/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "core/application.h" #include "data/data_abstract_structure.h" #include "data/data_photo.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_download_manager.h" #include "base/battery_saving.h" #include "base/event_filter.h" #include "base/concurrent_timer.h" #include "base/qt_signal_producer.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "base/unixtime.h" #include "core/core_settings.h" #include "core/update_checker.h" #include "core/shortcuts.h" #include "core/sandbox.h" #include "core/local_url_handlers.h" #include "core/launcher.h" #include "core/ui_integration.h" #include "chat_helpers/emoji_keywords.h" #include "chat_helpers/stickers_emoji_image_loader.h" #include "base/qt/qt_common_adapters.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_global_shortcuts.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_url_scheme.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_last_input.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_info.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "platform/platform_integration.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_entry.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "api/api_updates.h" #include "calls/calls_instance.h" #include "countries/countries_manager.h" #include "lang/lang_file_parser.h" #include "lang/lang_translator.h" #include "lang/lang_cloud_manager.h" #include "lang/lang_hardcoded.h" #include "lang/lang_instance.h" #include "inline_bots/bot_attach_web_view.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "tray.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "core/click_handler_types.h" // ClickHandlerContext. #include "core/crash_reports.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "main/main_domain.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "media/view/media_view_overlay_widget.h" #include "media/view/media_view_open_common.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_dc_options.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_config.h" #include "mtproto/mtp_instance.h" #include "media/audio/media_audio.h" #include "media/audio/media_audio_track.h" #include "media/player/media_player_instance.h" #include "media/player/media_player_float.h" #include "media/clip/media_clip_reader.h" // For Media::Clip::Finish(). #include "media/system_media_controls_manager.h" #include "window/notifications_manager.h" #include "window/themes/window_theme.h" #include "window/window_lock_widgets.h" #include "history/history_location_manager.h" #include "ui/widgets/tooltip.h" #include "ui/gl/gl_detection.h" #include "ui/image/image.h" #include "ui/text/text_options.h" #include "ui/emoji_config.h" #include "ui/effects/animations.h" #include "ui/effects/spoiler_mess.h" #include "ui/cached_round_corners.h" #include "ui/power_saving.h" #include "storage/serialize_common.h" #include "storage/storage_domain.h" #include "storage/storage_databases.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "payments/payments_checkout_process.h" #include "export/export_manager.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "base/qthelp_regex.h" #include "base/qthelp_url.h" #include "boxes/connection_box.h" #include "boxes/premium_limits_box.h" #include "ui/boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include #include #include #include namespace Core { namespace { constexpr auto kQuitPreventTimeoutMs = crl::time(1500); constexpr auto kAutoLockTimeoutLateMs = crl::time(3000); constexpr auto kClearEmojiImageSourceTimeout = 10 * crl::time(1000); LaunchState GlobalLaunchState/* = LaunchState::Running*/; void SetCrashAnnotationsGL() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN CrashReports::SetAnnotation("OpenGL ANGLE", [] { if (Core::App().settings().disableOpenGL()) { return "Disabled"; } else switch (Ui::GL::CurrentANGLE()) { case Ui::GL::ANGLE::Auto: return "Auto"; case Ui::GL::ANGLE::D3D11: return "Direct3D 11"; case Ui::GL::ANGLE::D3D9: return "Direct3D 9"; case Ui::GL::ANGLE::D3D11on12: return "D3D11on12"; case Ui::GL::ANGLE::OpenGL: return "OpenGL"; } Unexpected("Ui::GL::CurrentANGLE value in SetupANGLE."); }()); #else // Q_OS_WIN CrashReports::SetAnnotation( "OpenGL", Core::App().settings().disableOpenGL() ? "Disabled" : "Enabled"); #endif // Q_OS_WIN } } // namespace Application *Application::Instance = nullptr; struct Application::Private { base::Timer quitTimer; UiIntegration uiIntegration; Settings settings; }; Application::Application(not_null launcher) : QObject() , _launcher(launcher) , _private(std::make_unique()) , _platformIntegration(Platform::Integration::Create()) , _batterySaving(std::make_unique()) , _databases(std::make_unique()) , _animationsManager(std::make_unique()) , _clearEmojiImageLoaderTimer([=] { clearEmojiSourceImages(); }) , _audio(std::make_unique()) , _fallbackProductionConfig( std::make_unique(MTP::Environment::Production)) , _downloadManager(std::make_unique()) , _domain(std::make_unique(cDataFile())) , _exportManager(std::make_unique()) , _calls(std::make_unique()) , _langpack(std::make_unique()) , _langCloudManager(std::make_unique(langpack())) , _emojiKeywords(std::make_unique()) , _tray(std::make_unique()) , _autoLockTimer([=] { checkAutoLock(); }) { Ui::Integration::Set(&_private->uiIntegration); _platformIntegration->init(); passcodeLockChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _shouldLockAt = 0; }, _lifetime); passcodeLockChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _notifications->updateAll(); updateWindowTitles(); }, _lifetime); settings().windowTitleContentChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateWindowTitles(); }, _lifetime); _domain->activeSessionChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Main::Session *session) { if (session && !UpdaterDisabled()) { // #TODO multi someSessionValue UpdateChecker().setMtproto(session); } }, _lifetime); } Application::~Application() { if (_saveSettingsTimer && _saveSettingsTimer->isActive()) { Local::writeSettings(); } _windowStack.clear(); setLastActiveWindow(nullptr); _windowInSettings = _lastActivePrimaryWindow = nullptr; _closingAsyncWindows.clear(); _secondaryWindows.clear(); _primaryWindows.clear(); _mediaView = nullptr; _notifications->clearAllFast(); // We must manually destroy all windows before going further. // DestroyWindow on Windows (at least with an active WebView) enters // event loop and invoke scheduled crl::on_main callbacks. // // For example Domain::removeRedundantAccounts() is called from // Domain::finish() and there is a violation on Ensures(started()). Payments::CheckoutProcess::ClearAll(); InlineBots::AttachWebView::ClearAll(); _domain->finish(); Local::finish(); Shortcuts::Finish(); Ui::Emoji::Clear(); Media::Clip::Finish(); Ui::FinishCachedCorners(); Data::clearGlobalStructures(); Window::Theme::Uninitialize(); _mediaControlsManager = nullptr; Media::Player::finish(_audio.get()); style::stopManager(); ThirdParty::finish(); Instance = nullptr; } void Application::run() { style::internal::StartFonts(); ThirdParty::start(); // Depends on OpenSSL on macOS, so on ThirdParty::start(). // Depends on notifications settings. _notifications = std::make_unique(); startLocalStorage(); ValidateScale(); refreshGlobalProxy(); // Depends on app settings being read. if (const auto old = Local::oldSettingsVersion(); old < AppVersion) { InvokeQueued(this, [] { RegisterUrlScheme(); }); Platform::NewVersionLaunched(old); } if (cAutoStart() && !Platform::AutostartSupported()) { cSetAutoStart(false); } if (cLaunchMode() == LaunchModeAutoStart && Platform::AutostartSkip()) { Platform::AutostartToggle(false); Quit(); return; } _translator = std::make_unique(); QCoreApplication::instance()->installTranslator(_translator.get()); style::startManager(cScale()); Ui::InitTextOptions(); Ui::StartCachedCorners(); Ui::Emoji::Init(); Ui::PreloadTextSpoilerMask(); startShortcuts(); startEmojiImageLoader(); startSystemDarkModeViewer(); Media::Player::start(_audio.get()); if (MediaControlsManager::Supported()) { _mediaControlsManager = std::make_unique(); } rpl::combine( _batterySaving->value(), settings().ignoreBatterySavingValue() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool saving, bool ignore) { PowerSaving::SetForceAll(saving && !ignore); }, _lifetime); style::ShortAnimationPlaying( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool playing) { if (playing) { MTP::details::pause(); } else { MTP::details::unpause(); } }, _lifetime); DEBUG_LOG(("Application Info: inited...")); DEBUG_LOG(("Application Info: starting app...")); // Create mime database, so it won't be slow later. QMimeDatabase().mimeTypeForName(u"text/plain"_q); _primaryWindows.emplace(nullptr, std::make_unique()); setLastActiveWindow(_primaryWindows.front().second.get()); _windowInSettings = _lastActivePrimaryWindow = _lastActiveWindow; _domain->activeChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null account) { showAccount(account); }, _lifetime); ( _domain->activeValue( ) | rpl::to_empty | rpl::filter([=] { return _domain->started(); }) | rpl::take(1) ) | rpl::then( _domain->accountsChanges() ) | rpl::map([=] { return (_domain->accounts().size() > Main::Domain::kMaxAccounts) ? _domain->activeChanges() : rpl::never>(); }) | rpl::flatten_latest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null account) { const auto ordered = _domain->orderedAccounts(); const auto it = ranges::find(ordered, account); if (_lastActivePrimaryWindow && it != end(ordered)) { const auto index = std::distance(begin(ordered), it); if ((index + 1) > _domain->maxAccounts()) { _lastActivePrimaryWindow->show(Box( AccountsLimitBox, &account->session())); } } }, _lifetime); QCoreApplication::instance()->installEventFilter(this); appDeactivatedValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool deactivated) { if (deactivated) { handleAppDeactivated(); } else { handleAppActivated(); } }, _lifetime); DEBUG_LOG(("Application Info: window created...")); startDomain(); startTray(); _lastActivePrimaryWindow->widget()->show(); startMediaView(); DEBUG_LOG(("Application Info: showing.")); _lastActivePrimaryWindow->finishFirstShow(); if (!_lastActivePrimaryWindow->locked() && cStartToSettings()) { _lastActivePrimaryWindow->showSettings(); } _lastActivePrimaryWindow->updateIsActiveFocus(); for (const auto &error : Shortcuts::Errors()) { LOG(("Shortcuts Error: %1").arg(error)); } SetCrashAnnotationsGL(); if (!Platform::IsMac() && Ui::GL::LastCrashCheckFailed()) { showOpenGLCrashNotification(); } _openInMediaViewRequests.events( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Media::View::OpenRequest &&request) { if (_mediaView) { _mediaView->show(std::move(request)); } }, _lifetime); { const auto countries = std::make_shared( _domain.get()); countries->lifetime().add([=] { [[maybe_unused]] const auto countriesCopy = countries; }); } processCreatedWindow(_lastActivePrimaryWindow); } void Application::showAccount(not_null account) { if (const auto separate = separateWindowForAccount(account)) { _lastActivePrimaryWindow = separate; separate->activate(); } else if (const auto last = activePrimaryWindow()) { last->showAccount(account); } } void Application::checkWindowAccount(not_null window) { const auto account = window->maybeAccount(); for (auto &[key, existing] : _primaryWindows) { if (existing.get() == window && key != account) { auto found = std::move(existing); _primaryWindows.remove(key); _primaryWindows.emplace(account, std::move(found)); break; } } } void Application::showOpenGLCrashNotification() { const auto enable = [=] { Ui::GL::ForceDisable(false); Ui::GL::CrashCheckFinish(); settings().setDisableOpenGL(false); Local::writeSettings(); Restart(); }; const auto keepDisabled = [=] { Ui::GL::ForceDisable(true); Ui::GL::CrashCheckFinish(); settings().setDisableOpenGL(true); Local::writeSettings(); }; _lastActivePrimaryWindow->show(Ui::MakeConfirmBox({ .text = "" "There may be a problem with your graphics drivers and OpenGL. " "Try updating your drivers.\n\n" "OpenGL has been disabled. You can try to enable it again " "or keep it disabled if crashes continue.", .confirmed = enable, .cancelled = keepDisabled, .confirmText = "Enable", .cancelText = "Keep Disabled", })); } void Application::startDomain() { const auto state = _domain->start(QByteArray()); if (state != Storage::StartResult::IncorrectPasscodeLegacy) { // In case of non-legacy passcoded app all global settings are ready. startSettingsAndBackground(); } if (state != Storage::StartResult::Success) { lockByPasscode(); DEBUG_LOG(("Application Info: passcode needed...")); } } void Application::startSettingsAndBackground() { Local::rewriteSettingsIfNeeded(); Window::Theme::Background()->start(); checkSystemDarkMode(); } void Application::checkSystemDarkMode() { const auto maybeDarkMode = settings().systemDarkMode(); const auto darkModeEnabled = settings().systemDarkModeEnabled(); const auto needToSwitch = darkModeEnabled && maybeDarkMode && (*maybeDarkMode != Window::Theme::IsNightMode()); if (needToSwitch) { Window::Theme::ToggleNightMode(); Window::Theme::KeepApplied(); } } void Application::startSystemDarkModeViewer() { if (Window::Theme::Background()->editingTheme()) { settings().setSystemDarkModeEnabled(false); } rpl::merge( settings().systemDarkModeChanges() | rpl::to_empty, settings().systemDarkModeEnabledChanges() | rpl::to_empty ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { checkSystemDarkMode(); }, _lifetime); } void Application::enumerateWindows(Fn)> callback) const { for (const auto &window : ranges::views::values(_primaryWindows)) { callback(window.get()); } for (const auto &window : ranges::views::values(_secondaryWindows)) { callback(window.get()); } } void Application::processCreatedWindow( not_null window) { window->openInMediaViewRequests( ) | rpl::start_to_stream(_openInMediaViewRequests, window->lifetime()); } void Application::startMediaView() { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // On macOS we create some windows async, otherwise they're // added to the Dock Menu as a visible window and are removed // only after first show and then hide. InvokeQueued(this, [=] { _mediaView = std::make_unique(); }); #else // Q_OS_MAC // On Windows we needed such hack for the main window, otherwise // somewhere inside the media viewer creating code its geometry // was broken / lost to some invalid values. const auto current = _lastActivePrimaryWindow->widget()->geometry(); _mediaView = std::make_unique(); _lastActivePrimaryWindow->widget()->Ui::RpWidget::setGeometry(current); #endif // Q_OS_MAC } void Application::startTray() { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // On macOS we create some windows async, otherwise they're // added to the Dock Menu as a visible window and are removed // only after first show and then hide, tray icon being "Item-0". InvokeQueued(this, [=] { createTray(); }); #else // Q_OS_MAC createTray(); #endif // Q_OS_MAC } void Application::createTray() { using WindowRaw = not_null; _tray->create(); _tray->aboutToShowRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { enumerateWindows([&](WindowRaw w) { w->updateIsActive(); }); _tray->updateMenuText(); }, _lifetime); _tray->showFromTrayRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { activate(); }, _lifetime); _tray->hideToTrayRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { enumerateWindows([&](WindowRaw w) { w->widget()->minimizeToTray(); }); }, _lifetime); } void Application::activate() { for (const auto &window : _windowStack) { if (window == _lastActiveWindow) { break; } const auto widget = window->widget(); const auto wasHidden = !widget->isVisible(); const auto state = widget->windowState(); if (state & Qt::WindowMinimized) { widget->setWindowState(state & ~Qt::WindowMinimized); } widget->setVisible(true); widget->activateWindow(); if (wasHidden) { if (const auto session = window->sessionController()) { session->content()->windowShown(); } } } if (_lastActiveWindow) { _lastActiveWindow->widget()->showFromTray(); } } auto Application::prepareEmojiSourceImages() -> std::shared_ptr { const auto &images = Ui::Emoji::SourceImages(); if (settings().largeEmoji()) { return images; } Ui::Emoji::ClearSourceImages(images); return std::make_shared(images->id()); } void Application::clearEmojiSourceImages() { _emojiImageLoader.with([](Stickers::EmojiImageLoader &loader) { crl::on_main([images = loader.releaseImages()]{ Ui::Emoji::ClearSourceImages(images); }); }); } bool Application::isActiveForTrayMenu() const { return ranges::any_of(ranges::views::values(_primaryWindows), [=]( const std::unique_ptr &controller) { return controller->widget()->isActiveForTrayMenu(); }) || ranges::any_of(ranges::views::values(_secondaryWindows), [=]( const std::unique_ptr &controller) { return controller->widget()->isActiveForTrayMenu(); }); } bool Application::hideMediaView() { if (_mediaView && _mediaView->isFullScreen() && !_mediaView->isMinimized() && !_mediaView->isHidden()) { _mediaView->close(); return true; } return false; } bool Application::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e) { switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::KeyPress: { updateNonIdle(); const auto event = static_cast(e); if (base::Platform::GlobalShortcuts::IsToggleFullScreenKey(event) && toggleActiveWindowFullScreen()) { return true; } } break; case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::TouchBegin: case QEvent::Wheel: { updateNonIdle(); } break; case QEvent::ShortcutOverride: { // handle shortcuts ourselves return true; } break; case QEvent::Shortcut: { const auto event = static_cast(e); DEBUG_LOG(("Shortcut event caught: %1" ).arg(event->key().toString())); if (Shortcuts::HandleEvent(object, event)) { return true; } } break; case QEvent::ApplicationActivate: { if (object == QCoreApplication::instance()) { updateNonIdle(); } } break; case QEvent::FileOpen: { if (object == QCoreApplication::instance()) { const auto event = static_cast(e); const auto url = QString::fromUtf8( event->url().toEncoded().trimmed()); if (url.startsWith(u"tg://"_q, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { cSetStartUrl(url.mid(0, 8192)); checkStartUrl(); } if (_lastActivePrimaryWindow && StartUrlRequiresActivate(url)) { _lastActivePrimaryWindow->activate(); } } } break; } return QObject::eventFilter(object, e); } Settings &Application::settings() { return _private->settings; } const Settings &Application::settings() const { return _private->settings; } void Application::saveSettingsDelayed(crl::time delay) { if (_saveSettingsTimer) { _saveSettingsTimer->callOnce(delay); } } void Application::saveSettings() { Local::writeSettings(); } bool Application::canReadDefaultDownloadPath(bool always) const { if (KSandbox::isInside() && (always || settings().downloadPath().isEmpty())) { const auto path = QStandardPaths::writableLocation( QStandardPaths::DownloadLocation); return base::CanReadDirectory(path); } return true; } bool Application::canSaveFileWithoutAskingForPath() const { return !settings().askDownloadPath(); } MTP::Config &Application::fallbackProductionConfig() const { if (!_fallbackProductionConfig) { _fallbackProductionConfig = std::make_unique( MTP::Environment::Production); } return *_fallbackProductionConfig; } void Application::refreshFallbackProductionConfig( const MTP::Config &config) { if (config.environment() == MTP::Environment::Production) { _fallbackProductionConfig = std::make_unique(config); } } void Application::constructFallbackProductionConfig( const QByteArray &serialized) { if (auto config = MTP::Config::FromSerialized(serialized)) { if (config->environment() == MTP::Environment::Production) { _fallbackProductionConfig = std::move(config); } } } void Application::setCurrentProxy( const MTP::ProxyData &proxy, MTP::ProxyData::Settings settings) { auto &my = _private->settings.proxy(); const auto current = [&] { return my.isEnabled() ? my.selected() : MTP::ProxyData(); }; const auto was = current(); my.setSelected(proxy); my.setSettings(settings); const auto now = current(); refreshGlobalProxy(); _proxyChanges.fire({ was, now }); my.connectionTypeChangesNotify(); } auto Application::proxyChanges() const -> rpl::producer { return _proxyChanges.events(); } void Application::badMtprotoConfigurationError() { if (settings().proxy().isEnabled() && !_badProxyDisableBox) { const auto disableCallback = [=] { setCurrentProxy( settings().proxy().selected(), MTP::ProxyData::Settings::System); }; _badProxyDisableBox = Ui::show( Ui::MakeInformBox(Lang::Hard::ProxyConfigError())); _badProxyDisableBox->boxClosing( ) | rpl::start_with_next( disableCallback, _badProxyDisableBox->lifetime()); } } void Application::startLocalStorage() { Local::start(); _saveSettingsTimer.emplace([=] { saveSettings(); }); settings().saveDelayedRequests() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { saveSettingsDelayed(); }, _lifetime); } void Application::startEmojiImageLoader() { _emojiImageLoader.with([ source = prepareEmojiSourceImages(), large = settings().largeEmoji() ](Stickers::EmojiImageLoader &loader) mutable { loader.init(std::move(source), large); }); settings().largeEmojiChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool large) { if (large) { _clearEmojiImageLoaderTimer.cancel(); } else { _clearEmojiImageLoaderTimer.callOnce( kClearEmojiImageSourceTimeout); } }, _lifetime); Ui::Emoji::Updated( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _emojiImageLoader.with([ source = prepareEmojiSourceImages() ](Stickers::EmojiImageLoader &loader) mutable { loader.switchTo(std::move(source)); }); }, _lifetime); } void Application::setScreenIsLocked(bool locked) { _screenIsLocked = locked; } bool Application::screenIsLocked() const { return _screenIsLocked; } void Application::floatPlayerToggleGifsPaused(bool paused) { _floatPlayerGifsPaused = paused; if (_lastActiveWindow) { if (const auto delegate = _lastActiveWindow->floatPlayerDelegate()) { delegate->floatPlayerToggleGifsPaused(paused); } } } rpl::producer Application::floatPlayerClosed() const { Expects(_floatPlayers != nullptr); return _floatPlayers->closeEvents(); } void Application::logout(Main::Account *account) { if (account) { account->logOut(); } else { _domain->resetWithForgottenPasscode(); } } void Application::logoutWithChecks(Main::Account *account) { const auto weak = base::make_weak(account); const auto retry = [=] { if (const auto account = weak.get()) { logoutWithChecks(account); } }; if (!account || !account->sessionExists()) { logout(account); } else if (_exportManager->inProgress(&account->session())) { _exportManager->stopWithConfirmation(retry); } else if (account->session().uploadsInProgress()) { account->session().uploadsStopWithConfirmation(retry); } else if (_downloadManager->loadingInProgress(&account->session())) { _downloadManager->loadingStopWithConfirmation( retry, &account->session()); } else { logout(account); } } void Application::forceLogOut( not_null account, const TextWithEntities &explanation) { const auto box = Ui::show(Ui::MakeConfirmBox({ .text = explanation, .confirmText = tr::lng_passcode_logout(tr::now), .inform = true, })); box->setCloseByEscape(false); box->setCloseByOutsideClick(false); const auto weak = base::make_weak(account); connect(box, &QObject::destroyed, [=] { crl::on_main(weak, [=] { account->forcedLogOut(); }); }); } void Application::checkLocalTime() { const auto adjusted = crl::adjust_time(); if (adjusted) { base::Timer::Adjust(); base::ConcurrentTimerEnvironment::Adjust(); base::unixtime::http_invalidate(); } if (const auto session = maybePrimarySession()) { session->updates().checkLastUpdate(adjusted); } } void Application::handleAppActivated() { checkLocalTime(); if (_lastActiveWindow) { _lastActiveWindow->updateIsActiveFocus(); } } void Application::handleAppDeactivated() { enumerateWindows([&](not_null w) { w->updateIsActiveBlur(); }); const auto session = _lastActiveWindow ? _lastActiveWindow->maybeSession() : nullptr; if (session) { session->updates().updateOnline(); } Ui::Tooltip::Hide(); } rpl::producer Application::appDeactivatedValue() const { const auto &app = static_cast(QCoreApplication::instance()); return rpl::single( app->applicationState() ) | rpl::then( base::qt_signal_producer( app, &QGuiApplication::applicationStateChanged )) | rpl::map([=](Qt::ApplicationState state) { return (state != Qt::ApplicationActive); }); } void Application::switchDebugMode() { if (Logs::DebugEnabled()) { Logs::SetDebugEnabled(false); _launcher->writeDebugModeSetting(); Restart(); } else { Logs::SetDebugEnabled(true); _launcher->writeDebugModeSetting(); DEBUG_LOG(("Debug logs started.")); if (_lastActivePrimaryWindow) { _lastActivePrimaryWindow->hideLayer(); } } } void Application::writeInstallBetaVersionsSetting() { _launcher->writeInstallBetaVersionsSetting(); } Main::Account &Application::activeAccount() const { return _domain->active(); } Main::Session *Application::maybePrimarySession() const { return _domain->started() ? activeAccount().maybeSession() : nullptr; } bool Application::exportPreventsQuit() { if (_exportManager->inProgress()) { _exportManager->stopWithConfirmation([] { Quit(); }); return true; } return false; } bool Application::uploadPreventsQuit() { if (!_domain->started()) { return false; } for (const auto &[index, account] : _domain->accounts()) { if (!account->sessionExists()) { continue; } if (account->session().uploadsInProgress()) { account->session().uploadsStopWithConfirmation([=] { for (const auto &[index, account] : _domain->accounts()) { if (account->sessionExists()) { account->session().uploadsStop(); } } Quit(); }); return true; } } return false; } bool Application::downloadPreventsQuit() { if (_downloadManager->loadingInProgress()) { _downloadManager->loadingStopWithConfirmation([=] { Quit(); }); return true; } return false; } bool Application::preventsQuit(QuitReason reason) { if (exportPreventsQuit() || uploadPreventsQuit() || downloadPreventsQuit()) { return true; } else if ((!_mediaView || _mediaView->isHidden() || !_mediaView->isFullScreen()) && Platform::PreventsQuit(reason)) { return true; } return false; } int Application::unreadBadge() const { return _domain->unreadBadge(); } bool Application::unreadBadgeMuted() const { return _domain->unreadBadgeMuted(); } rpl::producer<> Application::unreadBadgeChanges() const { return _domain->unreadBadgeChanges(); } bool Application::offerLegacyLangPackSwitch() const { return (_domain->accounts().size() == 1) && activeAccount().sessionExists(); } bool Application::canApplyLangPackWithoutRestart() const { for (const auto &[index, account] : _domain->accounts()) { if (account->sessionExists()) { return false; } } return true; } void Application::checkSendPaths() { if (!cSendPaths().isEmpty() && _lastActivePrimaryWindow && !_lastActivePrimaryWindow->locked()) { _lastActivePrimaryWindow->widget()->sendPaths(); } } void Application::checkStartUrl() { if (!cStartUrl().isEmpty() && _lastActivePrimaryWindow && !_lastActivePrimaryWindow->locked()) { const auto url = cStartUrl(); cSetStartUrl(QString()); if (!openLocalUrl(url, {})) { cSetStartUrl(url); } } } bool Application::openLocalUrl(const QString &url, QVariant context) { return openCustomUrl("tg://", LocalUrlHandlers(), url, context); } bool Application::openInternalUrl(const QString &url, QVariant context) { return openCustomUrl("internal:", InternalUrlHandlers(), url, context); } QString Application::changelogLink() const { const auto base = u"https://desktop.telegram.org/changelog"_q; const auto languages = { "id", "de", "fr", "nl", "pl", "tr", "uk", "fa", "ru", "ms", "es", "it", "uz", "pt-br", "be", "ar", "ko", }; const auto current = _langpack->id().replace("-raw", ""); if (current.isEmpty()) { return base; } for (const auto language : languages) { if (current == language || current.split(u'-')[0] == language) { return base + "?setln=" + language; } } return base; } bool Application::openCustomUrl( const QString &protocol, const std::vector &handlers, const QString &url, const QVariant &context) { const auto urlTrimmed = url.trimmed(); if (!urlTrimmed.startsWith(protocol, Qt::CaseInsensitive) || passcodeLocked()) { return false; } const auto command = base::StringViewMid(urlTrimmed, protocol.size(), 8192); const auto my = context.value(); const auto controller = my.sessionWindow.get() ? my.sessionWindow.get() : _lastActivePrimaryWindow ? _lastActivePrimaryWindow->sessionController() : nullptr; using namespace qthelp; const auto options = RegExOption::CaseInsensitive; for (const auto &[expression, handler] : handlers) { const auto match = regex_match(expression, command, options); if (match) { return handler(controller, match, context); } } return false; } void Application::preventOrInvoke(Fn &&callback) { _lastActivePrimaryWindow->preventOrInvoke(std::move(callback)); } void Application::updateWindowTitles() { enumerateWindows([](not_null window) { window->widget()->updateTitle(); }); } void Application::lockByPasscode() { _passcodeLock = true; enumerateWindows([&](not_null w) { w->setupPasscodeLock(); }); hideMediaView(); } void Application::maybeLockByPasscode() { preventOrInvoke([=] { lockByPasscode(); }); } void Application::unlockPasscode() { clearPasscodeLock(); enumerateWindows([&](not_null w) { w->clearPasscodeLock(); }); } void Application::clearPasscodeLock() { cSetPasscodeBadTries(0); _passcodeLock = false; } bool Application::passcodeLocked() const { return _passcodeLock.current(); } void Application::updateNonIdle() { _lastNonIdleTime = crl::now(); if (const auto session = maybePrimarySession()) { session->updates().checkIdleFinish(_lastNonIdleTime); } } crl::time Application::lastNonIdleTime() const { return std::max( base::Platform::LastUserInputTime().value_or(0), _lastNonIdleTime); } rpl::producer Application::passcodeLockChanges() const { return _passcodeLock.changes(); } rpl::producer Application::passcodeLockValue() const { return _passcodeLock.value(); } bool Application::someSessionExists() const { for (const auto &[index, account] : _domain->accounts()) { if (account->sessionExists()) { return true; } } return false; } void Application::checkAutoLock(crl::time lastNonIdleTime) { if (!_domain->local().hasLocalPasscode() || passcodeLocked() || !someSessionExists()) { _shouldLockAt = 0; _autoLockTimer.cancel(); return; } else if (!lastNonIdleTime) { lastNonIdleTime = this->lastNonIdleTime(); } checkLocalTime(); const auto now = crl::now(); const auto shouldLockInMs = settings().autoLock() * 1000LL; const auto checkTimeMs = now - lastNonIdleTime; if (checkTimeMs >= shouldLockInMs || (_shouldLockAt > 0 && now > _shouldLockAt + kAutoLockTimeoutLateMs)) { _shouldLockAt = 0; _autoLockTimer.cancel(); lockByPasscode(); } else { _shouldLockAt = now + (shouldLockInMs - checkTimeMs); _autoLockTimer.callOnce(shouldLockInMs - checkTimeMs); } } void Application::checkAutoLockIn(crl::time time) { if (_autoLockTimer.isActive()) { auto remain = _autoLockTimer.remainingTime(); if (remain > 0 && remain <= time) return; } _autoLockTimer.callOnce(time); } void Application::localPasscodeChanged() { _shouldLockAt = 0; _autoLockTimer.cancel(); checkAutoLock(crl::now()); } bool Application::savingPositionFor( not_null window) const { return !_windowInSettings || (_windowInSettings == window); } bool Application::hasActiveWindow(not_null session) const { if (Quitting() || !_lastActiveWindow) { return false; } else if (_calls->hasActivePanel(session)) { return true; } else if (const auto window = _lastActiveWindow) { return (window->account().maybeSession() == session) && window->widget()->isActive(); } return false; } Window::Controller *Application::activePrimaryWindow() const { return _lastActivePrimaryWindow; } Window::Controller *Application::separateWindowForAccount( not_null account) const { for (const auto &[openedAccount, window] : _primaryWindows) { if (openedAccount == account.get()) { return window.get(); } } return nullptr; } Window::Controller *Application::separateWindowForPeer( not_null peer) const { for (const auto &[history, window] : _secondaryWindows) { if (history->peer == peer) { return window.get(); } } return nullptr; } Window::Controller *Application::ensureSeparateWindowForPeer( not_null peer, MsgId showAtMsgId) { const auto activate = [&](not_null window) { window->activate(); return window; }; if (const auto existing = separateWindowForPeer(peer)) { existing->sessionController()->showPeerHistory( peer, Window::SectionShow::Way::ClearStack, showAtMsgId); return activate(existing); } const auto result = _secondaryWindows.emplace( peer->owner().history(peer), std::make_unique(peer, showAtMsgId) ).first->second.get(); processCreatedWindow(result); result->widget()->show(); result->finishFirstShow(); return activate(result); } Window::Controller *Application::ensureSeparateWindowForAccount( not_null account) { const auto activate = [&](not_null window) { window->activate(); return window; }; if (const auto existing = separateWindowForAccount(account)) { return activate(existing); } const auto result = _primaryWindows.emplace( account, std::make_unique(account) ).first->second.get(); processCreatedWindow(result); result->widget()->show(); result->finishFirstShow(); return activate(result); } Window::Controller *Application::windowFor(not_null peer) const { if (const auto separate = separateWindowForPeer(peer)) { return separate; } return windowFor(&peer->account()); } Window::Controller *Application::windowFor( not_null account) const { if (const auto separate = separateWindowForAccount(account)) { return separate; } return activePrimaryWindow(); } Window::Controller *Application::activeWindow() const { return _lastActiveWindow; } bool Application::closeNonLastAsync(not_null window) { const auto hasOther = [&] { for (const auto &[account, primary] : _primaryWindows) { if (!_closingAsyncWindows.contains(primary.get()) && primary.get() != window && primary->maybeSession()) { return true; } } return false; }(); if (!hasOther) { return false; } _closingAsyncWindows.emplace(window); crl::on_main(window, [=] { closeWindow(window); }); return true; } void Application::setLastActiveWindow(Window::Controller *window) { _floatPlayerDelegateLifetime.destroy(); if (_floatPlayerGifsPaused && _lastActiveWindow) { if (const auto delegate = _lastActiveWindow->floatPlayerDelegate()) { delegate->floatPlayerToggleGifsPaused(false); } } _lastActiveWindow = window; if (window) { const auto i = ranges::find(_windowStack, not_null(window)); if (i == end(_windowStack)) { _windowStack.push_back(window); } else if (i + 1 != end(_windowStack)) { std::rotate(i, i + 1, end(_windowStack)); } } if (!window) { _floatPlayers = nullptr; return; } window->floatPlayerDelegateValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Media::Player::FloatDelegate *value) { if (!value) { _floatPlayers = nullptr; } else if (_floatPlayers) { _floatPlayers->replaceDelegate(value); } else if (value) { _floatPlayers = std::make_unique( value); } if (value && _floatPlayerGifsPaused) { value->floatPlayerToggleGifsPaused(true); } }, _floatPlayerDelegateLifetime); } void Application::closeWindow(not_null window) { const auto stackIt = ranges::find(_windowStack, window); const auto nextFromStack = _windowStack.empty() ? nullptr : (stackIt == end(_windowStack) || stackIt + 1 != end(_windowStack)) ? _windowStack.back().get() : (_windowStack.size() > 1) ? (stackIt - 1)->get() : nullptr; const auto next = nextFromStack ? nextFromStack : (_primaryWindows.front().second.get() != window) ? _primaryWindows.front().second.get() : (_primaryWindows.back().second.get() != window) ? _primaryWindows.back().second.get() : nullptr; Assert(next != window); if (_lastActivePrimaryWindow == window) { _lastActivePrimaryWindow = next; } if (_windowInSettings == window) { _windowInSettings = next; } if (stackIt != end(_windowStack)) { _windowStack.erase(stackIt); } if (_lastActiveWindow == window) { setLastActiveWindow(next); if (_lastActiveWindow) { _lastActiveWindow->activate(); _lastActiveWindow->widget()->updateGlobalMenu(); } } _closingAsyncWindows.remove(window); for (auto i = begin(_primaryWindows); i != end(_primaryWindows);) { if (i->second.get() == window) { Assert(_lastActiveWindow != window); Assert(_lastActivePrimaryWindow != window); Assert(_windowInSettings != window); i = _primaryWindows.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } for (auto i = begin(_secondaryWindows); i != end(_secondaryWindows);) { if (i->second.get() == window) { Assert(_lastActiveWindow != window); i = _secondaryWindows.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } const auto account = domain().started() ? &domain().active() : nullptr; if (account && !_primaryWindows.contains(account) && _lastActiveWindow) { domain().activate(&_lastActiveWindow->account()); } } void Application::closeChatFromWindows(not_null peer) { if (const auto window = windowFor(peer) ; window && !window->isPrimary()) { closeWindow(window); } for (const auto &[history, window] : _secondaryWindows) { if (const auto session = window->sessionController()) { if (session->activeChatCurrent().peer() == peer) { session->showPeerHistory( window->singlePeer()->id, Window::SectionShow::Way::ClearStack); } } } if (const auto window = windowFor(&peer->account())) { const auto primary = window->sessionController(); if ((primary->activeChatCurrent().peer() == peer) && (&primary->session() == &peer->session())) { primary->clearSectionStack(); } if (const auto forum = primary->shownForum().current()) { if (peer->forum() == forum) { primary->closeForum(); } } } } void Application::windowActivated(not_null window) { const auto was = _lastActiveWindow; const auto now = window; setLastActiveWindow(window); if (window->isPrimary()) { _lastActivePrimaryWindow = window; } window->widget()->updateGlobalMenu(); const auto wasSession = was ? was->maybeSession() : nullptr; const auto nowSession = now->maybeSession(); if (wasSession != nowSession) { if (wasSession) { wasSession->updates().updateOnline(); } if (nowSession) { nowSession->updates().updateOnline(); } } if (_mediaView && _mediaView->takeFocusFrom(now->widget())) { _mediaView->activate(); } } bool Application::closeActiveWindow() { if (_mediaView && _mediaView->isActive()) { _mediaView->close(); return true; } else if (!calls().closeCurrentActiveCall()) { if (const auto window = activeWindow()) { if (window->widget()->isActive()) { window->close(); return true; } } } return false; } bool Application::minimizeActiveWindow() { if (_mediaView && _mediaView->isActive()) { _mediaView->minimize(); return true; } else if (calls().minimizeCurrentActiveCall()) { return true; } else { if (const auto window = activeWindow()) { window->minimize(); return true; } } return false; } bool Application::toggleActiveWindowFullScreen() { if (_mediaView && _mediaView->isActive()) { _mediaView->toggleFullScreen(); return true; } else if (calls().toggleFullScreenCurrentActiveCall()) { return true; } else if (const auto window = activeWindow()) { if constexpr (Platform::IsMac()) { if (window->widget()->isFullScreen()) { window->widget()->showNormal(); } else { window->widget()->showFullScreen(); } return true; } } return false; } QWidget *Application::getFileDialogParent() { if (const auto view = _mediaView.get(); view && !view->isHidden()) { return view->widget(); } else if (const auto active = activeWindow()) { return active->widget(); } return nullptr; } void Application::notifyFileDialogShown(bool shown) { if (_mediaView) { _mediaView->notifyFileDialogShown(shown); } } QPoint Application::getPointForCallPanelCenter() const { if (const auto window = activeWindow()) { return window->getPointForCallPanelCenter(); } return QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->geometry().center(); } // macOS Qt bug workaround, sometimes no leaveEvent() gets to the nested widgets. void Application::registerLeaveSubscription(not_null widget) { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC if (const auto window = widget->window()) { auto i = _leaveFilters.find(window); if (i == end(_leaveFilters)) { const auto check = [=](not_null e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::Leave) { if (const auto taken = _leaveFilters.take(window)) { for (const auto &weak : taken->registered) { if (const auto widget = weak.data()) { QEvent ev(QEvent::Leave); QCoreApplication::sendEvent(widget, &ev); } } delete taken->filter.data(); } } return base::EventFilterResult::Continue; }; const auto filter = base::install_event_filter(window, check); QObject::connect(filter, &QObject::destroyed, [=] { _leaveFilters.remove(window); }); i = _leaveFilters.emplace( window, LeaveFilter{ .filter = filter.get() }).first; } i->second.registered.push_back(widget.get()); } #endif // Q_OS_MAC } void Application::unregisterLeaveSubscription(not_null widget) { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC if (const auto topLevel = widget->window()) { const auto i = _leaveFilters.find(topLevel); if (i != end(_leaveFilters)) { i->second.registered = std::move( i->second.registered ) | ranges::actions::remove_if([&](QPointer widget) { const auto pointer = widget.data(); return !pointer || (pointer == widget); }); } } #endif // Q_OS_MAC } void Application::postponeCall(FnMut &&callable) { Sandbox::Instance().postponeCall(std::move(callable)); } void Application::refreshGlobalProxy() { Sandbox::Instance().refreshGlobalProxy(); } void QuitAttempt() { const auto savingSession = Sandbox::Instance().isSavingSession(); if (!IsAppLaunched() || savingSession || App().readyToQuit()) { Sandbox::QuitWhenStarted(); } } bool Application::readyToQuit() { auto prevented = false; if (_calls->isQuitPrevent()) { prevented = true; } if (_domain->started()) { for (const auto &[index, account] : _domain->accounts()) { if (const auto session = account->maybeSession()) { if (session->updates().isQuitPrevent()) { prevented = true; } if (session->api().isQuitPrevent()) { prevented = true; } } } } if (prevented) { quitDelayed(); return false; } return true; } void Application::quitPreventFinished() { if (Quitting()) { QuitAttempt(); } } void Application::quitDelayed() { for (const auto &[account, window] : _primaryWindows) { window->widget()->hide(); } for (const auto &[history, window] : _secondaryWindows) { window->widget()->hide(); } if (!_private->quitTimer.isActive()) { _private->quitTimer.setCallback([] { Sandbox::QuitWhenStarted(); }); _private->quitTimer.callOnce(kQuitPreventTimeoutMs); } } void Application::refreshApplicationIcon() { const auto session = (domain().started() && domain().active().sessionExists()) ? &domain().active().session() : nullptr; refreshApplicationIcon(session); } void Application::refreshApplicationIcon(Main::Session *session) { const auto support = session && session->supportMode(); Shortcuts::ToggleSupportShortcuts(support); Platform::SetApplicationIcon(Window::CreateIcon( session, Platform::IsMac())); } void Application::startShortcuts() { Shortcuts::Start(); _domain->activeSessionChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Main::Session *session) { refreshApplicationIcon(session); }, _lifetime); Shortcuts::Requests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null request) { using Command = Shortcuts::Command; request->check(Command::Quit) && request->handle([] { Quit(); return true; }); request->check(Command::Lock) && request->handle([=] { if (!passcodeLocked() && _domain->local().hasLocalPasscode()) { maybeLockByPasscode(); return true; } return false; }); request->check(Command::Minimize) && request->handle([=] { return minimizeActiveWindow(); }); request->check(Command::Close) && request->handle([=] { return closeActiveWindow(); }); }, _lifetime); } void Application::RegisterUrlScheme() { base::Platform::RegisterUrlScheme(base::Platform::UrlSchemeDescriptor{ .executable = cExeDir() + cExeName(), .arguments = Sandbox::Instance().customWorkingDir() ? u"-workdir \"%1\""_q.arg(cWorkingDir()) : QString(), .protocol = u"tg"_q, .protocolName = u"Telegram Link"_q, .shortAppName = u"tdesktop"_q, .longAppName = QCoreApplication::applicationName(), .displayAppName = AppName.utf16(), .displayAppDescription = AppName.utf16(), }); } bool IsAppLaunched() { return (Application::Instance != nullptr); } Application &App() { Expects(Application::Instance != nullptr); return *Application::Instance; } void Quit(QuitReason reason) { if (Quitting()) { return; } else if (IsAppLaunched() && App().preventsQuit(reason)) { return; } SetLaunchState(LaunchState::QuitRequested); QuitAttempt(); } bool Quitting() { return GlobalLaunchState != LaunchState::Running; } LaunchState CurrentLaunchState() { return GlobalLaunchState; } void SetLaunchState(LaunchState state) { GlobalLaunchState = state; } void Restart() { const auto updateReady = !UpdaterDisabled() && (UpdateChecker().state() == UpdateChecker::State::Ready); if (updateReady) { cSetRestartingUpdate(true); } else { cSetRestarting(true); cSetRestartingToSettings(true); } Quit(); } } // namespace Core