/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "base/concurrent_timer.h" #include <QtCore/QThread> #include <QtCore/QCoreApplication> using namespace base::details; namespace base { namespace details { namespace { constexpr auto kCallDelayedEvent = QEvent::Type(QEvent::User + 1); constexpr auto kCancelTimerEvent = QEvent::Type(QEvent::User + 2); static_assert(kCancelTimerEvent < QEvent::MaxUser); ConcurrentTimerEnvironment *Environment/* = nullptr*/; QMutex EnvironmentMutex; class CallDelayedEvent : public QEvent { public: CallDelayedEvent( crl::time_type timeout, Qt::TimerType type, FnMut<void()> method); crl::time_type timeout() const; Qt::TimerType type() const; FnMut<void()> takeMethod(); private: crl::time_type _timeout = 0; Qt::TimerType _type = Qt::PreciseTimer; FnMut<void()> _method; }; class CancelTimerEvent : public QEvent { public: CancelTimerEvent(); }; CallDelayedEvent::CallDelayedEvent( crl::time_type timeout, Qt::TimerType type, FnMut<void()> method) : QEvent(kCallDelayedEvent) , _timeout(timeout) , _type(type) , _method(std::move(method)) { Expects(_timeout >= 0 && _timeout < std::numeric_limits<int>::max()); } crl::time_type CallDelayedEvent::timeout() const { return _timeout; } Qt::TimerType CallDelayedEvent::type() const { return _type; } FnMut<void()> CallDelayedEvent::takeMethod() { return base::take(_method); } CancelTimerEvent::CancelTimerEvent() : QEvent(kCancelTimerEvent) { } } // namespace class TimerObject : public QObject { public: TimerObject( not_null<QThread*> thread, not_null<QObject*> adjuster, Fn<void()> adjust); protected: bool event(QEvent *e) override; private: void callDelayed(not_null<CallDelayedEvent*> e); void callNow(); void cancel(); void adjust(); FnMut<void()> _next; Fn<void()> _adjust; int _timerId = 0; }; TimerObject::TimerObject( not_null<QThread*> thread, not_null<QObject*> adjuster, Fn<void()> adjust) : _adjust(std::move(adjust)) { moveToThread(thread); connect( adjuster, &QObject::destroyed, this, &TimerObject::adjust, Qt::DirectConnection); } bool TimerObject::event(QEvent *e) { const auto type = e->type(); switch (type) { case kCallDelayedEvent: callDelayed(static_cast<CallDelayedEvent*>(e)); return true; case kCancelTimerEvent: cancel(); return true; case QEvent::Timer: callNow(); return true; } return QObject::event(e); } void TimerObject::callDelayed(not_null<CallDelayedEvent*> e) { cancel(); const auto timeout = e->timeout(); const auto type = e->type(); _next = e->takeMethod(); if (timeout > 0) { _timerId = startTimer(timeout, type); } else { base::take(_next)(); } } void TimerObject::cancel() { if (const auto id = base::take(_timerId)) { killTimer(id); } _next = nullptr; } void TimerObject::callNow() { auto next = base::take(_next); cancel(); next(); } void TimerObject::adjust() { if (_adjust) { _adjust(); } } TimerObjectWrap::TimerObjectWrap(Fn<void()> adjust) { QMutexLocker lock(&EnvironmentMutex); if (Environment) { _value = Environment->createTimer(std::move(adjust)); } } TimerObjectWrap::~TimerObjectWrap() { if (_value) { QMutexLocker lock(&EnvironmentMutex); if (Environment) { _value.release()->deleteLater(); } } } void TimerObjectWrap::call( crl::time_type timeout, Qt::TimerType type, FnMut<void()> method) { sendEvent(std::make_unique<CallDelayedEvent>( timeout, type, std::move(method))); } void TimerObjectWrap::cancel() { sendEvent(std::make_unique<CancelTimerEvent>()); } void TimerObjectWrap::sendEvent(std::unique_ptr<QEvent> event) { if (!_value) { return; } QCoreApplication::postEvent( _value.get(), event.release(), Qt::HighEventPriority); } } // namespace details ConcurrentTimerEnvironment::ConcurrentTimerEnvironment() { _thread.start(); _adjuster.moveToThread(&_thread); acquire(); } ConcurrentTimerEnvironment::~ConcurrentTimerEnvironment() { _thread.quit(); release(); _thread.wait(); QObject::disconnect(&_adjuster, &QObject::destroyed, nullptr, nullptr); } std::unique_ptr<TimerObject> ConcurrentTimerEnvironment::createTimer( Fn<void()> adjust) { return std::make_unique<TimerObject>( &_thread, &_adjuster, std::move(adjust)); } void ConcurrentTimerEnvironment::Adjust() { QMutexLocker lock(&EnvironmentMutex); if (Environment) { Environment->adjustTimers(); } } void ConcurrentTimerEnvironment::adjustTimers() { QObject emitter; QObject::connect( &emitter, &QObject::destroyed, &_adjuster, &QObject::destroyed, Qt::QueuedConnection); } void ConcurrentTimerEnvironment::acquire() { Expects(Environment == nullptr); QMutexLocker lock(&EnvironmentMutex); Environment = this; } void ConcurrentTimerEnvironment::release() { Expects(Environment == this); QMutexLocker lock(&EnvironmentMutex); Environment = nullptr; } ConcurrentTimer::ConcurrentTimer( Fn<void(FnMut<void()>)> runner, Fn<void()> callback) : _runner(std::move(runner)) , _object(createAdjuster()) , _callback(std::move(callback)) , _type(Qt::PreciseTimer) , _adjusted(false) { setRepeat(Repeat::Interval); } Fn<void()> ConcurrentTimer::createAdjuster() { auto guards = base::make_binary_guard(); _guard = std::make_shared<bool>(true); return [=, runner = _runner, guard = std::weak_ptr<bool>(_guard)] { runner([=] { if (!guard.lock()) { return; } adjust(); }); }; } void ConcurrentTimer::start( TimeMs timeout, Qt::TimerType type, Repeat repeat) { _type = type; setRepeat(repeat); _adjusted = false; setTimeout(timeout); cancelAndSchedule(_timeout); _next = crl::time() + _timeout; } void ConcurrentTimer::cancelAndSchedule(int timeout) { auto guards = base::make_binary_guard(); _running = std::move(guards.first); auto method = [ =, runner = _runner, guard = std::move(guards.second) ]() mutable { if (!guard.alive()) { return; } runner([=, guard = std::move(guard)] { if (!guard.alive()) { return; } timerEvent(); }); }; _object.call(timeout, _type, std::move(method)); } void ConcurrentTimer::timerEvent() { if (repeat() == Repeat::Interval) { if (_adjusted) { start(_timeout, _type, repeat()); } else { _next = crl::time() + _timeout; } } else { cancel(); } if (_callback) { _callback(); } } void ConcurrentTimer::cancel() { _running = {}; if (isActive()) { _running = base::binary_guard(); _object.cancel(); } } TimeMs ConcurrentTimer::remainingTime() const { if (!isActive()) { return -1; } const auto now = crl::time(); return (_next > now) ? (_next - now) : TimeMs(0); } void ConcurrentTimer::adjust() { auto remaining = remainingTime(); if (remaining >= 0) { cancelAndSchedule(remaining); _adjusted = true; } } void ConcurrentTimer::setTimeout(TimeMs timeout) { Expects(timeout >= 0 && timeout <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max()); _timeout = static_cast<unsigned int>(timeout); } int ConcurrentTimer::timeout() const { return _timeout; } } // namespace base