thumb->loaded()) { int32 h = int((_photo->full->height() * (qreal(w) / qreal(_photo->full->width()))) + 0.9999); _current = _photo->thumb->pixNoCache(w, h, Images::Option::Smooth | Images::Option::Blurred); if (cRetina()) _current.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); } else if (_current.isNull()) { _current = _photo->thumb->pix(); } } p.setOpacity(1); if (_photo || fileShown()) { QRect imgRect(_x, _y, _w, _h); if (imgRect.intersects(r)) { auto rounding = (_doc && _doc->isVideoMessage()) ? ImageRoundRadius::Ellipse : ImageRoundRadius::None; auto toDraw = _current.isNull() ? _gif->current(_gif->width() / cIntRetinaFactor(), _gif->height() / cIntRetinaFactor(), _gif->width() / cIntRetinaFactor(), _gif->height() / cIntRetinaFactor(), rounding, RectPart::AllCorners, ms) : _current; if (!_gif && (!_doc || !_doc->sticker() || _doc->sticker()->img->isNull()) && toDraw.hasAlpha()) { p.fillRect(imgRect, _transparentBrush); } if (toDraw.width() != _w * cIntRetinaFactor()) { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.drawPixmap(QRect(_x, _y, _w, _h), toDraw); } else { p.drawPixmap(_x, _y, toDraw); } bool radial = false; float64 radialOpacity = 0; if (_radial.animating()) { _radial.step(ms); radial = _radial.animating(); radialOpacity = _radial.opacity(); } if (_photo) { if (radial) { auto inner = radialRect(); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setOpacity(radialOpacity); p.setBrush(st::radialBg); { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.drawEllipse(inner); } p.setOpacity(1); QRect arc(inner.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::radialLine, st::radialLine, st::radialLine, st::radialLine))); _radial.draw(p, arc, st::radialLine, st::radialFg); } } else if (_doc) { paintDocRadialLoading(p, radial, radialOpacity); } if (_saveMsgStarted) { auto ms = getms(); float64 dt = float64(ms) - _saveMsgStarted, hidingDt = dt - st::mediaviewSaveMsgShowing - st::mediaviewSaveMsgShown; if (dt < st::mediaviewSaveMsgShowing + st::mediaviewSaveMsgShown + st::mediaviewSaveMsgHiding) { if (hidingDt >= 0 && _saveMsgOpacity.to() > 0.5) { _saveMsgOpacity.start(0); } float64 progress = (hidingDt >= 0) ? (hidingDt / st::mediaviewSaveMsgHiding) : (dt / st::mediaviewSaveMsgShowing); _saveMsgOpacity.update(qMin(progress, 1.), anim::linear); if (_saveMsgOpacity.current() > 0) { p.setOpacity(_saveMsgOpacity.current()); App::roundRect(p, _saveMsg, st::mediaviewSaveMsgBg, MediaviewSaveCorners); st::mediaviewSaveMsgCheck.paint(p, _saveMsg.topLeft() + st::mediaviewSaveMsgCheckPos, width()); p.setPen(st::mediaviewSaveMsgFg); p.setTextPalette(st::mediaviewTextPalette); _saveMsgText.draw(p, _saveMsg.x() + st::mediaviewSaveMsgPadding.left(), _saveMsg.y() + st::mediaviewSaveMsgPadding.top(), _saveMsg.width() - st::mediaviewSaveMsgPadding.left() - st::mediaviewSaveMsgPadding.right()); p.restoreTextPalette(); p.setOpacity(1); } if (_full >= 1) { auto nextFrame = (dt < st::mediaviewSaveMsgShowing || hidingDt >= 0) ? int(AnimationTimerDelta) : (st::mediaviewSaveMsgShowing + st::mediaviewSaveMsgShown + 1 - dt); _saveMsgUpdater.start(nextFrame); } } else { _saveMsgStarted = 0; } } } } else if (_themePreviewShown) { paintThemePreview(p, r); } else { if (_docRect.intersects(r)) { p.fillRect(_docRect, st::mediaviewFileBg); if (_docIconRect.intersects(r)) { bool radial = false; float64 radialOpacity = 0; if (_radial.animating()) { _radial.step(ms); radial = _radial.animating(); radialOpacity = _radial.opacity(); } if (!_doc || _doc->thumb->isNull()) { p.fillRect(_docIconRect, _docIconColor); if ((!_doc || _doc->loaded()) && (!radial || radialOpacity < 1) && _docIcon) { _docIcon->paint(p, _docIconRect.x() + (_docIconRect.width() - _docIcon->width()), _docIconRect.y(), width()); p.setPen(st::mediaviewFileExtFg); p.setFont(st::mediaviewFileExtFont); if (!_docExt.isEmpty()) { p.drawText(_docIconRect.x() + (_docIconRect.width() - _docExtWidth) / 2, _docIconRect.y() + st::mediaviewFileExtTop + st::mediaviewFileExtFont->ascent, _docExt); } } } else { int32 rf(cIntRetinaFactor()); p.drawPixmap(_docIconRect.topLeft(), _doc->thumb->pix(_docThumbw), QRect(_docThumbx * rf, _docThumby * rf, st::mediaviewFileIconSize * rf, st::mediaviewFileIconSize * rf)); } paintDocRadialLoading(p, radial, radialOpacity); } if (!_docIconRect.contains(r)) { name = true; p.setPen(st::mediaviewFileNameFg); p.setFont(st::mediaviewFileNameFont); p.drawTextLeft(_docRect.x() + 2 * st::mediaviewFilePadding + st::mediaviewFileIconSize, _docRect.y() + st::mediaviewFilePadding + st::mediaviewFileNameTop, width(), _docName, _docNameWidth); p.setPen(st::mediaviewFileSizeFg); p.setFont(st::mediaviewFont); p.drawTextLeft(_docRect.x() + 2 * st::mediaviewFilePadding + st::mediaviewFileIconSize, _docRect.y() + st::mediaviewFilePadding + st::mediaviewFileSizeTop, width(), _docSize, _docSizeWidth); } } } float64 co = _fullScreenVideo ? 0. : a_cOpacity.current(); if (co > 0) { // left nav bar if (_leftNav.intersects(r) && _leftNavVisible) { auto o = overLevel(OverLeftNav); if (o > 0) { p.setOpacity(o * co); for (int i = 0, l = region.rectCount(); i < l; ++i) { auto fill = _leftNav.intersected(rs.at(i)); if (!fill.isEmpty()) p.fillRect(fill, st::mediaviewControlBg); } } if (_leftNavIcon.intersects(r)) { p.setOpacity((o * st::mediaviewIconOverOpacity + (1 - o) * st::mediaviewIconOpacity) * co); st::mediaviewLeft.paintInCenter(p, _leftNavIcon); } } // right nav bar if (_rightNav.intersects(r) && _rightNavVisible) { auto o = overLevel(OverRightNav); if (o > 0) { p.setOpacity(o * co); for (int i = 0, l = region.rectCount(); i < l; ++i) { auto fill = _rightNav.intersected(rs.at(i)); if (!fill.isEmpty()) p.fillRect(fill, st::mediaviewControlBg); } } if (_rightNavIcon.intersects(r)) { p.setOpacity((o * st::mediaviewIconOverOpacity + (1 - o) * st::mediaviewIconOpacity) * co); st::mediaviewRight.paintInCenter(p, _rightNavIcon); } } // close button if (_closeNav.intersects(r)) { auto o = overLevel(OverClose); if (o > 0) { p.setOpacity(o * co); for (int i = 0, l = region.rectCount(); i < l; ++i) { auto fill = _closeNav.intersected(rs.at(i)); if (!fill.isEmpty()) p.fillRect(fill, st::mediaviewControlBg); } } if (_closeNavIcon.intersects(r)) { p.setOpacity((o * st::mediaviewIconOverOpacity + (1 - o) * st::mediaviewIconOpacity) * co); st::mediaviewClose.paintInCenter(p, _closeNavIcon); } } // save button if (_saveVisible && _saveNavIcon.intersects(r)) { auto o = overLevel(OverSave); p.setOpacity((o * st::mediaviewIconOverOpacity + (1 - o) * st::mediaviewIconOpacity) * co); st::mediaviewSave.paintInCenter(p, _saveNavIcon); } // more area if (_moreNavIcon.intersects(r)) { auto o = overLevel(OverMore); p.setOpacity((o * st::mediaviewIconOverOpacity + (1 - o) * st::mediaviewIconOpacity) * co); st::mediaviewMore.paintInCenter(p, _moreNavIcon); } p.setPen(st::mediaviewControlFg); p.setFont(st::mediaviewThickFont); // header if (_headerNav.intersects(r)) { auto o = _headerHasLink ? overLevel(OverHeader) : 0; p.setOpacity((o * st::mediaviewIconOverOpacity + (1 - o) * st::mediaviewIconOpacity) * co); p.drawText(_headerNav.left(), _headerNav.top() + st::mediaviewThickFont->ascent, _headerText); if (o > 0) { p.setOpacity(o * co); p.drawLine(_headerNav.left(), _headerNav.top() + st::mediaviewThickFont->ascent + 1, _headerNav.right(), _headerNav.top() + st::mediaviewThickFont->ascent + 1); } } p.setFont(st::mediaviewFont); // name if (_from && _nameNav.intersects(r)) { float64 o = overLevel(OverName); p.setOpacity((o * st::mediaviewIconOverOpacity + (1 - o) * st::mediaviewIconOpacity) * co); _fromName.drawElided(p, _nameNav.left(), _nameNav.top(), _nameNav.width()); if (o > 0) { p.setOpacity(o * co); p.drawLine(_nameNav.left(), _nameNav.top() + st::mediaviewFont->ascent + 1, _nameNav.right(), _nameNav.top() + st::mediaviewFont->ascent + 1); } } // date if (_dateNav.intersects(r)) { float64 o = overLevel(OverDate); p.setOpacity((o * st::mediaviewIconOverOpacity + (1 - o) * st::mediaviewIconOpacity) * co); p.drawText(_dateNav.left(), _dateNav.top() + st::mediaviewFont->ascent, _dateText); if (o > 0) { p.setOpacity(o * co); p.drawLine(_dateNav.left(), _dateNav.top() + st::mediaviewFont->ascent + 1, _dateNav.right(), _dateNav.top() + st::mediaviewFont->ascent + 1); } } // caption if (!_caption.isEmpty()) { QRect outer(_captionRect.marginsAdded(st::mediaviewCaptionPadding)); if (outer.intersects(r)) { p.setOpacity(co); p.setBrush(st::mediaviewCaptionBg); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.drawRoundedRect(outer, st::mediaviewCaptionRadius, st::mediaviewCaptionRadius); if (_captionRect.intersects(r)) { p.setTextPalette(st::mediaviewTextPalette); p.setPen(st::mediaviewCaptionFg); _caption.drawElided(p, _captionRect.x(), _captionRect.y(), _captionRect.width(), _captionRect.height() / st::mediaviewCaptionStyle.font->height); p.restoreTextPalette(); } } } if (_groupThumbs && _groupThumbsRect.intersects(r)) { p.setOpacity(co); _groupThumbs->paint( p, _groupThumbsLeft, _groupThumbsTop, width(), ms); if (_groupThumbs->hidden()) { _groupThumbs = nullptr; _groupThumbsRect = QRect(); } } } checkGroupThumbsAnimation(); } void MediaView::checkGroupThumbsAnimation() { if (_groupThumbs && (!_gif || _gif->started())) { _groupThumbs->checkForAnimationStart(); } } void MediaView::paintDocRadialLoading(Painter &p, bool radial, float64 radialOpacity) { float64 o = overLevel(OverIcon); if (radial || (_doc && !_doc->loaded())) { QRect inner(QPoint(_docIconRect.x() + ((_docIconRect.width() - st::radialSize.width()) / 2), _docIconRect.y() + ((_docIconRect.height() - st::radialSize.height()) / 2)), st::radialSize); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setOpacity(_doc->loaded() ? radialOpacity : 1.); p.setBrush(anim::brush(st::msgDateImgBg, st::msgDateImgBgOver, o)); { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.drawEllipse(inner); } p.setOpacity(1.); auto icon = ([radial, this]() -> const style::icon* { if (radial || _doc->loading()) { return &st::historyFileInCancel; } return &st::historyFileInDownload; })(); if (icon) { icon->paintInCenter(p, inner); } if (radial) { p.setOpacity(1); QRect arc(inner.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::radialLine, st::radialLine, st::radialLine, st::radialLine))); _radial.draw(p, arc, st::radialLine, st::radialFg); } } } void MediaView::paintThemePreview(Painter &p, QRect clip) { auto fill = _themePreviewRect.intersected(clip); if (!fill.isEmpty()) { if (_themePreview) { p.drawImage( myrtlrect(_themePreviewRect).topLeft(), _themePreview->preview); } else { p.fillRect(fill, st::themePreviewBg); p.setFont(st::themePreviewLoadingFont); p.setPen(st::themePreviewLoadingFg); p.drawText( _themePreviewRect, lang(_themePreviewId ? lng_theme_preview_generating : lng_theme_preview_invalid), QTextOption(style::al_center)); } } auto fillOverlay = [this, &p, clip](QRect fill) { auto clipped = fill.intersected(clip); if (!clipped.isEmpty()) { p.setOpacity(st::themePreviewOverlayOpacity); p.fillRect(clipped, st::themePreviewBg); p.setOpacity(1.); } }; auto titleRect = QRect(_themePreviewRect.x(), _themePreviewRect.y(), _themePreviewRect.width(), st::themePreviewMargin.top()); if (titleRect.x() < 0) { titleRect = QRect(0, _themePreviewRect.y(), width(), st::themePreviewMargin.top()); } if (auto fillTitleRect = (titleRect.y() < 0)) { titleRect.moveTop(0); fillOverlay(titleRect); } titleRect = titleRect.marginsRemoved(QMargins(st::themePreviewMargin.left(), st::themePreviewTitleTop, st::themePreviewMargin.right(), titleRect.height() - st::themePreviewTitleTop - st::themePreviewTitleFont->height)); if (titleRect.intersects(clip)) { p.setFont(st::themePreviewTitleFont); p.setPen(st::themePreviewTitleFg); p.drawTextLeft(titleRect.x(), titleRect.y(), width(), lang(lng_theme_preview_title)); } auto buttonsRect = QRect(_themePreviewRect.x(), _themePreviewRect.y() + _themePreviewRect.height() - st::themePreviewMargin.bottom(), _themePreviewRect.width(), st::themePreviewMargin.bottom()); if (auto fillButtonsRect = (buttonsRect.y() + buttonsRect.height() > height())) { buttonsRect.moveTop(height() - buttonsRect.height()); fillOverlay(buttonsRect); } } void MediaView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (_clipController) { auto toggle1 = (e->key() == Qt::Key_F && e->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier)); auto toggle2 = (e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || e->key() == Qt::Key_Return) && (e->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::AltModifier) || e->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier)); if (toggle1 || toggle2) { onVideoToggleFullScreen(); return; } if (_fullScreenVideo) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { onVideoToggleFullScreen(); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || e->key() == Qt::Key_Return || e->key() == Qt::Key_Space) { onVideoPauseResume(); } return; } } if (!_menu && e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { if (_doc && _doc->loading()) { onDocClick(); } else { close(); } } else if (e == QKeySequence::Save || e == QKeySequence::SaveAs) { onSaveAs(); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Copy || (e->key() == Qt::Key_C && e->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier))) { onCopy(); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || e->key() == Qt::Key_Return || e->key() == Qt::Key_Space) { if (_doc && !_doc->loading() && (fileBubbleShown() || !_doc->loaded())) { onDocClick(); } else if (_doc && (_doc->isVideoFile() || _doc->isVideoMessage())) { onVideoPauseResume(); } } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Left) { if (_controlsHideTimer.isActive()) { activateControls(); } moveToNext(-1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Right) { if (_controlsHideTimer.isActive()) { activateControls(); } moveToNext(1); } else if (e->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier) && (e->key() == Qt::Key_Plus || e->key() == Qt::Key_Equal || e->key() == ']' || e->key() == Qt::Key_Asterisk || e->key() == Qt::Key_Minus || e->key() == Qt::Key_Underscore || e->key() == Qt::Key_0)) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Plus || e->key() == Qt::Key_Equal || e->key() == Qt::Key_Asterisk || e->key() == ']') { zoomIn(); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Minus || e->key() == Qt::Key_Underscore) { zoomOut(); } else { zoomReset(); } } } void MediaView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) { #ifdef OS_MAC_OLD constexpr auto step = 120; #else // OS_MAC_OLD constexpr auto step = static_cast(QWheelEvent::DefaultDeltasPerStep); #endif // OS_MAC_OLD _verticalWheelDelta += e->angleDelta().y(); while (qAbs(_verticalWheelDelta) >= step) { if (_verticalWheelDelta < 0) { _verticalWheelDelta += step; if (e->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier)) { zoomOut(); } else { #ifndef OS_MAC_OLD if (e->source() == Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized) { moveToNext(1); } #endif // OS_MAC_OLD } } else { _verticalWheelDelta -= step; if (e->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier)) { zoomIn(); } else { #ifndef OS_MAC_OLD if (e->source() == Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized) { moveToNext(-1); } #endif // OS_MAC_OLD } } } } void MediaView::setZoomLevel(int newZoom) { if (_zoom == newZoom) return; float64 nx, ny, z = (_zoom == ZoomToScreenLevel) ? _zoomToScreen : _zoom; _w = gifShown() ? convertScale(_gif->width()) : (convertScale(_current.width()) / cIntRetinaFactor()); _h = gifShown() ? convertScale(_gif->height()) : (convertScale(_current.height()) / cIntRetinaFactor()); if (z >= 0) { nx = (_x - width() / 2.) / (z + 1); ny = (_y - height() / 2.) / (z + 1); } else { nx = (_x - width() / 2.) * (-z + 1); ny = (_y - height() / 2.) * (-z + 1); } _zoom = newZoom; z = (_zoom == ZoomToScreenLevel) ? _zoomToScreen : _zoom; if (z > 0) { _w = qRound(_w * (z + 1)); _h = qRound(_h * (z + 1)); _x = qRound(nx * (z + 1) + width() / 2.); _y = qRound(ny * (z + 1) + height() / 2.); } else { _w = qRound(_w / (-z + 1)); _h = qRound(_h / (-z + 1)); _x = qRound(nx / (-z + 1) + width() / 2.); _y = qRound(ny / (-z + 1) + height() / 2.); } snapXY(); update(); } MediaView::Entity MediaView::entityForUserPhotos(int index) const { Expects(!!_userPhotosData); if (index < 0 || index >= _userPhotosData->size()) { return { base::none, nullptr }; } if (auto photo = Auth().data().photo((*_userPhotosData)[index])) { return { photo, nullptr }; } return { base::none, nullptr }; } MediaView::Entity MediaView::entityForSharedMedia(int index) const { Expects(!!_sharedMediaData); if (index < 0 || index >= _sharedMediaData->size()) { return { base::none, nullptr }; } auto value = (*_sharedMediaData)[index]; if (const auto photo = base::get_if>(&value)) { // Last peer photo. return { *photo, nullptr }; } else if (const auto itemId = base::get_if(&value)) { return entityForItemId(*itemId); } return { base::none, nullptr }; } MediaView::Entity MediaView::entityForItemId(const FullMsgId &itemId) const { if (const auto item = App::histItemById(itemId)) { if (const auto media = item->media()) { if (const auto photo = media->photo()) { return { photo, item }; } else if (const auto document = media->document()) { return { document, item }; } } return { base::none, item }; } return { base::none, nullptr }; } MediaView::Entity MediaView::entityByIndex(int index) const { if (_sharedMediaData) { return entityForSharedMedia(index); } else if (_userPhotosData) { return entityForUserPhotos(index); } return { base::none, nullptr }; } void MediaView::setContext(base::optional_variant< not_null, not_null> context) { if (auto item = base::get_if>(&context)) { _msgid = (*item)->fullId(); _canForwardItem = (*item)->allowsForward(); _canDeleteItem = (*item)->canDelete(); _history = (*item)->history(); _peer = _history->peer; } else if (auto peer = base::get_if>(&context)) { _msgid = FullMsgId(); _canForwardItem = _canDeleteItem = false; _history = App::history(*peer); _peer = *peer; } else { _msgid = FullMsgId(); _canForwardItem = _canDeleteItem = false; _history = nullptr; _peer = nullptr; } _migrated = nullptr; if (_history) { if (_history->peer->migrateFrom()) { _migrated = App::history(_history->peer->migrateFrom()->id); } else if (_history->peer->migrateTo()) { _migrated = _history; _history = App::history(_history->peer->migrateTo()->id); } } _user = _peer ? _peer->asUser() : nullptr; } bool MediaView::moveToNext(int delta) { if (!_index) { return false; } auto newIndex = *_index + delta; return moveToEntity(entityByIndex(newIndex)); } bool MediaView::moveToEntity(const Entity &entity, int preloadDelta) { if (!entity.data && !entity.item) { return false; } if (const auto item = entity.item) { setContext(item); } else if (_peer) { setContext(_peer); } else { setContext(base::none); } stopGif(); if (auto photo = base::get_if>(&entity.data)) { displayPhoto(*photo, entity.item); } else if (auto document = base::get_if>(&entity.data)) { displayDocument(*document, entity.item); } else { displayDocument(nullptr, entity.item); } preloadData(preloadDelta); return true; } void MediaView::preloadData(int delta) { if (!_index) { return; } auto from = *_index + (delta ? delta : -1); auto till = *_index + (delta ? delta * kPreloadCount : 1); if (from > till) std::swap(from, till); if (delta != 0) { auto forgetIndex = *_index - delta * 2; auto entity = entityByIndex(forgetIndex); if (auto photo = base::get_if>(&entity.data)) { (*photo)->forget(); } else if (auto document = base::get_if>(&entity.data)) { (*document)->forget(); } } for (auto index = from; index != till; ++index) { auto entity = entityByIndex(index); if (auto photo = base::get_if>(&entity.data)) { (*photo)->download(); } else if (auto document = base::get_if>(&entity.data)) { if (auto sticker = (*document)->sticker()) { sticker->img->load(); } else { (*document)->thumb->load(); (*document)->automaticLoad(entity.item); } } } } void MediaView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { updateOver(e->pos()); if (_menu || !_receiveMouse) return; ClickHandler::pressed(); if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { _down = OverNone; if (!ClickHandler::getPressed()) { if (_over == OverLeftNav && moveToNext(-1)) { _lastAction = e->pos(); } else if (_over == OverRightNav && moveToNext(1)) { _lastAction = e->pos(); } else if (_over == OverName) { _down = OverName; } else if (_over == OverDate) { _down = OverDate; } else if (_over == OverHeader) { _down = OverHeader; } else if (_over == OverSave) { _down = OverSave; } else if (_over == OverIcon) { _down = OverIcon; } else if (_over == OverMore) { _down = OverMore; } else if (_over == OverClose) { _down = OverClose; } else if (_over == OverVideo) { _down = OverVideo; } else if (!_saveMsg.contains(e->pos()) || !_saveMsgStarted) { _pressed = true; _dragging = 0; updateCursor(); _mStart = e->pos(); _xStart = _x; _yStart = _y; } } } else if (e->button() == Qt::MiddleButton) { zoomReset(); } activateControls(); } void MediaView::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { updateOver(e->pos()); if (_over == OverVideo) { onVideoToggleFullScreen(); onVideoPauseResume(); } else { e->ignore(); return TWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(e); } } void MediaView::snapXY() { int32 xmin = width() - _w, xmax = 0; int32 ymin = height() - _h, ymax = 0; if (xmin > (width() - _w) / 2) xmin = (width() - _w) / 2; if (xmax < (width() - _w) / 2) xmax = (width() - _w) / 2; if (ymin > (height() - _h) / 2) ymin = (height() - _h) / 2; if (ymax < (height() - _h) / 2) ymax = (height() - _h) / 2; if (_x < xmin) _x = xmin; if (_x > xmax) _x = xmax; if (_y < ymin) _y = ymin; if (_y > ymax) _y = ymax; } void MediaView::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { updateOver(e->pos()); if (_lastAction.x() >= 0 && (e->pos() - _lastAction).manhattanLength() >= st::mediaviewDeltaFromLastAction) { _lastAction = QPoint(-st::mediaviewDeltaFromLastAction, -st::mediaviewDeltaFromLastAction); } if (_pressed) { if (!_dragging && (e->pos() - _mStart).manhattanLength() >= QApplication::startDragDistance()) { _dragging = QRect(_x, _y, _w, _h).contains(_mStart) ? 1 : -1; if (_dragging > 0) { if (_w > width() || _h > height()) { setCursor(style::cur_sizeall); } else { setCursor(style::cur_default); } } } if (_dragging > 0) { _x = _xStart + (e->pos() - _mStart).x(); _y = _yStart + (e->pos() - _mStart).y(); snapXY(); update(); } } } void MediaView::updateOverRect(OverState state) { switch (state) { case OverLeftNav: update(_leftNav); break; case OverRightNav: update(_rightNav); break; case OverName: update(_nameNav); break; case OverDate: update(_dateNav); break; case OverSave: update(_saveNavIcon); break; case OverIcon: update(_docIconRect); break; case OverHeader: update(_headerNav); break; case OverClose: update(_closeNav); break; case OverMore: update(_moreNavIcon); break; } } bool MediaView::updateOverState(OverState newState) { bool result = true; if (_over != newState) { if (newState == OverMore && !_ignoringDropdown) { _dropdownShowTimer->start(0); } else { _dropdownShowTimer->stop(); } updateOverRect(_over); updateOverRect(newState); if (_over != OverNone) { _animations[_over] = getms(); ShowingOpacities::iterator i = _animOpacities.find(_over); if (i != _animOpacities.end()) { i->start(0); } else { _animOpacities.insert(_over, anim::value(1, 0)); } if (!_a_state.animating()) _a_state.start(); } else { result = false; } _over = newState; if (newState != OverNone) { _animations[_over] = getms(); ShowingOpacities::iterator i = _animOpacities.find(_over); if (i != _animOpacities.end()) { i->start(1); } else { _animOpacities.insert(_over, anim::value(0, 1)); } if (!_a_state.animating()) _a_state.start(); } updateCursor(); } return result; } void MediaView::updateOver(QPoint pos) { ClickHandlerPtr lnk; ClickHandlerHost *lnkhost = nullptr; if (_saveMsgStarted && _saveMsg.contains(pos)) { auto textState = _saveMsgText.getState(pos - _saveMsg.topLeft() - QPoint(st::mediaviewSaveMsgPadding.left(), st::mediaviewSaveMsgPadding.top()), _saveMsg.width() - st::mediaviewSaveMsgPadding.left() - st::mediaviewSaveMsgPadding.right()); lnk = textState.link; lnkhost = this; } else if (_captionRect.contains(pos)) { auto textState = _caption.getState(pos - _captionRect.topLeft(), _captionRect.width()); lnk = textState.link; lnkhost = this; } else if (_groupThumbs && _groupThumbsRect.contains(pos)) { const auto point = pos - QPoint(_groupThumbsLeft, _groupThumbsTop); lnk = _groupThumbs->getState(point); lnkhost = this; } // retina if (pos.x() == width()) { pos.setX(pos.x() - 1); } if (pos.y() == height()) { pos.setY(pos.y() - 1); } ClickHandler::setActive(lnk, lnkhost); if (_pressed || _dragging) return; if (_fullScreenVideo) { updateOverState(OverVideo); } else if (_leftNavVisible && _leftNav.contains(pos)) { updateOverState(OverLeftNav); } else if (_rightNavVisible && _rightNav.contains(pos)) { updateOverState(OverRightNav); } else if (_nameNav.contains(pos)) { updateOverState(OverName); } else if (IsServerMsgId(_msgid.msg) && _dateNav.contains(pos)) { updateOverState(OverDate); } else if (_headerHasLink && _headerNav.contains(pos)) { updateOverState(OverHeader); } else if (_saveVisible && _saveNav.contains(pos)) { updateOverState(OverSave); } else if (_doc && fileBubbleShown() && _docIconRect.contains(pos)) { updateOverState(OverIcon); } else if (_moreNav.contains(pos)) { updateOverState(OverMore); } else if (_closeNav.contains(pos)) { updateOverState(OverClose); } else if (_doc && fileShown() && QRect(_x, _y, _w, _h).contains(pos)) { if ((_doc->isVideoFile() || _doc->isVideoMessage()) && _gif) { updateOverState(OverVideo); } else if (!_doc->loaded()) { updateOverState(OverIcon); } else if (_over != OverNone) { updateOverState(OverNone); } } else if (_over != OverNone) { updateOverState(OverNone); } } void MediaView::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { updateOver(e->pos()); if (ClickHandlerPtr activated = ClickHandler::unpressed()) { App::activateClickHandler(activated, e->button()); return; } if (_over == OverName && _down == OverName) { if (_from) { close(); Ui::showPeerProfile(_from); } } else if (_over == OverDate && _down == OverDate) { onToMessage(); } else if (_over == OverHeader && _down == OverHeader) { onOverview(); } else if (_over == OverSave && _down == OverSave) { onDownload(); } else if (_over == OverIcon && _down == OverIcon) { onDocClick(); } else if (_over == OverMore && _down == OverMore) { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(onDropdown())); } else if (_over == OverClose && _down == OverClose) { close(); } else if (_over == OverVideo && _down == OverVideo) { onVideoPauseResume(); } else if (_pressed) { if (_dragging) { if (_dragging > 0) { _x = _xStart + (e->pos() - _mStart).x(); _y = _yStart + (e->pos() - _mStart).y(); snapXY(); update(); } _dragging = 0; setCursor(style::cur_default); } else if ((e->pos() - _lastAction).manhattanLength() >= st::mediaviewDeltaFromLastAction) { if (_themePreviewShown) { if (!_themePreviewRect.contains(e->pos())) { close(); } } else if (!_doc || fileShown() || !_docRect.contains(e->pos())) { close(); } } _pressed = false; } _down = OverNone; if (!isHidden()) { activateControls(); } } void MediaView::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) { if (e->reason() != QContextMenuEvent::Mouse || QRect(_x, _y, _w, _h).contains(e->pos())) { if (_menu) { _menu->deleteLater(); _menu = 0; } _menu = new Ui::PopupMenu(nullptr, st::mediaviewPopupMenu); updateActions(); for_const (auto &action, _actions) { _menu->addAction(action.text, this, action.member); } connect(_menu, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(onMenuDestroy(QObject*))); _menu->popup(e->globalPos()); e->accept(); activateControls(); } } void MediaView::touchEvent(QTouchEvent *e) { switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::TouchBegin: { if (_touchPress || e->touchPoints().isEmpty()) return; _touchTimer.start(QApplication::startDragTime()); _touchPress = true; _touchMove = _touchRightButton = false; _touchStart = e->touchPoints().cbegin()->screenPos().toPoint(); } break; case QEvent::TouchUpdate: { if (!_touchPress || e->touchPoints().isEmpty()) return; if (!_touchMove && (e->touchPoints().cbegin()->screenPos().toPoint() - _touchStart).manhattanLength() >= QApplication::startDragDistance()) { _touchMove = true; } } break; case QEvent::TouchEnd: { if (!_touchPress) return; auto weak = make_weak(this); if (!_touchMove) { Qt::MouseButton btn(_touchRightButton ? Qt::RightButton : Qt::LeftButton); auto mapped = mapFromGlobal(_touchStart); QMouseEvent pressEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, mapped, mapped, _touchStart, btn, Qt::MouseButtons(btn), Qt::KeyboardModifiers()); pressEvent.accept(); if (weak) mousePressEvent(&pressEvent); QMouseEvent releaseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, mapped, mapped, _touchStart, btn, Qt::MouseButtons(btn), Qt::KeyboardModifiers()); if (weak) mouseReleaseEvent(&releaseEvent); if (weak && _touchRightButton) { QContextMenuEvent contextEvent(QContextMenuEvent::Mouse, mapped, _touchStart); contextMenuEvent(&contextEvent); } } else if (_touchMove) { if ((!_leftNavVisible || !_leftNav.contains(mapFromGlobal(_touchStart))) && (!_rightNavVisible || !_rightNav.contains(mapFromGlobal(_touchStart)))) { QPoint d = (e->touchPoints().cbegin()->screenPos().toPoint() - _touchStart); if (d.x() * d.x() > d.y() * d.y() && (d.x() > st::mediaviewSwipeDistance || d.x() < -st::mediaviewSwipeDistance)) { moveToNext(d.x() > 0 ? -1 : 1); } } } if (weak) { _touchTimer.stop(); _touchPress = _touchMove = _touchRightButton = false; } } break; case QEvent::TouchCancel: { _touchPress = false; _touchTimer.stop(); } break; } } bool MediaView::event(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::TouchBegin || e->type() == QEvent::TouchUpdate || e->type() == QEvent::TouchEnd || e->type() == QEvent::TouchCancel) { QTouchEvent *ev = static_cast(e); if (ev->device()->type() == QTouchDevice::TouchScreen) { if (ev->type() != QEvent::TouchBegin || ev->touchPoints().isEmpty() || !childAt(mapFromGlobal(ev->touchPoints().cbegin()->screenPos().toPoint()))) { touchEvent(ev); return true; } } } else if (e->type() == QEvent::Wheel) { QWheelEvent *ev = static_cast(e); if (ev->phase() == Qt::ScrollBegin) { _accumScroll = ev->angleDelta(); } else { _accumScroll += ev->angleDelta(); if (ev->phase() == Qt::ScrollEnd) { if (ev->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) { if (_accumScroll.x() * _accumScroll.x() > _accumScroll.y() * _accumScroll.y() && _accumScroll.x() != 0) { moveToNext(_accumScroll.x() > 0 ? -1 : 1); } _accumScroll = QPoint(); } } } } return TWidget::event(e); } bool MediaView::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e) { auto type = e->type(); if ((type == QEvent::MouseMove || type == QEvent::MouseButtonPress || type == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) && obj->isWidgetType()) { if (isAncestorOf(static_cast(obj))) { const auto mouseEvent = static_cast(e); const auto mousePosition = mapFromGlobal(mouseEvent->globalPos()); const auto delta = (mousePosition - _lastMouseMovePos); auto activate = delta.manhattanLength() >= st::mediaviewDeltaFromLastAction; if (activate) { _lastMouseMovePos = mousePosition; } if (type == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { _mousePressed = true; activate = true; } else if (type == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) { _mousePressed = false; activate = true; } if (activate) { if (_controlsState == ControlsHiding || _controlsState == ControlsHidden) { int a = 0; } activateControls(); } } } return TWidget::eventFilter(obj, e); } void MediaView::setVisible(bool visible) { if (!visible) { _sharedMedia = nullptr; _sharedMediaData = base::none; _sharedMediaDataKey = base::none; _userPhotos = nullptr; _userPhotosData = base::none; if (_menu) _menu->hideMenu(true); _controlsHideTimer.stop(); _controlsState = ControlsShown; a_cOpacity = anim::value(1, 1); _groupThumbs = nullptr; _groupThumbsRect = QRect(); } TWidget::setVisible(visible); if (visible) { QCoreApplication::instance()->installEventFilter(this); } else { QCoreApplication::instance()->removeEventFilter(this); stopGif(); destroyThemePreview(); _radial.stop(); } } void MediaView::onMenuDestroy(QObject *obj) { if (_menu == obj) { _menu = 0; activateControls(); } _receiveMouse = false; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(receiveMouse())); } void MediaView::receiveMouse() { _receiveMouse = true; } void MediaView::onDropdown() { updateActions(); _dropdown->clearActions(); for_const (auto &action, _actions) { _dropdown->addAction(action.text, this, action.member); } _dropdown->moveToRight(0, height() - _dropdown->height()); _dropdown->showAnimated(Ui::PanelAnimation::Origin::BottomRight); _dropdown->setFocus(); } void MediaView::onTouchTimer() { _touchRightButton = true; } void MediaView::updateImage() { update(_saveMsg); } void MediaView::findCurrent() { using namespace rpl::mappers; if (_sharedMediaData) { _index = _msgid ? _sharedMediaData->indexOf(_msgid) : _photo ? _sharedMediaData->indexOf(_photo) : base::none; _fullIndex = _sharedMediaData->skippedBefore() ? (_index | func::add(*_sharedMediaData->skippedBefore())) : base::none; _fullCount = _sharedMediaData->fullCount(); } else if (_userPhotosData) { _index = _photo ? _userPhotosData->indexOf(_photo->id) : base::none; _fullIndex = _userPhotosData->skippedBefore() ? (_index | func::add(*_userPhotosData->skippedBefore())) : base::none; _fullCount = _userPhotosData->fullCount(); } else { _index = _fullIndex = _fullCount = base::none; } } void MediaView::updateHeader() { auto index = _fullIndex ? *_fullIndex : -1; auto count = _fullCount ? *_fullCount : -1; if (index >= 0 && index < count && count > 1) { if (_doc) { _headerText = lng_mediaview_file_n_of_count(lt_file, _doc->filename().isEmpty() ? lang(lng_mediaview_doc_image) : _doc->filename(), lt_n, QString::number(index + 1), lt_count, QString::number(count)); } else { _headerText = lng_mediaview_n_of_count(lt_n, QString::number(index + 1), lt_count, QString::number(count)); } } else { if (_doc) { _headerText = _doc->filename().isEmpty() ? lang(lng_mediaview_doc_image) : _doc->filename(); } else if (_msgid) { _headerText = lang(lng_mediaview_single_photo); } else if (_user) { _headerText = lang(lng_mediaview_profile_photo); } else if ((_history && _history->channelId() && !_history->isMegagroup()) || (_peer && _peer->isChannel() && !_peer->isMegagroup())) { _headerText = lang(lng_mediaview_channel_photo); } else if (_peer) { _headerText = lang(lng_mediaview_group_photo); } else { _headerText = lang(lng_mediaview_single_photo); } } _headerHasLink = computeOverviewType() != base::none; auto hwidth = st::mediaviewThickFont->width(_headerText); if (hwidth > width() / 3) { hwidth = width() / 3; _headerText = st::mediaviewThickFont->elided(_headerText, hwidth, Qt::ElideMiddle); } _headerNav = myrtlrect(st::mediaviewTextLeft, height() - st::mediaviewHeaderTop, hwidth, st::mediaviewThickFont->height); } float64 MediaView::overLevel(OverState control) const { auto i = _animOpacities.constFind(control); return (i == _animOpacities.cend()) ? (_over == control ? 1 : 0) : i->current(); }