/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include #include #include "observer_peer.h" namespace Ui { class RpWidget; template class SlideWrap; } // namespace Ui namespace Storage { enum class SharedMediaType : signed char; } // namespace Storage namespace Info { namespace Profile { inline auto ToSingleLine() { return rpl::map([](const QString &text) { return TextUtilities::SingleLine(text); }); } inline auto WithEmptyEntities() { return rpl::map([](QString &&text) { return TextWithEntities{ std::move(text), {} }; }); } inline auto ToUpperValue() { return rpl::map([](QString &&text) { return std::move(text).toUpper(); }); } rpl::producer PhoneValue( not_null user); rpl::producer BioValue( not_null user); rpl::producer UsernameValue( not_null user); rpl::producer AboutValue( not_null peer); rpl::producer LinkValue( not_null peer); rpl::producer NotificationsEnabledValue( not_null peer); rpl::producer IsContactValue( not_null user); rpl::producer CanInviteBotToGroupValue( not_null user); rpl::producer CanShareContactValue( not_null user); rpl::producer CanAddContactValue( not_null user); rpl::producer AmInChannelValue( not_null channel); rpl::producer MembersCountValue( not_null peer); rpl::producer AdminsCountValue( not_null channel); rpl::producer RestrictedCountValue( not_null channel); rpl::producer KickedCountValue( not_null channel); rpl::producer SharedMediaCountValue( not_null peer, PeerData *migrated, Storage::SharedMediaType type); rpl::producer CommonGroupsCountValue( not_null user); rpl::producer CanAddMemberValue( not_null peer); rpl::producer VerifiedValue( not_null peer); rpl::producer FeedChannelsCountValue( not_null feed); } // namespace Profile } // namespace Info